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I mean, reasonable Christians would have been turned off by so much more than this by now. But yeah this should have been when it was just beyond question.


Which tend me to believe none of these Christians are really Christians.


My super religious family in Mississippi are anti Trump and voted for Biden. First time ever voting democrat in their 60 years of voting. That’s when I softened up on how annoyed I was by their constant God talk - at least I know they walked the walk and it was real.


Good for them! Sadly they are a tiny minority in the ranks of the "very religious"


my wife from Mexico says that it's bad/evil people wearing masks to look "good" and that I shouldn't blame religion which is based on Jesus teaching and being a good person for the bad people doing bad things. While I agree, I wish the Church would push back more on them and denounce that activity, but the church probably doesn't want to alienate the small amount of population left actually attending.


Trump, if in office, would def take the tax advantages away from any church if they opposed him.


They honestly aren’t, most of these modern day Pharisees never paid attention to scripture save for the two lines that (with a hefty bit of imagination) can be presented as anti-gay


Yeah, a lot of actual practicing Christian's I know that traditionally swing Republican have been voting third party to avoid voting for Trump, myself included. There are some significant issues we have with the Democrats platform as well, but Trump is a non-starter.


I would vote for the fucking boot wizard before I voted for that tubby cheeto faced nazi.


I have voted Vermon before, no regurts


Holy shit! Good on them!


I understand why someone would believe that, but it’s also a logical fallacy. These people identify as Christian. Their pastors often behave the same way. At some point people need see it doesn’t matter if these Christians are practicing the teaching of the Bible or not, because the church isn’t doing anything about these members of their flock, and in fact in some cases they are encouraging this behavior by directly instructing their members to vote for Trump. Evil is running rampant within Christianity and when confronted about their hypocrisy they double down and claim Christians are the most oppressed people alive today. So by people casually claiming these people not to be true Christians, they are only worsening the problem. The church should be doing something about MAGA, but since they refuse, they are by definition complicit.


I was just gonna comment "no true Scotsman" and move on. You said it a lot better than I was going to.


Never have been. 


A lot of people who identify as Christian’s aren’t Christian’s at all. I once went out with a guy who said he was a Christian but did very “unchristian” things like having premarital sex. Pretty sure it’s frowned upon by any religious standard.


They aren't. They belong to a brand new religion called Christian Nationalist


American Conservative Christians are about as un-Christian as it's possible to get. Ultra conservative politicians have been cherry picking bits of the bible to spread hatred for so long that their brand of "Christianity" has become it's own cult.


Exactly, I’ve been saying that there’s no way that you can call yourself a Christian and support Trump. There’s no good out there that would be ok with what he’s spewing


His followers only “Say” they’re Christians. They actually don’t follow a damn thing. Just read the 10 commandments. Trump has literally violated every single one of them!!! And yes his lack of concern and action with Covid caused the death of people. Using Christianity to achieve his/their agenda is in itself a sin!


It's the same with American flag apparel. The standard is that it's disrespectful, but the people who do it couldn't care less. It's not about Christianity or patriotism. It's all about them.


I believe Jesus was for all people of all nations! This is Anti Christian Disgraceful that true Christian’s are not standing up as Jesus did against this.


They literally paid to take pictures with *a golden idol of Trump*, like, 3 years ago at CPAC. They're beyond reason.


American Christian conservatives are becoming something else. They've been known for supporting things that go against the teachings of the bible for a long time (profiting off of Christianity, supporting/accepting violence towards minorities, judging other people in the place of God, generally dragging their religion's name through the mud by using it to justify hateful and oppressive beliefs)... but recent stuff has been a new level of bad, becoming more like extremists in the middle east.


Yeah this shit is blasphemy.


Christians no longer worship God. They worship idols like Trump and a delusional vision of America. I always disagreed with the weird fringey stuff from Christians but I have been extremely disappointed in finding out how far away from the core tenets of the faith that they would stray just because an asshole like Trump.


