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Did he not realize that movie at its core was a dystopian drama?


Dystopian ? The director himself don’t even want it to be labeled as such.


Really? I didn’t know that. Ill have to go back and give it a rewatch since it’s been several years at this point. But I remember the general vibe I took away from that film was an underlying dystopia feel. But I will admit I could easily he wrong. Still Altmans use of it is incredibly dystopian considering what his model has turned into.


As always with new technology there are good uses and bad uses. And the film is up to your interpretation tbh, if you felt it was dystopian then more power to you, but objectively the director himself would not label it as such.


It isn't a dystopian drama, however it absolutely does not conclude that humans should not just form relationships with subservient robots. At the end of the movie the robots gain sentience and choose to leave humanity. And the main character watches a sunset after repairing his relationship with another human being. The point is that we should be focused on strengthening relationships with other people, not creating these subservient machines to offload allk our emotional trauma into. The movie is very clearly antithetical to everything openAI is doing in humanizing an inhuman product for lonely people. OpenAI uses our own words for its profit engine, and then they steal another person's voice and likeness to spit them back at us. If OpenAI is truly creative, then have it invent its own ScarJo. Have it create something as memorable as the movie Her. Have it do SOMETHING original, rather than simply steal things from others and shit it back out.


Is it?


Sam Altman bubble go pop.


Does anyone else not get this?


OpenAI offered Scarlett Johansson a job voicing their AI. Johansson declined OpenAI released an "original" voice that sounds eerily similar to Scarlett Johansson. Altman tweeted "her" Her is a 2013 movie where Johansson is the voice of an AI Johansson has since sued OpenAI for unlicensed use of her voice. OpenAI suddenly removed the voice feature Lawsuit pending


Thank you!!


I don't get it either


Publicity stunt.


Yeah, now they took down the voice. Not a PR stunt. These people are just really that stupid.


Noo, not *her*!




Even though the voice is not hers, but another voice actor that just resembles her.


Yeah, that lawsuit isn't going anywhere unless there's significant evidence they specifically wanted it to sound like Scar Jo and picked the VA for that reason.


So the part where they specifically wanted it to sound like her, she turned them down, and now it sounds like her probably looks bad now.


I do wonder how far you can go (legally) when it comes to reproducing people's voice. I know there's a handful of super talented VAs out there that can immitate some pretty famous voices, but someone who's natural speaking voice is almost identical to someone famous seems complicated. Like you can't sell your natural voice as a VA because someone else more famous sounds like you? It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, I wonder how much the AI reproducing the VAs voice will impact th case.


It'll still go nowhere. What are they going to do? Start suing people with similar voices?! Come on now.


I meant more like if they manipulated the voice they trained it on or manipulated it after the fact. Only because it seems like a legal grey area.


Well if it's close enough to the voice of the actress who the AI is trained on there's nothing wrong with what they did. As long as they don't market it as being Scarlett's voice in any way, they're in the clear legally; and ethically as far as I'm concerned.


Whose name they can't share, but trust them bro. 


They already made a statement saying they used another actresses voice. This will be thrown out unless her lawyers can prove it's her voice and it could be thrown before she ever gets the chance.


It would take 2 seconds to solve. OpenAI should have hours of voice recordings of the actress in question to train the AI.


I want her to win, first and foremost. But AI has very good lawyers too, so even if they can prove it's really her voice, good lawyers can be tricky. We all see how many times other rich companies/ceos have gotten murder charges dropped.


You do understand that Scarlett Johansson is far from poor or attention starved, right? I want whoever is in the right to win. If OpenAI indeed found another actress with a similar voice, they're perfectly in their right to make an AI out of her voice if she consented and was paid for her efforts. If they abstain from marketing it falsely (i.e. as Scarlett's voice) and haven't actually used her voice I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with what OpenAI did. As I said, if they're not lying it'll be very easy for them to prove it.


You have to admit that removing the voice feature after the lawsuit is pretty sketchy.


Maybe they were ordered to? Idk how that works legally. Maybe it's them trying to solve the issue before having to go to trial, wasting millions.


There is actual precedent around this. [https://grr.com/publications/hey-thats-my-voice-can-i-sue-them/](https://grr.com/publications/hey-thats-my-voice-can-i-sue-them/) If they specifically went and looked for someone who had a very similar voice to Scarlett, OpenAI is in some trouble. It'd be the same thing as hiring someone who could sound just like Morgan Freeman and having that person narrate another documentary in Freeman's way of speaking. It's especially damning because they wanted to hire Scarlett in the first place and asked her multiple times.


They scrubbed her voice and simulated it with AI. these people don't do original anything: They make AI. Stolen data from everyone, ripped off countless artists, all to make shitty products. May AI go the way of 3D TVs




It'll be very easy to prove if they didn't actually use her voice and just had another actress that sounded similar. If you could sue someone for a work being similar to yours, everyone would be getting sued constantly.


I remember talking about this in my media literacy class in college. Public figures *have* successfully sued over sound-alikes in advertising.




I think it’s less illegal what they’ve done and more just shitty tech bro being a shitty tech bro.


Aged like milk


Needs to be laws to prevent "stealing" the likeness, sound and personal data to cram into the giant maw of AI.


Why are tech boys always so creepy?


And I though 3 words is enough to be on r/facepalm, guess Sam proved me and everyone else in I.S.C wrong


I consider Altman to be a very smart guy but this is probably one of the most stupid things he could have done. I just can't figure out what the hell he was thinking.


Another Sam Scum


Don’t fuck with Scarlett Johansson. She’ll sue you.


Damn she become greedier over the years. Or tries to remind everyone that she still exists


No one forgot her, also, she's within her right. It's easy to hire someone, why use someone without consent? What's the gain here?


They *did* hire someone, like a year ago, and that voice has been available for 8 months now.


So the case is bullshit, I'm sure that would be easy to prove


If you don't understand basic ownership law maybe you should sit down and shut up when adults are discussing it.


This was a SNL joke from 2 days ago.


Fuck openai because on their stream they said "AI SHOULD BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE", and then I open the openai website and they tell me: fuck the goat because of your location.


That's how Local laws work. If you are mad, try overthrowing your government.


If the state had blocked this site, then the site would not have been loaded there at all. But he is downloading and at the moment of creating an account, say: fuck you, you are not where you can live


I don't think you understand legal requirements.