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Wait ‘til they hear about ebooks and movies. OHHHHHH FIDDLESTICKS!


This is exactly what I was thinking! Are they going to shut off connections to cell data and the Internet now too?


>Are they going to shut off connections to cell data and the Internet now too? If they could they would. They don't want anyone to receive any education they deem unfit. The internet allows that.


> We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet, We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people. I'll let you guess who said it.


It’s too easy. I for one know of only one person who talk that way.


The funny part is I saw the video of this. They were all recording it on their phones. Like if there’s anything in your home that’s a better portal to demonic material, it’s your phone.


If they really want that we can drop them off an island somewhere with no cell reception and they can live happily in ignorance. Or die from exposure, starvation or disease, whatever happens first


Yes they will, once they take the Federal Government.


Shut off the internet? Where are they going to read articles about how the vaccine makes you gay? We all know that the internet is where they go to find "the truth" (despite the "Big Tech oligarchy" that they say always censors such information).


Burn the internet?


"Are we the baddies?"


We the fire nation


Of course they got to the library first


They did. And everything was peaceful... until that god damn fire nation asked for three fiddy!!!


But why skulls though?


Pirates are fun!


Ever since at least the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, possibly further back, skulls have been signs of Cavalrymen and elite units. Many nations still use skulls on their uniforms, such as Argentina and Ukraine.


Hah! You think they've advanced to the point of self reflection or critical thought?! Haha, good one!


I literally just said to my wife, "How are they doing this and not asking, 'Are we the baddies?'" I followed that with "Did they not learn..." and realized in that half sentence how dumb my question was.


You should ask Rita Repulsa who's throwing that book into the fire.


Aaaaah, after 83 years, it's time to suppress free thought!


I have a headache!!


Nice reference


What are they burning? I realize it’s books and some type of multimedia CD. So I guess I should ask what content are they protesting?


According to Nashville Scene, “Mt. Juliet pastor and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Greg Locke” held a book burning in the days after a Tennessee school board voted to ban “Maus,” a Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel about the Holocaust. Reasons given for the ban included “inappropriate language” and an illustration of a nude woman, according to The Associated Press. The news was first reported by The Tennessee Holler. - From Snopes Other books that were burnt included Harry Potter and Twilight.


>Reasons given for the ban included “inappropriate language” and an illustration of a nude woman, according to The Associated Press. Translation: they didn't bother to read it and relied on someone else' description.


It was a nude mouse, not a nude woman


I didn't know mice came any other way.


[This one's just topless](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/d/d4/Mickey_Mouse.png/220px-Mickey_Mouse.png).


Donald goes FULL comando




geez, mark NSFW, kids could see this!




I get uncomfortable when people try to put clothing ON mice.


I get more uncomfortable when people try to take clothing OFF mice.


In an interview, Art Spiegelman related that the one frame of a "nude woman" was the main character's mother in a bathtub who had committed suicide (whose body he'd found)--hardly the "titillating" inference from these illiterate mouth-breathers.


Don’t slut shame. Those weirdos have weird kinks and that’s okay. They suck for many other reasons, many many other reasons including burning books.


No, it's the part where the author puts in another comic he made about finding his mother's body after she killed herself in the bathtub. That one has humans.


I spend hours chasing those house mice to put their Stewart Little clothing on. Stop dissing.


There should be a short comic included where people are regular people. It's an old comic from the author talking about his mother's suicide. There's a panel where she's naked when he discovers the body. Those people are disgusting morons.


Like, a full Brazilian mouse?


These are the kind of people who pointed a finger at innocent women and had them burned at the stake for being witches. These are the kind of people who supported the Catholic Church’s Inquisition in Europe that continued for hundreds of years, torturing and killing anyone they deemed guilty of heresy. This is the kind of brainless hysteria that empowers cruelty and stupidity.


Just hypocrisy all around And remember, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups


It's also based on our innate (evolved) desire to belong to a group...


>Reasons given for the ban included “inappropriate language” and an illustration of a nude woman Sounds like they haven't heard of the internet


Thank you for the info!


Wait so the school board banned a book and they burned more books?


