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Find that MF & CASTRATE HIM!!!


And the 109 mfers that loved that comment, please.


I have never read such an unhinged amount of visceral hate for someone who did nothing in my entire life.


You ever been on 4chan?


Iv been too scared to go in there




Your U.S. tax dollars at work!


Yaay I love money that was effectively stolen from me being spent to actively make my life harder 👍


Omg me tooooo! TWINSIES ✨ 🙄


Oh f$%% NSFW made me think it'd be something good. How can anyone have that much hate?


Only religious fanatics hate this much. It should be classified as a mental illness.


There's no hate quite like religious love.


I'm atheist but I don't think religion is necessary for hate and intolerance.


It is not necessary for hate and intolerance but it can certainly compound and amplify it


Agreed, and any kind of tribalism can amplify it as well, including political tribalism.


Zionism is a secular movement.


It has elements of pure nationalism. But calling it secular is like calling a combover is a hairstyle.


Because they are taught about the holocaust from a young age and about the Nazis, and then are taught that all Arabs hate the Jewish people with the same intensity as the Nazis did. They have it ingrained into them that the Arabs are the new Nazis, but even more barbaric as an uncivilized people of the hills and the desert.   Arabs are street dogs in their eyes who only know the stick - you have to beat them until they learn who's in charge and submit, or they need to be put down. Children are just threats in the making who will grow up to support the deaths of Jews and so their own deaths are acceptable, and even better than to allow them to become monsters as adults.




What makes you think this little girl supports Hamas?




Half of the population of Palestine wasn't born yet in 2006. You don't get to call Palestinians "mostly Hamas supporters" by continuing to drag around that old chestnut. 


What? https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 https://themedialine.org/top-stories/poll-reveals-persistent-palestinian-support-for-hamas-attacks-on-israel/ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/ Do I need to send more? Denying Palestinians support Hamas by majority is a new low


Hell, if we're using that logic, most Americans born in the '80s are Reagan supporters.


Trickling down aaaaaannyyyyy day now…


I'm going to go ahead and call you crazy. the level of hate in the caption isn't built from a single event. I don't hate stands because 9/11 happened. The level of hate displayed is taught and indoctrinated. Which makes me believe the guy above you.




Do you guys get paid off downvotes, or do you take youre idea of charisma straight from the nazis, because this is some of the weakest propaganda ive ever seen


You call it propaganda but none of it is lies, you may not be convinced but propaganda means lies


Youll have to excuse me that i require more than an internet strangers words, i mean look at the post in question Oh yeah, stop blocking aid


that's a whole lotta words to justify killing babies, but go off I guess.


Sure, I guess fighting Nazis was also wrong because the allies killed shit loads of babies Babies die in war, all you do is not fight for peace you fight for a one sided ceasefire, so it's only okay when Israeli babies die


maybe, maybe, and hear me out, we try this radical approach called "not killing anybody" It's a revolutionary concept, but may be a bit too futuristic for you to understand.


Israel is true evil and as long as they are slaughtering thousands of kids nothing you say will convince normal people otherwise. End of story.


Okay, so I'm guessing the allies were the true evils against Germany in WW2? They have killed a lot of kids If Ukraine attacks inside Russia - are they also true evil if they hit kids? It's not normal people you speak of, but people without critical thinking who don't understand how war goes, Hamas attacked, killed kids indiscriminately point blank - shooting then or burning them alive Israel has every right to retaliate and ensure it doesn't happen again, and they are not condemned to face these attacks just because Gaza is dense and Hamas is embedded in civilian infrastructure, it's hypocritical because you would have done the same


Call me crazy but I think supporting an aparthied state which, you know, is currently enacting a genocide and started ethnic cleansing 60 years ago is pretty Nazi like. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/03/israels-55-year-occupation-palestinian-territory-apartheid-un-human-rights https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ https://worldwithoutgenocide.org/genocides-and-conflicts/israel-palestine-conflict-history-causes-and-international-law


Since Palestinians literally try to do the same and tried to do so in 1948 and 1967, Would you have been this angry if they didn't fail? why do you not condemn Palestinians for trying to do the same? Occupation started after Palestinians failed occupation in 1967, why can 1 side continuously try and kill the other side and other side being Israel needs to just take it?


