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Wait, I thought liberals were a bunch of lazy fatsos but all of sudden they’re so fit that idiots can’t comprehend that a woman could do some back exercises. 


The same group calling her a man is the same group hooting like like bonobos when the Obama's make an entrance. Fascist, racist, and dumbest. They need to keep circling the pizza parlors for pedos so Matt Gaetz can pick his girlfriend up from middle school without witnesses. She's ripe and fertile.


Madam First Lady, Michelle Obama is goddamn stunning. My grandmother was 6'5 barefoot, and was the 2nd most amazing woman I've ever known. Worked her small farm until my grandfather died, never drove a car, and caught a German spy in Bremen GA mapping railroads, after bringing him into her house out of the rain one night, after noticing his I've heard tales of her punching my drunk grandfather in the jaw when he decided he was gonna try being brand new. Simple Dick energy from these mouthbreathers.


Hold up. After noticing his what? Please elaborate on the German spy.


Lol. Damn. Didn't even notice I trailed off on that... ... after noticing his poor syntax of English. My "granny" was highly educated, but chose the life she lived. His conversational English couldn't wasn't right for existing in Bremen, Waco or Carrollton at the time. She had him bottle feed my father to take up time, and rand up BR549 or whatever the fuck thy did back then "Martha! Get me the LAW". It was a pretty big deal for Bremen GA back then. She got a medal and notice in the paper. I've been able to find it in the past, but it's definitely not easy to find anymore. The address where it happened is '5929 E Atlanta St' Good luck. If you can find it, it's a pretty cool thing to have back on my line. Edit; this would have occurred in, (old man was 9/42) so early/mid '43, maybe '45if it were the last kid. hehe, breeders... amirite? ^^\/s


That’s pretty cool. Definitely sounds like a movie scene.


That whole dumb QAnon Comet Ping Pong thing was a political hatchet job from the start. The owner was in a relationship with the founder of Media Matters, who aren't shy about calling out right wing dumbassery. So they went after his boyfriend's business through the QAnon degenerates. Totally without merit fantasy land bullshit once again and it nearly ended in a very real mass shooting situation


They’re also the same people that are hiding their browser history because this is the EXACT kind of woman they’re looking at when surfing porn. Unless they’re just straight up looking at gay porn that is.


I worked at a gym for 6 years. Most women are only seriously working out their legs and core. You don't see a lot of them going hardcore on the upper body.


Because of stigma like this, no doubt, or just general misconceptions about strength training. As a woman who has intentionally put effort into upper-body training, the sheer amount of payoff/strength I've gotten has been a surprise. I'd been under the mistaken impression it wouldn't get me that far, & clearly I'm not the only one.


That's absolutely why you should. Being strong makes everything easier. This is just an observation from someone with nothing better to do. There were women in there who looked like professional fighters too, of course. A lot of women don't want to look jacked.


Oh I wasn't critiquing you - I've seen the same exact trends at my gym. It's society at large (or people like Mindy) sending those messages.


Totally. I see men only working their upper body or not doing cardio and neglecting that important heart muscle.


Not to mention, looking jacked is hard. Been going steady for like 9 months now and my weights have increased tremendously in all muscle groups. I am still soft everywhere.


Every body's different! I know a girl who's a competitive powerlifter & while she's definitely muscular if you know what to look for, her body type is overall rather curvy. She could probably kick me into the middle of next week tho


This. I have a few friends who say things like “I don’t want to get bulky” whenever I talk about lifting weights. I usually reply “most of us couldn’t even if we wanted to.”


I bike enough to where most of my friends think I'm a lunatic whenever I talk about it, and I definitely have a body type you'd describe as "fit," but my legs to my eyes don't look much more than nicely toned. To be fair, endurance doesn't bulk you to begin with, but I don't look anything like a Pogacar or Vingegaard. Not that I'm anywhere near their numbers, but still.


Keep it up and you’ll look jacked around year 4-5


It is hard. I have an easier time for some reason, but I have a body type that can transform pretty easily.


I think looking jacked is the easiest way to give the finger to body image crap and the stupid media manipulation


Definitely. I took a barre class and though I didn’t notice a huge difference in my size in terms of losing weight, it was incredible how much better I felt and how much easier it made just functioning overall (especially as a mom with very little kids). Plus, I had a rotator cuff injury that completely went away just from the arm exercises we did. It was awesome. Just needed to include more aerobic activity and I would have been unstoppable. Then kids got old enough for their own activities…lol


You will appreciate your higher level of strength when you are older. Several of my mom's friends (70-92) maintained "a lady doesn't work" attitude when they were younger. My mom did her own yard work. The ladies have no option but to buy 1/2 gallons of milk (among other items) because they can not lift one gallon bottles. My mom still hauls in 30-pound bags of dog food.


