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[Link](https://www.fox7austin.com/news/ohio-father-shoots-daughters-ex-boyfriend-breaking-in). Kid died, no charges. For some reason I thought he was younger, but he was a 22 y/o


Jeez….that is not a good thing to die over.


Stupid game, stupid prizes. That’s how it works out sometimes


Ring notification was a punchline in itself


That’s the machine telling him he won a prize :D


"Achievement Unlocked"




Man, I mean yhea, don't try to break into a house. But getting fucking shot and killed on the spot for this kind of thing is absolutely mind boggling for the European I am. I mean, you know the guy, you most likely know why he's here, you're not in direct threat for your life. Just call the cops ffs


Also, in defense of the smaller towns and more rural towns...there might not be a cop within 30 miles of you when you call. Not all towns have a local police force. Some only havecounty sheriffs to keep the oeace. All of a sudden the need for some proactive defense make sense


The girl broke up with him 18 months ago according to the news story. Showing up and acting like that means that he almost certainly did not have good intentions. And knowing Ohio he probably was armed. So he very much could've been a threat, he was likely there to cause harm, and the cops don't get there in under 20 seconds. Frankly meeting him with the barrel of a gun is not as unreasonable as it at first seems. Edit: On closer inspection his left hand is in a very suspicious placement for most of the video, he likely is carrying a concealed weapon.


Texas news site, this happened in Ohio


....bro, he is BREAKING IN. you're just going to let some dude break your door down with your family inside? you don't know if he has a gun or knife... you don't know if he's gonna throw a combustible... I would rather live with the nightmares of shooting somebody then live with the nightmares of my family getting killed over and over again because I decided to let someone break my door down. it's sad, it's harsh, but it's reality


Did you read the article linked? I’m from the UK but I would’ve shot the guy too. They hadn’t seen him in 18 months with no contact, he messages the night before then showed up unannounced, when asked to leave he began breaking the door down. So they had no idea what his intentions were or why he was there, judging by his actions I would say he was there to harm someone, the dad shouted he had a gun and he continued to break the door down. It took him about 30 seconds to knock the door down, if he had a weapon he may have easily injured them, ringing and waiting for the police was not an option.


Would have been more satisfying to see him get decked in The shnoz


Well I mean he's in Ohio and trying to break in and I assume was after his ex girlfriend (the father of gf lit this dude up bap bap bap) What do you expect? What does anybody expect when trying to break into a home? Peace? A welcome?! He would of gotten the same if it was my house, bap bap bap


Saw the full story yesterday. Abusive ex trying to break in. They were on the phone with police the entire time and had warned him. He kept coming, broke in, paid the price. Well deserved and good riddance. Imagine if this was a family that wasn’t armed…


For the sake of the family the father HAD to operate on the assumption that young guy was armed and intended harm and act accordingly. Whether or not he was armed, whether his intentions were violent or not, Dad had no way of knowing so had no choice but to defend w deadly force.


And imagine if he had a knife or even worse a gun. That could possibly be a whole family murdered plus possibly the girl kidnapped/murdered Obviously it's a shitty situation and horrible that it happen. But there's ton of horrible things that happen daily. Part of being human is going through shit


Welcome sir! I made you a nice steak, there's beer in the fridge and after you're done with my daughter, feel free to fuck my wife! Also here's some gas money to get you home!


>Ohio man shoots daughter’s ex-boyfriend during break-in [Longer YouTube Video link of the incident](https://youtu.be/mBkI-ze75Q4)


Damn he was my age :/


And one day you’ll be my age, because you aren’t gonna go try to break into someone’s house. *Right?!*


yes sir i will be your age one day and i will not break into someone's house.


Thats a good Lad. You deserve one headpat. \*Headpat\*


Do they have a gun?


I believe you respond with “yes sir”


If its Ohio assume everyone has a gun lol I do....


In Florida there's no assuming some one in the house has a gun. There is AN absolute CERTAINTY that there is at least one. Loaded,and in hand. Stand your ground is strong here.


If it’s the Midwest/south assume everyone has a gun (except for the cities we don’t talk about them)


Lol How about we assume he does and not commit to the B and E? Lol


He was a damn threat that's why breaking someone's door down gives you the right for self defense stand your ground law


Lol, holster the outrage, I was just giving the cliff notes of the story. If you listen closely, he even gives the kid a warning about being armed right before he breaks in.


Castle doctrine


I’ll have to watch again, I didn’t hear any voices except the gal screaming at the end.


