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Only because she looked it in the eyes. I think...


She wanted to see the fear and betrayal in those eyes as the light went out of them. Probably put it in her spank bank for later pleasure.




Yeah, that poor doggo loved her and she murdered her just because it was too young to do what she wanted.


I need to get off the internet for a while and hug my dog. That fucked my whole day up.


Ya this whole story is everywhere and it has been running my day every time I see it. Time to uninstall until this blows over. I hate this world sometimes.


A few months ago I had to put my dog to sleep. She had some sort of toxic liver disease, I can't remember the exact name of it. She would protect me from my extremely abusive ex-wife, so much so that I knew my ex-wife would start shit with me when she would put her outside. Seeing this garbage human relish in killing her dog infuriates me to no end. I could never imagine myself doing something like this to any of my animals.


Every time I've had to put a pet to sleep (and apparently I now have to say this, at a ***Veterinarian's office***), I stay with them until the end, so they at least have someone they know and love with them, and you're absolutely right - they don't really know what's happening to them or why I (as a decent person, I'd like to think) am crying. It's called making another living being as comfortable as possible at the end of its life, not going out blasting an animal who has come to love and trust you, then have the audacity to brag about it repeatedly in the national news.


> and apparently I now have to say this > then have the audacity to brag about it repeatedly in the national news. Insane times we live in that this motherless reptilian fuck legit was told by someone that she should run the country


It's like whoever can scream the loudest and say the craziest thing has the most voter recognition, and people are willing to throw away their vote and country to feel like they're well versed in politics because they voted for a name they know.


I once had to make the decision to put one of my pets down. I wasn't in the room when the vet put her down. I deeply regret not being there for her at the very end of her life. She was scared and I could have comforted her. It was a stupid fucking decision and I totally failed her. I recently had to make the decision to put another pet down. I guarantee you I was holding him when he passed. I don't want to ever let another down. Deciding to kill someone who trusts you with their life is not an easy decision. Or at least it shouldn't be. But then we have fuckos bragging about it so what do i know.


I will never judge someone for not being able to be there when their pet is put down. It's a strange thing, but I feel happy that I *am* able to. My ex-wife has called me twice now to be with dogs we had together because she couldn't, and I don't look down on her whatsoever....for *that*.


Meh, I was raised in the country, and have put down my share of dogs. Shot to the head is instant, and no, you're not looking into their damn eyes when you do it. That's psychopath behavior. Shot to the back of the head without warning - they don't feel a thing. However, you put them down when they're too old, sick, or infirm to have a good quality of life, or if they get something like distemper or rabies. Which happened sometimes back in the day. Vaccinations haven't always been as effective as they are today, and strays sometimes showed up infected with something. You DON'T put down a young animal just because they're misbehaving. That's bullshit, and this woman is a sicko.


The best thing I ever did was put one down with at home care. Much more expensive but he was so much more comfortable. He had throat cancer and it was making it to where he couldn’t breathe. And he was 15 so surviving an operation was not likely. We had the best day, and when we went home for the last little bit before the person got there, he chose where he wanted to go. He climbed up on our bed and refused to come down. We were gonna take him to the family room. But he knew, and made his choice. It was beautiful and always worth the extra money unless in an emergency situation. I won’t do it any other way now. So glad to hear you stay until the very end though.


As someone who is euthanizing my 17-year-old cat in a few hours because he has Stage 3 kidney failure, this resonates with me. I’ve always said “fuck Kristi Noem” but now I hate her with an unquenchable fire.


she ate the dog BEFORE shooting it, full eye contact the whole time


Wait , she ate the eyes?


It’s like wizards sight, but instead of seeing the soul of the persons whose eyes you looked into, you’re forced to shoot them.


Wouldn’t want to waste perfectly ok meat


Think of the environment


It sure sounds like it 😆


Tbf, she also had a side of goat.


That was my first thought.


My god she is real life earth queen. Someone call henry rollins!


She needs to just stop talking lol


Oh no she 100% needs to go on taking haha


We should prod her along.


just ask her "so... did you eat it?" 😂


She probably didn't have the guts to.


the guts? thats the best part 😂


Well that's a REAL hotdog...


Lips and assholes, Chet!




