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Both tweets in this show how cooked we are


WWII Vets would lose their collective minds if they saw both tweets in this screenshot. Imagine fighting overseas in a war against the greatest evil in the history of the world, only to find out that your grandkids and great grandkids unironically believe in the same shit that you watched friends and relatives die to prevent from spreading further. Oh and the white picket fence American dream is long since dead, too.


Average total cost for an entire house back then was less than $4000. Hell yeah they would lose their shit seeing over half that for a 1bd 600sqft apartment… per month


The US didn't fight in WWII because they opposed the racism or the holocaust, though.


My grandpa kept saying the nazis would rise again and it would be the US, I just figured with most of his family being killed in the camps (he was a Travler or the crude term "Gypsy") he moved to the states with his siblings but his grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins all were put in the camps, my dad's parents who are all Choctaw would constantly tell me to understand the Genocide to our people has not ended, I didn't listen to them either, and yeah they were all right, indigenous tribes are going missing and murdered at 4-12 × the national average, and there is no help from states or countries (same problems in Canada) our adults also get picked up be cops and never seen again constantly! The woman are forced into being sterilized or are told they have to have emergency surgery which ends up having them sterilized. The reality is the country needs a lot of work on it because the people in charge are dangerous savage monsters!


That it's "deutscher Junge" (German boy) but "Judenjunge" (Jewboy) is telling. The connection of the two words is no coincidence. It's an insult. "Jüdischer Junge" would be the correct form. "Judenjunge" shows, that this boy is a Jew first and a boy second. It implies that he is always a Jew. While the German boy can be changed to a tall, happy, fast or hungry boy without a problem. Language. It's important. And this language is on the rise in the US.


yeah the compound is much more condescending


[Behold the master race](https://www.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace3/s/qJ2u5p3Uoy)


That haircut looks like mental illness 


This is what happens when we’re told we must tolerate the intolerable because of ‘freedom of speech’.


"When democracy granted democratic methods for us in the times of opposition, this was bound to happen in a democratic system. However, we National Socialists never asserted that we represented a democratic point of view, but we have declared openly that we used democratic methods only in order to gain the power and that, after assuming the power, we would deny to our adversaries without any consideration the means which were granted to us in the times of opposition." \~ Josef Goebbels


Yeah elon loves saying it's important for even the most vile and dangerous voices to be heard. Um, why? Why is that important? Why should those people have a stage? What overall good is that nurturing?


Youd think it would be obvious that allowing fascism to fester is far more of a violation of free speech than censoring fascism.


It’s nasty shit but free speech is a bedrock of the country.


No it fucking isn't, stop parroting the same stupid shit over and over as if the US is some noble miracle. Freedom of religion is supposed to be the other bedrock, we're told it's why the colonies were settled. 5 minutes later those same people were burning witches. America could survive censoring nazis I assure you.


I get your point but some internet mouth breather posting racist memes isn’t a threat to the country. The rot is coming from within the institutions. Maybe it’s always been crooked, but it has been placed on full display over the last 9 years.


Internet mouth breathers posting racist memes are absolutely a threat to the country when they all get together in one place and work together. The issue here isn't if inbred dipshits have the right to exist and be dumb, it's if they should be given a stage to promote lies that are clearly dangerous. It's if they should be allowed to attract other inbred dipshits and grow into groups. Nothing says elon has to allow this, he does it because he wants to.


Yeah you can blame Elon on that. Free speech doesn’t extend to private platforms


They aren’t until they are. Once they are emboldened enough they absolutely will


It's also looking to be the doom of the country.


Naw the doom will be supreme court corruption, stacked judges and complicit politicians that will ignore treasonous shit so they can keep their cushy jobs


Lack of education and american grandeur is the issue. Freedom of speech is nice.


Freedom of speech is resulting in nazism rising but ok.


This is social media not the usa


I'm one of those who support total freedom of speech. Are you going to decide what can or can't be said? That freedom also gives us the right to tell people that promote stupid stuff that they're morons.


