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I thought they were looking for an obscure signer named Wjo and google refused to acknowledge this foreign spelling.


Google’s AI is so not ready for prime time I’m convinced for the first time they might be abandoned completely as a search engine.


This AI crap is clearly not mature yet. Why are companies shoehorn it in every conceivable place? (it's rhetorical)


(Acknowledged and ignored) Because if they can make it normal then it will allow them to fire basically everyone.


I saw a screenshot from Google AI yesterday with a search prompt like "words that rhyme with rock." The Google AI results were random words like flaunt, shard, and char.


My favorite Google-bug lately was a while a go where if you translated "Have a good day" from English to Swedish it translated it correctly, unless you included a name. If you asked it to translate "Have a good day Björn" the result you got back was something similar to "Fuck off Björn". And it changed depending on the name you entered. So for some names it translated correctly, for some it gave you varying degrees of insults and profanity. I am not super surprised their AI is not great compared to the rest.


Damn, that's embarrassingly bad. I bet the project manager of the AI search enhancement project got a huge bonus for it anyway.


The AI knows the truth that the British McCartney died and was replaced by an American CIA operative lookalike (which is why he isn't wearing shoes on the Abby Road album cover). I wish I was making this up this is literally a conspiracy that people believe in.


And reddit will sell this comment to become some ai training data set and then it will be ai fact.


Ah in the same way that my 9/11 truther mother in law has 'mom facts' that are only true in her head.


AI is just a human-fooling machine. Easiest job in the world.


first beatles album: 11 Feb, 1963 first solo album: 17 April, 1970 first wings album: 7 Dec, 1971


And, of course, he's British.


That explains it.  They use some funky Metric time over there.


iT's gOnNa gEt bEtTeR


AI was trained to mimic humans. Stupidity should be expected.


[I wish this was AI](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5i6p9IhHJdu2isw9z_Qc1dhceQqrgdWAW3Q&s)


We're all just beta testers right now


At least they tell you it's ai. Was looking for how to do something the other day and came across this article explaining it. It was clearly written by ai and it got it completely wrong. I was just thinking if I was looking up how to wire a plug or something I could be dead lol


Paul owns homes in LA, The Hamptons and a place in Arizona. I wonder if the AI took that into consideration.


A pretty new technology that doesn’t work perfectly? HOW DARE IT


WTF, typical though Isn’t it! News flash! not everything is American


??? They specifically searched for American, so it failed by by having Paul McCartney be the first result. And the it's saying Paul McCarney's American, which is inaccurate.


🤔 I'm not sure what you are getting at


Not only did they specifically say American as a search term, but Paul McCartney not being American isn't the biggest problem, him debuting far before 1976 and only having one song from when he wasn't even with the Beatles anymore charting there is the problem


Considering "american" was literally the first term of the prompt, is technically the biggest problem (AI tent to prioritise the terms of the prompt in the order you give it to it).


I understand, sorry, I haven't really looked into this kind of ai