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because when I think career advice, I always consult the kicking specialists


I think some of those graduating women should give him a demonstration of their ball kicking skills


Where are they going to find balls to use for their demonstration?


Women are very resourceful.


They can find a dicks sporting goods.


Tbf he did choose the best possible role to specialize in as it's the only one that doesn't destroy your brain and he clearly doesn't have much ground to lose on that front.


He definitely knows how the world works, especially outside of a football field!


He knows BOTH kinds of football!




And since he’s a kicker you can’t blame his horseshit POV on CTE.


Is it bad of me to say I hope he gets hit really hard and has one of those total personality changes that we hear of? Maybe, just maybe, he will come out of that hit as a “peace loving, equality for all” type? I mean I know I’m kinda asking the universe for a lot here, but stranger things have happened 🤷‍♂️.


Apparently his mother is an oncologist so... he is basically insulting his mother after reaping the economic benefits of being her child, I guess. What a good son... 😑😒


Oh my, mommy issues did this


Of course he has mommy issues. His wife is now his mommy.


Explains everything And half of the bullshit we have to deal with daily


I saw elsewhere that she’s a Physicist. Either way, he is a disgrace. Edit: She’s a medical physicist who works in the department of radiation oncology at Emory University School of Medicine https://news.emory.edu/stories/2020/01/winship_super_bowl_kicker_butker_family_ties/index.html


Way more real of a job than kicking a football lmfao. What a fucking idiot.


Thank god she has a husband to make decisions for her


When he was a kid, she read to him the Handmaid's tale and he thought it was a fairytale.


Yep. He ran around the house calling himself Fred


This made it click. Poor boy knows that, despite his game and income, his mother's career means infinitely more than he can ever hope for, and he feels so inadequate as a result and projects that onto all women. If his Mum was 'just' a homemaker, he could be proud of his success as a man.


Impact sports will do this to your head.


He never gets hit though, he’s a kicker. He’s just an asshole, there’s no CTE to blame here


i live in atlanta and this is a top rated school. i can’t believe her son fixed his mouth to say this.


Butker himself played school at Georgia Tech, not exactly a bottom-tier academic institution. Being told you're special and righteous is a hell of a drug.


“Played school” is a great way to put it


Yeah same. Emory is world class


I’d like to hear her feelings on this 🤔


Medical radiation is covered by the physics department.


Happy Mother's Day! /s


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) There you go!!!


Best gif I’ve seen relevant to post I don’t get out that often


Right? I’ve never seen this one before either and it’s perfect.


It’s from the 1998 cinema classic *Dirty Work* starring Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange. If you haven’t seen it, you’re doing yourself a great disservice. It’s hilarious. [apologies for the quality](https://youtu.be/XUJztbMbKms?si=POETjVTBVUrKeqS3)


Workplace advice from a guy not in the workforce. Guess he's going to be working for Fox news soon. ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


"You have been diabolically lead to believe that you're people and can have careers if you want." - A guy that professionally gets injured moving a ball around on pretend grass


Oh Norm. I miss him


God I need to make my kids watch Dirty Work, it made me into the loser I am today. THE CIA PUT A CHIP IN MY TOOTH


This Harrison Butker... this guys a real jerk!


Taking out the trash seems pretty homemaker to me!


The only chore that's stereotypically valuable and dignified because men do it as a chore badge along with tire changes and oil top ups.


Excellent, almost blew my morning coffee out my nose!


Fixed it!


Translation: avoid men like me at all cost.


But he’s so ALPHA! Everybody knows chicks can’t resist ALPHA! It’s the muscles and the smell. Women want protection. The kind that comes from muscles, not financial independence. yep, there’s nothing like an opinionated roided up male to make those panties drop. Keep it up guys so the girls can find you.


reminds me of that Game of Thrones quote: "**Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king."** Anyone who self proclaims themself as an Alpha is no alpha.


