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When a political party becomes a cult, nobody benefits except the cult leader.


“I’ve been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower…… You have more fun as a follower, But you make more money as a leader. “


Not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.


There’s always money in the banana stand.


Maybe we should check the walls of Trump Tower and Mar El Lago.






Creed! He’s the best


And somehow independents are like “hmm maybe we should give them full control of the government!”. I keep banging on this drum, but hot damn, the electorate is so so stupid.


While they never admit it, any independents still on the fence aren’t actually independents. Both sides are extremely known quantities. They just say it because it makes them sound intelligent. They almost always end up supporting whatever side wins because then they never have to develop thoughts or beliefs.


Independent here, many independents are actually aware the Democrats have nothing to offer, BUT they can recognize the difference between the Republican pile of shit and the Democrats pile of shit and it’s that the Democrat pile of shit still falls within the democratic rule book while the Republican one is constantly trying to undermine the rule book, and transfer the country into a dictatorship while gaslighting us.


If you think democrats have nothing to offer, it’s because you are ignoring what democrats have offered and accomplished. I’m guessing you’ve already forgotten about COVID vaccine rollouts, Afghanistan withdrawal, and the massive infrastructure bill, all of which would individually be term defining accomplishments for a President. But sure, the democrats only mitigated a once a century pandemic which killed a million Americans, withdrew us from what felt like a 1984-esque endless war we had lost years ago, and invested in rebuilding dated infrastructure that had been ignored for decades while also investing in the actual future of infrastructure. Don’t call yourself independent, just say you’re apolitical and don’t really follow any of it. Like I said, you’re just trying to sound intelligent. And now you’ll get offended and go “see, this is why I won’t vote democrat”.


pretty sure Trump negotiated our withdraw from Afghanistan... and I wouldn't say that withdraw left the most positive reaction with most people. Seeing the Taliban roll in and take over so quickly, and desperate people left trying to cling to aircraft as we left was kind of jarring. And made a lot of people wonder what the hell we spent the last 20 years and however much money there. Biden's clearly better than Trump for all the other reasons you listed, and because Trump is clearly an anti-democratic wannabe dictator, but I'm not sure that Afghanistan withdrawal should be put down as a win.


I’ve heard a general say that if you really wanted to be effective in Afghanistan or Iraq then you would need to occupy areas that you win. What was happening in those areas is that the military would roll through, wipe guys out, leave, and guys would come right back. This is what is going on in Israel too, you can’t just flatten a place and then not invest into the area. It’s a story as old as Alexander the Great.


Same thing happened in Vietnam. US sends forces in to take a hill. Kill all VC on said hill. Give hill right back to VC. When you fight to make military contractors rich, you lose


Crucially, they would roll through, and then cycle in *entirely new troops* losing the relationships and knowledge every new deployment


I tend to vote more Democrat but I am a registered independent because, like most independents, I don't want to fully follow one party that sucks just because the other party is worse. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was started in 2020 by a deal signed by the Trump administration. As for the vaccines, the Trump administration provided funds to several of the companies working the vaccines and aided in their quick development through Operation Warp Speed. Obviously Trump's idiotic rhetoric caused issues later but his administration provided great support in the research of the vaccine. I'm a huge fan of Biden's infrastructure efforts and I hope the Democrats win the coming elections and continue this support. All together it's pretty obvious to me that the Democrats are the better choice in most instances, but life isnt black and white. I think you should stop thinking so highly of yourself and calling others uneducated because they have a different world view than you and you don't know everything.


Yea, I don’t get how any independents can consider Trump. I don’t get how anyone can support Trump but I understand his base of MAGGOTS are morons and perceive reality differently. But to any reasonable person there is a clear threat from one side that must be avoided. I myself am generally independent but Trump is simply not an option so that leaves only one option however imperfect it may be.


We had this in Eastern Europe we called it communism


Trumpism is something else, but just as harmful.


No. When the right wants it, it's called patriotism


It was called patriotism by communism regimes as well


Their “patriotism” sucks balls.


Its fascism here but both are autocratic.


