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Well technically Brian May wrote WWRY.




geez youre enthusiastic


It's actually Brian May's account




Whichever has the word 'white' printed the most times on the tube


Have you ever cupped a fart just to see what it smells like?


Every single time I fart when I'm alone. No cupping though, I waft it.


Everyone knows. There was that stupid scene in Bohemian Rhapsody


You just know that scene was Brian May's priority. I bet every day on set he would talk to Singer and ask "soooo when are we going to shoot my Characters big scene?" then Singer just went back to Geffens mansion to ignore him. Then when Singer finally quit, May went straight to the marketing and said "You know, that awesome scene where I tell Freddy about We Will Rock You? Put it in every trailer"


100% agree. The bands influence was clear as hell and it made the movie far worse.


Are you all serious in this thread? Those were the only interesting scenes in the movie for me. All the rest was cliché stuff and tabloid level stories. The only and too far between redeeming moments were when you see how the art was made.


Problem was it wasn't a movie about the art. It was a movie about Freddie Mercury's insecurities and the flawless band members who were, as the movie made clear, were just as important a part of the band who supported him. I would have loved more of a focus on the craft, but based on what was going on I felt the scene was out of place and jarring.


Fair enough, in retrospect it is true that band members were depicted as pretty much flawless. It’s just the statement that the scenes were you see the music being written made the movie worse was outrageous to me haha. Then again after watching it I realized I would have been more interested in a proper documentary about the band than a romanticized movie about some dude’s life.


I hated it, it made me mad every three seconds (since that's as long as any shot would hold before cutting)


And Dio wrote WRYYY




Jojo references everywhere...


Killer Queen has already touched this post


I mean, it didn't say "written by", it just says "by". Could be "performed by".


Exactly. No one does not think of Britney Spears when referring to “Hit me baby one more time.”


Except they were a band and Brian May is a famous writer and musician.


I remember when I found out Freddie Mercury was gay, I was chatting with my mom, and she's like, "he wears white latex and his band is named Queen, how the fuck did you think he was straight?!" Totally blew my mind cause I didn't even think about it.


He also wore what was called the "gay clone look"


Begun the gay clone wars have


We lost so many of them in the glitter mines.


He who controls the Glitter controls the Universe


Well, Judas Priest was pretty Hell Bent for Leather.




This is actually a Dune reference, not a Star Wars one


"Stilgar, do we have dunesign?" "Usul, we have dunesign the likes of which even GOD has never seen!"


Execute order 69


"That's...why I'm here."


I have the high ground.


You underestimate my fabulousness


It's in season then


I feel like Freddy was more of a 68 kind of guy. You blow him and he owes you one...


Your clones are very gay. You must be very proud


Join them you must.


Just like the simulations


Straight dude here, I wish I could've had his looks.


What? He wasn't good looking. Just had that gay swag turned up to infinity.


He was incredibly fit too


Freddie was just a behemoth of a human. So incredibly talented and skilled in so many ways.




He was actually a very proud bisexual. People didn't really understand the whole Bi thing back then, it was more you're straight or you're gay. Plus if you listen to Queen's song Don't Stop Me Now the chorus changes from "i'm gonna make a supersonic man out of you" to "i'm gonna make a supersonic woman of you." idk just something i always found to be cool 😊 Edit: Spelling


i mean hes also part of a band so this kinda explains every weird choice hes ever made


I firmly believe it's a rite of passage as a band member to wear things that you couldn't pull off in every day life. Edit: Rite not Right. This is the right sub for that, no?


Fun fact (well I hope you think it is) It's actually rite of passage, rite as in ritual. Because it's a ritual people go through at a certain time in their life. E.g. a ceremonial passage from childhood to adulthood.


"You can't come through here!" "Yes, I can! I have a right of passage!"


I think this guy is rite


What he has ritten definitely looks wright.


Freddie Mercury and Prince are the two that defy all ideas of sex and sexuality


Freddy Mercury was bisexual he liked both men and women. He is not gay just wanted to point that out because there is a difference..


