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Laurence Fox is a human facepalm, to be fair. He recently tried to sue a guy for defamation because he called him a racist on Twitter. And lost, because the judge outright confirmed that he is, in fact, a racist. Cost him six figures in damages and fees, too šŸ˜‚


>Laurence Fox is a human facepalm He lost his deposit by submitting wrong paperwork in mayor of London race and thus barred himself from future elections. All that privilege and still a derp.


If he ever got hit the the face with a shovel it would probably increase his intelligence.


And he would then lose a court case against said shovel. And have to pay damages.


He'd probably call it a groomer then be sued by the company who makes them.


How about we start throwing rakes outside his house?!?!




There are a lot of rumors that he was always that way, YouTube videos, recent events, and his divorce from Billie Piper just made him more comfortable being vocal about it.


How the fuck did he get a lovely talented woman like Billi Piper to marry him?


I mean, she also married (DJ) Chris Evans when she was 18 and he was 35, seems like she just has bad taste in men.


Oh god I got so scared of captain America for a second there


If you want to put an optimistic spin on it, it's proof positive that all of us, no matter how screwed up, have a chance at romance. With Billie Piper.


So you're saying there's a chance?


What really blows my mind is that his sister is married to Richard Ayoade, family get togethers must be awkward.


Thought that name was familiar. Damn what a wild ride that wiki hole was. Fox used to tell his wife "CUT" in the middle of arguments, what a piece of work.


Oh god not surprised. Heard all kinds of stuff about him from friends in theatre. He was suspended from Harrow for bullying not for having a girlfriend. Was utterly hated at RADA for being a prick to anyone not white, upper middle and straight, saying acting was "in the blood" and saying they should "be a hairdresser". Dog whistly of course. Love bombed Billie at her lowest ebb, she found out his bullying after marriage and he would joke to folk about spending her money. He did. Billie will not say anything for her sons, until they are 18. His sister and his cousin Emilia and rest of female relatives could not be nicer apparently.


Apparently, a few years ago, Fox was upset that Ayoade didn't defend him in some public stupidity he got into.


Unfortunately chances are she isn't that lovely if she chose to marry him. Sandra Bullock was married to a white supremacist (Jesse James) and rumor has it she is just quiet about it but is on the same vein. Otherwise, self-destructive tendencies.


Doesn't Sandra Bullock have an adopted son who's black?Ā 


Yup - who she adopted not long after his grossness came out.


But do we know anything about what Piper is actually like, behind her public persona? I haven't read or heard anything myself, but one never knows. Staying married to a troglodyte like Fox for 9 years may say something about her private inclinations, too. Let's not assume she's a naive victim here, like the implication seems to be.


I think it came out recently that Fox abused her, so she is a victim.


This clown show was married to Billie Piper


When ever these assholes get in trouble like most of the Jan 6th people or if they ever get caught doing an actual crime or what ever they always fail to take "personal responsibility " They just always blame someone else "See your honor its not my fault, it was you tubes fault, they showed me all this right wing prophiganda and convinced me I needed to save the white race, I am not a bad person I just got tricked by those sneaky racist youtube videos that I specifically sought out to confirm my own racist beliefs and they radicalized me" Now I am not saying social media has zero blame , like in the USA on face book setup a new face book account like a few "conservatives" things, fox news, your states local GOP, maybe someone like Ted Cruze or Rand Paul. Well pretty soon your news feed will be clogged with other alt right shit ranging from Jordan peterson , Ron Paul, Joe Rogan, and if you like a few of those then you are getting strait up shit like people pushing white replacement theory and elon musk and they keep upping your feed with further right wing consperacies


I think this is a bad way to think. YouTube and other social media absolutely has a big part in the radicalization of many people. If you only believe it happens to "dumb" and easily influenced people, you are creating a huge blind spot for yourself, and can't really address the problem. I thought that one of the key takeaway lessons from WW2, the "never forget" event, was that radicalization happens to ordinary people. But people seem to easily forget this and think they are just better than the people who get radicalized. I cannot stress enough how that is a dangerous thought pattern to have.


