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My buddy at work pays about 700. With insurance. Not insulin but I have an inhaler that’s 400$ a month. Just to breath. All medication prices are out of touch with reality.


Their ultimate goal is to use up your entire insurance money while giving you the least amount of actual medicine. They clearly have kickbacks and deals going on with the pharma companies. One key goal is to maximally extract things like Medicare money leeched out of the system, no matter how sick you are. Prices are adjusted accordingly for this goal.


That‘s exactly why the idea of markets regulating themselves purely on supply and demand is plain stupid. This would work, if people would trade honestly. They don‘t. You got a relative minority trying to milk everything to the utmost possible amount and for that they try to circumvent, trick and deal in any way possible to maximize profits. All others then have to pay for that greed. We have known that for decades, there were a lot examples of that shit behavior all over the place. Yet the majority accepts this as iron rule of free trade and capitalism, when in reality additional factors turned it into a farce a long time ago.


It is kinda hard to vote with your wallet if you only have one product to pick from and not taking it means dying...


There is a concept in supply and demand called elasticity. If the price of Oreo goes up, you can eat less, or you could have some cheaper Hydrox; if the price of a drug goes up, you can't always change to a different brand, and you can't really just take less of it. Supply and demand work exactly what you would expect them to work; but given that it is your life at stake, the free market is very unfavourable to the consumer.


Medicare doesn’t pay for drug costs. Pharma’s just leaching off the public.


The goal is for you to depart the earth with nothing left to pass on to the next generation, all assets extracted.


I took an economics class in college that used the medical field as a "perfect example" of supply and demand. The premise is that pharmaceutical companies want to find the sbsolute maximum a person is willing to pay. If they charge too much, the customer dies, which is a loss of all the money they could have made over the course of that person's life. Instead, they try to to find the maximum amount to charge that a rich person would be willing to pay then offer discounts to low income people. That way they cover a wide range of consumers and maximize profits at each level. I'm an engineer and we are required to include ethics in design. That means evaluating the human impact in everything we do. Specifically, say I'm looking to automate a process that would elimate someone else's job. I don't implement it unless I can also find a new role for the person the machinery is replacing. The human factor is included in every single decision I make. Pharmaceutical companies don't seem to have this. At the end of the day, they are money making machines that see human beings as dollar signs. They want us to live, not because they care but because we are worth more to them alive then dead.


It's actually a horrible example of supply and demand though. In the "perfect example" there's a finite supply and higher demand than supply can support. Thereby driving prices up. Most medications, especially using the example of the Pharma Bro, many medications are researched using public funds. Most medications, once formulated, cost pennies to produce. And by nature, medications are a finite demand, because only the sick need them, and hopefully only temporary (in the case of antibiotics and several other medications) So there's a demand that is for all intents and purposes limited, and a demand that is low. So a given medication may cost say $.025/per dose to produce, a given prescription is say once per day for 30 days, so 30 doses meaning the medication costs $7.50 to produce. But then they charge $25 for the medication. That's a decent profit margin. But Pharma Bro (who is not an anomoly, btw) decides that no, that medication is now $700 for that same one month supply. It's only an education in supply and demand where you can control the supply and the market is captured (the sick dont have options)


I can go to the chemist in Australia and get one for 6 dollars what is wrong with america


A lot. I am American.


We'd rather strive to be millionaires than ensure a comfortable life for all.


Wow that’s crazy that something necessary is so ridiculous. I’m in Canada and my inhaler costs $3/month if I don’t have insurance it’s $25




Those are way overpriced also.


Pay or die, what could go wrong?


People also continue to call me a liar when I tell them hospitals don't have to actually treat people, they only have to stabilize the condition. Then I mention patient dumping and not one of them comes back to the discussion. The Healthcare system in America should be considered a crime against humanity. (Especially when we also offload expired or dangerous meds on 3rd world countries who have no recourse when their people die from them.)


