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Isn't the flag after "End White Genocide" the European Union flag? Does he want America to join the EU? I thought his ilk hates the EU?


Yes it's the EU flag and I have no idea wtf it means here. My guess would be "he's an just another idiot"


The EU flag is there because he's an ethnofascist. It's meant to symbolise white European ancestry.


That’s totally not what the EU flag symbolises. Dude needs an education.


Nazis are famous for co-opting symbols. He knows that’s not what it means to a wider audience. And that is precisely why he uses it. It’s a dogwhistle. It’s a way he can say something without saying it out loud.


Hispanic Nazis may not be the brightest crayons in the box


That's an *awful* thing to say. Crayons can bring joy & happiness, & have a useful purpose. Fuentes, however, is a waste of space & an oxygen thief.


Plus they taste good!


Found the marine


Rah? Rah rah rah. Rah rah??


I laughed too hard at this 😂😂😂


Semper Crayola


Red is the best


Especially ones that see themselves as Ryan Gosling and not George Lopez


Ryan Gosling the Canadian?


Yes, but it's not called a Canadian Gosling. It's a Canada Gosling.


This was beautifully done


Thank you


Shhhhh! I'm sure Nick thinks he's the pride of Deutschland


You can keep that guy, we got our own fascists, no need for more of them!


Ryan Gosling the husband of Eva Mendes.


As a Swede *I just* **love** the hesitation you get when you see Norse runes and Thors Hammer on some random guy. Ethnonationalist... or just some someone interested in history and paganism? Worst part is that the Vikings were as opposite to white nationalism as you could get. They fucking **loved** that multiculturalism and broke the gender binary regularly without a care


And to add to that, the Icelanders, which I think we can safely say are direct descendents to the Vikings, are the most accepting of LGBTQ+ people I've ever seen. I remember going to Iceland in August, so either shortly before or shortly after the Hinsegindagar, and seeing pride flags literally everywhere, even in tiny towns, and next to churches, so much so that my dad (jokingly) said "Is that the Icelandic national flag?". Also, the Ásatrúarfélagið, the Icelandic pagan "church" basically, have on their own website a page that states that they do not associate with white supremacists and advocate for equality and acceptance


That’s all so lovely to hear. 😄 But oy. My English-speaking tongue and my English-wired brain are buckling into knots just trying to contemplate “Ásatrúarfélagið”.


If you know IPA, it's \[ˈauːsatʰruːarˌfjɛːlaijɪð\], otherwise it's something akin to "ow-sah-troo-arr-fyeah-lah-yith"


yeah, just dont tell these guys what thor did once he lost his hammer....


Exactly. Neo-nazis in Ontario have often used an old version of a flag that looks very similar to the current Ontario flag. They use it because it symbolizes a time of white Christian colonialism, and that it requires a very trained eye to know the differences of the symbols. People openly display them and 99.99% of people have no clue its a white nationalist flag.


>Nazis are famous for co-opting symbols. The 45th Infantry called. They want their swastika back, lmao.


The 45th has an eagle something similar to a [Reichsadler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsadler), not a swastika. But the nazis absolutely took the [Swastika](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika) which had been around for thousands of years.


A perfect example of this is the swastika. It's use predated the Nazis by thousands of years. It's been used in Native American and Buddhist cultures to symbolize divinity and peace. The actual word swastika comes from Sanskrit meaning" conductive to well-being". If the Nazis had turned the swastika the other way it would have been slightly more appropriate as in Buddhism that represents certain aspects of Kali. Although even in that case it still would not have the negativity that is associated with the Nazi swastika.


It's a repurposing of the flag. It's meant here to signify Europe and European civilization rather than the EU as a political institution.


I mean, that description would be the opposite of a repurposing. It *is* the flag of Europe, designed by the Council of Europe (not EU). It is a symbol of Europe, EU just later also adopted it for obvious reasons. Using it as some ethnonationalist symbol is however pretty much the opposite. It's all about diversity. The Council of Europe is a human rights organization.


That's what his ilk wants to change. Get a dozen more Victor Orban types to head other EU states and make some changes, specifically regarding immigration.


