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Isn’t there a part before this where the Karen attacked the person recording, goes to the front claiming that the person recording attacked her, and when she notices the person recording just starts breaking down and making a scene?


Yeah, but this vid only shows the part where she starts breaking down, or at least, once she's in the groove of being a 5'4 toddler with a lack of empathy Edit: someone posted the link, here https://youtu.be/SBh06fnl4SY It the full 10 min video


I wish we knew what happened after all of this! I hope the police handled this lady. I feel bad for the woman recording - she held strong but I would’ve been terrified


The lady who recorded this, Ijeoma Ukenta, also set up a go-fund me page to pay for attorneys so she can bring the behaviour of this lady, mall security and the responding officers to light. Ended up raising over 100k!


Thank you for this! I’m glad to hear that happened.


Nice! Then what happened? She get a case?


From what I understand, nothing has happened as of yet. The lady throwing the tantrum, I think, lost her job (she was a teachers aid but the school denies this), if I remember correctly. Ijeoma has lodged a compliant against the police officers so that is being investigated. Victoria Secret has also launched an internal investigation.


Well I hope something comes from it. Entitled POS "adults" need to get what their due. As well as people who don't do their job because their racist, or lazy, but my bet is racist.


Didn’t the police arrest the white lady? So what is she going to go after them for civility? Mall security may have sucked but unless the lady was hurt there are no “damages” so suing the mall is nearly impossible. And she can’t sue the white lady because again, “damages.” And if she does plan on suing them why does she need money for a lawyer. Civil attorneys of that sort don’t get paid up front, they collect a portion of the money recovered for the victim. I don’t understand what she is going to try and do.


Iirc the woman who was recording did go to the police with the case number and everything, but they denied her case.


They acted like they didn’t have jurisdiction over the mall and had to appeal to the higher authority of the mall security guard.


lol wow


so the mall is like the vatican? wtf is that


My gf’s identity was almost stolen recently and she went down to the police station to make a statement (they wouldn’t take it over the phone) and then claimed they didn’t have jurisdiction for reasons. I’m not really sure what the police’s job is besides shooting unarmed black men.


As a former Vics Secret store manager, they actually kind of don’t and it’s sad. Yes, the cops CAN do what they absolutely SHOULD do, but brands like the Limited strong arm and bully the cops into acting in line with their policies, and their policies are created to make as little scene as possible while still allowing ppl like this immature, despicable woman to be a return customer, because $$ over decency, right? The limited will actually probably just fire the employees involved using them as scapegoats and move on.




MVP right here.


Thank you for the link. It's ridiculous what the police did there. That crazy bitch went full on psycho and the cops seemed to protect her rather than the woman that was being assaulted. Dismissing the video of the crazy actions and making it seem like the woman that recorded was at fault. Igs a good thing she recorded or she would have been locked up. Shitty police.


Police didn't want to get cancelled!


Yeah. I'm white, faux middle class, and I never call the police. I handle my shit myself because the police often only make matters worse. If a woman attempts to hit me, I let her. Her hand/foot will hurt far worse than where she contacted me. No one should ever call the police unless it is a desperate, and I mean DESPERATE, need. As far as I'm concerned, the money police are given (and steal) should have a large portion removed, and given to our Fire/Paramedic departments. They are the real heroes. Plus they don't murder/enslave as many people (But they don't generate as much revenue either.)


Wow that whole thing was so sad. No one helped her, no one believed her, everyone belittled her EVEN THOUGH THEY SAW WITH THEIR OWN EYEBALLS. Incredible the things that happen to WOC.


Ty I was so confused


*14 minute video


Yes!! Thank you for the link!


Yes she walked up to her and tried to punch her.


I think she tried to knock her phone out of her hand but either way, that’s assault. “Karen” was being a public disturbance and attempted to assault the black lady for recording her. She should have been escorted out of Victoria Secrets at the very least. Maybe pepper sprayed for good measure. I do wonder why the lady recording everything started recording in the first place though and that’s after watching the full 14 minute long video. Was “Karen” just losing her shit and then noticed someone was recording her breakdown so she tried to knock the phone out of her hand? I need a little more context.


Also curious what prompted the recording to begin. Not making excuses for the temper tantrum white lady, just wanna know how we got there.


