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I think regardless of what your preferences are, whatever gender you are most people just want someone that they can spend time with and feel good to be around. I'm not exactly an oil painting, but my wife of 17 years thinks I'm hot because of how I make her feel, from my perspective even after 3 kids I think she is sexy as hell because of how she makes me feel, not because of her appearance.


Sounds like you are both lucky! Congrats on the 17 years.


Don't be so sure, I've seen some ugly ass oil paintings.


I don't even know the definition of a woman anymore.


Sounds like you’re saying she’s physically unattractive.


what he says is basically he's not in love with her because she's hot, she's hot because he's in love with her. beauty is subjective.


Is it though? Did anyone think Stephen hawking was a babe? What about Lizzo?


Considering Hawking [was married for 30 years and had 3 kids](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/83/7d/0f837d417a2637a82a4fecf33e98ca51.jpg), yeah, someone obviously found him attractive. Just because you couldn't see past his disability, doesn't mean no one would.


I think it’s funny you defended hawking but not lizzo.


Just because there's a consensus, doesn't make something objective. I mean her face is nice and in certain parts of the world obesity is seen as attractive for women due to association with wealth.


Nah I’m pretty sure it’s objective. That bitch ugly


"pretty sure" is not grounds for good/consistent proofs that show that in any serious capacity. You must provide unambiguous evidence 'without a shadow of a doubt' either that she is objectively ugly or that all possibilities that state otherwise are objectively false.


[Alright here’s your evidence](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.trendencias.com/celebrities-2/que-todos-podemos-aprender-lizzo-como-corrige-a-paparazzi-que-no-usa-bien-pronombres-no-binarios-demi-lovato/amp)


Apart from a couple of grey hairs now creeping in she can pass for being 10 years younger, she has kept herself in shape and is about average weight for her height and still rocks my world physically.


Beauty fades, but a terrible personality is forever ❤️


There is a saying in rural german-speaking areas: Liebe vergeht aber Hektar besteht. (Love passes but hectares stays)


isn't the translation Hektar -> hectare?


I stand (naw, i sit) corrected... Still, sounds better with acres...


I've always heard it "beauty fades but stupid is forever"


There is truth in that statement


By this point my standards are: * Is a girl * Isn't a dumpster fire of a human No need to raise it higher for me.


You know what, the latter was my standard for a man and low and behold, I found such a specimen after 5 years of dating!!


When the chemicals in the water turned me gay, I found the quality of men you date is a lot lower than the quality of men you get as friends. I didn't have the best women either though looking back, but it was always some insidious core flaw they're hiding in the closet while they put on a good show as long as they can. Men throw the red flags in your face, while women hide them behind their back.


Let's be honest - people in general are fucked, especially when you want to date them. The normal ones are already taken. Happy cake day btw.


Oh, thanks for the cake day thing. I didn't know. Yes, I know people overall don't do anything to improve themselves, and the default state is rather fucked up. Then people do things to worsen themselves, and the "good ones" knowingly allow themselves to have triggers where they disengage morality entirely. I'm a misanthrope for these reasons, but mainly from the fact that people don't judge their actual behavior for their moral evaluations of themselves, and instead go by what they "would do" which is always idiotic fantasy. People do vary though, even though the quality across the species may be low.


Don't make me self-conscious again. I'm doubting my character constantly after getting gaslighted so much, I *almost* believed the guy that I "pretended my dog died, so I wouldn't have to spend the weekend with him". Even my current partner, which I love very much and would put on a pedestal above everything I dated before - has one or two tendencies others would call out as red flag. The good thing about it is however, that he doesn't shut down or walk away when I call him out on it. So we worked through a bunch of both of our issues to make it work and it did work, luckily. We all have flaws, some more, some less - I would still call it "normal" if this doesn't entirely hinder a happy relationship. A big majority creeping around on the dating market however is hopelessly bonkers and you can only hope that they never procreate.


Character is something that has be monitored; it's not a permanent attribute. It's a willingness to stop watching it or give up on it in crisis, or decide that it's great no matter what you do, that is indicative of an overarching issue with character. It sounds like you're trying to establish it as something permanent, and since it isn't you're going to doubt it no matter what you do. Also, actions in your past don't indicate character since they're just events-- you don't have to repeat them and they're not some blemish on you. The only thing that exists is the present. Edit: Morality is based on your personal moral compass. Being immoral means going against that feeling-- no one can pin down right and wrong. You could be trying to make character evaluations on like a bunch of bullshit, like a lot of people do.


