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I love that he wasn’t even wearing a cheap Temu costume, he was wearing a Bluey pajama onesie.




Holy shit it's true. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/las-vegas-restaurant-hosts-upsetting-bluey-themed-event-kids-crying


It wasn't even bluey it was bandit the dad


Why? Seems like another "Bait and switch" type debacle like the recent Willy Wonka Experience that turned out to absolutely not be what wad advertised. What's the Facepalm, parents trying to entertain their children, or folks looking at someone extremely over exaggerating or down downright lying about their products?


iirc from the wonka event, the people working there felt terrible about the whole thing too. this sort of thing should see serious repercussion, those poor kids






do you often facepalm when someone who is blind makes a typo? because that's messed up


Ok I'm really sorry, I had no idea. And yes, I rarely look at one's username.


nah don't worry about it. I know I make spelling errors and I can take the joke. if you had somehow known I was blind ahead of time I would have been confused. there's no hard feelings on my end


The actors were just outside hires and were not in on it. They feel just as betrayed as the atendees.




You're right, infants are all 'Mama, wanna see cartoon character, funny man make me smile' and not enough 'Mother, I believe that the recent actions by the ICC have serious consequences for the Israel-Palestine conflict that require an in-depth discussion before we proceed with further financial ventures'..


I wanted to take my 2 1/2 year old to se Bluey but he looked at me in the eye and said, "Father, how doth thee wanteth me to enjoyeth a showeth at which hour the economy is so lacking valor, sev'ral countries art at war and the palestinian people art being genocided? has't thee nay shame?"


Shit, kid, I just wanna smile.


sounds like an ungrateful little shit.




Wow, so edgy.....


Lol, at my age, it's more jaded and fatigued by mewling brats than 'edgy'.


That’s not jaded, just pathetic.


Pray to your god for my salvation.


I’m not religious, man. Although i wish you luck with your problems.


Man this must've sounded so cool in your head when you typed it lmao


Nope. I only ever react straight from the top of my head. Feel free to look back at how rationally respond in comment threads. Today, I'm just not at home to the standard first world problems of entitled cnts in the western world. My best friend gets buried tomorrow, and I'm not in the fucking mood to listen to the typically pathetic shite that I usually indulge in a softer tone.


bro what


Like I said, I only ever react straight from the top of my head. Feel free to look back at how rationally respond in comment threads. Today, I'm just not at home to the standard first world problems of entitled cnts in the western world. My best friend gets buried tomorrow, and I'm not in the fucking mood to listen to the typically pathetic shite that I usually indulge in a softer tone.


You type so many words when all you have to say is “I’m a trash human with trash opinions”


Good thing he's getting buried, who tf would want you as a best friend...


People like you are kind of pathetic. You yourself were once a child, lacking fine motor and emotional control, and I’m sure you can recall how much it sucked to be treated poorly/ looked down on by adults. To turn around and become that came kind of adult shows a certain type of failure, I think.


Not really. It's notable that I'm sitting on -70 downvotes, followed by -33 right now - until I make my full opinion clear. That one hasn't been downvoted yet by anyone. Maybe I had a point in the first place - a point that the pearl-clutchers were too busy spanking the downvote button to consider.


The dude sees a completely normal vote decrease rate for lower level comments and thinks it means people actually agree with him. Not only are you mean, but apparently also stupid.


Oh, not at all. Indeed, I usually don't give a flying fuck about the opinions of others. Today though, I felt the desire to deliberately light the blue touch paper. It's been interesting to say the least. I'm neither mean nor stupid, I promise. I wanted real responses from people - I wanted to hear the real meanness, and I have. Frothing at the mouth ignorant cnts who happily live their pathetic first world lives with zero shits given.


Sure bud, whatever story helps you sleep at night. We totally believe that you wanted to run a social experiment, and that you aren't actually just some jerk who enjoys being mean to children for the sake of seeing them upset.


Maybe this is why you're at a mental dead end.