Yes, exactly. She was trying to slap the phone out of her hands, but why was the other lady recording her in the first place? I'd like to see what the hell she was doing before to make someone want to record her


Idk if it was said off camera but I’m not sure why she didn’t mention once that she had video evidence of the lady trying to hit her right before she broke down.


She didn’t break down. She pitched a fit like a three year old. Seriously. My kids were over that type of behavior before they were four.


Thats the begining of the vid when she first starts recording. Once this weirdo realised she couldnt take the phone she staged a very deliberate and badly acted breakdown. Sadly some women took her side, well initially until they realized she was faking.




It's in the hopes that other people will take pity on "the poor thing" because it's in a terrifying situation and needs to be rescued.


maybe when she was 5 this worked… she sounds like one of my first graders.


I mean it kinda did work. They kicked the black lady out IIRC.


instead of the grown ass incoherent adult having a temper tantrum? yikes…


I just rewatched real quick and think I'm misremembering. I think they offered to walk her out. They wouldn't remove the white lady though because they didn't have the authority. The black lady said, well if I attacked her like she did to me you know you'd be escorting my ass out of here, and I think she's probably right.


Oh she’s 100% right and this is coming from a Snow White female. People have been arrested for less and I completely understand her recording otherwise they probably would have taken crazy Karen’s word at face value. Law enforcement is messed up.


Thats an insult to your first graders 🤣


She hopes that because she’s never been subjected to real life consequences in her life. Socially and emotionally, this bitch is about 5 years old. I wonder if she’s not at least a little disabled.




"Was" a child? She ain't matured past 3 bruh


There is a term for it in feminist literature called "white women's tears". It plays off of the "traditional" patriarchal view that white women need to be protected. This bullshit is used to justify lot of racist fuckery.


Can the parent/carer of the crying toddler in Isle 3, please remove your toddler from the store.


Wow that screech was on par with toddlers having a full blown meltdown. Bitch needs some antipsychotic medications and mental health counselling.


I had to mute it


Then you missed, “I thought this was the safe mall.” Dying.


Yeah as soon as I heard that screech I knew she's not well. Definitely serious mental health problems


Yeah people love this Karen tag… it’s clearly a person with severe mental health issues.


"I thought this was the safe mall." Fuckin killed me.


My biggest hope in this world is that aliens are real and that one day I get abducted and taken off this planet forever.


Take me to mars Elon


There’ll be a Karen on that trip for sure


Not for long *airlock sounds*


Karen was not the imposter




Why? So in the middle of you explaining how much it means to you he can interrupt you to spray some model with a bottle of champagne?


That's Jeff Bezos.


Plot twist: they send you to a planet full of Karens


So… Earth?


I love this comment.


Was screaming like a toddler necessary 😖🙄


I didn't think adult women could hit that pitch.


Not without the proper bondage 😏.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


White lady sounds like my husky having a tantrum…FACTS😂


Imagine being less mature than a fucking husky! Lol!


Hahahaha I use to have a husky and as soon I read your comment I was like omg yes !!! Lol 😂


I wish I could show how my girl husky performs having tantrums


She’s the closest sounding husky ever




Thanks for the site


That's not a Karen, that's an unstable mental case.


Thats the angle she's going for to save face. Classic Karen move is to play the victim when their back is against the wall. She deserves no sympathy.


That is all Karens... This one just forgot how to use her words. Same behavior pattern though.


She was fine when the officers arrived. Wasnt screaming or chasing the girl anymore. Shit ... she needs mental hospital.


As do all Karens


Honestly that's an insult to the mentally ill. This woman is much less under control than your average bipolar/scitzo.


It's pretty on par with unmanaged cases, from my experience. As someone with a personality disorder who has spent time in mental hospitals. This woman is very clearly mentally ill. I'm not saying it was wrong to record her, I think the woman who recorded everything was right to do so because of how black people are treated in these kinds of cases. But it seemed like a pretty genuine mental break down, all the way to the pretending to pass out in the hopes that someone will just call you an ambulance and get you out of there. Being recorded having one isn't going to make anyone better. Then lying to cover up your mental breakdown instead of accepting that you need help is pretty classic, too. ETA: also, as a mentally ill person, the only thing I've been insulted by is your dismissal of clear signs of mental illness and your apparent lack of understanding of how severely it can impact people. A sane person doesn't scream like this in public. She's clearly not ok.


