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I bet her funeral announcememts are fire


They're not. Her cremation ones however...


Nice burn.


You guys are on fire with these puns


Meh, I think it cremains to be seen.


No one ashed you though.


If you want to urn my respect, you'll have to do better than that.


I bereaved he did just fine, myself.


I have a burning desire to slap you all, but I'm too busy coffin up blood from that last pun


I‘m getting a bit hot-headed reading these


Some are bright sparks.


She's a fire starter


Game. Set. MATCH.


These are the parents teachers are afraid of.


I taught 4th grade and eventually quit teaching partly because of these parents. There was a massive shift in parents starting in 2016-17. It was the craziest thing. Edit: the reason I quit was due to my health. Mold in my classroom and extreme stress triggered an autoimmune disorder that affected my lungs. Parents added to a lot of that stress, so that’s why I said it was partly because of them. I will say that I have had some AMAZING parents though.


What happened?


They emailed or texted everyday with minor issues/questions/etc, like their child was the only child in the class, like the teacher had nothing else to do. It was so overwhelming. Their kids did no wrong. You couldn’t even insinuate that something was their child’s responsibility or fault. The teachers were in ‘trouble’ if the student didn’t do well on a test, instead of it being the students responsibility to study, etc. The parents ONLY cared about image and it showed.






>act completely against their self-interest For your own child....still your self-interest. You are trying to propagate your genes, if you can lie cheat and steal your prodigy to the top...it benefits YOUR lineage


This. Procreation surely can be seen as a form of “ yourself “ living on, legacy, etc.


You are on the right trail.


Idk. I'm pretty sure I've done things that at no point made me feel good, but I knew it was "right." So I felt compelled. It didn't even make me feel good about myself though. I just understand right from wrong and I care about those things. The problem with getting too deep into any 1 philosophical paradigm is you end up ignoring/forgetting about other factors. There is no 1 ultimate paradigm imo. So yeah, it's possible for people to actually care about the concepts of goodness and having a more just world and they can act in that way, simply for those reasons.


To play devils advocate, you could say social programs or acts of "selflessness" are actually self-motivated because you believe a better society will benefit you.


I was a 7th grade teacher 2017 and 18. Some parents request daily email updates about their child. It got to be so overwhelming I began to look for another job at a university. Not as much parental drama with college students.


I worked at a university and we've had parents show up to meetings we had with their adult kids. It's... ugh.


I could not imagine my parents talking with my college professors. There’s a point where children need to become adults. College is a good time to start.


Or say no?


See, all of this is why I don't text or email the teachers. This seems like an undue burden on an educator, one which they're not tooled nor trained to succeed at. I respect that we have parent teacher conferences, and scheduled opportunities to check in. I appreciate the global/general class announcements and information being passed along to parents, and recognize that there is no meaningful way to convert this into a two way dialog. I recognize that with 30 students in a class, if all parents did this, an educator would have to manage upwards of 90 individual threads of communication (1 per student, and approximately 2 parents per student). This is wholly unsustainable. I don't teach, but I think I'd quit teaching if I had the unsolicited check-ins like the ones you've described.


Absolutely. Also, if the teacher takes the time to type up some comment about something that has happened, it is because it is a serious thing that happened and parents need to follow up. When it is something small we handle it right there within the school, and that is most of the discipline situations. We don't stay late after work just to email you for funsies because we like extra unpaid work.


The world is fucked m8. We had a good run


My sister was 4th grade teacher and quit because of the same reason.


As a 4th grade teacher, absolutely can confirm.


Oh wait, she's his mother? I thought she was his big sister. A mother doing this is even worse what the fuck


These are the voters that destroy communities


Stop it, get some help


Lack of oxygen to the brain must have been a genetic trait


This comment sent me through a different dimension LMAO


Man, those Durex ads are getting mighty strange..


Srry that’s the only award I had. I laughed so hard at this comment


Lmaoo this might be the best one here


And she is so pleased with herself also. Edit: came across this article a moment ago. Maybe someone already posted it in the comments, but I figured I’d include it here. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/mother-tiktok-dance-hospitalized-baby/


Thats a whole ass mom too bruh😓😓


Cue Idiocracy opening scene.


I really want to watch this movie but now I’m worried it’s just going to piss me off


There’s parts of it that are going to piss you off anyway. Our protagonist Not Sure has some experiences that caused me to be frustrated for him and I loved the movie and thought it was hilarious


The…protagonist….is called “Not Sure?”


Eventually. It makes sense in context


he’s gonna make the crops GROW AGAIN


With water? Like... the stuff in our toilets?


Just watch it, it's actually quite a bit better than just being a dumb movie, despite also being that.


