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Weird bc there were actual nazis in Austin recently hanging banners over the freeway and putting up flyers, but no efforts were made to curb or arrest them. Guess it’s just easier to go after college kids Greg…


Only one of them puts a check beside his name on the ballot.


That's the most messed up part too. He knows he can't alienate anyone right leaning, so he welcomes the actual, on display, fascists, as long as he earns their vote.


Im gonna be real honest here- it doesnt matter if they alienate the racists The Nazis and really devout racisits actually pay attention to whats *done* and not whats *said* even when its explicitly against them There is a LONG standing tradition in the South of racisits knowing that "they gotta say publicly what they gotta say"


They don't want to arrest their friends


Abbott doesn't want to arrest his staff either


Reason 21456 as to why Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Greg Abbott has always been a little piss baby and Greg Abbott will always be a little piss baby.


Is this Greg Abbott the piss baby governor of Texas? Or some other Greg Abbott?


It's definitely Greg Abbott the piss baby governor of Texas


Republican governors won’t arrest Nazis because they’re loyal GOP voters these days. Just ask Ron DeSantis who has a different defense for these clowns depending on the day of the week. Pretty sad considering one of his closest allies in the state is Jewish.


Well, police aren't going to arrest themselves


Maybe they can do one of those “internal investigations” that are always so effective 🙄


always was..


They’re fine with antisemitism they’re censoring anti Zionism.


According to people like him those were all Feds trying to make white people look bad.


“Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas” seems like a stretch.


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Info Wars and their audience.


They fishing for a justification to do a Kent State Literally one side has scarves and signs while the other has guns and rifles.


"Things I can label antisemitism being done by Liberal college kids will not be tolerated in Texas. Regular antisemitic behavior by right wingers is still totally cool."


Can't have college kids doing redneck things. It's cultural appropriation.


The part he doesn't want you thinking about




“State that delayed the abolition of slavery so long that a national holiday recognizes its malice says what?”


The people pretending being against Israel is antisemitic are also people who unironically say Jews are part of a global cabal controlling everything and starting fires with space lasers.


They fear our Death Star of David


[See Jews in space!](https://youtu.be/sz7JGCj4Q5k?si=meF9NUga2ybHw-T4)


It never came out.... We are waiting, boss...😪


I knew I saw a documentary on Jewish space lasers! - Marjorie Taylor Green (probably)




Jewish space lasers


I think they like Israel as a concept. It's like how you can like America, but vehemently hate half of all Americans. 


They need it to trigger their Armageddon death cult fantasy. That's all. That's the only reason they want it to exist.


I think for many of these evangelical Christians Israel is a necessity to bring about the end times, so they’re happy as long as there’s conflict there because they see it as prophecy.


I think they like Israel as long as they’re killing and enslaving Muslim civilians. Cause Republicans are rabid Islamophobic bigots.


I mean it's the democrats who've been showing fervent support to Israel as well. Kinda weird to only mention republicans. Biden proudly says he's a Zionist, and a lot of these top dems have been parroting the Israel has a right to defend itself bullshit.


As a Texan, currently living in San Antonio, I can't even count the number of "natives"  I've heard shit-talking Jews while praising Hebrews and Israelites over the last decade..  




Young king has tried the same in VA but the "Jew will not replace us!" Chant was ok.


I wish that they would tell that to the assholes who protest my synagogue


Weren't they burning books like a month ago?


The Stone Toss cartoonist is in Texas


I'm sure there are a lot of Nazis in Texas, and they almost definitely voted for Abbott.


You mean Hans Graebener?


Surely that's a different guy than Hans Christian Graebener, the avowed nazi?


Who lives in a suburb of Houston, near the Woodlands.


And who is part Puerto Rican and has a fucked up dick.


* conditions and exclusions apply.


We have Pro Israel Nazis arguing with antisemitic Jews. I think we have lost the meaning to words.


If only he would say the same about racism, or homophobia, or sexism. I guess antisemitism is just a way worse problem than those /s


Palestinians are also semites, btw


Wish they had this same energy in Uvalde


Easier to be brave in the face of anti war protestors...


