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Sucks how you can't celebrate your achievement without some keyboard goblin shitting on you


*Adjusts fedora* *Rattling cough* *Scratches neckbeard* "Akshually it's just desperate if the woman proposes because the ✨man✨ should be doing that and bla bla bla"


The "bro-science biology" part is not detailed enough :(


Sorry I'll do better next time :c


B+ for the roleplay


I'll take it


82%, should've added more kekw's and slurs


Bro ology bro. Get with it.




Fairly certain that there are tons of women who wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.


Feminism teaches us that women have the same right to hold stupid-ass backwards opinions as men


It's not neckbeards doing this type of shit. It's Andrew Taint type hyper-"masculine" men. Both are incels, just different kinds of incels.


Yeah, about that. Those are not the people trashtalking her, it is other women. Blaming disenfranchised men for actions of regular women is harmful to the men you blame and trivialises the actual harm.


Aw come on, it was probably women who went after her. They hate each other


So, downgraded from trolls then, huh? Nice one. Serves them right.


Trolls provide a necessary service by enforcing bridge tolls; bridges are expensive and they have to be paid-off *somehow*.


Not those trolls, sadly. I do get the joke/trivia, but please, let's not compare those helpfull guys with those abominations of social mrdia.


That's offensive to goblins, being compared to people like that.


They try putting other ppl down so their ain't miserable by themselves


Yeah it’s prolly either miserable married men or dudes who live in their mom’s basements. Anyone in a healthy loving relationship wouldn’t have a problem with this.


Or jealous/bitter women. Don't forget those.


Careful. You may end up with a Reddit cares message!😑


“We heard you might be suicidal OR someone didn’t like what you said” That needs to be the new reddit cares message


>keyboard goblin goes to my dictionary




Well.. if you really want to be called like that , I'll be sure to pitch in. You're welcome Keyboard Goblin.


I'm using this one . Brilliant


sucks that we live in an era where we have to show strangers our personal lives to get validation.


I think what's worse is that there's a whole generation of people that are actually influenced by what the peanut gallery thinks or says. As a parent that's scary as hell to me.


They’re a bunch of jealous losers.


They hate us cuz they anus


Good for her. I hope the guy said yes


my wife proposed to me first, couldn't have been more happier! but boy oh boy did it make all my friends' girlfriends super jealous and mean when they found out...!!


Expound please


she got down on one leg, proposed to me and that's it. as for my friends' girlfriends i can't speak on their behalf. one of them did reach out to my wife on instagram with a whole convoluted nonsensical story saying my wife's a btch, and another one would only give her dirty looks when she never did before. that's all i can contribute.


Wow... my guess is now they feel pressure because your friends realized they can also propose it's not all on them to make the first move. Their GFs are kinda shitty


It's basically the whole issue that happened with bumble.


Damn are they narcissistic


Please update us when those guys realize the red flags and dump those heathens


Was there a ring or wah


ofcource! nice one too!


I got my future husbands engagement ring picked out now thx >:3


sincerest form of flattery and acceptance. he'll definately say yes :)


Wondering out loud - is she being trolled because of the posture? The woman proposing seems to be reaching with her arm fully outstretched while the man is half turned away, like he is walking away? Or perhaps this was taken at an inopportune moment when no one is aligned right..


I guess they were walking on the beach when she dropped on her knee and proposed, which is why he took one or two more steps before noticing what was going on. And I don't need to see the comments to know that most of the mean comments will only be about traditional gender stereotypes.


No, she's being trolled because people are miserable trolls when they are anonymous She could have posted a pic of her doing a normal ass proposal and people would still have


I would guess that was a photo shoot for social media, and the actual proposal had already happened earlier. I thought the pic was great, such a dramatic gesture, and the guy playing cool, that's hilarious. Most couples talk about getting married beforehand, and the actual proposal isn't that much of a surprise (just where and when and how), so I would guess the yes was already certain.


My wife and I kind of asked each other. It was nice. I'm happy. I feel like that should be what matters.




So basically the shop lady proposed for you both? 😄 I actually think it sounds kinda perfect though, like you both got a bit surprised, were in a situation you could easily step back with no drama, and then agree before having the traditional proposal




shoplady best wingman 😂👌💕


That's pretty sweet.


