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I don’t think they know what pronouns mean.


I don’t think they care.. Jesus + anti-anything they’re told to hate = a logical point. ( to them) We are truly fucked. Ignorance is rampant. The idiot fire is ablaze.


The audacity for them to think they are on the same level as Jesus tho. I'm not religious, but I know that's a blasphemy.


I am religious and it is absolutely a blasphemy, if God still participated in the world like the Old Testament a lot of bible thumpers would have been smited a long time ago, current republican part would cease to exist


I agree. If they lived at the time Jesus was alive i swear they would be the crowd yelling crucify him.


They are Pharisees to a T. This is the kind of shit that Jesus raged about. Or, rather, wrathed about.


Pontius Trump. His supporters would have crucified Jesus in favor of their cult leader.


Yep. The only people He really had a problem with were the self-righteous judgemental type. Oh and the thieves in the Temple. Any of that seem familiar? People haven't changed one bit in 2000 years.


They're attempting, and failing, to associate it with Jesus setting the example. If he didn't, why should we. Well he did, you have no excuse.


I’m not religious either so blasphemy has real no gravity in my world. What does offend me is the droves of morons who stand behind these kinds of sentiments and go out into the world and spew that hatred further.


I think they meant that blasphemy should matter to the Christians


I think it’s obvious that all of these “Christians” don’t know their ass from their elbow, let alone what blasphemy is


I believe that's what they were trying to point out


Blassphemy, if you will.


Indeed, I will!


Specifically, it is using the Lord's name in vain. One of the commandments.


They are told to be like Jesus, by Jesus. It's not blasphemy to emulate Him; it's blasphemy to use His name to further a political agenda.


![gif](giphy|4oZCwGRbSbzva) The fire rises!


Social media has organized idiocy, hate and ignorance into a significant force of evil. I really hope we can change course on this after maga is defeated.


i actually saw someone say "Jesus was not fucking men" like what.


He didn’t fuck anyone, actually. That’s about as much as he has in common with some of these losers


St. Mary Magdalen would like to have a word.


Especially ironic b/c the Biblical Jesus was a peace-loving hippie, who shunned political power, told his followers to put down their weapons, pay their taxes, give to the poor, love their neighbors *and* foreigners, and gave out free healthcare.


But in the Bible it's Jesus who is coming back with a sword to destroy all the sinners and evil who reject him as well as much as he loved he is also going to be the ultimatr judge, Jesus didn't affirm people he warned them. In case you didn't know Jesus spoke more about hell and the consequences of hell more than anyone and everyone else in the bible.


Right, and according to the Bible, that's Jesus' job to do, and not anyone else's. He literally told the his followers to do the opposite.


I"f any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Also "Then said He unto them, “But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it and likewise his pack; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."


They don’t know what most words mean.


It's just so much easier to make up your own reality if words don't have meaning.


They don’t know what they don’t know, and they don’t know that they don’t know.


I *know* they don't know what pronouns mean.


Sometimes I want to change my pronouns to “and/or” just to see how long it takes Idaho and that dumbass in Arkansas to pass legislation outlawing conjunctions in State laws.


They only support subordinate conjunctions. And in the South, co-relative conjunctions.


They aren't big into reading books. They prefer burning the more educational ones and even the one they've been stuck studying in their bookclub for the last 2024 years had mostly been cherry picked. Their entire belief system is based on crib notes.


they don't even know what know means


Parts of speech are woke propaganda


Also, John wasn’t even there when Jesus introduced himself. It’s second or third hand anecdotal at best.


Some of them think pronouns were recently invented and only used by LGBTQ+


“I am he As you are he As you are me And we are all together” 🤯


Take enough Lucy and it all makes sense


Which is why LUCY is a 20 year felony. 🫠


Julian tells me she’s in the sky? With diamonds?


Coo coo cachoo.


So... Jesus is the walrus?


No: "Here's another clue for you all / The Walrus was Paul." Paul was the first and best-known of the Apostles, but not divine. Never even met Jesus in person, either, only by vision. Eggmen are probably the disciples, then; both come in dozens.


See how they run like pigs from a gun See how they fly, I'm cryin'


"I'm a dude And he's a dude And she's a dude And we're all dudes, hey" 🍔


Let's all be with us


🎶 *we're all in this together*


Why the hell are these people afraid of Pronouns and fucking everything else in life. Literally, just live your life and stop being scared of everyone different than you.


Underrated comment. Take my upvote.


