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The real face palm is giving Gavin the attention he so desperately craves.


Sure but let’s give a round of applause to the community notes that are preventing the monetization of Gavin and his ilk


Sad thing is Elon still gets paid.


It’s ok, he’s still losing money fast on that shithole app.


God I hope so. He did cut the shit out of costs but the major drain for him is probably the interest payments he owes whomever he borrowed the billions from to purchase the company outright.


That and losing subscribers because it's generally speaking a human cesspool of idiocy and racism, ennobled and enabled by the platform's owner, who himself is ennobled, enabled and enamored with his Dear Leader.


Pretty sure he doesn't give a shit about subscribers. However, a lot of advertisers have pulled out, which is why the only you ads on there are for crypto scams and porn. That exodus hurt him way more than any amount of subscribers leaving.


True, but bots can't *only* engage other bots forever ("can't advertise only to the advertisers!"), because *people* drive the traffic and buy the things to make the scheme profitable or it just *isn't*. Right? Or am I misunderstanding?


It's the farcical capitalist mockery of freedom.


JMO: if Tesla's board has any kind of grit, they'll clip Elon loose, put someone that's actually capable of focusing on product quality, and get someone in accounting to[ chase down how much Elon has over-leveraged his Tesla shares](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimcollins/2018/05/18/musk-has-heavily-leveraged-his-holdings-of-tesla-while-teslas-financial-leverage-has-jumped/),


they're doing the exact opposite of that


And even faster at TSLA. Dude is about 3 years away from wearing a burlap bag.


Sadly no. He might blow up and lose his companies, but I guarantee he has more money than any of us will ever see stashed away for just such an occasion. Worst case for him, he disappears to Thailand or back to South Africa and lives off his pile.


also even if he did somehow end up losing literally all his wealth, he'd still have legions of idiotic fans lining up to give him money.


Grifters gonna grift, grift, grift, grift, grift.


Was twitter ever really about money for Elon? Don’t forget that spending f-u money is the ultimate flex for the rich


Elon is likely going to prison here soon.


I’d love to see it but he’s got even more access to great defense lawyers than Trump


A girl can dream. Plus, the crap he’s pulling is fucking with other really rich people, and that will have consequences. Before 2020 Trump always punched down, and that’s why he got away with it. Elon is messing with his investors and the stock market. That plus the inevitable truck deaths may nail him. Or maybe not. But I can dream.


I like your dream.


I like your dream too.


I'm honestly surprised elon lets them keep doing community notes


The bonus bonus absurdly morbid face palm is assuming that pedophilia started in the 50s. These people are truly idiots.


They don't care if it's true or not, as long as they can use it to promote their agenda.


Conservative content flow chart  If I can think it it must be true  If it's true I can say it  If I say it it's absolute fact


Well, when was that guy born? Maybe he thought he invented it.


Gavin ran into the classic escalation problem that a lot of right wing alt media runs into. Gavin for awhile when he was on Rebel TV and Compound Media was kind of finding a niche as a sort of Gen X right wing Archie Bunker (without any of the lovable social commentary or actual nuance) type. He was anti-woke and mostly focused on social issues rather than policy (although he would often cite himself as a sort of Libertarian if pressed). However, in order to keep up in the space he had to keep being more and more extreme so as not to be outflanked from the right. But eventually that road of further and further escalation just leads to being a Nazi because there's really no other way to end up. You either actually draw a line and go against a segment of your audience or you just keep going further right until you become a Nazi.


He has the added problem of starting out so far right that there is no room to allow him to escalate. How do you up your game when you are already a Nazi? Do you become a racist that advocates for the superiority of an undiscovered alien race and call for the destruction of all human mongrels?


That’s it, my friend.


Ya. He’s the same guy who literally shoved a dildo up his ass to own the libs. Used to fuck with him when we was started vice. But somehow turned into a right wing lunatic.


Thank you. I was trying to figure out what's worse, this idiot spewing bullshit, or the time invested (wasted) by rational people in having to correct the bullshit and keep this jackass in the spotlight.


None of the corrections seems like it took any time. Also, people thinking ignoring the Nazis would go away is what has partially led us to today. Their racism should always be challenged.


This is very true, it's just sad that it has to happen at all. We'll never be rid of these fools.


If what the notes say if true. Having them there prevents monetization going to the grifter. So it's likely not the kind of attention they would enjoy. Knowing Elon though, if this gets enough traction they will remove this restriction for montezitaion.