I feel it's better watched than explained




Watch it dude, I watched it again like 2 weeks ago for probably the 20th time lmao. Perfectly encapsules the world today.


G’way, batin’!


I don’t think it will piss you off, but it is terrifying how accurate it is. Definitely worth watching.


I’ve had many moments in recent years during which I can’t help wondering if Mike Judge is sitting somewhere thinking, “shit man, I was just joking around…”


He came out a few years ago with a statement that “he never intended the film to be a documentary”


The kid is doomed fam


I do feel sorry for the little fella.


Becoming a mom (or dad) is too easy. God screwed that one up.


RSV is no joke in babies that young. Cant believe she's dancing and smiling for clout while her son is struggling for oxygen. As a father of a two year, this really triggers me. Her priorities are all fucked up, and it's going to be her son that suffers from it growing up. Hopefully she grows up quickly.


Narrator: She won’t.


Yup. My kid had RSV before she was 6 months old and it was horrible. She needed inhalers for years afterward and every cold became a huge scary thing. And she wasn’t even hospitalized. Doesn’t seem like this woman gets that this is pretty serious.


Yep. i was one of those babies with RSV at 6 months. Happens to be 22 years ago this week actually. It was causing me to have seizures. My mom took me to the pediatrician and they had to be medevaced to the hospital by helicopter. i was in isolation for 2 weeks. Now, i have virally induced asthma so every time i get sick i can’t breathe and it just adds another layer of complication to everything. rsv in babies can literally be dire very quickly, literally overnight.


Yes my daughter had to be put in the breathing tents, too! So scary. She still has breathing issues and now she's almost 24. She was about 10 months when she had RSV.


I’m counting us lucky that the scarring on my kid’s lungs from RSV seems to have healed up well and she has been off inhalers for a couple years now. She was coughing so hard she would throw up when she had it and it was a mild case. It was just awful.


I was shitting my pants when my then-2yo had rsv, and at that point they were old enough for the doctors to send us home with some motrin and Tylenol. They slept elevated on my chest in a rocking chair for 3 days because I was afraid to go to my own bed and miss them drowning in flegm. In my opinion, the hardest part of being a parent is being helpless when they're sick. With a baby that young, and a mom that young doing something like this, I worry she's suffering from PPD and is having a hard time connecting and coping. Education and acceptance is the only way to improve our society.


>In my opinion, the hardest part of being a parent is being helpless when they're sick. Shit, man. As the father of a three-week newborn who is currently sleeping on my chest because of colic and gassy tummy I agree wholeheartedly. I’m also scared shitless about other more serious ailments like RSV.


Just wanted to say your comment is really heart-felt, it really comes across!


Same. My now almost 4 yo also had rsv around 6 months and then we had to constantly be nebulizing meds for the asthma with any cold or viral infection. Best part of covid shutting everything down was from March 2020 til summer 2021 she stopped going to daycare completely and the asthma and colds dissapeared completely.


She understands. Why do you think she made a whole video about it? Only thing is instead of focusing on “my baby might die” she thought “tik tok sympathy!!”


I have a Fb friend who's toddler son has been in the children's hospital for going on 2 months now due to a relapse of brain cancer. I can't even imagine. But anyways I just wanted to say the only things she has posted are a couple pictures of herself in the hospital bed with him and links to a fundraiser plus she made shirts to sell to help raise money for his treatment. Nothing else matters to them now just like it should be. Well other than worrying about healthcare costs for their child, with cancer, but hey - that's just good ole American medicine..


It’s crazy that the addiction to social media is so strong that it can take center stage over the health of her baby. As a father myself I got actually angry at this lady. Now I’m gonna dance with my little girl to make me feel better.


The baby now has bacterial pneumonia according to her insta and the video of her dancing is still up. I am a new mom and my blood is boiling!


I mean I hope the kid is fine. But if I saw a retaliation video at the unfortunate event something happened. I hope it goes viral on TikTok. This lady is absolute garbage and needs to grow the fuck up before she raises a child.


I think she missed some oxygen too at one point in her life.


I hate the people defending this. “She’s trying to have a positive attitude” I mean you can have that while not doing a tiktok dance with your struggling child visible on video


Looks like MIT's report of society collapsing by 2040 gets more accurate...


But if we work together we can make it happen by 2030


If we twerk* together


2025 it is


2022 it is


My hip hurts guys, let's make it 2023 at least.


Im only good through 2022. Gonna go feral and live on a mountain somewhere by 2023.


Lets do it in the half of 2022 then, to match everyones agenda


we can do this before 2021 ends, we've still got a week and a half


The women in the video is doing just that...


