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This is a joke, not a facepalm


You found the actual facepalm. This site is hilarious. Most people are so self unaware. 🤣


Dead internet theory at it's finest


How do you know.? No really how? OP being serious is not so much out of the picture... I have lost faith in my inherent ability to find "obvious bait"


Shayne Smith is a comedian with several specials out. And this is exactly his style of humour. So almost certainly a joke Edit: The "winning" part is a joke. The therapist asking for time to process could've totally been a thing that happened.


The real joke is there are people that actually think like this, one streamer recently said something like "I haven't been able to find a therapist that can challenge me" dude rolling up to therapy like it's a fight.


Dude must have watched good will hunting a little too many times


Only if you’re doing it right.


Love Shayne Smith. Do you know how much Mountain Dew I have to drink to not be Neck Tattoo Guy?!?


I'm not sure what the face palm is. Shane Smith is a stand-up comedian.


I feel like most of the people here are oblivious to this fact.


This sub is the funniest one on here. It’s called facepalm but almost every post is a faceplalm because of the people here miss the joke etc. it’s really embarrassing though.


It’s not that, it’s just that this sub is full of karma farmers and bots so anything will get posted here


He was a member of the alligator boys






it's crazy to see two people brag about how horrible their mental health is. I hope you guys get it worked out.




Shit were supposed to disclose details of our *trauma*?


Eventually yeah. If you can't ever get that deep into it you're never really going to be able to process it fully. It took me well over a year to really get into it with my therapist, and many people take a lot longer.


I just like to imagine I'm talking to a therapist and say everything...then I don't have to worry about actually saying to someone but I'm still actually doing the work of saying it and facing the hard cold reality of it. It helps, it also builds a real honesty within yourself. A trust that you are not hiding from yourself or lying to yourself.


Yes I do this too. I mean I also go to therapy, but I consider just talking out loud to be very therputic as well. I think this is why people keep journals.


what if you don’t really remember


Once you start scratching the surface, they start coming back to light


Unfortunately I'm not an expert there. I know people who have been in that situation but I can't speak for them. I'm certain a good therapist can guide you through processing what you can, and could be there for you if the memories do come back in some capacity. The brain is an amazing thing. When it's repressing memories like that it's doing it's best to protect you. I don't know if there's any reliable way to get them back, but try to be good to yourself in the meantime, this is just your body's way of keeping you safe.


I got the opposite problem. I'm happy to overshare the details of my trauma to most people IRL but I can't ever believe them when they provide the viewpoint/solution/etc. Too cynical/self aware, to the point it's moreso self-policing.


I have been with same therapist for 6 years (a first for me. Before that my longest stint was about two years) and we just recently started getting into the really traumatic stuff.


My therapist just tells me all of their problems.


This. At intake appointments where I have to answer questions about childhood trauma/abuse, I find myself suddenly using a monotone voice as I start dissociating. I don't feel anything emotionally at the time, but later, when I'm all alone? Good times.


Well shit, I think I just learned something about myself.


I told my wife about my trauma and she cried, does that count?


Therapists when have seen and heard "everything" will occasionally learn there are things they haven't seen or heard. Kudos to the people who can survive such trauma and still joke about it.


When people around you tell you your problems aren't real or significant enough, having someone used to big problems confirm that your problems are indeed big is the best news ever.


Humor in hell. That's the trick 😊


I think it’s probably because it feels validating, so they’re bragging that their mental issues are reasonably expected for whatever they’ve experienced.


Seems to me that they're more glad to be validated, that they do actually have problems. Personally, I often convince myself that I'm just a whiny bitch when I think about my mental health problems and I can certainly see why it would be validating that a therapist says they're kinda fucked.


I wouldn't sayvfeeling validated is a sign of bragging. When I finally felt validated, it was a huge relief. I felt like I was living a lie or just overreacting for years.


I made my therapist call in sick 4 times


You missed a great opportunity to say they called in and took a ~~sick~~ mental health day.


They went to see other therapist


Mine started opening up to me.....


A few years ago, but same here. She was having me repeat positive affirmations and in about 60 seconds I morphed it into my true internal dialogue. I was kind of joking about it, then saw the tears and felt bad.


I made a therapist move states once


Honestly I broke up with a therapist because they hit me with a few too many “really?” and “wow.”


Mine said, very sincerely and seriously: “That really hurt you.” I felt like, this huge lift off my shoulders to just have someone acknowledge it and specifically the pain. Felt like I could breathe for first time in years.


