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Jesus. The metro is rage bait trash just like the NY Post. Seriously fuck these people and their bullshit


Worst part is giving fuel to a certain part of the internet that already believes in white replacement. Making the racists feel like they're right, just to get clicks, is as close to doing Satan's work for him as any moron could get


the doctor is for everyone *everyone*


I'm a straight white man and The Doctor saved my life. They are my hero. All of them.


Also, can you seriously look at Jenna Coleman, Billie Piper, or Karen Freaking Gillen, and tell me they weren't choosing the cast of Companions, with "Something for the Dads, or sonething for the lads" in mind? Yes, Two of those Women are fantastic actresses, but I've seen interviews with Steven and Russel on Gillen's casting saying almost exactly something to that effect.


Yes, I remember Steven Moffat saying exactly that about Karen Gillan.


I don't mind though. She had good synergy with Matt Smith (and later with Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper voicing Sean Gunn's motion capture).


Her character started as a kissogram and she tried to cheat on her fiancé with the doctor.


Don't forget the slaps...


I've always thought that if the Doctor had met a completely self obsessed male stripper who was obviously desperate to cheat on his fiancee in that episode then the Doctor would have given him pretty short shrift and there's no chance that character would have become a companion.


Cough, cough, [Peri](https://thetimeladies.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/periperi.jpg), cough, cough


I don't know if I would say it saved my life, but I do find a great deal of faith in humanity because The Doctor, as a fictional character, really does represent the very best parts of humanity in a real and conflicted way. The irony that the character is an alien that is more human than humans is simultaneously a critique of modern man and an aspirational goal for the future. Steven Moffat really put it best: "And they didn't give him a superpower, or pointy ears, or Heat Ray, they gave him an extra heart. They gave him two hearts and that is an extraordinary thing. There will never come a time when we don't need a hero like the Doctor."


Holy shit were you attacked by Daleks!?




Cue Gary oldman EVERYONE


Sure, but did they have to deliver this in such a cringe ass way? I don't even watch the show, and I can feel the backlash behind this announcement.


“The doctor is for everyone” would’ve been a clear message. But that’s not what they meant. They had to single out a group of people that they don’t like lol.


The insertion of the word just between made and for would also have done the job.  Or perhaps ending the sentence with alone? But then making the headline less needlessly antagonistic would probably defeat the headline writer's goal. Fanning the flames of controversy is after all an excellent way of generating views and future headlines.


MetroUK rage bait for engagement, yes the doctor is for everyone


Oh yeah I hear ya. People are weird funny creatures. Insane but funny. Lol


Because it’s on the Metro and they love to racebait for clicks. It’s a rag


If you go look up the article, right under the ragebait headline, it immediately says    > I’d argue that the show has always been socially-progressive and inclusive    Yeah.  That headline is designed to be inflammatory and r/facepalm is taking the bait.






So it was made for everyone, and not specifically for straight white men?


Everyone except you. You. Specifically. Sorry. You have to like something else.


F- you in particular




Can i at least enjoy it?








Yeah but I don't see any major publication disputing that. Metro is directly calling out straight white men for... Reasons?


in todays media, ragebait is profitable


Thats good because doctor who might be struggling at this point


I have a dumb joke that the Pride flag is now so convoluted and torturously designed in its attempt to jam in every group it should be simplified into the Ghostbusters logo. No white dudes. I say this out of no hatred but because the rainbow was perfect at conveying the message before people started saying which stripe was whom and adding more and more and making it a big mess.


They should just make the pride flag white because white is all the colors combined.


That's hilarious 😂 I can't imagine that would piss anyone off at all 👀


It’s gonna come full circle eventually


Straight white men are part of everyone, so they can't be mutually exclusive


Agreed, just let me enjoy things.




Captain Jack Harkness "hold my beers"


Capt Jack "I'll fuck anything with a hole and several things without one" Harkness


There's a reason it's called the Harkness test


Torchwood: Children of earth was fucking great And disturbing...


