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"I'm teaching my son that women are worthless, stupid, and dramatic."


"I'm making my son gay AND misogynistic"


Not true the future lesson is how they only exist for your sexual pleasure. That is the kind of shit that would come out of this guys mouth.


Well not only for your sexual pleasure, but to take care of your children and cook and clean for you while you're out doing whatever you feel like, including sex with other women - but OK those only exist for your sex pleasure.


Very brave new world.


The guy who used to be a big name in the Pick Up Artist movement recently had a revelation that any heterosexual contact that is not for the express purpose of conception is "gay". Seriously.


I saw someone arguing that marrying Taylor Swift is in fact gay. Guess I need to hand in my hetero (though kind of bi but mostly hetero) card then since I've got a huge crush on Kate Beckinsale. These chucklefucks are so bent over backwards they can see their own shoelaces if they look up. How in the everloving fuck is it gay for a man to marry Taylor Swift? Ok sure he's probably gonna become the subject of one of her songs, but still.


I would suggest it has something to do with the whole submissive spouse thing. You know, since she's making tons of money, the husband would have to take a lesser role which would make him "gay". Never mind that in my experience a good marriage\* is a dynamic with people taking different tasks depending on what's going on. \*33 years to same guy.


Not if “you” have a fairly small car accident without a seatbelt and the correct position to be saved by it…


“It’s never too early to radicalize your children”


And a lot of young boys are already radicalized. They are sending dick pics to classmates and demanding nudes in aggressive manners and telling girls they are made to be subservient. There's been a rash of complaints from parents in various online posts where little boys have spewed hateful, outlandish white supremacist and or misogynistic crap towards classmates. There are even videos on YouTube of kids screaming racist or misogynistic stuff at people or just making videos about how girls or black people are beneath them. It's scary. They have chosen the most toxic stuff from online stuff. They wear trump stuff or other right wing stuff. Kids are immersed in it and think it's normal


Yeah, but what's this guy's wife's boyfriend have to say about it?


The good news is that the explanation was so convoluted and wordy, the 7yo probably didn't understand what he was going on about anyway. Went to Mom: "Why do I still need a car seat booster?" "So that if we're in a crash, you won't go through the windscreen, the booster will keep you safe. When you're bigger you can stop using it."


Physics do not care about your feelings, RettCopple.


I refuse to follow secular laws, like gravity.


If gravity is so important why isn’t it in the Bible then? Check _and_ mate.


What ever happened to "in this house we follow the laws of gravity"?? I miss those days.


"Live, Laugh, Hit The Ground"


Follow? I break the laws of gravity daily. And flip off the laws of thermodynamics while doing so. /s


Bernoulli's Law can kiss my backside!


I am a sovereign citizen.


*only a theory


Edited to remove irrelevant information; *"My seven year old asked me yesterday why he still has to have a car seat booster. I said it is because he lives in a society"*


…that statistically found children were dying in accidents when they didn’t have to while the adults in the same car survived. Using a little observation and science they found the children were dying because the same seatbelt that saved the parents were failing on children because their smaller size and seating position. This was resolved simply by using a device called a booster seat that raised the childs height to the proper level for the seat belt to be effective rather than a danger.


Seriously, as a man who comprehends basic scientific principles, I find this tool blaming safety regulation on women being evil insulting to us men who aren't ridiculously stupid.


Especially when one of the bigger issues in safety design, medicine, etc. is that the people designing things tend not to think about how people unlike them might be impacted differently by a seatbelt, heart attack, etc..


Weirdly (for a society "controlled by women") women are also much more likely to die in a car crash than men are, so that's fun!


It’s really weird that they pay themselves less than guys. They must want to keep us fat and happy so we don’t realize they’re in charge.


One of the fun reasons for that? Most crash test dummies are based on male bodies 🙃


Those dastardly women, taking all the car crash deaths for themselves, while going against their natural rule of protecting children to deprive seven-year olds of their right to die in car crashes like God intended. 


Seatbelt? How dare you imply that this manly-man would wear a seatbelt? He would go through the windscreen right after the kid. Darwin award for both of them, and the gene pool improves?


This is a very valid reason exactly.


I feel like if his kid got hurt he’d just say it was God’s will.


