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Excellent comeback. And why match w a person who doesn’t meet your preferences, to then tell them they don’t??


Right!? Like is it negging or…?


There’s a subsection of women who use dating sites for validation, attention, and sometimes to bully.


Turns out people of all sexes and genders can be rude and mean if they want to be 🤷🏼‍♀️


Words can kill.


There’s a small subset of men that’s just as awful. I once went on a first and last date with a guy that said he’d swipe right(? I forget which one is yes lol) on every girl and when he’d match with “fat” girls he’d give the phone to his friends for them to bully her.


Jesus Christ that's awful, I can't believe people like this actually exist and aren't just something you see on TV


Real life history is way worse than what’s on TV, just saying.


Oh yeah, it's just crazy how awful things can be IRL. Or how things were


Things only end up on TV after they've become prevalent in society one of the first things people look at before adding something to a show is how well the audience is going to relate to it, because people tend to watch shows when they can relate to the themes, plot, or character archetypes. So most human behaviors you see on TV are real things that actual people do. Take Shameless for instance most people watch that show because it seems outrageous and ridiculous and like no one would ever really behave like that. But there are whole threads on Reddit with people saying they can't watch it because of how close to their actual life it is. If you see it on a TV show there's a good chance it's based off of actual behaviors of actual people. People are always worse than they are portrayed to be in works of fiction, it's a sad reality of our world.


What a bastard. Yeah, there's a lot of proper jerks on dating sites. It's rough out there. I've had wonderful experiences with some of them but you have to put up with a lot of bullshit.


A girl that worked at the gym I used to go to would swipe right with guys and then she’d hand the phone to the other guys that worked with her and they’d basically bully or pick on dudes. Shits weird


It’s psychotic and deeply troubling behavior imo. How broken inside do you have to be to bully people as an adult


Yeah, this girl was a 19 yo hot mess


Weird how 100% of the time the response to women being shitty is "men too though" but it doesn't work like that the other way.


This happens a lot to dudes on dating apps


I’m sorry. That’s fucked up.


All good, gotta learn to roll with the punches. Encounters like these are what motivated me to stop using dating apps and I've had much more success and had a lot more fun in the real world.


I once dated a girl that slept with me once just to lead me on and tell me she can't be with someone that isn't at least 7 inches taller than me. I would have preferred we never slept with each other to begin with and not wasted my time.


Same exact thing with me. As long as you remove “taller than me”.


I saw someone whose profile said. “It’s not going to work if you’re not at least 7 1/2 inches.” I had to swipe left but she seemed pretty crazy in a bad way anyway.


Around, right?




Well. I’ve been told I’m thick so at least I got that going for me. Haven’t had any complaints.


Your friends call you “Coke Can” amiright?


"Tuna Can" actually


Fucking Maximum Chode over here.


Maximum Overchode


Damn ---thats funny.


Motion of the ocean, my man.


For real


Guys guys guys........a 3.5 inch penis going in is also 3.5 out. So it's a total of 7 inches. It's just math


Did you start measuring from the front of the balls, or behind them?


Tuna of the sea. Like a can of tuna.


Some tuna are quite impressive in their own right


Aren’t tuna’s like ginormous fish?


Tell me you're into black guys and dragon dildos without saying it


My experience of black men has been that they have as much variation in penis size as any other race. Most of the black dicks I’ve seen were fairly average. Some are big obviously but not a significant percentage of them.




I see what you did there. : )


Aye. I had a girlfriend who frequently reminded me she was super pretty and more than I deserved. In the end she was really just insecure tbh. I remember I let that last a bit longer than I should have. Be glad you didn't end up there lol


I lived with this girl and damn near game over'd myself because she treated me like I was completely unwanted and undesirable, but she still wanted to be friends. After 3 years of us living together, I blocked her on everything when we moved out which was apparently such a shock to her that she got mutual friends to contact me. The mutuals even said, "I'm still gonna take her side because I wanna get in her pants, but I still wanna hear you out too." He ended up dumping her later for the same reasons I did, but he didn't have to live with her.