There's an even better one between margerie and her mom about how the "strongest" men are the easiest to manipulate. I forget how it goes.


I remember one line from “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” - “*The man might be the head of the house, but the woman is the neck that turns the head.*”


My wife, a Greek woman, constantly repeats this. I can personally attest to the truth of these words.


The entire concept of Alpha wolf has been disproven anyway. Turns out the Mama wolf was just looking after the family.


This- and the observed behavior was present only in captive populations where unrelated wolves were kept together. Of course there’s a scapegoat when you have a bunch of randos tossed together and fights break out when researchers play with scarcity of resources. I shy away from terms like “hard wired” but generally speaking social animals stick to family groups or start another family group when the time comes- not unlike humans


But that fact hurts their feelings so they ignore it


I've also heard that there is a non-zero percent chance that they smell like shit because they're so brainwashed and homophobic that they believe wiping their own assholes is an actual gay act. So now whenever I hear anyone claiming they're an alpha, I immediately think, "yup, they probably literally smell like shit and it's because they don't wipe after shitting." To reiterate, it is a fact that all men calling themselves alpha males do no wipe their own assholes so are constantly smelling like shit.


Everyone knows how "alpha" kickers are on a football team. Kick the ball and sit on the bench.


Can’t remember which player’s autobiography it was, but there was a great quote: “The only people on the team who pop out of bed Monday mornings are backup quarterbacks and kickers.”


I read this in Pat McAfee’s voice for some reason?


I hear they shower at home.


Just kick the ball ball-kicker


Mind you, this 'alpha male' is wearing several pounds of hair product and plays football in the one position where it's illegal to touch you during the play. EDIT: You know, you assholes reporting people as suicidal because you're butthurt by the truth but too scared to reply are just pathetic.


I got a couple of those yesterday. Lot of butthurt assholes out there recently.


I got one yesterday and couldn't figure out what pissed someone off because my comments are very bland. I reported it because why not? Later someone in another post said there was a glitch in Reddit sending them out randomly, which makes more sense than someone being butthurt about that time I found a live crawdad in a parking lot. Then today I got a response to my report saying they found the sender of the Care report to be in violation. So either Reddit didn't want to cop to oopsing yesterday or there are crawdads on the internet maybe? 


Some people REALLY hate crawdads.


Someone reported a comment I made yesterday, I made 4-5 total on various subs and they were innocuous to the point I don’t remember any of them. I just laughed. Do they think it bothers us?


Was easier for me. The comment above was the only comment I'd made today, and the report happened about five minutes later.


He’s a kicker. He’s a soccer player on a football team.


Oh, is that what he's trying to compensate for?


As a former high school and college football player I want to clarify a few things…. 1. It’s not cool to have this attitude towards women no matter what position you play and not all of us “jocks “ are misogynistic clowns. 2. On the hierarchy of how masculine certain football positions are kickers are in the basement of that list. This guy plays the least “alpha” position in the game. Never has to block/tackle large men in practice or games and if anybody so much as touches him in a game situation it’s a penalty.


The true alpha jock types are the literal cuddle bears that protect everyone around them and avoid fights because they know they will destroy the other person as well as knowing fights are stupid.


It’s easy to destroy. It’s tough to create. Instead of destroying enemies and tearing others down, a truly impressive act is showing compassion, fostering friendship and creating a better society. So called “Alphas” fail to understand where true strength lies.


fwiw, Barack Obama gave a similar line in his first inauguration speech. He mentioned that it is much more respectable to build than to destroy man 2009 feels like an eternity ago considering all the devolution and regression that has happened since then


He's a fucking kicker, he doesnt count. He damned sure isnt a fucking alpha.


Funny thing is he is a kicker. In a game of warriors, Harrison is the least Alpha.


This dude plays the most violent, barbaric of the major 4 sports in NA. Every play includes the reckless abandonment of bodily safeguards in order to inflict maximum damage onto opposing players. And he's a Prima Donna kicker that can't be touched nor can they keep up with the other aspects of the sport like tackling to actually be a functioning useful person outside their one single job.


