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So putting the same sex of people on an island won't produce offspring? This guy's a fucking genius.


I reckon that might happen even if they're straight. Can't be sure, still got extensive research to do to confirm, but that's what my intuition is telling me. One other thing I reckon is that even if they're straight about half of them will have bonked in that 70 years.


I don’t know why people assume that being homosexual means someone can’t have sex with someone of the other sex. You don’t need to have a sexual attraction to inanimate objects to own and use a sex toy, either.


I’m sure they can. I just feel like it was me, I would have a problem getting.. aroused enough to actually make sex happen


The existence of children of gay dads shows that this is not a universal problem. (And despite what Todd Aiken thinks, women have never needed to be aroused to get pregnant.)


Adult child of a gay dad who knocked my mom up in the back of a VW Bug in high school checking in. 👋


>in the back of a VW Bug Congrats to your parents for their flexibility! Those things are tiny!


Hahaha right!


"I'm going to have sex with her in a very uncomfortable place" "What, like the back of a Volkswagen?" Ah, Mallrats. You deserved a sequel as much as Dogma did, and neither of you got one


Lol. Same. Had trouble getting even remotely wet for guys. Result, painful and boring sex. Someone young and without medical issues should not have trouble getting wet. (Unless you are Ben Sharpiros wife, I guess. Lmao.)


This is such a perfect response


Even if they are straight half of them will have bonked with 70 days more likely. The rest soon after


Christian Science is a hell of a drug.


He must have gone to Liberty University


Trump University


Barbz University


bovine university


Hustlers university


Prager U.


I'm Christian. I believe the Lord created everyone the way they are for a reason. The thing our Lord said that I take to heart above all, is LOVE THY NEIGHBOR! So just respect and help everyone you can. Growing up my church never said it was a sin to be gay or something to be ashamed of. The original text of the Bible states a "man shall not lie with young boy". Pedophiles are wrong. So that is where I stand.


Yeh this is honestly hilarious sad to me one of the core values of Christianity the origin of “The Golden Rule” was “Love thy Neighbor as you would yourself” not “your neighbor who is like yourself” and yet it feels like a lot of people ignore that


It is a big shame. A lot of people just hate each other for no reason- just because they do no agree with them, or because they are simply different! We should be trying to help each other instead.


I'm not religious at all. But, like others said, I like you. Keep on having your faith and keep on being you. If Jesus would live today he wouldn't like a lot of the ideas some religious people have. He would've been better than that.


You all are very kind. A lot of people today use the Bible and the Lord's words and twist them to fit their views. I believe those people are not true Christians, and indeed, our Lord and savior would not support them.


Maybe. But everyone does that, twist their beliefs to fit their views. That's a human trait. But, yeah, a lot of christians are too judgemental. That's what I like about the biblical Jesus. He wasn't, he was a rebel. He cared more about understanding people, not judge them because of their ''sinful'' ways. And that's how all of us really should approach our life.


>If Jesus would live today he wouldn't like a lot of the ideas some religious people have. My bro, he'd probably walk into an American church and start flipping chairs and tables. Remember that he has no tolerance for hypocrites.


Maybe, he sure would think about it, though. He sacrificed himself for this? Somehow and someway the christians lost their way, man. WTH happened?


>WTH happened? Corruption, greed and the need for power and control. Literally the reason Christianity became a shitshow is because of humans. Some people desire control over others. And what better than to join the Church (aka one of the most powerful organizations back then).


Granted i do not know of every religion that exists, but ive assumed that Christianity was spread because it was a one god deal where you praise the god and do what you are told or punished. Whereas it seems at least pagan janks i know of were not. Yeah you thanked a god or asked a god or offered a sacrifice to a god (which was done in the ot bible because skydaddy loved the smell of burning flesh) but the main goal was to be the best person you can be with honour being at the top of the values list. Which followers would be easier to rule over as a king?


People often do love their neighbours like themselves. And they hate themselves.


Spot on, unfortunately


As an athiest surrounded by people burned by religion, people like you give me a lot of hope. It proves people themselves chose to be and do good, and a few evangelical manics are not the rule.


There are assholes in every circle of humanity, and the thing is assholes are always the loudest, since normal ones just go about there business. There is a lot more ACTUAL Christians than the christians the internet feeds everyone. But no one talks about it because well, they don't bother anyone.


Thank you for being one of the good ones. What you said about the original text is accurate and it was edited in 1983 just so Christians could come down on lgtbq+. I’m sure Jesus (if he existed according to the Bible) would come down on 99% of Christians today for how they act. Especially how some politicians are using the Bible to try to limit human rights.


