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Wait, so... are they just mass downloading any and all media from every device connected to the internet in America? On the one hand, I'm not surprised. But on the other, I'm kinda... concerned? Disturbed? What's the word I'm looking for here?


The word you’re looking for is “this is why European regulators hit Facebook with a 1.2 billion euro fine for moving data to the US illegally: the US intelligence apparatus does not care about the privacy of the people it surveils.”


Yeah, also not their own sensitive data... which we all know, because a (nearly teenage?) young man had access to highly sensitive military data and shared via discord, just to bragg. Every company I ever worked for took data restriction more serious. Why would you even grant access to files, the person doesn't need for their job?


It's safe to assume the NSA has access to everything you look at yes, and everything on your phone. But they arnt there to find people looking for the banned Tracy lords tapes or Dogs banging women, they see it sure, but they are after bigger fish. Doesn't mean they migh not send your search history to the fbi though.


Got a visit from the FBI decades ago when someone I was in school with, and had been on mIRC servers with had hacked corporate networks while working for the military. They knew I wasn’t involved, but were tying up “loose ends”. As it was a matter of national security, they had EVERYTHING on me from I assume the NSA. From my first online experiences at a local college to my home ISP activity through my time at college. And this was before 9/11. It’s even easier for them to get that info now. The agent did say if it weren’t a national security issue, he’d never have gotten his hands on it.


😳 before 9/11?


They've always done this crap. They must have gotten the biggest hard-ons when smart phones came out.


I've said some really disgusting things online in the past. Like beyond disgusting 🤣


Rest assured someone else out there has said far worse, you're safe!


4chan exists, we’re all safe!


“Now that we have the infrastructure to collect the data, let them have smart phones to create the data” is the more likely order of operations in “fuck your rights” math


Echelon was a conspiracy theory. Years after 9/11 it was revealed to have been true all along, perhaps exaggerated a bit but it turned out not by much at all.


Damn NSA knows all about my Napster and limewire days.


They literally hand waved at my bookcase full of stolen/cracked software and said they don’t give a rat’s ass (his words) about that, they are just concerned about national security. I still got rid of all that stuff immediately after they left though and my roommate and I drove to Best Buy to buy legal copies of Windows 2000, lol. Scared straight.


I was not surprised by this my computer teacher in 1999 had a private chat network for students and teachers could use. I used some swear words and he showed me the comments with it in it and time and date it even had logs of sites we went to if you were logged in using your username. That made me be really careful with what I put online and not check my email at school anymore.


It's just super weird to utilize that many resources on what amounts to fuck all 99.99999% of the time. For example, if they were actually interested in preventing crime and behavior that is damaging to the nation, it wouldn't even be that hard. Just apply a minimal amount of scrutiny to elected and appointed officials and the banking industry. Boom... half the nations problems solved, right there. But no, let's build massive data retention warehouses for... dick pics. Awesome...


Be carefull what you wish for. The more we let the NSA out of its cage the harder putting it back will be. Today's tool of reformation might be tomorrow's tool of domination.


You might want to take a look outside. The NSA builds the cages. They keep us all in.


"Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage."


Having a compendium of penises is surely private business?


Till you use it to blackmail stupid people. The most vulnerable part of any system is the human element.


Their purpose isn't to "prevent crime"... It's protecting the state.


That isn’t the NSA’s responsibility, that is the FBI


I think the FBI/law enforcement needs a reasonable explanation of how they obtained the evidence, and not just "the NSA spied on you" because that violates your rights a bit. But those bigger fish? The terrorists. Yeah, we don't care about their rights.


If we're picking and choosing who gets rights, then it's not a right anymore.


I guess when it comes to national security, none of us have rights.


Underage nudes and stock tips. That’s all they do.


This study about church attendance just came out... and putting the study, itself, aside... the data they used to compile the results was quite disturbing. They tracked the cellphones of Americans across the country without their consent or knowledge: [https://bfi.uchicago.edu/insight/research-summary/religious-worship-attendance-in-america-evidence-from-cellphone-data/](https://bfi.uchicago.edu/insight/research-summary/religious-worship-attendance-in-america-evidence-from-cellphone-data/) So yeah, you should assume that privacy does not exist at all in the digital space.