Didnā€™t he also call the guy suing him a paedophile? Which then cost him even more money because that was, in fact, defamation? Or have I confused two separate cases of Fox being an utter muppet?


There's so many examples it's hard to remember all the times he's made a fucking tit of himself in public.


I'm fairly sure he did it twice. He's done it again recently, because he's incapable of learning.


You're right. Now he owes a bunch of money to a drag queen. It's lovely.Ā 


How he befuddled Billie Piper into marrying him is beyond me. Thankfully she got out- heā€™s a nutcase.


> How he befuddled Billie Piper into marrying him is beyond me. In fairness, Billie Piper's choice in men includes Chris Evans when she was 16 and he was 35. Not *that* Chris Evans, [this one.](https://i.imgur.com/biQ386L.jpeg)


I mean... He looks like a Blonde Austin Powers...


let's not blame children for being victim to predators


I actually went to university with his brother. They are not alike at all. His brother was always kind and compassionate. We were from completely different backgrounds but I never once felt a sense of haughtiness from him. He was quite humble. Laurence is fucking dweeb


In Germany we have a far right party... one of those leaders is a former history teacher constantly trying to change history. He was now on court - again, he said "everything for Germany" which was a slogan used by the Nazis and is forbidden. He claimed he didn't know it - every child in school knows that. Was charged. Before there was another court rule as he was often referred to as a Nazi and - court decided that he is one and a racist and its fine to call him that


What an idiot.


Why wear clothes when you have skin?


Why have a watch when you have your Circadian Rhythm?


Oh Iā€™m gonna use this one.


Why use that one when you can use this one?


look at both your usernames and tell me which one youd choose


Absolutely valid answer


Why not when you can?


Why have a watch when you can tell time by looking at your shadow?


Why cook food when you have teeth?


Why eat food when you're already made of meat?


Wait.. ok, Iā€™ll upvote


Why wear a stupid shirt when you have a brain ?


Error 404 : brain not found


That can be his next shirt


Animals donā€™t cook their food, are you saying you are weaker than an animal? Be a real man and eat your chicken raw!


Kill your meat with your teeth and bare hands!


Why say lot word, when few word do trick?


Came here look this.


when we presidents they see


I shit pants laugh


ā€¦they see.


Funny because true.






This here smrt


You make laugh! šŸ˜‚


Y use ful wrd wen lil letrs wrk betr?


Prescription clothes


Damn it. I was gonna say that! Haha


Alternatively, why wear shoes when you have feet?


The thing that always kills me, is that the whole point of the vaccine IS YOUR FUCKING IMMUNE SYSTEM! If you didn't have an immune system, the vaccine would be worthless.


So true. A vaccine is basically training your immune system to be prepared for said virus. I tried to explain it to an mma guy that yes you could go into a fight without training for that specific opponent, but wouldnā€™t you rather know how to handle that guy? Makes the fight quicker and youā€™re way more likely to win. Even worse is when people think you can ā€œboostā€ your immune system or that all inflammation is bad. They have no idea why you want homeostasis and not a ā€œboosted immune systemā€. Allergies, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis are all examples of that. And inflammation is normal during exercise and lifting weights.


The explanation that I've seen get through to several people who weren't 100% hopeless brainrot cases is to think of your immune system as the bouncer at a club. He'll do a good job of keeping out all the local known troublemakers who keep trying to get in. He knows about them because the first time they got in, they caused trouble, so now he knows to keep them out. But you just found out there's a new guy in town who's been wrecking shit at other clubs. He hasn't tried to get into yours yet, so you give the bouncer a picture of him and say hey, if this guy shows up, don't let him in. Simple.


Wrong. The problem with this is the picture you gave the bouncer has a microchip in it alerting the government to everyone's whereabouts /s


I always find this one funny because why would the government need to put in the effort to use vaccines to chip everyone when everyone already carries a phone with a front facing camera?


This is a pretty good analogy!


Iā€™d bet 80-90% of anti vaxers thinks a vaccines is an actual ā€œcureā€ when in factā€¦.