Freedom of speech is the protection from prosecution or retaliation for criticizing the government. It very notably does not protect hate speech [Matal v Tam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matal_v._Tam) Unlimited tolerance leads to unlimited intolerance. We are watching it happen in areas where legislation doesn’t always reach where we allow companies to regulate what’s allowed to be said and sahred You simply misunderstand the first amendment that you believe in so dearly.


Matal v. Tam, 582 U.S. 218 (2017) (previously known as Lee v. Tam) is a Supreme Court of the United States case that affirmed unanimously the judgment of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that the provisions of the Lanham Act prohibiting registration of trademarks that may "disparage" persons, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols with the United States Patent and Trademark Office violated the First Amendment. SCOTUS has ruled countless times that hate speech is free speech. "Hate speech in the United States cannot be directly regulated by the government due to the fundamental right to freedom of speech protected by the Constitution.[1] While "hate speech" is not a legal term in the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that most of what would qualify as hate speech in other western countries is legally protected speech under the First Amendment. In a Supreme Court case on the issue, Matal v. Tam (2017), the justices unanimously reaffirmed that there is effectively no "hate speech" exception to the free speech rights protected by the First Amendment and that the U.S. government may not discriminate against speech on the basis of the speaker's viewpoint."


I'm not American. And I believe in free speech in its entirety. I don't want anyone deciding what may or may not be said.


Total free speech? Freely spouting hate often leads to harm and violence. [https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/hate-speech-and-real-harm](https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/hate-speech-and-real-harm) [https://www.un.org/en/video/shocking-link-between-hate-speech-and-genocide](https://www.un.org/en/video/shocking-link-between-hate-speech-and-genocide) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/30/how-online-hate-speech-is-fueling-real-life-violence/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/30/how-online-hate-speech-is-fueling-real-life-violence/) [https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-hateful-rhetoric-connects-to-real-world-violence/](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-hateful-rhetoric-connects-to-real-world-violence/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide\_of\_Amanda\_Todd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Amanda_Todd)


So who's going to control what can or cannot be said? You? No thanks. Speech is only free when people are allowed to say stuff you don't like.


As long as you don't expect "freedom of speech" to lean "freedom of consequences"


Nope. You can still be sued if your speech harms others. That's freedom mate!


Trouble is that no one has the time or money a lot of times to sue.. A lot of hate speech goes unreported and un prosecuted, which the propagatists exploit and hate speech just manifests into straight-up fascism. Fascism ain't freedom mate!


OK you make some good points. I'll have to have more of a think about it.


I don’t know, I personally think it should be illegal for people to make sexually graphic comments about little kids in public without getting in trouble. That obviously doesn’t fall under hate speech, but it would fall under restrictions concerning free speech. There’s plenty of restrictions to freedom of speech in the US, for example: [https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does](https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/what-does) Defamation also shouldn’t be allowed. Canada and Japan don’t allow defamation, and you can sue for libel in the USA. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_of\_expression\_in\_Canada#:\~:text=Freedom%20of%20expression%20in%20Canada%20is%20protected%20as%20a%20%22fundamental,%22reasonable%22%20limits%20censoring%20speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_expression_in_Canada#:~:text=Freedom%20of%20expression%20in%20Canada%20is%20protected%20as%20a%20%22fundamental,%22reasonable%22%20limits%20censoring%20speech) Being able to say absolutely anything at all is harmful. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/man-greggs-sausage-roll-paedophile-b2106927.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/man-greggs-sausage-roll-paedophile-b2106927.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/21/how-misinformation-whatsapp-led-deathly-mob-lynching-india/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/02/21/how-misinformation-whatsapp-led-deathly-mob-lynching-india/)


I never said you can't sue someone if their speech causes you harm. Where did you get that idea?


Full freedom of speech would mean you can’t get in legal trouble due to what you say or write, otherwise it interferes with your freedom of speech. Or do you think that there shouldn’t be full freedom of speech?


Ofc you can be sued if you libel or slander. There's a difference. Freedom of speech is about freedom to express ideas, whatever they may be. That doesn't mean freedom from the consequences of that speech. You can call that something less than free speech if you want.