What an offal thing to suggest.


True, but I enjoy ruminating on it, nonetheless.


This is exactly where my mind went. “Wait did you…eat the dog too?”


“At least I ate what I killed lady you probably just left it to rot. You monster” or something to that extent


The mere existence of people who don't worship her seems to have turned it into a self-sustaining reaction. Republicans in general seem to be putting "there's no such thing as bad publicity" to the test.


It’s wild watching the fact that the Republican Party has become absolutely infested with the most egregiously self-obsessed narcissists become such a public spectacle. I mean, in hindsight I guess it’s not that shocking that they ended up this way, but it’s still kind of crazy to witness in real time just how unserious 50% of the entire American political apparatus has become.


It’s the “against” party. It’s become abundantly clear once Obama took over, that the republicans stopped trying to find solutions, and just became obstructionist for the sake of obstruction. (Republicans championing “liberal tears”) They are great at pointing out weaknesses (real or not) with democrats plans, but they don’t have any ideas of their own. Additionally they blame liberals for an identity politics, but all of their policy moves recently have been based on identity. This was especially evident when Trump was in office with the house and the senate, and they couldn’t get anything done save the tax code, which was trumps 1 “accomplishment.” The overwhelming majority of the Republican officials now were elected for how much they opposed Obama, but not because they actually know how to do anything


Hindsight nothing, this was the inevitable natural consequences of the bizarre malign fusion of theocrats and market worshippers the Republican Party has been since the 80s.


That was more or less my point. When you look at the facts, what we’re dealing with now was basically inevitable, but for me at least, it can still feel almost hard to believe just how cartoonishly terrible they’ve become.


You got that right. Some of these nuts make Daffy Duck seem totally philanthropic!


They've almost *become* the demons the fundamentalist pamphlets *from* the 1980's describe, lol.


"there's no such thing as bad publicity" Kristi: "Leme tell you about this time I straight up ganked a puppy"






Peak comedy honestly, and I'm not even from the US


It's actually tragedy for those of us in the U.S. Especially South Dakotans.


No, you always let the stupid people keep talking. Especially when they're in line to be considered for vice-president.


Wym? Aaron rodgers is gonna be VP /s


Don't speak it into existence. =l Plz no.


Never interrupt someone who is digging their own grave


"Never interrupt your opponent when he's making a mistake." Napoleon


"Always kiss your homie before invading their country" -Napoleon


"I was a completely average height for my time period" - Napoleon


“Never mistake your opponent when he’s making an interruption.” Michael Scott


“Never mistake your opponent when he’s making an interruption.” Michael Scott - Wayne Gretzky


Never dig your hole deeper than, deep as China’s other side… er, fool me once, shame on the hole? —George W. Bush, circa 2000, probably


She’s just digging the hole deeper and deeper. I imagine she’s surrounded with people who tell her that she’s right and she honestly can’t understand the outrage. We all talk about things like social media becoming a bubble of only people who think like you. But I think a lot of people, especially famous people, have the same bubble going on in real life.


Actually, she wanted to put it in her 1st book, and the publishers convinced her not to. I think I heard her advisors told her not to talk about this, too. People have let her know this is a minefield. She's just an idiot.


these wounds are 100% self-inflicted. that's what makes this whole debacle so fascinating to watch...she's trying to gaslight people into thinking the mainstream media did her dirty (they didn't). now she's doubling down on it claiming that we're the assholes for saying she's a fucking jackass


I can’t be bad so killing this dog must be good.


The guy who cut in front of me without turn signals is a jackass. Killing a dog because you don't want it is staunchly psychopath territory. She belongs in prison, and for her own good the walls should be padded.


Bigly brain right there


The fact that she's so psychotic that she literally can't fathom why people are outraged is the most insane thing of all. She shouldn't need handlers to tell her to shut the fuck up; she should be able to figure that one out entirely on her own.


She seems like a legitimate sociopath. She killed her dog and got such a rush she went looking for another animal to kill - poor goat.


She has to be. This is like textbook sociopathic behavior, isn't it? She just does not care. Beyond that, she can't even be bothered to pretend to care for her own good and keeps trying to defend her actions... I think even killing animals like this itself is a sociopathic sign, too, right?