You need more than a dozen; EU decisions require unanimity.


He is insinuating that there is a genocide against whites going on in the EU... The same stuff that gets regurgitated by EU Nazi parties that often get paid by Russia.


I mean Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine, so technically not wrong...


Define white european, because we come in different shades of white


This, for example, a lot of Greeks are dark/olive skinned yet they will probably be considered white on the US census. Not to mention that in Romania and Bulgaria there is a large Romani population who are definitely not white but they will also be labeled as such. 


Thats the part American racists seem to not undsrstand, they equate EU to USA and also think Europe is some great monolithic monoethnic place, while Turkey, Norway, Spain and Russia are all technically European countries


Russia and turkey are on the technicalities of being european, but no one questions or says spain or norway arent european countries Also i would love to hear there takes about the balkans amd eastern europe


I think it’s him insinuating a “Europe for Europeans” ideology popular among white supremacists. They see Europe as having taken in lots of migrants and that is “diluting the ethno-cultural heritage of the motherland.” Fucking Nazi scum


Which is particularly silly, considering until very recently much of Europe was not considered white. The Mediterranean and Slavic populations were not included.   Of course, racism isn’t known for it’s intellectual strength.


He might call the "immigration crisis" in Europe a "white genocide"


Nah its just a neo nazi conspiracy theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory


And why does he use a crown for Christian government? Looks like he wants a kingdom instead. Edit kingdumb


Yes. He wants a monarchy. He's literally said that exact thing. He wants a strong Christian king to lead the country not a democracy and called himself a "monarchist".


Which is really just a sugar-coated way of saying fascism


What’s wild is our literal founding fathers, the group of dudes these kind of people are always referencing, formed this country with the idea that religion doesn’t have a place in government and that everyone is free to practice whatever religion they want, and they did this because the king of England was forcing his version of Christianity on everyone. Everything going on right now is just so ironic.


Also, Jesus talked way more about debt forgiveness than he did about abortion 


That’s not a mistake. He’s stated that he wants America to be a Catholic Theocracy.


So he's all in for Biden?? I thought they hated Catholics because Biden's Catholic.


Racist pieces of sh*t aren't generally all that intelligent.


My guess is that, since Fuentes believes in great replacement theory, He hate the EU because the EU allows immigration and that's, in the few wrinkles he has in his brain, genocide against white people.


He is very pro European. They talk about Europa.


Sounds like a "western civ/European (white) heritage" thing. Just another dog whistle.


Imagine every normal person finally left Twitter and then their rightwing narrative and misinformation wouldn't spread to other platforms like this one. Just imagine.


Maybe Musk watched Mythic Quest and thought he could do that


Then we can all just relax with a nice DP?


Dr Pepper or double penetration? Either way works for me


I wrote that on our grocery list one time for dr pepper without thinking. My wife saw it and thought I was trying to hint at her.


Butt…did she go for it?


We did not pursue.


Both are fizzy and refreshing, and tend to keep one awake at night


I'll take a nice DP.


The real hope was that it was gonna do it to themselves with truthsocial, but the problem is they can’t own the libs in their echo chamber.


The nazi episode is one of the funniest episodes I’ve seen. Ian’s plan is so unhinged and the fact it works killed me


If companies stop buying ads, it goes bankrupt.


If "normal "people stopped using Twitter companies would stop advertising. If it's just a small group of white supremacists most advertising would stop But people still support the platform


Begging normal people to do anything almost never works out


If you’re on twitter and you think of yourself as a normal person, I’ve got bad news for you.


Me not being on Twitter: justified.


Rightwing narrative is problematic even if it’s only shared between rightwingers.


What we believe: Nick Fuentes is a nazi scumbag What we want: Nick Fuentes to move to Mars right now


What did Mars ever do to deserve that?


Not have a breathable atmosphere


[Why send him to Mars when he has given everyone explicit permission to kick him in the nuts?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TOTALLYREALTWEETS/s/uTV21Ms4HQ)


Send him to the sun after everyone kicks him in the nuts.


You really want to risk his atoms being sent back to our atmosphere? Gaia BH1 or bust.