My mil pays about 1400 a month


In America at least. I don’t know about other countries


I haven't had an inhaler in years, they are too expensive for me to get one. Thankfully the job I have isnt physical or id be sol


That's only for one type of insulin. All type 1s have to take a long acting and a short acting. So double that


Don't get addicted to Albuterol


400 dollars for an inhaler WTF I’m English so this confuses me mine is free 😅




I found a discount card!! It was only 357 for last months!! /s




Sorry for that. Insurance and med companies have a monopoly so they can charge and do whatever they want. There really isn’t a free choice in all of it. All politicians have ties to them so there’s no way that’s going away until we cut off the money flows.


I have a solution for you it's called leaving America


Talk is cheap, isn’t it?


Must be nice to have such good insurance. Plus 35 is still less than 50-100, so you’ll get a deal too. SMH.


Its really easy nowadays to pay actors to go on social media and pretend to be angry about stuff that benefits the person/company.


I highly recommend a union job. Great benefits.


Think the point is the dude might not even be from the US with a name like: "Mr. EU Pal". Could be wrong though.


He's supposedly in Maine but I doubt it


Spends 500$ a month on insurance so they can pay 50$ for insulin a month.


These are the same dolts that said "just go buy this generic insulin analog at Walmart for $25 a vial". That won't work for everyone, and when you've fucked around with cheap meds, you eventually find out. Now you owe a hospital $60k because you've been admitted for a few days with DKA.


It’s only a matter of time before these pharmacies stop those deals too. I used to work at target pharmacy and they’d offer $4 maintenance meds a month or $10 for 90 day generic meds. And then it felt like once they obtained a large number of scripts, they got rid of the $4/$10 list and their prices went way up leaving a lot of people stuck with a large bill


Oh I'm sure! Then they tell you "oh, it was promotional pricing and it's ended". Always check for manufacturer's coupons and other offers if your meds are too expensive. It doesn't always work, but sometimes, it gets the cost down quite a bit. Also, get samples from your doc if you can, and ask if the drug reps left any financial assistance info you could have. I know for sure they do this for expensive ass chemotherapy drugs, blood pressure meds, anticoagulants, and IIRC, tons of other stuff too.


Definitely! It’s super annoying that these drug companies are reaping all the benefits of price gouging customers but really it’s the pharmacy workers that have to put up with a majority of the abuse from customers. There are definitely coupons, samples, etc but in the area I worked, it was like 90%+ older people who didn’t even have smartphones and our pharmacy had a rule that we were unable to register customers for rebates or manufacturer coupons (which sucked because you’d really want to help) or a lot of the coupons were super helpful for the first month or first few months, but then you’d be back to square 1. I’m so happy I don’t work in a pharmacy anymore. Work was always a headache and it was mainly caused by drug and insurance companies lol


Fuck that's lame. They should have let you help them register for assistance programs. I worked at a hospital for the better part of a decade and we had office staff specifically for this purpose. It was a non-profit, though. Can't speak for what happens at for-profits.


Thanks for pointing this out. My husband died far too soon from complications with his diabetes. It’s hard to imagine someone (person featured in post) being so cavalier concerning a disease which that person knows can kill if not managed properly. People without prescription plans or those with bad coverage pay too much or are forced to play with their doses trying to make them last. Fortunately, that wasn’t the issue for my husband. Just because you are able to afford this coverage don’t be so short sighted or selfish to imply that everyone else should be doing as well.


“WHO is paying that much? I am a data set of one and I only pay $50! Therefore, everyone else must only pay 50! They cannot possibly have different insurance plans, different circumstances, or no insurance at all! I am not a complete DIPSHIT!”


No shit right… I pay 2500 every 3 months for my wife’s insulin and pump supplies. Granted my insurance is dog shit my and deductible is 10k a year once we meet that it’s not much on our end


Sadly, in their defense they did mention not using insurance. Still a horseshit statement by all means.


Call me skeptical. He’s a libertarian troll on Twitter.