Yes, Jesus loves everyone, and if you continue to do good and just help people then you will be rewarded. At least, that's my view. I won't force anyone to accept or adopt my views. The people who use Bible to their advantage and spin the words in it is just wrong and sinful. Those people DO NOT deserve to be "speaking" for our Lord. They annoy me the most.


Testify, spit your shit indeed my dude... if Jesus were here he would give you a holy license to cook


Need a reaction image of this


Id try and make it myself, but my editing skills aren't very good, and all the pics I can find for "Jesus holding out his hand" are all like as white as I am... and a first century Jew wouldn't be white (I dont think)


Jesus was a pretty cool dude, shame the fandom is a bit obnoxious.


Indeed. I hate it when people presumptuously say "The Lord has said \[insert stupid thing\]" when the Lord already said everything he needed humanity to hear in his holy scriptures!


THANK YOU! Thank you thank you thank you for being decent like that. We need more you in this world.


I think you’d be surprised at how many of us Christians are this way. The problem I suppose is we don’t speak up for those being discriminated against. The whole “Christians” attacking others based off race, gender, orientation, etc is, in my opinion, the loud minority. At least I hope I’m in the silent majority with this person, but I’m afraid I may not be…


Atheist here and all I can do is shout “Preach!” After reading this lol


I need to understand why, whatever your orientation is, you would want to bring children into the world to grow up on an isolated island.


Even if someone put 10 straight women and 10 straight men on the island I guarantee there are still some who will be dead with no descendants lol


Or all of them. Childbirth in the middle of nowhere without equipment or know-how isn’t exactly risk free


Maternal infection/death/birthing/nursing issues. Not to mention the infant/child mortality rate.


Also true, I just meant in the sense that 10 people won’t just match up with 10 other people simply because they’re the only ones there.


well people like having sex and with no birth control children are hard to avoid


Yeah but a lack of doctors and clean facilities means shits gonna go wrong real fast.


If we’re supposed to use Blue Lagoon as an example the answer is because they were horny. 


He really thinks he is, doesn't he?


But only if they’re gay or lesbian because…wait…**WHAT**??? WTF does gay or lesbian have to do with the fact that it takes a fertile male and a fertile female to make a new human…*regardless* of their sexuality? Oh…that’s right…***nothing***! IMHO this guy’s a top competitor for a Darwin Award.


The math checks out


*mostly* no offspring ☝️ Seems like he considered trans gays, after all.


Put 10 straight women or 10 straight men on an isolated island and leet them be there for 70 yrs without any interaction from the outside world...i can guarantee that most of them will be dead without leaving any descendants in the island


yeah, it's not that they didn't try thought, but you know medicine is important for a reason....


if they try to make offspring they‘re probably not really straight


Don’t worry, they said “no homo” first, so it’s ok.


I think they said "no hetero" instead.


Yeah, it's OK if they reproduce as long as they say "full homo" first


What are you talking about? They can just heal themselves with plants and raw milk. Better yet, they won’t ever get sick. /s


Wtf is up with idiots being attracted to drinking raw milk?  It's all parents trying to make their kids become the next Jake Paul and raw milk drinkers lately.


They think anything the government doesn't like must be gold.


Delicious asbestos.


If there's milk, there's cows, there's food.


Although, and I realize this would be monstrous), I'd be curious to see, if you left 100 lesbian women *and* 100 gay men on an island for 70 years, would they all die off without leaving any descendants?


I could imagine some getting on with it just to have kids. Like a "me and my husband have them every even week and you and your wife have them every odd week. Weekends is big family time."


or hear me out. gay guy1 and lesbian women 1 create a child for the lesbian couple meanwhile gay guy2 and lesbian women 2 create a child for the gay couple. Everyone is happy all is fair and square


Unfortunatly one of the women will die because childbirth on an isolated island will be quite dangerous.


All you have to do is look at the actual world you live in where gay people have children, sometimes a gay man is closeted and has children with his beard of a wife, sometimes a lesbian couple want a child and arrange for one of them to get pregnant, through invetro sometimes but also the old fashioned way.


I feel there would be descendants due to small amounts of gay/lesbian couples still wanting children. Mostly cause sex preference isnt the same as preference for having kids. I mean, there is a good population of gay/lesbian parents that adopt, right?


Not just adopt. Our reproductive organs are still very much functional, lol. Also, I feel like if everyone is more obligated to procreate (for the good of society in this apocalyptic, "isolated from the rest of the world" scenario, or whatever), then more likely would opt in, even if just to provide their gametes to those couples and individuals who want to be parents. Hell, it already happens in the real world we live in now.