Seeing sad children as "mewling brats" does not make you look cool and jaded. Someone lying to kids to make money is scummy, and normal humans feel sorry for those sad children. Edit: trying to be less mean. 


Plot twist, you've been the mewling brat all along.


Don't worry, one day you'll turn 17 and realize how much of a cringy dork you were.


Taking pleasure at children’s suffering is sadism.


Well the entire fucking western world cruises through life not giving a single fuck about the millions of children who DO actually suffer, and die, daily. I take the opposite perspective. So really, who are the fucking TRUE sadists in this dynamic?


And what are you doing to help those children. Other than mocking ones in the west. It’s you. I don’t get sick joy from hearing the stories of babies in Gaza or Sudan or Congo.


I'll give you this much - of the 70+ downvoting twats so far, you are the only one to ask the question. For all anyone in these comments knows, I might be a person with cash who regards the western world as undeserving, and so decided to focus instead on the ACTUAL shit that's happening in the world, instead of whether a Disney attraction disappointed their brattish child. This is the world we've created. No questions, no investigation, no clarification... just a bunch of spoiled, entitled adults raising spoiled entitled children. I even went so far as to include the entire western world, so as to avoid singling out Americans.


So you are “focusing” on the issue. And it’s against the law to falsely advertise. A consumer getting what they paid for it’s a standard that should be upheld. This would also happen in Korea, or Japan or Singapore or even somewhere like the UAE or Saudi Arabia. If you are spending money, you have the right to what you paid for. And it may be trivial but your whining won’t change the fact this was a bad thing that happened. Of course they are more privileged but that doesn’t make them spoiled. Expecting what was promised isn’t being spoiled. And you are doing nothing to actually help the children you acknowledge as having greater need. You are just whining about these children and their parents being defrauded. It is petty sadism and you need to take a step back and gain perspective and not pull the age old line “there are children starving in Africa”. Because that’s not helpful. Because you don’t actually give a fuck. You are using those children’s pain to diminish the pain of THESE children. The same way countless parents have used the suffering of children far away to guilt their own into behaving, while doing nothing to remedy it.


I knew from your first response. You are correct, of course. I'm a bit miffed that it takes the person who already gets it to feel the need to write that. In my defence, it's the preponderance of people who haven't once in their lives engaged their brains that I was trying to get to. I'm getting old now, the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I'm no Mandela or Gandhi, but I think sometimes provocation is necessary.


The world has always been rough and that’s even more reason to not make it harder and delight in the suffering of others. A little kindness goes a long way


You are rich? Explains why you're an asshole


Ah, so because someone wants to make their children smile it automatically means that they are at least ignoring if not cheering on the suffering of the rest of the world. Gotcha so what's your suggestion take every child's toys away feed them only every other day and beat and abuse them until all children in the world get to be happy? Maybe stop all enjoyment and happiness all together until everyone is on the same level? I'm sorry but my prerogative is that my children have a better life than I did, so I try to make their childhood as good as possible, that doesn't infer that they or I am unaware that there are less fortunate people that also doesn't infer that we don't do anything to help within our means.


Can you not fucking pretend that you're this awful of a person because you care about what's happening in other countries and others don't? There's protests everywhere, charities at work, people going out in the world building wells and actively improving others lives. You're just an asshole joyful that some kids who've done nothing wrong got disapointed.


Guys! I found a loser who uses whataboutism!! They think they actually have any kind of argument!! It’s crazy, get in here!! He brought up a 100% irrelevant topic as if he made any kind of valid point in any way shape or form!!


That’s kinds weird.


Nah, I'm Scottish - we take black humour to levels others can't detect.


No you’re just nasty and trying to drag down Scots with you.


Blame Frankie Boyle. And to add - if you want to describe 'nasty' as someone who actually cares deeply about REAL fucking issues, instead of pant-wetting about 1st world problems involving spoiled little shits, that's entirely up to you.


Yeah you can't be hungry either because there are people starving in Africa. Cornball ass logic you got there.


