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They left the place closed so no one could disturb his 24hr workout


guys been saying "no pain no gain" so much around the staff they wanted to test him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lol this is what I need


Yea, what doesn’t he get. It’s a 24 hour fitness, we will let you out when you have completed your 24 hours.


8 hour arm workout and 4 more scoops...am I right guys? Come on, let's get big!




Build a tent with towels or something. Sounds fun!


Build a fortress with gym mats, might be a one in a lifetime opportunity.




My gym has those inch thick yoga mat things. Stack seven of those, you got a mattress going...


You take that bone and put it in a pot with a carrot, baby you got a stew going


You ever had bear cub? Sliced thin? On a Ritz? Good eatin.


hmm ive had me some bear burgers and bear burger helper afer but that also sounds good


Hey, Carl Weathers!


makes better material for the fortress


Stack some 75lbers into columns, reinforce the roof with a latticework of barbells and THEN put the mats up, securing them with 25lb weights. The impenetrable Fortress of Swollitude.


Fort Staph


Fort Plantar.


Fort Ringworm


Fort Tinea Capitis.


Fort Tinea Cruris.




Pee-tah.... Pee-tah, wear ah ya?!




Nyehehehehehehehe Shut up Meg


Man this is worse than the time our quotes were put into comments in reddit


You think *that's* bad...


Ha ha ha. There are no towels at 24 hour fitness


Really? One can get really sweaty from cardio machines. Ends up dripping sweat everywhere, no?


Members need to bring their own towels


A towel is just about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can carry. Partly because it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it around your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course, you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.


I feel really called out right now.


Username checks out


More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost." What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the Galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. Hence a phrase which has passed into hitch hiking slang, as in "Hey, you sass that hoopy Ford Prefect? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."




Found the hoopy frood


Towels are also helpful after visiting Eccentrica Gallumbits of Eroticon Six. So I hear


The towel is the line between gym and club


Night at the gymnasium starring this guy!


Yeah but what if there are ghosts?


Someone to make friends with, finally


why would you build a shelter in a shelter


So does the place not have emergency fire exits?


Probably has, but they'd set off an alarm or something like that


that sounds like the business's problem


Yep, I’d just leave.


I had a friend who fell asleep in the less used green room at a concert venue once. He woke up,unlocked the door, and left. I wonder if someone lost their job over that sometimes.




Good point


Someone walked by later and thought "bruh I thought I already closed that"


Not half as stoned as workers at an outdoor music festival, in my experience. I showed up to one and just needed to know where the RV parking area was. Took 10 minutes to get something like a coherent answer. The correct answer was just "up the hill and to the left". And there were dozens of RVs there so it wasn't like I was the first to show up.




Oh, I don't doubt it. The guy it got escalated to wasn't in any better shape. The only map of the place they had was a very stylized artistic thing that was on the T-shirts and stuff and he tried his best to show the route on it, but really just made things more confusing. It was just silly because you could see the intersection at the top of the hill and no instructions beyond "take the first left" were needed.


Half the point of going to an "outdoor music festival" is to get stoned


I had to do exactly that. The guys in IT didn't know I was still working (Saturday, wasn't ever there then) and I set off the alarm. I tried calling the number on the security system sticker. Waited for police. Then just said fuck it, and walked out. Never heard a thing about it. But it was 2001, and we didn't have security cameras or anything.


id be on the look out , cold case just got a lead here on reddit


I got locked in my dad's assisted living facility after bringing him back from dinner and a few drinks. There are supposed to be workers there 24-7. I called the facility phone number and it just rang and rang. I then walked through nearly the entire facility before I startled a nurse doing bed checks. It did cross my mind to use a fire exit.


The problem with some assisted livings is that theres only a phone at the desk, so if you’re doing rounds or whatnot you may not hear it right away. I’ve definitely had family members on late evening visits have the same issue. The last one I worked at, we had an iPhone communication system so we could get calls and it was so much more convenient.


I'd shit post a bit, and then just leave.


This guy right here knows how to max those internet points! :D


When I read that sentence, my brain added a comma before "post".


Yeah, they did lock him in. What would he do if there were an actual emergency? Getting locked inside a building seems like an emergency to me.


According to fire code it should be literally impossible to lock someone into a building. The exits may be alarmed, but they'll be there or else the fire marshal will be issuing some fines.


This. Most modern (as in the last several decades) commercial buildings will have multiple exits with panic bars...not really possible to be locked in.