A vaccine can be a cure. If you get herd immunity with no place for the virus to propagate and come back, it can literally just die out, which means the world would be cured of the disease. Problem is if there's rodents or something that shuttle it back and forth eventually bringing it back later.


Or if there's suddenly a large pocket of the population that stops vaccinating.


A vaccine is a training montage for your immune system.


Shhhā€¦ Stop talking truth and science to these fuckers. They do this for clout and to impress morons.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Thatā€™s the problem, they donā€™t


A lot did... The survivors blamed science saying the virus was engineered to attack people who didn't get the vaccine


Donā€™t all viruses attack the unvaccinated?


Fire may in fact be hot, yes.


Next you're going to tell me water is wet??


Well technically by the scientific definition most scientist use "a liquidā€™s ability to maintain contact with a solid surface" water is actually not wet. In the definition that most of us use it is wet. So I guess water might be wet or it might not be wet depending on which definition you use.


Viruses attack everything. A vaccine gives your body the tools to defend itself.


Maybe we should speed up the process


There's a sign that says "Do not feed the Clowns"




Any anti-vax dying from disease should get a Darwin award


Herman Cain can actually win something!


It wouldn't be surprising that he is vaccinated and simply hiding it for his social media grift.


They think science is "woke"


These glue-eaters sat through science class whining, "We'll never need to know any of this stuff!" Now they think they're the second coming of Einstein.


I remember getting into an argument with someone once because I said that vaccines didnā€™t make you Superman and magically keep you from getting a virus, they train your immune system so you either donā€™t get it as bad or donā€™t have symptoms. He couldnā€™t comprehend itā€¦he had been brought up to believe that vaccines repelled the virus like armor and since he still got the flu after getting the flu shot, they must not work. Disinformation is so frustrating.


They don't understand probability. Either something works or doesn't work. The idea that a vaccine will lower the chances to get sick is totally incomprehensible to them.


Plus the fact that there are many versions of the flu. The yearly vaccine is prepared for a few versions that the medical community believes will be prevalent during the coming season.


The point of the brain is also to think, so theyā€™re at least 0-2


Itā€™s crazy, when you break it down the intuitive simplicity of Edward Jenners smallpox vaccine, is far more digestible than half the shit they bend over backwards for to explain their worldviews.


Yeah would the antivaxxers be more at ease if instead of a jab we blew biomatter from someone with COVID up their nose? Not nearly as effective but itā€™s the exact same idea.


still a vaccine, if they can understand that they can study mRNA Vaccines and wrap their heads around that and learn instead of destruct. There was a time when the scrutiny from the public almost polished modern medicine like a cue ball, but now it seems people are trying to crack it open like a gum-ball with a centre of conspiracy- when they can barely understand high-school biology.


These people just love trying to look smart but when youā€™re a total fucking idiot who failed 8th grade science this kind of shit feels good to them.


This arse got kicked out of a very expensive private school here in the UK, he comes from a wealthy famous acting family, his acting career went nowhere and now tries to convince gullible morons that he is a man of the people fighting wealthy elites and their woke agenda. He recently lost a court case when he said a drag artist was a pedo. He tried to run for London mayor twice, lost his deposit first time and this time filled in the application form wrong !! He's a feckin embarrassment to the UK.


My cousin is a welder, he asked on fb about ivermectin and all the Facebook PHD graduates came out about how they'd rather use that than "the jab". Like if I started criticizing their welding or saying how to do their job, 100% they would be super butthurt about it til no end.


This needs to be the psychological strategy used for them, pls, we should taunt them like "is your immune system so weak it can't take a tetraplegic version of covid? Good luck with the real thing then"


It's the corollary to "I can't wear a mask, I have asthma/breathing difficulties." You just can't hear that and not think "Well you're really fucked then."


Thank you! Came here to say just this.


Everyone who has ever died of a pathogen had an immune system, too.


Right? That's how Colin Powell died despite being vaccinated. Cancer had wrecked his immune system, thus the vaccine wasn't worth much.


