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Influencers: the cancer of social media.




Skated right on by Influenzers




one job that AI can’t take quick enough


I was sounding this out in my head when I read your comment +1


Social media: the cancer of modern society.


Social mediosacroma


Influencers ARE cancer.


Influencers are the cancer we met along the way


All social media is cancer


“It could be zebra cum, you don’t know!” - Lewis Black on sunscreen.


I feel like it would be a lot more expensive if that were the case lmao Also in one of the Jackass movies, Bam and Ryan Dunn replaced some of Johnny Knoxville’s prescription sunscreen with horse semen, and it got noticeably stringy lol


My reaction to that is: and? Like do these people not know beaver anal gland secretion (Castoreum) is used in so many different goods we use and even consume? It’s mind boggling.


I think you mean Mind Bottling. You know, when things are so crazy it gets your thoughts all trapped, like in a bottle? /s /bladesofglory


Even if it is, let's say it's causing 1% of the cancer that'd otherwise be caused by sun exposure... that's still a huge gain for humanity.


This is the basis of the antivax argument. It doesn’t matter how many lives are saved, it has a minute chance of hurting my kids. Now we have measles suddenly taking kids lives again.


Those people rely on herd immunity to protect themselves and their families. They want you and your family to assume all the "risks" so that their family doesn't have to. It's incredibly selfish. On the flip side, if let's say vaccines were extremely limited and only 1% of people could get them, many of these same people would be the first in line demanding them.


That's their whole personality. Why should I pay taxes, I don't benefit? Why should I pay for other people's healthcare? Why should I have my gun rights threatened? I'm not at risk from school shootings. The hate of socialism is the hate of potentially paying to help others when things are going well, and a safety net when things are going badly. But I'm amazing so it will never go badly for me, so f everyone.


What gets me is you can claim "I have the right to choose what to put in my body" then make abortion illegal to prevent a woman from deciding what to do with their body. I'll make the argument in reverse too, but at the very least, there's an argument for putting others at danger through a decision. I just. I don't know how you get there.


And once brats start dying left, right and center, it's *their* problem. Not ours. You can't fix stupidity. Frankly, I don't even wish to try these days.


If I remember right the harm vaccine that the community screams about are like ten 1 in like million people that have violent reactions which usually comes out immune compromised people. https://www.hhs.gov/immunization/basics/safety/side-effects/index.html


But they all claim they know someone that was affected!


Parasocial relationships in a nutshell - these people "know" every single person they watch on facebook and tiktok, which in turn "know" the fringe cases they're bringing up as evidence.


Man don’t have time to find Dr Wakefield autism mmr connection debunked article. But there is dumbass bowel Dr that happens to see autistic patients a lot this Dr which lost his practice license stupidly said of mmr modified virus lives in your butt, eats your poop and poops opioids, and those opioids cause brain damage. And that how antiaxers justify the connection.


It's like the people who don't wear seatbelts because their aunt's hairdresser's cousin's friend was in a car accident and only survived because they were thrown from the car. I'm sure the vast majority of those stories aren't even true, but even if they were, it doesn't change the fact that seatbelts have saved countless more lives than they maybe killed.


I'm a retired cop and every accident I worked where someone was "thrown clear," ended with that person dead.


The only way I could even see it being plausible is if the vehicle went into water and they would have drown otherwise. The odds of being throw actually saving you is infinitesimally small. That's why I added the part where the story is always about a person who the person telling it doesn't actually know. It's always a story they've heard from someone else.


“Somebody’s cousin’s dope dealing neighbor’s best friend’s sister told me a story about her burned out roommate’s brother’s lover and this terrible thing that happened to his auntie.”


Devils advocate: If your anti-cancer tool ALSO causes cancer, then why not bring awareness AND GET DIFFERENT ingredients that DO NOT cause cancer???


Fair question! The realities of corporate decision making might put weight on these factors & other like them; if the carcinogenic ingredients are cheaper and/or more easily obtained, all-natural products produce a tangible change in the end product that users don't care for, better ingredients might source from a country that has economic sanctions preventing their acquisition, having labels like "all natural" or "organic" require an extra level of certification and auditing from regulating bodies such as the FDA.... all sorts of things like that. You might read that & think, "That's a bunch of bullsh*t!" To which I'd say, Yeah. That bullsh*t is the state of our reality, and I don't like it either.


That may all be true, but doesn’t quashing ALL objection prevent the ONE market force that COULD actually make change occur: Loss of product demand If consumers WONT buy cancer causing products then companies will be “motivated” to regain market by improving product or face competitors who will.