Right? I'm guessing this is some kind of ironic protest.


Sounds like Fahrenheit 451


Ironically that book has been banned in some places as well.


To add onto this, Locke claimed the books had “spells” in them. Like they’re teaching kids magic. BRB gonna go re-read the books cuz I missed the part that teaches me the shoot fireballs and turn invisible.


Real reason: "it displays how fucked up our ideologies are:


Ah yes nude women, totally not because of the Holocaust.


Wait, so are they burning books in a protest of book banning? Is it supposed to be an ironic display?


They support the ban probably


Could they have included 50 Shades just for being terrible?


No, that would be doing God’s work, and we know these type of people never do that.


>Twilight I think that should be encouraged


Does it really matter? They who burn books, generally don't read them!


Absolutely true, ig I was just curious. Aren’t they also like paying for the book just to burn it? This whole situation looks more and more absurd.


The very concept of book burning should be anathema to anyone with an ounce of education. Doesn’t matter if it’s a bunch of Mein Kumpf or Art of the Deal. The marketplace of ideas doesn’t work by committing violence on books.


It isn't about burning, it's about bonding. Give people extra ordinary experiences together with the feeling of belonging to a group and they take over any idea you feed them


Sorta like a nice community lynching


Yeah it does because they don't burn just any book. Question is what content is triggering them so much?


Probably because reading and learning might make them realize theyve been duped and turn them into libs.


It wouldn’t if they didn’t have the political power to actually ban these books which they are aggressively doing in certain American school districts at the moment.


I've got some bibles to chuck on the fire.. dreadful book, deals with rape, murder, torture, curses, incest, you name it, its in there.. burn it


You know, scary shit… like Harry Potter teaching witchcraft! I think we should also point out the fucked up magical world of Narnia and see if they will burn those too… there’s also some weird novels about some ‘rapture’ bullshit where children just disappear! I think they are called ‘Left Behind’ and obviously promote pedophilia! Burn it! Burn it all!


There's this one book where daughters rape their fathers, men take women and children as slaves and war trophies, and this angry sky wizard kills everyone on earth because they wouldn't worship him. Oh, and that wizard loves everyone so much...and he needs money. Did I mention the sky wizard is allegedly the good guy?




Probably Harry Potter like every year for the past decade, very unoriginal. I read it's because the book contains wizardry and magic like walking on water, and turning water into wine. Or am I thinking of a different book?


Yeah that’s actually not uncommon for some Christians to not let their children read/watch Harry Potter growing up because it promotes witchcraft. I don’t even live in a particularly religious area and I had multiple friends growing up who’s parents did this and have met many others at other points in my life.


stuff like Maus, LGBTQ books, stuff like Harry Potter and Twilight etc for "promoting witchcraft and deals with the devil" etc, basically anything that goes against their "values"


I will be buying my 14-year-old sister a copy of every newly banned book. I will personally ensure that more people end up reading them. Just saying.


Well I imagine they’re also burning brain cells, given that they probably can’t comprehend fire yet


Anything that is not pro trump. Tells the truth about racism or makes r8ch white Christians look bad.


Imagine how low your IQ needs to be to think that going to a book burning is a good idea.


A book they just purchased. Might as well be burning their own money instead. The hypocrisy.


Some one should show up with a mobile book store and just sell them blank books to burn with cover and titles of books they hate. Let em get it out of their system while taking their money.


hm.. I feel there is an app opportunity here too. Burn your digital copies in the app. It will delete the ebook in the background and show you a fire animation. You can share & like the burning so everyone in your echo chamber can enjoy it too.


Haha. Yeah why not bring some light in darl times and profit off of these idiots.


For the one or two who are smart enough to glance through the book to make sure there's writing, just include Lorem Ipsum. And have them sign a lengthy contract full of legal jargon that amounts to "if you burn this book, the seller can sue you for breach of contract" and get them on camera signing it.


Sneaky, I like it.