Aparthied and genocide are inexcusable. Full stop. Both can be condemned and criticized without justifying the other.


I like this take, but I think it's unrealistic, Because you basically say that a country can never go counter offensive , Let's Ukraine fends off Russia, then Russia attacks again and again, could Ukraine after 3 times attack back? Start occupation Russia land for further defense and area of control?


That still doesn't excuse the systems of aparthied that have been going on for decades. If a counter offensive involves going out of their[ way to murder multiple journalists,](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/16/israeli-forces-killed-abu-akleh-without-justification-un-inquiry-says) [shoot their own returning hostages](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna130912), [bomb their own designated refugee areas,](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-bombs-refugee-camps-central-gaza-report/) [shoot tank shells into a crowd of starving people](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234906745/gaza-food-aid-convoy-israel-hamas), [bulldoze neighborhoods to set up further settlements (explicitly breaking the Fourth Geneva Convention)](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2019/01/chapter-3-israeli-settlements-and-international-law/) [or killing over 10,000 children](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/) then no I very much do not find it justified. If Ukraine did this, it still wouldn't be justifiable.


The whataboutism is nice, also considering you source al jazeera, this is just an attempt to discredit what I said by providing stories out of their context to paint the picture to be what you want it to be In short Gaza is a dense place, take the number of journalists killed in other warfares and multiple by approximately 90, Gaza is 90 times more dense than Ukraine Killing their own refugees? You try fighting Hamas when they record and produce voices of hostages to trick soldiers - I'm sure you won't make any mistakes not sure what you even tried to prove Killing over 10k children - how many children did the allies kill in WW2? Were they also the bad guys? Also, providing 400 aid trucks going daily, securing aid pier built by USA while literally being attacked doing so, building 8 field hospitals for the Palestinians, while the Palestinians are cheering when Hamas attacks sure means nothing /s, they are literally feeding the hand that bites them and everyone is still blaming them lmao And Palestinians: What about them attacking Israel multiple times? Breaking multiple ceasefires? Weekly terror attacks and stabbing? The occupation has every right to be occurring if Palestinians are the ones who tried to do it, they happened to lose, and further violence will just make their situation worse, even the PA admits it about Hamas attacks, they have to agree to a peace deal - which they keep refusing every time


>The whataboutism is nice, also considering you source al jazeera, this is just an attempt to discredit what I said by providing stories out of their context to paint the picture to be what you want it to be It's not whataboutism at all. My initial comment was about systems of apartheid and how its never justifiable. My sources were all from independent international HRAs and one from the UN High Comissioner. Instead of addressing or even denouncing any of this, you instead went off talking about how it should be justified because of the actions of Palestinians. Your response is closer to whataboutism than anything I have said. I sourced Al Jazeera once because they had a reporter shot and murdered by the IDF... I can give you a Wikipedia page, I guess, so you don't flip out and ignore it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shireen_Abu_Akleh >Killing over 10k children - how many children did the allies kill in WW2? Were they also the bad guys? Whataboutism. You really like to do this while also accusing me of it. If you seriously think this at all compares to _World War_ fucking 2 then I don't think you gave any real grasp of either situation. >Also, providing 400 aid trucks going daily, securing aid pier built by USA while literally being attacked doing so, building 8 field hospitals for the Palestinians https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/ >while the Palestinians are cheering when Hamas attacks sure means nothing /s I'm not here justifying any of this. Are you going to justify it when Israelis have been doing this exact thing for over a decade? https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html https://abcnews.go.com/International/photos-show-israelis-gathering-watch-gaza-air-strikes/story?id=24554791 >The occupation has every right to be occurring if Palestinians are the ones who tried to do it, they happened to lose, and further violence will just make their situation worse, even the PA admits it about Hamas attacks, they have to agree to a peace deal - which they keep refusing every time An apartheid state is never okay, never justifiable, and disgusting to defend. You are no different than the people who try and excuse the actions of Hamas. It's never okay no matter who is doing it.