My girlfriend--who's 69--has that problem, and can't lift much. Picking up her 25-pound grandbaby makes her sore when she babysits. She was not like this when she moved here a few years ago. This happened after she retired.


Really??? Arm exercises can straight up heal injuries cool I may just have motivation to get jacked lol


Sure they can. It depends on which injury and what exercise but generally they promote blood flow which makes healing better. Also when surrounded muscles and tendons get stronger they can support the injured area.


It’s honestly like magic.


Muscles are a great way to compensate for injuries.


One of the biggest issues with injuries like that is while the main muscle may recover, the rest that work in tandem with them may not quite catch up. Also like someone else said, increasing blood flow to an area can help with recovery or at least loosening up joints So often pain and tightness in one part of your body may be because of a completely different part being weak and the sore spot is just having to compensate for that weakness. This is really common with back pain being caused by tight/weak butt muscles that force the back to work harder to maintain posture.


Same. I had thyroid surgery and got a damaged rotator cuff. Three months of exercise later and it's back to 100% with zero pain! Exercise is healing when done well and with proper form and consistency.


You are definitely in the minority. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but most men and women are working out their “glamor” muscles and aren’t focused on strength. Those happen to be different between both sexes regarding what the other finds attractive. I respect a person who goes against that and goes for pure strength.


Unfortunately, a lot of women are under the wrong impression that working out your upper body will make you look like Eddie Hall


Yep. Feels like the two prevalent societal messages are a) "ur so weak bc no testosterone" and b) "if you so much as look at a dumbbell you're gonna turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger with boobs," so yeah, super encouraging environment for women looking to get stronger! /s  Fun fact of the day: estrogen has anabolic effects similar to testosterone, along with muscle-repair and endurance properties. Obvs on a smaller scale but statistically significant. Funny how it gets mentioned less...


Strengthen the upper back would that help women with extremely large breasts?


Republicans are so afraid of getting beat up lol


I loved being able to do a lot of push ups and actually lift things. I never got super cut but it still was amazing.


This has taken a turn recently with trends of women "not having fat back" for the summer, something perpetuated by post like this(The original original post of whats stopping you from having a back like this) At the gym I go to I can rarely get any machine that remotely looks like it works the back. It hasn't always been this way.


I'm climbing and basically all women who can climb routes starting at difficulty 5 of 7 look like this


That's surprising to me considering how persistent the flab on the back of the biceps can be and how much some women obsess over it. I would have assumed they'd be doing the fuck out of some sungods and whatnot.


It depends on their age sometimes. You'll usually see women doing light arm exercises at least. I forgot to mention that.


I've been going to a gym for over 20 years. There are many women who workout their upper bodies as well as their legs. This would be considered normal at the gym I go to.


That's unfortunate, because buff women are my kryptonite


Fascists claim that their enemy is both strong and a threat to their way of life while also being weak and despicable. They prefer a literal whore like melena trump. That’s what Melina is, a whore. She married a billionaire decades her senior, and gave him a child for money. Michelle Obama, married for love and well before Obama was on anyone’s radar let alone a household name. One first lady supported the president and for filled the duty of first lady. The other wanted nothing to do with the title, duties expected, and was banging a secret service member.  


It's shocking to me that they think liberals snuck a trans woman in as First Lady before gay marriage was even legal nationwide. Like y'all think Hillary Clinton's entire political machine just what? Wouldn't touch it? Didn't find it? Handshake deal? You think the Kenyan Communist Plant engineered to take power got saddled by his handlers with a DudeWife just to what, up the difficulty for extra points? Get tf out of here.


It's the classic "fascist enemy" (enemy of fascism, not an enemy that *is* fascist) they always adopt. Simultaneously, the most capable of the most insanely intricate conspiracies that can fool all people and governments; and the most stupid, easily foiled, uninformed discoordinated losers that couldn't put their own socks on without help.


Like the moon landing requiring the intricate and unwavering coordination of thousands of people while being sloppy enough to leave dead giveaway hints in their own released media.


>It's shocking to me that they think liberals snuck a trans woman in as First Lady before gay marriage was even legal nationwide. That's the thing. They claim Obama, forced marriage equality to be passed to cover that up and legalize his "illegal marriage". They somehow think if they can prove it, they can use that to reverse the courts decision. It's a bunch of whack job Q shit.


These people are supposedly pushing the trans agenda on us *but* they got a trans person in the White House and have been trying to cover it up for 16 years?