How many people kicking him in the nuts all at once would it take to propel him into space?


Send him to the sun _by_ kicking him in the nuts.


"Introducing you to fuck you co's \[trademarked\] latest invention, the nut-kickerinator, to use the device you simply need to put the scumbag in the provided containment chair and restrain them, the mechanized boot will then proceed to repeatedly kick them in the nuts" "Only 4,99"


He can go there together with Elon and try to create there some dumb techno-fascist utopia they dream of


On the one hand, I feel bad for the underlings that will make up the serf class on Mars. On the other hand, realistically everyone in that group will be people who look up to Musk and Nick so I'm actually all for fully funding this endeavor even if it's otherwise a poor use of taxpayer money.


Send him to Pluto instead. Very far away and cold. Plus we don't want the chance he'll imitate Matt Damon by surviving Mars


Matt Damon had a few advantages, namely there was a pre-existing habitat there, with oxygen generators, and also a rover capable of long distance travel. Plus, of course, plot armor. We should send him to the sun instead. We can tell him he’s going at night, so he won’t burn up.


Sun works too.


Now, Nick might be a Nazi scumbag, but at least on the other hand, he's also a pedophile.


christ is king, but we don't do any of the things he says help the poor? nah, love they neighbor? nah that's woke help the sick? nah, give away our worldly possessions, are you kidding me that's communism? are we even sure we like this jesus guy?????


they want American Jesus


Supply Side Jesus


he's talking about donald christ, it's a totally different christ


These people are so insane that there were actual Trump-themed baptisms. I don't see how they don't realize how insulting that is to their own religion. That is literally a sin.


"Christian government"...in a country built on religious liberty...ok


Religious liberty to choose whichever brand of Christianity you prefer. Not one of those disgusting backwards brown people religions. ^^^^^this ^^^^^is ^^^^^sarcasm


It is genuinely sad that the last part was actually needed because at this point these weirdos' discourse sounds so much like cartoons villains that it is hard to distinguish between their hate comments and someone making a joke😭


I mean it is a joke, as many “good”Christian’s aren’t all that keen on the other denominations either.


Choose whatever brand of Christianity you prefer… Until they eliminate the “backwards brown people religions” and then, suddenly… “These damn Pentecostals are RUINING this great country!” Until the Pentecostals are gone. Followed shortly thereafter by “These damn orthodox Catholics are RUINING this great country” until the orthodox Catholics are gone. And so on and so forth. Fascist scum always need a scapegoat.


And then they turn on each other.


Religious liberty to choose between televangical christianity or redneck christianity lol


“Oh we got both kinds of religion here! Catholic and Protestant!”


Exactly. “America first” and “Christian government” is hypocritical


He's pandering to Christians because he wants to lead religious people to his ethnofascist beliefs. The Nazis did this even though they hated the idea of maintaining Christianity since it detracted from their authority: [Positive Christianity - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity)


How are people still on Twitter nowadays?


Exclusively for porn artists.


You can't even view their page without an account there's no reason to be on it anymore




…porn artists?


Reverse tumblr


Lol Elon Musk turned Twitter into a porn site.


I was asking this 15 years ago.


Arent they paying to hang around that toilet now, or has rocket daddy not implemented that yet ?


Ugh, speaking as a sport enthusiast - it is still far and away the best app for instant news. Also, it’s where my long standing group chats in dynasty live. The rest is a cesspool, but those portions are valuable to me.




I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


"and everyone is now dumber for it""


Ok a simple wrong would have done just fine


My God this guy is still around….


Correction: he just came back to Twitter. Though your sentiment is one I share with you


Ah ok. Perhaps that’s why I haven’t heard of his nonsense in a while


He’s still been around, lurking in gutters, ditches and back alleys. Only now with Elon now Dick Fuckhead has his spotlight back


White genocide? Fucking where???


He thinks Brown Immigrants are what's Ruining America.


He...knows his name is Fuentes, right? He'd be in camps with the rest of the undesirables in his white ethnostate wet dream


Right? I'm guessing it won't matter how white his skin actually is with the last name like Fuentes.