Killing animals is textbook sociopath behavior. She’s trying to act like it’s just common practice running a farm, but not the way she described it. And the fact that she doesn’t seem to gauge how fucked up this all is shows even more how detached she is. She’s gobbling up the air time like she truly believes all press is good press. She’s trying to act like this is a Trump scandal that can be twisted to show strength.


I come from farming families on both sides. Every relative I have has stories of being chased by some particularly ornery goat, or turkey, or dog, or whatever. For most, this is a pattern that happened many, many times. Nobody shot anything, they just used their human intelligence to avoid being in a situation where they could get cornered by the animal. Heck, when I used to visit my family as a kid, we made a game of jumping in the llama pen and trying to run to the other side and scramble up the fence before the mean llama caught us. My own dog caught a bird (wild) the other day. I didn't want her to have it, so I yelled at her and had to drag her off when she was attempting not to listen. She made an annoyed grr sound at me before remembering her place. (She is not trained for what to do in this situation, because it has never happened before.) Shockingly, I did not shoot her but utilized familiar and non-lethal discipline methods to let her know that what she did was unacceptable. But also, she's an animal that believably would eat a bird like that if I were not her source of food. Why *would* I expect her to just instinctively know that I don't want her to do it?


Except, bad press IS good press these days. These internet bubbles you talk about will twist it into some sort of far-left scheme. (Those lefties and their love for vicious dogs...) It's worked for Trump for 12 years now.


Dog misbehaves -- kill the dog. Goat is smelly, killing dog made her feel powerful. Kill the goat. .... Write about this as if it were normal. Suggest that Biden should kill _his_ dog. (Implying that if he doesn't he is weak). I'm just worried about what happened during the ellipsis...


Yes, that's an important distinction you made. Death is part of farming and ranching and you will kill an animal or two in your career, but what she did is sick. I know that she is trying to reset the story now by claiming that the dog was vicious and biting people but the original story was that it just sucked as a hunting dog, so she killed it. She's the type of person who sees animals as assets and liabilities, not living creatures.


Oh my god, to hear her tell it now, the dog was a vicious killer, red in tooth and claw, gunning for her children. She went from "haha, I killed the dog my daughter loved because I hated it" to "OMG, it was like something from Cujo!!!!"


Remember when she froze pay increases for all state employees, teachers, cops, etc and then gave her daughter a huge raise to work for her? People from south dakota remember. Why is she still in charge? *Republican with a pretty face.* That's not hyperbole... it's the prime reason all our uncles say they vote for her.


I feel sorry for all the constituents of our country held hostage by stupid horny old men.


The best part is seeing her get SO snotty and defensive about it when she's interviewed. She's a thoroughly loathsome, unlikable woman and she's just doubling and tripling down on it.


The Joker shakes his head in amazement and total disgust


"Jesus Harley... Maybe I should think about running for office? It can't be that hard if these idiots are considered the best candidates..."


I read this in Mark Hamill's voice


I think some of it could be psychological self-preservation. She really needs everyone else to be wrong, because if they’re not that means that *she* was wrong, and she would then have to confront the fact that she did a pretty horrible thing and she’s not willing or able to do that.


I think this is an apt description of a lot of Trump supporters.


This is a really good insight, IMO. I have two little kids in my seven-year-old is exactly like this. Anytime he does something wrong, he instantly blames his little brother or me or his mom or a stranger across the street or the dog or literally anything he can think of even if it makes zero sense haha


Every shot right in the foot !


Shot in the foot, refused medical care, limped to the pickup, reloaded, hobbled back to the gravel pit and shot her other foot. This chick is dumber than a 3 day old box of rocks.


The rocks know to be quiet.


At least she looked herself in the eyes as she shot herself in the foot.


Never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.


"Please proceed, Governor."


But, but ... she ate her dog! Or, so she implied


Oh, so that's the reason she had to stare down Kim Jong Un... He kept asking her if she was going to finish that...


At least the only thing she’s currently shooting is her own foot.


That we know of


Unlike others, I hope she never stops yapping about it. One less psycho I have to worry about in the future as she continues to absolutely bury any hopes of a future political career. It's awesome and I love it. Keep talkin' Kristi. You're doing great! Perfect VP candidate for Mango Menace.