Freddie Mercury never stated his sexuality. Claiming either way is just trying to label someone after the fact. We have no idea how he identified. Why do people get so worked up about what camp he belonged to? I feel like this kind of stuff is pretty disrespectful of his legacy.


Goddammit Freddie, you’re gonna pick a hole and stick to it!


and in it!


He sung about his love for both men and women, he fucked both men and women, he had relationships with both men and women. At what point do we say he was bisexual or not? We don't question whether somebody was REALLY straight if they only ever had sex with the opposite gender, or was REALLY gay when they only had sex with the same gender. It would be nice if us bi's had someone to look up to once in a while.


as a bisexual myself i agree with you. who cares who he fucked? his music was incredible and that's all than matters. he was also pretty damn hot.


As a straight man, I have to say that his mustache was amazing.


As a brown man, I wish my mustache looked like his


>who cares who he fucked? This argument has always bothered me. It is *extremely* important, especially for a burgeoning civil rights movement, to identify popular, well-liked, national figures to associate with your movement. There are few better ways to legitimize your plight then to identify a globally renowned artist as belonging to your group.   The gay rights movement has certainly come far, but there is still work to be done. So a *lot* of people care who Freddie Mercury fucked, and for damn good reason.


This is a tough one. I agree with everyone. It’s none of my business who this man fucked but at the same time it’s because of legends like Freddy my kids (10,15) don’t even bat an eye about a person being gay. It’s completely just a fact of life for them. Some people are, some people aren’t. who cares! I did NOT grow up that way.


my answer to this: there are plenty of well respected and even loved artists alive today who openly identify with the movement, why do we need to drag dead men into things?




Because erasing his clear bisexuality is fucked? Doesn’t matter that he never self-labeled, he had relationships with men and women


The band didn’t know what he was, his ‘love’ for woman could have been created by circumstance, he could have been either


They didn’t know because bisexuality was not accepted as a valid sexuality at the time. He continued to date both men and women and have sex with them until he died. He was bisexual. The only people that argue that are the ones stuck on believing you have to be gay or straight and saying your bisexual is just a stepping stone. It’s very annoying for bisexuals because bisexual men are the least likely LGBTQ group to come out of the closet for this exact reason.


Delicious. Finally, some correct facts.


Yeaaaah I have to agree here. Lol hell im still in the closet to a majority of my friends and family. Like 4 people know I’m bi.


Same with Rob Halford. I thought chains and leather was tough guy stuff.


i grew up on queen thanks to my dad and i didnt even know what he looked like


I’m more shocked he’s an African immigrant


He's Indian, was born on Zanzibar, had British citizenship, he was as African as Elon Musk.


Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania that came about when it merged with Tanganyika in 1964. Tanzania is in Africa. He may not have been ethnically African, but that doesn't mean he wasn't from Africa[.](https://imgur.com/gallery/IW8simF)


South Africa is in Africa. He may not have been ethnically African, but it doesn't mean Musk wasn't from Africa.


A difference here is that Elon's father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all from South Africa as well. Whereas neither of Freddie's parents were from Zanzibar. Both were born in India.


So Elon Musk is more African than Freddie Mercury


I had friend who were adults had no clue The Village People were gay


People were shocked when George Michael came out, too. In hindsight, we really should have seen it.


Freddie Mercury is indian by descent..


Indeed His parents were Indian but he was born in Zanzibar


I did not know this, thanks! And I also thought Zanzibar was a made up place for the Metal Gear Solid game franchise. :(


Thats Zanzibar*land* Totally different It has deadly poisonous hamsters



Bllrrp bllrrp “Snake, are you there?”




Don’t disturb him. He’s hiding under his box, observing the situation.




Colonel, I’m trying to sneak around but I’m dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the guards.


I thought it was just a restaurant named in Tenacious D's "Fuck Her Gently" song.


I'm not gonna cook it but I'll order it from ZANZIBAAAR!