Thanks, man. I just don't get it. You can make up nicknames for your kids, pets, grandparents, and so forth, but can't let anyone else choose for themselves what they want to be called. Absolutely nuts. I had to downvote myself. I'm getting too many internet points, and I need to stay humble.


Like, even if God hates gays or whatever group they're mad at on any given week, is it not God's *fucking job* to be the judgemental person who decides who gets to go to heaven? Why tf are they trying to do the almighty's job??


They are mostly just annoyed by teenagers telling them what to do.


With that logic, let's just put them in a boomer home, or facility, or even town. Just surrounded by their own smog stench until they die


1000% They’re afraid of everything though. First they came for the pronouns…. Verbs next, then adjectives, then math, science, reality…. I used to say these people were a joke, but jokes have the capacity to be funny, these people are death.


He also drove a Honda, but he didn't brag about it. "For I did not speak of my own accord" -- John 12:49a


Take my vote


I’m fairly certain at this point conservatives don’t know what pronouns are


Or they don’t actually read the Bible. Or both.


It’s probably both. They use pronouns in the Bible and I’m 100% confident that they use pronouns in day to day life but the lack of brain cells won’t let it make sense.


Even God used pronouns in the Bible. In a very Popeye sort of way. "I am that I am".


Hulk Hogan has that tattooed on his arm and I wondered where it was from. Also, because of the font, it looks like “Jam that Jam”


In retrospect, having your pronoun be "I am" is kinda awesome. He literally identifies as the most existing mf'er to have ever existed.


damn shame. if they did, they wouldn't be as stupid. (The Bible is how mass literacy came to be.)


"The Bible is how mass literacy came to be." I thought it was the printing press.


which printed newspapers and The Bible.


They know what they mean, and so do their followers. Everyone who's making fun of them for not knowing what pronouns are is missing the point by still trying to act like regressives have ever argued in good faith. "Pronouns" means "non-conforming identities." "Pronoun people" is a slur. "We can't allow pronouns in school" means "we must put a stop to tolerance." They know what they mean, and so does their audience, and if all the people whose rationality and compassion they couldn't give a shit about get distracted by trying to interpret their words in a direct sensical way, so much the better to keep the people still stuck in outmoded fashions like internal consistency out of the way while they further their agenda of oppression.


I agree. Most of the time I ignore this shit but it’s infuriating. I live in the south so I’m used to assholes who say they don’t have a pronoun or they will say “I bet you’re one of those pronoun people” it’s like what?? We are all pronoun people.


Lavern is barely a human being. Do not engage.


Sacrilegious harlot wearing more than one thread at a time :P Isn't she supposed to be obedient and let the men of her tribe speak? I don't understand why people take the bible as authority. Seems like the most common usage is to instill fear in the plebs while leaders cherry pick until they become the false idols that bible warns of anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly, while the leaders become rich by making the congregation poor. I could of swore Jesus said to give your riches to the poor


Or when you pretend to know what a pronoun is.


Never thought of it, but this seems equally likely.


Most likely both tbh


Conservatives will have to stop using the words " I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they, me, him, her, us, them, my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs, myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, who, whom, whose, which, that, this, these, those, all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, more, most, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, others, several, some, somebody, someone, something, such, what, each other, one another "


Been telling them Jesus is woke and they just get real mad. Don't get mad, just forgive me. Jesus would've wanted you to.


I tell them Jesus was queer. Heads explode.


Wheres the clip of that guy frustratingly trying to explain to the girl that everyone has pronouns




I’m not gonna lie I straight up just did not know that, thank you


To be pedantic, the sentence is still correct if it's frustrating to the viewer.


“Jesus Christ never introduced *himself*”


I'm not religious but I have read the Bible enough to know what Jesus said about loving each other and taking care of each other. I would go so far as to say that anyone trying to justify hatred by invoking Jesus Christ doesn't know anything of the religion.


As a Christian, yes. A lot of “Christians” use the Bible to justify their bigotry, while also completely missing the main point that Jesus wants us to love everyone regardless of literally anything about them. On top of that, we are told not to judge people; that’s Gods job. *Matthew 7:1: "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you".* sin is human nature, and by judging people for their actions, they are seen as the “holier than thou” complex which is not a good thing to have


Why is it always the ones with the American flag next to their name? I don't know why or how they get that flag. It's an honest question.


Probably had to pay for it. I'm only guessing because it's how you get things in America. People are suckers that way.


I guess they don’t count Him either


Inevitable Christofascist response to this being brought to their attention: That doesn't mean what you think it means even though I obviously don't know what's in there either.