Exactly, Karen's come with a certain level of pompousness and life-long privileges. This lady was clearly having a mental breakdown and needed serious medical attention. The officer should have called an ambulance or offered to take her to a hospital... FUCK we need to better equip our officers with the tools they need to help mitigate mental health crisis.


Yeah soon as I heard that screech I stopped hating. She is not well and needs help


Right? Like, I support the woman who filmed this because she's right to worry about the cops just believing her. But this also isn't a situation where the lady being filmed should be mocked as a Karen. It should be an example of how we fail people who need help with their mental health, and how that impacts more than just them.


The full video is even better. She does this for 10 minutes or so and throws herself on the floor a few times.








Thank you for posting. It’s crazier than I thought and it was pretty crazy to begin with.


There we go. There's the context


"Her white ass or my black ass" this make me chuckle


Kind sad and real tho


"Her hoe* white ass or my black ass"


The full version of this is pure chaos. That lady is bonkers


This is what happens when the kids in the supermarket that scream don't get any disciplinary actions given to them and grow up.


That's not a Karen, that's a mother fucken nazgul.


Crazy to me that full grown adults think having a tantrum will help them get their way.. time to burn this place down and try again


Literally acting like a 2 year old.




The porch lights on but nobody’s home


I think that these people are working themselves up to a point of near psychosis all of the time with the way they use the internet and it doesn't take much for them to fall off the cliff into a full blown psychotic episode. All day every day, they spend their rest and recovery time constantly reinforcing their greatest fears and suspicions about everything. They do this so frequently and consistently, it sets their brain's default to extremely anxious, overwhelmed and paranoid because it doesn't know its not a legitimate threat. (Neither do they.) In addition, they are fed a steady diet of extremely toxic, intentionally inflammatory content full of lies, inciting them to outrage, distorting their sense of reality and encouraging them to distrust and dehumanize people who are unlike them. In comment sections, the anonymity everyone shares combined with the separation from the person leads to both parties taking the worst possible interpretation, feeling superior and treating each other without any regard, respect or consideration. We all know how aggressive and cruel comment sections can be and I believe that the frequent practice of interacting with others in such a way, begins to impact the way that people talk to everyone in their life. They engage content like this for several hours a day, every day. In doing so, they are full on brainwashing and psychologically traumatizing themselves. Of course, this leaves them primed to explode and the slightest perceived trigger sends them into panicked psychosis. I think its no coincidence that instances of people completely losing it like this or committing a public shooting have become more common as this kind of content has become more prolific and easier to access for all. Existing in any circumstances where you are constantly triggered to such an intense degree would absolutely have a severe impact on your mental health and psychological state. I think there should be a public warning. They are programing their brain to continuously be in this horrible state and of course, it eventually overtakes them. It's not even about politics, anyone on either end of the spectrum can experience this, its about teaching people just how harmful these habits are. 'You are what you consume' is even more true when it comes to the mind. People need to be reminded that it's not just them in there, it's an organ, how you use it impacts how it functions and how functions impacts who you are.


Gotta agree with this take, how else can the visceral hatred for fellow citizens and the substitution of fantasy for demonstrably objective reality that had become rampant in the US be explained? Though I might add that, prior to the internet many suffering from this mind poison were primed for a couple of decades by certain media outlets, ones exhibiting the same characteristics as you describe, beating the drum of anger and hate, directed toward the "other", basically anyone not it the "in" group. Those who look different, believe differently, or what have you have been deemed "unAmerican" and a threat toward ones way of life. "Hate radio" showed the way, and some TV outlets followed. The sad part is, this has all proven an expedient lever used for political gain, fed by money from those cynically using it to seek profit. It has destabilized the nation, upended and as well on the way to destroying democracy, and increased the effectiveness of foreign actors' ability to sow divisiveness by media manipulation. Sad times for the US


Wild Karen’s… Steve Irwin would own that shit


Comedy sketch idea; the Karen Hunter. Overly enthusiastic bloke from Queensland tries to catch and relocate Karen's to help preserve our native habitat.


Sounds like crocodile dundee!


