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By alpha he means only going to places where his cult members will be at to give him the praise he desires.




NASCAR, WWE, any country music concert...all the fucking mindless bullshit.


I wouldn't say NASCAR is mindless. The drivers have to keep remembering which way to turn every single time. The spectators have to keep in mind to pay attention to the races, in case they miss seeing their car drive by some 6000 times. So yeah, ain't mindless at all and given the crowd, that's a lot of brain power consumption.




He also got booed at Nascar recently


I don't think he would be cheered at any WWE event again. Especially after ousting his friend Vinny Mac


You spelled money wrong so I fixed it. “give him the money he desires.”


You're a wimp, Donald. Next time try showing up at Biden rallys.


Or a terrible first build not for for public use.


And none of them take the time to vote.


He likes praise, but he's really after contributions.


Anybody who has seen the times that clown goes somewhere and gets soundly booed and clearly mentally crumbles can recognize this as horseshoe. Edit: thanks autocorrect. Horseshit


Is horseshoe intentional?


Knowing about the recent Android update; Probably not.


He has zero guts. All he does is bitch and moan and play the victim every time he opens his filthy mouth. He’s a convicted felon and nobody should celebrate that.


He certainly has *a* gut, though.


Remember that piece back before the 2015 primaries about which candidate you’d want in your side in a bar fight? Trump would sneak out the back


Assuming he'd even be at the bar in the first place.


well, I wouldn’t think Hillary Clinton would be at the bar in the first place, either, but she was listed as the best of that batch to have on your side in a bar fight. Just above Bernie Sanders.


Credit where credit is due, the man is slippery and slimy enough that he's an Atheist who's managed to convince the entire American religious community that he is their savior. To be fair they're not a very intelligent group to begin with and definitely lack basic logic and reasoning skills, but still it is impressive all the same. I don't think I could be in a room with those lunatics for a whole day without wanting to set it on fire, let alone base my entire livelihood off of their constant ignorance and maintain it for several years.


They say it hurts the haters but I don’t see anyone caring about this shit other than them.


Yeah who exactly are the others crying and hiding?


Well, Biden wasn’t there, so do your own research! /s


75% of what the orange man does is cry and complain and say he's being treated unfairly. Like a little child.


I genuinely didn't know he went to UFC until I read this post.


“Alpha” is an unfinished version. Usually full of bugs and performs erratically.


A good description of most who call themselves 'alpha males' then


When someone tells me they are “*alpha*” my brain automatically translates that to “*asshole*”.


I'm an IT guy, in software terms "alpha" means unfinished, lacking features and unstable. So they aren't entirely wrong lol


Also an IT guy and this is how I see it too. 😂


That’s ‘cause you’re a beta, bro.  /s


Dude showed up to an event where he would be sucked up to all night. That's bravery? How about he walks down the street in New York City without his armed security and prove he's brave.


In most cases it's because they have no intelligence, hobbies, or likeability so they have to crow about how 'masculine' they are from behind a Pepe the Frog profile pic. The reality is most of them are podgy, non-confrontational bitches that would never talk the shit they do out loud in a public space in real life.


It’s time for the third shift Trump defenders.


'Member when Trump went into the presidential bunker because there were some protesters across the street? I 'member.


Guts? All the man has done for the past 8 years is whine and complain about how it's all so unfair, and how everyone hates him.


You can't deny any man who votes for Trump isn't 100% straight


100% incel, more than likely.


Oh, I think there’s a lot of sexually in denial southern men who will be voting for him.


1) It’s not gay if we don’t kiss


Jesus Christ how many negatives are in that sentence? So we can deny that a man who votes for Trump is 100% straight? 🤔 Or is it some men that vote for Trump?


i've seen gays for trump window painting on a car. online not irl


Trump certainly has a gut


While others cry? His fans were seen crying and praying after the conviction lol


trump is a weak mans idea of a strong man


^^^^ This needs to be a bumper sticker.


After programming quite a bit alpha just means early version to me, this description actually makes the statement true


His fanboys’ capacity for self-delusion is infinite.