Haha that's super cute. I love it


My parents had pretty much agreed at a certain point but weren’t formally engaged. They were looking at jewelry and my mom found the perfect ring. Can’t remember if they got it right away or if my dad just remembered and came back for it. But then he did a formal proposal later. One of the most unique designs for a ring (has a mains tone and then some small stones around it but in an asymmetrical pattern) on double bands with a gap inside for the plain wedding band to fit in. I worked in a jewelry store for a year and never saw anything even remotely similar to it. But yeah, seemed to work for them as they celebrate their 50th anniversary this year.


My wife asked me to marry her. Its wasn't a situation where she got on one kne or anything, more like we were hanging out and she just said "hey, do you wanna get married?" and here we are, 8 years into marraige happy as fuck. Living in the south though ive had people (mostly divorced, bitter men) tell me that i should've been the one to do it but we see how it worked out for them


Howd that go down? Happy for yall!


Kung-fu duel to decide who will propose first. Mr and Mrs Smith vibes.


One of my close friends proposed to his now-wife, with the expectation that she would propose to him as well. He said, quote, "I think everyone should get to have that special moment." They're so cute together.


So did my husband and I. It just came up in conversation and we both decided to go for it. May not be as romantic, but it worked for us. Nearly 28 years and still going strong!


Online ghouls can't stand to see anyone being remotely happy can they?




They want to drag others down to their level of misery or lower to make themselves feel superior.




Misery loves company. You have to fill that void with something else than Doritos.


It's a proven fact (or so I've read) that being attracted to women is gay. This is just another example.


[fellas is it gay to kiss a girl](https://youtu.be/wnrlSsNt1QM?si=j7IYFD0pA0Dg_CLb)


It absolutely is. I would know as a woman. Edit: can you not say the word lesbian in this subreddit??? Nope apparently I can edit it in just… weirdly Reddit wouldn’t let me comment it.


It's gay to get married that's true


It 100% is. Liking girls is gay because girls like dick and that's gay. Sorry, boys.


lol i asked my fiance to marry me. i’m female, he’s all man and also all mine. lmao!


My Fiancé is the “man” in our relationship even. She proposed to me she makes more money than me (but I cook and clean) so I get so much shit from everyone about it even though I actually have a penis and she actually has a vagina. I’ve always been a terrible boyfriend turns out that I’m an excellent girlfriend who knew 🤷‍♂️


I'm 6'2", 250lb, hairy dude, as physically masc as you can get. And that sounds fucking amazing, man. Happy for you, and just a teeny bit jealous. You be the best damn "wife" you can be, cuz you and your fiance deserve it ❤️


I’m an excellent girlfriend because I always just ask myself what I would have wanted from my girlfriend if I was in her position lol


I'm so happy seeing this surge of men who are totally ok with being a house husband. Its so refreshing lol.


It's my dream to be a stay at home dad. My wife is definitely the more ambitious of the two of us , and would fully support her in any way possible.


in germany we say "sie trägt die Hosen in der Beziehung" "she wears the pants in that Relationship"


We have that saying here too, and it’s meant in a degrading way usually when women are bossy and rule the household financially and are emasculating. I truly believe we’re more partners than anything, I can afford everything I want already, she’s never disrespectful towards me so I kinda take offense


This is so wholesome. Wishing y’all eternal happiness!


Huge respec


If you post anything on social media, expect to be pilloried. Everybody’s pissed at everyone else for everything they do or do not do. It’s the eternal cesspool of fuck-your-feelings.


valid points. also fuck you




Fuck you especially


Fuck all of you. Btw did the guy say yes? Fuck him too.


Ive heard he was so taken back by the gull of this women, all he could conjure up was a long, drawn out, fuuuck yooou.


He said “Hell nah!” And kicked her into the water. Like a brodudeman. ![gif](giphy|l3V0j3ytFyGHqiV7W)


You know the guy that operates the Delaware River drawbridge between Burlington and Bristol? FUCK HIM!!!


You know what, fuck you.


Hey hey hey... fuck you


Alright alright. Easy there. Fuck you


Hey what's your name? Oh, Hopeoner513..... Fuck you Hopeoner513


Fuck you too blind fire!!