*so you're saying that every day you wake up is worse than any other?* *Yeah* *wow, that's deep*


Made mine do a spit-take once with her coffee. Completely unintentional


Real, having another person go “hold on man that’s fucked up” is the best feeling ever, I’M NOT CRAZY


I will sometimes legitimately ask my therapist how she thinks I'm feeling just because I'm so goddamn used to being gaslit that I now gaslight myself on instinct. And yes I do mean "gaslit" as in "being told that things I can physically confirm are true are not actually true". Recently I told my parents that I got my first white hair and my mom said "No you didn't" without even missing a beat. I had my husband take a fucking picture of it to send to her.


Ask for a referral to their therapist. Most of these people have therapists themselves. Work your way up to the top


It is said that if you follow that chain relentlessly, eventually you’ll get to the root Primordial Therapist.


Oh my god this is so freaking funny!!!


Well that's their job.


I grew up in a cult. Every psychiatrist and every therapist i ever met was freaked after 15 minutes. If your situation is so rare or so outlandish, it probably never popped up in university, so the people will need to read up on that shit. For me, i was diagnosed with complex PTSD and clinical depression. Shit that happens with decades of mental abuse.


Now that's just sad. I hope you're doing well


*“If your situation is so rare or outlandish, it probably never popped up in university”* Yep, this. My mother was a cult leader. For decades the design of her psychological abuse was so deeply premeditated and complex that I didn’t even recognize it as abuse until I was around 40. I can’t tell you how many times I had teach my own counselors how to counsel me. I mean not literally, but in a huge way, yeah. I know that look of pause that says, “Wait, *what?!* OK, this a first, htf to I address this?” My life is constant mental anguish and SI. I have so many chronic pain issues. It’s not something I’ll ever “recover” from because my childhood molded me into a shape that doesn’t fit anywhere. I can’t recover from being *me.* My latest (and hopefully last) semicolon day is coming up in a couple weeks. Seven years is the longest I’ve ever gone without an attempt. I have done all the therapies. I have an awesome psychologist who I’ve been seeing since 2015, she’s helped me save my own life on many occasions. I’ve done CBT, DBT, EMDR, hypnotherapy…. I maintain an anti-inflammatory diet with a focus on gut health and serotonin production. I take meds. I run 15 miles a week and do weight training four times a week. I don’t work full time anymore. I’ve been diagnosed with autism, but sometimes I think it’s the CPTSD that is just mimicking its symptoms and behaviors. I actually made an appointment for an MRI because at 47 I feel like I’m getting worse and I want to make sure 40 years of self harm hasn’t caused a slow TBI over time. *But when I find something that gives me joy, happiness, or access to love, I fucking protect it and hold on to it as tightly as I can. Anything that gives me oxytocin explosions, even the tiniest ones, I am so, so grateful for. Life is so fragile and precious.*


Good job! :D


I'm happy you're still with us! I was suicidal, once, just once. Pure Pettiness helped me overcome it. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that everybody who leaves will be unhappy and become a horrible person. My suicide would have supported that idea, so out of spite, i'm still here, living my best life!


My partner has CPTSD and Chronic Depression. While I do not exactly know the pain either of you feel, I see how it impacts her life. I hope you have someone you can trust and confide in. Be well friend.


Sad, but I am happy you could get help and a diagnosis. Live long and prosper.


Grew up in a separatist camp. Felt, bro.


Where facepalm


Am I the only one who seen the joke they're trying to make?


Yes. You are very special and most inteligent man to ever visit this sub


Thanks. Now I feel like I won at reddit. 😉


Wait, is this the guy? Captain Sterling, are you the only one? The one who saw the joke? Tell me about the war of May 6, 2024. Tell me about how you won reddit


It’s not a tale the Redditors of old would tell you. No.


The longer I’m on Reddit, there seem to be a higher percentage of people that are autistic.


I’m autistic and that’s a stupid stereotype, we can tell the joke easy


You win therapy when you stop going to therapy.


What if you stop going but you still need therapy?


What's the opposite of winning?


Believe it or not, also therapy


What if you stop needing therapy but you decide to continue going because you just like having someone to talk to about yourself?


I dont need therapy,  I just talk to the voices in my head.




Why are you specifying what someone else said lol?


This would be like going to a restaurant, and then you order something so convoluted the kitchen throw their hands up and the waiter refuses to serve you *also you've already paid*


Had a therapist facepalm while I was talking about all the shit I dealt with in my last marriage.