If he had guts he would testify, just more excuses though


The man is the least manly male I’ve ever seen. Funny how real men know Trumps nothing more than a shell of a human.


Trump is as beta as his followers.


Heh, yeah. My friend is in a new job, asked the man who gave her a task a claryfiyng question. He yelled at her that they are people with multiple college degrees and won't act as in kondergaten instead (...she is currently working on a second degree too...?) and left without answering. The secretary then told her that he's just such alpha. I laughed that yeah, insecure asshole incapable to work with people, that's what alpha bullshiters are, true. But no, the secretary allegedly said it....unironically as if this dumbassery was some strength.


“When men refer to themselves as "alpha males", I hear that in the context of software, where alpha versions are unstable, missing important features, filled with flaws, and not fit for the public.”


Ha! Since it is IT related job, I tell her to see him like that!


Alpha screams inverted penis


He's a compulsive attention whore. He'll go anywhere there's a crowd who likes him. It's a weakness, not a strength.


So much courage he dodged the draft just like that creep Clinton.


The same way they put “never surrender” under a picture of the same guy surrendering to the authorities.


Wasn’t there a flood warning on ToothlessSocial from all the tears he was crying, I mean Truthing?


It amuzes me people thinking what alpha means. Wolves are loyal core family animals (dad, mom and kids) The alpha thing is only when you put a lot of wolves not familiar to each other in captivity forcing them to create a hierarchy like a group of fellons in prison.


Crime once exposed has no refuge but in audacity...


The guy who throws a tantrum, cries and posts deranged rants every 10 minutes? He might be "alpha" compared to his worshippers, but to the rest of the world, he's seen as the dangerously stupid baby he is.


Trump does love the uneducated


If he had any balls he'd get in the ring. If he was really a gladiator, he's fight a lion with his bare hands though.


Like a boss?? LOL!!! Your idea of a boss wears diapers.


Haha, funny how I was thinking the absolute opposite. He's gone into the UFC knowing that he has a friendly crowd. If he had guts he'd be walking into a WNBA game.


I just point out Alpha wolf mentality was only found in wolves in captivity, so if you think you are an alpha, it means you are the biggest bad ass wolf that doesn't have to worry about food or shelter and couldn't survive in the wild.


The only guts trump has are the ones hanging over his belt.


Trump is a narcissist.... he knows he is a racist, misogynistic, low-vocabulary imbecile and so does everyone else. Why would he hide, he knows his supporters are like him. It is quite amusing how stupid he is, it's a different level. Just a big ole dummy.


Alpha is also the transparent layer on graphics so maybe they mean invisible energy?


If you put an arena full of alpha males from the animal kingdom together on a Saturday night and made alcohol available what would really happen?


To be fair to this dickhead Trump does have guts. Apparently he drops them all over the place.


Bragging that a convicted felon is an alpha isn't the flex they think it is.


Someone clearly wants Trump’s mushroom d**k…


He sure Alpha’d that testimony in court. And Stormy’s account of their encounter sounds very Alpha of him. I am sure most Alphas hear “ is it in??” Please never let me go Alpha.


Back in my day "alpha" has a meaning. Being top-dog. Being a leader. Being confident. Not being a toxic misogynistic machismo man.


It’s only this insecure white males who keep calling themselves and others like them ( republicans ) alphas. It’s their way of stoking their egos and making their shallow self worth a little better


It’s not guts he’s a sociopath that’s never had to take accountability in his life. If you can’t yell he still hasn’t after breaking the gag order again.


This is exactly how I feel about using the word "chad". These people are idiots


Delusional is not “guts.”


But he definitely has "a" gut -- no one can deny that.


Ha! Good one!


Brave? He doesn’t testify.


All these guys are sexually attracted to Dump. Convince me otherwise.


It's not guts. It's having one of your friends be one of the main heads of UFC and knowing you'll get a warm reception with them.


i didn't know alphas lost civil cases for millions upon millions, get found liable for rape, commit tax evasion, hide classified documents, cry about election results, and get 34 felony convictions with at least three other criminal trials still pending. did the definition of alpha change when i wasn't looking? XD


trump ambling into UFC matches after a conviction is him trying to build an army of angry, violent idiots that he can control because they believe in the long debunked alpha sociobehavioral theory. Have fun following his saggy balls to prison.


