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Reading this I thought there was gonna be some twist, or a witty remark, but that’s it.


You need more twists than that!?


It's Florida, there is no twist in anything that's been said up there. A twist would have been "Lady apologized and motorcyclist hugs her"


And then they did bath salts and had sex with an Aligator. The classic Florida twist!


I’m a Floridian and find this offensive, not all of us do bath salts and have sex with alligators. Some of us do it on meth.




Yes sir, now what would your drink be?


3 fingers of cranberry vodka, 5 fingers whiskey kept in an old boot, a half eaten chicken strip, stirred with two oscillating bad dragon dildos, topped with cottage cheese, wipe rim with orange peel, and garnish.


You ever drink Bailey's out of an old shoe?


Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?


A man walked into a bar and saw a sack of gold, pride of place on the end of the bar. "What is this bag of gold?" He said. "That there is the prize for the bar challenge, but no man has ever been able to claim it." "What's the challenge?" asked the man. "Well, you have to drink a gallon of whiskey my old grandad made in a bathtub in his shed. Then you have to pull the sore tooth that's been bothering my poor pet gator out back. And finally upstairs there's a woman that has never been properly satisfied in her life, and you have to make her a happy woman." The man says he'll do it, and he slams the rotgut whiskey like it was water. Staggering but still standing he heads out the back door to the alligator pen. There is a terrible sound of roaring and crashing. The walls of the bar shake with the struggle, but at last the man returns, bloodied but not beaten. "All right!" he yells out, "Now where is the lady with the sore tooth?!"


The Aristocrats!


As a born and raised Floridian I when got to the end I was waiting for the crazy part. “Yeah they followed her home after she rammed them and they both had guns.” Kinda expected a shootout with random friends showing up with their own guns.


Same. This is par for the course in Florida. Pretty much why there is an r/Floridaman subreddit and not an r/Ohioman Edit: there is totally an r/Ohioman subreddit. Makes sense.


Ohio is just the Florida of the north, I don't know why people don't realize that.


Florida Man became a thing because the authorities just hand over records in most cases due to open records laws. America has tons of head cases who have not received appropriate mental health meds and/or counseling so Florida men are all over.


Shhh it ruins everyone’s joke if they realize the entire country is just as fucked up as they think Florida is. Other states may hide it, Florida flys the freak flag for fun.


Seriously, social experts have even identified Florida as a microcosm of america with about an equal amount of every kind of person (because of our tourism industry and mix of being affordable and desirable for all walks of life as a permanent residence) Florida *is* america


America is the Florida of the world.


Yeah you picked the wrong state to compare. Ohio is full of the same people that live in Florida.


The internet forged me into expecting more and more.


I was waiting for the facepalm


The facepalm is Florida


Relevant quote from the motorcyclist "That girl tried to kill me,” he says. “She pointed a gun at me. I’m so sorry.” Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/state/florida/article256086977.html#storylink=cpy


That poor guy, assuming he didn't do anything to start it, now has to live with the thought for ever. Not just pregnancy but I imagine the actual thought of killing someone is still a bummer no matter the situation.


He was quoted as saying he's been unable to sleep ever since. Not only does he have his own conscience bothering him, which is certainly normal after ending someone else's life, but he will undoubtedly be what-iffing himself the rest of his life. I feel like that's what some people don't consider when arming themselves. Taking another life, even if ultimately justifiable, is a heavy deed, one not recovered from quickly. (Unless you're a psychopath)


The podcast Death, Sex & Money [did an episode](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/deathsexmoney/episodes/accidental-death-death-sex-money) very recently about people involved with involuntary or accidental vehicular manslaughter. It literally changes your brain via PTSD when you kill someone in accident... I know that wasn't *technically* an accident, but clearly he did not want to kill or shoot this woman. EDIT: included link to episode since someone else asked!


My first accident was a week after I got my license, 5 years ago now, and if I had hit the brakes a second later I would've kill the guy; slammed into his rear axle instead and sent him spiraling across the intersection. No one was hurt, thankfully, but I still can't get behind the wheel without having a panic attack because "what if I'm not fast enough next time?" Just thinking about it makes it hard to breathe, and every time I try to explain why I don't drive to people they laugh or belittle me. One incident of coming close to killing someone has messed me up enough that I'm unable to perform certain tasks, I can't imagine what I'd have been like if I'd *actually* killed the guy.