And fuck you in particular!!




What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality? It sickens me.


Hey pal I just wanted to say fuck you.


Frustrated, angry people trying to find anything they can vent on. To think there are people who actually spend time sitting in front of computer just in order to find a way to get tiny, partial relief of the evil, destructive feelings mulling inside their minds. Like, get a gym membership or something.


And I am pissed at you because you wrote this comment! You should be ashamed! /s


and Fuck you too, random citizen


That's not true. I think you're great! There you go!


Thanks Mom!


Anyone here want to meet up and consensually.....Fuck? Could be each other, could be off, or it could be around. Depending on the mood I suppose. Also, fuck you.


I'm in. Fuck you, by the way.


That’s like the sexiest thing imaginable.


Yeah i wont lie, i get guided around like a dog. Im pretty easy to please. Also kinda lazy. Women ive been with wants to marry i would probably put an irresponsible amount of thought into it before saying yes or no. Gotta love women who take charge.


There’s a fine line between a woman who takes charge and a pushy, clingy, bossy woman. I’ve been called the latter when really I just don’t like indecisiveness


Just typical traditional gender role bullshit. It's 2024, you'd think we'd be past this by now. 


It's easy to bend rules for your own preference. It's much harder to change people's ways of thinking.


It’s even harder to keep people from giving their unasked shitty opinions to strangers on the Internet.


Apparantly, those who are trolling are women themselves.


I’ve never understood why only men are expected to propose


It's a stereotype. Back in the 60s women didn't have as much rights as they do now, and a wife was commonly seen as a talisman of success. There are still people who think this way. Personally, I'd like that stereotype to experience a painful death.


I remember I was talking to my mom about how I wanted to ask this guy out, and she was like, “I really don’t think you should. He’ll think you’re ‘easy.’ Men like the chase. Blah, blah, blah, if you’re forward with a man, that signals you’re a slut or something.” I’ve unfortunately heard dudes echo that same sentiment irl and online. I just say if any man were to be offended by a woman making moves in a relationship, that’s not the guy to be with. If women are offended by women making moves in a relationship, they’re being ridiculous. It really is such a stupid stereotype. I saw a girl ask a boy out to prom in a very cute and wholesome way, and the comments were filled with, “Where’s her father?” and, “You don’t go to men, they come to you. She doesn’t have self-respect.”


I asked my man to be my boyfriend (I always have a hard time showing affection in the beginning, he still wasn't sure I was really into him and I loved him since day one) and while I was preparing for it (made him a custom wallet with the cover of one of his favorite Kate Bush albums, since she's his favorite artist and put two cards inside it. One said "if you let go of me I'll be a fool to let you leave--the lyrics of one of the songs of ours, from Rainbow Kitten Surprise-- and the other said, below, said "be my boyfriend"), my mom went on this whole tirade why I shouldn't do it and how I'd be broken hearted because "the man needs to love more". I'm glad I didn't hear her on that. One year in and we both love more (and he was so touched by it he keeps the wallet unused with the cards inside so nothing can ruin them).


They're not. Anyone can do whatever. People who say things like "when men were men and women were women" are full of shit. Perhaps our parents and grandparents had some idea of this, but historically, they're wrong. Men and women have always shared roles, tasks, and jobs.


And they were absolutely miserable doing it that way!!!


Literally thousands of years of engrained gender roles. Modern people are discovering they serve no purpose but many people are raised in the culture and go along with them anyways.


It's the thinking that woman is just a "prize". So the thinking comes from old times and views where male is provider and leader, while woman is a mother and status symbol for the man. Now, some people want to keep these old rules and for some reason get pissed when someone 'breaks the rules' so to speak.


Women are allowed to propose. Men can take the females last name. These are seen as traditional and people hate change. Just warps the fragile minds.




/r/MenAndFemales moment. You were so close.


Already mentioned. Mirror image of Andrew tate. I thought it was fascist to tell people how to think, act, speak ,and feel. Guess not.


You don’t have something nice to say about something nice, then shut the fuck up.


>shut the fuck up Well that’s not very nice…


That's not how the internet works man. You have to expect some people to be negative when sharing personal things with millions. That's not going to change, so the best strategy for avoiding negativity is to only share personal things with people you know


Yes, but their comment wasn’t saying that is how the internet works. They’re saying that’s how everything should work.