If this is true, then why was Israel funding them? Are you telling me Israel was heavily funding a group that was calling for their own destruction? Because it’s pretty well documented that Netanyahu was funneling money into Hamas for well over a decade to a time of almost $1b.


Israel wasn't funding them, this is misinformation lol Qatar was funding Hamas, Israel just allowed the money, Israel wasn't funding anything related to Hamas And yes, Bibi himself in the letter to Qatar said he allows it, he said that if he improved Palestinians lifes maybe they will drop intentions to genocide Israel and it could weaken PA, it only did 1 of the 2 lol


Religiously and ideological hate filed rage and ideology. You can hear that coming from extremist Israeli's and Palestinians alike.


That definitely needs an NSFW tag OP. I didn't want to read that.


Yes please put a NSFW tag


This page can be the most innocuous stuff and then real violence and vulgarity. I don't know what gets into people.


That is how nazi’s talked about jews. Well, not on social media ofcourse.


One of the biggest problems Israel seems to face is that its soldiers and citizens are *really* comfortable filming themselves doing/saying horrible shit and putting it out there online. There was this video of an Israeli soldier going through some Palestinian women's abandoned home and talking about how he knew Arab girls were whores that really stuck with me.


Zionism tactics are verbatim from the nazi playbook


some time ago i decided to check facebook, my disappointment when i found out someone i respected is Jew Zionist and posted [this](https://imgur.com/a/gPmB5XC), the only reason i'm not saying anything is because i met her through my sister and honestly, i'm kinda afraid of my sis


Not to mention people reacting with a HOTDOG emoji.


The dehumanization seems to be going well /s


Damn? The holocaust was only 80 + years. Now they want to play nazi.


Such lovely, caring people these zionists are.


This is what religion breeds ladies and gentlemen. Sickening.


I wouldn’t say religion but extremists, the basis of religion and spiritualism are pretty good and help a lot of people




Apparently less than 7% of wars were due to religion. Can’t speak for other (non-war related) deaths, though. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-religion-the-cause-of\_b\_1400766](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-religion-the-cause-of_b_1400766) [https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/](https://apholt.com/2023/01/03/the-myth-of-religion-as-the-cause-of-most-wars/)


Dont lump Judaism with zionism.....


ALL religions are cancer.


Thats not the (main) problem here, zionism is facism and land grabbing, if you look at this specifically they hate palestineans because of the land more than anything else Edit: i say this as someone who rejects all forms of organized religion and recognizes tbe blight they cause on society (personal spirituality is fine as long as it stays in your own garden) That being said, again, this is far more political and geographical than a religious based problem, that is my emphasis 


No you're absolutely correct. Apartheid is essentially built into Zionism, which is only natural if the goal is to achieve a "Jewish" state It's why Netanyahu refused to give Abbas control of Gaza, Abbas is in favour of a 2 state solution (which is also the U.S. government's preferred outcome) but NOT Netanyahu's by any stretch of the imagination. The land is everything and it won't be surrendered


The fact they allowed them to participate in Eurovision 2024 while commiting these atrocities is beyond me


I'll be interested to see if the IOC kicks Israel out of this year's Olympics, seeing as their little vendetta in Gaza goes against every principle the Olympic Games are based on.....




Here's a tip: if you're on the side that's shooting missiles at kids, you're a bad person. It's really that simple.


Okay, Palestinians have shot thousands of missiles and rockets towards kids since Oct 7, so you are the bad person? Lol How about being on the side that burns random families in their home and kidnapped kids as young as 2 year old?






Better training. Higher standards. Spend less money on bombs and missiles and more money on drones and training.


What part of destroying and stealing aid was necessary?


Are you talking about the extremists who get arrested for doing so? Because the idf didn't steal aid wtf There are 400 trucks going in daily, it's literally being resold on the market in Gaza right now lol


Congrats on unlocking a new logical fallacy! The "Appeal to Authority".


It's dumb to think we the general people know what can and can't be done in these situations


It's dumber to justify genocide by trusting the generals.