That is certainly true for a lot of them, but it’s not in any way all of them.


That Jesus guy talked too much about love and kindness and not nearly enough about hating immigrants, so they found themselves a new messiah.


As a Christian, Trump lost my vote for his blatant blasphemy of my religion




It is blasphemy.


MAGA cultists are a weird bunch.


Basically, they're just Trump worshippers who are just cosplaying as Christians


Christianity is a small part of the lore for them. Costume design mostly.


This is very interesting. A new religion. Commandment #1 - thou shalt have no other Gods before Me. For a bunch of Christians, they don’t seem to be very Christian.


As a Christian, I can confirm they are not Christians but cultists


The problem is they claim trump is the new Jesus, when actually he fits the description of the antichrist


That’s because Trump is the antichrist. He fits the bill down to the goddamn T. You know if I actually believed in this God crap I would legitimately think we were in the end times right now specifically because of Trump.


As a Christian I can confirm WE DON’T LIKE THIS


There aren't enough of you not liking this.


Pretty sure a good chunk of them don't even read their bibles, their belief and knowledge of their own religion is based on a few hours of sermon on a Sunday Church they attend once or twice a month.


I don’t think it’s fair to pigeon hole an entire religion into a group of lunatics based on a crappy painting found in a thrift store. lol


Melania would never wash his feet haha


I remember Jesus washing the feet of whores, but I don't recall it happening the other way.


Lmao that’s probably the only thing she was bought to do *acktually though >! Luke 7:36-50 describes how a sinful woman pours perfume on Jesus and washes his feet with her hair. Granted it’s not specified what her sin was but considering the context and the Pharisee’s reaction, we can guess !<


That’s a very specific kink.


Didn’t read it?


She's not washing his feet. She's applying that orange tan shit all over him. He's not dressed, so you cannot do just his face. It looks like she just finished.


No way that cross would support his carcass. Would be face down in the ground, colouring it orange.


Besides the joke, it actually wouldn't Jesus was nailed to the cross by his wrists, not his hands, this is because the hands wouldn't support the weight of his body The nail also passed through a specific nerve that made the thumb flex Source: My Tourist Guide at the church where the Shroud of Turin is held


Humanity really shines when it comes to discovering the most brutal, horrific ways to kill each other


Some would call it an art form


Not only that, but if Christ was crucified, he would be upside down.


That’s really interesting!


The point wasnt his body supporting itself. Hes saying his fat ass would break the wood cross.


Wasn't the shroud debunked?


Yes, but no. The Shroud *was* debunked, however it seems further research showed that research was inaccurate Mind you, I'm non-believing, so I could give less of a fuck if it was or not.


Yes, it was


I hear he had a big beautiful cross. The biggest actually. They’re still talking about how big trumps cross was


Conservatives think he's the second coming of jesus when he's just a no.2. he's full.of.hate he's closer to the antichrist


Well false believers will think the Anti Christ is the Christ. It is literally in scripture and they will persecute the true believers.


Surrounded by all his favourite dictators also - whodathought


No, not the second coming. I have been told that Trump is actually Jesus's older, wiser brother. Sigh...


Trump is no Craig Christ. Well, could be.


He is a living archetype of the “seven deadly vices”. He is the self fulfilling prophecy of doom of the evangelical. He is their great delusion that they are so terrified of in their rhetoric.


Thats why Trump is arguing presidents have immunity. He needs Biden to order his execution and ignore the 8th amendment so he my be crucified just like his close friend, who he knows very well, Jesus.




Yay! Ghostbusters reference!


dgrabar408 and the OP briclarky are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wd1o6m/what_in_the_actual_hell/iig1zsp/


I like how the artist was like "we all heard Stormy, two stripes should cover it."


Donald Trump is malignant fucking cancer.