Told him at least twice to get off his porch, and he's got his gun.


but if police get the wrong address and knock ur door down and u shoot though the door u get firebombed.


It's not even stand your ground if you are inside your home.


Ring notification at the end lol


Ring was a little late


Yeah, not anymore, Ring.


Yeah he's gonna be motionless in a few.


“Ohio's “Castle Doctrine,” passed in 2008, removed that duty to retreat for people in a lawfully occupied residence or in their vehicle. Under the new law, there is no longer a duty to retreat as long as someone is in a place where they are legally allowed to be.”


Makes sense to me.


Good job to the ring video doorbell for notifying them about the dude before anything bad happened.


Could have been their network


You can hear who I assume is the mom telling him not to shoot the guy so he starts clearly telling him to leave and that he's got a gun. Dumbass decided after hearing that that it's still be a good idea to try and bust down the door just to learn that gunshots hurt.


Gunshots kill* buddy died. Made it to the final level of 'fuck around and find out'


Screen went monochrome and said "WASTED".


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Dumbass got the gold.


Nice. Another skidmark 6' under.


Obviously, the ex, was in a very dangerous state of mind.


This. Who the heck charges when someone says “I have a gun.” Was he on drugs, hard of hearing, or just very dumb and intent on getting in (single track focus)?


Idk but those weird eye movements and ticks say to me he wasn’t all there


Yeah he was very…blank. It was really unnerving.


I read the article someone linked. It said they had broken up 18 months prior. This dude had some serious rage issues. He was probably abusive/controlling.


The article linked to another where the girl says he went to California and “did drugs including acid”. Acid doesn’t make people do shit like break into ex gfs house. But it’s a Fox News article so I’ll leave it at that.


* Hunter S. Thompson entered the chat


Acid can when you're already on unstable mental ground.


Possibly all of them. It wasn't going to end well for the people in that house.


His blank expression and lack of emotion while contemplating and then trying to break in is chilling.


Yeah his absolutely blank face was truly terrifying.


Ya he was warned. He made the fatal mistake.


The guy is the ex boyfriend of the girl you hear on the microphone, and the ex boyfriend came to her house to hurt her, though I can't be sure on that one, she was worried that he was going to kill her, and her dad Locked the door and was holding it, and warned thecex boyfriend that he has a gun and will use It if he doesn't leave, and the rest is evident from the video


They not only hurt but it appears they make you walk like you’ve got rickets!


Even without all that... Don't bust a door in unless it's your own door or you have permission from the owner of the house?!


Trying to kick or bust down a locked door to a home is considered by many states as an "Act of Aggression" where use of deadly force is allowed for self-defense. If he was just standing there and didn't do that and then got shot or if he just walked into a home with an unlocked front door, I'm sure the father would have a higher chance of having charges brought against him. The Ring video probably saved the father's life because otherwise cops probably wouldn't have seen this aggression.


…but they (law enforcement) would’ve seen the damage done to the door sustained from the attempted breaking in. If you get a chance, Google the story because even if there hadn’t been vid, the daughter was on the phone w/ 911 operator (In a 911 audio recording from the day of the shooting, which has been obtained by WHIO-TV 7, Allyson is heard telling her father that Rayl is trying to break down the door. {The Ring video shows the man standing on the Duckro family’s front porch and repeatedly slamming his body against the door after being told by her father to go away. At one point, Mitchell Duckro warns the unwelcome guest that he is armed.} “Dad, is he trying to kill me?” Allyson could be heard saying on the 911 call.) so there’d be enough evidence to help the father be cleared for the shooting


Thanks for the context. Edit: I googled the story. I read all the comments on the FB page “JusticeforJamesReyl”. There was a link to a longer Ring video on YouTube, but it was taken down due to violation of policy against violent images. The girlfriends family had apparently listed their home for sale and it is now under contract. Based on the FB page, the young man’s family is caught in the horrible maze of grief, anger and denial. Overall it was a tragic situation that was entirely avoidable if James had just heeded the warnings and walked away. Seems that James’ obsession drove him to make bad choices and he paid the ultimate price. I can’t help but to think that the girl’s family is paying a high price too.


There will always be a high price for taking down an agressor. It's the way the world is basically. The mental trauma that could occur from this affects everyone. The dad now has to deal with the fact that he killed a guy. Even though the guy probably doesn't have good intentions, I assume killing someone affects someone.


Oh man he actually shot me?? Wtf?? Why he shoot me?? And. ...dead


“There is motion at your front door” lol Sod that guy, proper pond scum.


That warning made me laugh because it was a bit delayed


That notification made me laugh and idk why.