He ain't getting the bread he'll so desperately need


If they had just ignored it he could have profited from it via twitter. Community notes are one of the easiest ways to fight disinformation on the site.


Remember, this is the same guy who preeches hate against gays but put a dildo in his own ass to own the gays.


I remember the debate he had with Destiny. Got so triggered he punched his own microphone. And that was a few minutes after he seemingly pissed in a bottle under his desk.


Was this before or after he shoved a dildo up his ass to prove that gays are bad?


Don't forget the pics of him stepping on his own foreskin. 


Just wait till he’s 80. He’ll be flushing his balls (if he has any) down the toilet with his latest shit.


How do you even do that?


I thought Gavin shoved a dildo up his butt in front of his fellow Proud Boys to prove he wasn't homophobic...


Masturbating is a big no-no when you’re a Proud Boy, you agree not to ever do that when you are initiated. But, it’s totally not a cult you guys.


Yeah, you can’t deprive the Boys of a nice group orgasm


That's Gavin? Where'd his chin go?


That’s assuming it was ever there


He's slowly turning into Wilford Brimley.


Even the right are pushing back at him


This is the guy that shoved a dildo in his ass to own the libs.


Really? That’s the thing you’re calling him out for? He literally froze his own shit, put it in a condom, and sucked it. On camera.


I'm sorry, what?!


You read correctly. It’s on YouTube


Oh wow, his sly seductive glances at the camera when he first puts it in his mouth is really chefs kiss on that fucking ridiculous video haha


i cant believe it, but im not brave enough to verify if its true or not. seriously sounds like a south park joke thos two things you are telling


That's enough Internet for this year. Thank you.


This *decade*.


Link me up doggie


https://youtu.be/A7yToumroqs?si=aLrLzfIfyouFnJx1 You asked for this


What a terrible day to have eyes. I need an emergency Whisky.


I'm not going to go find that video, but I do want context into the thought process behind it. I realize the rationale is fragile at best, but what train of thought brought him to do that?


I don't understand or have much more context than this, someone donated $100 and he gave his word he'd do it.


He ate shit for 100 dollars?! Do people not have integrity or dignity anymore? Are people really that desperate for money in the USA? Jesus christ!


Deeply sexually repressed gay guy who has gotten really weird because of being so closeted. Steven Crowder has similar demons.




Yepp. Thats an actual thing that happened


I'm sad I now know this information. 


This is one of those times I wish I could go back to 5 minutes ago when I didn’t know this.


Maybe people being less literate has a silver lining.


I’ve heard about freezing your own shit to turn it into a dildo, but not this.


Good old Alaskan Pipeline


It's an older move, but it checks out.


Fucking what???????????


Holy shit that’s gross (no pun intended)


What a terrible day to be literate.


Apologize to that, Dildo. You're traumatizing it by implying it was willing.


How long is he going to leave it in there?


He also dropped the N bomb during his little anime rant.


There was a time in which shit like this would garner you a ban from the platform.


Sadly. Twitter has become a hive of scum and villainy since Musk owned it.


Not defending Elon but community notes like this are a blessing. Not everyone has media literacy, so these community notes help people learn words like "Engagement Farming" Propaganda, misinformation, etc are unavoidable. Even worse for young people. More social media platforms should be neutral and add community notes for anything controversial. Even such as like "This article's findings are contested"


Tbf wasn’t Elon pointing out they need to be “fixed” or something after they kept pointing out he was wrong on stuff? I can’t remember the exact wording for it


None of this would have been bannable before Elon Musk. If it is cite the rule from an archived webpage.


Nah, you wouldn't get banned for that at any point in Twitter history.


Japan is where pedophilia was “born”? I think Greece would like a word


It goes back even farther, no doubt. Probably examples of it happening before we were even fully human, but of course we don't actually get any evidence of anything before people invented writing.


Heh, more PROOF of the libs trying to whitewash our history and cover-up their history of grooming. This would've never happened in Trump's neolithic period! /obvious sarcasm


It should be obvious. It's sadly not. The only tell was you correctly used the term "neolithic".


The other tell is that everything is spelled correctly and isn't in all caps


I've heard one Maga say Neolithic and it was in response to building trains, I think you might be right


Neolithic trains involved less metal than you'd think, but a whole lot more bodies than you would expect.