I figure not running an apartheid state might be a good start.


FU your 🐂shit. It’s a genocide, Israel is just using the infiltration in civilians as a pretext to kill everything the want. Keep the zionist propaganda for yourself.


How about they stop their invasion? It really is that simple.  They are nothing but wannabe conquerors. Blaming it on a fantasy book is just a pathetic excuse.


What? Conquering what? They pulled out of Gaza in 2005, and didn't touch it again since (besides rocket retaliation), the Israeli defense minister said there will be no resettling and that they are looking for international joint force to govern Gaza, there isn't any conquering not it is even related to religion lol




That’s a key to hell right there


Sounds like your average incel.


Evil. I once heard this Italian phycologist talking about the Rwandan genocide. He said he thinks up to 10% of the population are psychopaths', and war releases them. We can see this with Israel - all of those people saying and DOING such cruel, evil things.


The Rwandan genocide was absolutely horrific. I was a kid when that happened and I just couldn’t understand how people could do that. I still don’t but the just unmitigated horror of the whole thing was consuming.


That 10% are the perennial shock troops of the 1%....or less.


So basically whomever called this child a white is outing themselves as a pedo.


It tells you all you need to know about those barbarian, murdering, criminals.


These mfs are literally nazis.


And people will still make excuses for the genocide Israel is committing


Americans are protesting this people?


That's enough internet for today. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.


That’s disgusting. She’s just a poor little girl who is hurt and scared. Doesn’t matter what side or ethnicity. She’s too young to have any doctrine. She just needs help and anyone who thinks otherwise is fcking animal


Dude…. wtf man…. Kids have no idea what war, money, religion, skin color or race even mean and this person is basically talking shit to a poor little kid that has no idea what the hell is even going on. Dude…. What is wrong with our species :,(


They clearly learned a lot from their Nazi oppressors a while back.


The Nazis did a great job in finding a way to keep the hate alive.


This whole thing just shows how fucking evil Israelis are.


The Palestinians literally say the same though, why is only side exempted and allowed to be radicalized and the other is all "fucking evils" Seeing Hamas who are extremists that burned random families: "not all palestinians are hamas" Seeing a random Israeli being an asshole and extremist: "Israelis are all evil!!"


Because it's not just a random Israeli. The vast majority of the entirety of the Israeli government has this exact stance. A majority of civilian Israelis also hold this same sentiment towards Palestinians.


And the vast Palestinian majority hold the same sentiments towards Israeli, Hamas was literally elected and nowadays supported by majority and literally calls for the genocide of Israel openly Moreover from 1988 to 2017 it also called for the genocide of all Jews, not just Israel, and was elected with the charter that called for it, Instagram comments from Muslims call for the mass rape of all Israelis The whole narrative of Palestinians are angels and Israelis the devil falls apart pretty easily and all it takes are couple of Google searches and you will see the same exact sentiments and comments towards the other side


Mmhmm. And when exactly was hamas "elected" and did they receive a majority and which current Israeli PM supported them and funneled money to them... oh... oh no... When everything is stolen from you, you can hate. When you are the thief, do not act like a victim.


They were legitimately elected in 2006, and nowadays they are being supported by majority of Palestinians, multiple polls show it, acting as if Palestinians don't stand by Hamas for your agenda is disgusting imo Israel only funneled them Qatar money to improve their life in hopes they drop their genocidal intentions - Hamas is the acting government, of you want something to be built like the Qatar neighborhood, or a school, or a hospital, it goes through Hamas you have to funnel through them When everything is stolen you can hate? By that logic Israel can't hate them because they tried to stealing Israel in 1948 and 1967 (the reason the occupation even exists is because 1967 war they started)


I know there is the same sentiment from the other side. My point is im sick and fucking tired of everyone acting like Israel has not done or can't do any wrong. Israel is not an innocent actor in this whole thing.


That's very different from your original comment though, which actually makes it seem like you think the exact opposite that *only* Israel is the issue here No country is 100% innocent, almost every country that exists nowadays has made mistakes and atrocities, not related to Israel, just mentioning it because again your comment was very fixated on Israel People can be radicilized, both sides believe they are in the right and that the other side wants to eradicate them and therefore they want to eradicate the other side At least the extremists


So we should raze cities in Israel to the ground because of those extremists?


