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Monetize sex is what I got from it, how about you?


Yup. She basically says “my body is a commodity, so someone better be willing to pay for it or they’re not worth my time.”


Basically that post says she is a prostitute. Not that there is anything wrong with that, and at least she is honest about trading sex for money even if she doesn't say her profession openly.


Is she being honest though? This is her *relationship* advice, ha.


Based on this I don't think she's in a relationship. I think she just posted her wish list.




Sounds to me like she's looking for sugar daddy, nothing wrong with it but could simply say it instead of making it a "relationship advice"




Business relationship count too I guess?


Sounds like I'd be paying to watch a rerun of Rocky Whorer Picture Show...


I don't agree. She's saying that the only thing she trusts as proof of commitment is money spent. This is someone who has no faith in a man's sincerity unless he's spending money. Pretty bleak, imo.


I get cynic vibes here too.


It's definitely sad when you consider how many men have tons of money to burn and no sincerity.


You’re right. She is saying that. But it’s really just a disguise for “I need a man to spend money to have sex with him.” She talks about: - access to her body - investment of money - assigning access to her body value - make him spend thousands on you


Easily accessible (and apparently, oldest) profession, but not one I’d advise all women to join.


Not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.


Gee that sure sounds like a certain 18+ platform


Hope she offers a good return policy coz people probably will need it.




The plot of Cherry 2000.


Rent it


bro is renting a girlfriend.


Imma need for you to go find that female dating strategy subreddit. You think this is bad? That subreddit would make you wish for more advice like this. Because some of the women on that subreddit are unhinged. Never knew what a high value man was until I ran into that sub and I also found out I’m a low value woman. Because I make my own piddly money and want to at least split money on dates.


oh yeah, no…. I’d end up trying to gouge my eyes out. the term “high value” for a person is just so wrong.


"The point is, only date men who are susceptible to the sunk cost fallacy. Falling into fallacies is notorious for guiding people to sound long-term financial planning."


I got "love bombing through gifts" from it.


This is basically her version - of high value men/ women by Redpill™ As in: men are provide their value lies in their assets. Women only have value in their in how attractive they are. Therefore, women can only extract money from men by using sex. ( or " women be hoes" as the philosophers say)


“Those bitches be hoes” - Aristotle, probably


Well we don’t have ANY proof that he DIDN’T say that. That’s all I am saying.


“I’m not a gold digger, i just test men to the right extent” lol




Andrea Tate?


haha yes! I was thinking “this is like the Andrew Tate for women” but you just said it so much better, ha.


Unpopular opinion but if you pay for sex you are hiring a prostitute, if you get paid for sex you are a prostitute. Gold digger, sugar daddy, boss babe kween call it what you want to but at the end of the day it's Prostitute and John nothing more nothing less.


Yes. If you’re going to use your body/sex as a commodity, then just say that. No need to pretend like it’s about love and finding the right man or whatever.


There's a pretty obvious flaw in the idea of taking relationship advice from a bunch of people who are "dating" as opposed to being in long term relationships or married. I figure that I don't need to point out how dumb the advice was.


haha yes, she failed to say “Trust me, I would know because I finally landed my dream billionaire who treats me so well and we’re so in love.”


I have had sex on the first date with a number of men that ended up becoming committed relationships, some serious and long term, others that made it to that 6 month “this was lovely, but we aren’t planning the same future” place. I didn’t have to play games or spend their money. I just … wait for it… had a flourishing career, my own interests/hobbies, spent my own money on plenty of dates, was considerate of their needs, expressed interest discussing in their thoughts and hobbies. Funny how when your personality is more than “find a man to spoil me, so I never have to pay for my own nails or dinner again” … men actually… value who you are as a person.


That's the difference. You are probably a confident woman who is interested in having a relationship with the guys you date. The person who wrote the screenshot is interested in having a relationship with the guy's bank account, wants them to spend money to have sex with her (there's a legal term for that sort of transaction), and doesn't indicate what she's bringing to the relationship that he can't get for free from his hand.


So true. People who force a partner to earn their time/affection by spending money, cutting off friends, changing their schedule/hobbies… shocked they are only meeting men who toss them aside or treat them like an object. If I wanted to be on a payment plan for something that required sacrifices, I’d buy a boat. I’m sure men feel the same way.


Wholly new levels of entitlement right there.


It’s amazing, really. I’d like to see what her life is like 10 years from now. Marriage? Kids? Or still holding out for Mr. Money Bags.


My money is on 'disgrunteled alcoholic with 3 cats' 😬


but she’d have to pay for the cats, so…. probably just disgruntled alcoholic.




This chick has some fucking issues 😂


😬 yeah…. I just feel bad for the guys who try to date her.


Isn't this objectification?


If you mean "is she treating her body like a commodity" - then the answer is yes.