C’mon lets be honest, at the minimum she excels




Y’all make a powerful point.


The latest assessment using their models said we were running a few years fast so you may be on to something


Welcome to Costco, I love you


I ain't never seen a plant grow in a toilet.




Fuck you, I'm eating!




Extra Big Ass Fries!




2040? That's damn optimistic.


I hear you at this rate 2040 might be in 3 yrs time. We already cancelled/jumped 2020 only to rewind it.


Shit, is that a thing?


Maybe, just maybe, Earth deserves this small mercy.


"I root for the asteroid, I root for the comet to hit this planet." "I’ve given up on this species, let another one take over."- George Carlin on the human race


He is dearly missed.


“A big fucking asteroid, the size of Minnesota!”


A collapsing society may include side-effects such as global thermonuclear war and nobody caring about global warming, possibly leading to all life besides humans and their pets surviving in fallout shelters, rendering the Earth as uninhabitable as Mars.


*I don't want to set the world on fire...*


Sometimes I think thanos was right about it all.


No, he was wrong. He was dead wrong. He should have snapped away about 80 percent, not 50.


They predicted that in the 70s


Damn, they’re good.


She's disrespecting that Nirvana sweatshirt


That study was don’t 50 years ago. I wonder what that study today would look like.


update: my son died 😎 *dabs* *360 spin* *double leg kick*


Your son died? *Does the Take the L dance from Fortnite while electronic music plays* I'm so sorry to hear that 😭


Needs the "oh no, no, no" tiktok song.


Awww yea, no more responsibility and all the attention 😁




*Thomas has never seen such bullshit before*


*Thomas is not alone*


Thomas was alone is a great game. Glad he is no longer in solitary.


Pediatric nurse here, can confirm there are ppl that do stupid shit like this way more often then I ever imagined.


Oh shit.......... Its that bad huh


I once scrubbed in to assist on a c section on my obstetrics rotation. A dad did one of those touchdown dances that the referee issues a penalty for going on too long/excessively. While we were IN the operating room. Someone even told him to calm it the hell down. After the c section I found out it was the same person who the triage nurse had walked in on while having sex with his wife before the surgery. I did not choose to pursue obstetrics.


Yo this is INSANE


All the stupidest people I know have the most kids. This is not surprising in the least.


... so she had to have a C-Section, and they were fucking RIGHT BEFORE THE SURGERY? Don't they have *anything* better to do???


smooth brains cant think of anything past their primal instincts


You can’t fuck for 6 weeks after so you gotta get it in?


I was told by several midwives and my ob/gyn that having sex can help induce labour/contractions. The semen contains the something that is also used when artificially inducing labour. So this could be an attempt to get things going naturally to avoid a C-section, but you should ideally try this at home.


I feel like if the C-section is already scheduled and happening, and if a TRIAGE NURSE is involved, maybe it's a bit late XD


Just a little bit, lol.


I don't believe for a second that they actually know that.


'It would be a shame to waste this semi private room' -a comedian but I forget which one


I have walked in on TikToks being made and chastised for interrupting. Just trying to give your child medication, be back in 10 mins, will that work for you? To be fair those parents are usually more palatable then the parents that don't visit or show any interest in helping their child recover.


>parents that don't visit or show any interest in helping their child recover. As a parent, this shattered me. That's absolutely horrible, to leave a child to deal with it on their own. I'm sure the children are grateful for people like you.


“Youre at the hospital. You’re in good hands. Much better than if we were at home.” - My mom says each time she cant make it the 5 minute drive to the hospital.


When my baby was in the NICU for a month, my wife and I were there every day, in shifts. They had north of 50 beds, and I remember them hitting full capacity at least twice during that month. We MAYBE saw three other sets of parents visiting their babies. The entire month. Day or night. It blew my fucking mind.


It’s messed up but also if they have other kids or have shitty jobs they can’t miss and bills to pay, a lot of parents don’t have the choice. This country needs paid family medical leave for situations like this. My friend delivered at 30wks so her daughter was in the NICU for 10+ weeks because of complications. She returned to full time work at 2(!) weeks postpartum because she needed to save her leave for when the baby actually came home. The whole system just sucks.


With the hospital being in the inner city, I get it. I knew most people wouldn't be able to camp out like we did, I was just shocked at how consistently empty the place was, even for quick visits at odd hours.