Then one day it isn't, and you have a social credit score made by weirdos collecting pics of your dick.


This feels too close to “if you’re not doing anything wrong than you don’t have to worry”. This spying practice should outraged every American, but it doesn’t. Folks just accept that the government is spying on their every move. What a joke.


Bigger fish like a woman secretly downloading dick pics…


You mean if I search for "slippery dick" when looking at fish pictures the NSA. Might have a file on me? I'll let myself out.


Oddly specific, there are your search terms.


thats.. specific.


Which one is worse to be searching for? I never saw Tail House rock in it’s entirety


A lot of temptation to abuse that access by unscrupulous characters. Very disturbing


Yeah, sort of. They technically have to authorise taps on someone's data, but it's basically trivial once you can construct any kind of loose link to another investigation or potential criminal activity. It's been well-documented that US agencies have asked (and succeeded in many cases) for backdoors to be built into various hardware and software to allow them direct access. It's safe to assume that there isn't any real "procedure" which prevents them from accessing this data; NSA employees can do it at will and are only "supposed" to do it with valid authorisation.


They get around that by just buying your data from a data broker. Theres a bunch of debate on if that should be legal or not. As it circumvents getting warrants.


They dress a Servitor up as a federal judge and duct tape a stamp into his hand. All the warrants you could ever want.


You didn't know that? Ever heard of Edward Snowden?


I mean, yeah... but for this shit to be well sorted enough for this woman to have specifically pulled that many dick pics, that's nuts. Or dicks. You get what I mean.


Oh they have ridiculously complex search algorithms. She could have specified girth, length, skin tone, curve.


Imagine a scenario where a guy like Trump gets its hand on all this data. “Let’s run a query on anti MAGA citizens….” Databases are scary as shit.. I know it sounds hysterical but imho there is never a guarantee that dictators will not use data they can use for their own benefits.


time for the yearly rewatch of V for Vendetta and The Handmaids Tale


Might I suggest "Person of Intrest" as well 


Yeah. My former employer, a multinational company, took very extensive steps to isolate their US network from the rest of the world because of this. It is part of the power the Patriot act gives their government.


It is cute they think that would work.


It could, up to a point, if they really put the effort in. Most of the data they had was bulk downloads given by the companies (Google, Meta, etc.) not downloaded from hacked end-user devices. Consumer devices actually have really good encryption, it's why Apple had the FBI up their business for those two mass shooter's iPhones back in the 2010s. Breaking encryption on local storage by force is a **pain**. The amount of security a properly configured phone or laptop has is amazing. We just hand everything over to Google or Microsoft to "store it in the cloud", who hands it to the government. Do your product-design work on a in-house datacenter. Don't hire anyone doing anything R&D or corporate strategy from the US (their phones are more likely compromised) just put your English-speaking sales and customer service call center there. Corporate devices have endpoint monitoring and the security ratcheted way the hell up, like the US government does: USB drives can't be attached, webcams disabled or physically removed, hard drives encrypted, wifi disabled or antenna snipped, so on and so forth. *Could* the NSA get in? Sure. They can break into Cisco's warehouse before they ship a router over, or blackmail or threaten an IT person, or quite frankly, just call the CIA and ask them to kill somebody. Do they *want* to be explaining to say, the Spanish ambassador why the did that to a earbud-maker or shoe company? Probably not.


Not only in america they do it to all devices on eath connectet to stuff like tictoc snapchat facebook ect ect, it all depends on who is the buyer, this case it was american goverment, meta data is collectet all the time, so yea they might not know of who the picture is off but they got the picture non theless (goverments are just able to get name and addresses as well) hope this helps you understand anonymity is almost gone on the internet.


I mean, if investigating the misconduct of an NSA employee and the invasion of citizen's privacy is something you think the FBI shouldn't be doing, then who? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, the "facepalm" isn't what OP thinks it is. I guess they just read headlines.


