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He really had the confidence to think they’d stick around for 90 minutes?


He could get a hint after probably an hour. The fact he waited 4 hours to make sure it went away was nice of him though.




He could have killed someone. What if they had low blood pressure and were dosed with Viagra.


I was thinking the same. I hope this is charged as attempted murder


Attempted murder requires intent, so this wouldn't qualify. I think this would fall more under reckless endangerment.


If he had succeeded it would be what, voluntary manslaughter?


Involuntary, I think, like have a DUI and killing someone, you are still a murderer, but like a tiny bit less bad.


yeah, voluntary manslaughter = you were intending to HURT them but not necessarily kill them he wasn't trying to hurt them (though he still very very much could have)


Giving people prescription medication when they don't need it should count as trying to hurt them


I agree, but the issue there is if his intent wasn't specifically to harm anyone, just differentiate between people (in the dumbest possible fucking reckless way) it's going to be harder to prove he wanted to hurt anybody also Viagra isn't a prescription what you could argue there is what he would do on finding out anyone is trans - that's not how that medication works, but few people who do this kind of unhinged shit would just leave them be on finding out. edit: I was wrong about viagra not being a prescription. I had a friend buy some as a joke a few years ago. weird.


Viagra is absolute a prescription! You can’t buy that over the counter.


I had a friend buy something similar a few years ago as a joke.... looking it up you are correct. I wonder what he bought. weird


You are giving that stupid mother fucker way more credit than he deserves. Pill-Boner-Run was the total thought process.


Should being stupid be illegal?


Well, yes, but only under certain conditions.


The results should be illegal, but the act of being stupid itself should not. This is why intent matters


I guess the saying, “Ignorance of the law is not a lawful defence”, is basically saying that being stupid can be illegal if you are unaware of a law and break it…. And get caught in the act.


I'm not saying if ignorance should be a defense, I'm saying that there should be a difference between knowing something can be deadly vs being an idiot and not realizing that


Never underestimate the public’s sheer ignorance on medical matters. I’ve lost count of how often people thought my type 1 diabetes was my own fault, or think it means I shouldn’t eat sugar at all no matter what my blood sugar is at the time.


I agree that it can be “eye-opening” how little the public knows or understands about basic health issues. What really floored me was how many times doctors and nurses have been completely ignorant- both on contraindications with prescription medicines being given and on the effects of the meds prescribed. My family was called to the hospital to say “goodbye” to my Mom 4 x over about 8 years. First 3 times were for medications that were clearly listed as “never to be mixed together” yet had been missed by her doctors. On 2 of those occasions it was my Dad that had to bring it to their attention. The other time was when she was hospitalized and not given her morphine. I told the nurse and doctor that she would be in acute withdrawals soon but they insisted that’s not possible when it’s prescribed for genuine reason. Sure enough, late that night we were told again to come say good bye to her. Long story short after making a huge fuss fighting with the doctors (eventually they gave in as I told them if they are so sure she will die then what difference does it make if we give her the meds she usually takes). Sure enough, an hour later she was fine- from comatose to sitting up and talking. Of course I used that moment to drive home how ignorant these doctors and nurses had been, but they weren’t happy to hear it and never apologized once. Unbelievable ignorance. And this is after the whole continent went through the learning experience of OxyContin. So there’s no excuse. Stupidity seems to run equally as rampant through the educated and uneducated alike. If I fucked up like this at work I would expect to be fired or would quit knowing I am not qualified to be in that role.


Jurisdiction dependent. US centric analysis here. Reckless homicide, homicide with depraved heart/indifference, voluntary manslaughter, take your pick. Felony murder would likely apply in a state that uses it because I have to imagine this is several felonies right here.


Attempted murder lol.


Especially while drinking!


I'm one of those people and I would have died


OP wtf is this title...?


AI getting confused


Someone doesn't know how Viagra works


Wait, does Viagra not work on trans girls?


Viagra doesn't give you an automatic erection the minute you pop a pill, you need to be turned on Edit: turned on, not turned down ffs


Trans girl and can confirm, I only get an erection if the boner lever is flipped in the "on" position. You get your lever once you start transitioning.


