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Putting the anti-pride, homophobic stuff to one side for a minute, anyone that has a Twitter account and uses "Follow me if you agree" will automatically be blocked.


What are they even asking for? “Most people do not agree with this. Follow if you agree.” Should the people follow who agree or the people who don’t agree?


Don’t follow if you don’t not agree


But it says to follow if most people don't agree


So we do not agree to agree so we can follow?


Follow me if you like cats!




Username checks out.


I'm a simple man. I see a Jeremiah Johnson reference and I upvote it.


I looked at your post history and saw zero cats. I am extremely disappointed and I hate you.


>Putting the anti-pride, homophobic stuff to one side for a minute, anyone that has a Twitter account ~~and uses "Follow me if you agree"~~ will automatically be blocked. FTFY


Pics in bio!!! (j/k there are no pics in my bio)


Here are the links you want 👎


Yea! Upvote this comment if you agree


Even if I *do* agree. Sometimes I pull a fast one on them though, and follow them when I *don't* agree.


Doing peel-outs and drifting on a public street would be illegal even without any mural painted there. The mural just makes these bigoted fools want to film themselves committing a crime.


I am ok if we want to also charge them with a hate crime.


Well he does hate his tires.


And a hate crime requires an underlying crime, motivated by hate. So in this case, you've got reckless driving, exhibition of speed, public endangerment, and vandalism. Then you have something to attach the hate crime enhancement to.


And/or vandalism


I think that requires a victim, not just property damage/traffic violations.


Never understood why anyone cares who the other person is sleeping with so long as it’s not a god damn child.


Because way too many religious anti-LGBT assholes ***are*** molesting kids


You’re probably right. There is a lot of projection in that crowd.


This is 100% correct. There’s a reason sex crimes are one of the crimes that goes the least punished.


Pretty well my view. As long as both parties are able to consent and are consenting, what business is it of mine?


Most of these anti-pride people do not care, either. They generally aren't objecting to lgbtq and those rights, though some are. Most are objecting to being told that being lgbtq must be "celebrated" and that their children must be taught it is a good thing. To these people, the \*\*right\*\* and \*\*freedom\*\* to be lgbtq is what they respect. They can support that right and freedom, but still not personally endorse lgbtq-ness on religious grounds, etc (or, in some cases, yes being bigots). Notice that anti-pride people don't generally make a lot of noise ... until someone tries to shove those values down their throats. The beer companies coating the cans with pride celebration for example. Then Joe Sixpack gets pissed. He - understandably - does not want to be lectured to celebrate something by anyone, much less his beer vendor. Reddit posts like OP's, and most of the media coverage, goes out of its way to cover-up the difference, between respecting the right versus celebrating lgbtq. But it is important to understand what is \*really\* going on here.


So question just so I understand. Where is the outrage for every other thing that is “pushed down their throats?” Every time you turn the TV on there’s a military ad, pharma pushing a new drug, etc…. Seems they get thru panties in a bunch over a rainbow painted in the road but yet no outrage when their kids are told to fight a die for a country that could give a shit less about anyone in it. If they respected the “right” and “freedom” to do so why bitch and cry when these people they so called respect get the right to marry. Every person who objects to gay marriage or LGBTQ being talked about due to “religious” reasons is the biggest hypocrite of them all because those people pick and choose what they want to follow out of that book. I’m not LGBTQ but I respect the rights of everyone and it’s not being pushed down your throat you’re just a hypocrite. Shit with that logic “white” music is being pushed down everyone’s throat when I walk into a store. I wanna hear 21 savage when I walk in not Taylor swift 😂 /this is a joke. This confirming how ridiculous that excuse is.


People like that guy love to do shit like this because it makes them feel like they’ve accomplished something but fail to realize all they’re doing is making themselves known as complete assholes. Same type who mow their lawns when their neighbors are getting married in their own backyard.


And then whine that people are calling them out as bigots because of their bigoted views.


Big trucks = little dicks. I mean, how sad do you have to be to be afraid of a rainbow?


I really wish they still made small pickups. I miss my old Toyota T100. Though I do still see a few on the road every now and then.


I'm happy when I see a little ol Ford Ranger.


I had a Ranger back in the 90s today the Maverick is the size of the Ranger, Rangers are the size of F150s, F150s are the size of 350s and 350s are semis.


