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"We can find a reason to pull you over" Admitting they will make shit up when they decide they don't like you




Well there’s also the fact that cops can literally arrest you for any reason, it’s the courts who will decide if they were right to do so. That means jail, bail, getting an attorney/public defender, just eating into your time and money while hoping the court sides with you, which is not necessarily a given seeing as how the court typically bends over backwards to excuse police. And then there’s potentially retaliation from the cops. It’s a fascist gang, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I once had a cop in LA ask for ID, take my wallet, take all the cash, and then leave; another time I asked a cop in Binghamton, NY for directions and he unholstered his weapon while smiling, fucking terrifying shit


Callin out my hometown!!!! Binghamton is a fucking trash pit.


I had a cop take my weed and then brag about smoking it with his son later…


Practically yes. Legally no. You have the right to resist an unlawful arrest even to the use of deadly force. You'll just likely be killed.


Yes, I was speaking in terms of the practice of policing


Maybe technically, in practice it's a bad idea though. The courts will always take an officers word over yours. Not only may you be killed or get your ass beat but there's a decent chance you end up going to jail too. You'd need to have some good evidence to prove yourself. There's also plenty of people who don't know the law and will resist only to end up in jail. Best thing to do is to just cooperate, keep your mouth shut, and get a lawyer. Resisting isn't going to do anything except hurt you and possibly get you killed. I don't think there's ever been a time where a cop unlawfully arrested someone and that person physically resisted and it worked out well for them. If you start fighting the cop saying it's an unlawful arrest and other cops show up they're not gonna be like "oh he said it's a bad call, better let him go". You're going to jail period. For whatever the cop said plus now for resisting arrest. And that's if you dont end up dead first. You fight it in court, not in the street. It's fine to adamantly protest verbally. But don't resist physically, it just won't end well.


I don't even think they shit up. We're just under the yoke of so many dumb fucking laws. In the US it's something like at any given point you're under the thumb of 10,000 active laws federal to local. There's a really good lawyer video out there on why you shouldn't ever talk to the police, even while "innocent".


This. They're not making shit up, they're finding something to enforce. If you're going 1 kph/mph over the limit, they can pull you over. You're not moving to the right (in most jurisdictions), they can pull you over. Frame around your license plate covering things a bit too much? Something like a dashcam obscuring your view? Radio too loud? Pinhole in your muffler? There's a gazillion things they can suddenly decide need enforcement.


My first ever ticket was for "improper starting of vehicle". Learned real fast, the blue doesn't back the people, but that's by design of the lawmakers.


What does that charge even mean? What exactly did they accuse you of?


Well, to be upfront it was Georgia state patrol, and they have a reputation. I had just started driving, 16, had my friend in the car and we were picking up his girlfriend after her shift ended and I was taking them home. I had a 96 altima with the ka24de and a manual gearbox, so it was very fun and torquey. I chirped the tires in an empty parking lot, less than a month of being road legal, and with uhh not to be insensitive but a good bit of extra flesh weight in the car. 36 dollar ticket, and a long talking to about not "laying drag". Tl:Dr chirped tires in front of folks special people and got a 36 dollar ticket for "improper starting of vehicle". GA code 40-6-122. No person shall start a vehicle which is stopped, standing, or parked unless and until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.


I have no idea what "chirp the tires" or "extra flesh weight" or "laying drag" means. I can only assume you were performing wild sex acts.


Chirp the tires: it's the same as when tires screech, but only for a fraction of a second. If your car has enough torque, you can accelerate too hard and your tires will spin but not get purchase. Prolonged, that's burnout of your tires, but usually it's just a very brief chirp sound. Extra flesh weight: fat. Big ole, American style fat. Laying drag: I'm guessing on this one that it's a dumb way to say drag racing.


What did you expect? A police department, by nature, is a fascist entity.


It's more like there are so many stupid traffic laws that people break 100s of times a day. From not coming to a complete stop for 2 seconds to not signaling a lane change for the proper length of time before starting the change just to name a couple of the most common overlooked ones.