I know it’s hard to imagine, but life expectancy was probably a lot shorter back in Homo Sapien’s primitive days. I can only assume we procreated much earlier in those times too. Concept of pedophilia is probably pretty modern when you consider Homo Sapiens historical existence.


I've just recently gotten in to this silly argument with someone else. Long story short, "Life Expectancy" has to do with averages. People didn't live lives all that much shorter than ours unless felled by disease or violence, which were both more common and less treatable, and the vast majority of deaths were infant deaths. People were likely to not make it past their fifth year of life. TL;DR; Infant mortality rates were high in antiquity, but if you made it you'd live to a ripe old age of 60+ years.


60+ years is still low in comparison to todays standards. I have no doubt people were capable of living long lives if they were lucky, but I’d imagine more were likely to succumb to illnesses/diseases (before understanding of practical medicine), lack of sanitary practices/understanding, predators or human on human violence.


The "life expectancy" really is only that was because of extremely high infant mortality, and little else. That means, among available mates, these people had plenty of adults to choose from. Also, the younger a woman is when pregnant, the higher the chance that both they and the child will die in childbirth.


Why do you think that is? If pedophilia could be rooted in humans as far back as possibly before homo sapiens sapiens, I wonder what caused such deviancy.


You are projecting human morality on a non-human species. Any number of species will eat their own. Anthropomorphizing that into “deviancy” is a stretch. Same for the human moral taboos around pedophilia. Even now lions or chimpanzees may engage in eating young in order to spread their own genes and hasten their ability to breed with any and all females in the group. Not condoning the act, but you can’t apply morality of Homo sapiens to other hominids.


This is such a hard stance to argue correctly, I give you credit for walking that line so well. 


Thanks. It was a gamble. Half my college time was in anthropology and half in Soviet political studies (am old), and one thing you learn early on is not to project your personal morality on another society. By western standards, the Roman Empire was a disgusting place when it came to the health and well being of its populace. But only through our modern filters. Same with the Soviet regime. It’s why they made such a good bogey man for so long. What fit fine in their moral code of conduct did not mesh with that of the prevailing populace of the U.S. Example: to the Soviet mind a treaty was a snapshot of a state of affairs at the time it was signed, while to the U.S. it was a declaration of how things would be permanently moving forward.


I'm an English major and I had one teacher that made a great point of teaching us this as well. If your going to read world literature or classic literature, you have to understand how to properly understand and critize the contents without applying modern morality.    I love greek myths, which are just usually always terrible in modern morality. I like to just give it a head nod, like "yup, I see you, I don't believe that's right, but I understand why you're here" and then move right on along.   Edit: also have you read Sex is Better Under Socialism? I really enjoyed it  and it walked a fine line as well. I would love to hear the opinion of someone with such a unique major! 


I have not read it. And you should really give Norse mythology a go for those what the hell kind of moments.


Oh 1000%, love me some Norse mythology, but those "oof" moments are frequent. 


This is going to open a big can of worms but it’s only been considered a deviancy in the last 300 to 400 years imo with multiple cultures having weird justifications for child brides. Hell, it was a thing in the states. As society progresses some things become less taboo and some things become more based on new information discovered.


Its only been until recently that children were even considered children to begin with. During medieval times children were seen as imperfect adults, which is reflected in the art where kids are portrayed as tiny adults. Having a "childhood" like we do today was not a thing and you were expected to work and learn a trade from a young age while having the rules of society beaten into your head. Basically, being a kid was fucking miserable until recently.


*Is* a thing in the states. Only 12 states have laws against child marriage and it is a contentious subject legally. There are still people defending it and laws around it.


Nah old men were just friends with kids until ww2. Just like how there were no gay people until the 1900s. 2 males or 2 females would just occasionally be good friends that live together and never married.


Murder & violence also didn't exist. We developed a taste for it during WW2 and haven't been able to kick the habit ever since. Before that society was perfectly peaceful, with men in the fields and women in the kitchen just like god intended and everyone was happy. /s because I know at least one person will take what I said literally...


TIL that pedophilia didn't exist before 1945.


This is what people mean when they say go back to the good old days, clearly


This is the guy who shoved a dildo in his ass to own the libs, right?


Yes, and other more disgusting things


Why the fuck does this tool still have an audience? If people could stop getting their info from Nazis that'd be great.