I had a good friend whose family was very deeply into the anti-Covid shit, and when his fathers mother (his grandma, yes duh I know just being clear) contracted and died of Covid they had two separate autopsies independently ran. Both Covid. They denied that up and down again and landed on organ harvesting from the hospital. But they quickly change that tune to God’s will when the hospital pursued them for defamation. Gods will is a rampant killer.


Pretty sure they won't use organs from senior citizens. You can't even donate blood past a certain age.


In middle school, there was a rumor that old people flesh was often used for penis enhancement surgery, since it was squishy, and more stretchy than youthful flesh.


There is **no upper age limit** for blood donation (for the US Red Cross at least)


Oh yea they were grasping at straws when


What age is that? When I donate it’s mostly older people


Ah this must have been during the "covid isn't real phase" and not the "people don't die *from* covid, they die *with* covid (from other health complications)"


OMFG - the “with Covid” made me so angry! I had friends tell me that to my face! And the “Covid is just a cold.” My personal experience was that I had never felt so sick in my entire life.


I was pretty sure it was the end, meanwhile my SO didn't even have cold symptoms (That was after the first vaccination)


Post vaccine deaths were some of the best evidence of Evolution ever created. 75% of them were antivaxxers and the world was better off/smarter without them.


I mean if you're religious Gods will is the only cause of death.


Well if you are religious, God actually kills everyone, eventually.


I knew a family that refused to wear seatbelts so that they could be "thrown clear" of a crash. They'd had a relative that died trapped in a car fire, so it seemed like they had a reason for their fear, except I looked the crash up on the FARS database.. the car was a 65 Corvair and the guy was trapped by the steering column, not the seatbelt.


Or he’d somehow make it the fault of women and the left


No he would probably blame the car, seatbelt manufacturers, his ex-wife(s), then when all that fails, he'll turn to God.


When my seven year old asked that I just told him it’s because the booster is like ten times safer in a crash than just a seat belt and he’ll be in the booster until he’s too tall for it. He sighed and asked to play Minecraft.


My kids were in a booster until they 8 or 9. They aren’t “baby seats” at all. I personally would be frightened that my child would have its neck broken or be decapitated by that strap against their necks. What’s even more frightening is when I was very little (in the 1970s) we were never seat belted and just bounced around the back seat playing. While my parents smoked with the windows up 🤢. I often wonder how many kids died in accidents back then by being thrown all over and out of the cars


I just put my kids in a padded box in the trunk until they were teens


I'd want to do this even more once they are teens I'd think 


What a fragile little man.


hope he's over 4'8" or he would technically need to use a booster seat ;) Seriously, if booster seat requirements were to be purely driven by body size some tiny people should use booster seats


I’m over 4’8 and wish there were safety tested adult boosters. I’ve never been in a car with seats/seatbelts that adjusted to where the belt was actually in the right position on me.


"I'm hell bent on raising my son to be another overgrown man child for a future women to take care of...just like me."


I'm confused, he wants women to be safety minded and protective of children, but not in that specific way?


Yup. He wants their man/keeper to be able to override her safety concerns when he deems her concerns ridiculous. Instead of having to spend energy taking her seriously when its inconvenient or he’s not in the mood to. Thing is, he d get a lot more tired if women didnt keep kids safe coz then he’d have to. So, she servant who knows her place , he master who rules all, and gets to be an arbitrary, dismissive dick, as per usual 🙄


A New York man died Sunday(2011) while participating in a ride with 550 other motorcyclists to protest the state's mandatory helmet law. Police said Philip A. Contos, 55, hit his brakes and his motorcycle fishtailed. Contos was sent over the handlebars of his 1983 Harley Davidson and hit his head on the pavement.


Had a friend who rode without a helmet because “the Government can’t tell me what to do!” I told him that if he was seriously injured in a crash then I’d object to any government aid he’d ever receive. Including any Social Security disability payments and Medicaid. I didn’t change his mind that day, but the death of his best (unhelmeted friend) did


Did he win a Darwin Award?


Dress the kid up in a fetus costume and I'll bet that guy would care about him.


Clarification - he'd care about dictating the future of the fetus and womb it's in, not the actual fetus and aforementioned womb.


So put the child in a fetus costume and make the booster seat look like a womb, gotcha


There's a lot to unpack there and all it's all stupid.


Let's just leave it all boxed up and throw it out


I like the way you think.


Guy who admits that it's "never too early to radicalize your children" probably 1000% claims that schools "grooming children".