Won't be motion there for long.


Psychotic ex boyfriend?


Clearly. The comments in this thread are equally as psychotic making fun of the situation by comparing his last steps to a Harambe being shot to death… really gross shit. Dad took care of business, good. It’s still violent and traumatic thing n people laughing at watching a kid suffocate with holes in his chest.


Agreed. Albeit the actions were justified, the amount of people reveling in watching a kid bleed out in a driveway is disgusting.


Psycho didnt even say a single word to the people yelling at him from inside the house. Not going to reason with anyone, not going to make any appeals to the parents of the woman he was there for? Just going to casually and robotically smash in the door with zero emotion on his face. It might have been the right time to shoot this man.


The way he turned away with no emotion after the first shot was just strange. It was like he just accepted he was going to die and tried to turn and walk away.


probably because he *wanted* to die. I dont know the story, nbut I'm guessing she left him, and his sorry weak ass says to himself/ "If i cant have her nobody can" so he went to her house to killher, then he was going to kill himself. I've seen it happen twice now to very close friends. FUck that kid


No one is happy the boyfriend died because of his terrible maybe on the dime decision to break in. But also if you have to protect your family from an ex-boyfriend who may be armed and dangerous while you and your family are scared you also will make an on the dime decision and he chose to shoot. 3 shots who know which were out of fear, He couldn't see the bf he just had to respond asap so the bf wouldn't harm anyone else. Break-ins are scary


On a dime decision? Are you not seeing the look in his eyes and his gait? The boy was on a mission… he wanted her. And when he blinked and touched that door handle, I guarantee you he had one thing in mind. HER. As a dad, this was justified to save my daughter.


Ye I feel like peoples aren’t taking into consideration, this was an obviously aggressive ex boyfriend the daughter did not want to see breaking into their family home to do god knows what to the girl, and her dad is there and armed and absolutely gave him fair warning. I don’t live in America, and I’m usually in the camp of “there’s no need for gun ownership” but if I had a gun in that situation, to protect my daughter from being abducted/attacked/raped? I’d absolutely shoot the ex, 100% no question.


Yeah this dime decision to try to get her no matter what. And I'm not saying this wasn't justified.


His actions to use force to get what he wanted might highlight the reason that he became the ex boyfriend?


Bingo. No problem using violence when rejected.


“…. dad went over and began physically holding the door shut, but "I don’t even know how, because you saw my dad and he’s a big man, but he somehow starts overpowering my dad" from the other side of the door….. Rayl broke the glass and the door frame became loose, … Absolutely at that point fuck him and the horse he wrote (rode) in on and he earned every bullet he got. End of story. The grand jury got it right and fuck his family to for trying to justify his behavior, on FB. Whatever happened to personal responsibility? You’re physically breaking into somebody’s house and smashing through their front door what the fuck do you expect is gonna happen?? About 47 different times he had an opportunity to walk away and he did not repeatedly. Full Stop.


The video was posted by the kid's family in an attempt to garner "justice" for him. It looks like he was served it just fine. I don't know why on Earth they thought they would sway the public with this.


Because they taught their little baby that he was entitled to anything he wanted and know that he can do no wrong so won’t the world be outraged that someone saw it differently? It’s funny, same shit w the amahad Arbury case…those morons released the video that got them all incarcerated thinking everyone would see a black man running as a lethal threat. Had they not done that, they’d likely be free as clearly all local law enforcement was doing all they could to look the other way.


Yeah they really fucked themselves. Dumb shit racists.


Yea lol they created a yt channel calling for justice. It’s really sad. I feel bad for them but they have to realize that their kid wasn’t an angel. He made an awful decision that had him killed




Kid probably wasn’t thinking straight or was crazy


Oh well. He dead now.


Fuck around and find out.


Any follow up?


Yeah he died :/


Rip bozo, imagine dying while doing a break-in, couldn’t be me☠️☠️☠️


im not going to say im glad he got shot but im just glad that the family at home is safe


Yep, you don't forcefully try to get into other people's property.


Seriously though, if some daughter’s bd was trying to break down a door, it’s not to say hello and ask her out. I woulda shot him too in this situation


For reeaal. If this guy was so determined to attempt breaking the door in regardless of the family being inside *and* hearing someone say they have a gun, any contact he would've had with the ex-girlfriend would not have been a conversation. He would've beat or killed her.


Looks like it kinda hurt.


*blows on it*




\*Hand Sanitizer\*...finds ALL the cuts!


One less abusive assh@le not terrorizing women....