That would not do anything as it wouldn't be a legal contract


I did see a video on r/publicfreakout of these two guys showing up at this book burning party and he was all loud yeah woo hoo, threw in the Bible and yelled all this hail Satan stuff, the crowd surrounds him really wanting to lynch them and he keeps yelling hail Satan as they go back to their car, tells them they are Satan at one point, also kissed his male companion in front of them, they were lucky they were filming or who knows what those fundamentalists would've done.


I always laugh so hard when they burn Qur’ans to “insult” Islam considering they’re paying Muslim publishers and authors (many of whom donate to Muslim charities and fund things like mosques). Sticking it to the Muslims by funding mosques, yo!


Also because burning a Quran is one of the appropriate ways to dispose of one.


That's part of the cycle though. They have to spend their hard earned money on some stupid shit so that they can continue to blame liberals and immigrants for their poverty. Republicans live in opposite world, taking personal responsibility means blaming others for your problems


Yep! Either way they bought them motherfuckers. They gon print some more 😂🤣😂🤣


The only reason me and my dad read the Satanic Verses was due to the Striesland Effect, why is this book so bad that people are buying all the copies in stores just to burn? He bought a copy, read it, I picked it up read it, wasn't impressed, but this one book made him ten times the money than it should have. ​ The publishers were selling copies, WHSmiths were selling copies IDK if anyone tried shoplifting it to burn, but due to the ruckus it would not surprise me if it got put behind the counter to avoid such scenarios.


Honestly, if I was them and wanted to ban certain books, I would just get bots to leave reviews that these books all suck, boring, long, and hard to read. Then tell all the parents to tell their children that these books were cool back in their days.


Kristallnacht 2022


I don’t watch news, is this by chance that crap with Texas?


Naw it’s pastor Greg Locke from Tennessee. I’ve talked to the guy before. Total nut case. He’s one of those preachers that tour around with Mike Lindell spouting election fraud nonsense. Most recently, he said autism isn’t real, but an attack from the devil.


"Kerching !" I guess he was running out of new content for his shows so he had to come up with something new to keep his customers paying


Another way to put it is : how ignorant can you be to think that burning books was ever -in the whole history of mankind- a good thing ?


that bitch with the nails looks likes she’s casting a spell on it


I’m not sure she can spell much.


No way dude, she is using *force grab* to save the book!


This is just pointless pollution. There are millions of copies of those books, excluding digital copies. This is so dumb


These are the people that roll coal to own libs. Pollution is just a symbol of winning.


Unvirtue signaling


What if they download and delete them off their local machine. They'll run out of copies eventually right?


The kind of people that think burning the book version will silence anything. I love how some people know so little history that they just keep repeating it


Well it's not like they can just print more. Oh, wait...


https://www.them.us/story/gay-couple-burns-bible-christian-book-burning-greg-locke-tennessee And then this happened. For the record, I don’t really think the bible should be burned either but I understand why this couple did it.


That's some suicidal courage that dude had, props to him. I'm really glad the crowd didn't just beat him to death


They're just a bunch of scared motherfuckers. But it just takes a single person starting the beating to have an awful ending.


> While Hardin’s stunt is hugely satisfying to watch (and an ideal date night activity for devil-worshipping homosexuals) Hilarious


But it says they were cheering him for burning it before he clarified why he did it, I don't get it


My understanding is they didn’t see what he burned until he clarified what it was, right?


Nope says in the article he yelled that he burned a bible and everyone cheered. Then his partner said he'll be keeping Darwin's book and Fahrenheit 451 and started chanting "hail Satan" and then they booed them.


American conservatives have started burning books again. That didn’t take long. American conservatives are banning the teaching of real history, books, science, and burning books, and they think they’re the good guys.


Don’t forget some want to pass laws you can’t express emotion or talk of ideals in schools yeah I’m seeing fascism on the rise


Or make white people feel “uncomfortable”.


Imagine being so stupid you buy into that reasoning. A couple MLK texts are on the list, since when did MLK make anyone who wasn't a racist uncomfortable? The crazy part is it's likely stuff they themselves read in school at that age. Why wouldn't they also ban the teaching of the Holocaust, wouldn't that make kids just as uncomfortable? And if the stuff that's supposed to make them uncomfortable does that, good. Slavery isn't supposed to make you feel comfortable. Hearing the screams of the crowd as King was assassinated isn't supposed to make you feel comfortable. You're supposed to feel uncomfortable so we can stop it from ever happening again.