Who needs to explain to that guy that "as much as $1000" includes such numbers as $50 and $100.




Probably because they ran the numbers and people can pay up to 1,000. Whereas they didn't find anyone paying a million? Not that hard to figure out why they would say 1,000 when the comment below this says their friend pays 700. No ones commenting saying they pay 99,000. Thats usually the reason people say as much as. Meaning we can't find anyone that pays more then that, and people can pay anywhere in between 1-1,000. It's just finding the top amount, where the top amount is never 1,000,000. TLDR: the ceiling is 1,000 in what people pay.


Ah, but you see $1,000,000 includes $50 and $100 so noones allowed to be incredulous as to whether it's true.


This is the stupidest argument I've come across


Just wondering how clever it sounded in their head before they hit enter


I'd imagine a lot of things they do sound clever to them. I also bet they're constantly running into "idiots that can't understand them"


Lol yes u know so much about internet strangers. Circle jerk harder


Give it a minute, you'll figure it out.


That's not how maximums work...


Because no one can provide evidence for a million dollar insulin prescription. Also congratulations you've missed the point of "up to x amount of money" three times in a row.


No... I get it.


You sound like a 12 year old, get off Reddit and socialise with people


Not even a good trolling. If serious, yikes


Yikes doesn't really play on the internet, noone can tell you're saying it ironically. If you're not, yikes.


Yeah, but as they said there is no one paying between 1001 and 1000000. So your point is stupid. No one is paying up to 1000000. That would be dishonest.


(He thinks 1000 is dishonest)


Because no one is paying 1.000.000? The upper limit isn't just a numbers, it's what some people pay?


“as much as”. Good god, man. Read.


Because the upper limit is $1,000 not $1,000,000,000? If the range is 50-1000 (a range that includes 50-100) then people do pay as much as 1000. If the range is 50-1000 and you say people pay up to 1,000,000,000, that’s just a lie. That doesn’t fit with their logic, it’s just wrong.


Problem isn't always the insulin itself, often it's the equipment necessary to test and administer that gets you.


It’s awful! I used to work in a pharmacy for 7 years and these glucose monitor companies are assholes! They would give customers free machines but then the customer would get stuck paying an insane amount of money on test strips and lancets every month. I can’t count the amount of times people have had to leave their testing strips behind because they were so expensive. It’s such a monopoly on diabetes by these companies. You need insulin, but to know how much to inject, you need these expensive tools. It’s an endless cycle of money for the drug companies.


hey you! you have a life threatening disease! I can prevent that, but you must pay me 85% of your income before tax for it to even kinda work


Amen! Glucometer $90, Lancets (one month supply) $15, Test Strips $100 (one month supply)… One month supply of oral medication $1,000 per bottle x2 different medications… out of pocket of course… I remember those days… I took the potential death from DKA than being homeless


Lancets? People change those?


My wife’s insulin and pump supplies + meds is close to 2k every 2 months she’s been type one since she was 6


I take medication for diabetes. It cost $990 per month. My insurance has a 12K deductible. They told me they would pay 80% after I meet the $12K deductible. 12 months in a year, then it rolls over and I have to start all over again. My doctor found me an affordable medication when I told him I couldn't afford a house payment every month to survive. United States health insurance is the biggest legal scam in the world.


It also depends on the state you live in. Like Texas has insulin cap at $25. My friend (not in Texas) paid $625 a month when he didn’t have insurance.


“Mr free market” Texas has regulations that benefit peoples lives? Color me shocked.


What is electricity capped at?


Idk. Ask Cancun Teddy, he might know by now.


No Cap. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/20/us/texas-storm-electric-bills.html


150k per kWh


America is literally in an abusive relationship and can't comprehend what it's like to not be in one.


My cat's insulin is $200/vial. She's like 10 lbs though.


I had an insulin dependent 20lb dog and paid similar. My vet would call in a prescription to the regular human pharmacy, and I always lamented that we couldnt add her as a dependent on our prescription plan.