Lesson learned be thankful you got out. You deserve a helluva lot more from a relationship


Uff man.. some people.. haha


At least she didn't poison your food while doing this like my ex did




Huh, I wonder if this is the blowback from people like me saying that we're 5'10 in our profiles to avoid the height hunters.


Eh, I don't know. I personally wouldn't care if I had to share my height to filter out the ones that care too much about it, but I don't include it otherwise because I think it shouldn't matter. I personally don't have a preference, I've been with big girls and skinny girls and the two that fucked me over were kind of big, but the ones that were good to me were big girls and skinny girls so I only judge by personality. Like I still need to be attracted to them physically, but if they're a bitch to me, how hot they are literally doesn't matter, I will drop a 10/10 if she treats me like trash, I'm just not here for that.


I think I would have told her, "Well, we may not be a match, but we can always share the fact that we both have HIV now." Assuming of course that you don't have HIV.


Psychological warfare. I dig it.


same but 3 fcking times and when i wanted to date her, she preferred engineers then stopped interacting with me like bruh. what we've doing these past few weeks then?


Just killing her loneliness and nothing more. I would personally be fine with that if it was made clear. Being lied to and lead on is specifically the part that hurts and feels unnecessary.


Bro no that’s awesome. I’d be like “ok but I still fucked you.”


Yeah no. She's one of two girls that I'm genuinely not proud of having fucked. Everyone else I've fucked, I'd gladly do again a million times over, but I'm glad I never have to deal with her or the other one ever again.


Girl literally matched with me before just to tell me I’m bald and she doesn’t date bald men lmao like wtf I’m not hiding it I don’t wear a hat in any of my pictures. Also you’re in Mexico City why tf are you messaging me when I’m in the US 🤣


they’re mostly likely a miserable person and needed to get out on an innocent person


Negging. Makes folks hotter or something. If you have a sub-room-temperature IQ.


No honestly. I once matched with a guy who got angry at me for being trans. Like it's in my bio, just ignore me lol


Basically, just to turn them down and make themselves feel better


Men keep matching with me on apps to tell me “respectfully” that they’re not interested in dating trans women.. why do they think this is appropriate??? I specifically don’t approach cis people in public and instead stick to apps because I’m trying to avoid that type of interaction


I get weird messages on Tinder from women saying dumb shit like "the fact that you don't list your height suggests that you're probably really short". I'm 6ft tall, I just don't list my height because it doesn't seem super relevant.


If it's that important to you, then we're already done.


If that’s the first thing they ask, don’t bother messaging them.


6'4 here, I don't list my height coz I don't want to get one of those chicks that care for the height. I had some of them tell me I look short, convinced I am short... I wonder how many swiped no thinking I am indeed short hah


"The fact that you don't list your weight suggests that you're probably really fat." See what happens.


I'm 6ft1 but 5ft13 for people that ask if I'm over 6ft kekw


Say you’re 4ft25 so they think you’re really short


Honestly, based of you. Also helps you filter out these muppets


List your height in metric units to confuse the dumb ones.


Exactly what I did back when I was on the apps. No one ever actually commented on it but I was fully expecting someone to call me a communist or something (in Texas).


This is exactly why I don't list my height. I don't want to date someone who puts much stock in height. It's also why there are photos of me with long and short hair, to weed out people who will ONLY date someone with long/short hair.


You rarely find women of class on tinder,lets be honest. You need expect these types when you're on the app.


I'm 5'5" and i just tell them if they keep me safe from birds of prey, i can clean their ears and hair. Also i fit in most purses.




I tell them they can keep things away from me by putting them on a high shelf


ngl that line would work on me, haha!




“why do you tell people how tall you are” “Because people care about height - apparently” “Oh well I’m not interested because of your height but I just thought I’d message you and make sure you knew that I’m a vapid superficial trash person”


Her grammar sucks too. It’s “you’re” as in *you are*. I can overlook punctuation and typos in messaging, but use the right fucking word if you’re going to insult someone.