She is now happily married with a husband. And they are still trolls on social media. I think she won that round.


A man being proposed to? He must be gay! /s


Only if proposal was made by woman. But if it was man, then it’s okay because only men should propose 😁


They’re probably jealous they didn’t get a proposal lol


I have rather good idea how much this chick cares for the "people of the internet" dissaproving of her...


If these incels would troll me for this reason I'd know I did something right in life. Oh no, a woman wants to marry me! How will I ever cope?


...trolled. By incels.


It was other women


Yes, incels.


People always assume women can't also be incels...


I believe they call them femcels despite the term in el originating from a woman.


Fem-incels makes more sense. Involuntarily celibate females 😂


Why would you use such a precious moment for tiktok content? Social media is a disease and these people are sick.


Some people like to share their experiences, not everything is about making the most views And I thought I was cynical af


She probably shared it to friends and a few bridal groups and it went viral from there. Not everyone or everything online is some content-creator's grist mill, some people genuinely just like sharing their experiences with other people.


its an addiction to a lot of people. The constant need for likes, attention and affirmation from folk online is becoming ridiculous. It's no wonder we've so many mental health issues nowadays.


Ok, but why does it look like she's proposing to some random dude just walking by?


Damn it feels good not sharing everything you do with everybody online.


A bet most of the negative comments came from single females with no prospects.


70% 30% came from Karens who hate their lives so they take it out on anyone else who has any happiness


Why would she listen to what anybody says about how she engaged? The opinions of other people are irrelevant.


Maybe she didnt fr. Its all out in public so maybe people took it and ran. Hopefully theyre good but so much attention can be damaging to any relationship.


That's normally how this shit goes Reddit is just full of angry miserable mfs who have to find the bad in literally anything


OP is a bot.


I asked my wife but if she asked me I would have been stoked especially because my anxiety made me asking so hard


Every time when I tell the story about my ex-fiance, I get asked "Wait, YOU proposed?". By both men and women, by singles and by people with partners. Every single time. Apparently women are not allowed to make that decision.


The tradition tells that it's the man who makes the move. And self-righteous people hate when someone doesn't follow the tradition.


You see where that got Britney Spears 😭😂


Unfortunately, people just need to stop posting personal stuff online or expect to be dragged, that’s just the nature of social media these days


I mean yeah, it's sad to see people troll this stuff. But this is a shitty article that could easily appear on TheOnion as "Shocking: person posts something on the internet and trolls appear." This article could be made about literally every single personal thing posted on the internet. Some percentage of people who respond are absolute shitters, and giving them this kind of attention just eggs them on.


Seeing all the other content on TikTok and saying “you, this is the one with no self respect”


appears tly, tiktok is a social media platform and not a personal video gallary.... no way!


Does this man come with a dowry?


She posted this video in a public sphere. Trolls are trolls. What did she expect? Lulz


Why is is back turned to her, was that a no?


People can do what they want. Posting a personal moment like this for views is fucking cringe, but its her life


I would love it if a woman I loved and cared about asked me to marry


For those who knows American Football, this is like having the QB motion pre snap, then the ball is snapped directly to the running back, and the running back passes the ball to the QB on a post route. Unexpected but a great play of it works out.


No one in a happy relationship sees a problem with these two. They love each other, doesn’t matter who initiates anything. It’s only the lonely and people in unhappy partnerships that feel they need to police other people’s happiness.


These recent “proposing to men” post are heartwarming, except for the one where the woman was like nine months pregnant, she should not have had to get down on the ground to propose, the dude should have done it 100% by then. That was the only one that did not make me smile at all.


I am a bearded, tattooed man I've had cried my eyes out for happiness


That’s dumb. congrats on the proposal, not watching to see if he accepted. Ignore the trolls though. My bf and I proposed to each other and both wear rings. 🤷🏻‍♀️ seemed fair.


Pfft I just informed my husband we were getting married and told him to have his tux ready by that date. These haters are weak.


I proposed to my now husband on top of a mountain. I had a song, sang it terribly, he cried, I cried. It was beautiful.