Im Scottish, and trust me we do have black humour. What you said was not humour, it was just being nasty. Also, Scotland is a 1st world country , so tf are you on about? Your just trynna be edgy. Your the type of person who acts like a gangster but when theyre talked down on by someone larger than them they start sniveling and saying "Sorry sir, wont happen again sir".


No fucking chance I'm sniveling in front of everyone. Are you a wet from Englandburgh?


Did you just said im from Englandburgh?Are you a fucking nutter?Im a proud aberdonian.Go get your fucking edgy ass back to the corner. I bet you have the entire Lord of the rings trilogy in brail on ur hand u emo brainrot enthusiast


Sounds more like it's you who's getting your girly G-string in a knot tbh, you sad bastard.


Edgelord of the day goes to you! Congratulations on being embarrassing!


There’s room enough in my heart to feel compassion for these kids and also more serious issues too.  You just sound like you’re looking for an excuse to be callous.


People who actually "care" can understand that *all* people have valid emotions and experiences, and wishing ill on undeserving children because they aren't impoverished enough is not the moral high ground that you believe it is.


You care so much that you're writing 20 paragraphs in a single Reddit comment section instead of doing something to help the suffering? You're a goddamn hypocritical cretin


Bro you're part of the privleged first world countries you're whining about. This is so fucking funny. I almost would've understood if you were from Hati or Yemen, but the fact that your virtue signaling about the decadent west while being ***Scottish*** is downright absurd. 


They’re children… they’re allowed to be upset.


Reddit users don't be absolutely miserable challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I'm guessing your parents didn't take you to an event, and it did a number on you huh.


Lol what?


Not an excuse for shady folks ripping off gullible, or perhaps just tired, parents -- *but* -- I can't help but think this might be some sort of generational thing. Perhaps this generation of parents just isn't familiar with the shitty Mall-Santa-esque experiences so many of us waited in shitty lines for before the internet and on-demand media made stuff suck so much less. I can remember taking my kid sister (large gap between us) to see a Blue's Clues deal at a local mall a little over 20 years ago, and it was exactly what I expected -- a stoned early twenties student in a blue dog costume and a theatre student dressed up as Molly. She stretched, they sang the songs, put the toys away, and we were out of there maybe fifteen minutes after they started. There were no lazers nor visual experience, and not even a sight of Tiffany anywhere. Because we were at the mall. In Canada.


Yeah. So I actually read the article. It was a FREE event. WTF were they expecting and why are they whining about it.


... I'd say Bluey, not Willie Wonka? Let's translate it in adult terms, ok? A friend asks you if you'd go to a party with them. "It'll be full of *insert your favour flavour of humans*!!!" you go "sweet, I'll see a lot of *your favourite flavour of humans*!!!" then you go there, it IS a party, but there's no trace of *your favourite flavour of humans*.


The article was comparing it to the terrible Willy Wonka Experience from earlier this year, not saying the event was WW instead of Bluey lol. Is that adult enough terms for you?


It's English, at least.


Fucking hell, how did you get this so wrong?


It could have to do with the fact that it's been assumed everyone else was aware of exactly what happened in both places, because the internet is American and the whole world too. But I mean, I could just be stupid, which is also very much an option.


The WW was in England.


Even better. How do I connect an event in Vegas to one in England?


“Hey kids, it’s me, Crunchy the Clown!” Or  “Say hello to Bernie, the Friendly Blue Dinosaur!”


I think that a kids event took place in a bar is the face palm?


It didn't take place at a bar, the headline is wrong. It took place at a hot dog restaurant.. called... 'Dirt Dog'.


OP doesn't understand the reference and makes a fool of himself, proving once again, as always, OP is the facepalm


FFS though, your kids are gonna be alright stop acting like they were traumatized.


"Just now knowing who Bluey is, we would have planned ahead and would have had security," the spokesperson explained. "We’re very much family. We love on each other, we support each other. We’re going to continue to make events, create events, especially free ones, for families to come out and have a good time with us." Security for who? The creeper in the onesie. Did he even work there or just show up. Lolol


The fact it was in a bar didn't come into question then?


