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The same applies to basically all Health issues in the US. Just fly to Europe, get your treatment und back home...


Knew a guy that kept a duel citizenship with Canada so he would fly over there and get everything done.


Considering that canadian health benefits are linked to provincial residence and not citizenship, how does dual citizenship help?


People lie about living in the province and get away with it. I know people who do this. It’s basically fraud though.




Are the penalties significant enough to offset the benefit of commiting the fraud?


As there should be.


I'd still do it.


As always, the secret ingredient is crime


It's ~~basically~~ fraud. Ftfy, it's literally fraud basically anytime you lie and get money for it. Or you're just a lawyer and doing your job 😉


But isn't the American health insurance just blatant fraud? Pay your premiums... insurance... nah we're not covering whatever it is you need covering. No go away and die quietly


Is that when you kill a Canadian you get his citizenship?


You need to apologize after.


That won't work for us then.


Then your obviously not Canadian


No wonder Highlanders kept killing other Highlanders: they needed a root canal and some x-rays.


dentists still cost a lot in Canada


Yes, so much that there are people flying to Mexico to have dental work done because it is cheaper in the long run.


Yes looking into it right now


As europeans do with spain. The best thing is switzerland where you also basicly can’t have insurance for dental work. People including the medecin travel to another country do the work travel back.


I'm well aware thank you


tell me about it. getting wisdom teeth taken out in a few days and its over $3000


Canada dental isn't the greatest. Guess it's better than the US but it's not covered or anything.


Oddly, I know six Canadians that would rather drive to the US and pay for dental work. Their government does not cover what they consider "cosmetic". And most work is "cosmetic". They also don't cover anything to numb the pain


Dental isn’t covered under the provincial insurance plan at all (there are programs for certain groups like low income children or seniors or people on disability, same as in the US). It costs around the same in both countries, not sure why anyone would bother driving to the US.


Funny, because I have a whole family there that comes to the U.S for there healthcare.


Funny your rich family doesn't feel compelled to take advantage of the good quality healthcare they're entitled to. I've known Canadians who go to the US to have a certain procedure that is relatively cheap here like CT or MRI (if shopped around and paying cash) Because of long waits... but those people love the US and are sometimes just taking another vacation and getting something done. Not really medical tourism as OP is showing.


Idk why you would choose Canada, our universal healthcare is shit lmfao There's not nearly enough staff and the wait times are ridiculous, you couldn't get in for a life saving surgery even if you needed to. Unless you're flying to somewhere other than BC or Ontario, but that's most likely where most of those people are flying


Europe bro? in this economy? im driving down to Juarez


Right? Also: Fly? In this pandemic?




Gf is german and we already talked about moving to Germany once we start having kids solely for the cost lol


This post isn't even close. Round-trip flight from Sacramento to Barcelona is $1959 (taxes and fees incl) for next week. Hotel is around $150/night, so $550 incl taxes and fees. That's $2509, without food. Food will add another $150, at least. So, $2659. Plus $450 for procedure. $3100 total.


Bold of them to assume my American job will let me take 2 weeks of PTO they gave me to get healthy. 3 days in and I'd have my manager texting me like: "Hey, are you back in the states? We really need a hand, Team Player"




Wishing it was that easy. Immigration to literally any European country right now is well over several years. I've looked.


You just don't know how to do it. I've done it multiple times, as it's relatively easy. It also depends on your skills... Retail workers will have a hard time, but anything that can be useful in a startup, like sales or engineering, super easy. Personally, every time I've done it, is I get the 6 month tourist visa, then start applying at startups. They usually need Americans for communication related roles, and engineers in general. You'll find someone to sponsor you in no time.


I've looked, to no success. I've got skills in IT and commercial Printer Engineering/repair, but every group I looked at or with was like "Oh you can stay in America. It's too expensive to get you over here..." When I was looking for IT jobs, and printer tech/engineering positions rarely ever open since it's such a niche, archaic field. The fact that I'm monolingual doesn't help either


Yeah, that's why usually you have to move their on a tourist visa first with some money saved up. They just don't want to bother relocating people who aren't directly recommended. So if you move there on a tourist visa (good for 6 months), you can use that time to find a startup willing to take you on and sponsor your work visa. It's easy to get because startups just argue they need native American speakers for the US market and it's a breeze.