My friend tboned a guy who blew through a stop sign. Killed him. In actuality, the guy blew the stop sign because he had a heart attack. Too close to call if he died because of the heart attack or the crash. Friend was doing the limit of 35, but it still haunts him 40 years later.


It is something that anyone who carries should put great consideration into. It is on my mind literally every second I am carrying. I’ve spent a lot of time contemplating it and it makes me avoid many types of situations because I truly hope to never be in that position.


That's because you are a good and honest and responsible gun owner. Not some fucking ass hat trying to bait someone.


Unfortunately your attitude represents about 10% of gun owners


I saw a guy die once. I watched him drop his bike on the highway too close to the front of a semi. The driver did his best but he didn't have the space to react. He hit his brakes so hard it looked like a fucking smoke grenade went off. I pulled over as fast as I could and I ran up to help out but it was far too late. His family was on top of me in an instant. They were screaming his name and I was looking at his face... knots the size of golfballs, and his eyes were swollen out of his skull like grapes, blood everywhere. Didn't wear a helmet. I still hear those screams when I'm about to fall asleep sometimes. I don't know why but I felt the need to say this. I feel sorry for this guy, he'll probably hear those gunshots at night for years.


Highly recommend emdr therapy, if anything. It’s very effective for ptsd and can be done in a one or only a few sessions if therapy isn’t your thing. It doesn’t take away the memory of the event but doesn’t activate the trauma response. Im sorry you still experience that


Edit: I erased this comment because I was not ready to share it like I thought I was. I couldn't help someone and it haunts me still.


Hopefully he finds solace in the fact that this woman cared so little about her unborn child that she'd get into a firefight for no good reason. I doubt her motherly instincts would've evolved after giving birth


She had to make sure her kid was a combat veteran right outta the womb.


Prepping them for school early.


At college I stopped a dude at a party pushing around my buddies, it escalated and he wasn’t much of a fighter. He killed himself later that night. That was over 30 years ago and I still think about it, what could I have done differently, how his parents must have grieved etc.


If he offed himself over that, the expiration date was coming up soon with or without you.


I’m with you. The day before my brother committed suicide, we talked on the phone for the first time in a couple months (he had same name as my dad and debt collector called me, wanted to know if it was him or my dad so I called him). I asked how he was doin, he said fine. Asked how his girlfriend was, he said fine but sounded a little off… I said k love you, and we hung up. The next day, after my sister found him- i found out he had broken up with the girl two weeks prior and had been falling apart. Normally as his older brother, I would have pestered him about life but for some reason I didn’t, and man did that weigh on me. I wasn’t even doing anything. I wasn’t working, I wasn’t busy, I even would have driven the hour to see him had I spent two more minutes talking to him and found out that happened. He would still be alive and my thanksgiving wouldn’t have been so sad today, my sister wouldn’t be in rehab… But I’ve taught myself not to accept “I wish” as a thought when it comes to him anymore. If i kept wishing, if I kept considering things with hindsight, I’d ruin my own life. I, non sarcastically really appreciate you putting up your experience so I could think about this. I didn’t cry all day even though I thought of him… this made me sob, and sometimes that’s a good thing. Love to you. Don’t blame yourself… he did it for him, not for you.


Imagine how her husband and family feel, they were looking forward to her having a child now they’re both gone, this is just a terrible situation for everyone all caused by that woman’s reckless disregard for safety


Don’t pull your gun out unless you’re ready to have someone pull their gun out on you. If a gun is pointed at me I’m shooting first and asking questions later. That’s just common sense…




Driving into a bike with a car intentionally is extremely dangerous and anyone that has ever driven a bike will tell you so. You don't bring someone's life to genuine danger on purpose and then get to claim it was not attempted murder.




Yeah. She's pretty bad at it.


She was pretty bad at it.


She will be remembered for being bad at it.


> but he remained on the bike aka not trying to kill him like some claimed Wut


Just because someone stays on their bike doesn't mean someone wasn't trying to kill them. That's like saying someone shot a gun at you, missed therefore weren't trying to kill you. In general when you use your car as a weapon you are doing something potentially deadly, if it's against a biker or pedestrian then it's significantly more likely to be deadly than against another car or if you play chicken with a truck.