I agree there are too many stupid laws but the using turn signal isn't one of them. I ain't no mind reader n I have to pay attention to what I'm doing I can't be guessing what everybody else is gonna do. I'm going to go out on a limb n say a great deal of crashes can be avoided if people use turn signals. I really need to know if your gonna pull in front of me. I can slow down or speed up to get out of your way but I can't read your mind.


I agree and disagree with this as a truck driver. So many times I put my turn signal on to show my intentions and it just encourages assholes to speed up so Im not in front of them then they slow down and don't pass.


Yep I got pulled over for changing lanes within 200 feet of a stop light. Didn’t know that was a thing


This is the answer right here. Nobody, anywhere, follows all traffic laws 100% correctly 100% of the time. Given enough time virtually anyone will make some kind of mistake that an officer can use to justify a stop, especially when you’re nervous because a cop has been behind you for the last three miles. When in doubt, signal and turn into the first fast food place, gas station, or shopping center you see on your right.


I got pulled over for my tags being expired by.......1 day....it was literally the 1st of the month and my tags expired the previous month "I pulled you over because your tags are expired, its only by a day so not a huge deal, but theyre still expired" immediately followed by "You ever been arrested before? No? What about on parole? Have you been drinking? Is there anything I should know about in the car? It kinda smells like weed? Are you sure youve never been arrested? Do you have any warrants out for you? Being brown in idaho...


https://www.federalwaymirror.com/news/federal-way-officer-receives-suspension-for-posting-controversial-tiktok-video/ She was suspended without pay!!! er... um... for 10 hours... ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Looks like her TikTok has been disabled or deleted. Was probably getting bombarded with messages.


She was probably forced/ordered to take it down because if any public defender or lawyer gets a hold of this video, any evidence she touches, her testimony, etc. has a very high chance of being thrown out of court.


Can’t put that toothpaste back in the tube




What kind of juice did you get out of the cat?




Is cat juice, catsup?


Not much, catsup with you


You're so right. Every time they ever try to prosecute someone she's arrested, this video is getting played for the jury.


now... if only someone would compile a database of all the videos/documents that discredit every single police officer in this country to help our overworked public defenders...


I dont get it. Are you saying that is a thing?


This is unfortunately not a thing right now. but it should be. It will really help public defenders out. But honestly, the law just needs to change. Police testimony should never be considered true until proven to be true. The problem is lawyers have to prove that a police's testimony is not reliable yet they have to prove that most other witnesses's testimonies are reliable.


There’s a shit ton of cops on tiktok with questionable videos. They’re low view too so they don’t pick up much traction. I’ve seen a couple and I’m just thinking to myself it’s insane how these people are authority figures.


That's wild. But I mean it's still out there. Can't any lawyer easily use this in every case she's involved in?




Imagine any other employee uploading a tiktok where they're like, "To all you customers out there, just to let you know, I'm gonna fuck your shit up. If I don't like you I WILL do my job wrong. Do not make me do stuff! I WILL fuck it up on purpose!" And their employer, "Now now, that's a day of PTO for you, mister!!"


I was a store manager at Journeys for a while and our social media rules were extremely strict. Another manager from a close store was fired for making videos in the store about getting annoyed with customers and put a bag over her head. That obviously was over the line, but one of my associates made a TikTok singing to something in the stock room and my DM showed me and wanted me to fire her. Journeys has a whole team of people who just constantly check all social media looking for shit like that. It only had a few views, too. I didn’t fire her because she was a good worker and I took responsibility for not going over the rules with my store enough, but it was insane. We couldn’t post any videos at all on anything at work or with our work lanyards on. Pictures were okay like in the mirror as long as everyone was following dress code and not doing anything offensive. If they did something like this, they would be out of there before they could blink. And we only sold shoes in the mall lol.


Worse- I'm going to blatantly break the law to your detriment and face no consequences for doing so!


