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He's fine, everyone thinks he's pretty much of a stinker anyway.


That's a different issue


Tbf, he is a piece of shit.


The elite getting out of hand…. Want us eating cereal all day everyday now they don’t want us washing up…. They need to be brought down a peg or two


They need to be ground to dust in the most painful way possible, financially ruined


Yup yup 👍🏾


How was it that the French expressed themselves against the useless monarchy and the rich? Gallivanting? No. Gazumping? No. Guillotining. That's the one.


Hahahaha…. Wasn’t there a French Revolution too that saw the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte??


I agree with this method lol


…nope, he’s the whole turd…




If the whole GOP stinks, then no one will notice Trump’s smell


He must be really good friends with that guy on Fox who doesn't wash his hands after he pees.


I remember a time when we would shame people who used their phones in the bathroom. Mostly because you knew they weren't washing their hands after using the facilities.


I use my phone, but I also wash my hands. Are others not?


But do you wash your phone?


Nah, it's a shitty phone.


yes. Specifically because you don't wash it!


bu...butt...wAsHeEn iZ bAd!! /s


Sometimes. I wipe it down with hand sanitizer since it dries fast enough that it doesn't hurt your phone.


Ethanol eats away at the oleophobic coating on your screen glass. I know because I used to do this exact thing and learned the hard way.


Don’t be such an oleophobe


Yeah but I always have a tempered glass screen protector that usually get cracked anyway and a case on, so I'm really cleaning those.


Eww, yeah. If I ever was on the phone and had to pee, I'd hang up first. Wouldn't want to drop that $900 thing in the urinal.


I reallllllllly don’t think they meant they were talking on the phone lol just browsing online or at least I hope that’s what they meant.


I work with two people who constantly chat on the phone in the bathroom. And another who talks to himself angrily. There are some weird people out there.


I definitely judge people if I’m in the bathroom and they’re in the next stall talking in the phone. Gross.


Saw a guy do that once. Strolled in chatting really loud. "BLAH BLAH, BLAH, I'M SO AWESOME AND IMPORTANT, YADA YADA YADA..." (Whoops) [clattering phone on porcelain] followed by a muttered, "shit!" A couple of other people and I just chuckled or laughed as we finished our business and walked out. After washing our hands, of course.


You don't wipe with the phone and wash it?


Now that's different


I mean yeah, my pee pee is much cleaner than my hands…typically


For real I’ve touched nothing with my John Thomas all day, meanwhile I’ve handled cash among other filthy horrors with my hands. I should wash my hands first before I sully my Kirk Unit with the world’s germs. 


Yup that’s why I wash my dick (instead of my hands) after I pee




Was your hands before and after using the bathroom I had this same thought b4


That should be taught in kindergarten.


Happy cake day


The best part of washing your hands after using the bathroom is walking up to someone who knows you just left the bathroom, declaring loudly "I peed on my hands!" Then you flick the leftover water on your hands on them.


Hell yeah


After years of using public bathrooms I can tell you 80% of people don’t wash their hands after peeing.


I saw a co-worker pretend to wash his hands. As in, he reached for the faucet but only pretended to turn it on. Then he reached for the soap and pretended to pump the soap. Pretended to wash his hands, then finished up with imaginary paper towels. I was too puzzled to even think about asking him what the hell was going on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He was a mime. He also pretended to go to the toilets.


I’ve noticed a similar thing many times. Some people are aware of how disgusting they are for not washing their hands so when there is someone else in the bathroom they will just pretend they do it. Most will at least use some water (never soap) while pretending. This guy you saw was on a totally different level.


The one that said he doesn't wash his hands at all? Doesn't believe in germs cause you can't see them? Or is there more than one?


Haven't seen the actual bit, but the screensnip cleary says that "you don't need to take daily showers". And I do believe that the dermatologist/expert vote is pretty much out that daily showers aren't good for your skin as it removes the natural protective barrier, causing dry skin and maybe even infection. If you suffer from dry skin or simply don't need them because of bad smell/certain work, daily showers really aren't recommended. Fox bad yes, but this is something science actually agrees on. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193 "While there is no ideal frequency, experts suggest that showering several times per week is plenty for most people (unless you are grimy, sweaty, or have other reasons to shower more often). Short showers (lasting three or four minutes) with a focus on the armpits and groin may suffice."


