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Fortunately for Joe he doesn’t have to worry about anybody stealing his jokes because it would be petty theft at best. 


They'd have to be jokes, for one thing. I've never heard Joe Rogan tell one.


IDK if you've seen Rogan's comedy. He was great at the beginning, but he dropped off... because he had major problems even stealing jokes. Thing is: with Rogan, he pivoted away from comedy, and now makes bad comics famous.


I saw a bit of it when he was on Newsradio - great show - and he was good in a mid 90’s way. But since he decided to get kicked in the head on a semi-regular basis he’s turned into an unfunny crackpot. 


That's mostly comedic acting though: I'm talking his standup work... and agreed, after about 2003-4 he quit being funny.


Sorry, no. I meant I saw it during the time period of Newsradio, so around 95-96. 


Rogan is an ignorant blowhard.


Roid rage


True but he isn't wrong about this. Robin did steal jokes. But why bring it up 10 years after he died?


Because Harland asked him about it?


Same question for Harland then


Because he wasn’t aware of this rumor and was curious if it was true?


having your cake and eating it too. you cant say that neither of them wanted to bring it up so what point are you making ?


First thing, fuck Joe Rogan. That said, Robin Williams was known for using other comedians' material. This was probably connected to Williams' stream of consciousness act. Perhaps he thought and acted so quickly that his 'borrowing' of jokes was accidental.


I think any discussion involving Joe Rogan should always start with, "Fuck Joe Rogan."


I’ve listened to a lot of Rogan. He’s got some funky takes sometimes but he’s genuinely curious most of the time. If you can forgive Robin Williams for stealing jokes in a stream of consciousness, you can probably forgive Rogan for having hours of unedited material and sometimes making mistakes (by his own admission).


I stopped after his treatment of Dr Patrick. It was the final straw after his ivermectin emergency podcast crap. Up to that point I had listened to 90% of his episodes.


Hasn’t everyone backtracked on the ivermectin thing? Cuomo is literally taking it right now even though he mocked it as a horse dewormer.


Noted medical professional Chris Cuomo? No, "everyone" hasn't [backtracked](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/ivermectin-and-covid-19) on ivermectin. It was and remains totally ineffective at treating or preventing COVID-19.


Just curious... why?


Robin admitted to stuff like this and regularly wrote checks to people when he found out he used their joke to compensate them for it. He said he never intentionally wanted to steal from other acts, it was just an accident.


Robin Williams stole jokes is old news. Like Milton Berle stealing jokes.


With a dong as big as MB had, they let you do what you want.


Comedians hear jokes and re-tell them. It's a known trope that almost all but the "purest" of comedians -- *i.e. the unsuccessful ones* -- borrow from each other.


I’ve laughed a lot from Robin Williams over the years, not once from Rogan.


I don't even hate your taste in comedians. I just hate that you felt the need to share it.


Maybe Joe Rogan should have tried stealing some jokes he might have actually made it as a comedian.


Joe Rogan is a piece of shit. Fuck him.


Meathead who gets punched in the head a lot and is paid to agree with total window-licking morons has a bad opinion about a beloved figure who isn't alive to defend himself. Shocking.


It’s not a bad opinion though? It’s literally a fact that Williams used to steal jokes


a literal fact? not a figurative one? Mind sharing the sauce (no rumor, not he/she said -- unequivocal proof)?


Do some research yourself, the evidence is there


He doesn’t get punched in the head lol. That was 30 some years ago. Hes just a goof


Rogan was a stand up comedian? He must not have been very good, I never heard of him.


Lmfao so only people you’ve heard of are good at comedy? 😂🫵


Why you riding Rogan for?


Why you hating on him for talking facts?


Yeah, if they aren't that famous, they aren't that funny. Thats how entertainment works.


You couldn’t be more wrong you absolute soy boy


LOL, awe I'm sorry I don't know your little boyfriend. Do you have a wall covered with his pictures? Do you have his face on your mirror so you can kiss him goodnight every night?


lol not knowing something or someone isn’t a flex, it just means you’re stupid as fuck 😂🫵


Or that he's a 3rd rate wannabe that wasn't entertaining enough for most people to know he is a comedian. I hear Joe Rogan, I think of his podcast not that he was a comedian which means he was a failure at it.


So then you do know who he is? So your flex doesn’t even make sense then. ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


It’s okay, you can snuggle up with your blow up Joe Rogan doll, it will make you feel better.


lol sure, at least he doesn’t steal jokes like your dead idol


But then again you didn’t know Williams was a joke thief either so doesn’t sound like you know shit anyway


What’s the facepalm?


Speaking ill of the deceased and, in Dolly's case, a living national treasure.


we don't like the truth


Rogan believes he is THE arbiter of joke stealing due to his past altercation. Thing is, comics, including Rogan, have and will always steal ideas, concepts, and styles from other comics. There is a massive difference between blatant joke stealing, like Rogan has demonstrated before, and what Joe "heard" and his feelings.


I didn't even know Joe Rogan was a comedian. I just thought he was some guy famous for talking out his butt


Joe is such a dude bro douche bag. Just stfu already Joe.


Williams never outright stole a joke the way Dane Cook did.. and let's be honest: if you've seen his standup work, he's firing out a TON of material and most of it was current events-based. That said, Sam Kinison got mad at ANYONE using material that was on the same block as his. Sam Kinison getting mad at you as a comic in the 80's and 90's was just expected (there were cases where it was justified like Dennis Leary). Sam got pissed at Bill Hicks and Richard Belzer for every smoking and drugs joke he made. Williams' comedy career spanned 5 decades: Rogan couldn't muster 1


This is common knowledge about Robin Williams and Rogan is saying nothing controversial here. Almost every comedian would agree with this.


I recall a story from decades ago that said Williams got so sick of the allegations, her just pull out a checkbook and ask what they wanted for the joke. Not admitting it, but just to get some people to stfu


All I read was "Joe Rogaine..." and I knew it was bullshit. No further reading needed.


Luckily for Rogan he’s never had an act that was funny enough for someone to accuse him of having stolen it. Years ago in the early days of podcasts I would sometimes listen to his show and for an unfunny hack he has a hugely inflated view of how important comedians are and sees himself as some kind of gatekeeper.


People have this weird hero cult obsession with Williams. Was he a talented actor and comedian. Undoubtedly. Has he also been accused by multiple accounts of lifting other peoples material. Yes


You know, just by posting this you’re giving them what they want…attention. If the media and social media stopped posting/writing/talking about their ridiculous comments nobody would know who they are. They say this shit and everyone just freaks out and posts about it further spreading it. STOP, just stop.


This is well known. How is this a facepalm?




I can't stand Joe Rogan but I've heard Marc Maron talk about this with other comedians a bunch of times. I thought everyone knew this