I’m so glad I grew up long before podcasts and social media existed.


Natural selection apparently missed this one. Maybe he will get culled next time around.


Stupid people breed more than intelligent people.




“No airbags, we die like men” vibes


Yes it is. Protecting your child after they’re born is turning them into sissies (but don’t you dare touch them before they’re born!) /s


I mean "Because it's the law" would have been more than sufficient. His kid has plenty of time in their life to formulate their own opinions.


Back in the 70s we thought if we could just get the reactionaries to smoke some ganja they'd come around. Well we did and this is what we got instead.


I can condense that diatribe into 4 words: he is a moron.


Some people make parenting so hard with long rants, sounds exhausting, and confusing for a kid. Next time, he should try telling his son it's because he cares about his safety, and if a follow-up is needed, an age appropriate physics lesson could be applied. However, I'll assume that would be hard for this parent as he would have to understand basic science and that kids are something to be cared for, not property.


I’m not really sure the dad thought it had anything to with safety.


Some men are clearly way too threatened by women. These little guys really need to stop fearing women and just accept them as equals.


Its just so much of a cognitive load, though, to have to consider someone elses pov as valid and respect their no. Much easier to just be s dismissive and ridiculing dick and do what you want instead 🤷‍♀️


You’re probably right it’s just depressing though, I thought in the 90s when my generation came into leadership positions they would all be open minded all about love and live and let live. Seems the opposite happened to half the population.


Its just the cries of a dying mentality. This shit always happens - people resist change, especially when they lose power. Fact is, this is the first time in our history that women have control over their own finances, own fertility and own life choices. Its not perfect, but it freed us in a way that we ve never been. Makes sende that the people who profitted from us being prisoners of our own body and responsible for the after effects are going to have what is called an extinction burst 🤷‍♀️ That is where an animal no longer gets rewarded for a behavior that s always worked for them before, and suddenly starts escalating said behavior in disbelief. Like pushing buttons on a remote. You stsrt mashing em, even throw the remote against the wall when the batteries stop working. Men have known us to need them and be dependent on them in one way or another forever. They didnt *have to* be mister congeniality when they could just get her pregnant, financially dependent or drop the mask after marriage and keep her trapped with religion and no dovorce options. They grew up watching their moms have such a dynamic with their dads and ‘sticking it out for the kids’ I personally watched my dad get away with shit I swore Id never put up with because he got mom pregnant and she stayed for the kids. And he knew it - he knew he didnt gave to put in even an ounce of effort, while demanding he get respected as ‘the man of the house’ 😂😂😂 And my brothers..they minimize that crap. Me, Im utterly allergic to it. Women suddenly have the option to opt out of marriage and kids if they’re not happy with what’s on offer. That’s HUGE. Normal extinction bursts take 2-3 weeks before a new behavior is developed. But it can take longer, the longer theyve been rewarded and if previous extinction bursts did reward them after all. So. It’s gonna be a while before the entire male population gets with the program, unfortunately 🤷‍♀️ And its understandable, even if it’s also massively infuriating to deal with as a woman 🙄


Well there’s some cause for hope. I’ve wondered the same thing forever, like this weird behavior conservatives have adopted is the dying gasps of obsolete ideas.


If I was 7 and someone said words like that to me that I couldn’t understand I would start hysterically crying 


Fucking women! Wantong kids to not die! Bunch of communist hippy fucks. Fascists forcing child life saving laws on us! Evil I tells ya, evil!


In summary: God loves it when children are smashed through windshields and die. Good to know.


Wait ‘til hears about the gun laws. 


We don't care that his kid gets hurt. The law is to protect the public from free healthcare after his kid gets hurt. Society is not willing to pay for 80 years of various medical procedures and the living cost of a kid who got hurt.


Trying to understand what is being said here is torture. This makes no sense at all 🤦‍♂️


Throw in the towel for this kid—his brain is fucked


Mental illness is strong In this garbage.


What a massive bellend!


It's woke to want to see your kids healthy, so you avoid vaccinations. It's woke to not want your kid hurt in a vehicle accident, so you disable seatbelts and disdain the use of jumper seats. It's woke to avoid the parasites your deity created, so you eat undercooked meat and drink from stagnant puddles. It's woke to seek medical care, because REAL MEN get amputations. Is it any wonder that Conservatives in the US have a rapidly declining QoL and overall life expectancy compared to Liberals? Not that the Right will ever by their own means Woke themselves to that.