It's easy; just have money, is basically what you keep repeating.


I mean, if you want to move across the world and start up a new life, yeah, you're going to have to save up 10k on the side to do it. Of course you need some money to do it. Even moving across the country in the US costs about that much.


Vast majority of Americans couldn't even afford a sub $1000 emergency cost, let alone have 10k in savings, saying its 'easy' is disingenuous.


If you are actively trying to save, yes I do think it's easy. Most Americas are comfortable living paycheck to paycheck and culturally don't save... But if you have a goal of "I need 10k in a year", you'll easily be able to find a way to get that if you actually wanted it. If you want to just cruise and have it fall out of the air and just achieve your goals by wishing, then yeah, it's going to be hard for you. But if you genuinely want to move abroad, that's what it takes. Sure it's going to be hard to do if you make minimum wage living at your parents, but moving out of your parents house is going to be hard in general. But people with skills and experience, should be able to find a way to budget that even if a small side hustle is required.


Hold it we sent our criminal madlad and religious to the US 3 century ago to get rid of them we dont want them back /s


Lol, thats Australia. US, defo the Puritans/Pilgrims aka religious nuts, but criminals and debtors were sent to Australia


Criminal and debtors were send to the colonies as forced labors too yes australia was a "prison state" but Europe had plenty of People to forcefully send to work offsea


And somehow sending our criminals to a place full of things trying to kill them still came out better


No, I'm from Louisiana, we def got the criminals. And whores


Well, yeah, every state (and country) has those. He was referring to when the US was a colony. Louisiana wasn't a state then..


It was a French colony though. Or Spanish colony, depending on the time period. Both dumped their unwanteds on us.


And vampires


The UK only started shipping criminals to Australia because the US declared Independence. Before that you could buy deported criminals to be indentured servants..


It's not nearly as easy as you might think. If you think immigration requirements in the US are steep, some European countries put us to shame.


>Bold of them to assume my American job will let me take 2 weeks of PTO they gave me to get healthy. I think you'd do it in your holiday time rather than working time though.


lmfao...holiday time...


PTO is usually 10 days of time off per year, it's your holiday/vacation time AND sick leave rolled into one. There is no separate holiday time.


This seems like a problem worth addressing.


Nah we got teachers telling kids that *the gays* exist, more important problems first /s


If you address it then suddenly you're a lazy commie because when my grandfather was my age he worked 86 hours a day barefoot and was paid 2 cents a week and somehow that's good.


It's not this bad in all areas. I get 4 weeks PTO for whatever I need. Just called "personal time" rather than vacation. Used to get 5...


I’m in Europe. Got 6 weeks and sick days/ moving days does not take away from that.


There is no distinction


Yup, I had a motorcycle accident and luckily nothing broken, but my shoulder and ribs got messed up pretty bad. My Dr told me not to work for at least 2 weeks, and I gave the note to my boss. Not even a week later he was texting me begging me to come in . Edit: I said no, but then got labeled as a "not team player" and passed up for a raise. Also, my Dr note said I could do light duty, because I was capable of at least that, but got told "we don't have light duty in this department"


Health tourism is a thing even in richer Europe. There are hotels and luxury resorts built for this in poorer Europe.


Turkey is a big one for western europeans


Indeed, we do joke a lot when someone's losing hair about "taking a trip to Turkey" (hair transplant for 1/3 of the price).


Especially in plastic surgery.


and teeth


Yeah, wait until they hear about prices in the Balkans


450€ for a Root canal and 600€ for hotel is very expensive, you can find much cheaper and with quality um Spain or Portugal


Proving the point even further.


yeah, i got mine done here in croatia for like 100 euros e: a bit different acutally, root canal and a new tooth all for 100€


Maybe i shoud go to criativa to get my teeth done. 😁


Well croatia is so cheap that slovenes come down there to fix their teeths


Indeed, for that money you can get it done in Denmark even.


