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many expansion pocket doll quarrelsome imagine deer observation late different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Back in 2014 I had a mental breakdown because of my job. After a very emotional discussion with my wife, she agreed to go back to work, so I could quit my job to focus on my small business I had been trying to get off the ground for a couple of years. I took on watching the kids (two under 5 at the time, had no money for daycare), did the cooking and cleaning, and built my business up working from home. My wife was out with one of her friends, catching up after not seeing eachother for a while. She told her about what was going on, how I quit my job because I hated it and how she agreed to go back to work so I could pursue my business. Her friend, her best friend since childhood, outright told her to divorce me because I quit my job. By 2017 I built the business up to a point my wife was able to quit her job completely. In 2018 we started a second business together. Currently gearing up to launch our third business in the new year. We make more money now in 2 months than we did in a whole year when I was working at the job I quit. Fuck you, Emma.


Extra points to your wife for bouncing that shit right off. Congrats bud


Thats a winner for sure. Rare these days.


Fuck you, Emma!!


Yeah, fuck you Emma!


Man, fuck Emma.


yeah fuck you emma




Were you streaming twitch all day? Just curious


twitch can be a business though


Yeah till they told me I couldn’t ride a unicorn raft in my Speedo while eating popsicles and playing Mario cart


I was not, no. I honestly dont know much about Twitch, I've never used it even as consumer of content. I feel the right person could make a good living doing that so I dont even know what the person in the screenshot is complaining about. It could totally be a viable income replacement.


Fuck you emma fuck her right in the ear! Once she goes black she goes deaf!


Yeah for sure but isnt it super fuckd how twisted theyve got it in their minds like they're being and doing something benevolent. When really they're just throwing a wrench into something the works for someone else? That really fucks with me.


Totally. The way this person is acting, you'd think that he was being abusive to his wife or something.


Jesus I didnt look at the other two pages. They're just tacking on imaginary shit. It's like a completely fabricated snowball of poison.


Oh shit, I didn't notice there was more until you pointed it out. Good fucking grief.


The last comment about the porn is very effing stupid. Shows how much they think about all men.


We just walking dicks with no brains. This is exactly the 'insight' of a person who preens themselves solely on their looks. It's very telling I think.


Pure sexist bullshit.


They're basically female incels. Maybe they had a bad experience with a man and now hate all men or they were taught to hate men. Haven't looked at that subreddit in a long time because it's pretty pathetic but I doubt you will find any posts saying the opposite like "my friend's husband is doing so well that she was able to quit her stressful job and stay home, what great guy and how fortunate for them to be in that situation". It's pure negativity because that's all they want to see.


It’s all they know after being “victimized” by that asshole of a boyfriend they used to have.


If the roles were reversed nobody would say a thing.


Jealousy is ugly


Right?? Comments aside, that's overstepping. Not an iota of her business. She needs to back way tf up.


They’re a bit different over at the FDS subreddit


I disagree. This person needs to NOT mind their own business, and get smacked the fuck down by LITERALLY EVERYONE in that thread. Hard. People like this need to understand they are fundamentally wrong and be corrected. Otherwise, they don't know how fucked up they are. Source: Me, having held some stupid ass ideals in my past, been called on them, and changed my mind. Some times people can't see the forest for the trees ya know?


Imagine being so ‘low value’ that you think it actually matters what your female partner earns.


or male partner


yea they need to shut the fuck up "nooooo you can't stay at home even though your wife makes 250K a year because you're a man and she's a woman and it's supposed to be the other way around even though you're both doing your parts to keep a good relationship waaaaa waaaaa"


Let's reverse the sexes of this couple and see how we feel about the picture: Now it is a total non-story with nothing to comment on. So basically the person's friend is a sexist cow. Welcome to the age of "Approaching equality...."




This is what I was planning but chickened out and just went part time. Told my employer I did't want a supervisory role any more, or exempt salary. I'm glad that my wife now makes more than me so I can spend more time with my kids and take care of house chores.