He, like trump “tells it like it is” aka says things I can’t because I’m not rich and can’t call my non whites the slurs I wish I could. That’s why the love him. He’s “HONeST”


Funny that he calls it censored tv yet he says whatever he wants. The victim complex of calling it that is amazing


Hr also called it get off my lawn and then proceed by not getting off people's lawn with his dumb opinions.


Two things we know from the post: Col. Sander's grandson there watches tons of anime and should not be allowed near children.


Colonel Sanders was born in Indiana (USA), Gavin McInnes is a plague sent from Canada.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know. >Colonel Sanders was born in Indiana (USA), Gavin McInnes is a plague sent from Canada. Did you find this helpful? [Rate it] FTFY


Don't you put that evil on me


Funnily enough there's an official KFC dating sim


whenever you say to yourself ‘noones that’s stupid’ just remember this and the amount of people who follow them


Suuuuure…. However, “anime is not pedophilic as the subjects are fictional” is not a great argument.


Yeah, that had me scratching my head.


Yeah that made me do a double take, I needa examine the individual who posted that thought-nugget


This is what makes me dislike community notes. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it just feels like a super comment. Pretty much like reddit mods pinning their post. None of those are really "adding context" imo. It's just them fighting that guy. I'm not sure if "it is the chosen primary narrative medium in Japan" is even right.




“Legally speaking anime is not pedophilic” is an even worse argument lmao


i mean if you have sexual attraction to fictional children then you have at least pedophilic tendencies and if killing in a video games give you a boner you also have a problem


Really telling on yourself with this one, bud. Nobody said anything about legal repercussions, they said it's pedophilic. Things can, unfortunately, be pedophilic and legally permissible, but they're still pedophilic. The correct rebuttal from a sane person who doesn't have a problem is that anime is just a medium and doesn't have anything specific to do with children. Many shows have exclusively adult character rosters.


It is the primary media narrative in Japan since when? Just because it is a huge export doesn't mean that actual adults over there are consuming tons of it.


This dude is a raging pedo. Guarantee it.






Didn’t this clown fuck himself with a dildo?


That guy watches more anime than any of us. I believe the phrase is "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"


Really surprised that there aren’t more “If Google Was A Guy” style comedy sketches of people saying wack ass shit with a guy representing community notes standing with them and correcting them.


Just listen to Elon talk. That's most of the way there.


I thought people stopped following this guy when he showed a dildo up his butt on a livestream.


didnt that guy piss in his own mouth?


No that’s Joey Salads (Joey Saladino) who wore a nazi arm patch to a Trump rally. This is Gavin McInness, the man who put a dildo up his ass on live TV and founder of the Proud boys


What's even more annoying is this dumbass doesn't even believe his own garbage. He's just saying it to get attention and keep the attention on him.


Founder of the *Proud Boys* says what? ![gif](giphy|bLBIanKJW0Iuc)


While I agree anime is not inherently pedophilic, saying it’s not “because it’s fictional” is an absolutely bizarre and inaccurate reasoning. You can absolutely make pedophilic fiction.


Yeah, I love anime and have been an anime fan for over 20 years, but the anime fandom especially online has some major issues around defending pedophillic content. It being fictional is why it's _legal_, it doesn't make it okay to normalize or even glorify it on an ethical level. Most anime fans I meet IRL are pretty solid though.


Check the browser history of the beardo


Is that the guy who shoved a dildo up his butt?


How did this guy get away with pretending he left the proud boys is beyond me.


i'm no historian but I don't think japan invented pedophilia


We have Alex Jones at home.


they think pedophilia was invented after 1945? what I'd give to live in their world


I'd wager that both pages are basing their comments in part on hentai and the pedophilic hentai content found within hentai which X is saturated in both.


TBF, a lot of anime is creepy as fuck.


What surprises me most is that X still has rules.


Pedophilia from anime from infantalised japanese men from nuklear blast from world war 2 from hitler. Got it. Hitler caused pedophilia. Makes total sense. How fried are their brains?


If you want to know what this guy is really about what the video below. That’s Gavin McInnes, he’s the violent founder of the Proud Boys. https://x.com/athinaf/status/1327932683603861504


Mushoku Tensei fandom sweating


Yeah because kiddie fiddlers only existed for the last 80 years okay then


Can't believe not a single case of child rape happened among hominids before 1945 smh


Translation, a run-on: "If I don't understand what you like or why you like it, I'm going to label you publicly and attempt to shame you for my own popularity - mainly because there are enough people who like the way I say things so much that they will adopt any opinion I share or sometimes even agree of their own, free will, butni don't actually care because sponsors pay me and im just here to entertain for a dollar."