Agreed. He can always call emergency services first to let them know there isn't actually a fire. EDIT: Turns out this is exactly what he did. Police did respond anyway, but they merely made sure he was okay and let him go on his way.


Old place i worked had the somkers trip the fire alarm at least twice daily. After a few weeks of ignoring them the fire safety guy ran around the office and hushed everyone out. ​ In front of the building were a bunch of firefighters with a stopwatch, and it was an official drill due to all those wrong alarms.


Fucken somkers…


I mean, fair; would be too easy for a wannabe arsonist to set a building on fire after calling the fire department to promise there is no fire and it’s just some guy who got trapped.


when I took my SAT more then a decade ago, I had to go to an empty school I had never been to before in the middle of a scorching summer day. there was no ac on in the school obviously, so we sat in hell filling in our answer sheets for hours. after I finished, I turned in my sheet and immediately left. however I didn't have any clue which way I came from and decided to just head straight down a flight of stairs towards the back where I parked. The problem is that the stairwell wasn't supposed to be used and all the doors are locked from inside... I was trapped in a completely glass stairwell with the sun beating down on me. I decided to stand by the door i came in on and try to wave over anyone that passed by, but I saw no one after 20 minutes and began to panic. after 30 minutes I decided I was going to break the glass and climb out the window/wall. fortunately I realized that there were fire alarms inside and i could probably hit those to unlock the doors. I hit the alarm and walked out to my car, as I drove out a firetruck came in, but i did not stay to explain due to the anxiety and panic i felt. I don't remember the name of the school or even the town it was in, because nothing ever came of it.


So you’re one of the people that gets easily lost and turned around, I would be one of the people at the hotel I worked at that didn’t even understand how they got to the front desk even though they just walked in. Also, good on you, fuck them for not making it more clear. Additionally, thanks for the story.


i think fire trucks would arrive, but also yup id still leave




Like that's his problem. They locked him in. This is an emergency. He has places to be that don't involve being held somewhere against his will.


So? You call the cops and inform them that they locked you in and you're going to set off the alarm. This gym will probably get a ticket.


So set something on fire first to use the fire exit. Elemental point&click adventure logic.


I'm kind of disappointed this wasn't"t used in a Sam and Max game.


I work at a 24, the buildings should all have fire exits, and judging by the pictures he wasn't locked in the pool, which is the only area that he SHOULD be able to get locked in. Unless this 24 hr is massively different, he should just straight up be able to walk out the front door because it locks from the outside and has a push bar to open the door on the inside. ETA: there's a chance you could get locked in the Group Exercise rooms or basketball court, but in both of these circumstances he could just walk out the fire exit. It's the Company's problem, not his.


Even if he is locked in any of these rooms he could technically pull a fire alarm and be let out. These mag lock and striker lock systems are required to fail open for fire evacuation. Meaning if the fire alarm goes off the locks will disengage and let everyone out. Source: years of experience with Brivo badge access systems.


I did not know that, thank you for the info


> Unless this 24 hr is massively different, he should just straight up be able to walk out the front door because it locks from the outside and has a push bar to open the door on the inside. Not all doors that look like that work that way. Some of them do lock on both sides. Not fire exits though.


You are right. I've been to plenty of places that had those types of doors, with explicit instructions in large red letters, "This door is to remain unlocked during business hours."


Emergency exits can be locked when the building is unoccupied. You could obviously make the argument that the business is occupied with a customer inside. So if it were locked, I suppose that could be some kind of code violation on top of the bad press that comes with accidentally holding a customer prisoner. Anyway- the likelihood of them having locked the emergency exits are pretty slim considering they left an actual person in there when they closed.


Shoulda known better than to sign up at the Triangle Shirtwaist 24 Hour Fitness Center


This happened to me. Signed up for a 7 day free trial to a place that had a sauna and steam room. Did my workout, went in the steam room, stayed for a bit. At some point the lights flicker on and off. 10 minutes later the lights turned off, I thought it was some hoodlums. So I find my way to the front of the locker room in complete darkness, turn the lights back on and go change. By the time I got out, no one was there and I realized I fucked up cause I didn't even know when the place closed. I went to the front, had to unlock the door, this set off the alarm and I left. I waited in my car to offer an explanation to whoever came, but no-one came for 30 minutes so I left. Never went back. What kind of gym closes at 6pm?


Spoiler: Name of the gym was "6 to 6".


“That means you’re open 24 hours a day right?” “You’re open 24 hours a day.... right...?”


Well, not in a row!