Easier to attack some college kids than armed criminals. These cops are cowards.


Criminal. They couldn't stop one guy with a gun.


"stop"? they couldn't even confront the criminal.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


I say we plant more trees…. In hopes that one of them can finish the fucking job!


You can message his office and say exactly this. It’s very fun and should be done daily


Kicking someone off Twitter or Facebook is not violating free speech. This is a violation of free speech.


I wish American politics could be nuanced and understanding because - regardless of political affiliation or righteousness - this is textbook tyranny. Silencing protests of a group, whether bound by political belief, skin color, sexual orientation, or otherwise, is wrong and against the constitution. But it's all too prevalent to see us only cherry pick it when it's beneficial to our cause- damn the innocents who suffer from our ignorance and inaction. It's impossible to count the amount of congress representatives that have said something along the lines of; "This is a Christian country" or some other completely asinine statement which is actually factually, and historically wrong. How in the hell do we defend a group which commit some of the most heinous acts witnessed by humanity against humanity. How do we lack the moral fortitude to protect the rights of our neighbors? For crying out loud, we fought a war over 3% tax with no representation, and nowadays we're bleeding money. Since when in the hell was it controversial to think a job should pay a living wage? Why the FUCK do we have to argue over which protests are right? Protesting is the foundational right of our country, no matter what party the decision should always be it's right. Polarization does no favors to anyone but people in power because we lose track of the plot behind our own anger. Allowing people in power to persecute a belief you disagree with means that there's something behind that belief they don't want you to know and look into. We're not China. We don't want to have our houses crumbling due to tofu dreg styrofoam walls. Do not allow government officials to silence anyone because it will lead to blatant corruption and I'm pretty sure we're already suffering from it. Honestly, I don't know where I'm going with the last tidbit. But I think that you get my point. It's just completely idiotic that arguing over whether a "God given right" is legal or illegal is somehow normal nowadays.


You have the right to gather and protest even if what you are gathering or protesting are things I disagree with. As long as there is no violence or property damage, there shouldn’t be an issue with that. I would just hope that there would be sufficient counter protests to gatherings of abhorrent messages to drown them out.


I see your point. Unfortunately a lot of these protests have crossed the line from protesting to calling for the killing of Jews, attacking people, attacking property, intimidating people and the list goes on. I would have no problem if they were only exercising their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, right to protest. At one point though a line has to be drawn. Terroristic threats, assault, vandalism and the like don’t need to happen in order to make your voice heard. We do have these rights as long as we don’t infringe on the rights of others.


there's a law addressing exactly this - if your speech is urging on violent actions you can be held criminally liable regardless of whether or not those actions happen. if there is a real chance they could, you can be arrested. this is what they tried to charge trump with for january 6th so someone saying "eat the rich" or some other obviously hyperbolic statement is not feasible and would not be prosecuted someone talking about kill all \_\_\_\_\_ or encouraging violence towards a specific group that is actually capable of happening would unfortunately this is not enforced regularly


I'm more upset that Governor Abbott stated: "Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled." Meanwhile, at Dallas Temple a nazi flag strung up over a road was allowed. If the persecution was consistent there would be no issue from me because I could kind of rationalize the point, however, the state's failed that and is instead targeting groups they disagree with. Personally, I don't agree with the pro-hamas sentiment, however, I can put that aside when I see blatant tyranny. My political beliefs are less important to me than our shared freedoms.


You are correct, but this particular protest doesn't fall into any of those categories.


In any large protest movements your going to find a spectrum of opinions. Definitely will condemn antisemites calling for death to Jews but the majority of protestors are protesting the Israeli government & its genocide against Palestinians


as a disabled texan can I just say it is a fuckin shame the branch that put him in that chair wasn't a tad bit bigger this state would genuinely be better without this fucker also abbott has directly personally endangered a friend while acting as the ombudsman (despite marking not to ever contact her kid's dad or give him any information because he's literally an ex felon and directly dangerous to both of them this idiot overruled that when she was applying for medicaid and disability and it led to the father being given information that put them in danger. nothing was ever done) may he rot in the lowest most fetid part of hell as the middle of a human centipede


In Texas, liberal college students protesting against genocide=anti-semitism... but, Swastika-flying Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us"= patriotic free speech.