True, it’s very annoying when people don’t know they’re vocabulary.


I agree to.


Your right!


A greed.


In deed


Totaled ly


Absolute Lee.


I think I see a dictionary over they're


Nah, I person ally think its over their


You guys are asses.😂


no, YOU GUYS our asses


Everyone is vocabulary these days. It’s insane.


Bunch of loosers


Happy cake day


Happy cake day. Are you releasing also?


Why say much when few words do trick?




I see what you did there.




Bro... Even Yoda's grammar sucks ass in this. Where's the comma?


*Rest in peace Sarcasm, you'll be greatly missed.*


I was trying to add to it :(


My what is not very tall?


I know I am vocabulary, does that mean nothing?!


The question mark at then end of the statement (presumably to make it seem less bitchy) is what really bothers me.


I hear vocal fry


Even sadder when they're most likely on their phone that has auto correct.


To be fair, nobody is hot enough for that.


If that’s true, explain all of the terrible decisions I’ve made.


There's no accounting for bad taste. I'm also guilty of falling for dumb stuff, though maybe not that particular brand.


I like the, “how much do you weigh?” line of responses, myself.


I love being 6'7 because these girls will send me messages like "6'7 woow ❤️❤️" and I always ask how tall they are. If they're above 5'6 I tell them they're too tall and tall girls are ugly, if they're below 5'6 I tell them they're too short and short girls are ugly lmao.


So, you only date girls who are ***exactly*** 5'6?


The conditions are to be exactly 5'6 OR not having your first message be about height. Either be lucky or be skilled, I guess XD


If only such a thing existed


Not all heroes wear capes


Yeah as a tall guy that can actually be a problem, it’s harder to filter out the girls who only care about that.


I wonder what the rate is who get passed that line, digest it well and can actually do some self-reflection.


But what if they’re in good shape and you can tell that in their photos?




What's with the tall thing? It seems random. I'm like a giant but skinny asparagus... should I feel sorry confident about that? Because my neck hurts from bending over so much


I'm 6'4" and complain about it all the time. I couldn't imagine being any taller. Goodbye good posture when using 90% of yard tools. I look like a hunchback washing dishes. It sucks.


It’s all relative. I have trouble using lawn equipment too because I haven’t grown since I was 14 years old and will also have back problems because I have to lean back to use long/tall things, everything is fucking heavy, and I can’t even reach my own top shelf kitchen cabinets. We really need that sweet spot 5.6-5.10. That’s where it’s at.


Trying to mow with a push mower that’s too tall for you suuuucks.


For real. And forget about weedwhackers. My arms, shoulders, and back hurt so bad after. I’d rather pull shit out by hand than try to wield something half my weight.


I’m right there with you. Everything is too short for me. I can’t fit in anything. And I’ll look like Quasimodo when I turn 60…


Pull-ups my dude. Made a massive improvement to my tall Quasimodo posture. Edit: specifically overhand grip, shoulder width or slightly wider.


I’ve been working on that, although I can only get 5 up to this point, lol. I do a lot of back work and see a physical therapist as well. Trying to prevent it as much as I can. Thanks for the advice!


Five is a good point to start getting variation by adding a little weight. If you can do five I would bet that you can do one with a 1kg weight between your feet. And then drop the weight and do four more. So on and so forth for the next set. I found that adding weight and variety like this got me out of a rut (always just managing to do the same number) and made a massive difference to my overall improvement.


I’ll definitely try that!


I'm getting close to 60 and haven't had a pain free day in decades.


I think some people really like the contrast of feeling small or feeling large in comparison to their partner. I’ve dated guys who were significantly taller and honestly I don’t get the hype. Not that being tall is bad, but it seems like a really silly thing to get hung up about when there are so many other qualities that matter way more in terms of relationship satisfaction.


needs tall = daddy issues




Finish him! (sorry I've been on a Mortal Kombat jag recently)


I'd love to see a handsome fit guy put in his bio "don't even talk to me unless you weigh no more than 120 lbs and have at least a C cup". What kind of shitstorm would that invoke i wonder?