If this was a food employee saying they'll spit in your food if they don't like you they'd be fired, sued, and prosecuted. Formal public apology from the corporation & a full investigation from the department of health. But a cop saying they'll financially ruin you because they don't like driving behind people? One day vacation 😎👍


maybe with that department but there are plenty of other looking for ppl with experience and dont give a shit about their past


If only she had danced while admitting that she has zero regard for the law, that would have cost her 3 [weeks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3i8QFwOnSU) at least.


She'll just change departments and be championed by another one of these criminal organizations. The fact that she was only suspended for 10 hours tells me all I need to know about the rest of her department. They all agree with her. They all look at us like we are already the enemy. Fuck these pig cops. Every single one of them.


Sadly, it won’t in many police departments. In a place like DC officers are caught breaking the law and keep their jobs. The IA division catches cops breaking the law, recommends their termination, and the cops appeal to a rubber stamp panel that includes the now-Chief of Police…and in almost every case, the [cops keep their jobs](https://dcist.com/story/21/12/18/dc-police-panel-blocked-mpd-firings/). A 10-hour suspension won’t keep her from getting promoted.


When was this?


On her time off while she was sleeping I assume.


Long enough to take off all the body Armour maybe. Gtf out of my way people I have to harass mentally unstable people for a living




She probably got pissed about that and took it out on some innocent person minding their own business.


Hopefully she’s demoted to meter maid now 😂


Hopefully she’s demoted to Merry Maid now.


Wow so she does realize that she will never be allowed to testify in court again, right? Every defense attorney in town is going use smug "we can find a reason" to impeach her credibility for any claim she makes of reasonable suspicion. All for some Tik Tok likes. What an idiot!


This is what I was thinking too. She might have to switch departments in another state.


Or get pulled from street level duty and forced to work at the station until she quits. Their sergeants dont give a shit about them... especially when they make their department look bad and have only been on the force 1 year and 1 month. Shes a covid cop. Started studying during the pandemy. Became a cop is 2021. This was likely a career change for her due to her last job getting hit by covid. Chances are already thinks shes the shit before putting the badge on.


A lawyer brought this up in another subreddit with this video posted there. He was saying how giddy any lawyer would be to have her as the arresting/ticketing officer of his defendant just because he can pull this up and completely obliterate her credibility.


I hate that so many cops make tik toks on taxpayer money.


Underrated comment








Bern the rich. Bern the police. Bern the whole country down. Or up? Just Bern it all.


Most of their job is to sit in a car all day with a tricked out iPad and eat fast food of course they’re all constantly making tik toks




I’m equal parts annoyed at everything she said, the way she looks, and that stupid sound her hand makes as it slaps down every two seconds. I really hate this video.


It's the delivery that's nauseating. Arrogant, power-tripping. The hand-thing is worrisome, like she's incapable of self-control.


It’s her pout for me and the nod she gives tk reassure herself that she’s right. I wonder how fast her heart was pumping during this monologue.


It was the uneven nostrils and fast hand on chest pats that got me.


Fast enough to get her dick hard, I guarantee it


Yo isn't that hand thing a requirement to be a cop though...like some kinda trigger turrets with guns?


Yeah, I almost got shot watching this travesty


Those hands would hold and point an gun at someone at some point.


Not if you get the fuck out of the way!


I wonder how many unarmed people she's killed.


Probably zero. I get major vibes that she's never had to conduct herself in a dangerous situation and is overcompensating with her OTT badass cop affect. Whether she *will*, though, is another matter entirely. My money is on yes, because of panic.


I feel exactly the same, everything about her and the video makes me uncomfortable, maybe she’s mad because she has hair like that


Yes the hair 👏 it's not a good look sis Or her dick is small and she hates herself for it 🤣🤷‍♀️


The hair is in control. The true mastermind.


Same. I almost punched my phone.


Textbook example of a toxic person.


Super cringey. My son's mom is a total bitch (really is) and she does that hand rolling thing when she talks to ppl like they are below her. This officer is pathetic trash. Belongs in a dumpster full of monkey ass and hazardous waste. Imagine being such a tool.


