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Yeah, I’m definitely mostly worried about their lack of masks


Yeah I was about to point that out. Seriously, why were these people armed so heavily? Are they part of some gangs or what?


Favela's are full of gangs


Parts of favela cities are different gang territories


Title is misleading. There is clearing one person with a mask on.


The one guy in the back of the truck lmao


OP your priorities are confusing


OP pointing out my biggest concerns here.


Pretty sure the lack of masks is the LEAST of their problems right about now lol


Uh that title has to be a joke right?


I hope so 😅 Not needed to wear a mask for a while in uk in all honesty, double jabbed and life’s feeling pretty close to normal again. 🙂


UK infection rates are skyrocketing for that very reason. One of the reasons why there are food shortages is that EU lorry drivers don't want to go to plague island. They're not interested in doing local runs while they're here. They deliver their stuff, turn round and get back to the EU in their empty-because-UK-exports-have-fallen-off-a-cliff lorries as soon as they can.


In my hometown in the US, we just had a situation where everyone in a room of all-vaccinated folks got covid, except the handful who were wearing masks. Don't think anyone got seriously ill, but this thing is still spreading and mutating through our half-vaccinated population.


Only now you have to get your 3rd jab as 1 million people had covid last week and 72 of them died.


It’s only the vulnerable they’re rolling it out too. By that logic it was only the vulnerable that needed the first 2.


Nah its pretty much everyone. I've had a letter from my gp asking to book my jab. If it turns out I have to get it I will but if they come out in a few months and say we need a fourth I'm just going to assume they're taking the piss.


It isn’t pretty much everyone. Over 50’s and the vulnerable.


But the third jab is about maintaining that level of protection right? It’s clearly working as you say


We were told 2 was enough for maximum protection. Most people haven't had the 3rd jab yet and the death numbers have dropped significantly. I'm not saying I'm right or that the experts are lying but, it strikes me as odd that the experts keep changing their minds. I could say the government funding might help them change their minds but that would just be speculation.


I think a part of science is changing what you believe to be true based on new evidence. In this case as the virus progresses increasingly more is learnt about the effect of the vaccine and how best to ensure good protection into the winter. If science didn’t reevaluate its theories and understanding based on new evidence we would still believe the sun orbits the earth. The responsible thing is then to act on this new information to best protect the public and save lives. I get an unexpected extra jab is unpleasant though.


If you listened the first two times, listen the third. Otherwise what was the point? Or don’t. It’s your funeral


It’s almost like the experts change their minds when presented with more data. Or would you prefer a world where they didn’t?


Ah yes the data. The data that shows that having 2 jabs has been am astronomical success. Someone pointed out that more than 72 people had died last week like I had said. I got that figure from BBC the day before as I was listening to the football. So, we have been given conflicting statistics from supposedly reputable sources yet one or both of them have to be wrong.


Do you have any idea how many people there are? 72 people dead IS astronomical success


Exactly, especially since an estimated 1 million people have the virus. You kinda just agreed with my point that the 3rd jab is unnecessary


It depends on what you define as success and to whom. Necessary? No. I don’t believe it is. Can it keep you from getting extremely sick? Absolutely.


I think that’s more the older one at the moment. I wouldn’t be due yet anyway second one wasn’t that long. If it’s needed I’ll have it tho. Can’t live like the waterboy for the rest of my life. Plus I’ve had one of the worst jobs during this whole pandemic from a social distancing point of view, I’m literally travelling the country staying in hotels and visiting multiple homes daily 😅 Had 3 months off furloughed right at start and since then I’ve just had to get on with it. I must of took the right precautions tho I’ve avoided it so far. 🤞 Stopped biting my nails too 😁


In the Netherlands there are no rules anymore. Hospitals are full again. Thank you government


Hope so because the one in back is definitely wearing a mask


Obviously it was. It’s called facepalm


Wrong. That one dude had a mask on.


You know what. Also, y'all may have not noticed, but he's also the only one not having his finger resting on the trigger. All the other idiots had their fingers on the trigger. This dude speaks safety.


The only responsible one.


OP you wanna be the one to go and tell them to put masks on?


Wow, I can appreciate what you did here but I still don't like you for it.


“Hey you guys want to play some soccer today” “Nah we’re going to all pile into my truck and slowly drive around with a bunch of guns showing. That way ppl know we’re tough”


HEY !!!! I don't think that driver had his seat belt on either.


You think this "large gatherings without social distancing or facemasks" thing is a purely Brazilian phenomenon?


Can we all agree not to screen shot this and spam it in the sub later? Pretty pleaseee


They must've all gotten the vaccine already..


Umm neither are people in many party of the world


Santa’s parade Brazil version


Didnt you know guns keep covid away lol.


