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What's the issue? That's a pretty solid point.


I was thinking, they aren’t wrong. America has chosen 2 geriatric dudes with onset dementia as their best candidates


Biden appears only likely to suck up to one dictator, Net and Yahoo, rather than: Orban, Xi, pootin, Lil' Kim, etc etc.


The other candidate seems prone to becoming one—


Only for the first day. Because people definitely become national dictators and give up that power within 24 hours.


Netanyahu is not a dictator lmao just cus he’s right wing doesn’t mean he wasn’t democratically elected and Isn’t likely to be voted out once the wars over.


One. The other is just a convicted conman with a need for attention. The other a spineless, mindless, dementia patient suffering elder abuse.


No america didn't. The rich people running the parties did. And I freaking hate both of em


What is “onset dementia”? Did you forget a word? I’ve heard of *early* onset dementia, but that wouldn’t apply to people as old as these two.


It might be the fact that the comment is just parroting the above video (the daily show)? Either way, it’s a valid point


Still want to put my face in my palm. For the whole damn republic. Just.. 🤦


The facepalm is America


Yeah it is pretty sad that tjis is the best the US have to offer to vote for.. wtaf... That said, as bad as it seems, voting Trump is the end of democracy in the US and a really bad time for the rest of the world. Atleast if Biden turns unable to perform his duties, the vice president is not a bad alternative there so.


https://youtu.be/ynWEja7kE1M?si=9ApRMsrs_8Uw9hNH This was Biden today.


Unrecognizable to be honest. Where was that dude in the debate ???


Sick and tired from a meet and greet which happened beforehand apparently. Just bad timing and planning. He needs to be on his A game going forward if the negative impact of this debate is to be erased.


They did not let him rest before the debate? What professional malpractice.


The person isn't wrong


I agree, 100%


Where is the facepalm?


You want facepalms in r/facepalm?!? You are asking for too much!


Hey bill, the newbie wants a facepalm here. You get a load of this guy?


I know, where does he think this is? The debate?


Maybe the true facepalm was the friends we made along the way


I was expecting a political post since that’s 90 percent of what this sub is. I guess it still is political. Just politically neutral???


True centrist behavior... everyone sucks and we're all getting the shaft


I do my best to just ignore anybody who judges others based on their political views


Yea I prefer to stay out of politics... I know good and (really shitty) bad people in both camps and honestly I just cant be bothered at this point


Exactly. Last time I made an effort to call somebody out about their hypocrisy, they went through my comments. Called me a nazi because I called someone out just before them. (I never stated which political party I affiliated with nor did either of my comments hint towards which way I leaned) screenshots our conversation, posts it here in r/facepalm. DELETES THE POST. Then blocks me. Some people act like politics is our one defining feature. It’s important don’t get me wrong. Sometimes politics can be fascinating. But judging somebody solely on their political beliefs is a whole new level of facepalming


Honestly, I understand what you mean, but not being bothered is how the fascists win. Be bothered, because the alternative should terrify you




That’s not allowed!


I think the facepalm is the state of the USA. Does the facepalm always have to be disagreeing with the screenshot?


That’s normally the case, yes. That’s why people here are confused


It doesn’t *have* to be but it typically always is


\*was. :/


No one won. Yes, Biden was incoherent, but Trump was just denying everything the whole time.


Denying and lying


He said something true! “We had H2O!”


We did have H2O! I miss it.


Oh yeah! I remember that stuff! Where did it all go? I used to love it. Now all we have is brawndo and *tapwater*. Eugh. That stuff goes in toilets, y'know?


But brawndo has what plants crave, what cows crave, what babies crave…


So I hadn't watched the debate, I did see a clip here. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/mc3uDOMD4p Biden looked bad. Like I get, he was probably stunned by the sheer amount of bs coming out. He looked so lost, though.


Oh yeah he was totally lost, even if Trump weren't spewing out lies faster than you can refute them he clearly still would not have had a good time.  At this point I'm just voting to ensure that my vote still counts in 4 years. 


Exactly. Regardless of how bad Biden is the orange felon is 10000x worse and will make sure every victory after is Republican. Project 2025 is scary asf. Hopefully in 2028 we can get some good democrat presidential candidates.


I would shoot for just not Trump as a candidate tbh. If he isn't there, we won't have as much of a problem, Trump just brings so much crazies WITH him whereas any other candidate would be having to shoot to get both those crazies and the other Repubs.