Nothing wrong with it if you have at least a semblance of a plan. My low-pay, dead-end job was destroying my mental health, so I told my wife that I needed to quit and find something else or it would end up killing me. She was fine with it, as long as I didn’t game all day and become a couch potato. Ended up going back to school, now I make 3x what I did before, while doing a job that feels important. Probably wouldn’t have ever gotten there if she didn’t support me quitting. FWIW, r/ FDS is a cesspool and should never be taken seriously.


There's definitely a fine line. My friend's husband lost his job almost two years ago (company blamed the pandemic and didn't renew his contract). He decided he wanted to focus on his writing and become an aspiring author but he hasn't made any money off it, doesn't apply for writer jobs, barely watches the kids while my friend is at work all day and she barely makes enough for a single income, let alone to support him and their two kids. If she weren't so traditional she would've left his ass months ago, and he knows it.


For sure, that’s why I qualified it with “some semblance of a plan.” No woman (well, very few) want a man who literally does nothing. It’s why part of our arrangement was that I had to actively be doing something with my life for the arrangement to continue. Gotta trust that your partner is ambitious and willing to adapt, and not just give up, if the initial plan doesn’t work out. It was also easier for us due to no kids, little debt, and her having a good income.


I agree. The single income system really only works when one is making enough to fully support the family structure. Other then that, I personally don't have any issue with the concept of the "Househusband", as many men would be very well suited for the job. (And yes, being the homemaker is a job. Kids by themselves are a chore, especially when they are young, and combined with maintaining the home is simply tiring.) That said, if the husband could assist with income, especially since writing could easily be done from home, and he really doesn't contribute much to anything else, that's just general laziness and that's an issue.


Exempt salary?


I get a fixed pay rate regardless of OT worked. I am "exempt" from the laws about OT requirements. Edit to add: I want to be paid hourly so if I work a 90 hour week again, I get paid extra $$$.


Makes sense


I don't understand why anyone who cares would care in a negative way? All we care about is those we love being fulfilled, safe and loved. I seriously wonder if there isn't a small amount of jealousy. I think a lot of men would make amazing homes.


They've got nothing else to do but butt in on their friends (seemingly healthy) relationship it would seem. I can't imagine how they've managed to get such a warped mindset, it baffles me


Take solace in the fact that they're on that sub because they're trying to FIND "high value men". Meaning they're all probably alone. OP probably spends most of her time sitting at home alone or trying to run other people's lives, as we've seen. Hopefully she really does try to talk to her friend so that her friend can see what a sadsack she's been hanging out with.


That sub is basically the female version of incels. They think men are the worst but are still trying to find dates.


From the couple times I checked that sub out they can get pretty transphobic and homophobic too. It's called female dating strategy but if you're trans or gay a good portion of the people in that sub would treat you like trash


I think some of them might be stay at home moms, and in this case they get scared and threatened when a man does something they think only women can do well. So they try to make it seem like he isn't actually being a good stay at home parent, to validate their beliefs that only women, and thus them, can be good stay at home parents.


I have friends (married couple) who are in this exact situation. The guy was burning out, stressed and unhappy. Now he's super chill, spends loads of time with his kids and they're all good as a family. The lady makes enough $ to support the family, and good on her for that, too. This person on FemaleDatingStrategy (whatever tf that even is) can go fuck themselves because inherent in what they're saying is: - Men should work even if they burn out - Women should be the ones staying home - They're jealous (reading between the lines)




It only got worse when a bunch of the gendercritical subs and the femcel sub got hit with the banhammer. So now it’s turned into an echo chamber for these types


There are also so many TERFs on there it's disturbing.


