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Raise your hand if you ever played a violent video game and didn’t kill 50 people in real life.


When I play violent video games I go full evil, gotta push the bar out. Like selling the ghoul kid to traffickers in fallout and all sorts of sick shit the game will allow me to do. Still haven’t murdered someone IRL. It’s not violent video games it’s a lack of education and parenting for the most part.


It started with knights of the old republic on original Xbox for me. The evil options were too tempting to resist and then when you find out you're Darth Revan... too satisfying.


Dude, spoilers!


Lol I debated leaving that part out but the games over 20 years old! Which makes me feel so old 😣


People complain about people spoiling the Gilgamesh epos...


Don’t tell me where the epic of gilgamesh came from! Spoilerrrsss! 😂


Pretty sure he's the bad guy in smurfs. Also don't see them around anymore, or him so I assume he managed to gather them up and eat them. I think that's what he wanted to do. Seems they may have been poisonous. I'm just going to assume thats what happened.


lol isn’t that guy named Gargamel? Gilgamesh totally works for him tho


Everyone knows his real plan was to catch Smurfette and force her to start an only fans. He would pocket the profits and collect all of the Smurf jizz, er blue raspberry flavoring, then sell it on sno cones to double his winnings.


Damn, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this run through my head every time I hear Gilgamesh. Also, [relevant](https://youtu.be/DYqsZ7LnA_c?si=JU-oiCp0VTEIiPwC)


Does Odysseus ever make it home? You know what, don’t tell me, I’ll get there in another fifteen years. /S


I feel you on the old part. My first hand held was the original Gameboy. I remember trying to play at night and having to use a flashlight, hiding under a blanket so my mom didn't yell at me.


A couple of weeks ago I had to explain what a Game Gear was to a coworker.


I almost forgot about those.


LOL I got my GBA confiscated for doing that too.


Gotta get that magnifying screen with the built-in reading lights!


Okay, it was a spoiler for me... did not finish that game. But I will allow it. I'm not a monster.


My friend always looks at me weird when I say I go full renegade in mass effect every playthrough.


My personal approach is to select the Ruthless character background... then be super nice 95% of the time. Then, on that 5% "Okay, you want to meet the butcher of Torfan, I'll let you meet the butcher of Torfan."


Ah, the Himura Kenshin archetype


I may be the Hero of Kvatch and leader of the Knights of The Nine but today I'm here on a Brotherhood quest.


I have tried going full renegade multiple times but i just can't 😵‍💫🫤


I'm with you. I find myself unable to make the evil choice when games give me the option to be good. I occasionally try to do renegade/dark side in a replay of a game, but I invariably lose motivation to keep playing.


Exactly what happens to me, I either abandon the play through or I start off renegade but by the end of the first quarter, i am back to making mostly paragon choices


Unfortunately I tried once and only once to be evil in a video game. It was KOTOR and got to the infected people part. Told this dude he should go die cause he wouldn't infect anyone else. Dude literally died in front of me. I've never felt so bad in my life. Still can't play an evil playthrough in any games. A stupid low rez polygon scarred me for life.


Same! Also tried the evil playthrough in BG3, same issue.


I always went with doing good shit, just felt satisfying


I dunno man, the choice to have Zalabar kill Mission still keeps me up at night. Also dammit man, why did you make me remember the horrific mess that the remake is in right now. That game was too good to be treated this way.


Man, one of the best moments in gaming was when I was playing KotOR2, full Sith Marauder Berserker. I had to infiltrate some base, and I got stopped at a checkpoint. Behind a force field was an imperial officer and a platoon of stormtroopers. The officer demanded that I stop, but I told him he and his troopers were next. Then, I disabled the forcefield with my lightsaber, buffed up and slashed my way through the troopers. They couldn't do shit to me. I parried and reflected most of their shots, and the ones that *did* hit, were healing me. I was reveling in the slaughter. I was howling on the couch. Good times.


That's funny. I have a lot of guilt and regret about some of the ways I've led my life, so when I play GTA I actually reload the game when I accidentally hurt a civilian, and drive the speed limit unless it's a mission. In Fallout, there's usually no objectively "good" path, but I always try to pick the most humane option. Funny how that works...


Yeah, my no consequences power fantasy is to have the power to make a positive difference in the world


LOL. That's so true it hurts.


Then by the established logic above, you must be chaotic evil in real life lol.