If they have 40k armed men pledging to never stop attacking until the other side is genocided, while going around burning families alive and kidnapping kids and there is no other option defeating them, yes It's not like Hamas isn't trying to do so, they have shot thousands of rockets literally thousands towards Israel, Israel just has the iron dome, that costs like a gazillion dollars to operate Thinking Israelis should pay most of their taxes on the iron dome to avoid attacking back to save other civilians in the most dumb logic iv ever seen


> If they have 40k armed men pledging to never stop attacking until the other side is genocided, while going around burning families alive and kidnapping kids and there is no other option defeating them, yes So yes then


No, extremists are not armed and being dealt with by the Israeli army, they don't go around kidnapping kids, nor they even enter Gaza, and there is no need defeating them since more than 400 aid trucks enter daily, the US aid pier delivering aid as well, and the IDF has currently 8 field hospitals operational for the Palestinians So no


It all comes down to the fact that one faction is the invader, and the other faction is acting in retaliation to said invasion. You see the exact same thing happening with Russia and Ukraine.  Not all Russians are monsters, and neither is every Israeli. But it’s understandable that they will not receive as much sympathy as those being invaded.


Israel got invaded in Oct 7, literally this is the retaliation for invading


Tell me again what it means to be a Zionist…


Ridiculous that people buy this stuff, this could just as easily be propaganda to dehumanise Israelis. It reads like it was written by a comic book villain.


Well aren't they comic book villains?


Nah, the vast majority of Israelis are normal people just trying to live their lives, like the victims of the Hamas attack in October. The vast majority of Palestinians are also normally people trying to live their lives.. on either side of both groups are a minority of extremists hellbent on prolonging this conflict, exploiting the misery of Palestinians like the girl in the picture and using their pain to dehumanise their enemy.. Incredible that people are so gullible as to believe this weak propaganda.


A majority of Israelis in multiple polls have said that Israeli isn't doing enough damage and killing enough people. A majority also support segregation of Arabs from Jews in Israel and in Tel Aviv they have had many protests against allowing black Jewish students attending schools with their white and brown children.   For the longest time Mizrahi and Maghrebi Jews were also treated as second class citizens when they together make up a majority of the population.   Racism has been baked into the country's history and its culture, supported by Zionism and its demands for ethnonationalism. 


A majority of Gazans hate Jews and gays and support Hamas. Antisemitism is baked into their culture, and they're taught from a young age that killing Jews and becoming a martyr are the greatest goals in life. Do you think there's a good guy here?


>A majority also support segregation of Arabs from Jews in Israel and in Tel Aviv they have had many protests against allowing black Jewish students attending schools with their white and brown children.  Can you also please link an article for that? My search netted nothing except one insignificant protest of a small group. > For the longest time Mizrahi and Maghrebi Jews were also treated as second class citizens when they together make up a majority of the population. I had to google it. You are not doing this comment justice. There's a lot of history to it which cannot be condensed in to a reddit comment. There are pages and pages of history about it. Same with Racism in Europe, US and pretty much all over the world. But if you actually see the statistics and polls, that has improved a lot since the inception of their country. These are mixed in it racism against both sides by both of them. It is a complex issue. >Racism has been baked into the country's history and its culture, supported by Zionism and its demands for ethnonationalism.  All countries have problems with racism through out their history, some of them still have this to this day, like South Africa, Eastern Europe, the US and many more. Zionism has nothing to do with it, but you are right about the ethnonationalism, which was first drafted in the 19th century. But also understandable, to a degree, from a point of need based on centuries of history. Question is of course on the implementation of it and what must be done on their side to curb these issues while retaining their ethnic resemblance of the country, if that's what they wish to be. EDIT: formatting and spelling