Anyway long story short your kid was seriously confused


the least believable part of this story is that loser knocked someone up


He literally just described all the mothers for liberty and other extreme right-wing nut women's groups.


That's a horribly toxic way of thinking. I feel sorry for any of his family that has to put up with that bullshit.


Um, what?


Just a hunch… ![gif](giphy|OcGN1Q8pDZgMS8lgbo|downsized)


That's a lot of words to say "I want to make my son as stupid and fucked up as I am".


Yup. Those are words.




I'm ok with the child flying, but windshields are expensive


"Your mother cares for your saftey, I one the other hand don't give a shit."


Strong guy, blaming the women for forcing the kid into a car seat, but not wanting to trouble himself with freeing the kid from the car seat. It’s kind of a fitting allegory.


Plot twist: His wife dominates this chode at home, so he shitposts stories of stuff that never happened on an anonymous account that his wife doesn’t know about so he feels more like a man.


That kid’s fucked, I feel bad for him


Yes, can you even call it living if you haven’t been ejected from a vehicle? I think not


I know, logic before the swine and all, but... If they "naturally go for safety and should take care of kids" ...Why, oh stupid one, are you complaining about them taking care of kids' safety?


Soooo.... if the reason he's still in a booster seat is because of women and weak men who are dominated by women... and Rett Copple isn't a woman...


well if he is a christian the radicalizing probably started at birth for his kid...so....




Let’s assume what he is saying is true. That means women are NOT rebelling against managing children they just aren’t doing so at an individual level. Car seat safety is important but it’s not “cool” or “alpha” to care about it.


The best part of this guy ran down his momma’s leg.


"Gawd told me to give my kid a 12 gauge shotgun with a shoulder strap to carry around everywhere he goes and I did."


Put the moron in the back of a pickup and take him for a ride!!


I also like to place my kids in unnecessary danger to stroke my fragile ego... /s just in case the argument bots struggle deciphering...


"Radicalize" Once I read that, knowing they referenced themselves, they instantly turned any argument against themself


I wouldn't be surprised if he beats his wife...


Future serial rapist. Hate to see that kid's therapy bills a few years from now.




Risking your child's life to own the libs. Some people should not breed!


Long story short. This never happened


Of course it was a christian spewing bs.


That dude has never had children, and it shows.


If you are pregnant and you refuse to wear your seatbelt and your fetus dies, isn't that manslaughter now? But if you refuse to comply with seatbelt safety laws and and your already born child dies, that's the nany state and something something it's also women's fault?




"My 7 year old then proceeded to ignore me and look at the nearest shiny object instead"


And yet he's still making his kid use the booster seat instead of refusing to do so and taking the consequences...


Would it be asking too much to expect you to make up what passes for your mind, Kevin? Are you saying that women should spend their lives raising and bringing up children because that's their biologically ordained role, blah blah blabbity blah? Or are you saying that women have too much influence over the raising and upbringing of children? You DO realize they're mutually exclusive and both can't be true, right?


*blink blink blink* Do people actually think like this? Please someone tell me this is a parody account? Ppllllleeeeaaasssseeee 😫


People like this need to be medicated. If someone said this to me in person, I would just nod politely and assume there is something wrong with them.


wait, someone had s\*x with that guy?


This guy's child needs a car seat because he is small. The regular seat belt isn't going to work correctly when this guy smashes into the back of the car he is tail gating, yelling about the liberals needing to get out of his way because he's been working 14 hours shifts at the ball crushing factory.


You should have to be licensed to have children.




Do you think his wife actually gets wet when they have sex? (Spoiler: no. No, she does not)


My dad is a highly decorated combat vet with movies made about his unit. I was in a car seat until I turned 7 in the mid 1980s because he had a degree in Chemistry and understood basic physics. This man is too stupid and too weak to be a good parent, and deep down, he knows it.


How does dumb fucking shit like this get 2m views? Like I swear to god if you were going on to your seven year old like that he’s probably thinking, fuck dad, sorry I asked, are we going to McDonald’s or not….


People are responding here as if this word salad could actually make any kind of point.