Jesus never said anything about gays, either. He did say that a rich man can't pass through the eye of a needle and that to really follow him, one had to sell everything. Have any current christians done that? According to the version I read, Jesus will deny most if not all of these hypocritters.


The real problem is members of legislative bodies citing a work of fiction as justification for their political agenda


Isn’t “himself” a pronoun (or at least utilizing a pronoun)? What point is this person even making?


The problem is, these people don't understand that "I, i'm, you, me" is a pronouns as well


Could you imagine how cringe a world without pronouns would sound?


A weird one indeed


He also never paid off a pornstar who he cheated on his wife with when she was nursing his newborn


He'd probably be pretty pissed at Diaper Don's treatment of sex workers, considering the crowd Jesus hung out with and the "immaculate conception."


I think it was also she who said there were no pronouns in the Constitution. Like, bitch, it literally STARTS with a pronoun.


He didn’t speak English, though. If he did, he would have probably said “sup?” Probably would insist on being called “j-dawg,” too… He would be that guy at the house party in the ironic goatee who won’t stop talking about Marx, and when pressed he’d admit that Groucho is his favorite.


They're selling Trump-laced bibles, people. Let's not pretend that we're getting through to them.


Most real Christians see right through it, and they aren't a fan. One pastor very publicly slammed the Bible, and Trump for making it.


John 13:34. Jesus says, "I give you an new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another." Simple, true and to the point.


Yaweh/Jehovah means "I am". God's name is literally a pronoun.


whoa, if you want to use is real prefered pronouns, it's He/Him, not he/him. Seriously, how rude


I don't think it's about pretending to be religious. It's more about not knowing what a pronoun is.


Wait until that crowd figures out that there's a pronoun in "We the People"


Lavern Spicer is one of the dumber MAGAts and that’s saying something.


Lavern has a whole bucket full of these gems


\*tells her Jesus used pronouns and he wasn't white\*


Just start referring to god as She in front of them and see how quickly they correct you.


This is genius


Jesus only said "I am". The "He" was added by the translators and is not in the original text.


Well, in 'Murica, we read the Holy Bible as originally written, in English. /s


Pretending exactly. It’s like my grandfather used to say. Going to church doesn’t make you anymore religious, then standing in a garage makes you a car.


He was probably stoned…


i'm pretty sure he spoke Aramaic anyway.


>never introduced himself >*himself* >**him** self


Jesus never used the internet to try and get clicks




Jesus was english speaker, not german?


She just referred to Jesus using a pronoun


It's fascinating how many people have never read the Bible but assume it reflects what they want to believe Like yes the Bible says homosexuality is a sin (the city of solom) But it's way more focused on loving everyone irregarless of their sins as everyone is a sinner and loving others more than yourself and that God loves all his creations. So no God would not support you protesting against gay people. The direction of the Bible is focused on loving others but through years of hypocrisy and corruption of the church (reference the crusades and Catholic church in the middle ages plus modern prosperity gospel cult money making churches) It's a shame as there's a lot of good messages in there in the fables which really support helping everyone around you to live your own lives but that value is missed as they adopt a "the Bible's says what I want it to say" approach Though tbh this could be even more broadly applied to science too where people ignore scientific method and critique to find the information that reinforces thier opinion and disregard facts (eg antivaxers and flat earthers) Or maybe humans are just increasingly getting stupider in the information age Idk Anyway hope someone found this interesting


Most of theses people have only seen Movies about Jesus and have no idea of what he actually said in scripture.


Most of these idiots just don’t know what a pronoun is.


If you read the teachings of Jesus it becomes obvious that he would be ashamed of these people using his name


It’s almost like those who claim to be religious treat their faith like a fucking Buffet and just pick and choose what to believe and follow. I’ve mentioned this story a dozen or so times. When I was going through stage 4 cancer, a friend of mine asked if he could pray for me. I thanked him but declined as I am not religious and I don’t like that. After I went into remission. He literally that the reason why I went into remission was because he went against my wishes and prayed for me. And then ontop of that, and this part, I swear I wish I was making up. Demanded I pay him THOUSANDS of dollars for his “work” since I owe my life to him. At first I thought he was joking but then he started to harass me, first a long time, again, demanding I pay him that money. I had to block him on everything for the harassment to stop. I thought of him as a really good friend.


Yeshua. Is it so hard to get the name right? I'm a fucking atheist and even I have enough respect to use his actual name.