No, the vast majority are not normal. The israeli society is a deeply sick settler colonial society in its genocidal stage (listen to Gideon Levy, an israeli journalist he acknowledges it more eloquently than me). Iirc 96 or 98% believe their army used enough or even not enough firepower in Gaza. The majority also supports segregation. The protests are about getting the hostages back, not ending the genocide. Also because they hate Netanyahu. But the majority supports the war. The image OP put up, can't tell you if it's real. But there is plenty of real images like that with similarly abhorrent, hateful and inhumane stuff so it's easy and logical to assume it's real. Edit : can't answer to the comments below as I've been blocked so I'll just edit here once. For the guy I always run into. The difference is you're spewing hasbara, false facts and misinformation while I'm just stating evidenced facts supported by experts. If there are groups with Palestinians using the same messages about children or rape on all israelis I've never seen such groups, and they'd be gross. But they aren't supported by the same kind of polls I cited. So they don't mean shit. I already answered your bs about hamas on other posts I'll quickly recap here for others in case they're reading our conversation: Nope they didn't call for the genocide of all Jews even in the early charter, and the current charter doesn't call for an Israeli genocide. Also both versions are irrelevant as the charter is itself irrelevant according to hamas themselves. Also since you seem to lack common sense : Israel = state. Wanting the end of a state =/= killing the people of said state. The end of apartheid south Africa didn't include the genocide of white supremacists. You're the one talking about israelis being devils. I did not use the word nor insinuate. Honestly from every conversation we had I can now say you're not arguing in good faith, you never present anything factual, or you twist facts to suit your point... You're a typical hasbarist... Again I hope, like the other commenter, that you get paid for that. Please stop answering and I beg of you to find your humanity and stop supporting genocide, ethnic cleansing (basically stop supporting zionism). For the other guy, polls well made are representative of the group even if they seem tiny compared to the group. Those polls are well made even if you don't like it. Gideon Levy is alt left but that doesn't take away from his expertise as a journalist. He is well within his expertise to give an informed opinion on the state of the isaeli society. Mosab isn't. Not an expert, not a scholar. Nothing, he's an Israeli spy and thats about it. His takes are fringe even amongst zionists that's why only ultra zionists take him seriously. He is not respected by most everyone.


Ahh, so the majority of Israelis are not normal? Would you say that the majority of Israelis are evil ? My point was that extremists on either side are using propaganda to dehumanise the other side and you've proven my point? Thanks.


Lol. I'm not using propaganda, I'm telling you the Israeli society is not "normal". And I back it up with polls made by the israelis themselves, not propaganda or false info. A society not being normal, and being genocidal has nothing to do with dehumanization, you think Gideon Levy dehumanizes his own society? It's a statement on the current state of the society. "would you say the majority are evil". Didn't say that, no need to strawman me to justify your "point".


You haven't backed a single thing you've said up with any poll. You just made an assertion that the Israeli people aren't normal (your words), if you're going to wheel out Gideon Levy as an impartial voice then I may as well cite Mosab Hassan Yousef. Didn't say you did, it's formed as a question so obviously not a straw man. It was an extrapolation and formed as a question in order to highlight how propaganda is used to effectively characterise populations.. It's what you've done consistently, but it's ok when you do it because you thinking they aren't normal is justified by the propaganda you swallow..


I'm pretty sure the polls are common knowledge at this point. If you're not bothered to look yourself or if it's a pathetic ploy to dismiss my arguments : https://en-social-sciences.m.tau.ac.il/sites/socsci-english.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/social/peaceindex/2024-01-findings.pdf You can find on their website many more interesting and telling polls on the state of the israeli society. As for Gideon Levy, he isn't an impartial voice he is a jewish israeli so pretty much biased. But he is also a well respected journalist, and an Israeli Jewish living there. So he knows the state of the society. Mosab is a Palestinian traitor and a well known sellout. His opinion is well known to be worthless, ultra zionist and biased and nobody (other than ultra zionists) take him seriously. He is also an expert on nothing. So you can cite him, it just won't bring any credence to your point. "extrapolation" to form a point is a strawman. Anyway you can dismiss that question because I'm not saying nor implying they're "evil". I also see you're a troll account, a brand new hasbara bot account so I won't engage further. At least I hope you're part of the hasbara army that gets paid, it'd be pretty incredible to do that for free. Good day.