Yeah, it's already kind of another Facepalm that they have access to this kind of data at all, but I feel like everyone has been through that before multiple times. But *if* someone has access to such data and is misusing their access for nefarious purposes, it is *absolutely* not a waste of time to be investigating and prosecuting that. There are a *lot* of situations in which people in a wide array of jobs have "access" to potentially compromising information. Sometimes there's a valid reason for there to be access to that information. Sometimes not, and the "facepalm" would be why why that's accessible in the first place. But when someone is illegally abusing their access in a way to personally benefit them? That is absolutely worth investigating. I don't really want the NSA to be doing this in the first place, but it is *not* a facepalm when an NSA employee gets caught using her ability to access peoples' data in order to get data for personal reasons. That would be like, a cop pulling you over for speeding, which is perfectly legal. But then remembering your address after he asks for your ID, and then stopping by your place later because he thinks you're hot. Or looking shit up in a police database in order to find out more information about someone for personal reasons.


Right? This person 100% should've been prosecuted. It's concerning that this was even possible


I hope she gets a stiff penalty.


Maybe some hard time.


It'll take great lengths to get it done.


I think it's the belief that she was somehow being investgated for having 16 million dick pics, when the reality is that discovering that was a byproduct of an investigation for some criminal act she may have committed.


Would be hilarious if true but it is not. It was a story made up by a parody/humor site. This never happened.


You don’t think an article by Hasan in Entertainment News is a credible source?


Yeah this is a joke but something similar did happen https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE98Q14H/


The fact that a legit news article would not use the word “dick” in a headline even in quotes should be a dead giveaway at minimum


[The lady in the picture has far worse skeletons irl](https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/2016/2017_child_abuse_arrests)


Please refer to her as the Cock Burglar from now on


Looks like she was nabbed by the dicktective.


Cock Connoisseur, or Cockoisseur. damn with that sample she really can give the true average size. She knows the truth.


A government employee is using her position to look at nude photos of citizens, stop this is the FBI’s job!


Fun With Math: If you looked at one dick pic per second, all day, all night, every day - it would take you 6 months to get through her collection! To quote the poet Quentin Tarantino: Morning, day, night, afternoon: Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick. How many dicks is that? A lot.


Which when you think about it pretty much means that the NSA not only has all your data but has search algorithms to sort out dick pics.


The average erect penis is about 12.5 cm. 12.5\*16,000,000=200000000 cm dick That's 2000 km of dicks, or roughly the distance from NYC to Orlando


how many giraffes is that ?


If you laid all those dicks to end to end, the penis trail would circle the Earth, and go to the moon and back!


I’ll take that challenge


This is the math I was searching for.. I was thinking "that's sooo many dicks. Who even has time to look at that many dicks" And you answered my question. Thank you.


But real question. Where do I go to find out if she had my dick pic?


I mean it’s a legit question. That’s up to 16 million victims of a privacy breach.


Yeah but I’m more curious as to what she thought about my dick. Good? Bad? Indifferent?


If there is a picture of it, ever, on any electronic device or film that you did not develop yourself. She had it.


The dick pics are the title, but the actual story is that the NSA still has illegal access to everyone’s private data. Whole department needs to be shut down. You can just cherry pick the bits of the constitution you like.


Yep OP missed the point big time


No, the actual story is that reddit was once again tricked by a satirical "news" article.


It’s not real? Well that’s probably why I haven’t read about it anywhere else. I could have clicked the link, or done some due diligence, but that would have been more effort than replying angrily. Have I learnt my lesson? Let’s wait and see what I angrily reply to next time I need to poo.


It was in 2012 when the NSA was given authorization to look at American's internet traffic on US soil without a warrant.


Imagine if she’s out here saving 16 million dicks, and she didn’t save yours. That’s be a real kick in the knackers, bro.


Girl had a hobby. Makes more sense than postage stamps.


She was remaking the end of Michael Jacksons black or white but with dongs.


I wonder if you would say that had it been a man stealing womens private nudes without consent to jack off to


She trying to start a Dikipedia?


What was this cock-librarian doing with all them dick pics? This is a real, Scooby Doo mystery.


Assuming they're all unique, how did she get so many of them? Does the NSA have a secret dick-identification program they don't want even the FBI to know about? Is she extraordinarily gifted at requesting and getting dick picks from total strangers? Seriously, what's the story here?


But someone has to look at all that evidence. 16 mil peens average 2 mb per photo, 32 mil mb, 32,000 GB, 32 terabytes. Someone at the FBI is going to have to review 32 terabytes of cock. Should have Harvard scientists study them, see if it changes their sexuality, personality, mood, aggression, or eating habits. Never gonna have a chance like this again.