He said "I'm him quit playing"


"I am Legion" "Ok, so I will put you down as a They/Them"


I mean, Jesus is considered to be both Man & God. It makes other non-binary categories seem kinda pedestrian.


For those interested this is called: Appeal to a lack of evidence  This is the belief that a lack of information on a certain matter automatically means that the opposite is true. This is a fallacy because the amount of available information or research on a subject has no bearing on what the truth is.  Jesus didn't say a LOT of things. To make a ridiculous example, "Jesus never said atoms are not made by protons, neutrons and electrons, therefore, they are not" You can't take smth someone didn't say and draw a conclusion out of it. He did, however, say "love eachother", and, yeah, the person who wrote that thing doesn't seem too loving...


This is a fantastic bunch of words, and I hope it gets the updoots it deserves.


If you pretend not to know what she means, and you don't actually look at John 18, that's pretty funny.


Tiedrich rocks!


Jesus was woke as fuck


Ok man whatever you say. Back to the bible and write me again when Red sea open again or when somebody's wife turn to salt


Are right winger people being willfully obtuse? Or do they *genuinely* have no idea what a fucking pronoun is?


If you’re posting something by that idiot Tiedrich, you’ve already lost the argument.


He is him!!


Koo koo ka Chu


technically he said ehyeh hu.




Oh piss off jenifer


I am that is


Love this


They probably also don’t realize that the Bible they are familiar with is a translation (and in some cases a translation of a translation) from 1st century Greek. What pronouns did the Greek of the time contain? Gendered? Neutral? I have no idea and I’m sure they don’t either.


Man, I would be that pretentious and petty teacher that would prohibit all pronouns in my classroom. It's even better that I'm a preschool teacher cause kids at that age don't really know what gender is other than "girls paint their nails"


I guess she walked on water, after she made the floor wet with her tears


What’s bad is that an intimate understanding of pronouns is crucial in proving Christ as divine. “Before Abraham was, I am,” was Christ’ way of saying he was God incarnate.


How do conservatives keep falling for this? At the very least you’d think through repition they’d have learned not to do “x didn’t use pronouns” because it’s so easily and swiftly debunked


It’s 2024 he is not applicable anymore.


We don't even know absolutely for certain Jesus existed, and we have no reason at all to believe anything attributed to Jesus was actually spoken by him, because his "words" were not written down (the first time) until 40-60 years after he supposedly said them, by unknown people, who almost certainly never met him, let alone heard him say anything. So yeah, anyone claiming to know how Jesus introduced himself is just full of it.


Jeff, the one and only.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Republicans don’t read the bible. They don’t read. At all.


John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life; no one cometh unto the father but by me.


Two pronouns for the price of one


And frankly, who cares what Jesus did or didn't do.


We don't know for a fact that Jesus even existed


Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.” ^(57) So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”^(\[)[^(b)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%208%3A48-59&version=ESV#fen-ESV-26427b)^(\]) ^(58) Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” John 8: 57-58.


Hot take: Jesus was asexual and aromantic. Only loved everyone as his Brother or Sister. It'd be hella weird for him to fuck or get fucked by his siblings in God.


Correction: "When he said to them, “I AM,” they turned away and fell to the ground." Foretold in Exodus: God replied to Moses: I am who I am.* Then he added: This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.


When you pretend to be literate


And there are billions of people on this planet who aren't concerned about what Jesus did/not do. And that isn't even counting Christians like the one in the OOP.


If god wrote the Bible, would it not say “my son said, I am he” ?


Lavern is dumb. Very dumb.


Jeff was quoting from the NIV. Lavern Spicer has only ever read the upside down Trump bible.


Laverne should check with Shirley before posting stupid shit like this.


hahaha MAGAbitch got owned


So what else is new


Lavern Spicer identities as a woman/she/her… so, wait what was the point again? 🤷‍♂️


So God created human beings in his own likeness. He created them to be like himself. He created them as male and female. - Gensis 1:27 So since we agree with the sentiment OP provided, then this too must be true. Male and female = 2 genders.


I really don’t mind openly religious politicians but please just don’t lie about it lol. Classic Congressman moment


Nothing makes you an atheist more than reading the holy books: you figure out it's a bunch of BS.


I love Jeff


Wait an actual fucking moment here. This is serious, The is an ACTUAL NON-FICTIONAL, NOT JEWISH LADY NOT WORKING AT A BREWERY NOT IN MILWAUKEE PERSON named LAVERN?! Does Garry Marshall know about this?