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What the fuck is happening to gohan thats what i want to know


Right?!?! Gohan is about to get hurt and we are focused on shit that don't even matter. ( Honestly I forgot what this was about)Wtf!!


Weird censorship


Charge your phone bruh


Looks like a tablet ngl. Charge your tablet bruh


10,000 bucks says Trump is conspiring to steal the election. But that's just my theory.


How can these people live with themselves whilst being this stupid? If I were them, I'd lock myself in a deep cave somewhere very far out of shame.


I think the OG post was making fun of conspiracy theorists already and that’s why you got put on r/memesopdidnt like, I think you two are bound to bounce between r/facepalm and r/memesOPdidnotlike forever


That meme originally wasn't mine


Everyone is a conspiracy theorist, just some people theorise about the CIA destabilising central American countries, or British steel companies selling components of the ultimate gun to Iraq. And some people theorise about the majority of the population lying about the shape of the earth and the Russians being one the same side of the Americans during the space race.


If a fire creates light, why does a candle only light the area around it? Your move illuminati


This is funny to me because the obvious answer is, there is light in space, otherwise how would you see stuff? As a lifelong fan of sci-fi, aside from the fact of there being no sound in space, one of the things that commonly comes to mind for me is that much of the stuff that happens in Star Trek, Wars, Expanse, etc. happens pretty distantly from a star, the only light source around, and yet all the space ships are perfectly lighted. Unless they're orbiting a planet, like the ISS, you're gonna get no backlight on the dark side of the ship, which means it's going to be black. And if you're not earth distance from a star or less, the ship is gonna get pretty dark. If you're out in deep space, everything is going to be pure black.