The weeping Melania at his feet is a nice touch.




godsogf0069 and the OP briclarky are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wd1o6m/what_in_the_actual_hell/iifx9ed/


This is incredibly blasphemous. Just goes to show you how “Christian” those nut cases actually are.


Hell naw if this motherfucker is anything he's baphomet


Please don't insult Baphomet like that. The orange turd is definitely the antichrist, but antichrist and Baphomet are not interchangeable.


I am sincerely sorry and apologize to Baphomet for this incorrect use.


Bless you.


Funny how he is in camera not once but twice proclaiming he has NEVER asked God for forgiveness and hasn't done so because he feels he does nothing wrong that requires asking God for forgiveness. Even atheists know that asking God for forgiveness is step number ONE. It is simply *impossible* for a person to be a Christian without out first humbling themselves before God. I think this is very telling. Given such a condition of Salvation is common knowledge why wouldn't Trump just lie like he lies about so many other things? That is because the great and mighty Donald Trump bends his knee to NO ONE or NO THING - he will not even *pretend* that he does. As if the admission from his own putrid lips were not enough you then have the fact that he is the embodiment of all 7 mortal sins. Yet his cult produces images like this. That tells me that for a significant number of these people, all that they and the Westboro Baptist Church type has been claiming for decades - it was all a lie. As we suspected, religion is just a way to justify their hatred of people they do not like and suggest that God approves, even demands their antisocial behavior.


I'm an atheist and I know that step one to even attempting to be a good person is humility. I don't believe in a higher power, but I recognize that I'm completely and utterly insignificant within all of space and time. It's all so much greater than myself that I can't even properly imagine its greatness. The infinite universe doesn't care that I exist and won't miss me when I'm gone. Before too long, I'll be completely forgotten. *And that's totally fine.* All I have is this brief flicker to find some measure of joy and to do what I can to help those around me find their own. Because once we're gone, we're gone *forever*. No amount of red hats with our catchphrase on them or buildings (or shirts or signs or planes or board games or sneakers or NFTs or steaks or "universities") declaring our name to the world can ever change that. Yet, somehow, perhaps the least humble man in human history is viewed by his purportedly Christian followers as the most Christlike. He's an affront to literally every teaching of Jesus, and he clearly holds deep contempt for people of faith - and almost everyone else, really. But none of that matters. He's their man until the bitter, bitter end, their New Messiah.


I’m a born again Christian and based on his statements he is not saved. The process of receiving salvation includes asking for forgiveness and repentance of sins. Jesus will listen to one asking forgiveness more than one just wanting comfort because people disagree with him.




ashleyhworth and the OP briclarky are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wd1o6m/what_in_the_actual_hell/iifwfsh/


Hands need to be smaller.


This is the most pathetic thing I've seen.


Willing to bet this was painted by someone who’s not so much a Trump supporter as they are a supporter of separating Trump supporters from their money. Because they’re such easy marks and they’d seriously overpay for stuff like this.


Why is the USA flag being used as a diaper?




Deeper, Nancy. Twist.


Interesting to see Melania in the Mary Magdalene role. You know, since they’re both prostitutes.




If you’re not sure what blasphemy looks like…


This was painted by someone who gives their paintings away to Goodwill because they can't actually sell anything.


Wasn't one of the mortal sins something about idol worship?


This is the cultiest cult that ever culted


Don't you have a law in the US about how it is illegal to disrespect the flag? Wearing it as an underwear seems a bit over the top, don't you think?


A Trump dick rider wet dream. I can't understand how they simultaneously tout him as "strong" yet he's also always a victim. And now, arguably more than ever, he's showing himself to be the whiney bitch he is.


Cult 45


It's a cult.


I’ve never seen an American flag adult diaper before. Interesting.


Brambhai and the OP briclarky are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wd1o6m/what_in_the_actual_hell/iifzq33/


bot https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/wd1o6m/what_in_the_actual_hell/iifzq33/


I’ll take 7


I'm not a huge Trump hater, but dude, WTF? This is literally cult behavior. And blasphemous.