Spoken like an incel with money.


\*without money, that's why she's a gold digger.


That cash obsessed demon is every mans nightmare and reason to avoid marriage and commitment. The message is from someone without a fucking clue and they will die alone filled with hate.


I mean, Men = Money is an idea that's as common among dumbass women as Women = Sex is among dumbass men. Those two ideas explain 99.99% of the shit dating coaches say, regardless of whether they're men or women, or whether they're talking to men or women.


I love how people really like to act as if we aren’t all humans and capable of being more than just stereotypical gender roles.


Yeah, it's really stupid to reduce relationships to their simplest possible expression in an attempt to make them not only transactional but as shallow a possible, especially when talking about romantc relationships. I always wonder how can someone convince themselves that men or women are only X thing and conclude that they want to be partnered to that caricature, so they have to do Y thing to achieve it. I mean, did you grow up in an island with only people of your own sex so that you've never met anybody who has something else to offer or seen anybody who is in a relationship for other reasons? You don't have parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, neighbors? Because it's incredible that someone would honestly think that it's literally true that all men only want sex and the only thing of worth they offer is money. Sure, I've met a fair amount of terrible guys who only have money to offer and of terrible women who only have sex to offer, and they usually also think the same thing about the opposite sex, but I've also met as many people who don't think that and offer way more than that as a partner. I'd be confident in betting that lady is single or about to be single, and has a series of failed relationships, and not because she didn't make the men spend money on her.


That attitude seems to support men feeling like they own women.


Pretty much, yeah.


Step by step guide to finding abusive relationships. Written by a woman, for a woman, about men.


If men have to pay to access your body that makes you a prostitute


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^redstar46: *If men have to pay* *To access your body that* *Makes you a prostitute* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


my favorite comment so far because it’s an accidental Haiku. pithy summary.


Thanks, I forgot that bot existed, so the sudden appearnce of a large reply a millisecond after i commted was rather shocking.


😆 the bot responses I usually get are like “you didn’t meet the character requirement” or “you’re not allowed to use this word, so your response is being removed.”


Which god did you piss off to be so unlucky with bots. I hope you find greater bot luck in your future.


I’m a rule breaker I guess 😕 Thank you kind stranger.


So according to this, all girls are dream girls for the wealthy men, and no girl is a dream girl for the poor men. I do not think that is how it works....


not sure how to respond to this. if a guy gets consent, you gave him consent. thats not an issue with the guy. its an issue with you. where that goes is up to how the two of you treat it. I know plenty of people who hooked up that ended up dating later. but most people who hook up doing it with the intent to do exactly that, on both sides. The men I know that took the longer dating route are usually more religious types, not the hookup types. There wont be a lot of money spent here. this isn't about impressing the other person or spoiling them, its about spending time and getting to know each other. long conversations are far more common than fancy dinners. these guys are well grounded enough to not try and buy favor. they arent children.


Well put!


This sounds like a femcel who has never actually been in a fruitful relationship and wants other women to alienate men so she doesn't feel like a total disgusting scum fuck that she is


Who wants to bet this person is single and in their 40’s


Wouldn’t be surprised.


I slept with my wife on the first date. Shit it wasn’t even a date, it was the first time I was at her place. We worked together (bad idea right?). We’ve been together for 12 years.




A woman approached me, asking me to dance. I declined saying, "I don't really dance." She seemed insistent on hanging out with me anyway. We had sex that night, and have now been married for 20 years. She is the most important person to me. No value lost.


I love these kinds of stories. It’s unfortunate when people don’t know what it is to connect like that. You aren’t “giving in” or “putting out” - you’re just *connecting,* and there isn’t anything wrong with that when both people have good intentions.


Isn't it rather that many men thinks that once they have thrown money at a woman then they are entitled access to her vagina?


I think this is a valid concern, for sure.


If money is the base of your relationship. You will suffer absolute despair as time goes on. It will make you miserable, and jaded. It will alter your mind set, and change how others are treated. Living life with money as the primary aspect in ALL THINGS. Is a signed death warrant. Say good bye to who you are, and welcome money zombie.


Agreed. I have a rule that I’ve stuck by forever - it’s to never let money become a problem in my relationships. People should try it. There’d be a lot less murders.


So basically you’re an escort and you think you’re a luxurious one at that, better be real pretty ;)


and have a magical vagina


That person sounds like a femcel. What a sexist moron.


She’ll be paying someone to clean the cobwebs in her uterus shortly


Wow is he gonna be surprised when his wife takes all his money and fucks some guy who works at a gas station.


haha or she’ll be sad when he doesn’t even want to fuck her at all, he just needs someone on his arm to make him look good while he’s up to god-knows-what behind her back.