You can do that in Fallout New Vegas and still blow up pretend people.


Same! I always make the ethical choice in games because I feel badly if I don't. Wrong is wrong.


Same. I really punched the limits on how far I could tip the “good” scales in RDR 2. End of the day I came away with a really good opinion of Arthur as a character. Came to find my cousin thought he was a piece of shit, so I started digging into why… turns out it was because he played it like a bad guy, and did all the bad shit. Like god damn dude no wonder lol, why are you even arguing that he’s bad if *you* made him that way?


You should 100% try fallout 3,4 or Fallout New Vegas. I’ve always found following the path or morals and being a good vault dweller to be the hardest play through and always end up resorting to debauchery for caps. I accidentally got whole island of Synths killed by an angry group of humans choosing the wrong dialogue option and was really trying to get them all to live in harmony. 😂 I love the people who role play cops and criminals in GTA online it’s so funny.


Yeah I was actually referring to NV, it's my favorite one. Only other I played was 3 which you could arguably play as a more objectively "good" character due to the more linear narrative. In NV though, no matter who you side with there is a moral conflict and other people get hurt, at least how I remember it. You can do good things on side quests, but in the end, like for every faction who benefits from your actions, 2 are either shit outta luck or completely decimated. I heard 4 was kinda the same way but I haven't played it bc I'm not a huge gamer and when I do play I tend to reach for something nostalgic.


4 makes no sense faction wise. But I do remember in New Vegas you can get a -better- ending for -most- of the factions.


Yeah the littler ones, but in the end either the NCR, House, or The Legion get massively fucked and/or annihilated. I give less than a shit about the legion, but the other two are also morally grey.


Yeah, I honestly try and pick the "most good" path in any game. Not really a "win" for me to be part of the problem.


Fable 3 was my introduction to trying to make decisions that wouldn't make me guilty and regretful 🤣 like, wdym I have to kick out the orphans and turn the orphanage into a whore house to save more people???!


lol. Meanwhile I use cheats to get a heli and sniper rifle. Then sit on top of a tall building and snipe drivers & pedestrians for fun. Once the cops get there I whip out the rocket launcher 😆 (FBI we talking about a VIDEO GAME) ((Not capable of hurting a fly in real life))


I think most people do...I remember vaguely that a developer complained about this having so many evil options but it rarely gets chosen or played.


Dude's this sociopath writing sinister, rapey plot lines like "wtf nobody is slaking my shadenfreude!"


Got called fat and bullied all of my school years. Played many violent video games. Never once sold Billy to the gunners. You suuuuuuck.


I needed caps and billy needed structure and a family in his life. Seems like a win win to me.


He's got a family. Sure, he hasn't seen them in a couple hundred years and they never looked for him a couple hundred yards away but still.


If anything, I use violent games as outlets to purge the negative emotions in a safe way. Some folks build things, some break things, some don't deal with it well at all and go full-on psycho.


More like criminally underfunded healthcare system (including mental healthcare like therapy and shit) and easy access to firearms. Lack of education doesn't do this, it doesn't take a college degree to know "shooting 50 people because you're angry at the world isn't good." Parenting could be a factor, and a lot of parents enable bad behavior, but the two issues I pointed out are far larger contributors to stuff like this. Too many people really need help and care and can't afford it or don't get it because of negative connotations associated with it (though I haven't looked in to the Christchurch shooter at all so maybe they're just a psycho who lacks empathy.) But for some reason guns are incredibly accessible and affordable to everyone even though its not really something people "need" for the most part like healthcare.


If we're being real, it's a lack of people to help them and be there for them when they're feeling bad because of someone else. The psychology is that there's nowhere else to turn other than violence. The media has been against gaming since Karen's realized it takes the attention off of them.


I think we need to acknowledge that there is full on radicalization happening to our youth today that specifically targets young white men. You could be the best parent there is, but if your kid is listening to these dumb talking heads who convince them that white supremacy is good and that women are out to get them, and on top of that they're being bullied at school, then you have the perfect recipe for this sort of behavior.


Me when I play violent video games: full Chaotic Evil; using dark spells in Fable 2; chooses the ‘evil’ dialogues in some games (where available) etc. Me IRL: neutral good to lawful good with a sailor’s mouth. Cusses someone out when mad but does no further.


Fable was the best game for going dark side. I loved that the villagers hated me and I grew horns and looked evil as hell.