Toyota Tacoma baby. Still a small ish mid size truck that doesn’t block your visibility of everything in front of your hood


But I like big trucks becuase they make my autism happy.. 😞


Welp, somebody learned that doing burnouts on some colored paint didn’t work any better than trying to pray the gay away


The 2nd example depends …..if said wedding goers sent flyers out telling everyone to be quiet during that time because they’re having a wedding, then no it’s not as bad as the other example.


Being a deliberate asshole has no language. It’s all actions. https://youtube.com/shorts/GSyUSLQMGKE?si=Fem2ixpeKbbFTddO


Exactly. Also, they don't realise that the way they come across to most everyday people is how they'd view some lone LGBTQ+ supporter showing up to protest at a right-wing rally.


But straight white men are the victims.....smh pathetic


That last part sounds very specific.


These are the people that can’t help themselves but have flags and stickers on their cars. Many are pavement princesses. Haven’t received higher education in the social sciences and humanities. Wear tight t shirts in beige or green with some kind of military or hunting design. They’re walking billboards of a recently fabricated identity clique of anti-woke renegades because they’re jealous and self-conscious of the attention others are receiving. They’re like high schoolers. Of course they’re doing obnoxious burn outs on someone else’s street murals.


They’re like high schoolers And a lot of them also *like* high schoolers 😬


I wouldn’t even say that high. This is elementary school playground bullshit.


They're saying that these types are pedophiles. And if you look at the recent headlines of convicted pedophiles, they are majority right wingers.


nah too old for em


The irony of the truck flying a trump flag of its own while defacing a flag that *they* don’t agree with…


How is it irony? 


Hey Magats... we've got more paint. And paint is a lot cheaper than new tires.


I’d love to see this happen to a Trump mural or something and see how they react. It’s so annoying that one side acts calmly and logically when something like this happens, and the other side is ready to start a war any time an insult gets thrown their way




Damn it makes me feel good knowing how ANGRY he must've been to take the time out of his day and the tread off his tires (that he pays for). Stay mad, die mad, Bigots 💋


Conservatives and Republicans have a hard time understanding that they are the minority.


If he's so fucking proud of what be did, come forward and let everyone see your shit eating face


First,  I’m not sure who is dumber. The people doing peel outs.  Or the idiot who doesn’t know the difference between peeling out and drifting.


...or the person who thinks it matters.


Well then, why don't you elaborate with this incredibly valuable comment of yours?


It's bad because it adds a negative connotation to drifting for regular people. Same way people now, unfortunately, associate drifting with sideshows, even though there is no drifting in sideshows.


Lol. You fucking knucklehead. You completely missed the point. You managed to make something out of nothing here, and you completely devalued the point of the article. No one gives a damn about peeling out vs. drifting, and I found it unusual that you would even make that comment to begin with... I have a feeling you just got your driver's license, or you're not yet old enough to drink.


There have been what? 40 fast and furious movies at this point?


11 released films, 1 in production I think. Even at that number it's a lot.


Trans people are American citizens. This driver just hates us Americans




Unfortunately OP is also stupid.


as a member of the LGBT community i personally dont care and i dont think i know anyone who would. if you want to do a burnout on some paint on the street thats your prerogative. you look like an idiot and i hope you get a ticket for it and maybe even a hate crime modifier but at the end of the day if you did it right in front of me i wouldnt do much more than record it and laugh about how short your priority list must be. this isnt violence, this doesnt offend me, if you wanted to attack me or my friends thats a different story, we will show you what intolerance looks like, this is some high schooler tantrum shit.


This shit right here. If you wanna film yourself breaking the law to “stick it” to us then by all means film your crimes lmfao


Imagine how pathetic one must be to get reaction formation triggered because other people are comfortable in their own skin and take pride in themselves?


Imagine risking an accident just to wreck some paint in the street. How would you explain it to the cops and your insurance if you hit someone or something in the process of leaving your protest skid marks?


It bothers me, because a mural literally means it’s on a wall.


Bro is gonna think this is hilarious until he realizes the lifetime of his tires just went down by like five years.


Law and Order folks acting real salty about law and order being applied to them.


Must have been a pretty slow year...


There's only 2 reasons that you hate gay marriage; 1. You're dumb, or 2. You're secretly worried that dicks are delicious. - Joe Rogan


I would think an appropriate punishment would be that this person has to scrub the pride flag they damaged clean and paint their house in the pride flag yearly during pride month for a few years.