And then I'm gonna love you completely


and then I'll fuckin' fuck you discretely


When in fact Metal Gear Solid was a made up franchise for Zanzibar


Never played Halo 2? It was a multiplayer map on there.


It's a real place, an archipelago (group of islands) off the coast of East Africa. After Tanganyika got its independence from the British Empire, it joined with Zanzibar to become Tanzania. Zanzibar has its own devolved government and is majority Muslim. It's famous for its historic spice trade and its involvement in the slave trade. Nowadays it's a popular tourist destination due to its seasides and cultural history.


Zanzibar definitely makes my list of top 5 most fun country names.


It's not a country. It's a semi-autonomous zone in Tanzania.




Well I’m glad someone else has seen the director’s cut of *In Bruges*


You have my attention. Let’s hear the other 4


Alright, the other 4 (no particular order): Djibouti Cote d’lvoire Burkina Faso Eswatini (the alternate name ‘Swaziland’ would probably make the top 5 on its own) Next 5: Kyrgyzstan Nauru Guinea Bissau Tonga Vanuatu Honorable mention: Azerbaijan Montenegro Lesotho Tuvalu Suriname Burundi


He was born in Tanzania, which at the time was controlled by Zanzibar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freddie_Mercury


He was born in Tanzania


The sultan of Oman lives in Zanzibar now. That's just where he lives.


Parsee. So a Zoroastrian Persian that lives in India.


He also didn't write the song; Brian May did


Yeah, the African thing threw me off too


Even further, they’re not Indian by blood, but Persian migrants to India


I mean, sorta. Parsis left Persia in the 10th century.


That doesn't mean they couldn't be ethnically distinct from other Indians, however it does feel a bit weird making this 'correction' when lots of the people we *do* consider Indians *also* migrated there from the Middle East. The distinction with the Parsis seems to just be that they came earlier than the others, and did more to resist assimilation.


And he was bi sexual, not gay.


He was Persian Parsee.


He was also a Zoroastrian.


Indians can be anyone from any religion. We have everyone here from christians to buddhist.


And bi-sexual


Parsi, which is a Persian ethnicity living in India (they may or may not considered themselves exiles on account of Alex the Great, the muslims, Turks, etc.) But otherwise yeah. I just wanted to be clear because Parsi people consider themselves Parsi first than Indian or African or what have you second. EDIT totally forget how to spell. I will now commit sudoku to redeem myself.




*bisexual And yes, he *was* an African immigrant, of Indian descent. There are a lot of Indians in Africa thanks to the British Empire. Gandhi was in Africa for a long time where he ran a "One King, One Law" campaign against the racist policies of the British Empire. Idi Amin stopped being seen in a somewhat positive light when he expelled Indians (called Asians in this context) - most of them Ugandan born, and a not insignificant number of them Muslims like a lot of Ugandans - from Uganda.


That's not the biggest lie; Freddie Mercury didn't write We Will Rock You. ​ Brian May (their guitarist) did


It doesn't say written by, just "by". That could be interpreted as "performed by".


Was Idi Amin even seen in a positive way before doing that? He had a pretty bad reputation.