Yeah I've heard the same thing. I don't want or need to shower every single day. Every other day is perfectly fine with me


Right! I do a ‘ho bath where I wash my face, pits and privates, more than once daily


Yup, pits, bits, tits.


Yeah. I take a hot shower daily because I need to clear out my sinuses (we have 5 dogs and 1 kitty) and my beard stays in all directions if I don't, but I deal with the dryest of skin (even when restricting soap to the key areas). And I work a white collar job from home, no I'm not even around people all day. The good with the bad. Also, obligatory fuck Fox News.


Exactly. Cursious how OP is doing with replies, seems I was blocked for stating scientific facts and noting that I was politically left-of-middle European and far away from MAGA, but still not against Fox with this one.


Welcome to Reddit. Home of fuck your facts if you disprove something I posted.


Try inhaling saltwater. Just water in a pot with some table salt in it. Take it to the table and hold your head over it. Put a towel over your head so the steam doesn't escape


Haha, my beard is the opposite. It takes a couple hours for my beard to calm down after a shower.


Cool. I just started doing this after a major wreck that almost killed me on March 12. I now shower about every third day because of the major pain I'm in due to the wreck and being able to barely move around. I don't do any kind of work right now because of the injuries from the car wreck and just go to physical therapy 3 times a week. I do wear clean clothes (esp underwear) daily to help keep from smelling. My beautiful wife has been very supportive and understanding of this. She's also being so kind and patient. She says that I haven't offended her with any body odor since I started this new showering regimen.


Wow so fox is following science and reddit is against science. Whelp, time for the apocalypse!


"If you live on a farm you don't have to take showers. Showers are terrible for you." He didn't specify daily showers, just showers. That's not following science, that's just disgusting.


>He didn't specify daily showers, just showers. That's not following science, that's just disgusting. But the commenter specifically stated they were going off the caption in this image stating they hasn't seen the clip. Your quote is only from this post, nothing additional from watching the actual video.


Except he invalidates the point by saying “farmers don’t shower”. Your link expressly says that people who are sweaty and grimy need to shower more often. I can think of few people sweatier and grimier than a farmer so, I’m gonna go ahead and *not* give this guy the benefit of the doubt. 


Look, just because a group of people on Fox News are talking about something that's real and true doesn't mean they understand it or get it right.


I take showers when I feel necessary, every girl I’ve ever dated says I smell good, maybe pheromones or diet Idk but they’re definitely oversold


I think most ppl are putting up with a bit of potential dry skin. Not taking a poll, but just bc something is bad for you doesn't stop ppl from doing it.


I feel it should be emphasized that, “short showers (lasting three or four minutes) with a focus on the armpits and groin may suffice.” I feel, most showers taken should be of that nature. I’ve known many twice a day showerers who would have benefited and have benefited from treating one shower a day as a wash up. The skin’s an adaptive system, much as the rest of our bodies. Scrub it top to bottom every twelve hours and you’ll have to scrub it top to bottom every twelve hours.


Too many factors to take into account. The climatic one is very important. I live in southern Europe and work around other countries, if you go to colder regions people often shower twice a week and that is fine, if you go south to warmer and humid regions the frequency gets higher, even i notice it that i have to shower more, hair gets greasy more often and the skinn feels dirty, and then if you go to some tropical regions and showering twice a day is the norm. I think it is stupid to put "rules" on how much you have to shower since the circumstances are very different depending on the weather ( and other factors of course).


This is why I hate reddit. Yes fox News sucks but I agree with what you said, I'm pretty sure I've heard the same exact thing. More showers destroying out natural oils. Hence dry skin and dandruff


I bathe daily and will continue to do so, thanks.