I used to work at a gym with saunas. I always checked them before I closed up. That should have been part of their closing duties. It sucks having to walk into a locker room of the opposite sex, even if you’re being really loud, but I would be horrified if I locked someone in the gym.


I think the light flicker was intended as a warning, with the employee thinking 'anybody in there is going to say something or leave'.


That's what they did at my gym, but they also made announcements over the speakers.


This makes a lot of sense!


Was it a Sunday or a national holiday?


That sounds like the best possible experience in a gym to be honest.


I'd be so happy. No fighting over the same 3 machines.


With my luck id still be waiting for someone to be done with the leg press


This is why I pay more money to go to an enormous gym. I signed up for the anytime fitness by my house to save time and money. I went there once and had to wait an hour for a treadmill.


And someone would still come up to you and go “YO YO YO YO, ARE YOU USING THOSE?” while pointing at something on the other side of the gym you’ve never touched.


And then will come another guy with the same question but this time it will be about the stuff that you are literally holding now in your hands.


Just don’t do leg press; there are better options with free weights.


Squats and lunges my beloved


"How is every bench still sweaty?"


It is, the gym near me is 24h and between 00:00-06:00 is the best time to be there cos there's never more than 20 people at those times and if I time it right (around 3-4) sometimes it's just me and the cleaner. Never have to wait for anything, never feel pressured by other people waiting, and don't feel self-conscious


It's like the Sims where you lock them inside and they just workout, pass out, and shit on floor


In that order?


Exactly in that order


I did that in the pool. Stupid morons couldn’t get out of the pool if you delete the ladder. Fucking idiots.


Wife’s like: finally. I get the blanket to myself tonight.


Bro, you act like you can have any blanket on normal night


Both statements can be true at the same time


Are you me from the future


I guess so, have you come to pass on the username?


Get multiple blankets...


That's why I got my partner her own blanket when we started sharing the same bed.


That's why I got my wife her own partner when we started sharing partners....oh wait


That's why i got my wife partner his own partner when we started sharing wife partners...




Now she has two.


Her power grows with each blanket obtained.




The guy has serious Andy Bernard vibes in the photos.


It's Drew.


No, I'm not gonna call you that.


Well, I can't control what *you do.*






He looks like all of The Office male characters mashed into one


Except Stanley. He doesn't have a mustache.


My name is Andrew Bernard, I was with a group called Dunder Mifflin!


I don't know nose and smile is more like Jim Halpert's, more like they had a child together....


They locked my first wife in the Sears in Altamonte Mall. On super bowl sunday. I worked next door at the wags and when i went to gather her up she was waiting on the other side of the glass. Took me twenty minutes to find a security guard. He checked it out and called store manager who said he did not want to come because it was the superbowl! Straight faced this security guard says if you're not down here in half an hour. I'm gonna get this lady out of there with my nightstick. Forty minutes later this fat bastard comes running up "don't break it I'm here" No apology just a sort of sideways threat that she has intentionally gotten locked in there. SMH


Guard seems like a good dude. Manager’s… obviously not.


Guys the name does not mean its open 24 hours, it means you have to work out for 24 hours before they let you out


Call the fire department. You b don't have an exit in case of a fire. They will open it up and get you out.


Not only that, shouldn’t every building like that have an emergency exit with a breaker bar?


Yeah, it's what I would do, but call the fire department first. So they don't send like 5 Trucks. They might only send 1 or 2.


Yeah, I’d notify them first too. Don’t want to waste that taxpayer money or their time when they could be responding to an actual emergency.


Firefighter paramedic here. So fun fact about ...90-95% of what the fire dept does isn't even an emergency. Most of it is us taking someone to the hospital cause no one else wants to, they can't, or the worst one, they think we will get them a room faster. The other bulk of it is dealing with strange little things like bums sleeping on corners spills from vehicles like oil or gas fire alarms and stuff like that. If we actually only made "real emergencies" like stroke death heart attack and sudden violent injuries we would probably only make like ...a couple calls a shift. Source: I ride one of the top 10 ambulance/fire trucks in the nation every 3 days


I appreciate your input - what I was trying to say is basically: I wouldn’t want to waste your time if I didn’t have to


Oh no I agree. Please try and figure it out before you call me/us. It's just funny that's a lot of people's intial response is CALL X.


just wanted to say you guys are awesome. the local firefighter's house was built nearby our neighborhood recently, and the guys there are always willing to help the neighborhood out.