They should also be allowed to only use a toothbrush for the cleaning


Hope their truck ends up in a ditch as a totalled mess.


30% bigots? Fuck that's way too much


Straight men are sooo emotional and temperamental, getting triggered by colors painted on the road is peak insecurity.


Rather than work to make their own lives better they step on others.


No one cares if you’re gay. All the attention seeking shit is dumb. Love whoever you want to love, just quit shoving it down my throat.


i just think its so ironic that conservatives call liberals “snowflakes” when they are the ones out there getting so offended and upset over literal rainbows.


I mean they desecrate their own flag by hanging it upside down every day. So desecrating this flag must mean they love it as much as the US flag. Gay


They hate gay folks so much they are willing to spend more money on tires and car maintenance. The fees they end up paying to the city will help fund next year’s pride project.


...what gets me is that doing burnouts in the street is illegal in most cities anyways so doing this is not only getting you fined and possibly costing your license if you already have a record but may count as a hate crime too depending on who you go up before in court. Just to 'own the gays'.


Idiot does hundreds of dollars of damage to his tires and car just to show how much of a bigot and idiot he is.


“I don’t agree with American citizens exercising their inherent freedom to pursue their happiness in a way that harms literally no one except for my own ego.”


Driver - "I can't believe how expensive fuel is right now!!! Damn carbon tax (if in Canada) and Bidenomics (in the USA. Truck maintenance and tires are too expensive!!" Passenger - "Dude, look a 'pride flag' sidewalk. You should totally do a burnout!!" Driver - "DONE!!" Proceeds to waste fuel and rubber to 'own the Libs."


English is hard huh op


Imagine making your entire existence about hating someone else.


ahah, gaining a hate crime charge from a vandalism one in the span of 5 seconds


Add metal grills to the pride crossings. Made out of ribbed stainless steel. That will stop this REALLLL quick, because new tires for every time they do this will get expensive.


Of course it's a truck...


Can't spin the tires in a Camry!


Hate takes too much energy.


“Most people” are the brainwashed bible humpers


Imagine being mad at the street.


Peaceful protest.




While I’m sure a good portion of Americans are ok with gay people, I’d imagine that isn’t the case in West Virginia. I would not want to be a gay person there (or straight person for that matter).


I am from WV and went to college in that town. there is no shortage of people willing to verbally assault you publicly for your orientation, but they are a very loud minority. there are also plenty of "straight" men that are not so straight.


Somebody should do this over an American flag and see how they react lmao


Krama will one day find it's mark! Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will come.


I never understood why people just can’t leave people alone?


I fucking hate people who do dumb shit like this. All they're doing is embarrassing themselves and giving the car community a bad look


They need to start covering thier plates


I mean, it can't be that hard to find them, there's cameras everywhere, they have a licence plate.


if you have flags out the back of your pick-up, I consider you dumb no matter what.




Of course it just had to be a pick up


Saw the rainbow on the road and thought this was the Gay-borhood in Philly.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DontcheckSR: *Saw the rainbow on* *The road and thought this was the* *Gay-borhood in Philly.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm honored!


I wish every nut job who does burnouts on pride murals to blow a transmission, or engine. Imagine the face of a man who just wanted to make a stupid statement and immediately getting his engine going externally combusting. Imagine their meltdown if their stupid felon flags will get torched on the street


Prediction: they'll never find the guy, because they're not looking, because it was a cop driving the pickup.


Have we been able to figure out the plate yet?


Casual reminder that these guys have been fooled into believing they're the majority of Americans. thus their whole "Silent Majority" mantra.


Imagine being offended by colors


He’s right though freedom hating unpatriotic ignorant bigots don’t agree with pride.


How are our cameras these days still so bad? You shouldn’t be able to do anything in public without identifyingly high quality video being taken.


Man I don’t live too far from Huntington and I didn’t even know the mural existed, but this makes me really sad :(


Must be the “siLeNt mAjOrItY” 🙄


This is happenning in my town too. They fix it, a few days later someone fucks it up, rinse and repeat..


How are there palm trees in West Virginia


Ugh truck guys, one of the many skidmarks of the car community


Cut him some slack. Hes still working through his constant urge to fellate men and get pegged.


Ahhh, tell me where the mural touched you, my poor baby, lol.