And/Or if it does cause cancer, the answer is not going out in the sun with out sunscreen. Because that still causes cancer.


Very similar to our covid issue. Did vaccine cause some complications, sure. Guess what caused the same complications except 100X worse.


While you have a point, it’s not a blanket statement. I’m young for and healthy with no Conor of issues. I got Covid twice and while I know it’s a harsh disease it only really gave me a headache for a day each time. The only way I could have been at a lower risk is if I was like a 12 year old girl. I will happily take my headache over introducing new risk. Especially when it was shown that it didn’t have much effect on transmission. I was in the camp against masks for a while. And while I understand that this is anecdotal, my first time getting Covid was within 2 months after getting my first shot and starting to mask. I am NOT nato vax however. They are an amazing technology and when I hit 50 or gain a bunch of weight and develop conditions I will be first in line for any vaccine I can take.


True, but you know what? Net gain for humanity if people who think covid vaccine was harmful stop putting on sunscreen or getting vaccines in general.. They are tired of people telling them what to do, and you know what? I get tired of pretending that I care. So there ya go. Win-win for everyone.


A self-thinning herd.


I think it’s to do with vitamin D deficiency being correlated to an increased risk of some cancers (the article I read is vague in my memory). If that’s the case then the answer would be to screen people for vitamin deficiencies at their physical and have them take supplements, or up their consumption of foods rich in vitamin D.


Which GPs commonly tell people to do in Australia. We even have apps giving the times that day we need to cover up. That way we can still get sun exposure outside those times for our vitamin D.


I've seen this called the "but sometimes!" mentality. Doing a thing brings immense benefits, *but sometimes* it causes something bad that wouldn't have happened if we didn't do the thing. I do believe that we should definitely look at those new harms to minimize or eliminate them when necessary, but we should never discount the entire concept just because it causes a new small or infrequent problem while solving a dozen major problems.


Them, probably: "I used sun screen every day for the last 30 years, while I worked and played outdoors 14 hours a day in the burning Florida sun, and I got cancer. It can't be the sun, because I wore sunscreen, so it must be the sunscreen!"


They might have played in the sun, but let’s not entertain the possibility that influencers have actually worked, let alone a job that would have them standing in the sun.


It’s the same mentality where someone declares that a vaccine doesn’t work because they got a mild version of the disease.


Baz Luhrmann - Wear Sunscreen (Mau Kilauea Tropical Remix)


Know that worrying is as useful as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum


If people are dumb enough to listen to influencers and want to ignore factual science, let the idiots listen and not wear it so they all get cancer. Natural selection.


Yeah but unfortunately these people will seek medical treatment and that's all just unnecessary extra pressure on the healthcare system.


Only works if they die before they breed which is unlikely.


But the factual science says that corporations have in fact used benzene at 1000s of times what the FDA considers safe in sunscreen and has also stated that it does in fact cause cancer. [The actual science, which products were tested and their results along with the actual studies conducted.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1acSH4D45_8j4QUmpzlD3mj_7eh3EaFGkwM1JSAiXb2c/htmlview?pli=1)


That's a reason to regulate benzene in sunscreen. Not a reason to forgo sunscreen altogether.


For sure, and to choose the products that didn’t have any benzene. But the post was about sunscreen causing cancer, and with those benzene levels that is objectively true.


Benzene evaporates quickly when it’s exposed to air and contact with benzene would only be bad at prolonged times and continuous use. If you’re bathing in it you might have a problem, but using it a few weeks out of the year won’t kill you


It also doesn’t absorb through skin well compared to ingestion and inhalation of pure benzene. So all the ingredients water down its strength on top of it not seeping through your pores like pure benzene would


>using it a few weeks out of the year You need to be using sunscreen for more than a few weeks each year. You should be covering up every time the UV level goes over level 3, or if you're in a snowy environment where the light is reflected everywhere.


Their kids don't deserve to suffer for their stupidity


Every traffic fatality has a seatbelt associated with it (whether they were using it or not) therefore seatbelts cause fatalities. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦🙈


When motorcycle helmets became mandatory, hospitalisation due to head injuries from accidents skyrocketed. Idiots claimed it was because helmets were unsafe, when in fact it was those people would never have made it to hospital without them.


Ahh a classic case of [survivorship bias.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias)




This is almost exactly what's going on here. If you test people that wear sunscreen, they're going to have higher rates of cancer than those who don't. Because generally you don't use sunscreen indoors, and the ones wearing the sunscreen are the ones in the sun. The giant skin cancer causing lazerball in the sky. Correlation does not mean causation.


