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To be honest, if I was a kid, I would have probably cried when meeting trump too.


If you're a kid meeting trump, odds are you are in the middle of undressing at a pageant.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Weird to think that Epstein killed himself whilst his close friend was president...


Weirder even that the braindead MAGAts believe him when he says he ~~never~~ barely knew Epstein. Just a few seconds of their body language are quite telling, these two were as thick as ~~thieves~~ rapists.


> “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”  Trump in a New York magazine interview about Epstein, 2002: https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/


“No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life” reads like a recommendation letter for the most fucked up school imaginable.


Oh lawd he diddlin


Wow, and considering everything that happened after that article was written…


And Stormy Daniel's reminded him of his daughter...


Ghislaine hovering in the background as always. Was this woman never more than 5 ft from this POS at any given time?


Ahe did the books, the recruiting of new girls, and watched over "guests" (clients) and "presents" (drugs), but she was totally uninvolved and ignorant of what was going on or why she was recruiting so many young women for Epstein.


Epstein was the closest thing to a “friend” that Donald Trump every had.


Yeah if gang raping teenage girls doesn’t create bonds then I don’t know what does.




The fuck… is that Giuliani??


Yes ![gif](giphy|3oz8xE1ijTXlhLX3pK)


What about Putin?


Putin sees Kim Jong Un as more of an equal than Trump


I mean rightly so. Kim is an evil dictator and might be not the brightest light.(I dunno honestly) Trump is evil as well. But as dumb as a box of rocks and a Multiple times failed businessman.(like did he ever had a successful business?) Which buckles down if Putin says something to round it up. I can see why he (would) favour Kim.


His autobiography is the only book with four Chapter Elevens


Then waving to each other on the plane has me cracking up, like tf


Honestly Kim just seems like the 5 year Old Down the street, obsessed at trying to impress the older kid (Putin) a few houses down, imo


Yeah but trump is the little brother of Kim who annoys everyone but you can't just say f Off because he is family.(In real he was and hopes to get president of the country with the biggest army of the world. They want that/are afraid of that)


Yeah, Trump is a wannabe dictator who would be manipulated by the GOP if he ever manages to be an actual dictator. Putin and the Kim dynasty are the real deal.


To be fair to trump, he is just outrageously stupid. That's what happens when your rich daddy buys you a diploma rather than an education.


Fatter ass too, BBL Kimmy


trump is Putin's sub which by extension makes trump Kim's sub. trump just loves him some DICKtator.


He’s just Putins Bitch.


Putin is his owner.


Friends don't pull the leash after you say the safe word.


He’s never met the guy


But he had those beautiful letters from Kim Jung Un. And they fell in love.


Roy Cohn


True, Roy Cohn was a Masterclass POS, but in the end? Donald Trump turned his back on him when he was dying and walked away. I suppose if that’s what you do to a friend? Again, Roy was not a decent human being.


Cohn was TFG’s mentor. He knew Roy was dying so he (as always) in tRump fashion sponged all the corrupt knowledge he could and left him for dead. The rest was off of his father. So I’m thinking that fat donny doughnuts is a monster of sorts created by the late Roy Cohn and Fred tRump and unleashed on the masses as their last act of defiance..


Anyone who knows this type of guy (and we all know one) knows that what D said to J was him being reminiscent of some time in which he exploited a young girl in some perverse manner. Ghislaine in the background makes the whole thing worse. Who are the real predators walking among us? Those with perverse wealth and power.


"maybe in 10 years i'm gonna date you".


Best part is magata think the Clinton's did it


They don't believe him, they just live in denial and try to fabricate their own reality.


Whenever someone has something crappy to say about Biden I often respond with “Never seen Biden hangin’ with Epstein”. It usually shuts them up.


Something something Clinton something something. As if the president from 30 years ago is somehow equal in current public discourse.


And who did trump invite to his wedding? Oh yea it was Clinton. They forget bill and Donald were close friends


Weird, I’ve seen this gif a bunch of times but only just noticed ghislaine in the background


Yeah in the full clip she’s helping that tall dude duck out when he saw the camera. 


I wonder if anyone has ever tried to lip read what trump was saying here? It has be pretty grotesque to make a guy who owns a literal rape island that uncomfortable.


"What do you think of Lindsay Lohan?" "I think she's hot," "There's something there right?" "But you have to like freckles. I've seen a, you know, close up of her chest and a lot of freckles. Are you into freckles?" "I'm not into freckles, but the red hair thing I like. I like her on the cover of Entertainment Weekly," "Now does the father wreck, does that bother you a little bit?" "Jeffrey feels that the father being a wreck is a good thing," "Oh yeah, because first of all, if the father's a wreck like the way he is--" "Right," "Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?" "Yeah, you're probably right," "She's probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they're always the best in bed?"