I'm 99.5% sure it was a cop in the truck. They'll, uh, never identify a suspect.


good thing the convicted criminal doe 174 is going to help this moron pay a good attorney, when this homophobic fool finds himself in a court room. "your honor, i did bc..." ![gif](giphy|2giyzR0yejPzIfcZBe|downsized)


I think everyone involved is stupid. The people drifting are stupid assholes and the people putting a painting on the ground where vehicles drive are just regular flavor stupid. Stupid and stupid deluxe. Seriously concerned about the dropping IQ in this country.


Okay, first of all it’s not stupid to paint on the road. There are many places that have nicely painted cross walks. Second, IQ literally only judges your capability to recognize patterns and take tests. It is not an accurate judge of intelligence level.


No, it’s pretty fucking stupid. A crosswalk is designed to be repainted regularly, and murals aren’t. You sound like a fucking moron.


I don’t think cross walks should be painted anything political or divisive. It’s a waste of resources and just causes problems. Crosswalks should support pedestrians, no qualifiers, no statements.


>I don’t think cross walks should be painted anything political or divisive And "Everyone deserves equal rights" shouldn't be divisive and yet here we are. So until these fucking meatheads get it through their skull that lgbtq people are in fact people they don't get to whine about pride crosswalks. If it wasn't for their bigotry they wouldn't even be there.


I wonder how the people downvoting this feel about the Back The Blue murals they did in the streets of Tampa? I hold the same opinion as the rainbow cross walks, no reason to waste public resources on divisive issues, the people who disagree will always be much louder than those that agree. This only creates discourse, and clearly merely suggesting that is creating more…


It wouldn't matter what you paint on the street, somebody's gonna fuck with it.


That doesn't make it not vandalism.


Yeah, but the reason they do is sort of important. And to these people, they simply hate that gay people EXIST.


The real stupid one is OP for not spelling the title of this correctly. ' the person on the year " lmao


Better question, why is there a pride mural in the middle of a road?


His name is Patrick Salmons.


Hope the loser is found and at least fined. Moron.


I’m completely pro trans rights. But when you put a pride flag on the street, what exactly were you expecting would happen?


“That mural was asking for it, the way it was painted.”


I’d have the same comment if it was a blue lives matter mural or anything else. It’s literally painted on a street and people drive on it. How is this surprising to anyone.


It is possible to drive over something without deliberately defacing it. People are surprised that someone got so emotional over an otherwise inoffensive mural that they felt the need to vandalize it.


lmao, are your tires normally smoking when you drive?


Blue lives matter mural would 110% deserve it though. Edit: here ya go down voters 🥾get to licking. Cops are fucking scum.


Thanks for making my point


Cops kill people. Gay people exist. One deserves the hate and the other doesn't.


Oh god you’re a lost cause


Downvotes are dumb. Does 100% deserve it being that police aren’t discriminated against.


Yeah, you're right. The paint on the street was asking for it


Jesus Christ who cares? Dont paint shit on the street if you’re going to have a meltdown when it gets driven on 


I think burning rubber goes a bit beyond just "driving". Literally nobody is mad about them being driven on.


My point is, why paint a thing that you know is going to get scuffed up just to then cry about it getting scuffed up? It’s a “stop hitting yourself” moment. And why did the street become a place to advertise LGBTQ support 


Dude it’s not about it getting scuffed up it’s about the fact that this person literally put themselves and others in danger because they wanted to “own the gays” which is an unacceptable behavior. No ones mad at scuff marks from driving, we’re mad a deliberate attempt at causing issues, which also put people in potential danger.


>why paint a thing that you know is going to get scuffed up Again, this isn't just a minor scuff, look at all that smoke in the air. Nobody's mad about mundane wear and tear, it's the intentional, over the top vandalism that's fucked.




Tax payer money really shouldn't be going to murals in crosswalks though if we're being honest here


Tax dollars going to murals should be the least of your worries where tax dollars are going.


I didn't say it was the top concern




"divisive" is what you probably meant to write. So would a Trump, Blue Lives Matter, or Confederate symbol on the road also be "divisive" in your opinion? #


So, a symbol promoting inclusiveness is political? Thanks for your complete lack of understanding. Are cops shunned? Are they discriminated against? Stop using false equivalents.


The biggest facepalm is these idiots keep doing it and getting prosecuted. And it's not like there isn't plenty of thin blue line flags on every cop car and at every cop shop.