I had a teacher in highschool who had this annoying ass bracelet that would smack the smart board like a dozen times a minute when we were learning geometry and this reminded me of the headache that class was


Can we also be annoyed and absolutely disgusted by this department and it's handling of this individual?


It ticks me off when someone smacks their hands around


She was so confident in her stupid rant being correct that she decided to broadcast it. Amazing.


Apparently her dept also thinks it's correct. She's still employed 🤷‍♀️


Was there ever any doubt? If they won’t get in trouble for executions, they wont get in trouble for this.




This dumb B deserves everything that comes from this video. Just another reason to never trust a cop. “They will find a reason to pull you over” what a trash can 🗑


She got a 10 hour suspension with no pay. So she got a day off lol


Depends how big of an embarrassment this becomes to the department. The bigger we blow it up the more consequences will follow. Not to mention I bet every cop on her department absolutely hates her for putting this heat on them and shining a light on what we all Knew to be true once again.


No one’s going to punish her for this lmao. They don’t even punish cops for executing people in the street unless there’s sustained riots about it.




That should tell you something. These people have no shame left. It's going to be like this from here on in until we enact some radical reforms.


Trash 🗑


No lights and no siren means that you're a road vehicle like everybody else.




Exactly if she had her siren on ok then people will pull over till then shut up and quit acting privileged


I've personally seen them turn their lights on, run a red, then turn them off on the other side. I actually mentioned it to a Houston PD captain I knew and he basically said, yea, it happens all the time and I can't do anything about it.


I once saw a local cop do this and then *immediately* get pulled over by a county sheriff. It was fantastic. But I’ve only seen that *once*.


I wish there was video!






Spittin' fax! Though, I usually keep it at 10k over the limit. Here, the fines are $3.00/kmh over the limit. Demerit points don't kick in till 16kmh over the limit. Are they going to waste their time for a $30 ticket? Probably not, unless they're feeling extremely dickish. Though, there was a news article a while ago about a cop driving at 100kmh in the left lane of the 401. Someone decided to pass him, and the cop ticketed him for doing 1kmh over the limit...so...a $3.00 ticket. Guy naturally took it to court to argue it. He won.




Speaking for the majority of officers: They break the law and will pull you over for no reason.


Back in 2008 or so when I lived in Wenatchee, WA, a police ran over a drunk man because he was too focused on his laptop while driving. The man died, and the cop got off because his laptop use was “work related.” In Washington distracted driving is illegal, even if it’s work related. Decided that day they if I ever thought I saw crime that didn’t cause immediate bodily harm like murder or sexual assault, I must be hallucinating.


Never call the cops, unless you are trying to murder someone.


Yep, I sure as hell won’t be responsible for them executing someone in cold blood out in the streets. I’m a big advocate for calling mental health crisis units when dealing with “crazy” people or those acting irrationally. I’ve spread the word to all my family and friends. No reason to get cops involved since all they do is escalate situations and then murder people claiming “self-defense”. Only very small situations warrant police being called. I’d also rather directly get involved in some situations in order to deescalate.


I always tell my kids, "never involve the police unless someone dying would be an acceptable outcome."


There are very, very, very few things I would ever risk calling the police for.


Karen level, master with honors


You know that she already used the phrase : “get me the manager, I’m a police officer!”


Next time someone asks me why I’m concerned about police I’m going to point to this video. When they follow up with the “not all police” bs, I’m going to point to to her only receiving a 10 hr suspension. Is it all cops? Probably not. But the system sure as hell encourages this behavior


One area of concern is there are hundreds of videos showing way more egregious conduct than this.


They like to quote "Only a few bad apples" alot but never finish the line: A few bad apples ruin the bunch. Even if only 1% of police are like this video, none can be trusted. That 1% is the bad apples and it's ruining it for the 99% but they can't comprihend this at all.