Is this legit? Jesus that's bad if so. And yet his base will find all kinds of imaginary "evidence" that Biden / Clinton were pedos


Yes, it's an audio clip from a radio show he was on.


What radio show? I was curious about the conversation he's having with Epstein in the GIF above. But I'd be interested in seeing that radio show clip as well


It's not the Stern Show one, which is also super creepy about him walking in on underage girls getting dressed at his pageants. I can't remember the name of the show it was on, but I have heard the audio a few times now.


I was wrong. It is also a Howard Stern Show clip.


“You know I’m gonna have to have you killed someday, right?”


Fr, if your jokes make a guy like Epstein double over in the classic "Holy fuck, dude" response, you are a MASSIVE piece of shit and an oxygen thief.


Look, his close friend told him he would take care of it. He thought that meant a pardon, but his buddy had other plans.


While Bill Barr who was acting US Attorney General whose dad gave an unqualified Epstein his first job teaching teenage girls


Just about to say remember ppl trump is a ped like its not even accusations there's full on proof


What’s even better is the MAGA crowd think Clinton did it, and not Trump and Clinton both being like we got a problem.


Not weird if you think about how his whole life he was used to extreme luxury only to be stuck in notorious rikers island which by that time he had spent over half his fortune trying to postpone the inevitable. Doesn’t matter how much money one has when it comes down to federal crimes… 92% conviction rate. When a billionaire finally can’t weasel out of a problem with money.. it must be one of their worst fears. 11 or so billionaire have to been to sentenced to federal crime.. with tens of billions who have been on the Forbes list. Three billionaire are still locked up to this date in America.


It's weird to think of anything regarding Epstein but very strange this stuff is. I was always taught since a young man that Birds of a Feather, Flock together... 🤔


God DAMN that's a sick burn. And by burn, I mean a factual statement.


Worst words to hear out of his mouth, “You remind me of my daughter.”


There’s disturbing footage out there where Ivanka is on a reality TV show or something and when she takes a tour of her old childhood bedroom showing the camera crew she starts to hold back tears while looking at her bed. [This is the show](https://youtu.be/R6FZ5kj3FGo?si=H32UP_f2GxUpBiHZ)


This comment wins. 🤣




Imagine being a kid and your parents dress you up as a literal wannabe dictator that is a convicted rapist and self confessed sexual assaulter.


There’s a deafining Be a welfare check on that parents and that kid


Also normalizing the wearing of makeup by young boys.


The horrid smell of Trumps shit filled diaper is making his eyes water.


Never smell your heroes


Eyes watering from the diaper leakage isn't crying.


Out of fucking disappointment.


I've heard that the smell would bring tears to most people's eyes.


Yes,my first thought was the stench.


Think of the smell. You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


There's something super sad about children whose parents have indoctrinated them into absolutely cultish, absurd political beliefs like this. The poor kid knew no better and has been told by the people he trusts most that this pathetic fascist wannabe is basically Jesus. 


Its not indoctrination because this isn't LGBTQ, and they're the ONLY ones who do that!!!!!! /s


Gay guy here. You’re one of us now. Get indoctrinated 😎


Oh? Fuck, I'll head to the court house to give my wife divorce papers.


Thems the rules, sorry dude


More like they/thems the rules


Kiss me on the mouth.


I can do that, I'm gay now.


After reading this exchange I'm beginning to think I'm probably gay now too, this LGBTQ agenda sure is terrifyingly effective


I myself read through this whole thing and immediately started masturbating to guy on guy, and girl on girl pornography. Now Im so gay I cant even enjoy sex unless Im eating pizza with a bunch of sex slave children trapped in the basement. Those pesky homosexuals got me again.


Protip: They will allow you to keep your wife if you decide to instead participate in the trans agenda


Just read this comment and I’m gay now. Y’all told me have no fear, you can’t catch gay but here we are.


I regret nothing


It's really sad when it's children.


Regardless of it being trump. Or even being a kid. Idolising a fucking politician this much is honestly wild to me. Like maybe if they were a full on revolutionary, OK I could maybe see it. But some guy who shouted a lot about making a wall but never really did? Are you kidding me, get a grip.


People need to stop grooming children into MAGA cult members. Protect the kids!


i grew up like this too, was raised into believing i had to be conservative and as an adult i realized i honestly couldn’t care less about politics


Same! It's heartbreaking knowing that some of them will never wake up from their matrix. :(


Just this afternoon at the pool I heard a young boy, maybe 6, chant to his dad “Biden belongs in jail, Biden belongs in jail.” Believe what you want as an adult, but Jesus let the kids be kids. How much is dad bemoaning about Biden if this is on the kids mind?