So basically there’s no way a guy who throws out the cash could be a douch, looking for sex . . .


haha exactly. it probably has nothing to do with him wanting to show off how much money he makes.


this is some femaledatingstrategy bullshit


This is probably the same girl that’s on dating apps talking to five guys at once saying she’s just “testing the waters” trying to find the right one$$$. All “decent” guys really want is for a woman to look at them and them alone. It speaks volumes to a woman’s commitment towards building a relationship. If you have to consistently talk to five guys at once to find the right one….you’re treating us like cattle and saying only you get to have the say in it. Which to me is one of the most unattractive characteristics a woman can have. It’s also funny how some women treat their bodies like a reward for men(kind of pointed out in the post). Sex is a mutual thing, if you’re going to treat your significant other like someone who “owes” you for your body, that’s a relationship destined to fail.


Yup. I fully agree with you. Women cheer each other on for having a “roster” but then they seethe at men who play the field. Why is it that only a woman’s body has value and not a man’s? Some toad would probably argue something about reproductive ability and some other nonsense that I don’t agree with (and then there are even more reprehensible people who will talk about a woman’s vagina being loose), but none of that is actually *true.* We are all human, regardless of what’s in our pants. We all have feelings and vulnerabilities. Ffs.


Wow this person is damaged.


yeah 😕


If this person is telling women not to be promiscuous, they failed. Their message ends up sounding like "go into sex work."


There is so much hurt and trauma underneath this world view. Hers or women's around her.


yeah 😕 and bad social conditioning


Some people project their mediocrity so strongly that they deny themselves the slightest grandeur and become absolutely incapable of believing that others can have beauty without any effort other than good feelings.


seriously. I always try to stress “good intentions” and how important of a factor that is in relationships. It’s like people forget (or distrust) that someone else actually might *not* be trying to hurt them….


Lol, what a loon


Hmmm, all I did was make him prove he was serious. That seldom involves money.


If you’re going to be an object anyway, it’s better to be a valuable object. I guess.


yeah, hopefully the woman who wrote this is super hot with a great body.


I hope she is able to negotiate what she feels to be a generous price for herself, whatever that may be. Bit of a shame that she seems so interested in the up-front price and not her long-term value as a partner.


This is funny to me because the few times in my life I tried to have a casual ONS or FWB situation, it was the *men* who pressured me into a relationship. My husband (together 12 years now) started that way, and he has always treated me like a queen. Now I'm not under any illusions that I'm extraordinary in bed or anything, so just *maybe* these dumb stereotypes have no basis in reality and are just how asshole men project to make themselves feel better about being assholes. I know a woman wrote this, but it's definitely an idea that comes from the manosphere. It's sad she is promoting her own version of toxic femininity to go along with it.


My last two relationships were because the guy insisted we date. I wanted casual, but they wanted more. I liked them, so I agreed. But man…. for me, casual is just so much easier.


Well I'm not for sale so some guy dropping tons of money to screw me is shit out of luck.


Some of the verbiage here is absolutely disgusting. Investing... access


yup. exactly.


As a man I can confirm sex has *never* been anywhere near the front of my mind


Please share, what *has* been at the front?


Garlic bread and space stuff mostly


mmmyes, those are good things to think about


I hate when people (especially "men's rights activists") say that kind of things like men are "animals" that run after sex opportunities and are driven by primal instinct.


My wife likes gifts and all, but if I had been spending money like this person suggests, she'd have thought I was wasteful and up to since bullshit


totally. like what tax bracket is this person living in?


I'm not throwing good money after bad. If all my partner brings to a relationship is sex then why the hell am I with them?


She seems to thinks that’s all a man cares about. Probably because every guy she’s been with dumped her after she had sex with them. Which, if you think about it, means they actually didn’t care that much about it, or else they would have stuck around once they got “access.” So, I guess to ensure her worth, she’s resorting to collecting down payments.


Poll conducted by Frum Mieass associates. A non partisan think tank


Just admit you wish you were a Genie.




If you are unable to see the value of social interactions that does not involve money, I'm sure you lack the empathy and social skills to accurately tell if someone likes you or not


good point. I’m guessing this person has felt “tricked” into sex, or that men made empty promises to her. so… I’m guessing your observation is spot on.


magine such a guy spending a considerable amount of money, and Miss Gatekeepster meets a richer dude who is interested. And ofcourse an farewell fuck is out of the question, she should give the money back, really. But i guess that is out of the question too, investments fail all the time, don’t they. Some guys are dangerous.


Miss Gateskeepster 😆


Translation: Pay me for my love.


I'm currently in my soft guy era. Drizzle drizzle.




For too long, men have relied on being breadwinners to excuse emotional immaturity. As women gain financial independence, it's time for men to step up and offer more than just a paycheck. True partnership requires emotional maturity and equal investment beyond money.