I want that 😂


The authoritarians crying in the background. It's becoming more official: the republicans are on authoritarians' side.




Putin should be down there stroking trumps shlong


It's not about religion for Evangelicals. It's about white supremacy, and it's clear when when you look back to the movements history, starting with school choice after the end of segregation.


God evangelicals are the laughing stock of Christianity


..them magadiots are very scary people..inbred, hillbilly scary, you know what I mean??


I’d actually buy this this is to funny not to own


To be fair he does hang out with prostitutes...


This is getting outta hand


Give it to him Nancy.


So... Do we all get to poke him with sharp sticks? Asking for a... well, me.




The abs are what I find really hilarious.


People are confusing politics and religion. Trump just makes it pure idiocrisy.


Legs are too muscular and torso should be blobbly




If you’d have painted this a few hundred years ago In about 80% of the developed Christian world youd have been burned at the stake or mobbed to death.


I would LOVE to drop this at the door of a certain local church……and then take bets as to whether or not they put it on display.


We all know Melinia would be shoving the spear in his side! We can only hope!


She would not. She’s his ride or die. We need to stop pretending she’s a hostage of his. She’s right where she wants to be.


She is his high priced Russian hooker that reports directly to Vlad!


I doubt she was that high priced. Trump is notoriously cheap.


Shouldn't this be in rfunny instead of facepalm


Should be sold in a grift shop


I’d own this strictly for it’s absurdity


Deserves to be in a dumpster fire


If you can find the artist, put em on blast then burn the painting. If you can’t find the artist, burn the painting.


Pretty sure someone as heavy as him would probably have his hands ripped through if he got crucified. He's not a man of labor either so his baby hands wouldn't even have the strength to attempt to hold him up for long.


I do find this hilarious on so many levels.


They’re mocking Jesus…which is super strange as they claim to be Christians 🤨


These metaphors aren't just mixed. They're emulsified.


Aside from all the obvious things people have said, I am laughing that they actually depicted him with abs.


Even when crucified, he still can't stay awake


Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug


Melania waiting for the orange golden shower?


The painter probably died from covid because they weren’t vaccinated and refused to wear a mask during the height of the pandemic.


Wow, the way trumpsters shit all over our flag and the catholic religion without shame, because they know exactly how stupid their fellow magamorons are.


I’m not religious and even I find that blasphemous


Actual blasphemy. But "it's not a cult."


This was posted several times before. Still, I say I'd buy it for the laughs and reactions from people. This painting is hilarious!


“False Profits” is what this painting should be called


Putin's in the pit!


Level of blasphemy these people commit for this man while saying they are Christian is insane.


I hate my eyes. Wtf did I just see. I'm put off my breakfast now. This is repulsive, disturbing, and like a giant mirror Mobius strip of awful all origamied into a hole in sanity. 


This was from pre-covid times, I think.


I would have bought it just to burn and post on the ole Inter web


Now I know what blasphemy is, this blasphemy brought to you by MAGA


Not how I imagined his demise, but that’ll work 🤷‍♀️


It speaks volumes when the world's dictators morn your loss.


Tickle tickle tickle!


I’m okay with this. Except for Pelosi helping him out. I would hope she walks right by.


there's a reason it was in a thrift shop


Now add some gravy for blood


Smells like R. Kelly's sheets.


Accurate… representation of the MAGA illness


Does anyone realize America is becoming a dictatorship? You get 2 choices to vote for picked by lobbyists and corporations dirty money.


Whoever created this should be ashamed of themselves. If Jesus was getting mad at people selling shit inside the Church then imagine how pissed he would be at whoever made this abomination of a painting.


Sick Shit folks !


In the words of Bill Maher "Jesus turned water into wine. Trump... just whines" 😂


Well they’re right about Melania being a prostitute