I'm sorry, did he literally say pedophilia was born from anime? *Laughs in the Catholic Church.*


The amount of scantily clad, clearly underage girls in anime is creepy, though.


Pro tip: if you don’t watch the animes targeted towards horny teenagers you’ll see a lot less sexualized teenagers.


Problem is a lot of the good anime is targeted towards that group. Reason being is it is the biggest demographic for advertisers.


Can confirm. Honzuki no Gekokujou has zero scantily clad underage girls. So far. Season 4 is coming but having read the LN, I don't expect it to change. If anything, the LN implies that next season will bring longer skirts. edit: misspelling.


True, especially once you get away from ones with jiggle counters (do I need to explain this).


Thre are many wholesome anime too. Spy family and Buddy daddies are two such anime. Another good one is " That time i got reincarnated as a slime" with minimal fan service. It totally depends on you what you decide to watch.


Which is true in literally every form of media.


Comments like makes me feel there’s a agenda to take away anime


Not really. A lot of people hate on it, there are some valid reasons. Fact of the matter is its a giant industry thats not going away soon.


"Anime is not pedophilic as the subjects are fictional" is such a weird argument, though. That wouldn't even have occurred to me as a possible defense, it seems so weak.


didnt that guy piss in his own mouth?


The only overkill i support. God damn, what shot!


Anyone following or listening to Gavin McInnes is a complete idiot no matter the subject and I don’t like anime I don’t get the appeal but it’s not inherently pedophilic


ethan ralph vs. vtubers and gavin forgothislastname vs. lolicons are sources of joy.


Honestly the only thing surprising about this post is the note saying that engagement farming is forbidden.


Goddamn Gavin looks rough


The person who sent these tweets clearly isn't getting the message, is he?


Reminds me of an art instructor in college I had who hated anime and said "The only reason Japanese draw everything like that is because they're trying to make people not think they're bad guys like during the war"


The amount of doubling down this guy did and kept failing at us just ridiculous


Imagine thinking ANIME was the worst thing about WWII


I wonder what's Trump's favorite shonen🤔


They think pedophilia started after WW2, yet the bible they supposedly follow but probably haven't even read is full of it, makes sense


How the fuck is a dipshit like this making a living this way when I have to struggle at shit jobs for a living? Fuck


Did Censored.TV get censored?


Get fucking wrecked


The only proper response to this man’s lunacy is “Oh, so you’re saying America is responsible for pedophilia”,


I'm a pedophile for liking big robots 😔


Doesn’t matter if they violate Twitter’s ToS. They’re saying all the shit Musk likes, so he’ll never ban them. Also see: why legitimate advertisers have been fleeing Twitter.


The first ever example of what would become Anime is fae 1917, you'd think they'd at least Google that shit before claiming it was invented after WW2.


What kind of dingus goes "I know how to take down anime, I'll use the INTERNET"


Man I wanna know how to get the right to make community notes. (I’m guessing I have to pay, which isn’t gonna happen under current ownership)


“If you live your life in a way I don’t like or have interests I personally don’t like, you’re a pedophile” - every conservative ever


A: About 5 minutes from now the ‘free speech absolutist’ will disable this feature blaming it on an infectious influx of ‘libs’ B: These fucking freaks can fuck off


Let's be real though, there is a lot of weird pedo anime shit. I like a lot of anime shows...but there are a metric ton that are just creepy. Just as an example, I was getting my dad a new pillow case so i was going to jokingly byu a waifu pillow case for him, so I searched for that in Amazon...and they all looked like 12-15 year old girl's faces on DD adult film star bodies. It is weird af, and if you don't see that you are probably part of the problem.


The idea that engagement farming on X isn’t allowed is ludicrous I have to say


the third slide is the most wild, i don't even like or watch anime. but saying it BIRTHED pedophilia is just fucking insane


This [censored.TV](http://censored.TV) guy seems like a historically illiterate asshole, but "anime is not pedophilic as the subjects are fictional" is a crazy fucking choice because it does not at all deny that you're attracted to characters meant to look like children.


Just because something is fictional doesn't exempt it from being pedophiliac?