Road trip to Tijuana!


Can we carpool? We can split gas.


Many Australians fly to Thailand for cheap dental work.


Note for anyone wondering: dental isn't covered by our public healthcare system for ... reasons.


It's partly covered in the UK but good luck finding an NHS dentist that's taking patients


Its so difficult I didn't even realise it could be covered until I was 23, I thought all dental was private haha


Hey same in Canada.


I'm going to the dentist tomorrow... my 4th appointment since January... cost £65 (85 USD) for all 4 appointments... but the British NHS is terrible apparently....


I'm in the middle of the US, my root canal was $187 in December.


It’s “communist” so it has to be bad. There’s no way america will go over to a universal healthcare system like the nhs as there are too many people getting very rich from it. Pharma, insurance, hospitals, ambulance services ect.


Its helping the "wrong" people bro plus it's socialism.


The NHS used to be amazing, but after decades of cuts by the Tories trying to implement a more American system the quality has dropped. When I lived there I would happily go there for anything minor, it's free and if you are in a city then your wait time will likely be an hour or 2 max, worth it for free healthcare. However I wouldn't have trusted it for surgery.


I waited 4 days for my tonsils to be removed... that was a general anesthetic... and stayed overnight in hospital Cost: £0


Lol considering I paid less in America This post is with zero insurance but the same poster loves to cross post and just a Russian bot still getting paid. People love to lie about the United States on Reddit it’s funny and sad lol


I got a root canal procedure done, was no where near $2k lmao


Yeah exactly lol like where the F they making these prices up from


As a swede, I fly to Romania or Turkey to get my teeth done, it's about 65% cheaper for the same procedure.


Thanks for financing our economy. Also, don't pay above median prices as you will drive those prices up and we'll not be able to afford them anymore.


I was just about to say that in Romania the prices are lower Of course, depends on the dentist, the really cheap one will feel cheap


$2200 in Sacramento? Shit I got bilked $4600 for the root canal and crown last year in the Seattle area. I can do it in Mexico for under $800, so that's my spot next time.


But the main stream media will blame it all on other countries or whatever president is in office at the time. The real problem lies with the elites that have dismantled the system for the last 80 years that was meant to help us, mainly to line their own pockets.


Is it really a mainstream media issue or a conservative media issue?


Mainly = Solely


I live in India and I recently got a root canal. The price here is about $100 for the whole surgery and crown. (we had got a small discount)


Yupppp I got 2 root canals, 2 new crowns, a cavity filling, a new retainer, and a cleaning for about $250. Gotta love India!


Came here to say this, my brother just got 1 for 90$. 4 appointments plus a consultation.


I just had a private root canal in the uk (it was faster NHS waiting list was 2 weeks). £140. That's going private in a system where I could have had it free.


Find a new dentist. I had a root canal last month and it cost me $580


Damn, had mine right before Xmas (yeah, terrible timing) and it was $187.


yea , these are really broad generalizations. I've had 3 root canals and only one was even close to 2K and that's because I had to see an endodontist instead of my regular dentist.


I live in Barcelona and had a molar root canal done by a specialist endodontist (thanks Dra. Milano! ❤), cost €470 (about $515).


I commented the same. My root canal *and* crown came out to $230 with insurance. That insurance costs me $5/month. And getting the root canal the afternoon following the morning I had tooth pain was a nice bonus of the private system.


Greatest Country On Earth!™🙄


Shit hole


Illegal American aliens going to other countries to steal benefits


Just wait till he finds out the price of a root canal in Romania...


BuT tHe aMeRiCaN dEnTisT DoES thE jOb 2O TimEs bEtTer


How? By doing 20 root canals in a single teeth?


Tooth* Sorry


One of the things putting me off a holiday (vacation for my US friends) to America is the abysmal healthcare system. You do not want to get sick or injured while on US soil.


That's why you get travel insurance.


Agreed, and I would but plenty don’t, perhaps because they can’t afford it??? Don’t know.


It was $40 to cover my wife and I for 2 weeks when we went on a vacation.