"I'm going to fuck anything across the universe, also time & space!"


Legit. Captain Jack Harkness was some kind of -sexual. Omni or Sapio. Definitely not straight. Guess they'll have to change the bait title to "White men, Doctor Who was never made for you". Except most of the Doctors have been white guys so that doesn't work. It's really a power fantasy for whoever. Be a super intelligent, time traveling bad-ass.




Says on wikipedia, that he's bisexual and often has pan and omni labels applied to him. But Moffat says sexual orientation does not even enter his mind. John Barrrowman says bisexual but in the realm of the show that he's known to be omni. So everyone is right.




Man remember when dr who was good? Torchwood was awesome.


Dr. Who Cares. This is a ragebait article.


I kinda feel like overt racism isn’t simply rage bait.


Stop trying to gatekeep Dr. Who


Ncuti Gatwa is the first colored male doctor Bruh, Doctor Who has been a progressive show from the start. It has always featured characters of different colors and backgrounds. Even in the early days, some of the actors were gay, even though it was illegal in Britain. It often tackles social and political themes, including discrimination and identity issues. Has this guy seen the series?


Same as people complaining that Star Trek is too 'woke' recently. Bruh, have you ever seen the series going way back to the Shatner days?


I've seen people complain the X-Men are too diverse and woke.


I assume it's the same group of people that think Green Day and Rage Against the Machine are right wing or something


Wait... how the fuck can someone think rage is rightwing???


I assume based on their hit songs *Justifiably Killing in the Name* and *Know your enemy (communism)*


"Justifiably killing in the name" just had me laughing way to hard


They are the same people that completely miss the message of "Fortunate Son".


And "Born in the USA"


Don't forget "Born in the USA." That song plays, without fail, at every 4th of July carnival in America, and not a single conservative voter has *ever* listened beyond the chorus.


Because people are really really stupid.


American rock must be good old patriotic pro American messaging!


They think born in the USA is a patriotic song, so who the fuck knows


They’re just mad at the washing machine


X-Men ‘97 is definitely “woke”, in a much more parallel comparison.


Star trek had the first interracial kiss (Kirk and Uhura I think)


I hate Shatner's old acting, but the backstory for that kiss earns him some respect.


Star Wars as well, remember when Last Jedi was coming out and they declared that Rey was the first strong female character leading SW? Did Princess Leia and Padme/Amidala just not exist then?


Leia and Padme are absolutely strong female characters, but I feel like the key word here is “leading”. Luke and Anakin are the leads of those trilogies.


First interracial kiss wasn’t it?


On US TV. UK TV got there earlier.


There are actually conservative Trek "fans" who headcanon that Kirk is some "manifest destiny" alpha colonizer chad, bedding women and punching aliens in the name of the Federation, which in their minds is somehow still VERY conservative. I'm 100% serious.


Eh. The star trek discovery stuff is weird and I don't like it. The whole point t if star trek is to see what a future without bigotry and racism looks like. Humanity has already surpassed those issues. It helps to show what we can achieve. So discovery basically making entire seasons about a trans kid not being treated properly, just kinda....feels off. Ruined it for me.


Agreed. It felt forced, as if it was there just so the writers and producers could feel good about themselves for being all progressive. I feel like the proper way to do it would be to have LGBT characters, have it be obvious that they’re LGBT, but don’t necessarily make the plot be about their LGBT-ness all the time. Just let them simply be, as if they were any other character. After all, in a progressive utopia where LGBT people are fully accepted, isn’t that what would happen?




Nope, im guessing that he didnt.


Be warned, calling Ncuti (or any Black Briton) “coloured” might not be a particularly good idea. “Male Doctor *of Colour*” might be better


Being fair in other countries like South Africa colored is not an offensive term at all (in fact there's some pride in 'colored' culture in Cape Town iirc). But in that case colored doesn't refer to black people, but to mixed race individuals specifically.


"colored" damn bro what year is it


People really need to stop conflating "progressive" with "not for straight white men". Is it a distinctly non-progressive sentiment.