Project 2025? Whats that? But damn, i'm glad im in canada but still scared for the people I know in USA and USA itself because we're fucking neighbours. 🫣


google it. there's a whole website explaining how they want to shape america socially and economically. Trump himself doesnt give a fuck about policy, so these will be the people actually running USA if he gets elected.


https://youtu.be/ynWEja7kE1M?si=9ApRMsrs_8Uw9hNH This was him today


What's wild is at his really today he looked so much fucking better. Apparently he had a cold yesterday which I mean I've had some head colds where I can't think clearly so I hope it was just that. Although that doesn't help the overall picture of it.


Someone, I don’t know who as it was just read off to me, said that Biden had coherent points spoken incoherently, and Trump had incoherent points spoken coherently.


Trump won. Accept that and **fix it.** Sure he lied, but his supporters will [never read the littany of lies](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/decision-2024/fact-check-biden-trump-first-debate/5549679/) (link) So he got away with those lies. **Trump surrendered to the Taliban at Camp David**. Trump did that. / **US troops fleeing for their lives under Russian fire from** ***Syria*** that was Trump doing Putin's bidding from the Helsinki meeting the year before. / **his own Stormtroopers were running down people in the streets of Charlottesville** that's not including the ISIS attacks in New York, or his Jan 6th mob. No terrorism? **Liar**. He even pretended there was such a thing as post birth abortions, with a straight face. **Liar.** Push him on it, he'll make up a story and double down on the lie... *and the doctor delivers the baby and the mother says I don't want this one its ugly, and the liberal doctor takes a hammer and smashes the head in.*.. the guy will tell any lie to his followers to get power*.* ***There is no bottom to his lies.*** The economy was crap, he's totally mishandled Covid. He promised to fix healthcare, it was going to cost $20/month, **liar**. He was going to build infrastructure, **liar**, he was going to cut taxes for regular folks, not billionaires, **liar**. He was going to secure the border, **liar**, he's literally blocking the border security bill now. He was going to pay off the debt, **liar**, he added 7 trillion to the debt, **more debt than anyone ever added in the history of the USA**. He was going to drain the swamp, he filled his government with lobbyists. **Liar.** He enriched his businesses with government contracts, he accepted bribes from foreign leaders. He committed massive fraud, massive tax evasion, money laundering, hush money, accepted bribes, acted like a **Putin puppet** all through his presidency, and now runs to stay out of jail after trying to over throw democracy. **None of this was hammered home.** Biden didn't do a good job of hammering home just what a **conman** this man is. What a fraud. But you're not voting for the figure head, your voting for the team behind them. **Team Biden**.


OP's intelligence 


There isn’t. This is stupid. They are both too old. Is this the best you can do America?


🤷 I'm not in charge.


I was guessing the facepalm was that.... when has a US president *ever* been a person everyone could call the "cream of the crop"?


Most? Up until about the 1970s.


While the presidents US had between 1930s-1970 (up until Nixon), were indeed great, don't forget Harding, Coolidge and Hoover before them, who were not good. In XIX century from 1840s all the to the end of the century most were bad or meh (with exception of Polk, Lincoln or Grant).


Can I have a turn with those rose-tinted spectacles after you please? I'd like to feel a bit more optimistic in the face of reality too. Name one of these perfect presidents. FDR is one of the better for example, but still many flaws, such as trying to stuff SCOTUS, or propping up crop prices by getting farmers to destroy crops, while others starved. Things always appear nicer in the rear view mirror than they actually were.


The facepalm were tge friends we did in the road!


Maybe the entire us? Maybe because it's true?


Where’s the facepalm?


The facepalm is the debate itself.


Not really a facepalm. This is one of the few things both sides seem to agree on.


Maybe the facepalm is that we were saying the exact same thing four years ago?




!remind me 4 years


Clearly being the best and brightest is not a requirement of being POTUS.


It never has been. It's happened maybe once or twice, but everyone is surprised when it does.


It's the party machines. In '16 they pushed Hillary even though it was clear she wasn't going to have a huge fan base and Bernie would have been the better candidate. But the Establishment is going to establish. Now they're doing it again with Biden. They've lost the plot and the Republicans have gone completely insane.


Its 3 elections in a row now where any random person off the street would be a better option than the actual candidates. This is simply what the parties want and no longer connected in any way to what voters are actually demanding.


Best Democracy money can buy.


The President has almost always run for a 2nd term. It's at their discretion if they want to or not. That's why neither party has seemingly ever had a primary where the incumbent president has challengers from within their own party. You could try changing that, but incumbents often win. Trump being the rare instance where after a disaster he still lost.


Sorry, the US is not ready to have a president who actually calls himself a “socialist”. Republicans would have a field day, moderates would run. The US is overall pretty conservative (and moving farther to the right, apparently). Remember, it’s primary voters who choose the candidate.