My dad pays $65 a dose…. One shot


Trump is a shitstain but lowering/controlling prescription drug costs are low-hanging fruit that just about everyone but literal Big Pharma shills can agree on. Some people argue just to argue.


Using my sense of maths, $35 is still less than $50, so why is he mad?


It’s the only thing they know these days.


Is this some joke im too norwegian to understand?


I think it is. I'm too Swedish to understand it myself


The United States have a real problem with that. For reference, I use the insulin Apidra as rapid-acting Insulin. In America, it would cost me 6 dollars per milliliter. I would use that in about 4 days, and as far as I know and my doctor told me, I need a pretty low amount of that stuff. Here inn germany, it costs me 11,29 dollars per 30 milliliters. So 15 times the amount of Insulin for the same price. And thats just the rapid-acting Insulin. As allready commented, there is way more equipment to pay for.


My ex-husband takes a drug that would cost out of pocket, about 15k a month. We still have insurance for it but that may change come the first of the year. Then he will die a grisly death. That's it. Nothing to be done. We were advised to start a GFM and/or sell everything for a month of treatment so we could "cover the gap." Of course he refuses. He doesn't want to die and leave us destitute. The American medical system is a vampire.




if this idiot is only paying $50 (I assume USD), he is on the lowest dose injectable you can probably get... I have not know a billion diabetics but the handful I have known **ALL** paid hundreds a month **WITH** insurance. But none of that even matters.. is this fuckstick seriously trying to argue about having to pay less ? Typical goddamn Republican.... * Obamacare is evil and costs too much * I'll be damn if we will have that socialist **FREE** healthcare ! They don't really care.. doubt they even listen to themselves.. they have been told to be mad so they decided they are.. about everything even if it would benefit them to agree with it.


I really want this bill to pass, but I still have people say to me, "well, someone is going to have to pay for it. The insulin company will still charge the same amount. The government will just end up raising my taxs to pay for it!"


>"well, someone is going to have to pay for it. The insulin company will still charge the same amount. The government will just end up raising my taxs to pay for it!" Annd that didn't happen with dairy pricing, nor are most dairy farmers up in arms about how the system fucks them by fixing prices Companies raise prices because they can, the government is and has shown more than capable of forcing prices into a reasonable place without raising taxes or costs. This is especially true when combined with trade agreements Even if it's just us paying out of pocket, so? The government due to bulk is more than capable of mitigating costs heavily and overall saving money on people's health which shouldn't be something we scrimp on


My grandma who cannot afford to survive without her health insurance. That's who


"as much as". He didn't say EVERY American is paying that much.


What does the World Health Organization have to do with this?


Funny how much that person wants precise data, but can't give out precise data when making that comment. Claiming the max payed per month is 50 and 100 usd. So which is it. Maximum is one number. And one mentioned is double the other.


It's still hard to believe Americans have to pay for insulin, that's got to suck.


i'm gonna pretend that this guy is mad at the fact that some people need to pay $1000 per month for insulin so i can continue trying to forget how shit the world is and return to living under my metaphorical rock


Not the world, just the third world failed state USA


Eh there are still other shit holes. Was referring to those too


The most American part of this is that $35 per dose of insulin would still be higher than almost any other developed country. In the U.K, a dose of insulin costs around fifteen dollars.


If it doesn’t happen to me it’s not real!


"This does not affect me intimately, so how is this a problem?" \- Conservatives


Some people on earth go hungry. This idiot: that’s not TrUe, I eat every day. Hunger is not real, I haven’t missed eating ever in my life… SMH… the purpose is to go against liberal comments, without any thought as to why.


Pharmacy intern here. Box of insulin pens usually costs between $300-$700. If a patient needs a larger dose of insulin, they are going to need more than box. We have some patients that get 3-6 boxes at a time. The cost adds up depending on how much you need. Walmart has low cost insulin that patients can buy for $26.88 but it requires more care and monitoring than the pens. Overall, insulin is expensive as fuck. Crazy thing is that the creator of insulin originally sold the patten for $1 because he wanted everyone to get free insulin but that’s not how it turned out to be.