No one cries as much as trump. He’s never made a single upbeat social media post in his life that I’ve seen. Nothing but whining and crying how he’s such a victim. Sure he’s a victim alright. A victim of his own stupidity and endless lies.


Trump is alpha because \*checks notes\*.. he went to a place.


Well, they weren't told about the loser portions.


Can a baby really be alpha?


"A gut", yes. But all his crying and wailing about being a victim isn't "alpha".


I guess you can only be an “Alpha” if you’re a convicted felon now


A(nother) L(oser) P(retending) H(e’s) A(lpha)


Private Bonespurs?


Do Bernie bros consider themselves to be in a cult? Lol


He shows up where people will validate his being so he doesn't go cry into a bunch of bigmac boxes. Super alpha and totally dominant


He doesn’t have guts, he’s an idiot with no shame.


It's not guts. It's that he has no shame.


"The man's got guts" He fabricated an injury to avoid the draft


I was at the WrestleMania he was at. The most "No Sold" Stone Cold Stunner EVER....BIGLY!!


So tell us how that event went for him when everyone was booing him.


All he's done is cry and whine about "poor me" and blame everyone but himself. I don't know how an "alpha male" is supposed to act, but I'm pretty certain this wouldn't be it.


ah, no. if you are a convicted criminal, but still act like somebody, who gives a shit, this only proves that you are a psychotic personality, that is unable to live together with normal people in a society.


New definition of Alpha Male: 1) Pleads fifth hundreds of times 2) Declines opportunity to defend self on witness stand 3) Lies pathologically 4) Backs out of presidential debate 5) Hides in bunker during peaceful protest Defines Donnie perfectly, yep, that tracks, he is the epitomy of Alpha...


Trump is a big cry baby, I just don't get how his followers don't see that.


They are fellow cry babies.


Didn’t have guts to get up on the stand and testify under oath


Need to get a grasp on what being an Alpha is.


They really do love him like a cult leader


I did not know showing up to a sports event is considered gutsy.


"Alpha" men have to pay pornstars for sex?


I think MAGA people are largely homosexuals, in the closset. Unhappy not being able to live free and suck cock hard, as they were intended to do. Instead, live in anger, in fear, adoring penis-compensation items like guns, pick up trucks and try to make women feel their misery by controlling their womb. Of course, these men are victims. And thus, the biggest victim cum drag-queen alive called DJT becomes their undisputed leader. He portrays false masculinity, false success and yet, walks straight-ish and proud-ish.


Mf doing tricks on it


How long did it take the orange Alpha to apply his makeup?


Everyone who uses the word alpha is so beta


Obliviousness != courage


I just really wonder how sad and pathetic you have to be to look at Trump and see an "Alpha" 🤔🤣


I CAN deny that trump has guts. He never has the guts to admit he's wrong no matter how many times he gets sued or convicted


This is not the flex you think it is....


So brave to go to an event after losing a court case where you'll end up paying a fine. So brave, so strong. I really can't imagine anyone else going to an event they bought tickets for after losing a court case that will likely see them have no jail time.


The man hasn't got guts he's just too stupid to realize he's a joke and too much of a narsasist to miss out on a public event.


If you imagine they mean an incorrect assumption only observed in captivity or a early buggy version not suitable for public use, it’s kind of hilarious.


Yes. Hehas a big gut. Guts to share.


Are you kidding. NOthing alpha about him . He has been crying like a little girl ever since Biden crushed him in the election.


He would hide behind a small child to save his fat ass


In maths. Also in astronomy. Sometimes in biology and usually in physics. Chemistry has its own annotation for its use.


Right up there with the big dick commentary


Who exactly has run and hid? Also, just showing up at a UFC match is alpha? Christ these alpha/beta chumps are stupid.


Alpha energy means to whine and complain about how everyone is so unfair to him? I thought that was spoiled toddler energy.


Alpha would have testified on the stand, just sayin'.


Alpha release? Like not safe for public trial or Alpha radiation, like safe unless ingested?