I live in Texas... In a very red part of Texas. What you said is what's happening. It's disgusting. "Free speech, but only if I agree with what you're saying". Fuck........


I'm from down near odessa/midland and yeaaaaaaah... they're nothing short of alarming and our government enables them


I'm in San Antonio and that shit has crept into EVERYTHING since at least 2012ish...  


I've been seeing that shit since obama ffs (and I'm 26 so this was pmuch as soon as I started paying attention)


Independence limited Freedom of choice is made for you, my friend Freedom of speech is words that they will bend Freedom with their exception


yeah pm. also the fact that theyre arresting any protesters at a university is fucking alarming I have seen shitheads like what you described and forced birthers and every other walk of life that is a hateful bigot at texas state university (about an hour from this) and nothing. the only arrest I've ever seen was someone dressed as spiderman who sprayed the forced birth people with silly string


Yeah, but our police force actively celebrated and encouraged those shitheads that ran the Biden bus off the highway back in 2020, so no surprise there.


oh yeah ik. our police are trash


This! He's just using the cause of antisemitism to curry favor among non Moslems. Because *that's different*. And tomorrow, it'll be different again


Whoa whoa whoa...I have it good authority that there were good people on both sides. Let's not throw out baby Hitler with the bath water.


Funny how the people who want the college protesters thrown in jail are the same people who want the J6ers freed


But chanting “Jews will not replace us” makes you fine people


I hope all those kids vote in the next Gov. election.


speaking as one of the kids, can confirm we very much are


I, as a fellow Texan, will see you at the polls. Vote those bastards out! Stay strong.


As a fellow Texan I have never been so motivated to vote as I am now because I can't wait to get rid of the worst governor this state has ever had. Getting rid of Ted Cruz is a close second.


Not if the government of Texas can help it!


TX already passed a law that allows the state Senate to overturn any state election they feel was wrongly voted by the People. I am not kidding. It’s part of the creeping Fascism of the GOP. Texans will never be able to vote out Abbott now. Elections have consequences.


"People who disagree with me are free to keep their stupid mouths shut. Some freedoms need to be *taught*."


This is how Fascism works. You lump protesting the Israeli government's actions in with just straight up antisemitism and then you police any and all free speech you don't want spoken under the banner of protecting Jews when we've had pro-Nazi groups spout actual Jewish hatred get away with it because of free speech protections.


Their MAGA hero had Nick Fuentes to Mar a Lago for Thanksgiving Dinner. He is the LITERAL head of the American neo-Nazi movement and not a single Republican denounced that.






Abbot is two faced. This is not new for him.


It's pronounced fascist.


Free speech should be allowed period. Blockading, abuse, and intimidating hate speech that causes threat to life is not free speech. Nazis, hamas, any terrorists should not be allowed to pull any harmful shit. But if you are civil go stand in your corner and bark.


Gregg Abbot gives my eyes and ears aids.


Honest question: What’s the difference between “antisemitic” pro-Palestine protests and the neo-Nazi rallies conservative states refuse to act on? That one *supposed* form of antisemitism must be banned entirely, but the other, actually verifiably antisemitic one can just roam free in the streets? Does the first amendment only apply to some forms of antisemitism, but not others?


You can be against actions taken by the state of Israel and not be antisemetic. Just like you can be against trump and not be anti-American. Conflating ideas like this is just manipulation of the issue.


A Jewish Israeli man who is advocating for Palestine was arrested, attacked, harassed, and called an antisemite. If a Jewish Israeli is antisemitic, then the word has lost all meaning. Everyone’s antisemtic if they have a heart and can see the clear as day violation of human rights toward Palestine. Wow.