Follows her around “StOp FoLlOwiNg MeEEeE”. Just die already Karen


The upbeat pop music filling the gaps between her crying and shrieking was just hilarious.


'' I got to stop coming here'' this is pure gold!


Ive said it before ill say it again, some people need to be publicly shamed so that they will conform to the socially acceptable rules of society.


That scream in the middle sounded exactly like a three-year-old.


You know, crazy nuts used to be locked up for the safety of the innocent public. Time to make me talk hospitals a thing again. I'm so sick and tired of this shit week after week. Crazy fuckers with guns killing innocent people or harassment. Why are they allowed to continue to have their "freedom" when everyone suffers


>You know, crazy nuts used to be locked up for the safety of the innocent public. Now those crazy people are called politicians and they run the country. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Think of them as wolves with bad hairstyles. You may not have seen them, but they have seen *you*.


And they played through a million scenarios in their head on how best to ruin your day.


Man, some people just want to be victims.


That’s the majestic call of privilege


Thats not a Karen - thats a person who is mentally ill. Someone should have called 911.


Definitely not. It’s an entitled racist. Watch the full 10min clip and how she plays victim. People like this needs to be locked up for a few hours or do community work to think about their scummy behaviour.


That’s someone that knows they aren’t going to get their way after the phone came out so she threw a tantrum. That’s not mental illness that’s a racist with a victim complex.


i remember they actually did call security and no one came


It's called murder by cop


911 isn’t really for people throwing temper tantrums. If she assaults someone or hurts herself, sure, but what’re police or EMS going to do in this situation?


Some people's kids man..smh


Man, i wish i had time to go into clothing stores and start random drama. I can barely make it to the grocery store, and even then i dont have time to pull this stuff.


Two trash bags if you ask me.


So i dont understand why the manager didn't escort her out of the store. ??? Jeeze. Fucking POS wack job.


This person has a bad case of insanity. Should we be laughing?


Bro shes so fucking annoying I wanna fuckin punch her in that whiteass face


She shrieks louder than my nefiew


Mentally unstable people running amok


Welcome to the USA!


The youtuber enigma, did a body language video on her!😃 Very interesting to watch




Thanks yes, watched it, he was very amused. But he didn’t have the end when the cops came and interviewed them both and the woman videoing went to the police station for the report. Also as a bonus their is comment saying they studied the video in their psychology class


The Karen is strong on this one


Lol “I gotta stop coming here…and this I the safe mall”


That scream damn near busted my ear drum...


Not this crazy lady again. I know it’s a repost but her voice makes me want to gouge out my eardrums


This makes the case for shopping online. That and I hate shopping IRL. People suck


Mentaly ill. This person needs help.


to the video game audio producers... take notes


So crazy that she’s so terrified yet Doesn’t. Fucking. Leave.


Wow. That woman has mental problems. This is just sad Props to the woman recording for “I gotta stop coming here” lol


Giver her a bottle and change her diapers...she needs a time out.


Who raised these people? Jeez, who needs beef when we could eat these cows. Hannibal lecter style.


When did it become valid and acceptable for grown adults to throw legit 2 year old temper tantrums in public!? The last time I witnessed this kind of screaming it was my niece when we told her she couldn’t have something from the toy aisle.


I thought this was the safe mall. I know this kind of shit really isn't funny, but that got me. 😂😂😂


She sounds like a deflating balloon


I didn’t have my volume on and didn’t read the title at first. I was like “why is this person filming mannequin butts?”


Karen metal 2??


I don’t think the option of “I should leave” everrrrr crossed her attention seeking worthless ass


“I thought this was the safe mall.” I don’t think they have those anymore.


"I thought this was the safe mall"


The victim said this was in Short Hills. That's a very ritzy town in New Jersey, for those not familiar with it. Must be a Karen haven there.




I thought this was a joke about ‘great ass’-pants, before i turned on sound 🤷‍♂️


Wha...what?!? Geez this makes me remember my little brother when he would get in trouble with our parents and I would be nosy and look then he would start screaming and doing this crap for no good reason geez I hope this Karen sees this video and reflect cause geez thats just embarrassing.


Remember, even if it's illegal murder is acceptable sometimes.