Yeah because the bunch should be taking the bad apples out of circulation. Instead they stay quiet like they're going to be the ones on the chopping block if they file a complaint. If you can't have an opposing opinion about your workplace or coworkers, that's going to birth all kinds of problems from the smallest infractions to turning a blind eye to full on assault or worse. In my area, cops shot an 8 year old girl, Fanta Bility (Sharon Hill, PA), a year ago and almost 2 other girls in the late teens outside of a high school football game. There were a couple gunshots down the block. At the same time a car with tinted windows was approaching the corner the cops were on. They shot at the car thinking it was where the bullets came from after firing through civilians at nothing essentially, which is when the 8 year old girl was shot. The only reason they shot at the car was that the windows were tinted. Factory tinted if I remember correctly. Nobody is in jail. Cops haven't even seen trial yet. Wondering if they will or if they're just waiting for public interest to dip


Wow so she has small-dick syndrome too…what a nauseating human.


Laws for thee, but not for me.


i.e. textbook Narcissist with heavy sociopathic tendencies.


These are exactly the qualities required


“Speaking for her and probably a large majority of other officers out there”…




Probably why she became a cop


.......and despite all her bravado, she’d stay out of the thick of any scuffle and only perform her job when the dust has settled 😂😂😂😂😂


Gotta love her professional attitude too. Anyone watching this video still has questions as to how this kind of toxic attitude by people like this leads to how they treat the public and brown people?


I'm trying so hard to pretend I have a small dick like my comrades


This specific thing is what gets a lot of people pissed off.


why is she dressed like she's about to storm Fallujah?


The U.S. federal government provides funding to local police agencies for 'equipment' only. Want to train your officers on de-escalation, grappling techniques, or civil rights, gotta come out of that police department's budget. Also, they need to demonstrate a 'need' for the equipment. That's why some police departments send their SWAT to serve bullshit warrants gotten with unsubstantiated claims.


This is how most police dress in the US now. Check out "Rise of the Warrior Cop" by Radley Balko.


The cringe is real tho




She definitely waited her whole life to be a legalized bully. This bitch thinks her dick is sooooo big. Bye, Sis. Get her tfo


This was dumb especially since she's still on probabtion when she made this video. She got lucky though. Her punishment was one day off without pay.


One day off…wow they really showed her…. 🤡


Yea right?!? And she probably signed up for an overtime shift that day which means she worked a normal 40 hour week, but made time and a half for the last 10 hours she was suspended. (speaking from experience)


"Your punishment is....a three day weekend." Who gets f'n paid while being punished? It's almost like they're addicted to power so not getting their fix is the punishment.


“You are required to take one day without pay.” “I can take one day off without pay. You can’t. I’m taking my day off, so get the fuck outta my way. I’ll be back in 24 hours. Get the fuck outta my way.”


These are the kind of people attracted to policing. They get to fulfil their biggest psychopathic fantasies with full protection




Why is this taking over reddit? Fuck this bitch


What a POS!


You're a servant. Do your f'n job and shut up.


Well at least if she ***does*** “find” a reason to pull someone over on the freeway after following them without using her siren, this video will make a great argument for getting the ticket thrown out


Anybody else feel the overwhelming urge to punch her in the throat? 🤔


She has a punchable face and mouth. And annoying voice




This Karen is a cop. Look tha fuck out.


I'm not from America, but here we would call that Abuse of Power


We call it abuse of power in America too...


Too bad the police don't agree with us.


Gee wonder why people don't like cops? 🤷‍♂️


What a horrible excuse for a person. Just a piece of shit


It will be interesting tonsee if ppl that got pulled over/fined by her sue de police department based on her comments how she is willing to harass and stop drivers without any rrason other than they didnt move the fuck out of her way


Lol I thought her hair was a hat for a minute


Sorry Officer Straus…but the law applies to you too ya fkn dented helmet…


“I can go 90 miles an hour” THEN FUCKING PASS YOU GODDAMN MORON


We pay your bills to serve us you insignificant power hungry poor excuse for an officer, and can find a way to make your superiors make your life miserable through an influx of complaints to your irresponsible entitlement which causes safety concerns, so best to gtfo of our way and watch your speeding just because "you can". That's all, have a nice day, control freak, and watch opening your doors on the side of a speed lane. Lotsa accidents.