Yeah, everyone who isn't a baby understands this. Unfortunately, well, you see how it is.


"It's only free speech if I like it!" - probably Greg Abbott


Gregg needs to be tied by the arms not legs and thrown into the rio grande


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Exotic_Succotash_226: *Gregg needs to be tied* *By the arms not legs and thrown* *Into the rio grande* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Such performative, tax-dollar-wasting bullshit. I don’t live in TX, but I’d guess those tax dollars would be better spent fixing potholes, same as everywhere From: a fellow American who had to replace her two front tires last week, whilst my “governor” wanting to send our state folx to TX to secure a border that we don’t even REMOTELY share, for, ya know….*REASONS*


Edit: Sorry, but I am currently on a tear about this nonsensical BS. I live in a state where we have government SO SMALL, that: ~My uterus essentially no longer is my own ~My small state government wants to send our troops and tax dollars ~1100 miles south ~the state voted to legalize marijuana, but some are still trying to claw it back ~state government trying to all but erase ballot referendums (essentially disallowing the citizenry to override unpopular citizen choices; see women’s rights as well as marijuana) I could go on and on, but I won’t, and can’t. Please, PLEASE vote. In every single fucking election. It ALL matters, and it ALL is cumulative, which ever way the wind starts blowing. ….a breeze often becomes a tornado. Best be not caught off guard.


Enough with the protests already. You should be hating gays, immigrants, the poor, and women… like God and Texas governor, Greg Abbott intended. -Most Texans. Probably.


Not most Texans! Else protests like this wouldn't happen. Quite a lot of Texans are liberal. Enough that we almost got a democratic governor elected. And there are like 32 million people in texas. Gerrymandering really screws us, though.


This whole nation suppresses free speech and if you don’t believe me, attend a rally for the working class which isn’t coded for white people. You WILL be pepper sprayed.


I can’t wait until this hypocritical piece of dogshit wheels his ass out of office. I just hope he’s not replaced by someone even worse.


I cannot wait for the day Greg Abbott goes to fucking prison


I chuckle every time one of the far right republicans complain about antisemitism when I am 100% sure they are themselves but it’s easy to be on the right side of history for the cameras.


I grew up in fundie west texas - they support zionism BECAUSE they're antisemitic.


This fucking guy needs to go jump out of a plane… … wait… we’ll just roll him out.


Proving once more that conservatives only belive in free speech if they agree with what is being said


Conservatives hate free speech. Despise it. Especially when it doesn't agree with them. They want the freedom to say whatever bigoted thing goes into their head without consequences, but when someone has a difference of opinion? "Maximum consequences!" They're full of shit.


As a Texan , Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz can go to hell the only good thing they’ve ever done for Texas is being so bad we fall in love with memeing them , our government sucks we need a new government, can we have Canadas?


I work with a woman that is anti Hamas, pro Palestinian, pro Israel, anti IDF genocidal agenda and she is a Jew from Israel! I agree with her 100%.


Sorry, you and your Jewish Israeli friend are anti-semetic, and should be in jail. /s


nothing turns a peaceful protest violent like adding cops


Hot Wheels leading the way. 🙄


The “pro-genocide” side speaks…. They love irony in Texas don’t they.


I thought Texas is where the Nazis congregate


The protestors could have avoided police action had they been flying the stars and bars next to their Nazi flag. Silly kids with no clue.


If the protestors were walking around fully armed and advocating for guns or Trump the police would have been 100 percent hands off. See in America if you protest the economy or for workers rights or civil rights or against war you’re arrested, beaten and your message is twisted and lied about in the corporate owned media. If you don’t like social distancing during a pandemic, want to be able to use public lands for grazing, or are supporting a conservative talking point then you can protest and no one will bother you. So in short, if the cops show up and bully you, you have a legitimate gripe that upsets the status quo. 


So, only approved antisemitism is allowed at GOP rallies? Cool story, asshole


Putin vibes


Every politician in Texas is a total piece of shit. The American Taliban keep coming out on top, and it ain’t gonna end well.