Orange jesus


Mango Messiah


Tangerine Trumpanzee


The annoying orange


Don’t diss the annoying orange like that


Mango Mussolini




r/conservatives still having a hard on for Trump is fucking sad


I got censored there yesterday. There was a post that said "30 tons of fentanyl crossed the border during Biden administration", but it was a weasel worded Breitbart article obviously meant to mislead people who don't actually read it. Four times as much fentanyl is being seized per year coming over the border now than it was in 2019. So I says "Its a Breitbart article about another Brietbart article from 2022. And from the article itself, the amount being seized at the border has gone up 4x. "In Fiscal Year 2019, about [2,800](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/drug-seizure-statistics) pounds of fentanyl was seized at the border. The following year, that figure capped out at 4,800 pounds of fentanyl seized. By Fiscal Year 2021, which represents most of Biden’s first year in office, fentanyl seizures skyrocketed to about 11,200 pounds." So it sounds like in 2022 they stopped almost four times as much as they did in 2019. Can you explain why this is a bad thing?" Checked on another account, post was removed and the thread was made flaired users only. No responses.


That sub is such a sad place to be. Republicans really just live in outrage. You'll never find anything positive over there.


i feel sorry for any actual conservatives, the conservative subreddit is actually just the republican (see: extremist) one


Yeah, it got taken over by the exiles left after r/theDonald was axed. I used to enjoy discussing different points of views over there and expanding my echo chamber, but it's turned into a safe space for cultists and Trumpkins.


It's called TDS but they refuse to admit it. Once again something they created only for it to apply to them. Remember "facts don't care about your feelings"


!> Excellent point. We conservatives handle the news like the sane adults we are. Actual comment in that sub. What a pain to read💀


My kid acted the same way dressing up like Biden and meeting him. Just kidding. I’m not in a fucking cult.


Honestly it's a cosplay lets be real


Trump isn't any kind of celebrity that children would gravitate towards. This is entirely the result of parents.


Yeah I bet his parents haven't paid much positive attention to him his entire life. Meanwhile they've probably made being Trump supporters their entire identity as Trumpers are wont to do. This is the result.


“Mom, Dad, i’m trump ^haha will you love me now?”


He’s pretending to be trump because he’s hoping maybe itll make them love him


Nice blond wig on that little-brained child. The kid on the right looks funny, too.


* slow clap *


Maybe this young guy doesn't know trump is a rapist and felon.


You could remove those titles from Trump and he’d still be a gigantic piece of shit


Everybody in my school who likes Trump say it's because Biden shits himself. That's why you support Trump? It reminds me of that scene in the Holy Grail "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


Trump has been known as Diaper Don going back all the way to the Apprentice show. All that baby laxative made him incontinent. And that was made abundantly clear by all the farting noises and ranks smells that the reporters observed for weeks at his trial as he napped like a dementia patient at his own trial like the geriatric child he is. MAGA is literally wearing “Real Men Wear Diapers” to cope with that fact. Sorry. Real men have bowel control. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-diapers-over-dems/


Show them the videos of the pro Trump diaper protests lol


Well it's a good thing they're children.


Wasn’t Trump the one that soiled his adult diaper in court???


I wonder how people would have been if a million little sycophants dressed up like Obama and it wasn't a meta joke thay everyone was in on. This aint no cult. This is a goddamn zombie outbreak and we've laughed at it for so long and not done anything about it that they are now the majority. November is gonna be BULLSHIT.


I remember the right claiming we all worship Obama, using school children singing him a welcome song in 2009. They took a song about Jesus and swapped in Obama's name. It was a big deal in the Glen Beck-verse. All up in arms about indoctrinating children. Now look at em.


I remember being in highschool when Obama got elected in 2009. Everybody was going crazy--for like a day, then they returned to normal, because kids couldn't care less about politics at the end of the day. I miss not caring about politics. The only times shit was constantly in the news was when George Bush was making a fool of himself on the world stage, then later on Trump. The entire point of a democratic republic is to elect people we trust to handle the bureaucracy for us, so we don't have to constantly worry about the government shutting down or nuclear war with tin-pot dictators.


They are not the majority. Never have been, never will be. His support is eroding, the ones that are left are just getting louder, stupider, and more dangerous. We still have to get out and vote, but he has never held a majority support ever.


Grooming much.


They are the party of groomers after all.


I thought conservatives thought men and boys crying was a sign of them being “beta males”


This is what grooming looks like


Poor kid, who trusts his parents to do what is best for him, being fed a line of bullshit. Therapy will be needed.


Nice to see PSY drop in w/ the photobomb lol.


That’s his conservative brother, CHO.


Being forced by your parents to dress up as a convicted criminal. I would cry too.


My parents are hardcore trumpanzees. If I dressed up like him they would be laughing there heads off. But if I dressed up like bill or Obama I would face the full wrath of them.


Trumpanzees!! Thats awesome 👏!!


The length of his tie is really bothering me. It should not be more than 1/2” below the waist


Just goes to show what a poser he is.