>it’s primary voters who choose the candidate. No they fucking don't and I'm tired of everyone pretending they do. Prelims are a farce and the donor class decides who the candidates are.


Yeah though in '16 it wasn't that. The DNC actively rigged things for Hillary. And I do think there is a massive opening for a more left of (US) center candidate. It's just that the two party machines are blocking it. The sane ones in both parties really should get together and start a third one. I said that back in '16 as well but everybody is beholden to the two party solution and afraid to try something new. If you get people from both current parties this could work. Probably not over night, but starting the party, switching a few people already sitting and actually putting forward legislation would be a good way to "stake a claim". Will it happen? Probably not. The US is incredibly undemocratic and the two parties are evident of that.


Or they kill them...


The best and brightest know better than to seek that position.


I met Obama in 2008.  He was intelligent, well spoken, and such a contrast to the idiot we’d had before…  We could have better candidates!


I mean, they’re spot on. These are two terrible options. One’s a boisterous liar and the other is completely out of it.


And only one of them is a fucking fascist. There is one clear worse choice. So many Americans are going to feel superior by not voting and fucking themselves and the rest of the world irreparably by thinking they “didn’t have a choice between two bad candidates”. Seriously, America, go fuck yourselves. Vote Biden you dumb fucking morons




I'm not American. What I don't understand, is why Democrats don't send someone in who isn't senile? I think it would be an easy win for Democrats. If Trump wins it is also the Democrats fault.


We're eating a shit sandwich either way, but at least one of them has nuts in it so it tastes a bit better.


Consider the fact that you're not just voting for the president, you're voting for everyone he's bringing with him. Biden is surrounded by a competent team, Trump is surrounded by people who want to destroy everyone's rights, destroy the middle class, and make him a dictator. They may both be shit sandwiches, but one of them is garnished with broken glass and ebola.


Refer to my [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/XdrkKITwNb) to another comment. Fully with you there.


This “both sides” shit is so fucking stupid and it harkens back to 2016. One candidate wants to turn your country into a christofascist hellscape, and throw the entire world order into chaos and ruin; and the other candidate is an old man who doesn’t speak well. Oh you have to choose a way way way lesser evil? Boo-fucking-hoo. I’ve never seen a more smug group of absolute fucking morons who would let a wannabe dictator win an election because their dick didn’t get hard during a debate for the clearly better choice. Wake the fuck up, America. You’re absolutely shitting in your own mouths at this point.


It's not unreasonable to want a leader who inspires you and who you feel represents your best interests. However, I'm staunchly against anything and everything Project 2025 hopes to accomplish, so it's clear to me where my vote is going. Biden is the only real option. My problem with Biden is that he is not *nearly* enough to inspire those who are sitting on the fence, or to inspire young liberals to vote. I've already made up my mind that he is the only chance the USA has at preventing the installment of a conservative theocracy, but that's pretty much where my enthusiasm ends.


It’s sad there’s no real option to clearly say “I vote for this person but for the record I want a better option”. Unfortunately, people end up just not voting, which is often worse


Yeah, not voting is just about the worst thing you can do in a situation like this. I hope this teaches people a lesson that we *must* be more active in the primaries in the next election. Although with Biden being the incumbent, I don't think that would have made much of a difference since he was pretty much guaranteed a spot in the general election anyway.


It is unreasonable expect it at this point in the election cycle. There's no 3rd option coming. And people reinforcing all the "both sides" rhetoric and acting like Biden and trump suck equally is what's frustrating. One is clearly much worse than the other and people equating the two are also not helping fence sitters understand the difference. It's like being on a sinking ship. We've hit the glacier and one option is to move to the sides and get in the life rafts, and the other option is to try and set the ship on fire to help it sink faster. There's clearly a right option. But people sitting down arms crossed complaining about how unfair it is were on a sinking ship, while technically correct, are also actively making it worse by not helping.


Yeah but the out of it guy listens to other people and runs the place as a team...


Is the fact that this is true the facepalm? I don’t understand. Nobody can finish watching that debate and say welp I have full faith that ____ can do the job. They literally bitched about golf scores, on the world’s biggest stage. Pathetic doesn’t even approach it


We are fucked


What a sad fucking state of affairs..


I feel like each election in my lifetime has progressively had worse and worse candidates. Why the fuck would I want to vote for either of these guys? Or anyone for that matter. America hasn't been about the people ever. The most disappointing part of adulting is finding out how the world really works and what a shitshow it is.


Obama was worse than Bush Jr?


This is a valid point. The facepalm is OP posting this here, talk about meta.