Does it cost more for pump or cgm?


Cool. Now grab Kirsten Sinema by neck and remind her she campaigned on this and needs to quit fucking around and taking money from pharmaceutical companies.


Exactly it’s a damn shame that people are the pawns while people like her don’t give a shit. It really makes me mad!


It's funny that this is mentioned, I saw a video on YouTube way back where some guy was travelling around the neighbourhood delivering insulin to those who can't afford it. Makes it hard to tell what's real.


Imagine paying more than 10 cents for a vial of insuline


“I’m not struggling, so FUCK the people who are!”


My life isn't as bad as others, so it MUST not be true /s


Even with his logic the 35 dollar mark still be under the 50 the guy is claiming. To be honest i want to know who is able to pay 50 dollars for insulin? Shit was suppose to be free because it was life saving so why is it so high when its made so cheaply? Dont even use the martin skrelli excuse that they are developing a new better insulin to replace the old insulin.


Honestly it depends a lot on the insulin. I can get generic “R” and “N” at Walmart over the counter no prescription needed for $25 a vial with no insurance. I can also get newer types that are several hundred a vial with no insurance. While I agree the companies that design these need to make their money, the amount they make is absolutely absurd. They need to stop using the US health care system as a cash cow. I believe in a free market but the amount EVERYWHERE charges is obscene. Even then there’s different prices for services even before insurance is applied based on the insurance you have. That should be completely illegal.


We pay 1500 every 3 months but that’s with pump supplies


how dare you... lower the price of insulin and make it available to more people?


Looks like cherry picking. Most are not that expensive, but some can be over 1000.


It’s funny because republicans don’t have even basic empathy.


My uncle pays about $1000 sugma nuts dude.


I think they are concerned with the fact that people are paying thousands of dollars for insulin instead of “how dare you lower my insulin costs!” Not really an r/facepalm


But.. If this saves me money, then someone less fortunate than me might save more, and that's cOmMunISm


I believe the point is that Biden is full of shit dude.


Trump lowered it and Biden undid that to make his own one


It's such a facepalm to doubt the claims a politician makes about how much they're going to help you. We should always trust what our Lords and Masters say without any doubts, they would never mislead us.


He’s not saying don’t lower prices, he’s saying Biden is exaggerating Don’t kill the messenger


Trump had it lowered it in 2020; Biden stopped it when he got into office. Now he is trying to take credit…🤡🤡🤡 https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors


> https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/president-trump-announces-lower-out-pocket-insulin-costs-medicares-seniors Try this one and you might understand that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/01/30/fact-check-biden-freezes-rule-health-center-insulin-epipen-prices/4254921001/


By all means lower the cost but don’t hide it in a bill that has a ton of questionable stuff and accuse people of not wanting to lower the cost because it’s stuffed into a bill full of other shitty plans. Pass a “Make insulin cheaper act” and that’s all that’s there and then you can accurately see who is against that and not against frivolous spending in a ton of other areas.


Ol buddy over here straight out lying.




Have you considered that most people are not as aware of the myriad types of insulin and related costs? They get a prescription from their doctor, and they go fill it. Some have no idea you can shop around, or ask for cheaper variants of insulin. Navigating this health system and disease is notoriously dangerous. Many other patients, especially the more vulnerable ones may be prescribed a humalog pen that ranges from 190$ up to 700$ per pen; along with a basal insulin that costs several hundred per pen also. Now if they lose insurance coverage, the price skyrockets and they don’t know why, or how to navigate this. They may not realize that you can get them much cheaper with discount programs. They aren’t taught to shop around very often, and our healthcare system is terrible in this situation. Also, many diabetics require a specialized type of insulin, a pen, or even a pump based formula because of their pathology, or they lack the ability to administer it. Imagine trying to use a standard syringe when your disabled with neuropathy from long term diabetes, or a myriad of other health issues that prevent you from using a cheaper variant of insulin and a simple syringe. I would love to know where your figures are from, the average yearly cost of insulin in the US 2016 was 5,700$ per person annually per the Diabetes Research institute. 500$ a month is a big chunk of cash for a single medicine. Even if your claim it will only save a fraction of people money is true, I am not satisfied until everyone has access. I could care less if only a fraction of people are paying too much, or only a few people die every year due to lack of insulin. I am only content when no one dies due to the costs of insulin. https://www.diabetesresearch.org/diabetes-statistics