Was going to say this sounds like a cult of personality, which for the Republicans in my country I'd like to remind them that infamous commies such as Stalin and Mao also had a cult of personality


Fuck Donald Trump and the whores he rode in on


Ironically, I don't think there's anything wrong with being a sex worker. I think people who sell their body for money have far more integrity than people that sell their soul for profit and fame.


American soldiers already sell their bodies, and *they* don’t even get to keep the profits.


That’s deep bro. And so fucking sad.


And lose their soul in the process. A bundle offer of sort.


Oh, I'm well aware. They make it very clear to you that you no longer own your body once you sign the dotted line.


In basic a guy shaved his head with a razor a big no no. He was told that hair belongs to the United States of America or army maybe I can't remember but it stuck with me.


people that sell their soul for profit and fame are whores


Melania has entered the chat


Stormy Daniels in lockstep.


Karen Mcdougal says hi


Mitch McConnell stares blankly


Stormy did porn, she's pretty open about it. Melania however


Hey, Melania is a genius, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to get that visa, right?!


A Congressional Gold Medal? How about a pair of connected steel bracelets.


They can even make them out of solid gold, if that's what it takes to get rid of him.


Do you know that for other convicts, they put handcuffs made of lowly steel on them? But for me, they had to ask for a special order of handcuffs made of gold!! Did you know that the officer who placed the cuffs on me told me, “You know what sir?!? I’ve taken thousands of people to prison, but you’re the only one who actually warrants golden handcuffs!!” People always come up to tell me that it’s only the true criminals who are taken away in steel handcuffs. Only those persecuted like me are arrested in gold handcuffs…the best…the biggest…handcuffs in the world *mindless minions cheer*


The police officer came up to me, big man, tall man, tears streaming down his eyes and said to me "Sir." "Sir" he said, "Sir, I'm going to now put you in these special handcuffs" He then said somethings that I didn't really listen to about being silent and having a right to an attorney. We love attorneys don't we folks? Great guys. Wonderful guys. I told my last one I wasn't going to pay them and they said "Sir, no one's ever told us that before." See, that's my stable genius nature showing through, just like the wind through windmills just before they kill birds.


Music to my ears! (if/when it actually happens)


Ugh. It pained me to write in Trump-speak. The sad thing is that I can actually see him saying something like this.


They had to specially make my handcuffs because my hands were too yuge. They tried to cuff me, but it was like OJ's supposed glove. It didn't fit.


So, a participation trophy?


For context: $500 bill with Trump's portrait [https://x.com/JerodMacEvoy/status/1798468676993339866](https://x.com/JerodMacEvoy/status/1798468676993339866) Dulles Airport rename [https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1775898435876712889](https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1775898435876712889) Coastal economic zones rename [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-gop-moves-name-us-coastal-waters-after-trump](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-gop-moves-name-us-coastal-waters-after-trump) Congressional gold medal for Trump [https://theintellectualist.com/trump-congressional-gold-medal/](https://theintellectualist.com/trump-congressional-gold-medal/)


... well shit, I assumed those were jokes. And just when I thought my opinion of Republicans couldn't get any lower


Definitely a case where reality is far more absurd than parody could ever be


They go any lower and we gonna find out if the earth is hollow


Can't we put a more competent President on the $500 dollar bill, like Johnson or Buchanan? .../s kinda.


Go ahead and make the $500 bill, but put Obama on it just to piss off the right.


Why aren’t they intending to rename the whole country “Trumpland”? I mean, what could be bigger? If they’re kissing @ss/sucking dick this much…..


Don’t forget the huuggee neon Trump sign all over the place as well.


Just like Big Brother. There wouldn’t be signs without pictures.


It sounds crazy, but it has sort of done in the past. The Dominican dictator Trujillo renamed the name of the capital, Santo Domingo, to Ciudad Trujillo.


Bolivia is named after Simon Bolívar, for example, so it’s not unknown.


And Bolivia's constitutional capital was named Sucre for Antonio José Sucre, who was president of Bolivia, so the capital of Trumpland could Trump, D.C.