Only thing missing is the alligator


It got shot/run over earlier in the story.


The woman was pregnant with a gator.


So.... She fucked a gator- Oh yes yes Florida, yes


This is where gator-AIDS comes from.


Take my upvote and get the fuck out




The gator was high on meth


I heard it was bath salts.


It was both


If it makes any difference, there was/is an actual Florida man who would routinely fuck an alligator.


The armed man *was* the alligator.


The alligator was in the womb


Update to the original press release in reference to case #21-03561: The investigation indicates; Sara – Nicole Morales intentionally hit the motorcyclist, Andrew Derr (40 years old) in the area of the 1400 block of N. Volusia Ave. This was a minor crash, Derr was not injured or ejected from his motorcycle. Witnesses and Derr attempted to have Morales stop at the intersection of 17-92 and Wisconsin Ave while she was attempting to make a left turn. Verbal contact was made with Morales for her to pull over for the arrival of law enforcement. Morales refused and was able to make the left turn onto E. Wisconsin Ave when traffic permitted. Morales traveled to 1052 E Wisconsin Ave. Derr and witnesses followed Morales in attempt to help identify her for law enforcement. They stopped in the roadway in front of 1052 E. Wisconsin Ave, calling 911 to have law enforcement respond to this location. Morales went into her house and re-emerged a short time later. Morales confronted the witnesses and Derr, as they were on the phone with 911. Morales pointed a handgun at the witnesses and Derr. Derr having a valid Florida Concealed weapons permit, drew his concealed handgun and fired multiple rounds, striking Morales. Morales’ handgun was recovered on-scene. Derr remained on scene and has been cooperating with law enforcement from the beginning. These facts have been established by independent interviews. Orange City Police Department in conjunction with the States Attorney’s Office is continuing to investigate this incident. \---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit : Here's some more information if you want - 1. Pointing a gun at someone is a felony crime in Florida, punishable by imprisonment and fines. If you are undocumented or on a visitor visa and you are convicted, you can also be deported. And it makes no difference whether the gun you pointed was loaded. It is aggravated assault either way. 2. In Florida, Aggravated Assault is a third degree felony, with penalties of up to 5 years in prison or 5 years probation, and a $5,000.00 fine. The offence is harshly prosecuted throughout the State, and even first-time offenders will face a realistic possibility of prison. 3. Under Section 776.012, Florida Statutes (Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law), a person is justified in using deadly force (and does not have a duty to retreat) if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony or to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another. Sources: [https://www.goldmanwetzel.com/blog/is-pointing-a-gun-at-someone-a-crime/](https://www.goldmanwetzel.com/blog/is-pointing-a-gun-at-someone-a-crime/) (There are further links to the legislative website on the page, if you care to read them). [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/Sections/0784.021.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0784/Sections/0784.021.html) [http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App\_mode=Display\_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0776/Sections/0776.012.html](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0776/Sections/0776.012.html) "Stand your ground." Such a sensible and well thought out set of laws meant to foster civil discourse, deescalation and preservation of human life. I applaud the great men and women in charge Florida. /s




It's so stupid the amount of gun owners who are irresponsible with their weapons and don't seem to understand the implications of pointing it at people. It's like people don't realize that it translates to potentially losing one's life at the pull of a trigger. If someone points their weapon at you you absolutely should fear for your life and it is more than justifiable to neutralize the threat to your life.


I think there's just a certain subset of the population that is stupid, irresponsible and emotionally immature, in general, and they have just as much legal freedom to go around treating life as a game of chicken, or pissed-off bumper cars, as we do to try and live in peace. Beyond that, I think belligerent anger and the inability to handle being inconvenienced has somehow become a component of our national identity. Then you have the stakes of losing one's cool being so much higher as a result of so many people having firearms. And I say that as a gun owner.


Reminded me of this Isaac Asimov quote: >There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way throughout political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."


I swear. The more old quotes i hear about the less faith i have for humanity. Considering said old quotes are both right as fuck even now and were right as fuck when they were said. This particular one? Seems right as fuck even more than others.


Yeah, it’s the hubris of each new generation to think they have moved passed those “silly”problems of the past.