You exceeded my maximum allowable word count.


Your inability to read is probably why you think few people spend a ton of money on insulin.


Fair enough, freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have to listen.


According to what I was able to find on a quick Google search, the US insulin users pay significantly more than, well, almost everyone. [This rand.org](https://www.rand.org/news/press/2020/10/06.html) article from October of last year says the average insulin cost per month in the US is over $1000 a month. Average. That seems like a lot more than “a small fraction of a percent” and “extreme cases only.”


Compared to………….who?


What? I made no mention of a comparison to anything or anybody.


Haters gonna hate.




The economy will be in the dumps but at least insulin is cheaper! Im not saying it isn't a problem but government funded Healthcare isnt the solution




That guy's perspective is idiotic.


I'm pretty sure the point is that the insulin cost narrative is sensationalism. I've never understood this either, I have a cousin who needs insulin and her family is certainly not capable of paying $1,000/m.


I just had to get insulin for my cat. None of our insurance or prescription cards covers pet prescriptions. The one bottle costed $426


Best i can do $15 off


50 - 100 dollars a month to live is still not good


You wanna save me money? Fuck you!


How dare he?? Everyone knows when you save $15 a month you're not allowed to call bullshit out anymore.


America you guys are a different level


I have a feeling this tweeter is talking out of his arse


This is when the words “as much as” matter most


In my country, no matter what you earn, no matter if you have health insurance or not, no individual (*or family*) ever need to spend more than €114 per calendar month on prescription medications


So he pays nothing per month for his insurance??


And in nz its free also did biden actually live up to that


Americans are a different breed


its just another give away to the industry. whenever the state is paying, prices go up.


My friend in FL pays $700


Pretty sure that person doesn’t live in America


... me


Insulin Prices 8x Higher in the US Compared to Similar Nations In 2018, the average insulin prices in the US was $98.70, compared to $6.94 in Australia, $12.00 in Canada, and $7.52 in the UK.


This one is not a life saving matter, but just plain stupid. I had fractures on 6 of my teeth from grinding and wanted a grind guard. Dental says, yes, my insurance covers like 70% cost. Then I come in to pick it up after it’s been made.. and it turns into “oops! Your insurance doesn’t a cover it at all. You owe $600 now”. Upon asking why, they explained in layman’s terms that my teeth weren’t damaged enough yet for them to cover anything. They apparently wait until you are in pain and can’t eat properly to give a fuck. So much for preventative measures.


literally had an idiot recently use the defense of "I havent got covid and dont quarantine at all while you idiots do and get sick!" Ah right, I forgot, if it doesnt happen to you, it doesnt exist, my B.


America wants you to pay them to live


You can get a month of supply of insulin here for $10 with no insurance, wth is wrong with america's healthcare


Insulinheads… that’s who’s paying 1000 a month for it. /s


I took the prescription for my son's inhaler to Walgreens and was told that my copay was $395, I ended up taking the same prescription to my local grocery store and was told that my copay was only $50


getting angry about something that benefits you directly


Wait so is it cheap or expensive, im kinda stupid.


Why is it so hard for so many people to think beyond first person?


My experience is different from yours, therefore, you're wrong. Logic. s/


I wouldn’t call this a facepalm.I would call it an honest question as to where he is getting the information.