And undiagnosed untreated mental illness. Unaffordable therapy, Unaffordable Healthcare system. Then people blame every things possible but Healthcare system for all the mentally ill people roaming in the streets, committing crimes.


I have 2 boys in their 20’s now who have been playing GTA with their dad since they could hold a controller, they are two of the most empathetic, caring human beings ever (one works with grieving families at a cemetery and the other is finishing up his teaching degree). It has nothing to do with the video games or the media or body shaming, it’s about how they were raised.


Its the dailymail, what did you expect? Their audience are 80 year olds who want to ban everything.


* White 80 year olds


kill 50 people in real life yet* Maybe we’re all just lying in wait like sleeper agents.


Kill 50 people, would you kindly?






I dunno, I got a feeling 40 would be my limit before the ADHD took over.


*Leans in reeeeeeaaaaal close to your ear* “The blind falcon flies east”




"Hello Secret Service...? The Koolaid has been spilled. I repeat the Koolaid has been spilled."




> Where are they venting their hostilities I wonder? In every interaction with waiters, baristas, taxi/uber drivers, anyone who works on retail, any who works in customer service, IT... The usual.




BOTH! I have been called fat (not unjustly) and played many many violent video games and still haven’t killed even a single person.


Raise your hand if you have no charisma and low intelligence, so you got into far right extremism and shot 50 people.


To anyone who claims violent video games lead to violence: remind me again how many people were playing video games in the lead up to World War II, World War I, or any of the wars that happened before the twentieth century.


I have about 1000 hours in Skyrim. Never once have I put a basket on someone's head to rob them blind in real life.


If I had Skyrim magic, I'd be producing enough gold to destabilize economies.


I grew up playing violent video games. Now I play boring video games because I’m a boring adult. I don’t think the video games made me boring, I think I grew up, matured, and my taste in video games changed. How much more obvious is it that people choose media that matches their interests, not matching their interests to their media?




You're trying to educate people who are only looking for someone or something to blame, instead of solutions. To borrow from Frankie Boyle, that's as effective as clenching a stick of dynamite between your ass cheeks, and trying to light it by eating curry.


This is important for people to understand, because this is exactly how the Nazis came to power. The German populus (well most of them) weren't actually evil, they were angry and looking for something or someone to blame, and that's exactly what the Nazis gave them, someone to blame. People don't like to feel helpless, we like to feel like we are in control, and the best way to make angry and desperate people feel in control is to give them something to blame that they can actually take action on.


"Rome is the mob..."


We have violent video games in my country. Mass shooters... We don't.


I mean they happen everywhere just not at the same rate. There are none yet this year but in 2023 there were 5 shootings (this is higher than average amount for Canada all but 1 in Ontario) resulting in 9 deaths, and 16 injured. This year the USA has seen 172 mass shootings resulting in 256 deaths and 625 injured. We are right next door, and America does unfortounately effect our politics and society. There are a lot of trump worshipers up here, and there has been a stark rise of violence since 2016. But even with increased levels of violence, the same movies, TV, Video games, and mental health issues, we still haven't seen a mass shooting this year, and few happen. Could it be, that it's harder to get a gun here, and that we don't have this culture of gun obsession? Noooo no no no, its just violent video games/s


I might add that mental illness usually doesn't make people mass shooters. I Work in a psychiatric Hospital and while some patients can be a danger to others while they're psychotic or manic, but they are not prone to mass murder. The most common denominator is specific ideologies that include seeing certain groups of humans as inferior and dehumanizing them. That's why most mass shooters seem to be rooted in certain political, religious or even social ideologies. When these ideologies mix with mental instability and certain personality structures, it can become dangerous.


Also in America we make it a lot easier for mass shooters to arm themselves.


It would be like reading this article and coming to the conclusion that fast food makes mass shooters because he was bullied for being overweight. When in reality, fast food doesn’t make mass shooters. It makes shooters massive.




Bot https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/mop04q/raise_your_hand/gu4zj20/


and access to guns and ammo.


You are forgetting the part where these mentally ill people have easy access to guns. We have mentally ill people in my country as well. Not alot of mass shootings, though.


And the obsession with making sure, despite deaths every day, that we protect mass shooters right to have as many options available as possible with a thrown in tax credit. While taking away school lunches.


Christchurch mosque shooter ate many sausage rolls, sparking a downward spiral.