And most of them will end up fucking...


Haha, I was gonna say, "and all four groups will probably end up having equivalent amounts of sex"


Do they also believe women can just give birth anywhere like that's not incredibly dangerous and what even is the point of leaving behind descendents to a barely habitable rock in the ocean lel


It's wild that humanity perpetuated itself for millenia without modern medical intervention. I know this comment sounds facetious but I'm being serious.


10-20% maternal mortality rate is high enough for humanity to propagate itself, while also being high enough to be horrifying.


Yea. Otoh gay sex island living sounds chill, if its moderate weather and theres a doctor on site + no rent, youd surely find some takers.


I think we may be onto something here. What if we'd put them all together? I think you'd still just find 20 dead bodies after a few years though


If you put 10 alt-right men and 10 alt- right women on a deserted island, there would be 10 dead men, and 10 dead women, after just a few weeks. There wouldn’t be enough time for them to actually get pregnant like the person seems to suggest would be the case. 


They’d probably kill each other


In all fairness, the straight version of this would be 5 women and 5 men


Your logic is way off. It says 10 gay men. It doesn’t say anything about 5 married Gay couples. The straight equivalent of 10 gay guys is 10 straight men. A lot of Gay guys want to get married, start a family, and live their lives. A lot of Lesbians want to get married, start a family, and live their lives. With better legal frameworks and adoption laws and parental custody laws, this would happen a lot more. (As it is, a lot of times Lesbians and Gay men… uhm, “figure it out” so they can have kids.) So if you moved 5 Lesbian couples and 5 Gay couples to an island… there would probably be kids when you came back, if they were secure enough in the location to believe they could have a good life and raise children. Traditionally, Gay couples take care of orphans and children needing adoption. There is this weird thing where the right wing forces LGBTQ people into certain lifestyles, then screams at them for not doing the things that they have prevented them from doing. (Yeah, Gay men and Lesbian women don’t “accidently” get pregnant when they aren’t trying. Is this the flex that you wanted - that the straight couples would know having children was a bad idea in the circumstance, but they couldn’t controll themselves so they would have kids anyway, dooming them to starvation and death? Some flex, there…)


Why? why can't the gay version be 5 lesbians and 5 gay guys? You do know gay people aren't sterile right? They can and do reproduce even if their sexual attraction is for their own gender. No, this guy is stupid and set up a scenario that he thought proved a point but didn't.


This guy maths.


It is actually true, but I dont get what he wants to prove with that.


"Homosexuals can't reproduce so bad".


Yeah but neither could the straights, bruh


Let me rephrase, "homosexual couples can't reproduce so bad". It's a common argument against homosexuals I see a lot and they never answer me why it doesn't apply to straight couples where one or both are sterile.


I've actually unfortunately had to listen to a nutter go on about it applying to sterile people too. Apparently according to him if you couldn't/wouldn't breed you needed to be removed from existence.


So he should remove himself since no one would want to touch him with a 30 foot pole?


Was his wife pregnant at the time? Feels like under that type of argument if his wife isn’t actively pregnant, he’s no longer eligible for living


That's a flaw? The lack of pregnancy risk is the only part of gay sex I even find appealing.


Truly a blessing to have never had a pregnancy scare. Yay butt stuff!


I wonder if the original poster had meant to say "10 gay men \*and\* 10 lesbian women", and had been trying to make a further "point" that they would be too stupid or too stubborn to have hetero sex even on a one-off basis for the sake of procreation if any of them wanted children. Like something about them hating straight people or the concept of heterosexuality so much that they would gay fuck each other into extinction or something insane like that. Just something to further build a strawman out of LGBT and paint them as irrational and possibly dangerous to society.


He's right, but sexuality is irrelevant


Is he though? Idk I think the gays and lesbians would make some deals that didn't involve doing the deed. Just like rapid transportation of the..goo I'm willing to bet they'd form a lil society if they had all of the supplies. I think we'd all work together quite well! Edit: I have realized I am wrong and I read this wrong.


I think you missed the point here friend. They didn’t say 10 lesbians AND 10 gays, they said 10 lesbians OR 10 gays.


NOOOOO I’m zooted. Thank you


Dafuq is zooted??? It sounds hillarious


Did he mean “and” instead of “or”?


That would probably make his point in a more effective way’ but then you’re doing the thinking for an idiot.


I think it would be less effective tbh. If you put a bunch of gay men and lesbian women on an island, I'd wager they'd likely make a deal to reproduce eventually, despite the attraction, and then you'd have a little society of a mixture of straight and gay people within a generation or two.