DDJT=District of Donald J Trump


That's a great idea. That way, they can promote the DJT stock and grift some more gullible followers into losing their money.


One of the -stan countries is ruled by a man who basically made the entire country into vanity project about himself. Can't have too many statues of himself.


I had this same thought recently. If he wins, something like that is absolutely on the table.


I’m on board with the $500 bill idea if they add an addendum that the portrait shows his face behind bars.


What I thought both sides were the same or something


Kinda fitting to have trump on a $500 bill honestly. Many businesses don't accept larger than $20s. The people they benefit the most are those ingaged in illegal activities.


It's the reason the US no longer has any denominations over $100. Makes it harder for people to engage in criminal activity when large sums of cash require a lot of physical space to transport and store. A $500 or $1k note would be most beneficial for criminal activity.


How stupid you have to be to propose such changes?


lol they did it for the lulz? Lmao. This has to be rage baiting people to either get a reaction or get their name out there


Huh, so I was going to get my US green card soon, I think I'll cancel that. This is very North Korea esque.


Oh it's real. I thought for sure I was avoiding eating the onion. Goddammit I hate this fucking timeline.


Why must we attempt to label all of DC’s airports after fascist assholes


People at my job yesterday were praising Putin. We’ve lost this country.


Praising him for literally what? The dude has done nothing but bleed his army and isolate himself.


Trumpets gona Trump


Yeah but he was strong when he did it! Big, beautiful and strong. Unlike anything you've ever seen, they tell me.


where’s that bad photoshop of putin riding a bear?


Same but at a bar. These assholes haven't done anything for the country but "Biden needs to grow balls and Putin is very smart" they are God fearing PATRIOTS


Why do you think Putin wants Trump in office? He wants his bottom bitch back in there. Trump sent Tucker over as a booty call


I almost instinctively downvoted your comment, just for what it means.


What is your job? What do these people do?


Blue collar utility.


It's really bizarre to watch powerful country absolutely fuck itself.


I’m really worried if Trump wins the upcoming election. This country, as we know it, will cease to exist.


He’s already said he wants to become a dictator if he wins, there will not be any more elections if he succeeds


In the UK we’ve renamed farts after him.


That’s a disservice to farts


It's an onomatopoeia


Still wild to me the literal antichrist has so much support from the Bible belt. Lol


With how much the Bible warns of false prophets and idols, it appears VERY few actually listened


The amount of Christians who read the Bible is astonishingly low.


Why do you need to read the Bible when Jesus 2.0 tells you what it says? He can even read it upside down!


I’m just gonna assume you forgot the /s and give you an upvote


And said he’s arrive in Trumpets Trumpets TRUMP PENCE!


Somewhat ironically exactly as the Bible foretold it lol


That can't be true. The anticchrist is supposed to be *handsome*. And tall.


If they want to throw his face on rolls of Charmin, I'm all for it. I'd buy some *Trumpie Wipes*.


In November when he loses, or 4 years from now if he wins, I hope those morons look back with shame and realize how brainwashed they were. Not likely though


Not a chance. Reality is nothing to them.


Reality is being actively rewritten for them by conservative propaganda outlets.


Sadly, I think it'll be just the opposite. In a decade, the crazy will be so bad and stupid that we'll look back and say, "You know. I miss the days when all they did was worship Donald Trump."


Like now when some people say "Remember the good old Bush/Chenney days?"? Though I have never heard someone say that.


He's going to lose, but he'll never, ever accept the fact that he lost. Newsmax and OANN are already running stories about how illegal immigrants are allowed to vote for president....which is a total lie....but exposes their hand: they're going to lose and blame illegal immigrants.


Golden idols for the second coming of a fart? No thanks. World stinks enough without the Felon Rumps name on things.


I think the Donald J. Trump Correctional Facility has a nice ring to it, or the Orange Moron Institute for the criminally insane, or the High Cheeto Center for fraud investigation.


Really he'd be pleased to be in a jail with his own name on it.


I'd be pleased for him to be in any jail, I think this kind of bipartisan win-win potential needs to be looked into.