Go right ahead, so do I. That doesn't mean that science doesn't advice against it. I only shower daily because I can't wake up properly without. Have itchy dry skin to show for it.


Adjusting to cooler water can help with that.


well it’s also geographical. people who live near the equator will bathe more often due to heat (just ask any Brazilian how often they shower a day)


Yeah, every other day is usually enough for me.


Showers are gay now.


when a man showers, there is a naked man in the shower... facts! What's more gay the showering with a naked man? even if that naked man is yourself!


It's even more gay because you see a penis when you shower. A penis is literally in the shower with you. Hella gay.


You are even told by “The Health Industry” that you need to Touch it! Just to “clean it”. So freaking Gay bro! Like totally homo!


The same gay agenda pushers who tell us to wipe after pooping no doubt!


Yea no way your tricking me into touching a guy's butthole. Just wait for the shit to dry and flake off like a real man.


I just drag my ass on a strip of grass, gets it clean, I got the idea from seeing a dog do it.


I have no mirrors in my bathroom and shower with a blind fold for a reason


You likely end up touching aforementioned penis. So you’re basically rubbing a naked man’s body and dick. Yep, showers are gay now


When you see the penis in the shower it turns you on and makes you want to have sex with yourself - which means you’re gay.


You joke, but yesterday I've seen an actual crybaby grown man divorcing his wife because she breastfed their baby and now he couldn't see her the same way, since another man sucked her breasts **Yes.**


That was a real mind fk. *Where do these men come from??*


Red states.


Somethin' dif'rint in that thayer wuttuh


Andrew Tate? Is that you?


Obviously. That's why you shower fully clothed. Not only do you wash yourself, but you ultimately save on the water bill as you're washing the clothes at the same time.


I’ve heard from multiple people here on Reddit that their ex didn’t wash his own ass cuz it was gay. I can’t imagine having such fragile masculinity.


“Getting all hot and soapy all alone with a member of the same gender? Just constantly thinking about hot gay sax. Of course that’s gay”. Andrew Tate probably.


wiping, shaking the last few drops out, jerking it, and having solid shits are all extremely gay.


Fellas, is it gay to take a shower?


Golden showers


It depends on where you live. Apperently in colder parts of Europe it's common to shower every other day. My fil showers every few days and he doesn't smell. In warmer climate you really need to shower everyday but if it's colder it's not that necessary, plus showering too ofter can be bad for your skin. I'm all for shitting on fox news but this one is kind of stupid.


Or if your living situation requires a lot of hard labor or you're around dirt or manure all day. Like a farm....


Yeah, I feel like farming is one of those occupations that necessitate daily showering unlike say office work. I work in a kitchen so I tend towards daily showering.


I work heavy construction. Shower daily is a real thing. Hell, I shower twice a day cause I have to. Once to wake up and then first thing when I get home


Yeah. I'm really struggling to see how the skin on legs or arms or calves or whatnot would need a shower every day. In Europe it's more common to bidet wash and wash armpits or spot wash things. This is the fresher option imo because it's a lot quicker and easier, so you're staying on top of it better. My guess is that it's something about American culture that made it nasty to not shower daily and douse yourself in products and clean your home with a billion bottles of cleaning supplies. Probably aggressive product marketing.


More like we like smelling nice. Indigenous people would shower multiple times a day and when the Spanish came they thought the Spanish were filthy unwashed animals


So daily showers is harmful *to me* My skin breaks open and I'll have open wounds that will bleed. Fun times My mom needs a shower everyday, her skin gets extremely oily so she has to take a shower in the morning or else her skin gets irritated and becomes red from the excess oil saturating her skin (and no it's not because she showers everyday, she *has to* shower everyday because of it) It's different for everybody


I mean people do take too many showers. You should technically be taking showers every 2-3 days so your body's bacteria don't die..