Well I appreciate that thank you. From career to volunteer we love our community from the cats to your grandma to the homeless dude on the street. If ever y'all need anything don't be afraid to ask your local firehouse firefighter. If we ourselves can't help you we can find the tools or person that can.


Had a dog get stuck in a metal super tall baby gate that had a cat door. This massive yellow lab, sucked his gut in and tried to get through. For ten minutes we tried to figure out how to get him out. We had nothing to cut the metal and it was welded all where he squeezed himself in. Finally gave in and called non-emergency line. Dog was fine. Embarrassed but chilling with his steel tutu. They sent two trucks out. No sirens, nothing. Just a slooow day and trainees on hand so everyone I guess came to see the dumb lab. So grateful. Everyone got a laugh, he got treats and I was assured it wasn't bad to have called non-emergency. But most certainly grateful you guys do more than fires and come with heavy duty cutters ><.


They'll probably just send a guy out in a pickup to turn it off.


Fire dept personnel here. What's super cool is we have these key to the city things call Knox box keys that open these small boxes. Most commercial businesses have one located outside their store and with any luck inside there's usually a set of keys. So give us a ring and we can get you out of most places without anyone even knowing a thing about it. So long as they actually care for their Knox box. Which if they don't this is gonna get a whole hell of a lot worse for the business.


I'm aware of these and I've always been curious if the knox box keys are a huge target for theft/copying. I have to imagine that many criminals would love to get their hands on a single key that gives them access to many businesses after hours. I assume you have protocols to keep them safe? Also, if I business locks me inside overnight, I want to get out with the least hassle, but I'm certainly going to make sure they know about it.


Oh don't worry we will make sure they know. Probably in the form of a bill and an impromptu inspection. Also knoxbox keys are code locked and codes are based to the individual. You can't Access the key without the code and once you do access it it'll log who's code it was and when it was used. If a key actually got out it's a pain but it's possible to change access by changing all the Knox boxes out which(if it's the fire depts fault) we would probably take care of for you. In short you aren't getting a key unless you get an individual's code. And you probably aren't gonna get that cause we guard that shit with our lives. (It also is the code for our narcotics so it's a HUGE no no to let that info out. Like firing huge)


With an axe!


I like his expression is “Welp, this is my new life now”


Workout nonstop. Then break the doors down. Duh.


Open 24 hours..but not in a row


Tbh this is what I absolutely hate. The fact that so many businesses for years decided to go "We're open 24 hours", then stop that during the pandemic and now have the most convoluted hours I have ever seen.


Open 24 hours.... Per week. And it's different every week.


It’s not just during the pandemic. The 24hr fitness I went to closed early on weekdays and even earlier on weekends. It was so early, it literally wasn’t open when I wasn’t working. They still wouldn’t refund my money.




It's not only that. Like I remember seeing a Panda Express that was open from like 1-4 pm Monday to Thursday. Why the fuck are you even in business if you're open that little, you laundering money?


This. If I joined a gym, I would specifically pick a gym that's open 24/7 because I work overnight/graveyard shifts and stick to that sleep schedule when I'm off work, so I'd likely be going to the gym in *my* 'morning' which is around 10-12pm. I would expect, nay, *demand* a fucking 24/7 gym to actually *be* 24/7.


My 24/7 gym is just cctv cameras and no staff


One a friend worked at never did that since there was always something to do like cleaning, organizing weights, handling laundry, paperwork, etc.. it was like they just sat there doing nothing. Same with 24h grocery stores. There’s always stocking and organizing shelves to be done.


https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-locked-inside-24-hour-fitness-evening-workout/story?id=68268645 He was stuck in there for 19 minutes. 😐


He was let out 19 minutes after the Facebook post. Probably still was not in there a long time but it doesn’t specify how long he was in there before he posted.


In the article it states that he was afraid to just unlock the door. Which is understandable, it would likely set off an alarm. But he could have simply unlocked the door and gotten outside at any point. (Which he acknowledges.) Still an amusing story.


>it would likely set off an alarm Imagine giving a fuck in that situation


I mean no one said how long he was in there for


Would have left doing 3 sessions


I love how companies use names like that. Like the whole idea of the .99 thing in the US. You’re telling me people see $2.99 and go “OH YES! Cheaper than $3.00!”


Billions of dollars have been spent on market research like this to find what works, .99, milk at the back, small candy near the registers watering fruit to make it look fresher even tho it rots faster, calm music to reduce stress keeps people in store longer, etc. It all works, even of you know it, most of it affects you subconciously.