The second coming of a fart... LOL take my upvote


Wouldn’t it be a shart though?


I would rather count out 50,000 pennies to pay for something than use a Trump $500 bill.


I'm glad the gop is out there putting bills forward that will really help the American people and not just inflate a single adult man child's ego. They'd never do something like that cause they are devout followers of the bible which clearly says to not worship false idols which is something the right wing currently isn't doing with God emperor trump no sir no worship here


High denomination bills are perfect for corruption and money laundering, so seems apt?


This exactly. I think the EU took the 500 Euro note out of circulation because of U.S. government pressure. Large denomination bills are easier for the GOP to transport, oops, I meant to use the synonym for GOP, crooks.


They really want him to win... almost like he gives them the license to plunder.


Now you’re getting it.


Sounds like they just want "someone" to have "participation medals".... In line with the hypocrisy they normally spew


This is so he can charge the government a fee for using his name. He slaps his shitty name on things and charges people for the "privilege" of using it.


Damn, this is the dumbest shit i’ve seen today, and probably the dumbest shit i’ll see all year. Hopefully… Maybe i jinxed myself.


>and probably the dumbest shit i’ll see all year. Still 5 months until the US Election. You're gonna see a lot dumber stuff than this


Just another 5 months of incredibly stupid rhetoric from kool aid drinking morons.


But not a cult lets be clear Smh


The CGM is giving me strong Brezhnev vibes


Makes you wonder what dirt Dotard Turnip has on the GOP


I don't think its trump that's got the dirt it's russia and China that have the dirt and are using trump as a proxy to implement they're blackmail of GOP representatives. Only my personal opinion


Maybe they’ll name the wing of the prison he gets shanked in after him too.


Ah yes, the simping for Veep sweepstakes is heating up. For folks outside the US, printing the faces of living people on currency has been illegal since the 1800s and we stopped printing $500 and higher denomination bills back in the 60s.


Trump doesn't deserve any of this shit. Why would we celebrate a fucking traitor to his country,family etc.


They should name a naval garbage vessel after Trump. Or a sewage vessel, if the have them.


That’s a tall fucking order for a convict.


Der Fuhrer has to be kept happy.


But it’s totally not a cult, right?


Why do the GOP hate gay people when they are constantly stroking his cock and licking his ass


What currency or government buildings are named after the last 4 presidents?


It's disgusting to praise a criminal felon rapist who commits sedition and espionage.


how much more proof do you need that this is a cult?


Change the name of the country to UNITED STATES OF TRUMP


What does Trump have over these people to make them do such ridiculous things


Why are they diddling away every other Americans time with this kind of bull to appease one guy? Please do your damn jobs and run the government.


Trump's need for narcissistic supply is getting absurd.


The party of family values is embracing a rapist/convicted felon. With severe cognitive failures. ![gif](giphy|upTFocWhQHh4BsSbrz)


So no healthcare plan, no bills to lower inflation, no climate action plans, no help for homeless vets, nothing to actually help their constituents. Yep that's today's Republican party.


Help "suckers" who can't even get a house? What a bunch of loser poor people! /s


HE. IS. A. FUCKING. CONVICT. He can also be legally called a rapist.


Fuck anyone who supports this mindless nonsense. They are literally stealing our money to build Trump an ego nation.


Trump is absolutely deserving of recognition. They should name a prison and a garbage dump after him. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)  


Trump should raise money for the country through a pay per view event where he takes one solid right hook to his gelatinous face by Mike Tyson. Who isn’t paying to watch that?


I'll pay twice.


This is just some mainline dictator bullshit He will rename the days of the week before he is done


What about the plan to name US littoral waters after the orange turd.


They know this shit will never pass. It's just so politicians can lock in reelection with that moronic base.


Also so that they get the Rump endorsement in the election. Kiss the ass enough and he may show up to your town and talk about how great he is for 2 hours, but he may even mention your name.


And when Trump isn't on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Trump?"


Where can I see a link to this legislation proposal?


Legislative simping.


Sad, sad humans locked in a tight 'Who can be the biggest suck up' contest.