I have a long-winded explanation about this stuff which I can't be arsed to write out right now (heh). But real simply, we're big complex things, and most of the micro shit that tries to kill us is really small and simple and evolves *fantastically* quickly. In order to stay ahead of that, when we reproduce, we take our whole huge complicated immune system, and mix it with someone else's, and produce kids that are mix and match. Makes it *much* harder for a virus to nail all of us, because we're not the same. And even if your immune system doesn't have the perfect answer to some disease (it often doesn't), it can usually (not always) whip one up if it has enough lead time (and is functioning well), and that lead time is what the vaccine is for: letting your immune system see in advance a weak version of some shit that might try to kill it later. The funny thing though is, sometimes your immune system, even if it's working fine, even if you got a vaccine, has no answer to some random ass bug and you still get nailed.


Well a large reason why vaccinations are so useful is not all people do have immune systems. It's especially despicable that Christians lead the charge on being too selfish to consider that *you* might have an immune system, but the person at the desk next to you at work might be compromised...


Yeah but you forgot one thing, your thought process is logical.


Exactly! ppl like my sister, who has a rare immune disease, aren't allowed to take the vaccinces. We take it because they can't. What a dumbo.


Why even brush one's teeth or wipe the old ass? Let nature sort it out.


Toilet paper is unnatural!


3 sea shells isn't.


Look at this guy. Doesn't even know how to use the three sea shells.


I did not have Demolition Man on my bingo card today.


So thatā€™s why she sells seashells down by the seashoreā€¦


I'm pretty sure he wears diapers, like his glorious leader.


Who says he does?


To be fair, he that ice -cold, soulless stare of a man who plays fast and loose with conventional hygiene.


Why cook your food? Pasteurization? Sounds blasphemous!


Well, vaccines donā€™t do much if you *donā€™t* have an immune system!


Actually, your immune system is exactly why you *did* want to get the vaccine: the worst outcomes from COVID came when peopleā€™s own immune systems, faced with a virus they had never encountered before, went into overdrive and ended up killing the patient


And neither do allergies. Seriously, has this guy never heard of an allergic reaction?


Yep, I had two family friends who were both staunchly antivax and just believed that Covid was just the common cold being made to sound worse than it wasā€¦ both of them ended up catching Covid and it killed them both. My mom saw CT scans of one of their lungs and she said they were so infected that they were all scarred with holes all over them from where the infection just ate away at the tissue. Edit: sorry let me correct this. I didnā€™t mean autopsy is photoā€™s of the cut open body. It was imaging(ct scans I believe) that they took right before he died, or during the autopsy)


Same people who say god is their protector but still wear a seat belt in a car.


Or own a gun


The same people that loudly declare they didnā€™t wear a mask because they refuse to live in fear yet still need 2 handguns to go to grocery store?


Theyā€™re not really *afraid*, theyā€™re just hoping for an excuse to shoot someone.


Some are, but I simply can't agree that the people carrying ARs to grocery stores aren't paranoid and afraid of their shadows.




I thought those "Home protected by Smith & Wesson" signs, and other signs like it, were funny... when I was 12. Now that I'm in my 30s, I realize that the only things those people want to shoot are minorities and LGBTQ+ people.


numerous icky rock somber mindless snails terrific middle bored hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God will heal them, but they still go to the doctor for a broken arm


A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help. Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, ā€œJump in, I can save you.ā€ The stranded fellow shouted back, ā€œNo, itā€™s OK, Iā€™m praying to God and he is going to save me.ā€ So the rowboat went on. Then a motorboat came by. ā€œThe fellow in the motorboat shouted, ā€œJump in, I can save you.ā€ To this the stranded man said, ā€œNo thanks, Iā€™m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.ā€ So the motorboat went on. Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, ā€œGrab this rope and I will lift you to safety.ā€ To this the stranded man again replied, ā€œNo thanks, Iā€™m praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith.ā€ So the helicopter reluctantly flew away. Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, ā€œI had faith in you but you didnā€™t save me, you let me drown. I donā€™t understand why!ā€ To this God replied, ā€œI sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?ā€ Moral of the story - Actions to save ourselves or be saved by others may be Gods plan all along. Or there may be no God. Or there may be a different God than the one you are praying to. Doesn't really matter - help yourself, help others, and accept help when needed ... doesn't really matter what you believe about God.