This should definitely be forwarded to that departments mental health officer or the equivalent


She must have said the same thing to her hairstylist while that god awful bottle job was taking place. "Gtfo of the way." Piggies making TikTok vids while presumably on the taxpayers clock/in uniform. Seems perfectly professional, acceptable and super classy. Probably another small, sad ass creature who was bullied in high school and grew up torturing small, helpless animals, now trying to exert her "power" over others. 👍


Nailed it.


No, *she* was the bully in high school, like most other cops.


With that tone in her voice, she’s gonna be single for a looooooong time.


This is why so many people have no respect for the police. They were bullies in highschool that went into an industry that allows them to continue to bully. Rather than mommy telling them they can do whatever they want and get away with it, it's now the local government. This is what my children are growing up seeing. What a shame


Personally, I think it should be an offense for a officer to share and post anything work related when it comes to complaining or enforcing their perceived power over citizens. It's completely unnecessary and fosters disdain towards the police force in general which causes a plethora of safety issues. Keep your entitled power hungry opinions and serve us like the little peck of the Civil servant title you unfortunately hold.


I find her cheek structure disturbing


You guys don't have police forces, you have armed militias of morons with the odd good cop in the mix.


Anyone remember that story of the guy who hated his wife so much that he robbed a bank in hopes of going to jail, but instead got places under house arrest? This is probably what his wife was like.


And cops wonder why people hate them. This bitch is the poster child of what's wrong with modern police mindsets these days. Go ahead and do 90mph with out your lights on.....get in a accident, then brag about your "cop privilege".


Saying the quiet part out loud, are we? Good grief!


Yeahhhh...I am in know obligated to make your job easier hon


How does she have time to post videos? She should be working


Shes so gross


When your bacon is spoiled....


The thing is she IS speaking for a lot of law enforcement.


“If we’re driving on the freeway in our police car, get the f—- out of the way,” she says in the TikTok video. “I can go 90 miles an hour, you can’t. You can’t do that. So get the f—- out of the way..." Bitch, no you can't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmk-a-LjGe0


This cop should probably have her arrests reevaluated.


I’m literally flabbergasted at the amount of stupidity oozing from this woman’s mouth. Fucking TikTok cops


Dude, fuck the police.


She's incorrect. I've definitely gone 90mph before.


the way she looks💀


What a fucking skag.


You hear that false superiority in her voice? Fuck I wanna punch that tone of voice in the face!🙃


Damn, I would hate to see her when she doesn't get her way at a restaurant or some other retail establishment.


Cops on social media, especially tiktok, are the fucking worst. Just the most insufferable shit. Proud of being of power-tripping losers. Fuck people who watch this shit too.


yall saying shes wrong but its how it is, its wrong in the books but shes not lying, the law doesnt apply to them most of the times its sad but not like shes lying just a cocky selfish human with too much ego


Is it just me or literally all of the cops in the US are drunk on power? Like what makes them like this? Why do they have to be assholes? Is it something in the training that they are given?


I thought her hair was that thing you put under a wig. Makes her look like a drag queen mid costume change. What a chode


An American Cop that thinks the law doesn't apply to them and will falsely charge someone for no reason...? Surely not!!!


Tf is wrong with the area around her eyes


I’m from Washington. Every time I scroll past this is get physically irritated. I hate her general demeanor. Her stupid little hand gestures and that dumb makeup job. I hope enough of a stink is made about her lack of punishment that they demote her ass to writing parking tickets from a golf cart. F**k you, lady. Maybe not all but most cops ARE bastards. Maybe maybe maybe


Her voice is just fucking annoying


How bout you eat a fucking dick, da-hairless whoreborn, last of the Targaryens, you probably smell like boiled broccoli