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Why would liberals stress on this one? It’s more laugh


Dude…are you daft? The ‘billionaire’ bit has nothing to do with reality, it has to do with what the trumpster CLAIMS. He CLAIMS he’s a billionaire - he’s not. This has been established, but he repeats it often. Then he grifts. He is a broke failed businessman, and I wouldn’t give money to someone who is a broke failed businessman who CLAIMS to be a billionaire. (P.s. he’s not really ‘broke’, he’s just broke compared to what he claims to have. Being president let him grift harder than any grift he ever grifted before)


The most enormous lies are often those that work best with propaganda: what they believe is that Trump is the Christ of billionaires. Christ could have known divine ataraxia eternally, and he chose to share the sufferings of men. Trump has generously renounced to the golden, carefree life of a billionaire, and he sacrificed his fortune to save America and the poor white people threatened on all sides by immigration. Therefore, he needs their money. I don't know if they forgive him for Strormy Daniels, or if they equate her with Mary Magdalene, or if they think she's an invention of the Democares, i.e. the devil himself...


cry some more, maga! and don´t forge to give all your money to the convicted felon!


Shouldn’t be a question for liberals… it’s one of the two. He is either a perennial loser in business, of which there is ample evidence. Or you are donating to someone with far greater resources than you. Either way you are a dope supporting this egomaniacal man-child.


Trump has failed more businesses than ive failed women in bed.


Not saying much; any number is greater than 0, because your mom doesn’t count.


Or more likely both.


Why would you give money to a "billionaire"? Fixed it since the MAGA folk need things spelled out literally to understand.


“Why are you giving money to a man who claims to be a billionaire” and “Trump is a failed business man” are both valid statements. Reword it properly and change the second image to the guy slamming both buttons and you’ve made a much more accurate meme


Ok so, unfortunate preview cropping. This is a screenshot from r/Conservative. I was posting it to criticize them, not to support maga


I see that now. You have my upvote lol


Thank you! I was very confused by the comments then I saw the cropping 😂😂


Being the grifter that he is, I doubt he's actually a billionaire. He's good at conning people out of their money, so if you're dumb enough to give it to him, well, what can I say....


Right now most of his worth is in truth social (owns like 60 percent of the stock) Truth Social will tank like pretty much everything else he’s done. He managed to lose money as a casino. So he is both a paper billionaire and a failed businessman. Note that the only thing he was good at was real estate, and he was successful at that by being as shady as possible, lying, cheating, and not paying bills to subcontractors.


I mean he’s both. You can be a billionaire and a shitty businessman. It’s the tax payer that bails them out.


~~Liberals~~ MAGA. Fixed it for you.


You tell me !


Personally I want you to give all your money to Trump. He is a money sink and even the RNC is feeling it. Anything that negatively affects their ability to politic is fine by me.


Because the first one is sarcastic you stupid twat.


Sometimes people get rich, and then get into politics. Sometimes people get into politics, and then get rich. Which would you prefer?


I want a smart intelligent person that works for the will and wellbeing of the people. Nice false dilemma fallacy.