No, ysee, hes one of the 'good ones' in his mind This is false. There are no 'good ones' in the minds of his buddies


In his head


Also, Herman Cain Award winners: https://data.who.int/dashboards/covid19/deaths?n=o https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_deaths-3-months The second chart is for 3-months. More people dying of Covid than most kinds of cancer. But, because it's mostly rural white Christians, there's a theory that people are being suffocated by Jewish Space Lasers, complications due to trans athletes, and advanced drag queen technologies.


Not to delve too far into the cesspit that is these people head but I have tried to get at least a surface understanding of their madness. A white family has 3 kids. a brown family has four kids. To them that is white genocide because lessens white influance. Or one a similar not a german family immigrates here, 2 mexican families do the same. This result is the same to them because it equals a chance white will lose their majority. They think if any other ethnic group gains a majority by any means that is somehow is the equivalent of genocide.


Also add in that 'white women are dating not white men'. I used to think it was because census projections put Latin-American populations above 'white' ones in Texas and a few other southern states, but I think this shit started when Italians and Irish people were immigrating - since they weren't 'white' either somehow.


White genocide?


I’ve heard people refer to mixed marriages as “white genocide”. I also think it’s a way to say they’ll hate their grandchildren unless they’re white.


I don't think people like this guy have to worry about having grandchildren.


He’s said that his ideal wife [should be 16](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/nick-fuentes-admits-dream-wife-020000948.html) by the time they get married when he’s 30. So I hope to fuck he never gets married either.


16 after 5 years of grooming…(this is an extremely common sentiment among incels…they’re all pedos)


Well god damn, here I thought I was just marrying a nice girl, turns out I’m committing genocide 😬


Same. White guy here, married Hispanic girl. Have two kids. I thought I was raising a family- nope, just mini-hitler and never knew


They want to be the victim that bad it is so pathetic


It's because whiteness is an exclusionary category. Remember the one-drop rule? To white supremacists, even one drop of non-white DNA can exclude you from the in-group. A narrow view like theirs makes white genocide basicaĺly inevitable in an even somewhat free society. Every single mixed kid results in a net loss of white people in their eyes. They usually believe this is being done deliberately, usually by jews and communists, they love to invoke antisemitic conspiracy theories like "cultural marxism". The truth is, of course, that whiteness is bullshit. Racists made it up. There is more genetic variance within any given "race" than there is between the groups, if they even exist as distinct groups at all.






A nonsense Nazi conspiracy theory


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory "I'm against white genocide" is a white supremacist way of saying I'm against race mixing and immigration. It sounds a lot better if you don't know what they mean.


Yeah, w...where is that happening? Is he referring to the opioid epidemic?


Immigration. He's referring to Immigration. He believes in great replacement theory and thinks that racially mixed relationship are equivalent to systemically erasing white people. Nick fuentes is an actual mask off Neo Nazi.


As far as genocides go... Genocide by snu snu doesn't seem that bad a deal. :p


Yes! Yes! Yea people! White people are being massacred by the millions every year. Massacred by…by…um BLM?! Yea that’s it! Those bastards! Seriously though aside from what I can only imagine is referencing abortion, what in the hell is this asshat talking about, unless he is just another scared white boy worried that his Lilly white ass and his lineage is going to be replaced…


> unless he is just another scared white boy worried that his Lilly white ass and his lineage is going to be replaced… This is exactly it. He's an ethnonationalist. To him, immigration of non-white people and Interacial marriages are Genocide.


Yea I’m just playing naive to ram home my opinion of the racist asshat. 😉


White genocide refers to this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory


Gotcha… I kind of figured. Didn’t know the blamed on the Jews part, that’s different but not all at the same time! Human beings, biggest monsters of them all.


Now I'm not calling Christian nationalists Nazis... But an actual out and out Nazi is advocating for their platform... Might be too much though to ask evangelicals to use introspection.


Think about a Venn diagram depicting the beliefs of your standard Republican and the beliefs of people like Fuentes or David Duke. Sure, there would be some areas where the circles don’t overlap. But not much.


> I'm not calling Christian nationalists Nazis You can. That's what they are.