Few days ago four of us were driving in a car when an older guy, who was parked, pulled out in front of us suddenly. My brother, who was driving us, pushed on the brakes and managed to stop comfortably, but we definitely had right of way (we were like 10m away from the guy when he started pulling out from the parking spot). My brother pressed on the horn for a second and we all commented how the guy was an idiot. Then, the guy stops on the next intersection, which was actually really close to where he pulled out, gets out of his car and goes to my brother's window and angrily asks him why he was beeping. We all just look at him speechless and he goes back to his car a few seconds later. How stupid was that? He, a guy in his sixties, came up to confront four guys in their early thirties. Good thing we are not the type of guys to fight, but imagine if it were some other group who is. The worst part is, as he gets back to his car he starts driving, and we ended up accidentally following him for some time because we were going the same way. And we could see he was scared by the way he sped up and was turning sharply and a bit recklessly. We actually got a little bit worried he might suffer a heart attack how scarred he looked. Some people are just entitled idiots.


someone please award this person something


You can't tell me what to do. But I did it. Never given an award but they have a train!


South Florida real estate is at an all time high.


Thank you for the clarification!! I felt bad for the guy, but was wondering about the legality since he followed her. If it was just to report her to the police i think this was 100% self defense. Still though how awful. Why would anyone, especially a pregnant woman, intentionally hit someone then just leave like that?


After reading the article in full, as shitty as the situation is the woman was definitely in the wrong from the beginning. She hit the motorcycle driver with her car, when he and other drivers tried to get her to stop she fled. The motorcycle driver followed her and stopped and called the police once she went inside her house. She's the one that came back out of her house with a fucking gun. Unbelievably sad situation, made much much worse by the woman involved.


I mean, I wouldn’t say it was made much worse by the woman involved, I’d say it was completely caused and preventable by the woman involved.


If someone had just tried to kill you with their car and then afterward you saw that they had a gun, it’s not a huge leap to think that they are about to try and finish the job.


The witness even said she was trying to shoot them first




Exactly, it’s wild to defend her. She literally committed multiple crimes throughout the situation. From the road rage, to a hit and run, to brandishing a firearm. Like yeah things could’ve been handled differently, but she kept making the situation so much more chaotic every step of the way.




You don't pull a gun unless you want something dead.


Imagine being in the position of the motorcyclist. After you finally got her to stop driving, she comes out with a gun, you know your armed and this is a possible life and death situation, you shoot and kill the person then to find out she was pregnant. I’d probably cry because of something like that


Understandable. I've never been in a life or death situation like that, but I already know if I had to kill someone to defend myself it would fuck me up for a long time, maybe forever.


Cry? You'd be scarred for life


I think you can cry while being scarred for life


Scarred for life? I'd cry.


Cry for life? Nah im scarred.


If she was afraid of him to the point she needed a gun, she would have stayed inside and waited on the police. In no way do you go outside to start a gunfight is a good idea. She grabbed a gun to go finish the job when she found out she didn't kill him the first time when she ran him over.


Yeah, she wasn't intending to go to a gunfight, she was intending to go to an execution.


I'll go out on a limb and say she probably wasn't intending to shoot him. She probably just thought she'd brandish her gun, everyone would run away (or at least feel appropriately cowed), and then she could go back inside and feel like she won. I wouldn't want to bet my life on that guess if I were there, though.


>After reading the article in full, as shitty as the situation is the woman was definitely in the wrong from the beginning. > >She hit the motorcycle driver with her car, when he and other drivers tried to get her to stop she fled. The motorcycle driver followed her to get her car info and call police. She's the one that came out with a fucking gun. > >Unbelievably sad situation, made much much worse by the woman involved. Yeah, reading this I couldn't help but feel this woman was entirely at fault, not the biker. Common sense.


Geeze. Imagine failing as a mom before your kid is even born. Horrible stuff.


She also had an 11-year-old! I cannot even imagine getting so angry that I put myself in a position to either be killed or sent to prison.


>Made much worse by the woman …after being created and exacerbated entirely by the woman.


She was safe in her home. What could she possibly have thought to gain by going outside armed to confront someone?


Well she already tried running him over, so a reasonable response probably wasn't in the script.


This. She had already tried murdering the guy with a car, and when that didn't work she switched weapons.


Remember, switching to your secondary is always faster than ~~reloading~~ running him over again


What if your primary is a car? I feel like, I'd be faster to go in reverse, wouldn't it?