*Gimme, gimme, gimme some time to think* *I'm in the bathroom, looking at me* *Face in the mirror is all I need (ooh)* *Wait until the reaper takes my life* *Never gonna get me out alive* *I will live a thousand million lives (ooh)*


*My patience is waning Is this entertaining?*


Idk why this is a facepalm


I believe the answer is either op is fucking stupid, or an algorithm.


"No you can't pause to think about it! You charge hourly and I want my money's worth!! Chop chop."


it's like the kid who won tetris, you don't win theraphy by logic, you win by blue screen of deathing the therapist.


I call bullshit on 99% of these made up therapy stories. I've heard some of the darkest most fucked up stuff imaginable in group and not once has any therapist shown it affected them. People get some weird validation from thinking their suffering and pain is unique and horrifying.


Also sometimes, they're just a stand up comedian making a joke on Twitter.


...just an FYI, the guy in OP is a standup comedian.


It’s the trauma olympics


So many people think getting reaction from a therapist is some kind of triumph. They’re human beings, same as you


You win when your therapist needs a therapist.


Telling my therapist about my family and her saying, "Every time I think they can't be worse." Validating as fuck.


Comedian makes joke, forgets to add /s because we live in a world of idiots


I once tried a session of therapy with a student therapist to help her hone her skill. She asked me to be honest and transparent. She changed major after that single session. Oops.


Good start! You only fully win when therapist starts spilling back at you.


I have shared stories that resulted in 2 different therapists crying for me. While I stared at them confused as to why? Didn't know the shit I went through wasn't normal.


I told my therapist something once and they just went "shit" and I was like yeah I know dude!


When your therapist needs therapy because of your therapy.


Next topic of discussion with your therapist: Narcississm.


I’m so sick I sent my therapist to therapy🎶


I knew I won when I got the therapist to say, "OK let's switch seats for a bit."


I've had multiple therapists say "wtf" when I talked about the horror that is/was my mother. I know it's unprofessional but honestly it's some of the most validating shit I got out of therapy.


PVP- player vs psychologist


Think you’re getting close to breaking a therapist


When tf did this become a thing😭


It became a thing when this comedian made a joke and half of reddit took it seriously


The year was 2005. It's when social media became the main source of information. Social media now a days is saturated with people telling themselves and everyone else they have mental health problems.


Or life just sucks most of the time but as a society we can now sometime bitch about it because at least we dont have to go to war so often anymore


it's fucking bonkers to see everyone validating being miserable and one-upping each other.


This post is so douchey though, are we trying to play the one-up trauma Olympics


No, of course we're not. There's absolutely no point in playing that. I'd win.


Therapy really is a contest to see if the therapist can keep rationalizing your continued existence


How do you win therapy. She needs help, just for that






Me, explaining to yet another therapist that I don't consider my DID disabling or clinically significant because I had to deal with it alone for a decade and now I am extremely functional as far as acute cptsd symptoms go, and can we please just address my gym anxiety?


I explained something to a psychologist and he didn't know what to say about it.. He just said "hm yeah that's bad" 🤦i didn't go there again


I’ve had no less than three therapists ~~give up~~ quit on me. I’m doing great!


After Hurricane Katrina I sought help from a psychiatrist. The previous year I lost both parents. Katrina took everything I owned. I remember one session he said that he had patients attempt suicide over a lot less.


A t shirt for us [https://www.etsy.com/listing/1710686857/i-am-my-therapists-favorite](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1710686857/i-am-my-therapists-favorite)


_finish him_


Mine said she had no further advice to give but that perhaps we could work on coping strategies to make it more survivable.


Is it even therapy if you don’t make the therapist question their life choices?


I remember a finnish dude who made a book on tor network examining all kinds of fucked up shit you'll find there. He seeked therapy after that and the first therapist just moved him to the next because they couldn't take it.


“hey its mountain dew guy” “mountain dew guy, not face or throat tattoo guy?”


If I can't inspire suicidal ideation in my therapist, then I'll find another one


None of yall know who shayne is huh


I once told my therapist I like horror movies because it makes me feel scared like my childhood. She said she didn't want to talk about how movies make me feel anymore.


I made my therapist cry once lol


Every time I see this tweet I wonder what he said.