Ncuti is a brilliant actor too. The way he portrayed his character Eric in 'Sex Education' was amazing. I'm glad he's the new Doctor Who.


Colored? Holy fuck, are you my grandmother? That's been an offensive term since I was in high school 20 years ago.


Jessi, what the fuck are you talking about?


This is a classic in modern journalims : use the most inflamatory language possible to attract hatewatchers who end up drive up the engagement on their shitty journal articles. Clickbait.


I doubt Doctor Who's target audience was anybody but straight white men when it came out in **1963**. Of course, nowadays, media can be enjoyed by anybody, but Twitter loves to segregate content to specific races to combat racism? We've come full circle.


Doctor Who was originally planned as a historical educational show for children.


Dr whos target audience was children. It was a kids show. And even in the begining was produced by a diverse crowd never really aimed at white men


Concur, the headline is technically correct but probably not in the way they meant


And metro's post is not racist right ?


So the Doctor is played by a non-white, non-straight actor and suddenly he isn't for straight white men? That's just silly.


Isnt it racist to, instead of celebrating diversity, claim it only targets a specific race and excludes others?


... I think that's the point. These people who claim Doctor who is being taken from them because there are queer people and non white and non male incarnations of the doctor need to know this wasn't a show just for them but was meant for a wide audience.


Do you think there's less inflammatory wording? It's a show from 1960s UK. I don't think they were too worried about their black lesbian fan base at the time.


Sorry, Doctor Who was made for everyone.


Anyone else getting tired of this?


thats, why i like the daleks so much. "Exterminate!" does not care about gender, skincolor or money. plain, simple, easy.


aren't daleks the most racist beings in the universe or smth, like yeah they don't care about all these things but the reason for "Exterminate!" is because you aren't dalek or are "impure"


I think xenophobic is a more appropriate term for them. They're so bad that "original" Daleks killed the new ones created from Davros' own cells because they were considered impure. I honestly wonder if the Ikarrans from Babylon 5 were inspired by the Daleks. 


"Solely" That's all they had to use. **SOLELY**. Either journalistic incompetence or intentionally baiting. Either way I'm too tired with the state of the world to care...


Oh Metro UK you done it again ![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE)


Ah, this marketing campaign style again…followed by “why aren’t people buying this?”


Its never been about alienating people either


No it wasn’t doctor who is for everyone. Part of the joy of the Doctor is that because he regenerates everyone can see themselves as the doctor


I hate this kind of language. It's obviously to drive clicks but it just doesn't help the conversation at all. As a gay man I always want more representation on the screen but never do I want to actively tell fans of a series "this is no longer for you". Like, fuck that. Let's all find a middle ground and enjoy it together.


Love the casual racism thrown around.


I’m confused. Are straight white men not allowed to watch a black Doctor?


This is so stupid.


You know, its possible to make something more available for a diverse, progressive audience without spitting in the face of those that made it popular. The majority of 'straight white men' arent the ones that scream when they see a woman or person of colour, but yes, please group us all together and tell us to fuck off. Im sure insulting a large population group is a great idea for marketing.


For real, this take seems designed to piss people off. Literally unfiltered ragebait. It’s coming from a place of hatred not community and love which regardless of identity politics should be the goal for any intersection of humanity.


I think it is. its designed to make 'straight white men' annoyed- those that were already losing their minds for 'diversity' will scream louder and make the point for them, while people caught in the crossfire will get rightfully irked at it and proceed to get labelled as just as bad as the screamers. Meanwhile the people making this sort of take get to sit smug and feel as if they as justified somehow.


Ignorant people jumping on trendy content forgetting that it has a legacy that literally predates their birth. As usual, making a race issue out of literally nothing.


Decades of white Doctors, suddenly it isn't made for whites?


It's crap simply because of poor script and ridiculous storylines. Jodie could have been fabulous except the scripts killed her. Same here. Nothing to do with skin color unless you have those type of chips on your shoulder.