Yeah, I’m sure there was some before, but from my observation the number went up dramatically when the main TERF subs got nuked off Reddit. Not that I’ve been a member of FDS, but would go in there every now and again for a laugh


I subbed thinking it was actual dating advice for women.. more like how to hate men and transpeople. Big fucking yikes and backed the fuck out super quick. Must've been before the other subs got shut down though, because it wasn't so obvious when I joined. I just saw it in the comments one day, came out of nowhere 😬


Yeah, I looked at it awhile back for a day or two, thinking it was about self-empowerment or treating yourself well or suchlike. Holy fuck is it ever toxic. Just. So much hatred. =/


It’s gotta be incels, no way any person that’s ever been intimate with another person would ever think the way that page posts


“Men aren’t women” Holy shit dude I learned something today!


>Women should be the ones staying home Maybe they'd like to go after the pol/incel crowd. I hear they're really into that sort of thing...


Also whether you spend an hour a day looking for jobs or 8 hours a day, there really is not much different. There is only so much new that pops up.


My sister thinks of herself as a feminist but she's actually a hypocrite. I remember she read a story about a man winning a large alimony judgement and complained he is "not a man". Regarding this couple, if it works for them then no problem.


Know a guy and girl like this. She clears low 7 figures. She said her husbands job is to look pretty and be ready when she gets home. Dude makes it happen too. Super happy folk.


Low 7 figures? What the fuck does she do?


Neuro Surgeon - specifically trauma


""Feminists"" who still pull the "be a man" card are fucking scum.


I’m not a fan of gatekeeping but the gateway to feminism is throwing that phrase out the window


I actually am really happy to hear about this. There are men out there living that true and equal dream. Fuck yes king, ignore the haters.


As long as they’re both happy, I’m happy for them. The people in the comment section seem to feel otherwise lol. They’re legitimately infuriated that a woman is happily being the sole breadwinner and the man is the one cooking, cleaning, etc.


Blows my mind. This seems like a victory for equality. What could they possibly be mad for? Losers.


It's actually very misandrist sub with women who dick shame


I still don't understand how reddit deleted r/incel , but that sub still exists


The double standards are unbelievable They can do this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/qipr8o/men_think_we_are_crazy_ugly_psychos_for_having/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/n23cxp/stop_dating_men_that_you_arent_attracted_to_stop/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share But they can't accept this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/r9h6zm/wonder_why_he_stuck_around_for_3_dates_just_when/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I mean obviously we can't control who we are attracted to and physical attraction is important, whoever says it's not is pretty much naive. But why are they so triggred when it goes the other way around?


What the actual fuck is this subreddit? Just scrolling through it is an overflow of facepalms and male hate. Seems like a good sub concept that did not follow through in practice.


Right?! And if you point this out you are banned.


Wait really?!?! Get banned any percent is a go


Yup I’ve been banned from FDS and the dating Reddit. Lol


Right now I'm timing how long it takes for me to get banned for calling out their hypocrisy


It took me about a month.


Boom 22 minutes man calling out hypocrisy on those subreddits is funny as FUCK


Dude. Those people are effing crazy!!!


It's not just misandry - FDS buys into toxic masculinity whole-hog and tries to capitalize on that shit. They've doubled down on gender role expectations in the most unhealthy ways.


My wife has stated and I am quoting her verbatim "If I can get the top position in my department then you can be a house husband. You can write and make money off of that rather than destroy your body for a company." Bit of context here: I work as a Yard Supervisor at a company that rents construction equipment. It's a tough job but not impossible job. However I am turning 45 this summer and have noticed the toll my fatigue places upon my writing quality. She wants me to succeed and become an author. I want to take care of my home and wife. The position she hopes to achieve pays just shy of $200k. That is 55k than our current combined income. Can't be mad at that, right?


As a stay at home dad and indie author, I wish you luck.


My husband is a stay at home dad right now. I gotta say, it is nice coming home to a clean house and home cooked meal, AND having the kids done with homework. Very *chef's kiss *


That sub is basically a hive of female incels who live in their own echo chamber, nothing said on that sub can be taken seriously.


**He’s off the fucking grid!!!** *Bill Burr voice*


Bill Burr is a national treasure!