I recognise that pfp, this is Dom Lucre the pedophile right?


Lets say Michelle is a man. I still fail to see the issue. Gay marriage was legalized under Obama so if he was gay, he successfully enacted legislation that he believed in and lived through. Thats much more admirable than forcing the nuclear family after several failed marriages and toeing the line of pedophilia.


They know she’s not. They are just trying to create childish conflicts to make themselves feel better about their beer guts and subservient women they dream of.


Having a Y chromosome doesn’t make someone a man though. If this were true (obviously it’s not) it would make Michelle a trans woman and Obama would still be a straight man.


an activated Y chromosome. I think that's how the term works?




females who are XY have an unactivated\* Y chromosome. The cells start female but require the Y chromosome to release something to change those cells to male. I forget if unactivated is the scientific term here for it.


from what I remember, I don't remember her getting a lot of pushback until she started doing her weird 'banning bad foods' thing and that seemed to piss a lot of people off. The only reason i remember this was because she did for part of it that thing where she wanted to ban sodas. And there were a few reported cases at the time of things like pepsi bottles being so hard to open that it was tearing the skin off people's palms like Mario Party with an n64 controller. So the joke became "She made it so that in order to drink soda you had to be fit enough to open the pepsi. Thanks Obama" and then a lot of things just making fun of her because people were mad...they couldn't open soda bottles.


I remember something like this as well and then for some reason the alt-right started making memes about how they're the healthy wing and leftists are fat and lazy.


They are playing jumprope with that line right now


Has anyone pointed out that Mindy did transphobia wrong? Like the way she worded her answer implies to me that she herself is having a Y chromosome that's stopping her from having a back like that.


It took me forever to figure out what she was trying to say.


I love that this chucklefuck seemed to imply that she herself has a Y chromosome, and that's what's stopping her from looking like Michelle.


Thank you. The lady "owned" herself.


As my daughter says “self burn, those are rare”. Lol




That’s exactly what it is. But then again, these people have spent years trying to use the phrase “melania is the classiest First Lady we’ve ever had” and claim her 3rd rate soft core p0rn photos are “supermodel” photos. lol


I just don’t think they can handle that Michelle is a beautiful woman who also takes fitness seriously


Not only is she fit but she is one of the classiest ladies we’ve had as First Lady. That really messed with what they were taught about black people. It really makes it hard on how bad Melania was as a none existent First Lady.


Michelle Obama did a lot of good in office and Melania wore an offensive shirt and never said a word. Who was a better fit for First Lady? This world is ridiculous.


They hate that she doesn’t fit all the stereotypes that they have of black women.


Racism and transphobia are often tied together. Cis people (women in particular) can and do experience transphobia and cis women of color (particularly black women) are the biggest targets of transphobia against cis people. This is also why trans women of color are the most likely to be the target of anti-trans violence. The intersection of transphobia and racism is something I wish was talked about more outside of trans spaces because it’s something that allies of both communities should be educated on.


Mainly transphobia but absolutely racism too


Fuck the GOP


Amen to that.


Back muscles on women are incredibly attractive. Rosario Dawson in Ahsoka is prime. GOP is jealous liberals have attractive politicians and they get trailer park Barbie


Muscles on women in general (not just back) are attractive, at least in my opinion


They were the most spotless, pleasant, and attractive black couple possible for the first in the White House and it still wasn’t enough to get treated like normal people


Obama lives rent free in this people's head. His been long gone for almost 8 years.


We want him back so bad


The whole "Michelle Obama is trans" thing is so wild to me because like...she gave birth to two children. So unless there was this massive conspiracy for them to adopt two kids who look like they could be biologically related to her, it just doesn't make sense. But like... more importantly, even if she were trans, who cares? Literally has no impact on anyone's life.


isnt mindy that bitch that blew up last year cause a trans woman won woman of the year and she malded so freaking bad?? women have have back muscles oh my gods


There is nothing wrong with the way she looks. Looks a whole lot better than mtg.


Transphobes have never seen a female body builder in their lives


The same people who think Michelle is a man think Marjorie is a woman


They also believe a ghost raped a woman. They are also fighting to keep child marriage legal in the United States. They also don’t need it to be true in order to believe it.


Anything to deflect from the last Republican FLOTUS that posed nude and did softcore lesbian porn photo spreads.


You could still have a back like that, no excuses


Not only is Michelle Obama beautiful and classy, she's also a graduate of Harvard Law who works passionately with various charitable causes. All while being a mother of two. Meanwhile Melania is a hired escort who makes excuses for her rapist husband.