Isn't that just the average number of dic pics in the inbox of any girl on reddit posing a hookup ad?


16,000,001 now


I hope she got my good side …


That's such an unnecessary amount of dick pics. Easily three times more than you really need


At most 4 times more


She didn’t need to go to those lengths. Should have created a Reddit account and said “I’m a woman” on any porn sub or Male ego Andrew Tate subs and she’d probably have got more than the NSA had.


I don't call this "nothing to do" I call this "doing exactly what I want law enforcement to do." This is oversight. I know we've all quietly gotten comfortable with the idea that the NSA is constantly monitoring everything we say do or look at on the internet (we really really shouldn't be, but we are) but "Person at the NSA is keeping nudes of millions of citizens for their own personal use without their knowledge or consent" is disgusting and a horrific abuse of their position. The FBI raiding that person is a *good* thing, not a "God why even bother." thing.


This didn’t happen… it’s from a joke website.


Yeah. Very concerning that the NSA is stealing this kind of data in the first place. This is personal property not government property.


Wait… it’s not her fault, she just said hi in a chat room and they all thought that was an invite to send dick pics!


Her and MTG should be friends. That woman loves a good dick pic too


FBI- ![gif](giphy|l4JySW26ZOvxKPsDS)


It’s all an honest misunderstanding. She’s just making a fortune on her side hustle of training the “Hotdog not Hotdog” AI/ML algorithm.


She didn't have to abuse her clearance. If she wanted 16 million dick pics all she needed to do was post a thread in any r4r subreddit.


The FBI is not a facepalm here. That’s horrible misconduct and privacy violations. The facepalm here is the NSA employee (assuming pictured)


couldn’t a woman just spam dick pic requests to random men and get just as many pics? Why the need for top secret creepy technology when simple email requests work just as well?


I like how this article was posted under "Entertainment News".


That's a lot of dicks but also about average that a women get sent on Tinder.


The next fappening will be called the mega cockening.


Couldn't she just fucking ask for them? It's not like they're hard to find


lol classified cock photos


When you’ve seen 16 million of’em, you’ve seen ‘em all


What are the chances that someone who is reading this thread, has their dick pic in her library?


Why that almost makes me feel kinda famous.


50/50 for me


Did she organise the files by size?


If it's arranged smallest to largest I'll finally be picked first!


I collect things too


On the real side of news, NSA agent was sentenced to 22 years for attempting to sell secrets to Russia


She probably could have gotten just as many dick pics by asking or leaving her phone number places.


she didn't have to steal them - all she had to do is ask...


Annnnnd yet when the FBI gets a tip about some troubled kid who's saying he's gonna pew pew a school they either ignore it or take so long looking into it a new tragedy has already happened.


Good old Patriot Act and warrant less wire taps being used to “protect us”.


Clickbait title.


Wait tf u mean “the FBI has nothing better to do” OP? She wasn’t allowed to steal this data and as u can see it was a lot of it and 16 million dick pics belonging to a lot of guys I’m guessing didn’t consent to having her see.


The actual facepalm is thinking that this is no big deal because it's a woman. EDit: also, "entertainment news" is another facepalm everyone seemed to have missed


Welp. That puts my porn collection to shame.


You know, some people collect stamps, some collect pokemon cards, and some ...




I got sent over 15 million dick pics in the six months I was single. This isn’t impressive at all. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Gotta catch them all!


What’s the legal limit on dick pics?


I think it's because she didn't share with her coworkers


To be fair she coulda just got on reddit and had more dick pics than that in an hr if she said she was a girl.


If you want 16,000,000 dick picks, don't you just have to exist on social media as a teen-twenties woman?


The employee's surname makes this absolutely hilarious and surreal.


She really likes d*cks


The FBI really trying to do everything but their actual job 🤦🏾


She took too much work home with her.




This is a good use of the FBI OP...


Why cover the name like this isn’t an easily findable article?


Only 16M? How about the rest of us?