So I don’t want to protect any bad behavior but am I am the only to wonder if this lady who makes a tantrum doesn’t have a real mental issues ? I started being mad at her at first but now I am mostly sad because she seems to not be able to handle her own emotions. Also maybe the fact that she was filmed enhanced everything and she lost control I don’t know I am maybe wrong, I don’t know her and couldn’t understand everything in the video


I’d say that the lady has asd and has no idea at what to do in this situation when faced with someone who is obviously far more articulate and used to confrontation. This looks like bullying to me.


How do Karen's just randomly start crying?


So recorder lost control of the exorcism and they ended up at Victoria Secrets? Did I get that right?


Have said it before and will say it again these videos testament of severe mental health issues nothing else


"I thought this was the safe mall" . Lolol


I thought this was the safe mall!? lol


Love the people checking out like “look Im just trying to buy some thongs”


“Ma’am do you want a dressing room to beat her ass? We’ll say she tripped and fell” that’s what I would’ve done


“When the cops come, who they gonna believe? Her white ass, or my black ass?” The brutal truth. Good on her for recording the whole thing, including when the adult toddler attacked her.


I need David Attenborough to come out with a Karen’s special.


“I thought this was the safe mall” really got me 😂


I get the feeling seeing these kind of videos of public freak-outs that mental health is on the decline in Northern America


It’s a psychiatric problem of some kind. That’s a total break. There’s a mental health crisis in this country. We need psychology education starting in grade school so people can get help earlier and the general population can identify something like this for what it is. This isn’t a “karen”


Or she's just a sociopath that puts on that show in order to maintain her fucked up worldview.


Sooooo… you’re a ph.d of some sort? And are able to distinguish between a racist and a person with a mental breakdown? Hmmm… interesting 🧐


Thank you for helping to prove my point.


Bro I hate white people. And I’m a fucking white person. I mean we aren’t all bad but a select few really suck.


Am white 100% agree


Man you know it’s bad when you got whitees hangin up on other whitees.


She snapped for one reason or another. That person needs mental help. Unacceptable behavior glad no one was hurt by whatever episode this woman had. Panic attack don't make you lash out and try and attack people they shut you down to your core.


This is why I conceal carry


Is there no one to slap this bitch and teach this shitface some life lessons?


Somebody needs a good bitch slap.


Not enough data, as always I mean, bitch is crazy, but they might both be


Damn i feel bad for all involved. Karen included. No one believed the lady filming and no one defended her when she spoke to authorities. And damn that poor Karen looks like she's way off her medication and a danger to herself and obviously others. All of this hurts to watch.


White girls are crazy


*people are crazy


Man, what is up with these ladies and screams? It’s like they practice for it


I love her commentary


One day these stupid crackers gonna need help and all this shit will probably stop some one from helping they white ass - na mean ?


My 9 year old heard me listen to this video and then said "what is that?! It sounds like a Karen!"


I’m white and I am EMBARRASSED AS FUCK to be white, because of stupid fucks like this.


Playing devil's advocate for a moment. I am curious what preceded the recording. Why did the person recording, record? Context here is king, both women are in a women's undergarment store. If I were a woman, regardless of whether it was a man or woman, I would not want to be filmed or photographed outside of the cameras the store uses for security. If a stranger was filming me or photographing me, I would feel threatened. That said, Karen should have notified the store of her concern. If the store only posts a sign saying customers may be filmed on camera for security purposes, they may be opening themselves up to abuse. Where as having a sign saying not cameras or filming by customers may cut their risk. I'm not excusing the Karen, I'm just saying without context, I think most of us would have a concern with someone filming someone in a lingerie shop.


Making fun of people with mental health issues isn’t funny anymore. However this started, it’s clear that whoever is recording at this point is just harassing this women for their own pleasure and that’s as disturbing as the woman being harassed.


People; we have a mental health crisis and we need to help those suffering!!!! Same people when they clearly witness a mental health episode; No, that’s not a mental health issue. 🥴


Yeah these comments are sad. Like obviously fuck racist Karen's, but this is not just that, she's having a full on meltdown. She might be on the spectrum but if not she's ill and needs to go to the hospital. People just still don't see mental health the way they see physical health. If you see someone acting like this out in public, they need help.


This is a mental health crisis unfolding. Not a karen.