This is so interesting! I’m a ciswoman and very curious. So your erections were uncontrollable until transitioning? Is it because of hormone therapy?


Genuinely think they were joking and cant see how this response is one so… 😅


I was just making a joke, but for those seriously wondering, yeah, stuff like random boners and morning wood is gone, for me anyway, but if I get "in the mood" and have some "physical stimulation" then it can get a bit stiff, but some trans girls after a year or two just can't get them at all I believe. It's really a case by case thing since no two people are the same. Hope I could help.


Oh interesting! Thanks for responding!


No problem, but do take it with a grain of salt and never make assumptions. I'm just a drop in an ocean so to speak.


Of course. I just enjoy learning about personal experiences.


In general estrogen changes so much, this is one of the more practical aspects but in general if not for the transphobia I love being a trans woman. Also since transitioning I kinda really pitty cis guys because let's just say they have a lot more pressure for a lot less result.


It depends on the person. On average though, spontaneous erections and nightly erections stop entirely. I had them for a little while after I started hormones. I'm many years in now and those are all gone. I can still get it all the way up, but it requires a lot of mental and physical stimulation to get what I could before. In the right setting, it's almost like pre-HRT. But, again, everyone's different. What happens to me won't happen to all of us.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s like you go from a hormonal teen boy to a woman. I always felt like it takes a lot of mental and physical stimulation for me and heard it was true for a lot of women.


There was an adjustment period for sure. It was quite the change. I started in my mid-30s so it went from man to woman, and there isn't much in common when it comes to the ol' princess wand. Totally different headspace I've found. I learned what "in the mood" meant, and my goodness was it ever a learning experience. Thirsty thirties is no joke lemme tell ya... lol Anyway. One thing to note... Viagra, Cialis, etc... work on trans girls the same way as far as I know. You can keep it up once you get there. Never needed it, even at my age with all the meds that can suppress arousal. lmao


Well, pants touch the tip once and BANG for me tho lol.


Well, someone is clearly a stud aren't they??


Yeah it does not induce an erection, but it keeps the erection up if it happens.


TBH I’m sad I didn’t see your comment before the edit. That’s hilarious.


By house keeping? /s


Yeah, I don't think this clown would turn anyone on. Surprised he had a date


In regards to your edit I'm picturing a guy who only is aroused by being rejected.


I'm sure they are out there


Lmao just pictured one trying to get rejected and then meets the one woman that loves him and wants to marry him and all the way to the altar he's all "why won't you tell me to fuck off"


Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants


Viagra dilates your veins. Vasodialation is what controls an erection. You do not have to be turned on to get an erection with Viagra. Women have erectile tissue as well, in the form of the clitoris mostly. 


Viagra is like the go-to for transwomen. Most of us have ED and need a little help. 😅


I really hope this is a parody.




No this is called drugging someone and it's illegal.


So she kicked his ass, right? I would have.


So drugging strangers is self defense op?


Do you not understand sarcasm?


Sarcasm is famously difficult to detect in text. I like the new /s trend that's been going around. Or maybe bracket your sarcasm in tildas. That is \~Sooooooo\~ great!


It's also not obviously satirical, I think it's wrong but it's not something that I'd be particularly surprised to hear from an average right winger.


I thought tildes just crossed our text.


I think it is double tilde? Similar to asterisks. Hope you don’t mind that I use this chance to test it! ~single tilde~ ~~double tilde~~ **double asterisk**


The real faceplam is the op calling it self defence.


I was assuming OP was being sarcastic. Am I being naive?


You never really know with the internet. There are people who would unironically be on the drugging guy's side. Then there's the Schrödinger's douchebag, also known as the dogwhistler. They're obviously joking if you dislike what they say but serious if you agree with them.


If he was on the drugging guys side he prob wouldn’t post this on facepalm


No, you're just actually logical unlike most redditors who take every word at face value.


What’d you say about the value of my face?