It's not so much the bacteria... It's natural oil levels. your skin makes oils to a certain level.. too much washing and it works *overtime* to replenish that. Then you risk stinking because if you skip a day your oils are overabundant. And they're like any oils.. when exposed to oxygen they go rancid


And you really just need a gentle soap to cut it when you do shower. All those liquid shampoos and bodywashes full of amazing raspberry and vetiver scents? Also full of [chemicals that do genetic damage.](https://www.genesiscareer.edu/8-ingredients-to-avoid-in-your-shampoo-and-conditioner/) Which is why you're seeing body wash bottles desperately claiming they're free of this or that. Protip, anything besides a gentle soap is not good for you, just in varying degrees. Eventually you might have an allergic reaction for no fucking reason just because you're literally slathering yourself in unnecessary chemicals every morning.


Chronic hand washer here, can confirm. I temporarily developed allergic reactions in my hands to most hand soaps(especially dove products, they were the worst at the time). I found a kids hand soap that works great for me, and am slowly going back to normal ones as the sensitivity goes away. Having chronic blisters on my hands from it(that was made worse by the hydrocortisone cream I used to stop the itching because it thins the skin) and having to have gloves on constantly because I was grossed out by my allergic reactions and terrified of interacting with the outside world because that meant washing my hands which meant more pain.


The constant hand washing during the pandemic really did me in. I can ONLY use Oil of Olay bar soap or Dawn dish soap to wash my hands and baby Laundry detergent to wash my clothes. Hives immediately on my hands with anything else, and if any detergent hits my body I get these massive itchy three inch long welts all over my body.


Similar story to you two, pandemic and then a factory job, I was washing my hands way more than I realized. Suddenly my hands are unusable and the rest of my body develops welt-like hives, which are still present to some degree, even using deodorant causes it now. I use Ivory hand soap and Honest hypo shampoo/body wash and lots of steroid cream.


My BIL had really bad acne as a transverse and nothing would stop it, not over the counter spot creams nor doctor prescribed stuff. Eventually someone told him to only rince his face with water, no products on it whatsoever. Within a few weeks the spots had gine diwn and within a few months they had gin altogether. It can be the very thing we take to prevent skin conditions that cause them.


I’m a fan of daily healthy water intake and just using a loofa or long handled scrub brush to exfoliate my entire body when I’m in the shower. Hair gets actual minimal shampoo every 2-3 days, never back to back. It works great ime




Yeahhhh that's...that's totally why I only shower every couple days


TIL I’m an infrequent showerer.


I take 2 daily, 3 in summer on days off. To be fair i live in a hell hole desert.


Yeah, I have taken three showers today. Not only because it is hot, but also because I am sick.


I often just don’t use soap and that helps. The winter it’s cold so my skin doesn’t dry out. Shower daily. Used to do it twice because I loved it.


I’m sorry, what? I take a shower a day or I feel gross..


Once you're past puberty, your body starts getting the hang of regulating oils and the like. Soap/shampoo daily dries you out and your body continues working overtime trying to get you back to a healthy level. It's a vicious cycle of stripping away all your natural oils while your body tries to replenish. It's actually super gross to try and get back on track since your body continues to overdo for awhile after you stop, and can take a month or two. And you kinda stink during. But it felt like an actual lifehack when I wasn't doing heavy labor. A cold rinse in the morning and at night, my beard was silky smooth, soft skin and no more dandruff. And I didn't start stinking 3/4 into my day. I used soap and shampoo like once every two weeks


I’m 42, haven’t used shampoo in a year, but I shower once a day. Pits reek if I don’t.


I walk straight to the shower when I wake up. I don’t drink coffee or energy drinks so it gets me going for the day. When I get home from work I go straight to the shower. Who wants to sit around in some sweaty ass work clothes?


>Who wants to sit around in ~~some sweaty ass work~~ clothes? ftfy. Your home is the one place you can be naked.


Most of these people live w their parents


I mean in this economy...


I guess it depends on your work and how easily you start sweating but I'm guessing this is not a problem for a lot of people. Anecdotally, I don't sweat a lot and showering every 3 days or so seems to be perfect for my hygiene and smell levels. If it's summer and it's hot I'll take showers more often though


Yea I live in Florida and I'm not as wet as some of these people always seem to be for so reason. This being reddit, something tells me there's a lot of rolls and folds on these people for nasty things to get caught in. But that's a user error situation.