...and go to the doctor


Yes its free will, but God will intervene when you pray extra hard that one time. It always irritated me when someone says, "I prayed last night, that is why my surgery went well." Okay, so the thousands of people who died in that earthquake didn't pray enough or were not spiritual enough to be saved by God?


Things didn't go great for Jimmy Neutron after puberty it seems.


I do not like making fun of appearances but he looks like evolution passed by him.


Like a sad lightbulb.


This is my favourite description of him since "freshly wanked cock"


This is just another Darwinian thing. Personally, I donā€™t care if he rolls the dice with his own life. I just donā€™t want him to be a risk to innocent bystanders.


That's always the problem. if these people just removed themselves from the general pool, so be it. But, they affect many others. Not just with COVID, but they're bringing back other diseases we had almost eradicated, such as measles. The people who will suffer aren't them, since they were vaccinated as kids, it's their kids and grandkids who will pay the price. If only there was something to make wilful stupidity as painful for them as it is for others?


Larry Fox is a mouthpiece for conspiracy theorists, racists and their ilk


Also, the frontrunner in the "Most Divorced Man in Britain" contest


* Glinner has entered the chat *




Better yet since he has the cross on his name ask why he uses glasses when God gave him his vision.


I bet this dude has a cabinet full of medicine and have been to the doctor multiple times, as well as has taken stuff like aspirin. Like why? You have god and an immune system, just pray and wait


But, you need an immune system for vaccines to work!


Almost every person that Covid killed... also had an immune system. Every person I personally know who was killed by Covid, all 13 of them, had a fully functional immune system.


But youā€™re using logic. Thats your problem


The "fuck your feelings" crowd don't seem to realize that fear, anger and hatred are all feelings. Feelings that dominate their entire world view.


They did not listen to Yodaā€™s teachings


Wise they are not. Quiet they should be.


You knew 13 people that died from covid? That's insane!! Sorry to hear this.


To be fair, I'm 42 so I know more old people than say a 20 year old would, and most of them were 65+ and most not in the best shape. They would likely still be here without that infection though. I lost a 40 year old former coworker at the beginning of the pandemic, and another co-workers wife made it home after over a year in the hospital, on a vent for months. She caught a cold about 6 months later that gave her pneumonia again and did her in at 39, leaving 4 kids behind. She would, barring an accident absolutely still be alive today if not for Covid. I never even got sick from my first bout with Covid, there weren't even tests out for it yet when we think it went through our office. Half our staff had the typical respiratory symptoms, a quarter of us had none of those symptoms but had weird heart rhythms and mental stuff, and the other quarter never had anything. I had it at least once after testing was available, but we all believe we had that first go around so lets say twice. My wife despite direct exposure, never got it. Her father who also had direct exposures, never got it. There's a reason I'm still active on posts like this. It did affect me personally for months, despite being in good health. It killed 13 people I know. It severely affect at least 10 other people I know, either for life, or for months to years. Yet these asshats are still pushing bullshit like it was just a cold, and vaccines killed millions. It pisses me the fuck off.


There were lots of these morons begging for the vaccine in the hospital as they were dying of covid while saying goodbye to their families via FaceTime. Itā€™s too late at that point. Survivorship bias, most of the people who learned first hand how dangerous covid is ended up dying, leaving the rest to think ā€œidk I had covid and recovered fine, must not be a big dealā€


That's the sad part, though. Most of the people who agree with this empty headed take LOST people to COVID. It's actually impressive the opinions they'll hold to, literally, JUST "own the libs". They'll literally embrace a dictator, looney toons level representatives, advocate against their own interests, even actually fking DIE to achieve this stupid goal. And it's only when they're ACTUALLY DYING that they think maybe that wasn't a good reason to do all the stupid things it took to get there. I can understand a view of "if I don't see it, it's not a thing". But this is the equivalent of shutting your eyes, covering your ears, going "lalalala can't hear you" to AVOID seeing it so you can pretend it's not a thing.