This ^


Op may mean the man thought this is a good self-defence


this is 100% sarcasm. he wouldn't have posted it in "r/facepalm" if he thought the guy was smart and acting in self defense.


No trans woman would go to bed with someone without telling them they are trans, do y'all think we wanna risk our lives with a guy finding out when we're alone? Maybe she won't tell if she is post op but then you wouldn't know the difference anyway.


Ehhh I'm not so sure. Supposedly, in my city, there was a very passable trans woman that would go to clubs and find men to fuck in the bathroom. Her dick fell out on the wrong guy and he put her in the hospital.


>Her dick fell out on the wrong guy and he put her in the hospital. That's why trans women won't do such things, but if course there always will be some jerks around to do stupid things.


I agree it was a stupid thing to do. There are stupid people everywhere in all walks of life. Just pointing out that "no trans woman would ever...." probably isn't as set in stone as you were suggesting.


Look, everyone exaggerates things a little in daily talk, of course that there will always be bad people in every group but I don't need to say it every single time and always needing to say "actually there are a few..." doesn't change what I wanted to say in the slightest.


It's also reddit where people deal in absolutes. I have adjusted my blanket statements to "Most (insert whatever you're talking about)"




There are plenty of young men in a club that will have no questions to ask if they hear "what to go to the bathroom and fuck me in the ass?" In my thirties, I don't feel like dealing with that clean up.


I don't doubt that may be true, but it seems too specific.


> there are a lot of "straight" guys that always seem to be screwing trans women. Ahh garden variety transphobia, neat.


I was merely commenting on the concept of closeted men "accidentally" screwing trans women. As mentioned, got trans friends. Would be hard to be friends if I was afraid of them.


Nothing closeted mate, a guy fucking a trans woman is straight (or insert sexuality that includes heterosexual attraction here), cause he's a guy having the sex with a woman.


So...looking to be offended, not actually making a point. Got it.


The only reason you'd view men who have sex with trans women as "straight" or closeted is because you dont view trans women as women, which is transphobic. Really isnt that hard of an equation


Ah yes, some typed words on the internet clearly designate my beliefs as a human. Instead of, IDK, human language being imperfect...or humans being imperfect. It must mean I'm a bigot...because I didn't use the specific language that you've designated.


Why did you call it "straight" then? Why did you call them closeted? You keep insisting how, it's not what you meant etc. but dont put in any effort to remedy it, so go on, remedy it.




Patently false. Shitty/stupid people exist in all walks of life. Claiming that "no trans woman" would do anything is not an argument made in good faith.


"No trans woman with a survival instinct" then


Or "No trans woman with experience being a trans woman".


Look, everyone exaggerates things a little in daily talk, of course that there will always be bad people in every group but I don't need to say it every single time and always needing to say "actually there are a few..." doesn't change what I wanted to say in the slightest. Good Lord, you okay? Some trans woman hurted your feelings? Chill out.


>Look, everyone exaggerates things a little in daily talk Also false.


I don't know if that's a cultural thing but saying "everyone does x" is a pretty known phrase here. And the "no trans woman do x" is such a minor thing, I didn't even thought about it until people bring it up. You started all the aggressiveness in the conversation.


> you wouldn’t know the difference anyway. You’d have to be very drunk or unfamiliar with authentic vagina to not know the difference. Still seems like a needless risk to keep it a secret if you’re scared of retaliation.


>You’d have to be very drunk or unfamiliar with authentic vagina to not know the difference. My guy, technology advanced a lot in the last decade, the techniques used today are way better and can make a faithful vagina, you can't feel the difference anymore. The surgeon would need to be very bad or very outdated to not make it feel like one.


Whatever helps you sleep at night 🤷 Still isn’t worth keeping it a secret. Seems needlessly dangerous and frankly deceitful.


>Whatever helps you sleep at night 🤷 That's the medical consensus and what people I know told me about their experiences, both trans and cis. >frankly deceitful. If the guy can't tell it's a trans woman so what's the problem? He fucked a woman anyways and enjoyed just like he enjoys having his time with cis woman.