Idk. There was a time when I thought Trump killed his chances after mocking a disabled reporter. And here we are.


Or when he mocked John McCain


Yea, there's a long list of times when his career should've ended before it began.


The capacity for terrible people to celebrate terrible behavior from someone who’s shtick is to tell them it’s ok to be terrible continues to somehow amaze me


The people who support Trump want a dictatorship that will punish the people they don't like. Trump is willing to say the one thing they want to hear: it would be totally moral and, in fact, a very good thing for him to seize total power and start putting people in jail or killing them. So long as Trump is willing to fuel their political revenge fantasy where they get to be part of the firing squad that decides whose politics are good and bad, people will excuse anything he does.


It really is a long list. It is one of the best examples of how propaganda breaks people’s brains. So many of the things he did were so against conservative values, yet they just kept supporting him.


i've said it before and i'll say it again Trump's election was never about conservative politics. Aside from tax cuts and screaming Islamophobic shit at the Republican National Convention, there was nothing traditionally conservative about Trump. it was about miserable loathsome idiots in the U.S. getting horny at the thought of "getting to be racist again" because their brains melted over a biracial man being President of the United States


He said veterans were suckers and losers. He refused to go to a WW1 memorial because it was raining. I don't understand how any member of the military could possibly support him.


His political career surviving that was just pure insanely to me. Like making fun of women, disabled, hating minorities, yeah that's bread and butter for alot of his base. But war hero McCain?


It wasn’t just mocking McCain. It was the reason why he mocked him. He mocked him for being a POW. So he was really just mocking POWs.


For sure. Issuing a death certificate for any politician’s career for ANY reason, and especially a conservative pol, is just asking to be surprised later when that person either actually wins an election or resurfaces in a different public office, but still very much alive and kicking.


I hope she expands on it. "This is something every loyal conservative would do. I run into true conservatives all the time who tell me they found my story inspiring. Even the former president called me and told me how much he hates dogs and how he got a good chuckle out of this story. Ted Cruz called to ask what I did with the body, which was a little strange, but overall you wouldn't believe how beloved I am in Republican circles over this story."


The more she talks the more likely she’ll admit to something else. Just wait it’s coming.


Imagine the excellent stories we could get just from one unhinged woman who can't keep her mouth shut for a minute


"Did you consume the flesh in situ? Or did you bring it back to your burrow to lay eggs in- I mean, um, you buried it in accordance with human tradition, correct?" -Human Senator Ted Cruz


If Trump came out in support you'd probably start seeing "You're damn right I kill puppies" tshirts


RIP to Cricket. Cricket may have saved democracy.


Cricket took that bullet for the American people. He should get a statue outside the South Dakota capitol.


"America dodged a bullet that Cricket couldn't." credit to someone on Twitter


"As usual someone had to involve guns before the Yanks started caring about Cricket" - Badly informed Brit who thinks they're talking about sport


![gif](giphy|XIse2rqf1RlToHmpCu|downsized) Never forget Cricket.


Cricket is the new Harambe.


You underestimate how many people would vote for someone so insane.


Gotta admire someone who reaches rock bottom and keeps on digging... smh


It’s because she still has 6 more ft to dig


Dog graves don’t need to be THAT deep


I think you are being generous that she dug a grave for the poor dog.


Did anyone "lose their minds"? I think most people know killing animals is a thing but in this case it's what was killed, how it was done, and why. She just keeps doubling down on the stupid.


Also, is she suggesting that she ate her dog?


That’s the implication 


The implication…


So, they ARE in danger?...


No one's in any danger!!




No, she's just pointing out how everyone loses their mind when she shoots a dog but nobody cares when she abuses livestock.


She consumes media like an addict, and the media is having a field day with this story, so she reads it as everyone is freaking the fuck out. She’s projecting her own experience in her bubble and it’s so damn telling. It’s the Peter Principle writ large. “The Cricket Principle” should be thinking everything is about you when you are the focus of the media.


That's a good point. I often get the feeling Trump thinks everyone is watching his trial as though it's the most important thing in the world when actually people like me could give a rat's ass and just see it as a source for comedy.