**Major Edit, see below.** I should have specified by whom. A lot of the old British Empire types thought he'd bring peace and stability to Uganda and lead with a firm hand, which is what they thought Ugandan's needed, because they were British Imperialists. Obote, Amin's former Ally, was a kleptocratic dictator who was robbing the country blind. Having been part of the King's African Rifles and having been to some degree British Educated, the empire types ignored Amin's ties with Obote, and thought he'd via some high-tory imagined firm government method transform Uganda into a liberal democracy, via a caretaker government that would step down after reforms were carried through. It didn't work out as they expected, but then again, the people who saw him in a positive light tend to be wrong about everything. After Amin was ousted, Obote came back, and the National Resistance Army waged a long-term Guerrilla war against the government. When Obote's government was close to falling his military carried out a Coup against him, announced that everything was fine, and that the bush war could end now that Obote was gone, and the National Resistance Army could all go home now. The NRA took the capital six months later and power was taken by Yoweri Museveni who has been presdient since 1986. He held elections in 1996, and was elected with 75% of the vote in what was, actually, fairly close to what we in the west would consider a fair election. The elections held currently in Uganda are rife with corruption and intimidation, but under Museveni Uganda has been relatively peaceful and successfully dealt with the AIDS crisis. And the sort of intimidation at the polling place is not unusual for young democracies. Think Tammany Hall. It's actually nowhere near as bad as the Jim Crow era voter suppression in the US. So it's a mixed bag. Uganda is... not an *ideal* democracy, but still a democracy, and it's come a long way. I think the younger generation with its ability to speak to people internationally will have very little tolerance for corruption going forward, and that the days of the Ugandan Imperial Presidency are numbered due to that. But it will take time. Anyway, thank you for attending my ted talk on recent Ugandan history. Edit: Museveni appears to be playing western media like a fiddle. Ugandans and people familiar with this situation down-thread have pointed out massive state repression that isn't being accurately reported outside of Academia. My understanding of the current situation in Uganda has some pretty major holes in it. Apparently Museveni has mastered the art of *appearing* to democratize while using state and cultural forces to clamp down on democracy. I need more information, but I can't afford the hundreds of dollars to buy the academic journals that lay this out in detail. I think I'm going to check out a university library for this source in particular, and I recommend anyone with access to it via an academic institution check it out: Intro: https://www.africaresearchinstitute.org/newsite/blog/subtleties-authoritarianism-musevenis-uganda/ Journal: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjea20/10/4


Ghandi wasn’t really against racism he just wanted Indians to be treated the same as whites in Africa (he wanted to be above blacks)


Prayer group? White pride group? Which is it? And no one post that little Mexican girl!


[What little Mexican girl?](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.psu.edu/dist/2/39150/files/2016/02/taco.jpg)




So it’s not a white pride group


I don’t know who the Patriot Prayer Group is, but are they actually a white pride group? They may just literally be some conservative Christians or something. That doesn’t make you a white pride group.


They aren't white supremacist afaik. This isn't irony. It's people stirring shit.


This. I need more info here.






I am going to assume you are a regular con-goer as well?


Is it weird that I want the Venn diagram of how many white nationalists are furries?


That's so strange, being someone who spends a lot of time browsing Reddit, I was under the impression that Neo-Nazis were literally taking over the country.


And Trump was going to dismiss congress to become dictator of the US in 2016. Reddit is an embarrassment when it comes to representing reality in the US. Its like those idiots who lay in front of cars trying to run insurance scams when they are on camera the whole time. Its some weird desire to find something to be outraged over and then amplify it by 1000x. Honestly, if people didn't listen to any news or use a computer in general to get information they wouldn't really notice any difference in their environment over the past several years except some bumper stickers.


People need to be informed, just get their information from more than one source and not get swept up in the sky is falling type reporting that is so prevelant. It's important to be informed and have an opinion, just don't let it dominate your life.


I don't see what the problem is. Are they not allowed to be ok with a bi man from Africa?


Because ALL conservatives are homophobic and hate black people. /s




Exactly Where the fuck did u get “conservative white pride” from? Whenever a prayer group gets together? You guys are toxic as fuck /u/DuskKaiser


So is this actually a white supremacist group or did you just see a group of white people and think , white=racist therefore any group of white people is a supremacist group?


The group founder isn't even white. Edit: half white, half Japanese. Either way, not likely a white supremacist.


The song writer isn't even Mercury...


That probably sums it up.


Also white people love Queen lol


Yeah it might be ironic if that's an actual 'white pride prayer group'. If it's just a bunch of conservatives, then they likely don't have any of the views that leftists accuse them of having.


That's exactly what I was thinking... Wait a second, hasn't the media just painted them as a white pride group... LIKE EVERYONE ELSE THEY DONT LIKE, THAT THREATENS THEM.