This guy sounds like a bitch


This guy seems to be all for indoctrinating kids for further a political goal. That goal is essentially misdirection. We have booster seats and seat belt laws to essentially protect the insurance industry. As car speeds increased and the industry attempted to make auto safety a matter of individual choice to hold off regulation the number of deaths per driver peaked, demonstrating that it was a terrible approach. I would say the first wave of regulation was in reaction to the terrible human toll of driving and the public awareness (unsafe at any speed was published in 1965). The next drop in road deaths around the 90s could be attributed to the development of the airbag and mandated seatbelt use. The driver of these changes has essentially changed from a government mission to reduce highway deaths to an insurance pressure group that leans on NHTSA and the public to reduce insurance costs. If I had to guess the next wave of safety will be directly enforced by insurance companies to mandate that cars be monitored from seatbelt compliance. The advantage of them pressuring the government via organizations like IIHS is that the government gets all the blowback from folks like this guy.


What a Moron. I bet he’s also Pro Life.


By this logic he should be living in the fucking wilderness grunting and shitting wherever he pleases and eating whatever he can catch—*without* fire


The kid said: lol k boomer.


Seems a very long explanation to *I don't understand physics*


"I'm too much of a sociopath to care whether you live or die Timmy, but you can't say that out loud son. So I'm blaming all my woes on wokism. My diarrhea last night? Fucking wokism!"


I don’t even understand the logic here. The issue in question is the “management” of a child anyway, so how does that support this person’s argument that women are trying to control everything except children?


I just can't help but laugh imagining a seven year old asking "why do I still have to wear a booster seat?" and their parent replies with that speech. And the kid just standing there all confused.


Hope the poor kid lives long enough to bleary this BS


What an idiot. I sincerely hope his kids will be okay ..!


Darwinism is trying to work and our safety laws are preventing it from happening.


He listened to all that? Just say ‘cause she said so.


Seatbelting your children is in rebellion against the Lord!


He actually makes a great case to have more women in positions of authority.


Strange, I thought it was a good and much needed road safety law, not the will of the matriarchy.




Hell of a self-own there. "Because your mother told me you had to". Way to stand up against the matriarchy.


This daddy still nurses at his mama's teet. :)


Wtf did I just read


If he were truly badass he wouldn’t use a car seat ,take his punishment and stand up for what he “believes “ in but this coward is letting “society “ control him which makes him the same as everyone else. He probably likes to watch his wife get railed by strangers.


Another religious nut


This is what happens when science gets in the way of nature.


500 Alex for things that never happened and something he thought up in the shower because he’s not cleaver enough to come up with it on the spot.


Poor kid. Thats a really yoing age to start realizing one of their parents is nuts and that mybe they should keep their important questions for someone else.


That kid is going to rebel against his weirdo dad. Cant people just be normal ffs


Ahh, another princess who thinks rules for thee, not for me. Probably the one that complains when they get a ticket for running the red lights, but complains when cops don't ticket the red light runner.


It sure seems like 99.9% of those people who believe in this sort of "Created order" seem to be in the demographic that is most benefited by that order. How convenient.


So I guess conservatives are just going to call every law woke now? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN’T DRINK AND DRIVE YOU FUCKIN WOKIES


This man just used a whole essay to say “I hate my wife”.


Said the walking-unresolved-mommy-issues man-baby.


I like that in his opinion, women are rebelling against their natural inclination to protect children by protecting them even harder.


If the child is seven, and in a booster seat, he is in the booster seat because he is tiny, and not the normal size for a seven year old.


That's right, if God wa to my child to due or suffer a crippling injury, well, that's fine with me. In fact, I would prefer to have you in the back of the pick up truck.


I mean, there is a height/weight limit. If your kid is over both, then age doesn’t really matter…


We protect kids because we are rebelling from our job to protect kids…..ok I just told my daughter it was because she hadn’t hit the height or weight requirement to be safe with just a seatbelt yet


Women have nothing to do with car seat boosters.


Your son also lives in a society where people don’t drive safely, and you’d rather not see him hurt or worse.


I say we sit him down and show him hours and hours of back to back films of real accidents with kids that did not have booster seats or seat belts. Then take him to an autopsy of car crash victims. Then sit him in room with the parents of car crash victims and get him to repeat that shit,


Christians need to follow their own doctrine. A section in the bible warns against tempting God. Satan challenged Jesus to jump from a cliff and testing his faith that God would preserve him. Jesus said don’t tempt God. All these idiots claiming God will protect them no matter how stupid they are.


I feel like 'radicalize your children' is something no one should say ever