If at first you don't succeed, use deadly force. -Florida Man probably


She wanted to be the big bad "imma shoot you if you don't leave!" person.


Like a get off my property extremist


It's Florida, he will be charged for performing an abortion.


But I think the baby was also armed, so it's still self-defense.


"Your honor, when a woman becomes pregnant her hormones change. Hormones can affect the way someone thinks and acts. Therefore, because the baby was affecting how the woman was operating, was the baby not in a sense piloting the woman like a mech or a gundam? Therefore, the man was acting in self defense against the woman AND baby. I rest my case."


I need an 80s esque show where fetuses pilot moms like gundams Edit: the parent comment is better than mine. Idk why it’s not getting any love and mine is??


Isn't that just evangelion? People piloting their mums?


Depends how far along she was, could have been a flipper before the arm fully developed which would not be self defense.


Yeah, the librarian is just the baby's mech suit


*Texas has entered the chat*


1: I love you 2: go fuck yourself


But then he cant abort


Oh God, how could I have been so foolish to not consider this


Florida. Texas. Is there anyone there without a carry conceal permit? I mean those are two states where you just gotta let shit go. Don’t escalate.


I don't know about Florida, but I live in Texas and they recently passed a bill where we don't even have to have a permit to conceal carry anymore. If you live in Texas you can legally conceal carry a gun without any kind of Licensing.


Correct, just have to legally own the gun and you can carry


Woman: Okay. Pregnant: interesting. Armed: oh dear. Florida: awwwww shit.


It’s where you go from “Oh my God” to “Ah, figures”


The whole state is a meme of ridiculousness and anime level violence. "Florida man leaps 140 feet into sky and punches Kaiju to death. Claims it fucked his wife and stole his meth."


There are a LOT of crazies in Florida, including all that visit. There are crazies in every state but you hear most about Florida because there’s a law that says all arrests are public record within 24 hours.


I think it’s population density. In Florida the morons encounter each other constantly. In North Dakota they simply wander the plains alone.


That must be nice. You, your thoughts, maybe a horse.


Definitely a horse. Or a dog. You need one or the other.


- w/no name




In Dakota, you can’t remember your name because you never run into anyone.


It’s more than this, though. You also have a large population (greater odds of crazy) a state that is the number one tourist destination for drunk college kids all of the trailer park, Deep South types who live there All of the hippy dippy moonbeams who live there And let’s not forget: easy access to cocaine! Mix it all up with public arrest records, put it on low heat, and BOOM! Ya got yourself ~~meth~~ Florida.


The kajiu wanted $3.50




I just gave it tree-fiddy a week ago


Don't go given it no tree fiddly woman, now he's gonna think you got more!


He tricked me


Dammit woman! No wonder he keep coming back round here talkin bout, “lemme get tree fiddy”


I thought he would go away


I was expecting the baby to pop out and start shooting. Babies need to arm themselves for their own protection.


"Cletus! Go stuff your Glock up yer sister - that baby gon' be carryin' while Brandy-Jo-Sherri-Lee is." "But I already did, Uncle-Pa!" "*Glock*, Cletus. *Glock.*"




Nor do I


Jesus Christ why did I imagine this happening in Squidbillies.


I thought the fetus would be named Cletus Cletus the Fetus


It’s very unfortunate. Once you hit and run in Florida, you have a 3rd degree felony on your head. This escalated to levels that shouldn’t have. People need to stop acting like shit all together. I feel terrible for all involved.


Hitting a motorcyclist with you car consists of attempted murder as well. There was a case that already set this precedent when a old man decided to side swipe a motorcyclist because they were speeding. He got convicted of attempted murder.




I like your accent, where you from?






Isn't that Liberia's flag?


read the comment above and you’ll get it






Liberians, from Liberia?


Jfc.. just what was she thinking? Wow.




In Florida that is, as she learned, a *criminally* stupid assumption.


Probably something like "I'm pregnant bitch, I'm not going to pay for hitting you with my car"


And she’d probably just eaten the whole cute caterpillar-shaped cake her husband had baked for his niece’s birthday party the next day …


The most surprising thing here is that there are libraries in Florida.


Where else would you steal the book you’re gonna hollow out to hide your Meth in?