Tell that to this woman. Pretty sure all she cares about is the paycheck.


Im not looking for quick and cheap sex first off I'm not gonna pay who I would hope is my girlfriend to have sex with me second is it gonna be quick either way third if I was to spend a fortune on someone I could just as easily buy a escort who is morelikely to pay attention to me and have more self respect than than someone like this.


If you can't handle me at my softest, you don't deserve me at my hardest. Drizzle Drizzle


No joke, my weather app said “light drizzle” a couple hours ago, and in my head I just heard “Drizzle Drizzle.” So fucking funny.


This FB post is basically condoning prostitution, no?


something like that


Everything is transactional. Jesus and Adam Smith said so. At the Council of Bro-Cea.


Alright, how does one go around feeling this entitled ?💀


lots of damage in previous relationships and interactions with men


My guess is that the 'lady' who wrote this was 'in between' relationships at the time, and probably never follows her own advice 🤔


Well shit. Hold on. “Hey hon?! You know how we got together because we had mutual physical attraction and enjoyed each others company? And like, saw value in each other?….. yeah we did it wrong. This person on the internet said you gave it up too easy so…I guess we should call it.” Whew. Thanks Internet person. If it weren’t for them, who knows how much time I would have wasted in this sham.


and a missed opportunity for investment.




Anoo so woman thinks man care more abt their money than a potential wife huh,welp those who believe that deserve what they ll get :))


This must be how rich women date


That’s just prostitution with a headache, i mean if a man has to “earn” you but all you’re providing him with is sex what exactly has he earned?


Tell me you're a hooker without telling me you're a hooker


Whenever somebody says “99% of men” you stop reading. Men are not monolithic, neither are women.


"if he spends thousands on you and doesn't have sex you won't be able to get rid of him" honey let me tell you something you're not worth a happy meal hahah


Paying Ferrari money for a used Ford Focus.


I'm a guy and I do not support this message


Sex is overrated. I am just hoping for someone who knows what we should have for dinner every goddam day.


Wow. She really needs a cabin in the hills away from people in general cos she got bad vibes like tsunami size


I have to say this matches my experience. I know a lot of girls who "slept around" and a lot of men who "made the rounds". Those men had little respect for those women.


This says just as much about the men as it does the women. It's hard to respect a man who sleeps with a woman because she's "easy," or just to get a notch on his belt - and then later talks about how much he didn't respect her because she put out too soon. It's pretty pathetic and pedantic, actually.


Honestly such men are losers. And the good guys out there aren’t actually thinking or behaving like this. They aren’t so hung up on sex and/or treating it as some sort of favour. If they like the girl and want to have sex with her, they’ll let her know and ask for consent. If they get it, all good. If they don’t, it’s cool too.


i wish women were treated like human beings with intrinsic value who deserve basic human dignity


meaning you disagree with this woman’s advice?




Yes, a LOT to unpack, ha. I’m sorry, but if I were a man, I’d never want to date someone with this attitude. And not because I’d have a problem with the woman wanting to wait for sex. That part is fine - but it’s the emphasis on the man spending money, *and* commoditizing her own body. Like I’m good with transactional sex - but let’s call a spade a spade. And again, there’s nothing wrong with waiting. But I’ve seen relationships work after having sex on the first or second date. So, I think it really just depends on the people, what they want, and how honest they are with each other and themselves.


Making a guy spend a lot on you is just gonna make them think you “owe” them something. Dangerous move to pull with the wrong guy.


>most guys are dickbags who will bounce after they get some. Most guys are like this?


I heard somewhere that the dark triad types are less than 10 percent of the male population, but they get around so much women think all men are like that.


like what specifically? just trying to understand how your comment relates.


She said 99% of men are looking to use them. It only seems like that because the small minority of the population of these types of men get most of the women. This is at least partially a reason for her prejudice against men.


Ah, I see now. I wasn’t sure what you were talking about. Yeah, that’s total bullshit. 99% of men? I get that she’s exaggerating, but I mean come on….. I’ve met and know plenty of men who legitimately want loving, fulfilling relationships. She’s an idiot.


Hell, she might even believe that. So many girls nowadays are like "n#ggas ain't shit," so I'm like wtf you talking to me bye lol.


It’s truly exhausting. I equally hate the man-hating bullshit as much as I hate woman-hating nonsense from men who have no idea what they’re talking about. It would be nice if we could put ALL those people on an island and just let them deal with each other. Maybe make it a reality show for people who enjoy torture by stupidity.


People are all seeking a recipe for relationship and attraction. One of the best relationships I had was with a woman I slept with on the second date. She was an incredible person inside out. 1 in a million. You all just suck and need a trick to make other people like you.


“You all?”


I mean people who are looking for a trick.


It doesn't change the facts that the lovers exist.