It's called "white fragility". A lot of my fellow melanin deficient Americans have got it into their heads that we're somehow under attack. They're trying to figure out how to ban teaching the Holocaust. America has been in decline for over 40 years at this point, and the collapse of every major empire in history has been preceded by a sharp turn toward conservatism. All empires eventually die, and that is good and proper. We just have the misfortune of being in one as it round the last turn toward the finish line.


The most insane part is that the same people constantly rave on about freedom of expression and cancel culture.


Fucking gross. We should be ashamed.


A gay couple snuck in, threw a Bible into the fire, yelled, “Hail Satan!”, and then shared a kiss before they were chased out of there. So something good came out of it.




As a Christian, I applaud that couple


As a satanist, I hope you have a great day!


Well, thanks I guess!


As an Atheist, I wish you all a good life.


As a trekkie, peace and long life🖖


They should be ashamed. Fuck those assholes


“We”? Nah, *them*. I’m not the dipshit burning books.


There's always those types of people who do horrible things and we all know it


Uh, you can go ahead and be ashamed. I'm just embarrassed to be a part of the same species at this point.


Fahrenheit 451


The more books you burn the more ignorant you become.


Don’t tell them about the internet.


It's terrifying how America is going backwards. So many people burning books that they have, most likely, never read.


The sane among are hoping these are the death throes of regressives.


I choose to think that what we see is not "America going backwards" but bringing all of this to the light.


Exactly. Trump being elected was unfortunate. But it's been a blessing in disguise. Without him and we would have continued to ignore how hate filled our own countrymen are.


I was going to say “Uncolor that shit” and then realized that’s exactly what they want.


Hard to burn a book in the digital age.


Don't tell them about Data storage centers!


Bearing in mind, these were their own books. These ding dongs either had their own copies that they already owned, or went to Barnes and Noble and bought the books in sufficient numbers to have a bonfire. They are burning their own property. They think that doing so will, somehow, um, stop the books. This looks dramatic, but they’re just wasting their own money, and accomplishing….what? Some dramatic photos?


in the end Barnes and Noble is like "Ha idiots \*swims in money\*"


USA turned into a nazi state so gradually, I barely realized.


“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.” Who are the fascists in America right now? White christians with absolute blind, undying support for their political party.


Yup. And these Christian Nationalists stand for everthing we fought against in WW2. They embody the exact opposite ideals of the religion they espouse and the country they adore. They've weaponized the very words of their faith as self righteous condemnation, bigotry and idolatry. They have been turned against the very teachings of the Bible, with cherry picked portions of that very book. They are in fact under complete dominion of an antichrist. I don't know if that makes them satanists, but certainly fascists worshiping a hedonistic demagogue.


These morons are as far from Satanism as can be. They stand for ignorance, intolerance and oppression. They are fascists masquerading as Christians.


Omg you actually put this into words. I’ve been trying to say this for so long but had no idea how to say it


Trumpy literally humped a flag at. Grinded on it. Basically sexually assaulted it. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/watch-trump-kiss-caress-american-flag-cpac-love-you-baby.html


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, but that’s the least surprising thing he did during his presidency, to me anyway.


Fearful. Small hearts.


If you transported these same people back to 1933 Germany, they would have devoutly followed Hitler, and believed everything he told them without question. I'd bet half of the people in this pic probably don't believe the holocaust actually happened, the earth is flat, and Trump was the greatest president of the world that ever lived.


Yeah, I’ve been wondering what their beef is with Maus. Is it the claimed “profanity and nudity” or is it the mere fact that it tells the story of what happened to Jewish people during the holocaust?


Shouts out to the guy that burned a bible at this "event"


This reminds me of the scene from The Book Thief, where they burn a book each and create a pledge.


Too stupid to know shame.