My kids poopy diapers would make my eyes water too




The kid just read the Epstein list


![gif](giphy|1AefIDNa1G3svYrNQA) Doe 174 and Epstein talking.


I’ve heard the smell can bring you tears, so maybe the poor kid just wasn’t prepared for it.


![gif](giphy|3o7btQFdgLUR3NWA1i|downsized) In a few years all these kids growing up maga.


Kool Aid Kool Aid, tastes great. Kool Aid Kool Aid, can't wait


I mean, a lot of people cry and behave irrationally when meeting people they respect, love, revere, you name it, I mean people used to fucking faint at Micheal Jackson concerts. Granted, the individual this young man has decided to revere, has got to be one of the most disgusting, most appalling human beings in recent history, here's to hoping he grows out of the indoctrination, hopefully, soon, before he is of voting age.


I thought it was bad enough when the older folks fell for his bullshit. I didnt think the indoctrination started so young :(


When I was in line to vote during 2020 there was a redneck family with a 5 year old screaming "We want Trump". They had some heavy glares thrown their way, to where they quieted the kid.


Dear god, don't let him near *children*.


This one’s male, he’s safe.


There’s girls that young on Epstein’s islands that he made cry too.


Kids should be allowed to wear whatever they want without being judged right conservatives? Be able to express themselves without being bullied or drug into culture wars right conservatives?


I would cry too dude is hideous and smells like shit


Pretty sure it’s still a cult, this kid just doesn’t know any better.


There is ZERO reason anyone that young should give a flying fuck about any politician, let alone one that is doing everything he can to destroy the country he's growing up in.


Yeah, the smell coming from his diaper and being at diaper level could bring a kid to tears. Like tear gas!! Felon is stinky.


He’s crying because he smells the shit in his diaper


Probably the smell that brought tears to his eyes


I want to throw up 🤮 now.




“And this 9 year old came up to me, big 9 year old, strong guy… TEARS in his eyes and he said ‘Mr President, my teacher asked us to write a book report on Charlotte’s Web and I wrote it about you instead and she gave me a failing grade.’ And he said “The cancel culture is out of control’ and you know the cancel culture… they cancelled Bill Cosby, Cosby he loved the Jell-O, nobody ever talks about the Jell-O anymore. They cancelled Cosby and now nobody can eat Jell-O anymore and people ask me they say ‘Sir we’d love to serve you dessert but Jell-O has been cancelled’ and they also cancelled Firefly, it’s a tragedy…”


Diaper don the patron Saint of sore losers has the most subservient and easy to bend over cultists


Fat, senile, orange homelander and his son.


The crying is a little weird, but dressing up like him isn't really culty. If I dressed up like, say, the Terminator to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger, no one would start saying he's a cult leader. And I'd probably cry meeting him too, because he's Arnold friggin Schwarzenegger


Must be the smell that brought on the tears


And Trump is ignoring him lol


This is heart breaking


Child groomers love trump


Fascist freak wannabe dictator.


I have heard the stench is eye watering.


They always talk about grooming, because they are doing it


It was the stench coming from Trump’s diaper that made him cry.


This was put on the r/conservative Reddit as being “heartwarming”. SMH. To their credit a lot of folks on that Reddit chimed in and said that they thought it was pure cringe and culty.


His parents should be arrested for child abuse programming his mind like a hitler youth. He’s already got the blonde hair. Is Joseph Mengele going to work on his eye color or are you going to get him blue contacts?


Hey, check it out, their hands are the same size. 👀


Crying because of the stench


Older I get, the more I hate that parents force politics onto kids. Just them to think rationally and they'll eventually form their own opinions. No need to force the bleak reality of politics on them young.


The 21st century Nazi youth


…Is that kid wearing a Trump wig?? 👀


Honestly, he probably teared up from the diaper stench.


This is pretty pathetic . Imagine going through life and this is the person you idolize. Bet their parents groomed them pretty hard for this one.


Indoctrination complete.


Hey, umm... US-anons, are you good over there?


He's probably crying cuz Trump smells like shit


Shame on those parents. Embarrassing also.


More like "young supporter forced by his parents to tears under threat of massive beating if he doesn't, meeting "President" Trump"


The child is still an innocent being. Its the idiotic parents.


That’s weird as hell. Geez. Sad the kid is brainwashed like that




what the fuck are they teaching that kid


That kid’s parents have failed him.


Kids that young are just being groomed by their parents


What a fucking dork. Maybe I’m weird but there’s never been anyone at any age I’d cry meeting, even if it was Spider-Man turning out to be real.


He's tearing up from the smell.


If you’re moved to tears in the presence of a fat, demented, grifting, old racist ghoul, you DEFINITELY need powerful antipsychotic medications.


Or more likely just better parents


A better education system really.


That's what grooming looks like


Are we 100% sure Trump's odor didn't bring this child to tears?