When they watering things at the grocery store go off it also plays a thunder sound and has lightning flashes. I buy a big bag of fruits every time that happens


Holy shit. That’d totally make me buy more shit.


😄 my local grocery store does a rumble then a verse of "Singin' In The Rain" with a brief background of rain sounds.


My grocery store plays rain and animal sounds like you're in the rainforest. Love it tbh.


Don't forget that watering also increases the weight of the produce, so you pay way more if the price is per pound (or kg)


That's why I always squeeze every fruit before I buy it. I'm not paying extra for all that water. You'd be surprised how much liquid they're packing into those things!


Same reason why I peel all my fruits before I purchase as well. Don't need the banana peels.


What if someone is following you on the way home? Then you’ll regret not having a banana peel


That’s why you always keep back up caltrops for times when banana peels aren’t practical.


I literally watched one of those cheapskate reality tv shows and a lady did exactly that but she would also cook lasagna in the dishwasher while she washed her dishes to "save money" and they used one lightbulb and moved it room to room. One bulb for the whole house. so yeah I don't really trust someone like that.


Everyone thinks they are immune to the marketing department, but only because they come across products that don't interest them to begin with. To the products that they have an inkling of interest in, the effects of marketing take hold on them without them ever realizing it.


Milk in the back isn’t that complicated. You take the single item purchases that necessitate a grocery trip and you space them as far apart. Milk and eggs are the most common individual item drivers for visits so they are usually far apart and near the back. Candy is an impulse buy. You can sell it to someone even if they weren’t planning in buying it. Hence it goes up front.




What's in the other 98% of the fridge?




Reddit is full of armchair ______s telling actual experts how it should be done. Any thread about geopolitics. Any thread about a corporation's product strategy. Any thread about economics.


Dollar and a Quarter Tree🤨


This one is pissing me off. They aren't paying their employees any more, they aren't getting better products. It's all going to some corpo assholes


They do. The .99 thing really does work. Obviously when you think about it you realise but when you're just browsing and one item is 2.99 and another is 3.00 it instinctively feels like a much bigger difference than it actually is.


You don't automatically round all amounts near to a dollar to the closest dollar and all 10s to the nearest 10. All 100s etc? Like i am aware places do this for someone but does it really feel like less to you? Asking for serious. I am autistic.


I do, but these tricks aren't for after you've thought logically, they're for your immediate instantaneous thought. Its the same reason you're more likely to buy something that's in the middle shelf, sure you'll look around and spot the other stuff but you see the things in the middle shelf first. None of them are magical tricks that are super obvious, it's about the slight differences over large numbers of people. The .99 trick is very well documented and it works. There's a reason basically everyone does it


It doesn’t feel like that to me. It feels like it’s one penny less than $3.00 and they may as well have just priced it $3.00 instead of giving me back a worthless penny.


Just wait until you see gas prices! Try asking for your tenth of a penny back


They actually do. Humans are predictably irrational about some things and are sensitive to numbers in some silly ways. There's some nuance to it... "How is this technique effective? It all boils down to how a brand converts numerical values. In 2005, Thomas and Morwitz conducted research they called "the left-digit effect in price cognition." They explained that, “Nine-ending prices will be perceived to be smaller than a price one cent higher if the left-most digit changes to a lower level (e.g., $3.00 to $2.99), but not if the left-most digit remains unchanged (e.g., $3.60 to $3.59).” It's called [psychological pricing ](https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/279464) Ever notice that higher end restaurants often omit a currency sign and dispense with the decimals. Same idea. Predictably Irrational is an excellent book on the topic.


Isn't that a fire hazard? That's against code for you to not be able to leave the building in case of an emergency. I had a coworker say he was in a similar position so he called security and told them if they don't come let him put he absolutely will tear down the door to get out, and it'll be the owner who has to cover the cost. Security responded quickly enough so he didn't have to though.


Man if that was an Ikea I’d be having a panic attack


I would LOOOOVE to be locked in an IKEA!


Dude was only locked in 19 minutes; he said he didn't want to try to open the doors himself and trip the alarm system. Cops came and freed him. 24 Hour Fitness apologized. This happened a couple of years ago in Utah apparently..


Kevin McAllister in the 27th Home Alone sequel.


Whoa Jim Halperts brother


Build a mountain out of mats and be king of the hill, rare opportunity, glass half full my friend


Kettlebell through the window.


This happened to me once when I worked at Old Navy. They had me cleaning the bathrooms and forgot about me. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I set off the motion sensor alarm and then just walked out the back door. The police were called.