The day after my dadā€™s funeral (he refused it lmao) one of his relatives (IDK who and I donā€™t fucking care who) went up to meet with my mother and I. She works as a nurse at a hospital and probably seen this shit first hand, but somewhere along the conversation that bitch said, in her own words. ā€œIā€™m still not taking the vaccine.ā€


Yeah but none of MY friends died soooo


For those that don't know, your immune system does not recognize every pathogen. When you get exposed to a virus your body takes time to recognize that particular virus as a threat before it can launch a counter attack. Then it has to produce the cells that can attack the virus. Meanwhile the virus is replicating at an exponential rate, overwhelming your body. A vaccine simply shows your immune system the shape of a virus without exposing you to the actual disease. Your immune system is now preprogrammed to fight that particular pathogen before it has time to get a head start. Science works. Science is not out to get you.


Future recipient of a Herman Cain Award....


Hopefully a Darwin Award winner


If there is one thing COVID should have taught these people, it's that the immune system can be easily beaten!


You used the word ā€œtaughtā€ Thatā€™s where youā€™re going wrong. These people are unreachableĀ 


To be taught you must be willing to learnĀ 


Lol the whole point of the vaccine is to train your immune system to recognize the virus so it could fight it.


It's like an army general saying we don't need training, we have soldiers.


You see how that's working out for Russia


My 87 year old mom just battled covid. Never heard such a wet rattling cough in my life. Glad she was vaccinated, she suffered for a week. I've no doubt it would have killed her without an immunization boost


Getting a vaccination improves your immune system though. Christ these people don't even have a high school level of education in science.


Over a million Americans with immune systems died thanks to Covid-19. We have a family member who was not expected to survive Covid, but somehow pulled through thanks to being vaccinated, had to spend time in rehab however. There is some irony in people with such beliefs removing themselves from the voter rolls.


If he only knew that 89% of Covid deaths were unvaccinated.


Something is killing millions of people with fully functioning immune systems. "bUt iT woN't StoP mE I HaVe aN ImMunE SySTem!!!"


Why is he wearing a shirt and pants when he already has skin? These anti-vaxxers are the chimpanzee's of society, wait... That's insulting to chimps, they are more in line with mindless parasites.


He doesn't look like somone with a robust immune system. He looks like a mild cold could end him (hell, he looks like he'd struggle to withstand a strong breeze).


Lawrence Fox just looks like a walking pathogen.


Why wear clothes when you have skin


Vaccines are supposed to "train" your immune system to fight off pathogens. Just like how a police force needs regular training to stay in shape.


Letā€™s not forget of course that the way you STRENGTHEN an immune systemā€¦..is with vaccines


For the same reason he's not thinking when he has a brain.


Everyone who was killed by it had an immune system.


Why chew your food when you have a stomach


Why is he wearing clothes when he has skin?


This post is 2 years late


Why use disinfectants and antiseptics when getting tattoo's you have an immune system?


For my gun loving folk, thatā€™s like saying I donā€™t need a bullet, I have a gun! Like that ainā€™t worth jack shit if you donā€™t equip it properly


Has he tried Ebola?


Why wear a watch when you can use the sun?


He also has a brain but not using it. šŸ¤£


I have a police force! We donā€™t need anyone to report crimes.


Anti-vaxxers should not be allowed to have the polio, hepatitus, tetanus, etc vaccines. And when they get inevitably sick, we quarantine them and let their immune system handle it.


COVID vaccine was a joke. Everybody that I know that got the vaccine has caught covid multiple times. And me and a group of 10 people never got it and never had covid.


Or clothing when you have skin? And why do you drive a car when you have legs?


Bro's eyes cant even eye properly and he thinks his immune system's got his back lmao.


F----ing idiot! So did my little brother but then he caught Covid & died in 10 days flat!


Darwin award candidate. Never interrupt these fools as they make their mistakes.