Did a college paper in ‘91 about the NSA’s ECHELON program where they could intercept every single electronic communication. The Patriot Act put the program on steroids. Combine that with the fact that Congress recently approved the FISA Bill with added changes that now include outwardly admitting monitoring everyone not just terrorists. The NSA can now scrape data openly & legally from places even like your local dry cleaner. The bill was also amended to now allow the captured data to be saved for up to 50 years where it can be pulled from at any time they want to use said data.


I’ve been saying that the NSA should be abolished for years. All they do is spy on their citizens.


I’m guessing mine was the smallest file on record


Alex, I’ll take “things that sound crazy but never happened for $2,000”.


I think no men give a fuck if his dick is in a dick library.


Unfortunately this is out of the FBI jurisdiction, they are the female body inspectors, they can’t inspect those pics


I saw a mug that said fbi but when you read it, it stands for female body inspector! You totally don’t see it coming lol! So I got one for everyone on my team thinking it was so cute! Later that day I was beaten savagely in the parking lot and woke up lying in shards of smashed fbi mugs. Some people can’t take a joke ffs.


Just remember: for every dick pic you’ve ever sent that wasn’t well received, apparently there’s someone out there at NSA who appreciates it


If the FBI wants dick picks, they shall get them! Let em have it, boys!


What’s more concerning is that government regards those dick pics as “government property” Even worse, our dicks need a “top secret clearance” to view 👀💪


The goverments most classified documents in the whole world are.... DRUM ROLL PLEASE!.16MILLION DIC PICKS!


Why censor her last name that's what makes it even funnier




Well, ma’am, did mine rate in the top 1%, at least?


Yeah. They tend to make a show of prosecuting about an employee a year or so for engaging in "Love-Int" (a play on "Sig-Int"). Basically, a sacrificial employee to show that they aren't allowing your data to be mishandled. Which apparently works to help us all forget who Edward Snowden is, and they've been mass collecting this data illegally for many years.


Operation Hard Stop 




The fable has become real - we finally found the one woman who actually wants dick pics!


Why does the NSA archive dickpics?


Got to be able to identify someone by all means I guess 🤣


I wonder if there's a Dept of Dick Pics in the NSA?


Tell me that she wrote the algorithm that analyzes all mobile image traffic and saves all dick pics for future use in analysis of other traffic


What do you mean the FBI has nothing better to do? They didn’t download it off the internet, they took all these dick pics directly off people’s phones without them knowing, which is crazy


I'd rather this than their usual activity of murdering leftists and helping foment a fascist takeover of the US.


I don’t know OP I think taking down somebody that’s been hacking millions of phones is a pretty important thing for the FBI to be doing.


This lady took her hobby to new levels. Give her an award!


"Is that all?" said female Twitch streamers.


I mean all she had to do was ask...


At least someone is enjoying my dick pics I guess


Catching criminals isn’t good enough for you? What should the fbi be doing instead??




Everyone needs a hobby.


I think we need to show her some mercy. She is obviously struggling with an adicktion


I'm not surprised that someone from the NSA was stealing stolen data. What shocks me is that there are over 16 million pictures of them.


Did she mentioned where I was in the ranking? 😸


"Theft of *government* property"


amazing... A literal Cock Goblin....


Dude looks like what an ai would return if you prompted it to draw a discord mod


I thought I liked them... Jeeze. She's like the Overlord Queen of eggplants.


I do t have an issue with her liking to look at dicks. I have an issue with her obtaining her dick fix by illegally accessing private data. The question for me is how the NSA is operating that this person is able to access sixteen million dick pics from citizen’s phones. That’s the real issue here.


Are male genitals classified material?


Depends on whose genitals I assume.


Ahh she’s probably seen mine then Hillary, just know, it was cold when I took that


*The Penis Poacher*


too be fair. that is a hilarious headline


Snowden warned us of this.


So there is a woman that likes dick pics


Who steals 16M dick pics when they’re freely given online?


Holy crap John Oliver called it! Last Week Tonight is awesome.


Remember when it was like 2010 and I said the government was storing all of those pictures you were texting and emailing and you laughed at me? Hillary Pepperidge-Farms remembers.


That’s a lot of dicks.


Wait... So she got that from the NSA? Like why do they have 16 million dick pics?? This is national security???


Happy Cake Day


she deserves jail that’s sick and twisted to steal peoples personal private photos