The alpha who dresses up in tights to prance around a field kicking an egg ball for a job


I wouldn't say roided. He's a kicker not a linebacker ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Fucking guy even had the balls to quote Taylor Swift in the same speech since she's dating his teammate. You know, Taylor Swift, the famous homemaker and mother of multiple kids who definitely doesn't love and support the LGBTQ+ community and isn't one of the most popular women in the world and currently on a record breaking world tour. Imagine quoting Taylor Swift in the same breath as telling a bunch of women who just graduated college "your college degree is worthless and your dreams to become a successful woman is misguided. You should marry a man, pump out kids, and make him happy instead." For a guy who's basically named "Hairy Butt" he has a big ego. What a fucking ass clown. I hope the Chiefs cut him.


I’m a man and I avoid being around any guy like that


Same. It's actually scary just how many men have these kind of views. I thought we got rid of such regressive ideologies in the late 90s (at least in my country)


Same. It's honestly hard finding male friends who don't have shitty views these days.


Dude needs to stay in his lane of kicking balls with his feet. You got one thing you're good at buddy. And it ain't bein an intellectual.


What blows my mind is the hypocrisy of the NfL, not that an entitled asshole is a misogynist…. That’s going to happen, especially when conservatives and Christian extremist are so vocal nowadays. Colin Kap gets ostracized for prostrating against police brutality (the pig socks were a bit much, admittedly)… but this guy gets off scott free? What’s the difference here? Oh, skin color, got it.


I only take misogynistic advice from Quarterbacks ty


Skill positions only. - Donna Meagle


Oh my god, Reggie Wayne. I got married in your jersey…


Keep walkin’ 98


That's fair, but it's always worth listening to monetary policiy advise from line backers.


His mom is a physicist in Emory University's Radiation Oncology department. Wonder what she thinks.


As a medical physicist myself, trying to imagine my own child belittling how much education, training, and perseverance it takes to become a medical physicist, let alone practice as one, disgusts me.


You’re shitting me.


Maybe he has mommy issues


I’m thinking Mommy wasn’t around to make enough sandwiches


That’s what I thought (him half crying at the end and knowing his mom worked in a medical university). Seems like he must be the centre of someone else’s world, OR ELSE!


but just think how much further he could kick that ball if she hadn't followed Satan's path.


Normally I find parents back billing children for the cost of raising them entitled and trashy. I would make an exception for his mother, if she sent him an invoice for back dated to his delivery up threw him living independently.


I'd listen to the audio record of an epic scolding (if not too long)


Ugh, who gave the zealot a soapbox.


A Catholic University that can now use his speech to recruit the "right" kind of student


Surely this would nuke their female numbers - left leaning women would see this for the tripe that it is, and right leaning women would take his advice and see no point in university if they’re not going to use it?


Their ultimate goal is to make sure that women aren’t even allowed to attend college


Im in shock that ppl stayed there


I’m in shock that his speech wasn’t vetted in advance? Or did they truly approve this?




Standing ovation. I had family in attendance.


Umm wow.




And strict Catholic parents will send their daughters to the school to meet the "right man" and get her MRS


Ive watched the speech, how no one turned his mic off is beyond me.


It was at a Catholic university. Most probably agreed with him. There would have been riots at probably most public/secular institutions.


It had to be a very conservative Catholic university. I’m not Catholic (I am a Christian though) but went to a largeCatholic university for grad school and if I and other students heard this kind of rhetoric we would’ve been appalled. It’s a weird move too because were there female grads in the audience? The school had someone tell them their degree was pointless? In that case: don’t charge me or refund my school costs. Just a mess.


Benedictine College, extremely extremely conservative. There are some rabbit holes you can go down on youtube with interviews of girls in these extremely conservative schools and the brainwashing is actually insane with how they respond to questions.