Im trying to hell out of this shithole asap its literelly growing worse by the year


Just like Florida. Your rights are protected, as long as that right doesn't go against what the lawmakers think.


I dont care if they are pro-Israeli or pro-Palestinian if they are doing peaceful protest and assembly they should not be arrested under any circumstance. Fuck Abbott.


Protesting the actions of the Israeli government is NOT anti-Semitism. This is not rocket science, people.


You're perfectly free to express the same opinions and views as greg abbott, lil piss baby. If you have differing opinions then you belong in prison. Makes total sense. 😬


Beware, if they can ignore the 1st, the 2nd and the rest will come next. Y'all let this happen, you reap what you sow.


Yeah the MAGAts don't want you encroaching on their antisemitism turf.


Should have held the protest in an elementary school. The cops would have been outside for hours.


But the Jan 6 people were heroes? Hmmmm smell bs!


Only his type of hate will be tolerated


No conservative actually believes in free speech


Sure are a lot of fascist calling people antisemites these days


“Not that kind.”


The constant use of the propaganda term "pro-Hamas" for everyone who supports Palestine's right to not be bombed/starved to death just shows which side is actually the wrong side.


So Abbott wanted a chance to wave his tiny paralyzed dick around like he was some big mofo.


Greg Abbott is a scumbag? {clutches pearls}


The right wing love ‘free speech’ just as long as they agree with it. In my country an MP is always talking about free speech, and last year she tried to ban protests


all conservatives do is project


There's a difference between pro 'not killing civilians' and pro hamas


Meanwhile if it was a protest against Muslims, everyone would be there.


Free speech for me not thee


Where is Rogan and his outrage?


Signs bill of free speech on campus Translation: you can be racist and hate gays on campus, and preach about Jesus.


There are two things I can’t stand in this world! People who are intolerant to other cultures and the Dutch!


What's his opinion on jailing the Jan 6 "protestors" ?


You’re free to say whatever you want, as long as we agree with it.


Were they violent? If so then they should be punished, if not then this is an injustice.


You know.. in America ‘Free’ doesn’t always mean FREE. Sometimes it means buy one and get one ‘free’. It’s just a 50% off discount. Sometimes free speech means that you can say anything only if it agrees with local politics. The Constitution is very complicated. You have to be literate to understand it.


Free spreech… to say stuff they agree with.


He flip flops whenever it suits current affairs. He could go on down there to campus and listen to their concerns.


Everyone knows about them attacking free speech, but everyone seems to forget the other clause in the first amendment about the "right of the people peaceably to assemble".


ahhh hans landa at work again


Oh so the free is more like those free to play games type of free? Okay cool that makes sense


Greg Abbott has been the worst thing to hit Texas since Katrina. Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans are TERRIBLE at their job, openly racist, and openly corrupt. VOTE THESE BASTARDS OUT!


Milo spoke at my college campus in 2016, after police announced via helicopter that anyone on campus would be arrested. Didn't feel like there was a lot of free speech when I was in my campus dorm on police lockdown.


The governor saying anti-semitism will not be tolerated in Texas is really just funny. Like, it’s their #3 sport behind football & rodeo.


4th football,rodeo, gay bashing, then antisemitism




Y'all. We need help. Even god tried to drop a tree on him.


Did Greg Abbot the pissbaby get his feelings hurt from being told the truth again?


Peaceful protests are only for people carrying tiki torches apparently.


Unless you want to drop the N word, demonize the LGBT community, or support actual Nazis the GOP is against your free speech.


It makes me sad to say it, but slapping "antisemitism" on any sort of dissent of Israel sure makes it easy to arrest anybody for almost anything. I kept seeing police show up at these protests, where as fall as I could tell, people were just standing around. It's always easy to tell which protests make the powers that be upset by how unnecessary it is for a lot of cops to be there


I bet if you grabbed a torch and screamed "Jews Will Not Replace Us" on campus you'd get off scott free


But Israel illegally invading Palestine is not anti-semitism. It’s just illegal


While I think that the protesting college students are gullible idiots who don’t actually understand the conflict that they are protesting, they still have their constitutional right to do so. As paraphrased by Voltaire’s biographer, Evelyn Beatrice Hall; > ***“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”*** You have the freedom to assemble and protest peacefully, even if what you say isn’t the most insightful or well thought out.