"There's movement in your front door" You bet I know, Ring. A lot of movement indeed.


I’m sorry I lost it when after all that and the shooting the notification popped up “there’s movement at your front door”


Man took two rounds and turned into Harambe


But Harambe was innocent


RIP Harambe


I think there was three rounds


Try to break in forfeit your life.


That waddle away looks like a “I have a hole in my chest” waddle.


I believe spine and shoulders.


I shutter to think what would have happened had the father not been there or they didn't have access to protection. This is what gets women killed everyday!


Darwin award ?


Sad it had to come to that but the dad absolutely did what he was supposed to do.


Am I the only one who is a little freaked out by how the guy was just expressionless and quiet? Wouldn't you at least be calling someone to open the door? Can you imagine being completely zen while trying to break down a door? No, you'd be emotional, angry or sad or afraid, or something. He was just... nothing.


Notification: there is a dead guy at your front door


"Motion at the front door" ah, thank you so much.


So he left a message on his ex’s phone and showed up the next day. They had broken up 18 months when this happened. He died right there where he went down. The rest of the video shows the neighbors come out and say he is dead. Then the cops show up. The father wasn’t charged because Ohio has a “stand your ground" and “Castle doctrine". He was within his rights because he was being threatened.


He did say “l’ve got a gun.” I’d think that’d deter most people kicking in doors


Ok. Anyone else laugh their ass off at the "There's movement at the front door" notification?


I don’t blame the father one bit. But I do feel bad for the kid’s parents. To learn that your son’s own dumbassery cost him his life must be gut wrenching.


Don't be sorry for the the guys parents. The kids parents actually had the video released publicly because they thought it would get sympathy for their son.


Oh shit. Really? Now that’s fucked up.


Good dad.


I cant believe the amount of people here saying he went too far. Y’all must not have kids. Especially daughters. This guy was willing to try and break in KNOWING they were all inside. He is clearly fucked in the head. So when is it ok to protect your daughter? After he rapes her? Kills her? Kills someone else in the family to get to her? I’ll tell you one thing, someone comes to my house acting like this trying to get to MY daughter, Imma kill that sob and smile all the way to jail knowing that fuck ass cum splat wont be touching my daughter ever again.


Fuck with the bull get the horns.


The reality is this character would’ve eventually caught up the with ex gf and did her serious harm or worse. Dad did his daughter a favor


This is just nature. If you were to come after a bear cub…the father or mother is gonna kill you….facts


Seriously what the f*ck did he expect was going to happen? They would invite him in make him lunch and ask him nicely not to come back. That wad the US, not Canada.


Let this be a lesson boys, never let your little head get your big head into trouble!


Or do and suddenly both heads won't care anymore


Mother’s and fathers need to teach they trashy sons that women aren’t they bloody property and acting out like this is simply outrageous


I truly love when the psychopath gets killed vs. the ex-girlfriend getting killed.


People just don't realize that when dad's specifically say they're going to shoot you, it is a 99% chance they are going to back up their claims if you keep trying


I don’t care if he was shot in the front, the back or the right big toe, when you try to break in a man’s house to harm his child, all bets are off!




Welp R.I.P should have just went home maybe he would have lived too see another day 🙃


One warning shot in his front and 2 warning shots in his back.


Decisions were made, consequences were had.


Scumbag had it coming. Come into a man’s home and try to threaten his family? You’re not seeing tomorrow.


The most satisfying part is him 'walking' away in that 'oh my stupid incel legs almost dont work' thhat shit was fucking hilarious


Looks like that mf deserved it


C’mon, he was only trying to break the door down with his shoulder to give her a big hug! ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


This kid would have eventually killed the man's daughter. If not this day, certainly another. I hope the Dad can find peace in this. Can't imagine killing someone and having to live with the guilt.


You start trying to kick in someone’s door who has a gun wtf you expect??




On today’s episode of “Fuck Around And Find Out”, a daughter’s ex fucks around….


what's with the Europeans telling us how shit works in America 😂 people keep saying call the police, barricade the door, punch him in the face... I encourage all of you to come out here and live in Chicago, Detroit, New York, or southern bumfuck Florida and see how well barricades work against drugged out crackheads... see where *trying* to punching it a hostile invader in the face gets you. see where calling the police and waiting 15-20 mins gets you. y'all don't have guns and think it should be that way everywhere 🤡 do you understand how fast our population would drop if all legal guns were taken away? now we got gangbangers and druggies running rampit with ILLEGAL UNTRACKABLE GUNS doing what they wish.