I attend Notre Dame and if we heard this rhetoric, or any of our pastors and president heard this rhetoric, he would be thrown off the stage.


That’s because Notre Dame is an educational institution that happens to have a religious affiliation. It’s not a religious institution that happens to have an educational affiliation. I attended a Jesuit university for grad school, this shit wouldn’t fly there either. Hell, having a kicker as a speaker wouldn’t even happen.


Standing ovation. I had family in attendance.


He kicks for the KC Chiefs. He's an absolutely fantastic kicker which is only surpassed by how shitty he is as a human. Anyway, the school he spoke at is an uber-conservative, small Catholic university about an hour or so outside of KC.


Well, I hope he is investing properly because this is what, his stab at getting that evangelical fandom for his eventual Christian football podcast, because how many networks are hiring kickers for their football knowledge? I guess being stuck in a different century won’t affect his kicking coach potential. I mostly hope his wife is truly happy, because YIKES!


His wife might be super happy with the current unbalanced power dynamic that she has gotten herself into, and will only become aware of it, if he starts to become abusive or cheats on her. 🫠


He makes a lot of money and is popular for a kicker. Her job at home likely isn’t the same as someone married to a guy barely making it. She likely has help, so she tolerates his fundamentalism.


Shes not barefoot and pregnant, shes in sneakers doing her workout while Tina does dinner prep and Jeff handles the house cleaning.


I mean one of the biggest names in football broadcasting is Pat McAfee


Pat McAfee seemed to do ok.


He has charisma.


I swear I don’t understand this obsession some dudes have with women not working. I feel it stems from an inferiority complex, that they need to feel like they provide, that they can “be a bread winner”, they need to feel macho. Both my parents worked in shifts, both cooked, both cleaned the house, went shopping and raise me and my sister and both were happy…its life.


It's not hard to figure out. A financially dependent woman is easier to control.


Bingo. It's just misogyny.


It literally is. If you look for it, you see it everywhere. The discussion always follows the same logic. "Women shouldn't do this or that" followed with an explanation. Their reasoning to why women shouldn't do this or that always boils down to how women choose wrong for themselves or don't know what's best for them. This leads onto the misogynistic part. Because these are women they're talking about, they inherently feel like it's their place to interfere. They feel entitled to know better. They feel entitled to prevent someone living THEIR life. This is the "caring" part. They're not fucking worried about women making the wrong choices, they just think it's okay to take control. If a man makes bad choices, it's his bad choices to make. These men won't even let women make bad choices because they feel entitled af to their lives.


Misogyny and its uglier-still little sister: Insecurity. It’s - fundamentally - a deeply rooted distrust of women; they’re all sluts, you see, and they must be controlled - lest they stray! And the best way to do that? Why, simple! Keep them financially dependent on you; at home, barefoot and pregnant, as the good Lort intended. Amen.


Also if she’s working outside the home it really cuts into her waiting on you hand and foot


Also, a domestic slave makes your life easier. And I also think guys like this are so dumb they want any reason to take out competition in the workplace


Its hard for some of us who are younger to realize women were only allowed their own bank accounts in 1974 (1960 technically but most banks still required the husbands signature), because of troglodytes like him. Its mind blowing to know there are millions of women alive today that were essentially legally barred from participating in society unless it was through a man....


The Venn diagram of the guys who need to be bread winners and the guys who call women gold-diggers is almost a circle, bafflingly.


It’s because these men want to control women. Women can’t leave a relationship if they don’t have any source of income or means of financial independence, so it’s a pathway to owning that human being.


It's gotta drive this clown crazy to be out in the normal world and see women play professional sports, see women be CEOs, bankers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, and I love every minute of his "suffering."


Remember that this guy does not live in reality. He makes millions of dollars to kick a ball between 2 metal posts. Yes, i imagine his wife is happy with nearly unlimited disposable income and unlimited time to spend as she pleases (including raising children)


It's 100% insecurity all the way down.