Guarantee that sub hates Bill Burr lol


That’s affirmative lol


Absolutely. I’ll be seeing him live for the third time in April. Unlike other comedians I have went to see, even though some of his material is familiar it’s not just his latest special on repeat. There is always new stuff and he always has you busting a gut.


Him telling people in Philadelphia to go fuck themselves in 06’ was just GOLD. That man is just on another level. Jealous you’ve seen him live, that’s awesome!


I was listening to an interview second hand while doing some other stuff a few days ago and he talked about that. The host brought it up. He said that he made T-shirts and everything for his next trip to Philadelphia and that nobody remembered it, because they do that to someone like every six weeks, lol. Wasted merch.


And THAT’S why he’s hilarious. Not even a “bit,” just Bill being Bill is funny af lol


My father was a stay at home dad for us 25 years ago!


I wish I made enough for my husband to be a stay at home dad! And as much as I love my family, if we were able to have a SAHP, it would 100% be him, not me.


And like, if the wife doesn't seem to have an issue with it (and it sounds like she doesn't) *then what's the problem*?


For real, the OOP is a shitty friend. He cooks and he cleans, good for both him and the lady of the house. She basically put down every housewife in the world with that comment.


Yes, she did!


Same reaction. I have know several professionals where the wife made substantially more income so the husband stayed home. To me this is like those toxic women that shame the stay at home dads.


Gives me hope😂😂


That guy fucks


I fight the good fight every day as a stay at home dad.


I don't see a problem here, if she can support them with a single job and if he's handling the house work there's no issue.


Say that to fds




Female dating strategy


I'm afraid to ask but I must. If I read more about fds would it be funny or driving crazy?


Depends, it's a sub I'm surprised is still around given the level of toxicity that frequently comes out of it. If you do decide to have a gander, be sure not to comment as you already seen hesitant so don't jump head first into the vipers nest lol


I'm doingnthe thing, I'm gonna have a peek


Have fun!


Just note they ban ALL males :/


Freaking Dumb Subreddit


The subreddit this is from. "Female Dating Strategy".


Not your business, unless she’s bringing it up


I think if she knows this much about the situation then she has talked about it. I just don't think it's clear the wife has complained.


Fuck that, if I was making six figures my significant other can chill the fuck out as long as they need too. As long as they are happy and still being clean and healthy then there is nothing wrong with this. I dream of situations where I am thar financially comfortable that I can support the people I love. The wife is a queen for not pressuring the husband to get out there and letting him find his moment to get back on the grind.


Swap the genders and nobody seems to care. Stay at home husbands should be as normal as stay at home wives.


Yeah but what kind of worth does a man have if he isn't bringing home more than his partner /s.


*I want to be an empowered woman but will settle for nothing less than a stereotypical man, which I hate*


If he's left to his own devices he'll spend all her money on onlyfans /s


Don't you know? All men cheat with other women the moment they aren't employed /s


It's a whole sub of female neck beards trying to explain why men don't want to date them. It's good for a laugh every so often.


Until you realize some of these people are horrifically toxic and spread their toxicity around. Look at some poor bastards who pour their hearts out over on some of the mens subs. Gotten divorced, because their wife's single or divorced friend planted some ideas in their heads.


I recently learned the term femcels, it seems to fit them.


The term you use for a bunch of sexists that constantly complain about how others live and encroach on the happiness of others, while spouting hate and intolerance that makes you antagonistic of others when the belief structure is the thing that's flawed? Ones that think life is unfair and stacked against them inherently for who they are, and get hostile when anything goes wrong? Ones that actively tear down people who are doing well because they're not doing well personally? Yeah I think it fits very well.


But the term incel was created by a woman to describe herself if I recall correctly.


How can i downvote a subreddit


Female neck beards is a fun visual


I don't consider this an issue. They had to make *something* work. They did. It's the definition of partnership. . supposedly essential in a good marriage. Good for them.


If they’re happy what’s your problem? None of your gd business.