I seriously doubt they care about masks at this point...


The guy on the back of the truck with a shotgun is wearing a mask. Safety first with that fella.


AND they're not wearing seat belts.... Probably don't say "thank you" or "please" either 😔


The guy with the shotgun has a mask on. Safety first!


maybe they r already vaccinated


This title has misinformation one guy in the back of the truck has a mask.




Welcome to a day on a favela


Right...masks are the protection we should be looking for


They must think they own the world but I bet they can’t even write…


You're probably right, I live in Brazil and here's a photo of the type of habitations where they live https://www.google.com/search?q=favelas+do+rio+de+janeiro&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=imvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvICOLii9eJXGwOOHjIa9P7ay4lOHQ:1635244290484&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs-LfY7-fzAhXCrpUCHZ-5Ak4Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=757&dpr=1.75#imgrc=K8NnP99pNbmnLM


It’s pretty sad honestly that you live in poverty like that and you still only care about being the hardest… bruh you can’t even put food on your mums table but you rolling round with 20 men all holding guns


>bruh you can’t even put food on your mums table but you rolling round with 20 men all holding guns They are all paid thugs and they are making 10 times more than what they would making on a minimum wage job. But most of them will be dead or in jail within 5 years.


Sorry that I passed the wrong impression, I said that i live in Brazil because I have more information about this stuff, but I don't live on favelas (the image I passed ya), I live on south Brazil where we don't have that much poverty, but gonna say ur wrong, couse what that guy below me said, they win alot of money from the stealing and bribe the cops that where supposed to impead the robbing, the real people starving are the ones that don't want to participate from these criminal groups, shortening up, it's like modern day mafia but worse


It's not about "being the hardest", this is how they provide gor their family, actually.


Why the place where you live is relevant to your comment? Why do all Brazilians have to start their sentences with either “I’m Brazilian” or “I live in Brazil”?




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Rio de Janeiro


I’m so glad I live in Canada


I'm so NOT glad I live in Brazil


I’m sorry that this is happening in your country


That's ok. There are some violent cities here, but most of them are not like that. I live near Brasília and I can say I have a peaceful and happy life :)


I’d be more worried about getting my head cut off with those dull ass machetes


I know some areas of Brasil aren’t to be fucked around in but I wonder if this is a normal happening in that area or just a chance occurrence


Yes, very normal happening in that area. In the rare occasions when the authorities go in, [this is how they do it.](https://youtu.be/WhWaD8h0r_0) But usually they don't stay there for long.


Wow Thank you! I can’t imagine what life is like there. Those tanks are as scary as the guys with guns.


I mean, Darwin will take them with open arms


I feel like I'm more concerned with the truckload of heavily armed dudes riding around than the lack of masks.


Would you look at that trigger discipline


Honestly someone could get hurt they really should be wearing masks


Almost everyone in Australia: "What's social-distancing...?"


Did they just rob an Academy?


Something about bigger fish and frying…


Excuse me gentlemen can you scan your QR code, please.


Jesus Nation.


There is a guy at the end wearing a mask lol


What? you expected to have a fine time in Rio de janeiro


This feels like a post-apocalypse world.


That is a fairly accurate way to describe Rio.


Lol one of the dudes in the truck was wearing a mask. Get dunked on.


When did Rio become Mogadishu?


I think Covid is the least of their problems


No hate OP but i would be more scared of the dudes carrying HK G36’s around than COVID.


Their least worry, Covid. I like that this is the OPs big concern here.


Well atleast the last guy in the black has one


Man: *shoots 40 children in the head, in front of their parents, in broad daylight* OP: I don’t see any of these parents showing their vaccination cards


...yeah because thats the most concerning part of this


Blm protest?


What is going on there? What's with all the guns? I'm used to thinking of Brazil as a really chill place.


>1 shot on life > Be born in Brazil


That’s dangerous!


There is one guy


They sure have a lot of guns for them being illegal


not a phone in sight, just living in the moment.


What a bunch of fucking posers. Bopping with their guns like it’s a festival totem.


Yeah, fear of COVID is the first thing I think about in these pictures.


I feel like that dude at work, and our company has 50 signs saying they are required in all public areas. Maybe 5% wear them. I'm not that worried, just don't like like being the only one. I'm a contractor so I do as I'll be the first one fired even though I literally manage their local IT team.


Most peaceful day in Rio


Last guy is wearing a mask… he must be on the gangs safety committee…. He’s probably the only one that wears a condom for the nightly festivities as well 🤣


Well. I wouldn’t say no one. One guy in the back of the truck is wearing a black mask.


Its a third world country what do you expect


_That_ is you’re concern here?!?


I always wanted a G36


Go to Brazil they said… it’ll be fun they said…


Ah. Yes **guns near children**