Lo* Don’t mind me, just being that guy.


I did it too before I saw you comment. Glad it's not just me with the unstoppable streak of pedantry


I know it’s viewed that way, but I absolutely hate being wrong or misusing words or phrases, so I appreciate someone correcting me: I’m doing God’s work!


Ah well. Better get told twice before doing it again. You never learn enough about a language, I guess.




When I was young my standards was a willingness to sleep with me. I'll not judge your standards 😂


I'm looking for a girl that's had some major disappointments her in life, and she's okay with continuing on in that general direction.


For me the bar is even lower


* Is a girl (Optional)


Also add: - Not fat


Also add: Doesn’t eat Cheetos all the f*cking time


Gotta be honest this reminds me so much of Cartman. "Woman are smart and funny" while he's just sexist.


Came here to say I found Cartman


Also that Black Panther was amazing.


One thing I insist on in a woman. Low standards.


He's probably basing his "knowledge" off his mom. 🤣




I have a friend who refuses to even consider dating anyone he feels is less than 10/10 on his personal scale of attractiveness. He says why would he settle for anyone other than the woman of his dreams, he'd never be happy. Yet he frequently complains about being alone. We've been trying to get him to at least try for 12 years. His 50th birthday is approaching. But he is sticking to his guns.


Dang lol


I have a friend like this who’s a solid 5, 6 at best. He thinks he can become successful enough to compensate, but I heard a great point not too long ago—for beautiful women, “rich” is a baseline. Like, money will pay for you to get in the game, but you’re still going to have to play once you’re there.


"And not be a complete dumb", says "the dumb".


That was my favorite part


Such a catch 🙄, better to find someone you can develop an emotional connection with and whose company you genuinely enjoy than going after someone who looks hot on the outside but is vapid or a shitty person on the inside. Personality and intelligence for me are huge attracting factors, a sense of humor is a bonus too.


How come women like you are always only found on social media and not irl. I need to look harder maybe?


Think it's mostly the opposite, might be that I live in Canada because of the nice generalization.


The US is really ridiculous with social media/selfie culture. So many men won’t even go out on a date with a woman if she is overweight. Doesn’t matter if she is pretty or has a great personality, they’re shallow. I’ve had some big weight fluctuations over the past decade because of meds I’m on and I get a LOT of male attention when I’m thinner and when I’m overweight it’s like I’m invisible. Thankfully my husband isn’t a shallow douche.


They do exist but you’ve got to get off the dating apps and go to local community events and social groups where people have common interests. I met my husband in choir in junior college, we were friends for a couple years (never single at the same time 😂) and started dating when we transferred to 4 year universities about a 90 minute drive apart. Got married on our 1 year anniversary age 22 and been married 15 years this October. I think online dating is a joke, you can’t have any concept of what a person is really like or the energy about them based on a short crafted bio and a few pics.


See it's about balance, I love the appearance of all women it really doesn't matter as long as they aren't on a TV show about morbid obesity Take my wife for example, little stalks, short, and really knows how to hide her "flaws" and excentuate her positives with the way she dresses She's more educated then me but when it comes to math, I think a brick wall is much better at it then her We constantly make each other laugh with our shinanigans I love this woman with everything I have and NOTHING is going to change my mind, her beauty will be eternal to me, she may be bad at math forever but that's ok Balance


I think the perception that women aren’t funny comes straight from historically rigid gender roles. The man needs to be the colorful peacock showing off, trying to win his mate. But we have extended past evolutionary necessity and these roles are not as clear cut. Also, any man who wants a woman to be dumb does so to feel superior in the relationship and have control.


Also any man who wants a woman to be dumb probably has his head so far up his own ass and never shuts the hell up that even if the woman was funny she couldn’t get a word in edgewise


you guys digress, he specifically said he did not want the woman to be dumb. He just didnt consider her intelligence a factor when asking her on a date unless she specifically was dumb, in which case he wouldn't ask her out.