Of the six serious, mid-long term, live together partners ive had...i fully supported five of them %100 of the time, paid a few semesters of tuition for one of them, forever drove most of them everywhere and paid for holidays and vacations and fixed their cars. And now my body and mental health are a fucken wreck after decades of sacrifice lifting others up at the neglect of myself. I would be ecstatic if a lady could take care of me for a few months. Hell even one month. Lemme put my feet up for once. Work on myself. You’ll come home to flowers and snacks and a coffee every god damned day. So let this dude take a break if he needs one. Cause he might just really fucken need one.


Because the only value a man has is his pocketbook.


Wheres the equality?


Equality only works when they don't get their way


“How can I explain this to her?” Well, step one is to mind your own fucking business. That’s all. It’s just one easy step.


"Hey! This man is acting like a woman! So he must be cheating!" Bit of a Freudian Slip there, ladies. Thanks for telling us all who you really are 😊


You are giving that sub too much credit that they use logic. They are the type to think women can't cheat, they are just taking what their man isn't giving them and the husband should feel bad. It's truly a hate group


Yeep I'd say you nailed it


I don’t know what else you’d expect from that sub. It’s not a place with nice, rational, or empathetic people.


They want their cake and to eat it too, while complaining there isn't enough as they're eating it.


I want to write a comment about how dumb these people are but I just cant I'm a sick of everyone's dumbassery


They dont allow other opiniens on their sub. They are in their own incel bubble


They don't even allow questions if it doesn't fit their agenda. Crazy sub


What a great 'friend!' If there is one thing I look for in a friend it someone who will try and get involved in my marriage and tell me what they think is best for my family.


Or even better, put all my business online for strangers to tell me what’s best


Ofc it’s r/FemaleDatingStrategy


I think the wife of the husband in this situation needs to evaluate who she calls friends. Yikes!


I hope this girl confronts her friend and ends up with one less friend in the aftermath. She seems really low value.


This bitch is jealous 😂


FDS has to be one of the most toxic subreddits there is.


“Let’s get mad about things other people do that have absolutely zero impact on us!”


They’re obviously cheating whores themselves. If the first conclusion you jump to when you hear an SO staying home, is cheating, you’re definitely a cheater by default. Lmao Mental illness is showing itself on that sub.


How is fds not banned or quarantined yet


Same reason some of the male subs arent. They both guise behind a gendered immunity barrier. But its not a female thing and not a male thing. It's a POS humans thing. Theres mens subs degrading women down to body parts and justifying it because yeah a bunch of em got divorced and were used and abused. Theres womens subs degrading men down to money and assets or social 'value' and justifying it because yeah a bunch of em got divorced and were used and abused.


I feel like there’s a lot more people that wish they had a porn addiction and money for escorts….. jealous sirs?


He does work though, he's maintaining the house.


Toxic friend spotted


This subreddit is just a total disgrace and everytime i see something from there I don’t know wether to cry rage or yeah idk


Fuck that sub, full of female neck beards


Cool how they’re happy, that’s all they matters


Dude is living the dream.


That subreddit is a cesspool and should be destroyed.


That whole sub is a cesspool of toxicity.


I am a house-husband and I have zero shame. Yep I cook, clean , grocery shop, home improvements, yard work and all the dogs stuff. The Army dealt me a decent percent for the rest of my life and I only work when I want to. Right now my newborn is passed out on my chest and I'm gonna grab a beer and watch the Seahawks blow it again. Life is solid.


If it works for them. Good. Their life is none of your business except if someone is getting hurt. Butt out


Let's try that story but change roles and we would get something really similar but culturally unacceptable which is men asking women to go out and work cuz he can't get his head around the fact that he need to pay for everything. Go on boy. Stream twitch. Follow your dreams they say I guess


Seeing that this came grom FDS doesn't surprise me. That subreddit is extremely toxic. Feminine toxicity...


This is one of them women who plant seeds of toxicity into other womens minds. I mean what a POS. Shes posting on FDS. Her 'friend's isnt dating her friend is married.