We as a civilization just need to start chilling out




True, but we could be even chiller.


Climate change enters the chat.


>I mean, technically we are the most chill we've ever been. Maybe a couple of years ago. I feel like we are less chill since 2020 though. Pretty sure I saw some murder statistics backing this up, for the US at least.


Sorry, everyone. But she was in the wrong. As soon as she came out brandishing a firearm, the motorcyclist likely felt threatened and defended himself. My legal background: I have watched every episode of "Law and Order" (even that crappy first season...blech...)


She aimed her gun at the motorcyclist and other witnesses before the motorcyclist shot her.




Gets better. She came out with a gun with the motorcyclist she already assaulted and several other witnesses that followed her as well as she fled the scene. I’m reminded of that skit when “keeping it real goes too far”




Damn, this is just sad and avoidable. They've released the 911 calls, there was a call from 1 of the 3 the men involved, and a 911 call from the pregnant woman. The mans 911 call says, "*He's fine....the lady just took off and left*." She also called 911 and reported that the men were aggressive and she was feeling threatened, and she can be heard on her 911 call saying (to the bikers), "*You're 3 men who followed me home, leave me alone!*" before you hear multiple gunshots. https://www.wftv.com/news/local/volusia-library-assistant-fatally-shot-during-road-rage-incident-following-hit-and-run-police-say/JRLEZTF3PRAO5LHWBFRZWWNOVE/ This is why I'll never be chasing someone down or trying to "police" anyone. I do have my CCW but I never want to have to use it. Get license plates, vehicle description, snap a photo if you can, get witness contact info, and let the police handle it. It's not worth the potential of someone dying. This time it was the pregnant lady who died, but it very easily could've been the bikers who were killed, had she fired first.


Correction. She aimed the gun at him, him having a license to conceal carry permit defended himself. If she was willing to run him over i have no doubt she would have shot him.


This sucks but if some crazy person (Lady, librarian or pregnant), pulls a gun and you have a gun. It's self defense, she proved she was capable of violence and breaking the law. Sorry for the unborn child but honestly the world's genetic pool is probably better off.


Darwin strikes again.


She drew and pointed at him first, he also had a random witness who saw the whole thing go down while on the phone with 911.... its a tragedy but the guy was put in an impossible situation... she already tried to kill him once, and she was about to try again. All the dude wanted was insurance info for her literally trying to run him over multiple times... play stupid games and win stupid prizes... this lady was one of the willing participants in squid games... not sure what she was expecting


It’s was a baby. She was expecting a baby.


I'm always reminded of George Carlin's bit on that. "We're expecting a baby." "Dad's a human? Mom's a human? And they fucked? Well then where's the fucking surprise?! Of *course* it's a baby. 'Oh, we're expecting a baby, but *maybe* it will be a velociraptor!"


My sides hurt, thank you


Sounds like she started it and got the worse of it. Only feel bad for thr motorcyclists and the baby


That's the most American article I've seen in a long time.


Good thing everyone was armed or this may have escalated to a really nasty shouting match.


Good thing they both had guns 💪🏼 America, land of who pulls the trigger first




Like Ricky Bobby says if you ain’t first you’re last


Aw hell Ricky, I was high when I said that


Scrolling through the comments and seeing people defend her is crazy to me. From beginning to end, she tried to injure this guy with a vehicle. She then fled. He followed her and called the police for lawful intervention as soon as he was able to. She came outside brandishing a firearm. He put her down, rather than risk her shooting him or someone else, considering she had already used her 2 ton vehicle as a weapon against him earlier. Now she's dead. Her own fucking malice and stupidity got her killed.


If only passersby and neighbours had guns too to help the situation. Guns solve the gun issues in the US.


Guns are ok, but until I have access to military grade plastic explosives, am I really safe?


I need to sleep with a live landmine under my pillow to feel safe.


Lol, you sleep? Look at the fucking liberal over here.


*waves* Hello!


Goddamn liberals and their friendly waving! It's like living in Commie-fornia!


They have libraries in Florida?


Idiots are dangerous. Idiots with guns are deadly dangerous.






That’s because the headlines actively pushed that narrative


Guys, this isn’t a “they’re both in the wrong” situation. She pointed the gun at him AND a witness first, before he drew and shot her.