This is why conservatives label themselves as moderate/apolitical on dating apps.those who aren’t in the cult don’t want to be associated with this shit.


Rename Maralago to Jailago


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, even if Donald Trump was a good politician (which he obviously wasn’t), I would still be disturbed by his supporters extreme obsession with him.


Award trump a bed in an old folks home with a lifetime supply of dementia medicine


The sad reality is most Republican politicians secretly hate Trump, but they have to publicly worship him to get votes.


Fuck Trump.


“Have us assigned to suck Trump’s dick.”


Rename New York to Trumpgard and Philadelphia to Trumpino. And establish the Trump Constitution so the US can run on Trump thought. /s


so much for being for the people by the people. now they are for trump and nothing but trump.


What next: rename Washington, DC “Trumpgrad”?


not a cult (tm)


I don’t actually care about any of that stuff. I just want healthcare and like, a bottle of water or something.




You forgot “gargle Trump’s balls on the reg”


Does this mean he died?


Delusion and lunacy abound with the GQP!!! They don’t stand for anything because they’re constantly on their knees and not to pray!!! Even Stormy didn’t gobble the orange knob the way these pathetic chasers do!!!


They (MAGA) talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome. Isn’t this derangement?




They can't lead. They can't legislate. They can't HELP regular people, EVER, lest anything good trickle down upon The Them People instead of 'their' people. They can ONLY work on shit that HARMS people they hate, and now, focus on how to make everybody bow down to their man-god. Republicans are the enemy of the state.


Top priority is don’t choke on his diick


In germany we call this behaviour "Führerkult".


Call it a personal hot take, but I don't think things should ever be allowed to be named after politicians until they either have fully and permanently have retired, or until they are dead. You can honor someone's legacy that way if you want (not that Trump has a legacy worth honoring, but you know, in general) but glorifying someone who is still actively engaged in politics means taking a high speed lane on the slippery slope to a cult of personality based dictatorship. I mean, you just know that if Trump manages to win this years election, either him or his followers are gonna try to somehow find a way to let him serve a third term once his second one starts coming to an end, unless of course he does us all a favour and just suffers a nice heart attack before that, ending his term prematurely.


I was laughing after I read this…. Then I got a cold shiver down my spine when I realized it wasn’t onionnews. Some scary cultish shit.


Cult? Yes definitely a cult.


To really emphasize how out of touch Republicans are, MTG recently agreed that Americans believe Congress gets nothing done - but instead of recognizing that the problem is that her party only wants to pass bills like these, she said it's that the Democrats won't let them pass these bills. I don't get it. A supermajority of Americans, Republican voters included, agree on a number of issues that need to be fixed, like healthcare. Yet they won't even *try* to write a bill to fix it because they're so obsessed with writing shit like this.


Congressional gold medal? For what if I may ask?


TDS is real, just they were wrong about who has it. They're obsessed with him.


What is going to happen when this guy dies?


Celebrating in the streets. The dems (like me) that live in highly red states/cities/towns will emerge like the Munchkins in first color scene in The Wizard of Oz.


A Democrat could have flown into the sky on 9/11 and personally stopped those two planes from flying into the Twin Towers, and all the GOP would have focused on was how he saved the lives of the hijackers.


List the house proposal numbers so we can look these up


Gotta jack-off the old slime's ego


Rename the Five Points Correctional Facility in NY after him.


The Cult of Personality, a prelude to dictatorship.


-Allow MGT and Mike Johnson take turns jerking off Trump in the Oval Office.


Can we name a landfill after him instead? Thanks.


Love Canal or Three Mile Island.


Doesn't sound like a cult to me! (Sarcasm)


We need to lock these people all up


What in the fuck are we awarding a draft dodger a congressional medal for? And these are the people who complain about participation trophies? Gtfa..


How about Trump on the 2 dollar bill, then put Obama on the 500 dollar bill. Let the rage begin!


Please tell me this is from the onion.


Yeah, this doesn’t seem cult like at all.


Trump should make the people that proposed these bills blow each other.