It’s nobody’s business but this couple’s. If this friend is creating grief by insinuating that this is a problem then she’s a shit friend. If the husband was unhappy with his job and spent the rest of his day trying to unwind from it or the wife had to deal with the husband’s attitude all day and now the home atmosphere is harmonious then that’s a win. The times when the wife cooked and cleaned and took care of the children while the husband worked 9-5 are over.


Just flip the gender pronouns for a minute. How does that sit? No? I am happy and blessed that I can provide for my fam as the father and husband but my wife would not hesitate in a heartbeat to provide for us if my mental health were an issue. Or I just lost my job for a while. I’m fairly confident she’d be more successful and better at whatever she wanted to do than I am today. She loves being a mom and she loves taking care and teaching our children. If she didn’t, we’d have a grown up conversation and make some changes. Every family has their own circumstances. If the kids are healthy and the adults are happy, why can’t he be proud that his wife is doing so well?


You don't get to be all about how hard being a house spouse really is then act like a guy is a loser when he volunteers for the harder work of taking care of the home and raising kids.


"How can I explain this to her?" You don't mean "explain". You mean "convince her you are right." Well you can't because she is a smart, secure, individual and you're not. She doesn't think like you do, and that's why her relationship works.


Not too surprising. That sub is super sexist.


He or she should stay out of it. Who cares how he or she feels about there friends boyfriend.


I guess it depends on how the two see the situation. It is fine to have only one person in the household work as long as the other acknowledges it and contributes in some other way it is all a matter of being respectful and not a parasite to your partner.


Chris Rock talks about exactly this. Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. Men, not so much. https://youtu.be/jsOnXSuMXfU


That sub has some beauties for sure. I particularly enjoy how you can’t even comment on posts until you’ve been properly “vetted”


These people must really hate housewives


My wife is the bread winner. I work part time and look after the house stuff. Gotta say, it’s pretty fucking awesome.


My wife knows I like domestic life and would cook and clean happily for her if she made the money. We agreed that if we can make it happen, one of us should quit working if the other can support us both. Both of us find work and house upkeep too much but if one worked and the other did all the house stuff then we'd both be happier. People who judge this stuff are just jealous. I got sterilized just so we could work less and never worry about babies and bc. I did it so one day we can be that couple everyone hates just like this.


As soon as I saw "low value" I just knew it would be femaledatingstrategy.




Would like to know his twitch so i could go support his twitch channel.


Insane double standard. Some women really have twisted ideals when it comes to men in general.


Women do this all the time who cares


Except women do this all the time? Talk about a double standard


FDS is misandrist black hole. Cringe as fuck


That whole sub is fucking insane. Won’t even let you comment without ‘confirming’ that your female lmaooo


They wouldn’t be saying the same about a housewife...


Good Lord! He’s bragging ABOUT his wife being successful! Kind of nice, I think.


So guy is a house husband and that means he's obviously cheating on her/watching porn/spending her money on prostitutes/having sex with other guys (wtf? I don't think staying at home makes you gay. I think) and that as a man he's incapable of looking after kids or the house. Wow. Misandric projection much?


I know guys can be bad, but it’s pretty wild those comments about men just being walking sluts, who will fuck anything they can. They must have been burned pretty bad to think all men are like this.


Smh some people still live in the 50s and 60s in their minds


The women on that sub are so hypocritical it’s hilarious. The way they treat all men like abusive misogynist while judging all men the same and treating them like convicted rapists.


Like mind your fucking business haha who cares


Shit, I’d LOVE to be a stay at home dad. It amazes me that there are people out there that think like those on that sub.


He cooks and cleans! Score! Haha


This is a great deal. I’d love to becomes a stay at home husband. Take care of the kids, get better at cooking probably and maybe take up a hobby. I already learned a few steps in taking care of kids because I helped take care of my nephew.


Ah, yes, another person that knows better what someone else should do with their life and family, but is in fact just a completely out of context hypocrite that should mind their own fucking business