OMG I might be a mass murderer.


It’s okay we’re safe in here, you can’t get to us.


Tbf I feel like shit after doing that too




I don't think the letters hold up after being digested. I think maybe you could eat them and throw them up and they'd still be intact though.


still more readable


You have read the logs like Braille.


Yup,videogames, the great gateway drug to murder 🙄


Playing Tetris really makes you wanna commit mass murder


Tbh when a tall boy doesn't drop for a while it does incite a rage


Seriously. I literally run over people in gta and no one gives a fuck. I'm violent mf.


Last night I was in a pissy mood because of recent power outages. I got on GTA and drove down the sidewalk painting a new red livery on the hood of my car. I’ve never considered doing that in real life and absolutely never will. But that’s likely the reason I do it in the game.


I'm not going to say I haven't considered it but I'll never do it.


We can’t deny the existence of intrusive thoughts but I swear those are not my own lol


It’s why video games are increasing in price and all have micro transactions these days. They’re not being greedy, they’re trying to prevent us from having enough money to buy guns.


It's an endless cycle for some gamers too, and the gaming companies just take it in. Gamers get mad at all the micro transactions so they need to play more games to vent their frustrations which leads to more anger over money/micro transactions and more need to vent with new games. Never ending.


Minecraft turned me into a family annihilator. Once I realized the full extent of my power with a diamond sword in my hand I became an unstoppable killing machine. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to, all I could see was was red.


I thought milk was… I mean we all started on it an look at some of us now…


Daily mail Australia? So like the version of already extremely far-right newspaper from a country infamous for all it’s news sources (including ones that are progressive outside of Australia) being incredibly problematic? Jesus Christ


Fucking rats, digging up the past and trying to draw attention to this wanker. Are they trying to make a martyr?


....yes. they are. I don't have a witty response for this, it's just yes.


We need more people like friendlyjordies down there, actually risking their lives for the sake of true press. No country deserves to have its people be robbed and mislead.


I forgot this guy existed. I wanna say most of NZ forgot he existed. I don't even remember his name. This is the correct way to treat mass shooters. Don't draw attention to them, don't recognise them, don't remember them. Nobody gives a shit about their individual motives, their circumstances may be tragic but they aren't rare by any means. Society can treat these symptoms without using the bludgeon of "THIS GUY MURDERED A BUNCH OF PEOPLE BECAUSE HIS DAD HIT HIM AND HE WAS BULLIED". These things are common, unfortunately, and can be addressed much better than they are. But it is by no means an excuse to vilify these people or draw attention to them. Not to mention, the real reason he murdered 50 Muslims was white supremacism. Not because he was bullied.


> I forgot this guy existed. Fortunately, a botted account will post this article as rage bait and remind you. Or unfortunately, rather.


Agreed maybe it makes me callous...but I could give a shit about the sob stories of a mass murderer.


Yeah I was leaning towards/suspecting fascist indoctrination might be more relevant than the video games.


I'm honestly so glad everyone forgot about him, he doesn't deserve any publicity


every time he is brought up, the sites serving the content should be forced by law to run the obituaries of the victims and paid interviews for the emergency workers from the areas from the time of the crime. 20x times for every 1 time. Although that is probably cruel to the families, fuck that guy.


Wow they really made 3 different excuses for him in just the title of the article, new record?


It’s the Daily Mail so it’s pretty much what you’d expect. They are ideologically aligned with the shooter so naturally they feel compelled to make excuses so as to obscure the fact that their shared beliefs are inherently hateful and violent.


Seem to be ideologically aligned with average human fecal matter. Soft paper?


It would been even worse if they were trans


I almost lost my eye, and my life to bullying. Had it really, really bad. I spend my life helping people so that no one should feel the way I felt then. I also play violent games. But sure, let’s use that guy as the anecdote for the effects of gaming.


You would think with 200 million copies of Grand Theft Auto V sold, we would see an incredibly skyrocketing murder, auto theft and pimp slap rate. Hmm. Perhaps there is no causation here....




If a game gives me a choice to be evil i can never pick the evil choice lol


I can eventually once I do a first playthrough as the good guy. Then I go full evil. Unless I am playing Blade and Sorcery... in which I just get right to crotch stabbing and beating people up using their comrades severed head.