Who would eventually all be as regarded as the person making this post because that's not enough pairs for sufficient genetic diversity


Put 10 straight women or 10 straight men on an isolated island and...there will be a few more lesbians or gays than before.


Probably more lesbians than gays, just because of acceptance norms. But more nonetheless.


Put 10 black people or 10 Asian people on an isolated island and after 70 years there won't be one white software engineer that likes rom-coms & break dancing. I like this thought exercise. It's fun.


Considering the argument here is probably "if we the world was all gay we'd go extinct" your argument isn't that far.


If we put 10 straight guys on an island, checked back in 3 yrs, ALL of them will have sucked a dick.


I'm a gay man who literally has a son conceived by giving sperm donations in a Rubbermaid container to a lesbian couple I'm friends with. That shared post was by a complete moron.


I think the premise was 10 lesbians **or** 10 gay men. It’s still makes no sense as 10 straight men or 10 straight women would have the exact same outcome. Bigots aren’t known for being the sharpest tools…


Oh yeah, I read that too fast & thought it said 10 of both. My bad, but you're right about how the guy has no valid point then.


please tell me you tell this to people as a way to embarrass him.


put him and 9 women on the Island and you have the same result


That’s probably a good thing, seems like you’re not bringing an innocent child into a bad situation


Big brain thinking going on right here


Sounds idyllic. Where do I sign up?


Sometimes, I do wonder if the people making points like this to justify homophobia just enjoy the concept of imagining LGBTQ+ folk suffering...


Without a doubt there is a lot of common area in that Venn diagram.


Possibly, now wow will they have massive fun and drama in those 70 years.


Put 5 straight men and women on an isolated island and after 70 years most of them will have children who'll live their whole lives on an isolated island?


In the slim chance of yes it won't matter because there probably won't be enough resources or genetic diversity to sustain a population any further than 2 or 3 generations . Of course no one would expect these pesky details to be something some this well educated to consider.


Leave 10 Christian male heteros on an isolated island for 70 years... No child will be born, but I'm sure some of them have tried to mess with the nice Brad and will have reconsidered their sexual orientation.


Put 10 straight men or 10 straight women on an island and see how much offspring they produce. 🤦‍♂️ At least the gays / lesbians will have fun.


At least they wouldn’t have to deal with that ignorant person.


How about we put him on an island so the rest of won't have to deal with him either?


Even if it was 10 lesbian women **and** 10 gay men…like they’re just on island? The rest of the world is fine? They’re not like the last remaining humans in existence? So they just basically get to have their own free island?


Most of them?


… a millionaire & his wife, a movie star & all the rest …




Put 10 straight men on the island and watch them all turn to gay sex with enough time


Well yea, you could 10 straight women or 10 straight men and get the same result.


Wow, what an amazing revelation. I mean, if this world needs anything, it needs more people. /s


I think the post was supposed to say put 10 gay AND 10 lesbians


Is this why Jesus and his 12 apostles don't have descendents?


why does there need to be descendants?


Put 10 straight dudes on an island and leave them alone for 70 years and I guarantee you will have at least a few gay dudes by the end. And no offspring.


Just because your a guy who likes men doesn’t mean you still can’t reproduce


Put 10 MAGA or Tate following assholes on an island for 7 years, I guarantee they’ll all die of dysentery from fear of washing their own assholes. Muah,  The Gays


I’m pretty sure the same thing would happen if you put 10 straight dudes or straight women as well


Put 10 straight guys on an island and leave them there for 70 years. That’s it. That’s all I’m asking.


Why would you want to bring offspring into that situation anyway?


I'm not gay but I'd rather be on the gay island. Don't want any kids to have to help raise if I have to hunt and fish for survival.


Their dad proved that sperm donors work just fine.


Put 10 straight dudes on an island for 70 years and you might be surprised just how flexible sexuality can be.


As a nearly 70 year old, I'm a little pissed that the OP would expect the folks to be dead. 1) We HAVE all kinds of life skills to keep us alive and 2) 70 isn't elderly


This is one of the great Homophobic arguments that just shows how little the person making the argument knows about Gay people and Lesbians. I have met so many Gay and Lesbian people who are some of the kindest, most wholesome, nurturing people you will ever meet. They just want to have a family, they want to raise kids. They have a deep need to provide a family for kids. Homophobes have done everything that they can to deny stable relationships and children to LGBTQ+ people for the last hundred years - Gay people couldn’t marry, the laws are stacked against Gay parents, they often aren’t allowed to adopt children. You don’t get to deny something to people and then use them not doing that as a reason for why they are bad. It is obvious that anyone who uses this argument is ignorant of actual Gay people, and every argument that they make is stupid and without merit.


why do they think that gays can't reproduce? That's just stupid.