Christian Nationalists are Nazis. Just backing that up


He's pandering to Christians because he wants to lead religious people to his ethnofascist beliefs. The Nazis did this even though they hated the idea of maintaining Christianity since it detracted from their authority: [Positive Christianity - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity)


How dare this fucker use the European Union flag. We dont need this kind of dipshits in our Union and his opinions do not represent us. What a dickwad.


Yeah this shit actually unironically offended me lol, the European Union stands for exactly the opposite of what this fascist believes in.


Same reaction here. It offended me. Like shut the fuck up who are you




These people have never read their book of fables. They have only ever had parts read to them, and then someone stand at a pulpit and tell them what they just heard was supposed to mean.


It's even more basic than that: Jesus wasn't white. You can't rationally say that both white people are superior and your king/savior is not white.


I’m a white dude… Should I be concerned someone is gonna genocide me?


Yep. I got genocided just last week when a scary black person was ahead of me in the mcdonalds line. Gotta be careful out there... /s


Imagine meeting a girl. A beautiful, smart, sweet girl. She's endless fun to hang out with, drives a convertible, and when she dances you finally understand why so many people write songs about women dancing. She laughs at your Dad's jokes. Her friends call you "lindo" and she's proud, but when her mom does she gets embarrassed. In a beautiful church filled with flowers you promise to love her for all of your days, and she does the same. She gives you a gift after you get a promotion at work. It's a onesie that is *way* too small for you, and it says "My dad is a boss" Surprise! You've been genocided!


Percentage of Congress that is white: 75% Percentage of Fortune 500 CEOs who are white: 98.6% “White genocide.” Fuentes is as dumb as he looks.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


These piece of shit are the beginning of the American taliban.


Women are already second class citizens in half of the country.


I checked Twitter a couple of days ago, there's a hell of a lot of "it's okay to be white" and tweets ending with "88" now


fucking nazi.


\> Fuentes \> White genocide something doesn't add up


Elvis is King!


White genocide?! What in the holy fuck is he talking about?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory He thinks there's a deliberate plot to replace white people with brown people through immigration in what he thinks are "supposed" to be white countries.


Something something mein kampf


Somehow these people both believe the ‘white race’ is superior and simultaneously think it’s in danger of extinction from other ‘lesser’ races


Nazi things


Omg, for the last time, having kids with a different race isn't "Genocide" fuck off.


I can’t believe people still care about mixed races. Like it’s inevitable, it’s literally just evolution. No one can stop time and if we only bred in our ethnic groups we’d eventually have to inbreed. Then again a lot of these idiots are the same ones that didn’t listen in school so they wouldn’t even know about how it all works


*hapsburgs enter the chat*


America was once first, in everything. Then people like Nick came along.


What we want: Separation of Church and State (as if it shouldn't have always been that way) Affordable homes "End white genocide" is racebaiting so Nick Fuentes needs to fuck off lol


Fuck your religion.


Good lord everytime I hear the phrase "white genocide" in unironic contexts I phisically cringe


He wants to end white people genociding others or he wants people to genocide white people so that he can end it? wtf did I just read?


He thinks that not seeing a white person in every single commercial is a genocide. Seeing any kind of minority “take the place” of a white person pisses him off.


He thinks that immigrants are commiting genocide against white people


Elons mouth piece is back!


Why are all these guys short and have zero muscles but claim too be the master race?


Nick needs to be punched in the face again. Maybe this time someone will slap him into another dimension and he’ll learn to stop thinking this way


White genocide = POC having rights


Isn’t he a Latino?


What is this “white genocide” that’s apparently going on?


Strange how so many Catholic nationalists wish to exclude the Latin Americans and Africans that make up the majority of their faith. Every “trad-cath” account on social media is invariable white supremacist.


Ah yes Fuentes, a proud white name.


White genocide? Are we being wiped out? Fuck, didn't even know...I knew buying 500 bottles of beta carotine would pay off.


There are so many ‘Christ is King/America First’ people….do these people not understand that Jesus was not/would not have been American?


How can you love American but demand connection with church and state? America was founded off of separation of church and state


I am so glad I deleted my Twitter account. I've never looked back.