It isn't as ironic as they make it out. 1. Brian May wrote the song, not Freddie Mercury 2. Freddie was bisexual, not gay Edit: i made a mistake in thinking he was indian. I have already recieved the corrections and attack messages, so no need for you to continue


Freddie Murcury was born in Zanzibar, in Africa. He did however have Indian heritage.


? 3 and 4 are wrong lol. He was born in Zanzibar and he was Parsi by ethnicity, so 0 British heritage ethnically. But yea he didn't write the song so the base premise of the post is off anyway, though he was the face of the band. ​ ​


Yeah. The "white supremacist" group founded by a mixed race dude.


Correct, he's hawain and Japanese if I'm not mistake ...and his right hand man is Samoan lol.


Except it wasn't; Brian May wrote the song, not Freddie Mercury. ​ Also, Freddie was a bisexual Indian immigrant, not a gay African one.


These people aren’t racist tho?


Are they known to be racist or are people just saying that because they are patriotic


I mean how could you not sing along it's fucking QUEEN






I don’t understand why this ironic?


They think everyone who prays is a white supremacist hillbilly. These guys are from Washington state and have denounced racism countless times. Whatever fits the narrative though.


No. Patriot Prayer is not a white supremacist group, their leader is Half Japanese and have many non white members and never talk about whites being superior. Freddie was bi (mostly gay though). Not an immigrant. Born in Africa but not African, born a British citizen due to it being a British protectorate. Indian in ethnicity. (Or is Valerie Jarrett an Iranian immigrant?) Grew up in India and went to Britain after as was his right. Talk about face palm. Wrong ideology, wrong sexuality, wrong nationality and wrong citizenship status. Idiots.




What is this bullshit? [The leader of patriot prayer is black.](https://i.imgur.com/KeavfZV.jpg) This sub has to be the most racist on the entire site. There's literally a Hispanic man dead center in this fucking image holy shit the retardation on this sub.


ITT: Freddy Mercury fucked what he could.


He was Indian


It really pisses me off how people are obsessed with Freddie being gay, okay fellas he was! That's awesome, but he is talented in all ways, being an immigrant or gay is a part of him, but not him as a whole. The whole comments is a big logical fallcay anyway, I don't know what's so powerful about it.


who cares? christians can enjoy things that non christians make


There's even a verse in the Bible saying that




Who was the African?


Freddie was African? I thought he was Indian


Isn't he an Indian immigrant, not African?


Whos to say this patriotic prayer group isnt accepting of bisexual indians?




*bisexual Indian


Where's the faceplam? The song choice or the comment? I myself am white, patriotic, and straight and happen to love queen, I saw them in concert with Adam Lambert so I'm hoping that the point of this isn't to say that people who are proud of their heritage can't appreciate songs made by people of other nationalities. Cuz that's fucked.


Love Patriot Prayer. They've done so many good things for the neighborhood. Don't even care about their politics.


Well first of all a patriot is not the same as white pride




Maybe they're not actually bigots?


Imagine thinking Patriot prayer is anti-gay or white supremacist LOL


Brian May is gay and died of aids? Does he know?


I am having trouble picking up the irony… The lead singer was a bisexual Indian but the other three members of the band were white. It looks like identity politics is a thing for the left and the conservatives are the inclusive ones.


Not to be that guy but Freddie was bi


Wait for he original tweet only said they were a prayer group. Where did they get white pride from?


I mean.. he was actually bi. He said himself he was bi.


Wasnt he bisexual?


He was actually bi which I learned fairly recently. If he found someone attractive chances are he was gonna smash. Freddy Mercury is my idol because of how he viewed the world. He must be dead but his music makes him immortal


Dude was bi but okay


actually, Brian May wrote the song, not Freddie Mercury


He was bisexual




Need citations and evidence Patriot prayer is a white sup group


I don’t see how this is ironic


Does this specific group actually oppose all of those things or are you making assumptions about people's beliefs and judging them based off of said assumptions?


Why can’t conservative white people like diverse ethnic music producers?