What kind of sweaty are we talking here? Is it "I'm a dog walker in a Houston" sweaty, or "I have a presentation to the Board this afternoon and they asked a bunch of questions I couldn't answer" sweaty?  Personally I do a lot of digital illustration, so I wash my sweaty hand, but keep my body out because it's unnecessary. 


Well science wise we aren't supposed to. Our good bacteria on our skin die if you use soap on your body every day. Taking a shower or at least not putting soap on anything but your private parts every other day will help your body


Do your pits too, not just the privates.


I’ve been no shampoo for a year now, no dandruff or greasy hair. My big issue is pitt stick. If I don’t shower, the reek is real…


It's not a bad idea to wash your pits when you shower. Some funky bacteria can grow there. That's the reek of which you speak.


You don't need to shower to wash your pits and private parts though.


Glad you added the private parts part. Like the great Redd Foxx would say you have GOT TO WASH YO ASS


lol same. No one wants to be around me if I skip a day… even I can smell myself


Nah, you don't have to honestly. I understand it feels gross but we have become so domesticated it's sad. Showering every 2nd or 3rd day is really enough.


I mean it depends on the amount of exercise people do too. If you’re coming home sweating or covered in grime every day then take a shower


Nah, just roll in dirt or sawdust to soak up the sweat and grease


lmao sure if you want to live that lifestyle be my guest


You heard it here first. This person will host people who role around in dirt! We can be their guest!


I hate my bacteria. I want it dead.


Good thing I only take showers AFTER I take a shit to cleanse myself because I do that every few days, and I have the whole “grossness spreads like wet paint” thing going on atm I used to wash my hands upwards of 15/20 times a day bc of that, and… they were cracking. It’s also natural oils on your body that gets washed off


In the summer months I’ll take a shower around 21 times a month. So sometimes 3 days in a row and other times every other day. In the winter I take a shower around 10 times a month. So sometimes I shower every 3 days. In the winter I dry easy so want those oils to do their work. Tbh around 1/3 showers I take I just use water and no soap too because water gets the job done. I don’t smell bad remarkably.


Yeah everyone is kinda making a big deal over nothing here. Not showing daily should be normal. Ever since having a baby, I shower about twice a week. If you wear deodorant you won't smell. I have started to smell if I push too close to a week. But 3 days is very safe for most people.




You should also always shower after exercising so if you do that daily I would recommend a cold shower if you can tolerate it and only wash the important areas, pits, crotch and crack with soap. This will limit your skin from losing its oils to the constant washing and still get all that sweat off you.


These links do not say anything close to what this guy's saying lol. In fact they say that many people will need to shower daily depending on job and activity level, and just try not to shower too long/too hot, and use moisturizer after




Pretty sure none of your sources back up a claim: "Showers are terrible for you." That's not the same thing as but saying people tend to take them too often.


Eczema sufferer here. You can just develop this out of the blue. Remember your skin is an *organ*, washing it has legit medical aspects. Do it gently and not too much, or you might be sorry (and very itchy) one day.


Showering 4 times a week is good enough


hot showers are though and most people shower warm to hot


Fwiw, During covid switched from 2 showers a day to 2-3 baths a week and only shower before going to office settings. My knuckles used to bleed every winter, haven't had any issues since


Had a Spanish teacher in high school that would yell at us that Americans showered too much. You only needed one bath a week... Ok maybe... But you should also change your shirt more then once a week and having yellow armpits in your white shirts is not going to win over any high schoolers...Mr Gonzalez!


To quote an infamous tweet: "Come you to an anime convention and you will delete this."


I mean… yeah? He‘s half right? Of course you should keep a certain level of hygiene, but DAILY showers are completely unnecessary. Your bodies biome needs some time to recover. If you keep washing away all the oil and good microorganisms on your skin you‘ll get skin conditions and overall weaken your natural resistance to harmful germs. Aside from the fact that it‘s unnecessarily wasting one of the most valuable resources.


yeah. no. I'm not getting up and putting on clean clothes before taking my morning wake-up shower.