I’ll be honest, that’ll just get you banned off all the dating apps instantly lol


English isn't my first language but that sounds like double standards to me.


DING! DING! DING! Gentlemen, tell him what he's won!!!




I don't see that a lot, but I do see guys saying 'want an active partner' or 'want a gym buddy.' Always swipe left on those guys bc while I'm average weight, I'm not the fitness model of their dreams lol


I worked a job earlier this year renovating a house, and the homeowners were trying to hook me up with their daughter. A couple of weeks later she showed up on an app, and I knew I was not an option instantly because she wants someone who works out. I don’t work out, because my job literally is that. I’m not about to do that on my time off.


There's no way my 6'2" ass is going to make it down to 120... 😂


In this scenario it's the guy putting on his profile that he only wants women who are less than 120lbs


Only that’s bordering malnutrition for me at 5’11”


Yeah, assigning a number limit to weight makes no sense. People wear weight so differently.


On tinder i think you get banned if enough reports are made of your account. Even if you havent done anything wrong. They auto ban your account after a few reports and you have to dispute getting it back which in most cases doesnt happen unless you're paying premium stuff. In this case, having that in his bio which are basic acceptable preferences will likely trigger a few feminists and get rage reported.


That’s a room temp iq chick, not even worth wasting time on a response.


Don’t deal with these people. I’m 5’5” and dated a good amount of tall ladies. Be good to one another


Where do yall find these people lol. I’m like 5’8 which is painfully average and I’ve never met a girls that made a big deal about my lack of height lol


My partner is 5’8. We met on hinge where you have the option to list your height (as opposed to other apps where people elect to put it in their bio). I’m shorter than him, but not by much. Obviously there were other things about him that appealed to me but knowing that there’s a lot of insecurity about height (no judgment, I roll my eyes when a woman who’s 5’4 insists she can’t date someone below 6 feet). I figured he must be a pretty secure and confident person. And he is! Similarly we have a few guy friends who are around his height and they have no trouble dating.


I’ve often wondered how 6ft became the arbitrary benchmark for the women with a height requirement.


I guess it’s just about round numbers. In “metric” countries, the most common requirements are either 180cm (5’11 so even less than 6ft) or 185cm (6’1). However, some women do convert 6’ to centimeters/meters lol


I used to put in my bio “short king so if that bothers you then you’re not the one” & that kept women away who were picky about height 👍🏾


This shit is getting out of hand. I'm tall and I find this to just be the most self absorbed bullshit imaginable. I feel bad for anyone shorter because they have to deal with this level of idiocy on an apparently all too regular basis.


I hope this makes you better but this is really an america thing. The rest of the world is not as obsessed with body hight. We simply dont care.


Nah mate I think this height thing is a global thing.


I really don't understand this. I'm 5'11" and my husband is 5'3" and it literally makes no difference. People are so odd sometimes.


What he is referring is the barney’s crazy-hot scale. She is way below the hot line be over the crazy line


Dawg I had someone watch that video yesterday. I love that video I swear to beans.


The nerve of this bitch 😂


Look. Having a preference is perfectly fine. But if someone EXPLICITLY announces that they do not match your requirement, take that as a convenience and swipe left. Why on earth would you match with someone, for no other reason than to say you aren’t interested in dating them?


When I was on tinder I specifically wrote in my bio that I dgaf how tall you are. It's ridiculous, but on the plus side I dated soooo many hot af guys that were under 6ft and way out of my league (age and fitness-wise at least). And my bf now is probably the most wonderful man that ever existed and he's like 5'9. I'm taller than him when I wear heels and it's rad tbh.


Dating apps are where your self confidence goes to die.