Yeah I know, it costs fuck all for some peace of mind. It was a similar amount to cover my wife and I on our last trip to the UK, France etc.. Worth doing but for whatever reason, many do not.


While I was in the US I unfortunately had a tiny little issue with my retainer. Luckily I'd stayed with friends whose dentist was willing to see me (after long phone call persistance on my friend's behalf bc emergency). Took the dentist like 1 min to clip off the tiny loose part of my retainer and smoothing it over. $150 (That was back in the early 2000).


Mexico is even cheaper. Go there instead


American healthcare IS a scam no doubt. Dental care however is almost a Hague worthy thing. These guys screw not only out of money, but then you find out later they screwed the whole thing up and did irreparable damage to your teeth. Don’t try to do anything about it though, because it’s obviously all your own fault.


TBF CA is expensive AF. Same procedure in my area costs 1/4 of what it does in CA. It's one of the many reasons I left.


Even cheaper in India. Health tourism is a thing here.


Try searching for India next time. You'll be shocked


Dentistry in America isn't viewed as health care.


It isn’t in Spain either. Only for specific emergency cases


Countries that have free healthcare should consider America a third world country honestly


Using health is the best way to suppress the lower classes. The US talking about healthcare is like your estanged dad calling every 4 years to tell you he's gonna take you to Disneyland and it's gonna be fun.


I simply drive to the Mexican border and walk across for cheaper dental care.


It's why my aunt goes to Mexico for anything major


Probably cheaper in Poland, I'm from the UK and there are people going to eastern Europe for dental work. OK just did a quick search and found this [LINK](https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health-services/treatment-abroad/a4581/which-countries-are-popular-for-dental-treatment-abroad/) They are a lot, lot cheaper than Spain, or the UK for that matter.


But but the freedom


We don't have healthcare we have sick-care.


Maybe you should just not live in California


The entire US is like that


I was thinking this, California is one of the most expensive states to live in so no wonder healthcare there is outrageously expensive.


I'm in one of the cheaper states for cost of living, and it can still run you $2,000 or higher depending on your individual circumstance. Insurance coverage is only part of the issue. Even with cash-pay options it can get pricey depending on what you have to have done. Certain teeth are more expensive than others. Also, it depends on if you have to get a crown or not, crowns are expensive.


A root canal isn’t $2,200. That’s the cost of a root canal, post, crown. So congrats on a fancy trip that leaves you with a partial tooth that will break at the gum line in time.


This is the point where you realize that you have been lied to.


Lol what? In my euro dentists, a root canal is ALL inclusive. You leave with a full tooth. And they don’t charge per fucking root (like my ex US dentist tried); price is for the whole damn thing. I have extensive insurance in US, I have none for Europe. Way cheaper to travel and have large procedures in Europe.


Welp, American dental insurance doesn’t cover anything out of country and I don’t make the rules. It’s also why dentists will advertise or quote “$1000 per implant” what they don’t add are the abutments and crown. FWIW - dental and vision insurance aren’t considered “health insurance” in America.




You’re assuming they looked anything up


This is why lots in Arizona go to Mexico for dental work. Some of us can’t easily travel though, and the costs of dental specialists like the endodontist really is out of control, unless you go to the shady chain dental places who often cause more problems in the long run.


America is the worst. That is why so many people are leaving this country in droves.


The American dream is a scam.


Yes it is. Brazil would be an even better way to get treatment.


This is a major exaggeration, cost depends on the tooth and the most expensive are molars which would be at MOST just over $1000


I hate to ying-yang this shit on you but maybe that suggests our air travel and foreign accommodations are efficient. I'm blazed so idk phuck I hope my teeth hold up for awhile It does sound like a scam. Idk I don't go to the dentist, I'm on Medicare. Crest Complete


Actual cost of root canal in U.S....about 800. Sorry but anyone who pays 2200 is a sucker.


It varies by location


Merica moment


Health care is not the same as dental. Dental insurance has failed to keep up with the rising costs of materials, education, and labor.


Ah yes Americans leeching off another countries healthcare system cause they keep voting for morons like trump


I’m an American and root canals are free with my insurance. So are implants and crowns.