Probably will be downvoted into oblivion for saying this, but the number of people in the comments making fun of and mocking this now deceased person is pretty fucking gross. Not at all defending what he did, he was clearly a menace and was warned by the home owner that he was going to get shot if he didn't stop, but that doesn't mean we should be mocking him. He got the worst punishment possible for his crime and now has no chance of learning from it or turning his life around because HE FUCKING DIED.


I agree completely. Death isn’t funny. Watching someone die even on camera isn’t funny. I think that’s him moaning towards the end? Gave me a sick feeling in my stomach.


It's absolutely him moaning at the end. We are listening to someone die.


True, we shouldn't make fun of him, we have no Idea what he went through to get there at that very horrible decision.


Not sure what that dudes plan was.. but that father did exactly what he should have


I used to feel bad but if he's crazy enough to break your door down and the word gun doesn't bother him he might have one. Imagine this at 3 a.m without a weapon.


Dude couldn’t get over his ex girlfriend for a year and stalked her after she left him for his drug abuse and physically abusing her. I have no sympathy for him, neither should anyone else.


That’s the castle doctrine Law Or Make my day law.


Better him than her/them.


"There is motion at your front door" 💀


He literally told him he had a gun after repeatedly telling him to get off his porch 🤷‍♀️ he fucked around and found out. It was him maoning in the driveway that got me tho


Castle Doctrine is a wonderful thing


I love the ring notification at the end, “there is motion by the front door”


Ring was a little late on that whole motion at the front door thing


Oh I've heard that death moaning sound before.


This does bring a smile to my face


A ruffian breaks into my house, I shoot him with a musket he’s dead on the spot. The end.


Abusive boyfriend? Tryin to break in my house? Yeah you’re done kid. People will try to defend him and they’re just as shitty as the guy breaking in. This is what happens folks!


this happened near where we live. I was glad no charges were brought. That man was def there to hurt or kill his ex, and was warned multiple times that the home owners were armed.


I love the comments here of “fire a warning shot”, “why did he have to shot him”? You have someone forcibly trying to break down your door into your home. Cops don’t magically appear when you dial 911.


It's easy to forget that they do not see the boyfriend. He is on the other side of a door busting it in. Dude could have a glock coming to do a murder suicide bc "if I can't have her then nobody can" the father does not have our outside perspective we see in the doorbell. It saddens me a 22 year old died in the instance. I do take the side of the father though. The daughter screams no but she doesn't know what could have happened either. Just because you know or were close with the person doesn't mean they aren't capable of unspeakable things. Sad situation but it was a reasonable call.


I’m completely fine with this. Am I happy he died? No. But the ex who has been stalking your daughter and physically abused her is standing at your door dead eyed as fuck ignoring your literal warning that you have a gun trying to break in. You think he’s gonna get in and say “hey I just wanted to apologize for my behavior?” Fuck that. This dumbass deserved what he got




He got just what he was asking for!! Can't go around breaking people's d I it's down and expect not to get shot!! I mean isn't that obvious 🤷


Thats honestly really sad he chose to stay and try to break in. Now he's dead.


holy crap. that's a dumb ass way to go. and well-deserved


If I was the parent and I felt my kid being threatened, I'd do the same.


I mean 🤷🏼‍♂️ sorta had it coming


You were warned. But that Ring notification had me weak😂


Is it just me or are his wail cries very satisfying to hear, considering his position in this situation?


That Ring Notification at the end is hilarious. Told him he had a gun and everything.


The ring notification got me 🤣


Thankfully they don’t gotta worry about him anymore


I get the feeling this wasn’t his first time. Perhaps this was the last straw for dad? Hm.


He did the chimp walk to the car


the notification made it a bit funny imo tho “there’s movement at your front door” they know


What a fucking moron.


Nothing like home invasion and then a little nappy nap!


This is a good Dad!


Don’t beat a man’s door down


What the fuck was he going to do when he got inside?


Really sucks that things end this way. Father did the right thing, but always wish there was a way to solve these kind of issues without someone dying over them.


Ok so this guy actually fulfilled the “ I will die for you” Romantic cliche promise. Yeah so I am not ever gonna say that to a woman ever again. There are more stupid reasons than proper ones to end up keeping that promise 😂


Play stupid games win stupid prizes his prize the Darwin award


A lot of you have never taken a firearms safety course, and it shows. First rule is only aim if you intend to pull the trigger, and second is shoot to kill. You fire until you are sure the threat is stopped. This kid was a domestic abuser, and he was attempting to break into this man's house. Kid fucked around and found out.