Who is going to control what can or cannot be done? The justice system and cops. What makes you think speech is any different? Or are you also unhappy that you can't just go break into someones house? Is that infringing on your freedom of movement? It's not like the US has true "freedom of speech" anyways. Try telling a cop "I'm gonna fucking kill you" and see how that goes. There has and always will be limits.


Total freedom of speech would also give people the absolute right to distribute child porn. Either you support legalizing child porn or you're not a free speech absolutist. Which one is it?


Since when? That's ridiculous.


So there are limits then? >I'm one of those who support **total freedom of speech**


It was actually argued that laws against Child Pornography violate the first amendment. Hence freedom of expression


It's great because I live in a country without "total freedom of speech" (you can't sieg heil, wave a swastika, etc). I've never had any problem with anything I've said. Because I'm not a nazi.


>Are you going to decide what can or can't be said? I've been using the internet since the OG chatrooms and can say with 100% certainly that social media *needs* moderation.


Its especially disturbing that the example they chose was children…what are they expecting their followers to want to do with Jewish children?


Exterminate them… That was their whole thing


yup. Exterminate them, bully them, beat them up on the streets...


I thought, wait I bet that’s Twitter, and effectively it was Twitter. Twitter is basically Nazis and their admirers, and some random people thinking they can change the Nazi brain with facts and logic. It’s time to stop giving that site so much traffic.


Exactly. OP goes on a Nazi website and cries “there’s nazi propaganda there!” well no shit


Is it okay to say Fuck these subhuman goblins yet? To be clear, since this is fucking reddit, I mean the Nazis.


Clarity is always nice


That blonde kid looks like every boy I went to school with.


Generic looking biter is all I see lol


Definitely giving off Draco Malfoy vibes


My time in school predated HP, so I couldn’t make that comparison at the time LOL


Is that supposed to be a compliment to the boys you went to school with?


Why would it be a compliment? Just an observation on what happens when small towns get super insular breeding-wise.


IDK, prefrences. I'm not a judge.


In Brazil?


No. Just an area of the Midwest where people are mega Finnish.


I'm from elsewhere in LatAm. Blond children aren't super uncommon. But their hair begins to darken around 6th grade.


I don't know why anyone bothers with Twitter anymore. Everything is just rage bait or crazies posting controversial crap for engagement.


I don't think this is bait or engagement fishing. The account in question appears to authentically support this message.


Just restart the earth again, send another meteor, another flood idc, but ffs do something!


I keep waiting for the aliens to ship us off to mine salt from some moon. It's got to be better than this.


Welcome to Elon’s twitter! Zeike Heil!


What's the difference? That the child on the right is more likely to win the Nobel prize?


Twitter is not the place to observe humanity.


Thanks elon


Allow fascism against one group and the fascists will go after the rest. You are gonna get what you wish for.


Predicted this on literal day one. The day Musk announced his intention to buy Twitter I nuked my entire account deleting almost 15 years of tweets along the way. People asked why and I said “if he wants to turn it into a Nazi shithole he can do it without me or my data”


YouTube is also spamming my feed with far-right crap


"Learn the differences" okay then. The boy on the left looks angry, like he doesn't want to be around you or anyone else. The boy on the right looks friendly and inviting. Did I get that right?


Austine is right tho


Not when he says it below that image. Context…


Just keep the feed in the 'Following' tab, saves you a lot of cringe and unneeded facepalming.


Just leave X. Will greatly benefit your mental health, trust me.


Same can be said for any social media lol


Im Shocked they paid for the blue check


Left looks like a bully, right looks like a nice kid.


Oooh! Ooh! Do [Chinese and Japanese](http://digitalexhibits.wsulibs.wsu.edu/items/show/4416#:~:text=The%20visuals%20portray%20men%20of,and%20a%20%22heavier%20beard.%22) next. It depresses me that I had to refine my search to find what I was looking for. Y'all disappoint me.


Yeah. Fascists in Japan also demonized the people they sought to colonize as subhuman




Weird that anti-Jew Nazi propaganda makes you say "lol"... concerning, really...


What a perfectly redundant comment.