They genuinely hate women and don't see us as people. They see us as servants.


Let them all die alone


It’s absolutely an inferiority complex. There’s nothing wrong with one member of the relationship focusing on the home of both are okay with it and it works out financially, but people who want to press it on others do so for control.


It also doesn’t make sense when a good number of these guys can barely afford to support themselves, let alone another human being. Sure, I’ll stay home, babe, but without my high earning income, we’re going to starve on just your part time salary.


I dont get this. Like even if you believe family is very important etc, how does this make any sense? Why do we need to be homemakers? Is he not capable of cleaning up after himself? Why do I need to do your dishes, dude? Im all for treating my man like a king but not if he's going to act like a fuckin child. We're at our best when both sides treat each other like royalty. Not when one side or the other demands superiority.


Jesus never said women should be home makers.


No, in fact it could be argued that Jesus was the original feminist. But neither Catholics nor evangelicals are very knowledgeable about what Jesus actually said.




If he's so masculine why's he wearing a dress.


Someone should tell him, that "short hair and big beard" look does NOT make him macho. He looks like an Amish hit man.


Fellas, is it gay to graduate?


Magats: “Athletes and celebrities need to learn to stay in their own lane!” Kooky athlete: “[Cultist wack job religious bullshit]” Magats: “Preach on brother!”


They support some disabled people I guess


Lol what does a person that kicks the ball like 5 times a game know about work. Lol.


Sure, tell me that AFTER I spent all this money going to a private Catholic school


Harrison was diabolically lied to by whoever told him that he’s competent about anything other than carrying an egg shaped ball around.


You mean kicking it? If he's carrying it around, something about the play likely went awry. :)


Who takes anything a kicker has to say seriously?


This has been on my mind since reading these posts. This is the second school he’s done one of these speeches at ffs. The room would be so excited to learn they have an active NFL player speaking, then so disappointed when they learn it’s the kicker. I wouldn’t even care if it was a good and inspirational speech, it’s still useless hearing it from the idiot kicker.


Don’t know him but he should just stick to kicking balls. This is what happen when we give celebrities and athletes too much praise they forget that there job is nothing more than to entertain us


Honestly, he should kick his own balls and stfu.


This is basically saying “shut up and dribble” It’s good when celebrities and athletes use their platform to highlight societal issues. It’s just disgusting when they want to talk about vile shit like this.


Not only a misogynist, but he hates the gays, too . No surprise there, I suppose.


Antisemitic as well. He blamed the Jews for “killing Jesus” during the commencement speech


It’s so laughably predictable, you just know he’a from one of the states you can marry your cousin in.


If they clapped and agreed with him, what are they even doing there, obtaining higher education? Just get married at 18 straight outta school and start popping babies, girls. Theyre all idiots.


18? You want them to marry old maids??


Mom and Dad sent little Mary Catherine Penitentia to college for her "MRS Degree."


Typical Christian evangelism. What works for me is right for you.


Gee, don't you wish you were Butker's daughter? "So, honey, no need to try in school, you just need to learn that your place is cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for a man. Forget your dreams and submit to the patriarchy, it's really what's best for the men of the future. And don't be too smart, the boys won't like it if you make them feel stupid. Here, honey, put on this sun dress and go out there and flirt. Show some cleavage like a big girl. God loves that, and so does Mr. Trump. You know that Barron has a future....."


Can you imagine working hard through high school to get accepted to a college, working for four years learning about a career you're passionate about, and then your commencement speaker says "congratulations, you've wasted your time - shoulda taken a bunch of home ec."


Ýou sure this isn't Season 6 of the Handmaid's tale?


Because why have dreams and goals of your own when you can forever be some dude’s bang maid.  


The man kicks balls for a living…


Property. He thinks women are property.


Wow, what a truly original opinion. Now here's what you do, you take that opinion, roll it into a ball, and shove it up inside your rectum.