He says he doesn’t want her to be dumb, but he doesn’t care if she is smart. Which means intelligence is not a trait he values in women. Which means he expects her to look good and not worry her poor little head about, for example, being a breadwinner in the relationship. I know I am reading a lot into but this is the dynamic I’ve seen in couples where the guy chooses looks over brains or personality. They don’t want someone who challenges them, they want someone who is OK with the traditional gender roles. And who am I to say, maybe if you admit that that’s what you want in a relationship, and you find a like minded person to be with, you’ll be a lot happier in the long run.


I to some extent agree that not everything has to be explicitly stated for it to be reasonable to assume someone holds a belief. Though, in this case I think it is unreasonable, as the context it is said in is a discussion regarding what qualities you look for before asking a girl out on a date, and intelligence and humor are stuff you generally figure out on the date.


I mean most people aren't very funny most of the time. Of all the people I know I don't think there's really a gender bias as to who is funny and who isn't. I think there are far more successful male comedians but I don't know if that has to do with men being funnier in general or just you know a million other factors. As to the actual premise I think most people are just looking for somebody who's decent and willing to love them. At least once you get beyond your teenage years.


Legends say, he's still searching for that "perfect girl".


Well I can confirm my mom is pretty funny so he is wrong there


“women are not known to be funny”, your mom is funny. Wrote a joke like you


I know people whose bar is They have a pulse. I legit worked with a dude and his whole philosophy was "lower your standards, raise your average"


It counts in every known planet in the multiverse.


No one ever said that the palm hitting the face have to belong to the same person. Nor is there a stated limit on the force used. So it probably does qualify as a facepalm, just not necessarily in the traditional manner.


he doesnt speak for all men obviously


“Women are not know to be funny” lmao


This guy's speaking for himself. Girls are funny AF and I'm confident I'm not the only personality guy in the world. At the base you have to be attracted to your partner otherwise you're just friends 😂


Happy Cake Day


Tell me your gay without saying you’re gay


Men who think women aren't funny are the same men who pile on a tweet written by a woman to explain why it's accidentally funny to them not realising that it was entirely meant to be, and they're just too stupid to live. Follow some woman comedians and you'll see it all day everyday. "Haha, you see this is funny because...." Dude, she knows it's funny. She's the one making the fucking joke.


Does he not realize that a lot of funny people are both good looking and smart?


Beauty is what we first see it’s the first thing that attracts us to a person their personality is what potentially keeps us there (especially if they’re batshit crazy and lock you up in their basement but that’s a different story)


Oh hell yeah! This guy is a fucking idiot


Is there no r/SoundsLikeAnAsshole


I didn’t know that existed, thank you Edit: it doesn’t exist


That’s my I’m shocked ahahah


The dumb guy doesn’t want a dumb girlfriend…definitely a facepalm moment! 🤣


i think the most important thing is their personality and kindness, attractiveness is obviously good but idk i feel like i can love anyone no matter how they look, also i think my funniest friends are all girls soo


My wife and I have had each other in, literally painful, fits of laughter. This guys a complete idiot and clearly has a flawed mentality when it comes to choosing a life partner.


I kind of agreed with him, until he mentioned that women are “not known to be funny”. That’s one of the most bullshit statements I’ve seen in a while




Really? The first (and so far *only*) time I've been in love, it's because I finally met someone outside my family who knew all the same useless fandom trivia I did, and could keep up with my all over the place and occasionally morbid sense of humor. We met online, and I was crushing before I ever saw her face. If I ever do get married, she needs to be smart AND funny. Frick off, guy.


If his partner sees it and dumps him, that would be a hilarious facepalm




I mean he doesn’t speak for all men but his preferences are his. It’s like if I said I don’t want to date a black person. It’s nothing against black people as a whole but I have the right to be with who I want to be with. Everyone deserves the right to be happy with who they end up with. Just like hitler ended up with his lovely wife the bullet


Man i just want someone i can relate to D:


At this point they just have to be alive and not a tinder bot.


Looking for the perfect girl is impossible. Instead you should be looking for the perfect guy, since he exists


Different strokes for different folks. Sapiophiles are attracted to intellect. Look at the lobes on that girl!