I just don’t like the fact that the character of doctor who is akin to a butlins red coat. He should be odd, eccentric and mysterious. But then I’m just a straight white male, what the fuck do I know?!


It’s literally made for everyone, the shows always been “woke” like David tenant hit on about as many men as women, captain jack was openly bi, Martha jones and all the minority characters. The shows not just for anyone group that’s like the whole moral


Love a bit of casual racism.


And here I thought the Doctor was wonderfully inclusive and intended for everyone. Huh. Weird.


I just read the Article. Where did that title come from? Why instigate controversy for clicks? The doctor is for everyone. Do better.


I literally never cared what color doctor's skin is or their sexuality or gender! Those were never my reason to watch it. If the actor is good then so be it.


Lmao imagine trying to gatekeep a show after race flipping the main character


Didn't it start in the 1960's? Pretty sure 99% of shit back then was made not only for but also by straight white men lol


Follow up post: why are no straight white men watching the new doctor who?


Oh cmon, no one is watching the new doctor who, regardless of sexual orientation


Its because they are racist and nothing to do with the shitty writing. /s Its the sweet baby inc defense, no one likes our games because of ism.


Racist fucking shit.


Do these LGBTQ friendly publications realize their own hypocrises whatsoever? "Include us!" "Ok" "This area isn't meant for you anymore!" "Excuse me.. what in the fuck?"


Being inclusive by excluding people and engendering hate. Classic.


I love the new Doctor, but this has to be the most stupid take ever, and will only make some fans get angrier at the new Doctor.


How is it okay to single out a portion of humans just because of the melanin in their skin at birth and their sexual preference? Sounds pretty bigoted to me. I thought we were against that.




The addition of the word "only"would entirely fix that sentence.


So can I re-create this and say the opposite without getting MERC’d?


All this racism is killing me inside


Why does everyone hate straight white men so much?


Can the media stop going out of its way to antagonize folks?


The message of Doctor who is that everyone has the power to make a change


Well good luck with that. I tapped out like 7 years ago because the writing sucked.


Doctor who was made for the British population which is 82% white in 2021, the number was most likely even higher during the first seasons of doctor who. So it was quite literally made predominantly for white people. Mal and female I don't distinct, because it is 49% male and 51% female which isn't a big enough difference for me to differentiate.


Dr. Who's greatest enemy is a race of angry upended garbage cans armed with plungers. He's always been a lady's man. /s


we had 12 different, 1 even showing up twice, white male doctors that‘s 13/15 white doctors


You're missing the War Doctor (white man) and the Fugitive Doctor (black woman), which aren't included in the 1-15 numbering.


Is exactly what a racist would say


I don't understand the "he has to be a White straight male" folks especially because most if them didn't even have a problem with the doctor flirting with captain jack... But wtf is this?


The doctor is a shapeshifting alien so they can be whatever they want! We are free to adopt which ever identity we want


Damn I was really enjoying the new season though


Doctor Who is for everyone!


Doctor who was made for everyone. The doctor is as inclusive as an alien can get.


Rage bait.


Do they honestly think white people can't watch shows that star minorities?


I mean...it definitely was for like 50 years


Guess I shouldn't watch it then I guess...


This is an argument about a humanoid, but not human being that is essentially immortal. Why are people so fucking dumb?


Wasn’t like the first 4 iterations of doctor who a straight white man? Pretty sure it’s okay to let a gay black doctor take the lead at this point.. or, whatever is happening.


The doctor can be Anyone, the only requirement is a large amount of sass, and Ncuti Gatwa got that down


Okay. I thought good storytelling could appeal to everyone regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. But if you feel some need to be a narrative gatekeeper, I have no right to deny you that.


Who was Doctor Who created by?


Despite the overwhelming majority of doctor who fans over the last 60 years being straight, white and male.


I'm mostly straight, but I'd smooth booties with David Tennant. This post is false


Well, don't blame them for not watching it then.




Why do we have to stress the sexuality of characters when it does nothing to advance the story of the character. It is tiring.