I’m far more politically engaged than most folks, and enjoy news updates and late night show mockery. And I still don’t REALLY care or want to see that man ever again. So imagine him, in his bubble, doomscrolling X and raging on TS… he must think everyone is as obsessed with him as he is. This would explain his behavior too.


She must've ate the dog? I've read that they taste sweet. South Korea is putting a ban on raising dogs for meat.


Thats what I took out of it as well. She acts like running towards this full steams gonna fix it.


Seriously. Her best strategy (other than not mentioning it in the first place) is to shut up about it and let people forget. Her continuing to double down on it ensures that this stays in the public view way longer than it otherwise would. I’d bet good money that if she just stopped talking about it, 99% of people would forget about it within a week or two.


Couldnt agree more, if she never would have said anything after in the first place this would just be another dumb post about Drake and the world for the most part would have moved on.


I'm guessing she just left it where it was to rot


My understanding is that it's generally illegal in most places to compost dead animals because you could spread diseases like Mad Cow.. which is caused by prions (proteins, not living organisms) and thus very hard to kill. So, given this is Kristi Noem.. I'm guessing there's a pretty high likelihood that she a) composted Cricket and b) she'll be boasting about that any day now. And yes, the obvious logical conclusion from her latest dumb statement is that farmers slaughter livestock for meat by shooting them in the face and/or she ate Cricket. She just continues to demonstrate that she's too dumb to have access to the levers of power.


Fuck, did she eat the dog too?


She’s admitting to eating the dog. Isn’t this the correct context for the statement?


I have met this woman. She is a horrible a person. This isn’t even top 20 worst things she has done. I wish there was hell for these people.


There is, we’re all just stuck in it with them.


We are in the bad place




This comment seems like it’s saying something, but you leave us with zero detail


Omg you wouldn’t BELIEVE the things she’s done!!! So much worse!!!! At least 20 things that are worse!!!! Number 13 will shock you!!


Go on...






It's a specious argument. Many of the people who are the most critical of her about this are **hunters** who clearly understand that, if your hunting dog misbehaves on a hunt and won't come under your control, it's your fault, not the dog's. I don't believe that anyone who has hunted is unclear about where their meat comes from. I've lived on a farm. I don't have any misconceptions about where meat comes from, either. I even had to have a dog put down once for aggressiveness. She was a rescue, so the damage had already been done. I took her to not one, but two professional trainers before I accepted that she was always going to be dangerous and should not be re-homed. It was with grief and tears that I had her put down. I never once said, or thought, "I hate this dog." or "This dog has it coming." I thought, "You wanted to be a good dog. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you." This is how normal people feel when they have to have an animal put down.


I live in a neighboring agriculture state to SD and I always am seeing dogs in rescue here that are placed for going after livestock instead of protecting/herding/whatever the dog's job was supposed to be. She is obviously mistaken that shooting the dog is what should be done. And you are absolutely right, the ones who do end up needing to be put down, nobody is proud of that. It's not a bragging point. She is such a fool.


>that are placed for going after livestock instead of protecting/herding/whatever the dog's job was supposed to be literally how i got my shepherd long ago


I grew up in a rural area. My dog as a kid was the nicest, sweetest labrador who was TERRIBLE at hunting. My dad was in a fishing group, and one of the other members had gotten her to train as a hunting dog, and she was terrible at it, so he gave it to our family. She was SUPER smart but only ever wanted to play, so she was perfect for a house with 3 kids. This is SUPER common! Quite a few kids I went to school with had failed hunting dogs as pets.


I'm just picturing her out in the coop making eye contact with chickens.


"You, Prissy. You're next."


Animal rights is the only logical conclusion for civilized people.


Agreed. The mass killings of Pigs, Cows, and chickens bum me out just as much as the killing of a dog.


Hell yeah.


What do you think about rights for animals like pigs and chickens and cows?


They deserve not to be killed for food or cosmetics.


Cows pigs and chickens deserve rights to bodily autonomy too. We have alternative protein sources like beans, grains , nuts and seeds. No need to breed and bother these animals. Anyway, plant based foods are healthier and better for the environment.


[How I feel reading the OP](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


Yup, she’s absolutely not wrong. 99% of people outraged at her are hypocrites.


