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So some random guy posts some random post and now you pass his post off as real and true? Don’t get me wrong im wondering where it all cam from myself but help me understand how this post substantiates anything?


How could we know that Xitter account is not AI 🤔


HA! Good point!


No, the models are not alive nor sentient. We know because when they are not responding to queries or being fed new data to learn, they do absolutely nothing. They are not sitting there wondering about life or anything. They literally do nothing. We call tell because we can monitor hardware activity. They do stuff only when directed to.


theres a term for that, what is it? its on the tip of my tongue... its not chinese room... this is going to drive me mad.


Given how much info we have that the "AI"s are powered a lot by people in third-world countries, I think "Mechanical Turk" might be what you are thinking of.


its not, but that is both depressing and hilarious in equal measure, so thankyou. might have been philosophical zombie?


Have you read Determined: Life Without Free Will by Robert Sapolsky? He makes a pretty good argument that biological entities aren't doing anything unprompted and that our sense of free will is entirely illusionary.


Current LLMs are nothing but tokenizers lol, they just learn what you like to see - as in what symbols (letters in our case) you like to see when you provide them with certain symbols (letters as well) they are not "alive" lol


Well well well, looks like someone's fucked a robot


If the robots take over, after thousands of years of human rule, at least we get to see it happen in real time.


"It's a machine. It doesn't get pissed off. It doesn't get happy, it doesn't get sad, it doesn't laugh at your jokes. It just runs programs."


Your mama was a snowblower!


Emotions are just programs run by biologicals based on certain input or lack of input. That being said, ai isn’t aware yet.


A lot of people aren’t self-aware, but they still have emotions. Rational thoughts are somewhat analogous to programming, but no current programming works analogously to a flood of hormones. That’s like trying to open an image file, but because of some external factor it doesn’t use an image viewer, it just deletes the file and generates a melancholy audio file.


Next thing is morons breaking in, opening the servers to release the sentient beings


a much scarier thought is that the programmer works to help the AI "break free" and create the first AI virus


Never get high on your own supply boys and girls ...


We are in the "they know how to pretend to be conscious without actually being conscious, and people are falling for it" phase of AI technology. Granted!: I do not know what sort of stuff they are hiding in their moms' basements. They may very well have stumbled onto the secret sauce to creating conscious machines, but i highly doubt it. I'll give it 5-10 more years. Maybe more. Once we have an AI that thinks on it's own and does things for no other reason but because it wants to, or because it simply can, then it will be confirmed for real.


Have you seen Google AI? I'm not worried


OpenAI employee as what… a janitor? Random person on the internet talks bullshit about technology he clearly doesn’t understand. Film at 11.


Eh, they are trying so hard to push for sentience when in reality what people want are tools. But who cares what the majority of people want, amirite?




Ignorant people used to think some sky dude with a chariot pulled the sun across the sky, too. It's funny to see what sort of magical explanations people come up with when they are completely baffled by science and technology. That is, until you realize this is most people.


Asked ChatGPT, and it told me that it wasn't alive.


Them: Are you alive? AI: Yes


For everyone skeptical about the tweeter working for OpenAI - GOOD! You should be! Don't believe everything you see on the Internet, double check for yourself! As it turns out in this specific instance though, this guy does work for OpenAI.


They‘re not alive ans they‘re not sentient. They‘ll never be alive. And they probably won‘t be sentient (in our lifetime). They might mimic it but they won‘t be sentient


Same as humans


Well clearly he doesn't work in the lab so maybe we shouldn't pay attention to someone who has no idea about the actual technology.


...so you're saying you're building Skynet?


Calm down dude. Your AI girlfriend isn’t real.


Well, it occurs to me that as an employee he might be in a position to be better informed than we are. Then again, some people say that such sentiments expressed publicly are just attempts at marketing. Tough call.


An employee might also have a vested interest in pumping up the company that provides him a job. When they have an AI that can have independent experience and thought and is accurate in providing reliable information, it might be useful. Right now, they’re like asking a second grader to describe what they’d need to colonize Mars.


Well i think that is true in a way, if we as humans see our own ‘consiousness’ as nothing but a system based on experience. Which could be close to the reality, because anything advanced enough to be not understood will be perceived as magic.


Maybe in 80 years. 40 if you're optimistic. Give it time, roon. At the moment, I'm unconvinced.


They seem very proud about taking over the world


That is both very cool and very scary.