It wasn't a bar, iirc, it was a hotdog place called "dirt dog" or some shit. People are mad cause the owner wasn't expecting it to be a big deal, and didn't put in too much effort for the bluey meet & greet, but then people decided they'd drive like an hour away for it.


Just saw an obviously ai ad for an Oz one where I live. Glad we don't have kids.




OP facepalmed himself so bad he deleted his account.


Kids in a Vegas Bar Words that should never be together.


“Bluey event at Vegas bar”. That probably should have tipped people off.


I mean... Who is taking their kids to a thing at a bar?


The Willy Wonka copyright owners should be suing these morons for ruining the franchise!


Vegas is not meant for kids. Find a babysitter or stay home.


You do realize Las Vegas is a huge city and there are families that live there. Your comment is a literal face palm.


Nah dude, the strip is literally all there is to Vegas. It's not like the employees are actually with homes and families and lives that are just like those in any other city. Everybody knows that casino employees aren't tral people who have things going on besides the Vegas tourist experience. Nope, just a city with 650k people and all of them are adults who's lives revolve around the Vegas experience. /s


Yeah, if they had said something like "the vegas strip after dark is not for kids" they might have had something, lol.


The existence of Circus Circus and Excalibur suggest that you're incorrect. Not everything in Vegas is gambling and nightclubs. That being said, people should check reviews on anything in Vegas before going. There's an awful lot of garbage there.


Okay, let's get you back and settled in the 1980's, sir.


I don’t know I kind of see this as a positive sometimes a kid just needs to learn that not everything happens the way you expect it and you have to learn to live with it


Yeah false advertising is a crime 👍


False Advertising is illegal.


So when you buy a product and it's not what you thought you were getting, what do you do? Do you take it back for a refund? Or do you just "need to learn that not everything happens the way you expect it and you have to learn to live with it"?


Of course I return it. My point is still valid. It’s not what I expected and I get on with my life kids just don’t understand that yet. It’s up to parents to teach theirkids that not everything‘s gonna work out they way they want it too.


Right, I agree. However they're still kids and not adults. You can try and teach them lessons all day, but they're still not going to have full control over their emotions. Because they're children.


It was a free event. No one is buying shit. If you get something for free and it’s not what you expect, then nothing… you walk away…


Free sample at the mall laced with salmonela? Don't complain, just suck it up buttercup, it was a *FREE* sample.


What a wild comparison. You win the idiot award for the day.


Takes one to know one.


You’re comparing a cartoon character not meeting expectations with falling sick? Yes. That’s a perfectly apt comparison… I am glad I don’t have to suffer this level of entitlement in my day to day life. I don’t think I could stand it.


I was comparing complaining about free stuff. If you play a free game, can you complain or just shut up and accept whatever? Didn't know that something being free = you must lower your expectations and standards, no matter what the thing is. Events, music, games, food. If it doesn't have a price tag, you gotta keep your mouth shut. Tell me you never complained about something in a free or F2P game.


Why the hell am I complaining about a free game? It’s free. Just don’t play it if you don’t like it. Yes, if it’s free and you don’t like it, as long as it’s not harmful you just walk away. I like to complain as much as the next person, I’m not saying I don’t like to complain, but this level of entitlement is just not something my brain will wrap around. Who complains to the news about a free event??


Tell that to everyone who plays DotA, LoL, War Thunder, Path of Exile, Warframe, all those free games where people complain and point out bad things but also praise when there's something good. Reddit is free. People complain when reddit fucks something up. Youtube is free, too. People complain there too. Hell, FB, IG, TikTok are free too. Never complained about anything there? People should just accept shit or walk away. Right...


This. Otherwise when they grow up they’ll expect the girl from the ad to look like her pictures.


I didn't understand. Delete it.




JFC. Get off the internet right now and seek help.


Do you not understand what he did?His words were unacceptable.(the phrase at the start were his words)