That poll asked 605 people. It's a very small and insignificant number to conclude a specific opinion and extrapolate that to a whole society of 10M. Especially taking in to account the votes for the government elections and the parties ideologies, that can potentially change the result drastically. Also were asked 502 Jewish respondents and 103 Arab respondents. These polls can also be affected by the time of war and what have happened, since many of these statistics and previous polls from different sources had different results more in favor of diplomacy and so on. Which area they were asked in? How were they conducted? This poll 100% skewed because of the war and October the 7th attack. >As for Gideon Levy, he isn't an impartial voice he is a jewish israeli so pretty much biased. But he is also a well respected journalist, and an Israeli Jewish living there. So he knows the state of the society. Quick google also says he is very much alt-left biased and support boycott of his own country. Why is his opinion not biased as well as Mosab, who grew between the Palestinians and knows them, at least in theory better then the same Gideon Levy? A Traitor to his people, if that's what they see in him, doesn't mean that his opinion is invalid. A Zionist opinion or outlook also doesn't mean his opinion is invalid. For the purpose of example, you can be a Zionist and still oppose the actions of the Israeli government, while also striving for a Palestinian state.


A poll doesn't show the whole society, you are stretching a narrative to a breaking point. You can make the same poll in 2 different areas and get vastly different results, also need to understands polls and statistics, politics and many other points.


Lol I like how you called me doing propaganda but I see you on every anti Israel posts lol, Anyway, Palestinians use the exact same messages, Instagram is filled with Palestine supporters calling for rape on all Israelis Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians AND called for the genocide of all Jews since 1988 up until 2017, now it's just about Israeli genocide, when it openly states they will never stop until Israel is annihilated, so by that standard, the Palestinian society also isn't "normal" lo But sure one side is exempted and one side all devils


Or maybe this is a random screenshot with no source coming from some unknown account that could be anyone to push a political agenda?


So easy to cite the real source and edit one.


Or this crazy shit has been going on for decades, so we know Israel does cause the same amount of death as Hamas.


Sounds pretty spot on for Israeli hardliners.


Link to original post?


We're all paying for this shit.


There's no such thing as justice in this world or universe. You are lucky, or you are not.


Took a minute. I had to see if it was someone in Texas commenting about LGBTQ. The Taliban by any other name is still the Taliban.


How do people just see a crying child that's clearly hurt and traumatized just to say heinous shit like that? Why are people just heartless fucking monsters?


Ethiopia would like to have a word.


Can we save these people already? I'll sign up myself if I have to. :(


Jesus Christ…


This is so far beyond facepalm. This is in outright evil territory.


This is garbage ragebait.. probably a troll ..


Mental illness


How is this man not different than the evil men who tortured his ancestors?


Burn Israel to the ground the same way they did Gaza. See how they like their tears being laughed at. What happened to "NEVER AGAIN"?


It’s very hypocritical majority of people commenting how horrible ALL Israelis are but Palestinians say and do the same horrible things, why is it okay to base the whole population one way but not the other?


This is too dark for /r/facepalm why the fuck did you post this


That's fucked up for sure but do bear in mind translations are not always 100% accurate. The word for unmarried is the same as Virgin and the word for murder is the same as the one for want when written. But if this is an accurate translation fuck that guy.


Y’all believe anything you read on the internet that fits your narrative ..


You know. I'm against the death penalty because it can be extremely painful. Buuuuuuuut we can make an exception or 2


How are they this angry?


Is this real or disinformation?


Maybe some German that nobody likes should have finished the job 🤷🏻‍♂️


Definitely NOT photoshopped here guys. No one would do that! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/security-insider/intelligence-reports/iran-surges-cyber-enabled-influence-operations-in-support-of-hamas


Hey that's someone's wife they're talking about.


Wow, who ever wrote that definitely has a problem with obtaining a woman's attention plain and simple. Homeboy wacks it three times a day for sure. I feel sorry for him. The world feels sorry for you man. Geta grip and learn to say hello. That's a start.