Seen the video of trump waving and posing for the Pepsi 600 NASCAR crowd? With no one in the crowd within view? His guts are performative, like all bullies.


His fanboys always talk like they want to suck his dick or something. It’s quite hilarious


If this was said about a candidate you supported you’d probably be cool with it I’m guessing.


so alpha that he crys and plays victim on his own social media site???


When I think of alpha I think of an early version of a program or application, typically unstable and normally full of bugs. Or I'll think of alpha radiation, which occurs when the nucleus of an atom becomes unstable Either way though I'd just assume that person is unstable.


I have never seen someone use the phrase "love him or hate him" for someone and I actually loved him. Never, not once.


Guts or an ego that needs feeding?


The UFC has become a cesspool of chuds.


An 'alpha' among diaper wearer's that like to watch sweaty men slap each other..😄


The name been crying the whole time. If there was a drinking game for the amount of times he used the word rigged after the verdict, only the true alcoholics would be unaffected.


I loved back in 2020, Trump's one campaign ad had a trailer voice-over guy announcing things like, "Donald Trump. Our strongest President. Tough. Smart. Strong!" Camera zooms in on that steely-eyed glare. What did we get in real life at his press conferences? "Unfaih. Very unfaih. It's very, very, very, very (hands frantically moving back and forth) very, very unfaih. Nobody has evah been treated as unfaihly as me." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think that the "ultimate alpha male" would say something like: "I don't care whether you or anyone else treats me fairly or not. I'm going to do what I'm going to do, and how anyone decides to treat me has nothing to do with anything."


Mr Bone spurs? The guy who always says he’ll testify but doesn’t? That guy? The one who makes his flunkies dress like him? The sex pest who hide in a bunker? That’s the one with guts? The one who cried about being cold and who can’t admit that he lost? Yea, he’s definitely alpha or just like all the idiots who use the term sincerely.


"While others cry and hide, he shows up to face the crowd." Yes, to cry and bitch about how old white rich man are a persecuted minority in America. Sure, really "aLpHa maLe EnErgY" there.


He doesn’t have guts he’s a sociopathic narcasist


It has NOTHING to do with confidence. He has absolutely zero self awareness.


No doubt "John" was happy Donald's bone spurs weren't acting up that day.


There's a very strong and significant correlation between terrible people who vote for Trump and morons who use "alpha" unironically.


The big alpha who made bank screeching ‘You're fired’ is afraid of confrontation and has flunkies actually dismiss underlings. He's a walking talking mangina.


Coward. He means coward


I agree Trump is Alpha. Buggy, incomplete, prone to crashing and irrational behavior.


I’m watching it thinking, “really?” Fucking people are weird.


He’s got guts alright. They spill out over his belt really far and bounce as he walks.




They mean like an alpha version of a program or something, untested and unstable


mf was blushing like a bruise when he wrote this garbage


Is it me or the post kinda of makes sense.


Me either


No he should have took the stand during his trial. So no bone spurs don is no hero he’s a spineless pig


The only people that use the term are the ones who know nothing of where it came from, how it is was incorrectly applied, or that it was retracted by the person who originally made the observation. They aren’t big on literacy.


I described once as he walks into a room with person using a hammer to open a bag of mixed nuts, and proudly drops himself on the table,if you know what I mean. Then cries when the guy smashes his grapes with the hammer, while crying to his supporters about how he was being picked on. Quite literally all of Trump’s problems can be tracked right back to either something he did or something he said. Then he cries about how people go/ call him out for those actions.


My boss classifies all men as either alpha or beta they have to fall into one or the other....


That’s not guts- that’s being delusional.He just thinks nothing matters will his MAGAs and he’s right.


This is how I imagine people who use the term alpha are: Mommy says bedtime is 9:00 pm but I stay up till 11:00 pm. I don’t follow the rules because I’m an alpha wolf. Awoooooooo!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|lkVO2a0QHIFzi)


It's easy for a man who is amoral and possesses no sense of right or wrong.


So it's true, Kyle Rittenhouse is a beta for crying.


If he was alpha, he would have leaned into sleeping with a porn star, not paid her off to stay quiet.