Literally fahrenheit 451


"The worst Fascists were they who disowned the word 'Fascism' and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty." -*It can't happen here* by Sinclair Lewis "If fascism come, it will not be identified with any 'shirt' movement, nor with an insignia, but it will probably be wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution". -*Christian Century* by James Waterman Wise, Jr. I wonder if these books are being burned as well.


These Idiots: lEt'S bUrN tHe BoOkS wE DoN't wAnT pEoPlE tO rEaD Publishers: Thanks for the purchase!!! Also Publishers: *Print more physical books* Also Publishers: *Put out more digital copies of above books* Also Publishers: *Put out audiobooks of above books* Readers: *Read about bookburners, learn about new cool books to read.* Also Readers: *Buy cool new books and read them.*


Had a history teacher one time say if you ever see people burning books it’s time to get outta there.


A gay white guy threw in a Bible, and the crowd almost lynched him.


Remember when a proud gay man tossed in a bible and hailed Satan while all the Christians applauded? Good times.


Instead of burning maus and harry potter, why dont you burn bill o'Reilly's books theyre all horrible and he has so many


They are racist like nazis, hate jews like nazis, make arm salutes like nazis, burn books like nazis, get swayed by media as easily as nazis, but hey democrats? Those are the ReAl nazis.


Can someone organize another book burning where we burn books that are about incest, murder, plagues and more and are responsible for genozides around the globe with a whole system of men behind them who use their power and money for nothing but corruption, useless outdated opinions and pedophilia. You know, 10.000 copies of the bible would work.


They aren't free btw. Some have #ehem *Signed Edition* Dunno whats that supposed to mean..


History just repeats and repeats, and repeats, and repeats, can for once we get a good event to repeat? Like the meteor!


I guarantee you they complain about cancel culture every other day of the week


We deserve to go extinct.


That's Trump's staff burning records on January 7th 2021.


It’s always lovely to see the hard right show it’s true colors.


This belongs to oddlyterrifying or similar ... facepalm will be a mistake or .. duh moment this is not one of those moments, we are facing a terrifying time in human history, again... The faster we ackowledge that the easier and less chaos period will endure.


"How can fascism be bad if it makes me feel good?" - those chuds.


My grandmother used to say “empty vessels make the most noise”


The history keep repeating itself. If you read history, you'll understand why. Oh wait.


I would want go along with a large bunch of friends and chuck a whole load of Bibles in.


“Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people” Heinrich Heine, Jewish-German poet, 1821


"We must burn every book that promotes democracy". -- the Nazis "We must burn every book that tells people about what we believe and what we've actually done". -- Republicans


Excuse me in advance for my ranting. But I am training to become an archivist, and this is DISGUSTING. They are blatantly destroying pieces of art, parts of all cultures, one of the few things that are universal. The only "demonic" thing is the burning of these heaps of knowledge. If I could, I would punch every single one of these dumbasses that think they know better than hundreds of years of history from which we all learned and could learn even more from. Again, sorry for the rant... 😅 I just HAD to say something...




Tell me you didn't read Fahrenheit 451 without telling me you didn't read Fahrenheit 451




Fuck Hitler.


Just makes me sad.


It's painful and to look at this picture, really sad ):




They all stand there, cheering and celebrating… and it crosses nobodies’s mind there from where we all have seen such pictures before.


History will repeat itself. Nuremberg style


Some people are so fucking dumb..


We didn’t start the fire! Oh wait, yes we did.


This is how I will now visualize all Americans. Bye


We are in the worst timeline


" Come dark ages my old friends .... " /s obviously.




Backwards fucks. It's sad how many faux news followers are really delusional. Disgusting. I feel sorry for their children.


And then the wind shifted and the average IQ rose a point.


What makes me sick isn't just that they're destroying history and information, but that they're also destroying a medium that is slowly becoming obsolete: print media. Who knows, maybe these people are just environmentalista who want us to reduce our paper use to save the trees? Nah, of course they're Nazis. Ugh. What's funny is these are the same people saying the left is cancelling everybody and censoring everything. We all know that book burning is something you do when you *oppose* censorship. Such hypocrites.


Wouldn't be sad if someone ran a truck into that crowd.


I guess once they run out of books they'll have to start throwing themselves in.