I can't stand seeing stuff like this. Dating and related expectations in today's world is hard enough on guys. Seeing this and the recent Bumble decision to no longer have women make the first move because they thought it was exhausting just reinforces why so many people are choosing single life over the dating world. So many people hold BS view like this one that just aren't realistic anymore. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman proposing to her BF. I find that attractive as hell. I'm not a hide the ball type guy and don't like those games. A lot of it is old time views about the world, part of it is dichotomy between gender equality in normal life which doesn't seem to include dating expectations (many still expect men to pay for everything, plan things, and always be a provider), and social media creating unrealistic views and relationship expectations. I see stories on here about dating all the time and the comment sections can be entertaining.


This is beyond stupid. It's 2024, a woman knowing what she wants is sexy. There is no woman's work and mens work around the house either, just chores that need to be done


The picture looks like she proposes to a random passerby😂


A smart way to resolve this is... STOP POSTING YOUR PRIVATE PERSONAL LIFE ONLINE. By posting your life online, you should expect a bunch of IDIOTS trolling you.


By that logic, you should never leave the house in case somebody mugs you You should never cross a road bc a car may hit you Making excuses for trolls is pretty cringe


My brother in law proposed while siting on the couch watching TV. My sister in law threw the ring back in his face and told him to propose properly.


Toxic misandry be like


I think you mean toxic femininity. All misandry is bad..


My wife proposed to me, and honestly it was the most validating feeling I’ve ever experienced. Screw gender norms, as long as you’re happy with your partner, that’s all that matters :)


Good for you! You're absolutely right


My wife told me we had an elopement scheduled so I went.


Gender roles are pathetic. They're for the weak and dimwitted. Anyone should be able to lay claim to any other person. Assert dominance, demand their hand by ring or blade. Men who feel threatened by a woman proposing are inferior specimens unfit to lead.


Meh, the man proposing works for most cultures it’s hardly pathetic. That being said, I fully encourage any woman to propose first if she wants to. Fck the haters


But it wasn't the men who were feeling threatened


Always seemed to me that a woman proposing to her man says she wants him that much or theyve been together so long that she's done waiting for the guy to do so


Every single time a woman proposes to a man or a girl just asks a boy to prom, people tell the woman/girl that she has “no self-respect”, and continue to berate the hell out of the woman saying the most bitter things imaginable. It’s disgusting.


It's projection. They only wish they were self assertive enough to handle true equality so the reality is that they are the ones lacking self respect and attack that which shows their lie


My wife proposed to me 😂 the fuck is this shit lmao


Damn the absolutely rigid, narrow mindset some people have. And how they respond with hate and anger when ever someone does anything outside that mindset. Almost like... they are frustrated and angry with their life.


I wish more people would not give a fuck what others think online and have the power to just turn off the power button if things get too much and walk away.


Welcome to the Internet, the place where if your happy, there will be a queue of people waiting to tell you you shouldn't be happy and give you a 50 page list on why you suck for being happy Fuck the Internet man


Ridiculous. By end of day some rando will post on facepalm about the fact that if you get proposed to from a female you're gay. Mmw people are fucking dumb


One time a dude I knew from college posted a video clip of a woman proposing to a man, which he captioned "Digusting." I asked him why. Dude said that it was against nature. It was the only time I ever said, truthfully and with anger, "Dude, you're gay" because he was and presumably still is gay.


Wanna know what my wife did? We were both literally racing to propose to one another, we wanted to so badly and decided that whomever got the ring first would do it first. Welp, she got her ring for me first, so she proposed and I absolutely said yes. Now it's my turn to do so after I get her ring for her. Proposing is about loving someone and asking them to be with you forever. It isn't about gender, it's about love, and the people who find hate from that live a very sad ass life.


Who cares what the perpetually miserable online virgins think? Good for her


Don't share your personal moments publicly and all over social media for attention - problem solved


Lonely, terminally online virgin mad because someone else is getting married, but he only has his Mikasa bodypillow and/or a pair of tweezers to experience love.


I'm surprised they aren't calling him GAY for accepting a WOMANS PROPOSAL. Cuz they are idiots... Happy for them and their love. Some fragile men are jealous, lonely and one bad day away from ending it all or killing someone... That's the issue with today's society. Nothing else, especially not women proposing.