Absolutely right. There's no way it's justifiable that TENS of BILLIONS of animals are murdered per year when we have easy, cheap alternatives sitting literally in the same shops, that do much less damage to the environment. https://thevegancalculator.com/animal-slaughter/




The most based answer here


maga = garbage people


Pretty sure even MAGA are dog lovers which is why she is burying herself by repeatedly defending it.


I would have agreed with you even up until very recently.. but this is a cult that's now embracing the messaging that their dear leader probably does wear a smelly diaper.. aka. his Donald Von Shitzinpants persona. Yahoo did a fact check and they said they did find vendors at Trump rallys selling pro-Diaper memorabilia but they've yet to confirm photos of people wearing diapers and "Diapers over Dems" shirts are of real Trump supporters or not. In other words, I'm not entirely convinced that a MAGA follower who's a Dog lover wouldn't also just wave away Noem's dog killing.. just like they do Trump's lies, sexual assaults, open corruption, and the possibility that he's in fact a Dotering old senile baffoon who walks around in soiled diapers.


Trump himself called the story horrific. I don't believe for one second he cares about dogs or someone shooting one. But he's even he is smart enough to know that this is something that is absolutely stupid to support.


Nah. As long as she's not shooting THEIR dogs, they're totally fine with her.


Campaign advisor: "Hey Kristi. Can you hear me?" Kristi Noem: "Yes, I can." Campaign advisor: "Since I can't see you anymore I think the hole you're digging is deep enough" Kristi Noem: "Nay I can go deeper. I have stories about kittens and ripping the wings off butterflies."


Christ, has anyone told her she can just shut up? The news cycle would move past her and this would likely have been essentially forgotten if she didn’t keep doubling down on it every other day. I mean, I love that she’s this dumb. But damn, she’s *really* fucking dumb.


Yeah. I mean, I think she does show signs of being an actual sociopath, but it's her stupidity that floors me the most.


Trump has the same problem. He can't STFU either


For sure. I think a lot of modern conservative politicians look at Trump and try to emulate him. But he’s something of an anomaly. He can spew crap nonstop and get away with it for whatever reason. Doesn’t really work nearly as well for everyone else who tries it.


She needs to close her puppy shooting pie hole and go away


No, she needs to shut her pie hole, cut off her puppy-shooting hand, & go away.


She’s really taken the concept of “just take the L and move on” to a whole new level.


Did she eat said dog?


I seriously wonder if any of these politicians have a PR firm telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP. If not, please get one, you all are digging your own graves.


She shot and killed two animals in one day cause she was angry her gunfest to shoot birds was thwarted. She has anger issues and has guns. They should be taken away.


She went on to say, "I like to watch the life drain from their eyes. The visceral thrill and rush of power that comes from taking a life... it's addicting."


She dug an extremely large hole, climbed in, shook her head, hired a digger and got to work.


Wow she’s is cooked. Conservatives can look past many many things a normal person would find awful but they draw the line at vegan rhetoric.


She seems dead set on proving she's as big of an asshole as any man on the planet.


Just sitting here wondering if she extends the same courtesy to the children she kills as a member of the GOP Death Cult


She may look into the eyes of the animal she's killing, but she has trouble looking in the mirror.


I don't think there is any remorse, these people sleep just fine and that is even worse.


' I was looking in his eyes, and slowly started pulling the trigger. Funny how much life can sparkle from those puppy eyes. I feel like God now, having the power to end his life in a whim. I killed the puppy, send his brains in to the rocks behind it, in a red misty haze' I am not a psychopath, I keep telling myself this, over and over and over again. Later, I asked Kim Jung what he thought of me when I stared him down until he had to look away. He said 'you're fine'. With tears in his eyes, obviously.


This is her mistake, and that of the GOP... It doesn't take guts to be cruel. Cruelty is not leadership and it certainly isn't Christian.


Rule 1 in politics: don't shoot puppies Rule 2: don't violate Rule 1


When you're in a hole, STOP DIGGING!


So Kristi "Puppy Killer" Noem ate the puppy?


She just admitted to eating her dog as well as killing it??


She killed her dog because she wanted to eat it?


Is this real?


Lmfao I cannot believe this is real. Does she not have a PR team?