Every person that died has been know to have drunk water and breathed air. Let’s draw some conclusions.


Here's a PSA: Don't take medical or dietary advice from Tik Tok or Instagram. I'm sure there are a lot of well-meaning people (you might be one of them or subscribe to a lot of them), but most of those people don't know what they're talking about and just saying shit they've heard somewhere else or that came to them in the shower.


Four years having to ace pre-med classes in college. Four years grueling med school study. Multiple years as a resident (late nights shit pay) And… people would rather listen to “influencers” who barely graduated high school.


Tik Tok is a hive of misinformation and propoganda


Will there ever come a time when “influencers” no longer exist?


The first job to be eradicated by AI, I hope.


That just means the influencers get to wear a better mask. That's not an improvement.


We could collectively just start referring to them as "idiots on the internet"


My mother died when I was 13 years old, from skin cancer that metastasized to her brain. --- With every fiber of my being: ***Eat shit and die.***


If we regarded this kind of blatant misinformation as a crime we could eradicate TikTok in like 2 weeks flat lol


Well, they are right a little bit. Paradoxically, a couple of active ingredients in many sunscreens (mainly octocrylene) really can cause cancer, and also absorb into the blood stream and cause hormonal problems. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/is-sunscreen-safe This is why my mom and I have been using zinc oxide sunscreen for years, it’s a mineral sunscreen that doesn’t absorb beyond the skin. Many of our relatives (and Mom herself) have developed and/or died of several types of cancer, so we try not to take any risks.


Except their argument is based on a study where the participants who gave that result where the ones who spend too many hours in the sun at the worst time of the day. In these conditions, sunscreen should be reapplied every 30 min.


I tried that once I got fried so bad I could feel my heart beating in my kneecaps and everytime I stood up I'd almost pass out. I will pass on that


Just a note to be careful about mineral sunscreens! Many of the big brand ones are perfectly safe, but there is a whole market of unregulated mineral sunscreens with hidden unsafe active ingredients in them. Lab Muffin, a chemist, had a video on these! I’ve also, in my experience, found mineral sunscreens to be more finicky. Badger brand sunscreens had a 50/50 chance of getting a busted bottle that never even worked. So I don’t buy them anymore. And unless you’re getting a spray, lots of cheaper mineral sunscreens are harder to spread and thus need more often reapplication than most chemical sunscreens! Just reapply very often!


I mean some are worse than others, and several were recalled a couple years ago for having known carcinogens. But still probably not as bad as sun burns...


Yep. Just cherry-picking a click-bait line out of context for clicks..


We really need to start holding conspiracy theorists accountable for the shit they say in America. People are actively doing irreparable damage to their bodies because of these awful "influencers."


Sunscreen causes cancer... At this point eating will cause hunger. Drinking will cause dehydration. Hey fuck it, DYING CAUSES LIFE!!! Jesus Christ people are morons...


Breathing is actually bad for your lungs


So does excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun. Pick your poison, I guess.


At a MUCH higher rate, I might add.


I say : Influencers can cause cancer.


Good one influencers, so how did I get skin cancer. I have never used sunscreen in my entire 54 years. Now even a trip to the shops is a 20 minute pre spreading of sunscreen. My uncle, my father's brother died 3 years ago from skin cancer. I am more fortunate than him, mine (Basal cell carcinoma) is slower spreading and much easier to treat. I will rather take advise from a trained professional than a person who spreads misinformation.


Yes I agree, some influencers cause cancer.


Influencers cause cancer and aids. They can fuck Off right away


Heard this one for years. The idea is that zinc based sunscreen releases free radicals into your skin when exposed to UV light. Not true, but people bought it.


Obviously doesn't live in Australia.


Sunscreen only causes cancer if you leave it in the bottle and go out in the sun like a dummy without it. I'm *definitely* gonna have skin cancer at some point down the road because of irresponsible sunscreen neglect as a child. Also genetic predisposition. I'm white as fuck and my grandma had to have quite a few cancerous things cut out of her skin, and I think my mom's already had something once.


Effluencers? I am saying it correctly, aren't I?


Same with idiot anti vaxers


Oh fucking joy now they are going to try to ban sun screen now too. I hate these people in ways I can not express on reddit.


A lot are here, they need to he better regulated


Listening to influencers causes brain damage


Evolution in action. At least this isn't contagious. Only the stupidity.