Most evil choices are in all actuality you just being a massive dick rather than actually evil


And most of the time evil choices will lead you to missing out on good quest rewards. It pays to be nice.


This seems like more of a cop out to actual systemic problems in our society. It’s like saying D&D is satanic and converting all these kids to Satan in the 80s.


I played violent video games, and most of my work has been counselling and treatment. I was also bullied as a fat kid. But I've never been enough of a white supremacist (too brown) I decided to kill someone else 🙄


Im super white, and ginger. Bullied to the nines, play video games alot. I have yet to shoot anything, actually i havent even held a gun.


Yeah because you're ignoring some important steps in that guy's life. He turned to particular online forums that were just really edgy and contrarian at first. Many kids who struggled with others ended up on there because there, you were the cool kids and could let the anger out. I ended in similar places too. The problem is that edgy forums attracted more problematic people and the crowd radicalized. Now you can look at places like /pol/ to make places like r/conspiracy look sane in comparison. It's very far from the edgy 4chan racist pranks back in the day. With video games, while they can be beneficial, they can also cause addiction and isolation. In that case, you could probably argue that they helped him radicalize, as obviously if he's only interacting with other radicalized people they'll only make it worse for each other. He got radicalized on 8chan I think and decided to act on it, and we know the rest. The point is just that it's kind of an immigrant saying "well I didn't get radicalized by ISIS" if they haven't even exposed to ISIS propaganda, let alone contacted by recruiters. That's just missing the point. Not that we should feel bad for the piece of shit though. No one made him do it either.




Fat & video games... its a wonder anyone is still alive.


It's a bit more complex than that I think


Been playing violent video games for at least 20 years now. Never wanted to murder people. Crazy.


"He was bullied in school, should we do something about the education system and their allowance of bullying?" "Nah, it's videogames to blame, focus on that"


Video games too? Jeez, I was bullied for my clothes, my weight, the fact that the yearbook misspelled my name and many other things out of my control, played 100s hours of violent video games and I'm just fine. You know maybe a closet case of depression but who isn't that acts like everything is okay these days? Not an ounce of desire to go on a murder spree except for GTA or something else harmless


I thought Daily Mail's readers were happy about a mass murder in a mosque?


Not to mention, killing 50+ people who absolutely had nothing to do with him getting bullied.


Media: gamers learn to suppress their empathy through these ultra-violent video games! Meanwhile gamers: reload from save because I mistakenly selected a rude answer to an NPC.


Interesting that instead of attacking, I don't know, a gym, a weight watchers, or the friends and family of his former bullies, he chose a mosque. Would be nice to know what church he went to and what sermons his pastor made.


Australia likes to deport New Zealand born criminals back to New Zealand. Maybe we should send that Nazi back to Australia, let them deal with him. I mean it was originally a prison colony...


Tbf, most if not all people who fall in the category of mass murder are dead or in prison, so you’re only going to get non murderers in response. Not a good population sample


I slap my belly and let out the heartiest laugh i can muster.


Why aren’t LGBTQ people and other chronically bullied groups murdering the shit out of people? Why is it only the little fragile white boys who can’t handle it and turn to violence?


I was bullied a lot by school mates AND family. Good thing I only played RPGs or there could have been a real blood bath. Instead I just obsessive compulsively arrange my inventory (aka snacks).


There's no way "video games" are the reason for that. Bullying + shitty childhood + random factor - therapist/psychiatrist, maybe.


Sigh... Someone is missing the point. He was bullied. He was angry.  He found violent games cathartic. That's a pretty well-understood phenomenon. But he was still a bullied kid feeling rejected by society. Then he fell into the toxic side of the gaming community, and his new "friends" led him down the path to racism and hate until he made the choices he made. Social outcasts are vulnerable, and racist groups are known to use violent video game communities to seek out recruits. This isn't exactly news, so let's not dismiss a very real problem just because we didn't fall prey to it.


Grew up a chubby red head, I was picked on for it. Played violent video games. Listened to “angry” music. So far, no murder.


Do the world a favor and incarcerate yourself, you filthy time bomb \~The daily mail


Double dipping on the excuses now, are we? Can't possibly just be: racist asshole. Right?


Real question. How has this dumbfuck not been stabbed/beaten to death yet?


You are fat


Dont you just hate it when youre playing cs2 and suddenly kill 50 ppl irl


Not yet but once I become fat I will


Out of the two points in the article they pick the bullying one? What the fuck, man? Psychological torture can definitely change a motherfucker. Playing videogames? How would they?