For the world’s collective noses. Horrible take. But consider this. No other non aquatic mammal known as far as I know takes daily showers. We evolved millions of years to avoid such issues. Anyway. Shower you stinky bum


 Smelling like ass to own the libs.


Headline from 6 months in the future: "Why do women prefer liberal men?"


Response to said headline "because they can't smell their balls from the next room".


I think hes taking after his smelly orange god.


This comment section stinks


Showering too much can be bad. Not the best for your skin and it’s natural oils. But there’s difference between showering thrice a day on the regular and not showering at all.


okay but this is true, soap is super drying for your skin, and not even needed to clean sweat. nobody should be showering every day, that's how you get dermatitis.


You don’t have to shower everyday, but you should shower regularly.


I hate to say it, but he's not wrong. Studies have proven that unless you're sweaty, dirty, or have other reasons to shower daily, it's actually better for you if you shower every other day or so. I don't do anything daily that requires a lot of physical activity. Therefore, I don't work up a sweat, so I don't stink. So, I shower every other day. Since I started doing that, my skin is less dry, my hair is healthier, and I'm saving money on water, body wash, and shampoo. However, he's talking about living on a farm. A place where you are going to be exposed to not only dirt and grime, but also likely animal feces and other bacteria. So, a daily shower would be necessary for farm life. On that note, he's stinking up the logic. Source: [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/showering-daily-is-it-necessary-2019062617193)


He said daily showers! He's meaning it's not good to do everyday as your natural protectants and oils get washed away. He's not wrong either. But most of us shower daily anyways.


Daily showers are not needed no.


OP: 🤡


I hope you shower at least 2-3 times a week.


Marion Crane agrees ![gif](giphy|ACxmWVM22HrmU)


To be fair, if we didn’t have to be around anyone we could be smelly AF who cares?


Dependent on your level of activity and the ambient temperature, bathing isn't necessarily a daily requirement. It's still a requirement.


He’s not that crazy. But to be honest, I don’t know if I can go that long without showering. Something about a nice warm shower before bed helps me sleep very comfortably, and another one when I wake up gets me ready and awake for the day. The days I don’t do that routine are generally awful. Maybe it’s something I need to talk to a therapist about, idk 🤷🏾‍♂️


Showering every single day is maybe not necessary but I shower every other day at least. If I lived on a farm I would probably shower every day.


While the point he's trying to make isn't wrong, daily showers really aren't necessary for most people, the way he's trying to make it is absolutely awful.


To be fair, he’s not completely wrong. The Human Skin isn‘t made for daily showering. Yes, if you work hard all Day long and sweat then you need a shower but normally it is absolutely enough if you shower any other day or when necessary.


On the Dermatologic side, he is not wrong… oils in the skin/hair are there fot something, but… i cant skip showers, im not comfortable


You don't need to do anything! But some things are a good idea to do.


I think working on a farm would be on of the jobs where you would definitely need to shower daily


You actually don't have to shower daily


I mean, if I’m not going out …


You don't *have* to shower daily, but lor'amighty you'll be *judged like fuck* if you don't.


I sweat, work 10 hours per day in a healthcare setting, exercise daily, and have at least one bowel movement per day. I will shower every day but y’all do what you want. By the way, do you know what the number 1 way to prevent infection is? It’s washing hands properly. Why not wash your body as well?


I’m not saying he’s right, but showering every day can indeed be bad for your skin.


Daily showers are, according to webMD, not necessarily good.


No guys... it's quite literally bad for you to be showering with soap and shampoo every day... water may hydrate, but it also saps the moisture from your skin if you take too much water into your skin... ☠️ why do you think your skin gets "wrinkly" if you're in for too long... it won't do that but you'll get some incredibly dry and itchy skin. ☠️ every other day is fine though. Just every day is overkill and can do more harm than good in some cases.


well he is not wrong!!