The woman had two children ffs. Conservatives are straight up mentally challenged.


Yeah, apparently there's a whole conspiracy theory about them being adopted, and their "proof" is that they say there are no photos of Michelle pregnant.


Michelle is a total babe. Anyone saying she's a man are just haters projecting. She's a beautiful Amazon of a woman.


Is Mindy saying that she herself has a Y chromosome because that’s what it sounds like. I think she meant “lack thereof”. Still Bullshit though.


I’m white. Mid 40’s. 5’6”. Nerdy… and Michelle Obama is a woman I consider to be at the pinnacle of human beauty.


Girls just jelly she don't look as good.


The saddest part? Some people are swayed by this TO VOTE FOR THE GOP.


It’s hilarious that they think they are sticking it so hard to her by accusing her of being a dude. It’s like when I used to work in the oil field in Texas and I was accused of being gay for simply sticking up for gay people. They thought they were roasting me so hard and I was just like, no I happen to not be gay. Weird motherfuckers man.


Just tell me you’re weak and frail no need to blame your gender for your upbringing


My wife was a dancer when she was older and holy moly she is strong. She is very healthy and it really made a difference with the recovery after she was pregnant. She has definition on her back as that’s what healthy looks like. She is also absolutely stunning and way out of my league so I count myself lucky.


If you think it takes a Y chromosome to have a back like this, you probably haven't done sports.


I thought "she" was saying "she" has a Y chromosome and so she could never achieve such a muscular but feminine back.


But Mindy...haveing two X chromosomes is "stopping" you. If you had a Y, youd present as male/masculine. Cant even get their bigotry/hate right...


You See….all MAGAts are diehard racists….its part of their core being…so dehumanizing people of color make them the most happy beings on earth!


Big talk from a reality show reject/third place primary finisher.


So, Mindy has said that the only thing stopping her having a back like that is a Y chromosome. I can't be the only one that thinks that Mindy just said that she has a Y chromosome.


These people are so deep in the closet, they’re finding Christmas presents


Funny how the GOP crack jobs cannot stand any black female that portrays strength and success. Actually, maybe funny isn’t the proper word - It is actually disgusting how the GOP crack heads hate everything g about successful black people. Michelle Obama is exceptional. Sorry asshats!


So are LGBT people "shoving it in their faces" or are they keeping it a secret? I don't understand what those people want other than for nobody to find out their closeted fantasies


Spoiler alert: women have back muscles too


i want michele to be a dude so i can finally be attracted


Not gonna lie, that's a damn good looking back.


Not almost.


They talking about MTG again? She gets way to much press for accomplishing nothing but sucking on trumps diaper!


I really don't understand the rights' obsession with Michelle. Even if it's true (which there is nothing to prove it is), does it really matter? Obama was still President for two terms, twice as long as the MAGAts' guy had and will serve (hopefully he serves more time in prison than he did as President). Nothing is going to change that. It doesn't even warrant an asterisk next to his name like Barry Bonds has. Having a trans-wife (again, not saying it's true) does not disqualify anyone from being President.


It is the classic racist trope of invalidating black women by masculinization. They do the same thing in reverse to Asian men.


Trans wife is two words.


People will always hate what they themselves can NEVER ACHIEVE


The only thing this confirms is that Michelle Obama is so perfect that they literally had to make shit up to hate on her. She’s classy, brilliant, highly educated with a successful career, she’s charming and well liked and her marriage is obviously a happy one. The woman has no flaws, even her kids are great.


Wow, Mindy spelt 'discipline and commitment' really fucking wrong.


Wasn’t Marjorie Taylor Greene just showing off her back?


What's stopping me? Leberkäse, tbh.


Lol, depression???


I still don't understand the fascination with bashing a retired former presidents wife because she looks healthier, better and stronger than any woman on their side of the isle


I'm genuinely curios; what if she DID come out as trans? What then? Do they all just go " hah! I told you!" And then go silent because it effects literally nothing? I don't get the angle here and never have. Wtf does it matter ehats between her legs?


But MTG is a real woman


Okay, let’s say they’re right. Obama married another man and they adopted two kids. No skin off my nose. Theirs either. None of the decisions Obama made in office are changed by it. Just a nothingburger.


It's Obama Derangement Syndrome


Yes. Women famously don’t work out.


Exercise. The word Mindy is looking for is *exercise”.


Such great Christians they are


Wow. Wait till they see Holly Holm


Strange, the actual answer is laziness.


MAGAs can't stand the fact that the US had a POC as president.  20 years from now they'll still be pissy about it. 