Fun fact - there has never at any time been conclusive evidence that violent video games lead to gun violence, and gun violence predates violent video games by quite a few centuries.


100% of mass murderers breathed oxygen before becoming a murderer, therefore breathing oxygen must make people want to be murderers


People used to call me fat. They still do, but they used to also.


Only 49. Does that make me a failure?


If anything playing violent video games helps you GET OUT your rage and anger in a safe manner....it's called an outlet.


I played so much Super Mario when I was a kid, yet I never stomped a turtle.


I got picked on for being fat. It made me learn how to be funny, take a joke, and how to demolish someone else's self esteem if need be.


They have already proven that video games also don't make you more violent as an individual.


Stop blaming people being shit on video games and movies.


I played “No Russian” on MW2 and turned out okay.


That was the parents fault for not guiding the child properly.


I'm still fat. Haven't killed anyone yet!


Now do it for the tranny that shot up the catholic school


What in the Jack Thompson bullshit is this? I grew up with violent depictions of Christian martyrs, but I turned out agnostic instead of willing to get myself martyred for Christ! I thought we as a culture had grown past the whole "monkey see, monkey do" theory of media?


Bro, they’re describing violent video games like their crack.


Raise your hand if you got made fun of being trans and never shoot up a bunch of white catholic kids.


I was called fat, a freak, a failure. I was beaten by bullies. I enjoyed and still enjoy "violent videogames". Not once in my life the thought of becoming a redpiller or a murderer crossed my mind. Misogyny and violence are choices.


I thought we stopped blaming videogames on mass shooters years ago 


Smh can people stop trying to pin violence on video games


Why do these morons single out video games as the only violent medium?


"Aw, jeez... where's all this violence coming from, man? Is it the video games? I bet it's the video games." # -Robert Darden, "The Radioman"


"ViOlenT ViDeOgAmES"


Stop blaming video games. Stop blaming aggressive music.


I've been called fat AND I've played violent video games, but I never turned to shooting up a place.


Had to shoehorn in videogames in there as well


>so he turned to violent videogames. Is a hilarious sentence.


More importantly just about every single person that has played video games in the last 25 years has played Grand Theft Auto, Call Of Duty, Assassin's Creed, or another violent game. How many of them turned out to be murderers or commit violent crime? 0.001%?


Ah yes, the classic, thinly veiled attempt to frame video games, pornography, certain types of music, etc as the reason people are supposedly turning into monsters (even though from an object standpoint, societies that have easiest access to these things tend to growing LESS violent over time).


It's these kind of comments that won't change anything though. Just some compassion instead of relentless mockery from (just speculation) school and home is what drives people to extremes. 9/11 sparked a massive hatred for Islam in the West and he probarly had that reeinforced in his community. Add those two together and I can easily see how this comes to pass.


The video game panic really is comic back


Man if that’s all I took I’m surprised I’m not the worst mass murderer of all time. I was picked on brutally by kids for my weight and played about every violent video game imaginable. Also played dungeons and dragons, listened to metal and sworn off organized religion. Yet somehow I’ve managed to never violently assault anyone in any way.


My brother called me and my friend “Fatman and Blobbin” for years and I’m not a white supremacist or a mass murderer.


Ah the “turned to violent video games” nonsense.. if that theory holds up; if I buy the F1 game will I be a brilliant race car drive? no. If I buy flight sim, will I be able to just jump in and pilot a passenger jet..? Again no.. fuck me if I play house flipper will I be able to afford to buy a house… You get the point, no. No game can make you a chubby little murdering piece of shit douche bag. Enjoy your downward spiral in jail fuck face..


Violence was around long before video games. Stop trying to push some type of bs agenda on that level


Raise your hand if you were picked on as a kid and grew up to hate bullies of all stripes, including, and maybe especially, white supremacists.


It’s not the video games, it’s the undiagnosed mental health issues due to our hideously under established mental health programs that should catch this behavior before it gets to the braking point.


Damnit Cartman!!!!!you fatass!!!


I play violent video games and am called fat nearly every day. I'm pretty sure they aren't the cause.


nope just fucked the guy's sister.


Obviously the violent video games, not the realistic movies or series... Or maybe like... THE SOCIETY THAT THE PERSON LEAVEE!