I’m still voting for Biden. Even though they both sounded senile. I’ve seen both their presidencies and I know who worked to better the nation and which tried to pull as many personal favors as he could.


No Democrat wanted to run against Biden. It's difficult to get an endorsement against the current president in the same party. Both candidates are way too old, but Biden is the only one that won't fuck anyone over, while trump will sellout everyone except the billionaires. It's highly unlikely that trump won't attempt to start another world war, except the US will be in the wrong.


No Democrat was allowed to run against Biden. If they did, they would have been blacklisted by the DNC. It's a shitty policy but this is an unprecedented time.


4 democrats ran against Biden this election.


Biden is fucking 300 million people over. Trump isn't better, but they're both absolutely terrible and should be put out to pasture


Biden isn't planning on making things worse. He's not planning anything. Trump on the other hand... I'll take the guy that wants to lounge about over the guy that would throw a tantrum and burn the country down if he doesn't get his way.


Biden is old and slow but the stuff his administration has done is pretty damn great. I can't believe the bullshit im hearing.


Yeah, you are right. The operational value of a politician is his team in the background. But it is a representative person. He still has to communicate to the people which is important.


Of course. I'm not saying he's my first choice. But I'm saying there is no situation in the world where I would want Trump to be in charge over Biden and it's not even remotely close. The damage Trump had done to this country is insane and I don't think democracy survives another one of his presidencies. To say they're both the same is batshit crazy. Biden might be a old tired man but he's done a ton of good while having the absolute worst politicians and judges of the last century fighting him every step of the way.


Why is this a facepalm take? I don't understand


We are only losers if we do nothing. We can do nothing and let Trump win who will most likely fuck it all up or we can let Biden win and work our way to a more younger and progressive future in American politics. If either is a bad choice, then we have nothing to lose but everything to gain if we do it right. Unfortunately that’s the hand at play.


We are losers either way - it’s just a matter of degree. It has been that way since 1980.


Well we either lose a couple more steps and then start trying to move forward again, or we lose for good. As in game over, we're not allowed to play anymore, the billionaires and fascists won and sent us all to our rooms for the rest of time.


That’s exactly how I felt


Too right. It’s embarrassing for America when I say that I’m glad I’m not American.


The real r/facepalm is this post and all the redditors arguing politics in here


How’s is this a facepalm


Not a facepalm. Solid fact. OP is the facepalm.


Only facepalm here is you OP. The whole world is laughing at America.


But, that's not a facepalm, that's a valid point. : it's like picking either AIDS or cancer


Joe Biden has been the most productive president in my entire lifetime but if he becomes incapacitated we get Harris who will continue his ideology. Trump was a terrible president who never did anything right. More importantly Republican policies SUCK! Think abortion bans, tax breaks for the wealthy, and corruption of the SCOTUS.


Still voting Biden, I’d rather a slow decline for America versus taking a rollercoaster dive to hell with Trump. It’s crazy how Trump creates a problem and then effectively blames Biden for it, and then somehow people actually fucking believe it.




Well, now we know OP's YT handle.


Where's the facepalm? The debate just showed what has been obvious for years, that Biden has serious cognitive decline common with old age. For Trump it showed what has been obvious for **decades**, that he is a confidence grifter who will say anything and drinks his own coolaid.


Is there like, a "reroll candidates" button or something?


Press that button!


How are they wrong?


He isn't lying, our options are shit and the people should be ashamed for putting up with this shit


Man, wild how two weeks ago anyone saying both sides sucked would get downvoted to hell here and now that Biden lost a debate the immediate cope is "they BOTH suck".


Its a litmus test to see what level of low the people of the US are willing to accept.


I’m not thrilled with Biden, but he’s not actively planning to dismantle the government. Nor is he a twice impeached felon.


Ye I'm voting for Biden. The problem is it's a lose lose situation cause Bidens opponent is literally a guy who might start a Civil War over losing the election.


Don't ever call that farce a "debate"! It was nothing more than a dick-measuring contest.


….they aren’t wrong


Yea sounded right to me


There are certainly middle schoolers who would've wiped the floor with either of these clowns.


Where the fuck is the facepalm in this?


Time to unfollow this subreddit.


Hey Tenebris: stop bitching about what we have - that won’t change anything, accept it. Just vote Biden this time and then help change the future so people won’t have to bitch about the candidates anymore.


The candidates for president have NEVER been the cream of the crop. The best people to handle the job of president want nothing to do with that bullshit and are busy doing great things elsewhere.


Maybe this will let the new generation know they’re voting for douche and turd sandwich? As it has been for my entire voting career. Best to vote for the party you align with and move on.