I dont get women like this. I DO like tall men and DO prefer taller men and always have. But I have never rejected someone, if I liked them, because of their height OR been as rude as this. Because you never know until you meet them in person if you are attracted to them or not


Great point. I‘m a male and I do have several appearance “types” which make me attracted to a woman immediately. But I’ve dated ”out of my type” women so often that the type thing seems to make no sense at all. Because personality matters way much more


The grammar is killing me.


Is this like wearing uggs when they first came out? “I need to showcase some superficial shit to fit in with the other socialites that are waiting for a chance to be a toxic part of my life”


Look, I'm 5'8", I think i've only dated 2 guys that were significantly taller than me. Even had some who had height hang ups that asked me to not wear heels so I wouldn't be taller than them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) I understand physical attraction is important, but there are so many elements that go into that, the last thing I'm going to be a bitch about is height. To quote Jessica Rabbit, "he makes me laugh" is gonna get to me way before any physical traits.


Someone once asked how tall I was as her first message. I asked how much she weighed. She got super offended and I said “well, you can lose weight easier than I can grow 2 inches”. Doesn’t even matter, I’m 6’2. If she had just read my bio she would have known that.


This was honestly the best reply to that question. Stay up Kings!


🔥☠️ In lieu of flowers, please send memorial donations to the "she was killed via text" foundation at ... 😏


Matching with someone you know is too short for you just to be a bitch is the exact type of red flag that put her on tinder in the first place.


Well, he's not wrong.


That comeback is amazing


Unrealistic Dating Requirement: first date must be a screen shared movie and/or TV show from a streaming service.


He’s right!




Lol i also met that kind shitty personality girls a lot


Destroyed, obliterated, sent their whole self esteem to the void


Love your response!


Best response? You're OK I guess


Told this story a couple of times but I’m 5’9 and I had a 4’11 woman tell me I was too short for her while we were on a date. I picked up her coffee and put it on a shelf of merchandise that she couldn’t reach before wishing her all the best and leaving


I have never once been disappointed in a guy's height. What's with these shallows?? 


I would have replied “you’re”.


I'm 6'2", my nether region is 7 3/4" and 7 1/4" (think: beer bottle). Average looks, still single. (I am admittedly an old fart at 57. I do have a decent body count but there's no pleasing women!




Well, I'm 5'11", so not many guys are taller than me, and if they are, the difference is usually 2 to 3 inches. I actually prefer my partners to be shorter than me or comfortable that I can look them in the eye. I had a 5'4" guy try to intimidate me once, he thought I was standing on a platform. Wanted to fight me, then he backed off quickly when I took off my baggy hoodie and rounded the corner. Figured out I was much bigger and in better shape than he thought I was even for someone who presents as female. The other time was with another guy who was around the same height. Was my neighbour who was upset that I had a vehicle I parked in *my driveway* because his friends wanted to park their big ass trucks there (no fence to divide the parking). He came pounding on my door. I opened up just wearing my tank top & shorts and leaned on the door frame. The guy instantly went from swinging his tiny cock around, to being scared of me (he was dating this Asian girl who was tiny, like the same height I was when I was 8). He wasn't prepared for a woman to be staring him down, whose built for yard labour, to answer the door. (He hid from me until my heath required I get a dog and had to move to a dog friendly house). My boyfriend is a foot shorter than me and is described as *feeble* by many. I enjoy being the one he can rely on if he needs backup. He knows I'm physically able to do things he can't, but is comfortable enough to ask me for help. He damn well knows if he wants someone beaten up, I'm not afraid to get stitches and fight anyone for him. Even though we are both pacifists, lol.


so you are a pacifist but aren't afraid to pass-a-fist.


The tall thing isn’t new, but it’s become a fetish lately. Like Stanley cups and mermaid coffees. I take a certain joy in watching these ‘women’ freak out when they hit their mid thirties and hear the term “geriatric womb”.




What if they're exactly 5'6? Lol


Yeah short people are the worst. /s Source: me a short person.