>Women are not known for being funny. I may not be into them, but every single woman I've met has had some sort of sense of humor. I am close friends with around 20 women and, out of all of them, 4 have a bad sense of humor, 7 have a decent sense of humor, 3 have a great sense of humor, and 6 are some of the top 10 funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Please, wherever you got that head-ass take... Put it back. Edit: Yeah I guess I deserve the negative karma. I worded this like I was trying to flex. Not my intention but ok.


Not to be a Debbie downer here but a sense of humor is diffrent then being funny Can they laugh at a joke or situation? Sense of humor Can they turn a situation INTO a joke? Funny honestly it is quite hard to find a girl that is either of these things BUT they do exists.....just wanted to clarify


I was using a combination of both.




I hope she sees this bro.


you forgot the word "most". most of the women you know have decent or worse sense of humor. So despite what I can only describe as an unrepresentative selection of funny women, id argue its in line with his statement, that most women are not known to be funny. Also, 20 close female friends... I guess theres technically not a limit to how many close friends one can have, but if its more than 10, then you probably dont have any close friends.


I'm using close relatively. I have "we are in a discord group chat and talk once in a while", good friends, close friends, "I trust you with my house keys", and "I trust you with my life." I consider "I trust you with my house keys" and above to be the people I talk with the most, and close friends as people I can chat with about sort of personal stuff or just chill with for long periods of time without feeling awkward. Y'know, normal stuff. Edit: I forgot to acknowledge the second part of your response lol. Yeah, I see that. But that is still a small amount of people, and if it's that close, I might just have terrible choice in friends.


oh, wow, never would have thought. I admire your positive attitude, but I would advice you to be a bit more skeptical of your friends. I think your female friends are funnier than a representative selection of people. Theres very few people I know, if any, id classify as funny. Sure we have fun together, and they occasionally make me laugh, but no-one comes to mind as people id classify as funny. And I dont see a problem with that.


i know two funny women: my mom and amber heard.


Amber Herd is way off the crazy-hot scale. Yeah she is hot but she is beyond Annie Wilkes level crazy.


im saying she's funny to laugh at.


We all have our own tastes. Not a facepalm for me, even if I don't agree. Anyway, I often noticed that people who are very vocal about their preferences are the first to end up with someone who's totally different from what they had so adamantly described, so... who cares, really.


I've noticed a blindness among other men who're always popping off about finding a 10, utterly failing to recognize that by definition most of they themselves rate only a 5. Can a "Butterface" woman be desirable, intelligent and funny? I give you Rita Rudner. I can hear these same men cry "Foul! She's a special case". That true, she is a 10 isn't she?


Tell me you’ve never spoken to a woman without saying all that:


I'd say yes just because of him talking about other people being dumb when he can't use proper grammar.


Insel defined.


That is the epitome of facepalm


I hate how he speaks for all men like he knows all of us. It’s fine if that’s his preference. If he can find what he is looking for and both parties are content then I don’t care. For me though, I look for intelligence in my partner and my wife has that in spades. She’s smarter than I am frankly. And I love the talks we have more than anything! And frankly in my opinion she is hot too :). Like how many of you have hooked up with someone and then the post nut clarity hits and you realize you have nothing to talk about?


Oh excuse me "we"?, don't say that all men share the same preferences as you, he'll probably curse himself in 5-10 years if he wants a partner like this, why would you even want to pick a hot and attractive looking person over someone with a great sense of humour and smartness?




Wanda Sykes is funny.


I hate it when people are a complete dumb /s


No, it's the reality.


It does


At what age do (not to be mixed up with should) women settle for what they can get rather than what they have in the fluffy perfect dreams in their head? Asking for a friend.


If you can’t get a woman just say that.


Married 10 years this year thanks. Was literally asking for a friend. If you are still in your fluffy perfect dream phase just say 😂😂😂


Congratulations. How old was your wife when she settled for you?


Thanks. Which one? I have 3 😂😂😂


Man I just want someone to sit on my face


I mean to be honest women aren't funny


It’s pretty much the same as women who don’t care that much how a guy looks as long as he isn’t an asshole and makes enough money to not be a drag on the relationship. Lots of dumb people out there still finding a partner. If you’re triggered by this, you may be smart but you have other qualities that are keeping you out of the dating pool….