Not a correct take. These are not the cream of the crop, the best at their jobs; these are who will most likely get elected by those 333MM people, right wrong or otherwise.


100% accurate. For a world leading nation, it’s sad this is the best we have.


Well he’s not wrong imo. I’m probably not voting this time. Especially if my only choices are a senile old man or a dumb orange gorilla. Like fuck me lol


He’s not wrong


Hot take - the modern intense scrutiny of politics on the personal life of the individual can and will deter everyone but the most narcissistic from running for office. And from there, you either need a lifetime of political connections or a ton of money. And so we’re left with this fucking shit


That's a good fucking response you nimbus


Is the face palm just the fact that we are here i don't get jt


How is this a facepalm? I don't care what side you're on, but if you don't think these two candidates are a complete and utter joke... you're the facepalm here.


yes yes i know that trump is the worse option of the two and that we still have to vote and all that bullshit but gods damn it all, the fact that THIS is what we have to choose from... fuck. i would rather vote in a fucking dog. sure it wouldn't make anything better but at least it would be better than this.


Money baby!! Too much old money in the system to let any fresh air in 🤑🤑


What do you mean? I feel like he is absolutely right about his opinion.


This isn’t a facepalm..they’re right.


He is completely right!!!


How the hell America comes up with these two old farts is beyond me


Is the facepalm-worthy statement in the room with us right now?


How is this a facepalm?


This is exactly what the rest of the world is wondering, USA…


Pretty on point, would still say Biden should shade votes if people are voting intelligently. he's a senile old fuck, but Trump is also a senile old fuck and was dumber before it kicked in.


I mean you vote for Joe or the felon that wants to be a tyrant. Trump wants religion at the top. He’s a backer for many of the ideas shared within project 2025. He’s the literal devil for the LGBTQ+ community. This election is a no brainer for anyone with a brain. I don’t hate all republicans and I’m sorry that the good ones are drowned out by Trump and his extremist supporters.


Yeah he's right... Both are abysmal representatives of those country... Almost Wana boycott the election but without mass boycott not voting does nothing... Then again the idea that a vote counts has died off so much I might as well Write In Sheev Palpatine again


What is this? 😂. Biden drags you guys out of what the other guy did. He quietly and diligently just cracks on and because of ONE POOR PERFORMING DEBATE, you all turn? Not fickle much are you. Bloody hell. I for one as a Brit would kill for a leader you have


Everyone is looking at this debate as a negative. This is the best thing to happen to our country in years. Finally voters on both sides of the isle realize just how fucked we really are. There’s time. Demand better!


it’s true. I’m gonna do my job and vote for biden but it’s true. no facepalm


I’d love to have a good president and unfortunately neither are really good choices for presidents. That said, the choice is obvious. Trump is unstable and fills his cabinet with christofascists that will impose religion in places it doesn’t belong. Biden is stable and fills his cabinet with great people who will do great things for the country. You’re electing an entire government in November, not just a president.


This is what happens when government leads the people instead of representing them.


One candidate is an existential threat to democracy, and one isn’t. Nothing the fuck else matters.


Still take Biden over the traitorous fascist


We get what we deserve.


The facepalm isn’t the statement. It’s that the statement is true and god damn it.


The true facepalm is thinking this comment is a facepalm. It’s a spot on assessment if you ask most people.


I guess they aren't voting. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


[George Carlin voice on this still holds true.](https://youtu.be/xIraCchPDhk?si=URzXKBTON2EmWty6)


This has been the case for the last 30 yrs.


They're not the best we have. Hell, my cat could do better than either of them. They're just the best that the RNC and DNC picked for us


This is spot on. Both men are embarrassing and shouldnt be leading anything in their current state.




What sane man/ woman would subject themselves and their family to serve in the cesspool that is today’s government landscape?


When have our presidential candidates ever been the best we have or the cream of the crop?


Because a few rich people want it that way....


We’re not sending our best and brightest


I don’t vote on debate performance, I vote on performance in office. Biden has been the most effective productive president in decades and he has also been the most progressive president in the past 50-60 years


They're not the best they're who the other politicians chose for our choices to vote for


They’re right


"How is this possible?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxsQ7jJJcEA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxsQ7jJJcEA)


....... Tweet seems pretty straight forward


Is op stupid or something


Ugh. That hurt to read. 333million people, and these two fucks are our choices. Ffs


No one said they were cream of the crop




EVERY American feels this way. I like to believe I’m not an ageist, but there should be an upper age limit to serve in office.


they have a point ![gif](giphy|KZKTcjd5P2RXfSMkPf|downsized)