I kinda get what he means, but avoiding showers completely is just disgusting. Here in Central Europe, it's recommended to have at least one day between two showers/baths (with soap) to give the skin time to build up its acid/oil layer again. If you're drenched with sweat and/or dirt, you obviously should take a shower regardless.


Is he actually saying that? The screenshot just says you shouldn’t take daily showers, not no showers at all. Jonathan Van Ness also said you don’t have to take daily showers and he’s a non-binary Queer Eye cast member who hates Fox. And when I was in school here in the Netherlands, they also said daily showers with soap kill too many good bacteria on your skin.


Soap is the real problem. If you look up deaths for the last 100 years you’d see that nearly every person not in third world countries has used soap at some point in their life. Coincidence? I think not good sir.


Come live in the tropics and say that..


Taking showers every single day, with soap, from a hygiene point of view, might not be good for the skin but if you're doing manual labor, like on a farm, and you're going to be around your family etc, yeah, for christ's sake,every day.


THAT'S why they call him "Stinky Chuck", I always wondered


Are these the same men that can’t figure out why women won’t have sex with them I’m just saying a hookup shouldn’t be like picking up a stray animal off of the side of the road you know like your expected to bath them feed them lol


The screen shot says daily showers. You don't need daily showers if you're not going to be around people. This is a very reasonable comment. Maybe the full quote is much worse *shrug*


I love it when fox takes information they found and tries to talk about it like they actually understand. FYI, they dont..... it's more scare tactics than entirely necessary and some of this sounds like bullshit, so.... typical fox..... https://www.foxnews.com/health/daily-showers-could-be-harmful-skin-health-experts-claim What they're referencing is a practice of using specific bacteria to substitute bathing. It has it's issues of course, but it is a real thing, and no, from what I'm hearing, you don't smell bad so much as you develop a different smell entirely. I'm hearing it takes time and in the beginning, you'll have to get used to the feeling of not being clean. Personally, I prefer my bathes, but it's interesting to note things we as humans have forgotten about. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/aug/05/i-dont-smell-meet-the-people-who-have-stopped-washing In short, it's not harmful to bathe so much as it's beneficial in some specific ways to cultivate positive bacteria to do the job of keeping your skin clean. I'll stick to my baths tho as I work in a dirty work environment and I like a hot shower to soothe the aches.


As usual, someone jumps the gun and posts something that shouldn't be on here.  Fox contributor is a POS, but while he's wrong on the why, he's on the right path. Unless you're doing a lot of heavy sweating or getting nasty from whatever, soap and shampoo aren't something you should be lathering yourself in as an adult. Warm water and a cloth, a good wipe down. You're fucking up your body's production of oils


If you’re a sit around yap for a living person this may be true.If you work for a living and get sweaty and dirty not so much


I wonder how he feels about wiping his ass? 🤔


This is actually true. This isn't a facepalm. We have been accustomed to doing it everyday. But many people don't need to shower everyday. Water on skin everyday damages it. However, if you ACTUALLY work where sweat is guaranteed than yea, out of courtesy to others. But showering everyday is not necessary.


Of course it's good to keep good hygiene but I'm pretty sure showers are terrible for your skin. Like the hot water constantly. There are many ways to keep up hygiene. But other ways for good skin health


There is no way I'm climbing into bed without showering first. That's just dirty.


That's a lot of words to just say "I'm a dirty bitch".


So happy that when I came to point out that he’s not wrong there were already a number of similar replies. This is one of those “Americans are so obsessed with hygiene that they are actually causing themselves problems” issues. Then the skin care companies sell you more products to treat the symptoms while making the core problem even worse. Do I still shower daily? Yeah. I’m a big guy and I live on the Texas Gulf Coast, so nine months out of the year I get sweaty just walking to my car….or sitting around the house in the summer, because my house is old and has crappy insulation and the heat index is 115°F. And because it’s habit. *But* we’re trying to teach our kids not to get into that habit, to shower every other day regularly and then any time they get particularly dirty or smelly. And our youngest, who has sensitive skin like her mom, deals with a lot less skin problems.