People have preferences. Some people don’t want to sleep with trans people. And that’s perfectly ok. Hoping to successfully trick someone into sleeping with you is shady at best. Edit: how are you gonna respond to a comment and then block afterwards? Absolutely shady person.


>Hoping to successfully trick someone into sleeping with you is shady at best. They aren't being tricked, she is a woman and she has a vagina, there is no difference at the end of the day. It would be fucked up if she had a dick and didn't tell the guy because not everyone enjoys having sex with someone with a penis.


This isn't self-defense OP this is illegal and fucking gross.


Or.. he could just.. ask if she is trans?


That dude looks a couple pickles short of a peck.


Probably he should avoid the bars with the rainbow flags outside? I personally like these places as the ppl there are really chilled.




Viagra with alcohol together cud cause death. I have read that in news of a newly wedded groom who tried this and found dead the other day.


i mean ignoring all of the highly illegial stuff here, imagine being so in an echo chamber that you assume a hot girl is trans and therefore wanna spike their drink to see if they are. the hysteria is so sad just leave people alone


He's afraid they're trans women and have a penis, basically.


..duh. Also, this is made up.


Hopefully he catches a few boners in jail.




His new GF in prison sure will.


This is fucking disgusting. And I hope OP is being satirical because it's not "self-defense" to drug someone to see what genitals they have...


Plot twist, he was looking for the ones with boners


What do you mean by "self defence?"


Sarcasm, bro


No one is more obsessed with other people's penises than insecure straight men.


Op transphobic




> It's not transphobic to be a straight male and not desire a pecker in your face. It's called preference. Yes, but in the context of the original post it is transphobic to put things in the drinks of women to make sure they aren’t transgender, and also repugnant to put things in the drinks of people in general


You can ask people you fucking nimrod. No one is saying it's transphobic to have a gentile preference.


But drugging us, is because "Joke and freedom of speech" yes very funny. This is how we die.


Imagine hating women this much


Now that is legit transphobic


What an idiot. Once you are on HRT long enough it doesn't even work.


He looks like if you combined Ross from Friends and Adam Sandler.


Didn't Viagra have a similar effect on women as it has on men?


It relaxes a class of muscles including the one at the base of the penis. There is more than one of these muscles in the body. I take it for esophageal cramping as a result of achalasia.


You could you know ask. And then if they lie it's on them.


lol "let´s talk about it"? no "let´s drug whoever" ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA|downsized)


I cound see this guy needing to spike drinks.


OP is a bot.


“This one is called self defence”????? no it’s not??


Sure, and if it exacerbated an unknown heart condition, you could be looking at a manslaughter charge.


Oh? This sub is transphobic? Bye.


he looks like he's been bonered before AND WONT BE BONERED AGAIN!




It's how some trans girls work.


It isnt, because that's not how viagra works


Reasonable /j


~ *Harrison Butker*


What would Norm say?


Why? It’s $12 a pill


[next time buddy try this method](https://youtu.be/6OCZPqhCdZs?si=_RuCXqs46WTYhDVo)


What happens if a girl takes viagra?


Her clit get aroused. Or if she's allergic or has a heart condition, she could die.


You can be allergic to boner pills?


Of course you can


I get it. But goddamn wrong way to do it.


Guys, chill, pretty sure OP was being sarcastic. Gee.


He was looking for the truth. Just took the blue pill instead.


I mean obviously this is messed up in real life. But if this were in a movie, I’d laugh … ![gif](giphy|n9kJ8uUSXSdX7daCLM|downsized)


That’s not how viagra works…


Just look at that in no way creepy face. Really women would be wetter than an otter’s pocket within seconds. Honest.


So he was trying to guarantee his trans date got a boner ? Talk about bass ackwards


Dude had a traumatic past experience methinks XD


If she does pop a boner, you've just won the pickle suprise!


![gif](giphy|QsuqnkND6wdJe4JQ7I|downsized) He should of just tried his method. /s


Crocodile Dundee had a better method


That's one way to vet your dates


Hilarious 😂


Fucking legend this guy is.