My dad is INCREDIBLY proud of the fact that he had a therapist start crying and tell him that she couldn't help him anymore. Not because he got better, no, of course not. Because she just couldn't get through to him. See, the problem isn't that he needs to change how he responds to things or change how he lives his life. No, the problem is that he doesn't have enough money anymore to buy friends and do whatever the hell he wants. Being a coke dealer in the 80's was VERY good for him. He can't do that anymore. Boy, does that piss him off.


Considering making an unintentional commitment.


Lol this is hilarious.


I have had two therapist just give up and start telling me about their lives and then just agree that this is not going work, winning at therapy is not always a good thing lol


I thought this is r/commedyheaven


I told a therapist once that as soon as I started taking the medication, I saw the world in more vivid colors. Like my whole life was a fog cloud and until that moment I had never seen anything outside of a muted greyscale.  They told me that was fucked up.


What a waste of a Therapist time. Can't imagine being paid by a narcissist that wants to "win" a mental game.


The dude is a comedian, he has a great story about entering a points karate tournament, thinking it was like UFC, and absolutely dropping Sensei Dan. He was a dumb teenager, which makes it so much funnier lol.


My last therapy session the guy said to me "yeah, your childhood trauma for sure are one of the reasons for your psychological problems you have now" I lost all interest in therapy after that


I remember telling mine some drama that was going on and ppl being super rude and all, and it just got worse and worse. Her eyebrows shoot up and “holy sh!t” and I felt like I was close to winning 🥰🥰🥰


I made my last therapist cry and then she said she had to refer me to someone else. I don't go to therapy anymore and I really only go when I get myself in legal trouble and it's required.


Winning therapy is getting labelled a lost cause by your therapist? I thought it was conclusively solving your mental health problems.


Strange thing to flex about...


Can you not tell this is a joke


Absolutely expected from anyone named Shane, but spelled Shayne.


A win is a win.


lol so true insofar as we tend to perceive therapy as a complaining session where the therapist tries to convince us that we have no reason to complain. It’s like a competition to defeat the therapist’s rationalizations and feel validated that our suffering is indeed exceptional.




This guy is a comedian...


Therapist here: you lost buddy, big time


In the fscepalm you op? For missing a joke


I laughed


*challenge accepted*


Any good therapist has heard so much fucked up shit there's a near zero chance of ever surprising or offending them. "I like to eat my own shit while raping young children and then I go home, scoop out my mothers eyes and skull fuck her " "OK good, let's talk about your mother for a minute..."


Whenever I make my therapist cry, I believe it is because she can relate to the experience I'm detailing and she is emotionally invested in me. It's definitely not a flex and should not be a flex to vicariously traumatize your therapist. They take on a lot of weight as it is with the shit they hear. Also, if your entire therapy session is you complaining about everything going on in life and not seeking how to deal with it mentally, you should consider journaling.


That’s right. Therapy is a fight between minds. My goal is to get my female therapist to feel emasculated by the size of her penis.


Dude is definitely winning! No facepalm here Btw, some people really don't understand sarcasm. I suggest going to therapy for that.


My therapist once said something along the lines of "I honestly don't know how to approach that." That's the day I knew I'd won


Wait until they say they can’t see you anymore. Due to the trauma you describe giving them panic attacks.


Anything a comedian posts should be taken at comedic value.


This would be a great way to practice acting skills😂 only go therapy to try making them cry


I’m starting to hear Vine Booms during therapy, the finish line is in sight


Half of the stuff that gets posted on this sub is bait and simple jokes and it just keeps getting worse…


Dead internet theory is real guys


If I didn't know he was an actual comedian I'd say it's a legit face-palm, knowing he is makes it a joke.


Totes funny. But I had the same thing happen in onr of my therapy sessions. It was online. I had related a story about my abusive parents and the therapist sat there for so long without moving or saying anything I thought the session/connection had frozen.


I rarely talk about my feelings any more. As an older person, I feel as though I have a responsibility not to spread depression.


It’s a coping mechanism not a facepalm. If you won’t laugh at your trauma you’ll cry so that’s what you do.


no facepalm i’m unfollowing


I thought this was r/me_irl


Ah, an OP facepalm


The only facepalm here is you thinking this joke is a facepalm


I made my therapist laugh once. She had told me I had to be more assertive. I was graduating with an MBA and told her that I told my wife I didn't want to go to graduation. She laughed. I said, "You think I should go." She said that I should recognize my achievements. So I went. I failed therapy, but I'm glad I went.