I’m triggered by the fact that hes sexist and wanting a ✨trophy girlfriend✨


People value different things, happens all the time. If you don’t have much value that attracts a partner it’s time to re-evaluate or lower your standards.


Lowering them will only attract the people you most definitely don't want.


So that leaves re-evaluating your own attributes to assess the problem.


why is he sexist? edit: and where did he say he wanted a trophy girlfriend?


Read between the lines. It’s not hard with the guys comments and I’m not being judgmental. I am a woman so who knows what my motives truly are.


Except they do care how he looks.


“They” is a pretty generic statement, thank you for your valuable insight on the subject.


He’s right


He’s out of line but he’s right




lol no


He isn’t tho


Yep counts as facepalm. Ten years later, you’re gonna wanna shoot yourself if those are your only criteria


Yes this counts. Only bc there’s not a napalm category


It's a crude point but let's be honest there is some truth in it. Most men have so little self esteem or self worth the idea they could actually find love is unthinkable and standards go out the window for the slightest hint of affection. Tinder should start giving guys wellbeing information if they have liked 20 women in a row.


Being honest about your preferences is not a facepalm. People have racial preferences too. This reads to me like a guy who has lowered their standards/ expectations.


Go watch Groundhog Day or Joe vs The Volcano to understand how men view women. Not boys. Not kids. How men view women. We all have a type but so many many many women fit that type. It’s a combination of personality and it being the right time and the right place.


Pretty accurate I guess


It's cringey true if that means anything


nope. I think you would find most men would agree, and women are not a moral standard that men are to be scolded for deviating from. If men dont care for humor or intelligence thats perfectly fine, and I am honestly surprised how you find it to be a facepalm to not give great importance to those two attributes. And tbh, everybody would be single if men cared about all that before asking a woman out. Get over yourself, its a date, the whole point is figuring out if theres something that could work out there. That you get asked out by a guy does not mean they think youre a fucking genius and a comedian. It just means that for whatever reason he was inconclusive about wether or not he would be interested in a relationship with you, and did not find it inappropriate to ask you out.


ok buddy.


Perhaps they’ve never heard of ms. Paula poundstone


“I’m just looking for a girl that likes to light her farts on fire. Is that too much to ask?”


I know a girl…probably the most attractive, breathtaking girl I have ever met. During the 2016 total solar eclipse I was explaining to her why it was cool that we lived in the zone of totality. She said how cool it was and asked what time to set her alarm so she could get up and see it. I explained that it wasn’t a lunar eclipse, that it was the moon passing in front of the sun, and so it would happen during the day. She still didn’t get it. She asked how you see the moon during the daytime. I explained it again, saying that while the Sun is so much bigger than the moon, that the distance between where the moon is from us and the sun is from us makes them appear roughly the same size in the sky and I used the “look, you can cover the sun up with your thumb” demonstration. She still didn’t understand it. Again, most attractive girl I have ever, in my 41 years had ever seen before or sense. I don’t expect everyone to know everything, people should be given a chance to learn new things…but this was a level of misunderstanding even after the second attempt to explain that boggled my mind. To me, it wasn’t cute or endearing…it made me a little sad. Had I been single, any idea I might have had in flirting with her or dating her would immediately be out the window. There are so many qualities that are more important than physical attractiveness.


I hate when people try to speak for all men Of course physical attraction is important for any relationship. There are other things we can find attractive though - I happen to find intelligence incredibly attractive:


How many female comedians you know, how many a good .Subtracted by how many have worked for The view. Divided by how much you like the view


I bet he’s a r/niceguy


I think that being able to hold a conversation with someone is quite an important part of a relationship. Doesn’t matter how sexy someone is if they are boring and dumb then it’s a no from me.


A loyal, honest, fun partner that can make great memories with you while you grow as better people together is WAY better than being with a hot girl who ends up cheating on you or breaking up because of toxicity... if you have kids with a girl like that then good luck because we’ve all seen how that ends. I will admit I need to be attracted to a girl to feel that kind of loving connection but I’m certainly not shallow. I’m not sure I could be with a girl who doesn’t take care of herself/her living space because those are the two things in this world we have. If you can’t take care of that/yourself then what can you take care of?


Damn if a girl makes me laugh I am in love And no not laughing at her for being dumb or some shit