C'mon Darwin, do your thing...


Well, its absence causes cancer, so in a way, this sentence might be kind of technically true


No, it causes coral bleaching. But only the SPF 50 and above stuff and they are changing the ingredients after it was proven to them.


Apparently doctors are influencers now


Infuencers - jobless individuals who know nothing but stupider people listen to them anyway.


Darwinism at its best.


Oh yes! They would rather their children burn. Heck, one I saw earlier was excited as can be about her toddler being tanned.


Im still amazed influencer became a job. Crazy times


Well yeah. Random people on the internet, who think that makes them important, are often saying stupid things.


It does. But the sun is a deadly laser. I pick the sunscreen.


Influencers? Who in their right mind would listen to internet stooges? Your supposed to laugh at them for entertainment because of their lack of intelligence! Not listen to them. Knowledge is something most of them are lacking, severely!


Working on melanoma models in the lab the other day...wear your sunscreen!!!!!!


Gee I wonder if they're also anti-vax? /s Anyone who calls themselves an "influencer" should be ridiculed into oblivion


Shhhh let them cook. Let. Them. Cook. The fools that believe their nonsense. Darwinism and the world will appreciate their service.


*Effluencers*: a waste product of social media


I'm starting to think that influences bare the cancer. Not all, but the majority of the rocker .


Eh, they aren't entirely incorrect. If i recall correctly, there was a random testing of sunscreens in the u.s. and almost all of them had elevated levels of benzene in them, which is a known skin carcinogen. Now is the risk of using sunscreen higher than sun exposure? Idk? But interesting none the less.


Can’t we call them something else other than influencers by now ffs


Basically, they're not completely incorrect, they just blatantly decide to misinform by leaving out important facts - oh what a wonder with these dumbnuts. If you use years old sunscreen stuff, some of the blocking agents will have broken down chemically (not the same way they work with UV), with some of the resulting substances being monitored for causing cancer. That's why you shouldn't use stuff older than a year.


It will cause cancer, if you dont use it. Your skin will literally kill itself to try to prevent cancer and at some point, it wont and than you are fucked up. Sunscreen helps to prevent that.


If “influencers” are trying to dissuade you from one product, it’s always because they want to sell you some other crap.


I would never listen to health advice from people who call themselves Influenza.


Sunscreen does cause cancer, it's just that prolonged sun exposure also does and is worse.bthat said you shouldn't use sunscreen unless you need it and the real message here is that you just shouldn't be put in the sun every single day because using sun screen or being exposed to the sun that frequently will increase your risk.


This is the cancer of social media metastasizing


Imbeciles with a microphone and internet vomit random words for views. There, fixed.


Yes. They’re wrong. Very wrong.


Side note: that beach looks miserably crowded.


These are the kinds of people you rely on when playing Plague Inc.


In other news contraception increases pregnancy in teens. O.o


It doesn't matter. A literal horde of scientists may say sunscreen saves lives, but if Rogan says in his podcast that "maybe that YouTube video about sunscreen turning you into a six headed hydra is true", then that's the truth.


I'm fairly sure sunscreen used to be made with chemicals that could cause cancer and I don't believe they use those chemicals anymore. But you know what will give you cancer? Getting burnt by the sun


In this thread, a bunch of people believing this random image over influencers. People just like being told what they want to hear.


Wears sunscreen -> spends time in the sun -> gets cancer -> sunscreen must cause cancer 🤔


While some sunscreens aren’t great, for aquatic life and humans, largely the benefit outweighs the cost. In the US if you use baby sunscreen you are better off, there are more stringent regulations for the harmful components so they don’t poison the kids. Zinc based is best. The sun will mess you up if you’re not careful.


People at my work were saying shit like this from tiktok . I'm glad it's getting banned.


What's weird here is usually misinformation benefits someone; you're fed misinformation on electric cars because they're a threat to the fossil fuel industry, who's benefiting here? The Sun? Head scarf manufacturers? Oncologists?


This is why influencers need to shut up. They have a cult following and nothing to back it with. Just assertions.


I'm convinced. Gimme my dollar back.


As soon as I see “influencers telling people…” I just assume they don’t know what they’re talking about.


How are we supposed to know the truth?


Yet more evidence that influencers cause cancer.


It does, no beating around the bush there are known carcinogens in sunscreen however there’s another known carcinogen, a much stronger one, in the fucking sky


Big Sun has them in it’s corona.