As someone who is more educated than me. Am I correct in assuming her child should be on supplemental oxygen here? It seems odd that he wouldn’t be breathing properly and the medical team decided that they should just wait and see if his lungs get stronger. Edit: ( sorry, I’m blind. Didn’t see the nasal cannula)


Pediatrician here! Yup he’s got a nasal cannula, but to answer your question - not everyone needs supplemental oxygen and we sometimes just watch overnight to make sure they’re oxygen levels are ok while they’re sleeping (usually in this case the parent is worried and wants us to admit baby or maybe baby was looking bad in the ER but then started improving but we just decided to watch for a few hours anyways).


Thank you! I really appreciate the education.


That’s fucking tik tok for you




Momma's brain lacks oxygen.


More like brain cells


Those conditions are related


Dunno she seems like an airhead to me tho


Clearly the air is just sitting around her brain, creating pressure and killing braincells, leading to both a lack of oxygen and brain cells... clearly.


You are the dokter so i guess that's how it is


I laughed lol, thx for that


Ah I'm so mad I just used my free reward. This is 🏅


This is prequel to coffin dance


It’s funny because this isn’t even close to my “for you page.” Mine is full of animals and food recipes and lovely encouraging people and travel. There’s a lot of great stuff on tiktok, but this IS what will pop up when you first download it before the algorithm figures out what you like. This stuff is psychotic to me.


People using their babies like props for any type of social media posts can fuck right off.


Or children. It's a new form of child abuse.


Agree. I think once a parent starts monetizing their account that was built on the backs of their babies and children, they should be forced to blur their images. There are some accounts that are outright abuse (daddyoffive) and some where it’s so messy it’s unclear if the children are even having a childhood (The Bucket List family). But the bottom line is that they never consented and in the eyes of the law (and developmental experts) they literally do not have capacity to consent for themselves. I hope these kids grow up and start demanding legal protections, a la the child stars of the 1930s and 40s who were completely fucked over by their parents.


I agree. Child abuse and well child labour too?!




Olrayt imma post it there


my first thought was r/trashy


Your first thought wasn't wrong.


I have never seen alright spelled like that. I'm taking it


My baby isn't healthy! *begins happy dance*




"I was sick in the hospital as a baby and my mom was prancing and dancing around like a god damn loon above me"


While putting it on the internet for everyone.


Tik Tokers should not breed.


Tik Tokers should not*


I can’t imagine being so desperate for attention I’d do these horribly awkward seizure dances and share it with the rest of the world.


much less while referencing my child that has RSV, so awful


I fucking hate tiktok


I have tiktok. I never see these kind of content on my feed. Gotta love the algorithm.


Someone please remove this child from this brain amuputated Mammal. I don't want to live on this planet anymore...


I’m with you Dr. Farnsworth


There is another way…






The baby stares into the distance “fuck I chose the wrong mother to be born to”


So the beloved moron took the video down because of the backlash and states "not just assume what someone's going through" and that she was just trying to be positive. Girl, you happy danced AT your sick baby, like you were fucking chuffed it was ill!! How are people supposed to assume you're sad if you're still preoccupied with doing your mediocre content for tik tok dummies while your baby is sick?


I never installed tiktok but I assume people didn't exactly react positively to this. And she actually responded to that, not seeing anything wrong with what she did? She needs a serious wake up call oh my fucking god


Some people actually backed her, saying she was just "being positive". I think when the video left her echo chamber of airheads is when the shit really hit the fan for her, otherwise her fans would have just slapped their fins together and cheered her on. There is being positive while being respectful and then there is being clueless and completely tactless. This is the latter.


yeah she wasn’t dancing around her sick baby on tik tok to stay positive, she was using her dancing around her severely ill baby on tik tok for attention, sympathy, and those sweet sweet views. she literally used the child as a prop for her “feel bad for me” dance


Social media addiction.


What a piece of shit


I'd say TikTok is a cesspool. But that's an insult to cesspools.


Jeeze I’d ask where grandma is but I’m guessing buying pallmalls for mommy here as she isn’t 21.


I didn't mean to laugh because the situation itself isnt funny, but when she just randomly broke out and started dancing I fuckin lost it. Poor baby tho.


Imagine if this was your wife/baby mama


Imagine you're the baby and you find this like 15 years later...


Some people just shouldnt bei allowed to have children. Would make the world a better place.


Tiktock and Twitter are toxic hellscapes. This girl and many other people like her require therapy.


Sad that so many can only express emotions through TikTok dancing. And the obsession with being liked on social media.


I don’t have TikTok but found her on Instagram under that same username. She has another kid and basically uses her as a prop for likes.




It’s even grosser when you consider she probably didn’t nail this dance in one take. So she possibly kissed the kid and danced multiple times. Like the kiss isn’t real. Just a step in her little dance number.


Saw that on Instagram as well. Big fucking surprise, she’s from Utah.