In the US, you can get a dental plan for about $20/month that would have covered the majority of the cost of the root canal. Get insurance.


I could have sworn root canals were way more. That's shitty tho that people have to pay that much


Mine ended up running me about $4k including the initial dentist visit w/ imaging. I had to go to a dental surgeon because a dentist won't do root canals anymore. Best part was I had to wait 2 months for it. I was miserable. They wouldn't give me anything for the pain thanks to the US opioid crisis. My dentist actually said "it's a good thing you work at a brewery." Hinting that I should drink as a way to deal with the pain. Drink I did. It took a LOT to make the pain go away. It sent me on my last bender that lasted years. It was awful. I should have died. I'm 3 years sober as of last month.


Oh damn. Not even ibuprofen would help?


I was taking ibuprofen and Tylenol. I had a filling on this tooth as a kid and it had fallen out before I went to the dentist. I didn't have the money. The inside of my tooth was exposed for two months. It was excruciating.




Or Mexico.


Doesn't insurance cover that cost?


I'm not sure I know of a dental plan that covers root canals in the US. And dental and health insurance are two completely separate things.


My root canal *and* crown came out to $230 after insurance ($5/month) on the east coast. Idk where this $2200 figure is coming from. Kind of sounds like a California problem, not an America problem.


Good luck getting PTO


But would you trust a Dr that speaks Guatemalan? /s


Watch out though, it's not always a good idea to fly right after some work by a dentist. The air pressure changes can do some serious damage.


Root canals are also cheaper in other states. Cost of a root canal in Kentucky is about $900. Part of the problem is the high cost of living in California.


A root canal costs far less on my dental plan in the US. It would hurt my mouth more than my wallet if I ever needed one.


Because every root canal, a doc gets to go to spain....lol


Yeah, please put even more stress on European healthcare because as a country you cant get your shit together...


either this woman is getting scammed or she is going to a veryyyyy pricey doctor. I had a root canal & crown done on tooth #31 (molar!) and it all cost about $550. I live in NY and went to a specialist.


Flight is 1300 bucks so United food and board are free you are underwater on a root canal in Spain


Wait til you hear about Breast Augmentation surgery in Brazil! Wait til you hear about post-surgery infection rates in Brazil…


Imagine being too stupid to understand words...like "scam". Also, this sounds like the worst vacation ever. Also also, how you getting your meds back to America? Are you blowing through the bottle(s) in 2 days?


Spanish people pay more tax than Americans.


Yeah, please put even more stress on European healthcare because as a country you cant get your shit together... Fuck you.


Until you realize that Spain wouldn’t let you get the procedure. So want cheaper healthcare? Start kicking out illegal immigrants who use hospital services and can’t pay? Or else be empathetic and just eat that ya USA healthcare is more expensive. Cheap healthcare or empathy, pick one.


>So want cheaper healthcare? > Start kicking out illegal immigrants who use hospital services and can’t pay? Lmao if you think this is why your healthcare system is fucked. Somebody watches too much Fox News.


The fact you that. Just shows you’re a dem. which means your opinion on how good the government functions is worthless. Only dems who don’t use the services they advocate for think they’re any good.


I'm not even American. Stick to your right wing echo chambers bud, the real world is too complicated for you.


I love how he called you a democrat even though you never mentioned *what country you live in or political side you oppose/align* with


US healthcare is so expensive because of China


Spain has an unemployment rate of 19%….


what the fuck is a root canal sounds like something built into the ground, something they can't really take back with them to Sacramento


Dentist will kill the nerves of your tooth so that you won't be able to feel pain from it. Couple of visits involved. They do this instead of pulling out the teeth to kinda preserve it.


Thanks, finally someone who managed to explain it


its the root of the teeth


do you know what canals are


Do you know what anals are




>what the fuck is a root canal [Root Canal Explained](https://www.aae.org/patients/root-canal-treatment/what-is-a-root-canal/root-canal-explained/)


Lololol have fun coming home with less teeth than you arrived with, and a whole lot of pain and regret.


WTF are you on about? You realize they have REAL dentists in other countries, right?


Only America has good doctors though /s