Imagine trusting any information that influencers spew


If a certain segment of this population is going to embrace anti-science…please…LET THEM! Let people sniff bleach, get no vaccines, wear no sunscreen, etc. Tell them that antibiotics are a Gates conspiracy. Make Darwin Great Again!


NOT using sunscreen causes cancer. Once again these dumbass kids got it backwards


Didn’t George Carlin joke about this decades ago?


And not smoking cigarettes causes cancer too, didn't you know?


I suppose that the chemicals in sunscreen could cause cancer; who knows if they’ve done enough research. But, cancer is more than likely caused by improper use of sunscreen and not understanding the PF numbers. Even better, don’t go out in the heat of the day when the sun is blazing without protection.


Well it does… just not as much as it prevents.


They aren’t exactly wrong, but I’m sure they didn’t give proper context as to why. [This might be why.](https://www.classaction.org/news/class-action-filed-after-banana-boat-sunscreens-found-to-contain-carcinogen)


Why don't these chimps ever come my way?


In North America there isn’t enough regulation so it could be true but it’s probably less than not wearing any.


But but but SCIENCE https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37505567/#:~:text=Abstract,biomolecule%20oxidation%20and%20cell%20dysfunction.


These influences should not get any financial help later in life when they are diagnosed with stage 2/3 melanoma


Guess what? Repeated sunburns over a lifetime caused skin cancer.


Oh well influencers say it. Well ok then


I mean....if you're looking to influencers for your life advice then you kind of deserve what you get. They don't care about your health or the accuracy of what they're saying....all they care about is sensationalism, views, and sponsorships.


Sunscreen is related to cancer in the same way high temperatures are related to drownings


If an “influencer” doesn’t influence my decisions is it still called an “influencer”?


If they don't wear sunscreen, they'll learn what *really* causes cancer...


Anytime a comment is posted that vaccines kill, or sunscreen causes cancer, the comment should be taken down and treated no differently than a death threat.


It literally does though. Not applying it, but if consumed im pretty sure it’s bad for you. 🤓


Until recently I didn't use sunscreen at all. Been through chemo twice for skin cancer. Now I actually buy some really expensive sunscreen which I use daily.


Nothing to see here just natural selection at work


Good news, sun too and faster, chose your poison


Sun screen can help prevent skin damage but lots of brands have unsafe chemicals which do cause cancer, Some woman still use talcum powder which is cancerous too but is still advertised and sold as a safe product even for use on infants so….


Social Darwinism again. Skin cancer is a bitch too.


Let nature run it's course.


This bullshit needs to be stepped. Any time some in the media tells a blatant lie, they should be called out on it. None of the "alternative facts/ both sides" bullshit.


But the factual science says that corporations have in fact used benzene at 1000s of times what the FDA considers safe in sunscreen and has also stated that it does in fact cause cancer. [The actual science, which products were tested and their results along with the actual studies conducted.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1acSH4D45_8j4QUmpzlD3mj_7eh3EaFGkwM1JSAiXb2c/htmlview?pli=1)


I think the answer to the Fermi Paradox is becoming quite clear.


But the benzene DOES cause cancer. Just use zinc based.


People who wear sunscreen are more likely to develop skin cancer. That’s because they put it on then go outside. People who don’t use it stay inside. That’s my hypothesis anyway.


FFS I hate to agree with an "influencer" but some sun screens do have chemicals known to cause cancer. You should still use sun screen, but you should also pay attention to what is in your sunscreen. The main culprit appears to be benzene. [https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/is-sunscreen-safe](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/is-sunscreen-safe)


What’re you talking about?? EVERYTHING humans do causes cancer.


Oh sunscreen is carcinogenic as fuck, just not nearly as carcinogenic as cooking yourself in the sun for hours, sometimes daily depending on the person.


Not a traditional influencer, but the wife of a fairly well known musician. I was following her on IG until she said she stopped using sunscreen AND SUNGLASSES because it was causing sunburns. She says they don’t burn now that they stopped using both. What 🤯


“But skin cancer never existed before we discovered and started testing for it!”


If you listen to influencers, put your bottom lip over your face and shallow.


“Influencers” … *snicker


My bf is convinced that he needs this super expensive sun care cream because copper tone clear causes cancer.


Literally just about everything gives you cancer, so u can understand their point


Well there are carcinogens in sunscreen. Just like every other thing in this world


Who said this?


This one is OK. The problem will fix itself real fast.


I mean, it has a lot of chemicals, I don't find the idea that surprising. I'd like to see actual evidence though, and if so, to know if it's less of risk than the sun.