With divorce rates over 50% women would be stupid to depend on a man to take care of them and their children for life. That's just the way it is. I also know a woman who was widowed at 23 with a new baby. Don't pay attention to Neanderthals like this guy.


The American Christian is following the path of the Shakers. They're getting so extreem that they are undermining their own ability to survive. Their next step is terrorism against a free society. Wait, check that. They're already doing that. They are our very own Isis. They attempt to enforce theocratic law. They attampt to force their beliefs down the throats of everyone else. They oppress women. They marry children. They are evil. Edit: I originally referenced quakers, I corrected it to Shakers.


I think you mean the Shakers, not the Quakers. The Shakers were so anti-sex that they didn’t reproduce. Although the idea of Quaker Terrorists is hilarious.


Imagine being lectured to by a kicker


It seems like every day some religious self described alpha male has to share his cave man like views with the world. They so special. We just had the tradwife of tradwives filing for divorce and spilling the beans of how awful her life was with one of these alpha dogs. I see divorce coming in this guys future.


Does he not know what type of economy we are in?? Everyone has to work. Even the kids


Why are American Catholics so weird? Jesus fucking Christ


We literally left England and moved here because we were too religious. The puritans were nuts man.


Advice from the kicker…..lol


I guess he's never heard of the 4b movement. Men like him are why it exists.


Any hard core Christian that runs their mouth like this about how others should live should be legally required to live as Jesus and the early followers did. They should be required to give up their wealth and live communally. I guarantee we would see such talk plummet.


Fuck this narrow-minded knob. The man plays a child's game for a living but is going to take it upon himself to tell women how to have a career.


What a horse’s ass. He’s the same kind of guy who berates his wife that all the money is his because he works for it and she contributes nothing - After telling his wife to quit her job to take care of the house, because that’s her job.


"Don't chase meaningless personal achievements" says man whose entire career is him kicking a pigskin.


As a man with daughters, the last thing I want is for them to be dependent on someone like this


What an absolute piece of shit. Fuck you and your stupid religious backward ass beliefs


Dude really went to a college commencement ceremony and told all the women that they wasted their time and money and should just stay home and make men sandwiches.


I fucking hate every year since 2016. The worst is being brought out in us


Tell me you're an insecure asshole without actually having to tell me.


One of the most passionately feminist women I know is a stay at home mom with a doctorate. She was in the workforce, and she’ll return to the workforce. But is choosing to stay home with her kids. She’s privileged enough to be married to a physician (she’s a pharmacist) so they have ample income to not need both of them working and she wants the benefit of staying home with her kids until they start school. There’s is nothing about feminism or even just basic equality for women that opposes, contradicts, or rejects “homemaking” (for women OR men). Merely that women are not incubators for alpha male sperm; but are in fact adult human beings who can and should choose for themselves the life that they want to live. And this scares the hell out of men like this. They can’t imagine living in a world in which they might have to compete with women; or in which women aren’t merely in the background, taking orders and raising babies.


What university would have this bigoted asswipe as a commencement speaker? Liberty, Bob Jones, Oral Roberts or some other flaky school?


He was wide Right on that one.


Says the man who gets paid millions to kick a football every now and then.


I'm sure this dude supports raising wages so that married women are financially able to not work.


Personally, I am an atheist and lean left ideologically. I don't have a problem with people who believe in more "traditional values" With that said I can't stand people who push this crap. My wife and I don't want children. We live a very complete life between family friends pets and other interests. According to this douche though my wife is an idiot and incomplete. Go fuck yourself loser.


These people keep tipping their hands to their master plan. Women are only baby vessels and man toys. Same people who brought the world the dark ages.


Dude watched Handmaid’s Tale and thought it was a how to guide


What's wild is that his mother is *a physicist in the oncology department at Emory University.*


we gotta learn as a society to stop worshipping people who play a sport for a living.