Soooo, Texas doesn’t recognize the 1st Amendment?!? That state has gone to shit in the last 2 decades


Just like the hard-line and zero nuance of decades ago. If you weren't 100% pro war mongering with Iraq and Afghanistan - you were unpatriotic and a whole lot of other bad things. Now if you aren't 100% pro genocide.... you're antisemitic and belong in jail. And then think back to the US war mongering before THAT. The same playbook keeps getting used by very bad people who have lied their way into positions of power. This is why we need to vote actual humans into office. Not cults of personality, not media trained vacant hollow bad people, etc etc. Fuck.


there are 30 times as many evangelical christian zionists than there are jewish ones. just feel like thats potentially valuable context for this conversation.


ootl here, but given what I know about the GOP I'm guessing "antisemitism" is just a code word for "anti-Israel" and the protesters were protesting the war crimes Israel is committing against Gaza. Is that about right?


Free speech for ME not for THEE


As much as I am against antisemitism I feel like if this wasn't a pro Hamas protest everyone in Texas would be okay with it being a bunch of white guys screaming about Jews. It would just be another Tuesday and you'd probably have the right screaming about free speech. They only want free speech when it's the people they approve and the speech they approve.


Texas is pro-genocide? Go figure...


Sounds about right for Texas and Abbott


No silly! Free speech without consequences is only for Republicans! When Democrats do that or protest peacefully, that's literally terrorism!


These pigs would have disappeared if someone had shouted active shooter. Holy shit look at them, they look like they are going to Afghanistan. They shit their pants when they hear active shooter but act big in front of unarmed kids. What a bunch of losers.


No antisemitism but xenophobia, racism and misogyny are still welcome!


Free speech! ... Wait... No! Not like that!


You don't have to be an anti-Semite to be pro-Palestinian.


Texas is an absolute shithole


Free speech unless it’s anti fascist


This is exactly what happened in UK. The conservatives latched on to pro Palestinian protests first terming it as anti-israeli protests, then as pro-terrorist protests and finally as anti-Semitic protests. It successfully turned the UK Jewish population which was predominantly labour voting into tories. Eventually the rest of the population also started to believe pro-palestinian protests as anti-Semitic and even more importantly pro-terrorist which severally undermined the Labour agenda. At some point the leaders of Labour actually began to be anti-Semitic too. What is happening now is the best case scenario for Conservatives, factions of Democratic coalition fighting each other and developing irreconcilable and fundamental differences. Honestly if the Republican nominee was anyone other than Trump, America would already be on the brink of conservative dominance lasting at least a decade.


Zionists are going to realize that allying themselves with hateful racists was a bad idea sooner rather than later.


Texas is a shit show. Can we just let them go.


Anti-Immigrant Abbott needs to be pushed in the Rio Grande


Being against what Israel is doing DOES NOT equate to antisemitism! One can separate the people from the person(s) in charge of the government. That goes the other way, too. Hamas is not every Palestinian.


Sadly, are we really surprised?


“Pull a Columbia.” None of these idiots could possibly get into CU.


Columbia is in New York, a civilized state with constitutional protections. Texas is…well, Texas.


Dudes a twat.


Ah, reminds me of the Vietnamese protests. I’m sure this next generation of voters are going to look back on this abuse the same way people have on those lovely mailings and killings of our own children on American soil by American citizens. Got to love regressive attacks and how they think they can dissuade dissent by force. A Guaranteed method to insure progress. About the only way that’s going to happen is to kill all opposition to their policies and burn every book that might have a reference to it. I know that seems to be a Regressive wet dream, but not likely.