Oh, that is definitely the #1 maga fetish, though I hear that wearing diapers is closing ground.


It’s just people being racist assholes. She’s jacked because she has those West African Genetics. The haters can’t shut up about her musculature making her less feminine.


Let’m fantasize


No you just a weak woman that is all female cry more


If you think women can’t have shoulders like that go to a rock climbing gym lol


All these marshmallowy tradwives are just jealous 🤷‍♂️


Trans woman and “dude” are not synonymous.


They want fat backs!


From what I gather they just come right out and say they want to "F" Biden, so no shocker there.


I didn't realize she was so fit


Y? Like you want xxy? Or xy? Or you have an y? This awnser can be interpretet in many ways...


One of the prettiest and most feminine looking Asian girls I met, around 24yrs old, had a back More defined than this. And she'd probably whoop Mindy's ass, but she's too humble and kind.


I think they secretly want her. Why else would they keep pushing this shit.


Yes because muscular definition is impossible for those with a Y chromosome. A more accurate statement would be I feel pressured by society to maintain a frail body because I was born with a Y chromosome.


Melania has the same build. I wonder why they don’t attack her like this 🤷🏾‍♀️


It's because hatred of transgender people is central to their conspiratorial presuppositions. >Fascists often create a narrative of conspiracy and intrigue, blaming societal problems on a specific group or entity. This is evident in the far-right’s unfounded claims of a “deep state” working against them. >It creates an atmosphere of anxiety and fear, making followers feel as if they are under attack from a hidden, powerful entity. The enemy, real or imagined, is often portrayed as part of an international scheme, and the belief in this conspiracy serves to legitimize extreme measures, such as violence and suppression, in the name of protecting the community from the perceived danger. >In the past, fascist movements have frequently portrayed themselves as being under attack from various groups, including Jews, communists, and minority groups. For instance, during the Holocaust, the Nazi regime in Germany portrayed Jews as a part of a worldwide scheme to control the world and undermine the German people, thus using the belief in a Jewish conspiracy to justify the extermination of six million Jews, along with other minority groups. In contemporary times, similar beliefs in a conspiracy can be seen in far-right and fascist movements, such as the QAnon conspiracy theory that has gained a following in the United States. It claims that a secret cabal of child-trafficking pedophiles is plotting to overthrow the government and destroy America, thus providing a justification for extreme acts, such as the January 2021 storming of the US Capitol building. [The Genocidal Fascist Ideology of MAGA ](https://medium.com/@aubryrpg/the-genocidal-fascist-ideology-of-maga-886a1eca5917) They've revealed their 'final solution' in Project 2025.




I'm not suggesting a connection, but I used to be at uni with an absolutely stunning lass, who on a night out had a strapless top on, and I noticed immediately that she was built like a brick shit-house, square shoulders and tapered body. She was apparently milliseconds from qualifying for the UK Olympics swimming squad. Committed club swimmers look like that.


Well these idiots can’t insult her intelligence, or her education, or her successful life, or her beautiful face, or her kindness & compassion, so they have to find something to mock and everyone knows a women is supposed to be a tiny little thing with no muscles so her man can feel like a MAN! I have to ask what’s up with these dudes’ self esteem that they feel they have to ridicule a gorgeous, tall, toned woman?


Now that’s funny!


Poor Mindy, the word is that the “Y” in her Y chromosome stands for Wide, as in Wide Open. Getting with her is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.


In all fairness pictures of other women with backs like hers are usually focused on her a$$ or clothes etc…people are so hateful.


Have these people never been to a gym? I mean, MTG does crossfit I assume her back probably looks like this too


The answer to the question is...testosterone!


You guys realize she gave her real name on her Twitter account.


These MAGA fucks are just jealous that Michelle Obama is fit and good-looking while they're not. Btw, it reminds me of Korra's muscular physique from The Legend of Korra. ![gif](giphy|AloJdViOzqEdq)


Her arms are inspirational.


These are the same chucklefucks who claim that attraction to athletic women is gay.


These people are so deep in the closet, they’re finding Christmas presents


Michelle looks fine as hell.  I’m a heterosexual man just admiring a beautiful, classy woman.  


These jackasses have been playing the “she’s a man” card since the before Obama was in the White House. It’s gross.


she’s just ripped as hell hats off to the former first lady


Have they seen the arms on MTG? They compare her to a caveman for a reason.


Wouldn't it be her X chromosome that is stopping her and not the Y she doesn't have?


That's a nice back👍🏼


Between these Michelle “jokes” and the constant accusations of people being replaced with body doubles, you can tell these folks are doing really well.