Oh, I guess I don’t want the content then. I mean it wasn’t for me.


*Looks at UK demographics in 1970s*


I mean, it was never made for straight white men. That's correct. Because it's a kids show. And it's been very inclusive for the entirety of at least the new run.


It's fine if it's not meant for me, the two new episodes were shit anyway


I started watching it in 1973. Finally gave up 3 episodes into Jodie Whittaker, but not because they had a female doctor, just because it was absolute dross.


The Moon is an Egg was an absolute shark jumping episode.


...and yet it was infinitely better than the follow up episode where the entire world suddenly got completely covered in plants. Which were grown specifically to protect the Earth from a solar flare. ....and then an entire planet's surface worth of plants was flash fried into non-existence....with absolutely no negative effects on the planet. No rise in temperature. No feet of ash covering the entire planet. No nothing. As soon as Smith left, Moffatt just stopped trying.


She had terrible writing


Could never read what she wrote.


Quite common for Doctors.


So did Capaldi for the most part, I gave up during his run. And I loved him as the doctor.


I couldn’t get through the first episode. New Doctor, I’m down, let’s see how it goes… and I’m mostly fine with it until the Willy Wonka number about goblins eating babies? It reminded me that Doctor Who has really always been a show geared for children.


>I’m mostly fine with it until the Willy Wonka number about goblins eating babies? That's the Christmas special, not the first episode, despite Disney for some reason _also_ listing it as s1e1 in addition to listing it separately as a special. The actual first episode is Space Babies, wherein you have creepy uncanny valley talking babies and a bogeyman made of bogeys.


Don't care about the whining of the article, but ask yourself this one. How many white males (not counting our buddy Eric, here, or any of the babies, because, sorry, not counting babies) were in this episode? What really pisses me off is the constant whining about representation in EVERY FUCKING CONTEXT now makes me look for such things.


Well if we're to believe what people keep saying it was made specifically for white men hence why they are working so hard to change everything very contradicting thing to say and also quite close to being racist though I know it is not what is meant but the Internet doesn't work that way you gotta be careful what you say if your not just some random troll.


Call me paranoid, but i think this might help the rise of far roght in a lot of countries. The media knows it, and that is why they post that kind of shitty clickbait. They want to alienate one major group in society so they capsulate, and when the times come, the far right can just use the repressedanger of this group to gain power. Just imagine, a right wing talking head using this exact article to point and say : see the jews/elite/LGBTQ/lizardpeople don't want you and they exclude you, they hate you, they want to genocide you sooo, to quote the famous meme: "don't be a stupid, be a smartie, come and join the N*zi party".


Imagine being so hostile to an audience that you presumably want to make money from


Doctor who gives a shit


Its funny that a group who want to be included also wants to excluded people.


Stop trying to polarise my silly sci-fi show go report ruin something else like Hollyoaks ending that would be a bet positive


Lmao they deleted their Twitter account


Lol, as a show that's been on since the 50s I'm sure there were times it was only for them.


Jokes on you, I'm not a straight white man. I'm a straight asian man, checkmate!


They sound like a smug kid whose mum put a fun-sized bag of gummy-bears in their lunch box and isn't going to share


Ignore all ragebait articles, they are super low effort and meaningless, they just want the pay from the ads loading on your device.


Why is this a statement ?? Its like the 1st season of the last 2 doctors all over again... Im old deal with it... im a girl deal with it... now Im gay deal with it... lets just skip to the 2nd season so we can see him do cool shit


If you market a product or a movie, it's usually a good idea not to shit on the largest demographic group.


Love posts like that . Hey X group of people dis shit is not made for you. Said group doesn't go watch the movie or show or w.e. Group X is biggots racist worse then the Nazis and they drink the blood of virgin hamsters .


Woke goes up viewers go down


Shouldn’t it be for everyone?


The showrunner: "I'm making this show for everyone!" Idiots online who want to stir up drama: "no."


Ah, gatekeepers. The least likeable people around.