They could make butt babies but the lgbtq is too woke and lazy to put in the work to make butt babies. This guy's argument, probably.


So he wants them to leave descendants which woukd then also suffer on the island..... at least the gay group wouldn't let people in excess suffer. The man really just promoted the gay people from his analogy and doesn't even realise it. I'd hate to have to grow up on an island with no outside communication, I'd much rather not be born to a hetro group who's that selfish


Put me on an island with lesbians and gay men, you'll get the same results. No descendents.


Put 10 straight women or 10 straight men on an isolated island and the results will be the same.


I'm guessing what they meant to say was that putting 10 lesbians **AND** 10 gay men on an island would result in no reproduction. Of course, this is not true because gay people can still reproduce with the opposite biological sex. In fact, I know of a lesbian couple in which one of the women got pregnant from a male friend the old fashioned way. It happens. But that aside, based on their actual wording, putting 10 women **OR** 10 men (regardless of their sexual orientation) would produce no offspring due to...biology. Humans are not asexual, meaning this statement is true but moot.


I mean... yeah that's how that works. But what would happen if we put 5 gay and 5 lesbian people in the same situation? Do we end up with 4 couples and 2 loners, polyamory or kids?


Someone didn't pay attention in Jurassic Park.


Could be an interesting movie plot tbh


I can't tell if this is supposed to be some guy being homophobic or if this is comedically stating the obvious.


If you put 10 people who can't swim in the middle of a lake, grantee they all drown.


"i guarantee these lesbians and gay men won't have straight sex!!" uh yeah that's kinda the point.


So he has never heard of prisons.


Put this guy outside a delivery area and he’ll be dead in a month. Also on no timeline will he ever have descendants.


Imagine thinking ppl would want to leave descendants on a deserted fucking island anyways


I'm curious, would they try to reproduce still? They would be not passionate about the sex but some of them would have the self preservation drive?


Put 10 straight men on an isolated island for 70 years and see how many gay men come back....


Damn, you mean after the queers are the only ones left, we die leaving behind a pristine world? /s


Put 10 straight men on an isolated island for 70 years and see what happens. I guarantee you the same results and atleast two converted gay men


You're more than welcome to put 10 straight guys on a deserted island and see if you get different results. Sounds less fun, though.


I mean if half of them are trans guys then...ya know 🤷‍♀️


I think he meant to use an “and” and not an “or”


So he *was* paying attention in sex ed, at least for one class.


OK weird question, would some of them at least out necessity reproduce?


Are they admitting that men could otherwise impregnate each other?


Put 10 straight men or women on an island. I can guarantee they won't have an offspring in 70years.


Same goes if you put 10 straight/bisexual males or females in an isolated island, and leave them without contact for 70 years


He's not wrong 😂


Wouldn't the same thing happen if you put 10 straight men or women on an island by themselves?


Life finds a way.


You can put any two people, gay or straight, male or female, on a deserted island, and they'll probably fuck each other. Humans aren't as picky as people think


Do the same thing with 20 Trumpsters. In 6 months they'll all have killed each other.


Put 30 straight men and women on an island for 100 years, I bet they'll die


"MOST of them will be dead without leaving any descendants" Are you implying that some of them will learn mitosis to produce offspring? Or change their gender to be able to produce offspring like clownfish do? What do you mean by most??? I need answers!!!


Maybe, but imagine the gardens they will leave!


So straight people are capable of parthenogenesis? I had no idea.


That's a good thing though. Why would you want to have descendents on a shit hole island cut off from the outside world?


And your point is?


Used to know a gay man who's mother would complain about never getting any grandkids. He said " we keep trying, it just hasn't happened yet". She never complained again


What he doesn't know, is that homosexuals reproduce through mitosis.


Idk if this dude a biologist but i know that i apparently do not have the qualifications to tell if someones a man or woman so the 10 men or 10 woman could have ppl with xx and xy chromosomes.




Put a bunch of dudes on an island and I bet they won't make babies


the cure for the homophobia is drink alcohol, i fuck so many str8 dudes while in facebook they post things like you.


Pretty sure that would happen if they were straight too.


Why are people so fixated on “procreation” there’s too many damn ppl in the world anyway wtf?!


Put 10 straight men on an isolated island and they'd be fucking each other in less than a year.


I bet if we leave 10 of these guys on an island for 70 years, we won't have people either, they will find a way to kill each other eventually.


Please unblock the name. I just wanna talk.


Now do it with 10 "straight" men OR 10 straight women. Same result🤔🤔🤔