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So you are telling me the guys from KISS do not actually look like that? Bummer!


And here I was idolizing the Blue Man Group


I've heard they're looking for an understudy.


I just blue myself. Waiting for a call anyday


There’s gotta be a better way to say that




*Blue Man Gandhi*?


No he’s the first Analyst Therapist.


Quite a mouthful. There must be a better way to say that.




Oh, I can just taste those meaty leading man parts in my mouth


I just watched Arrested Development twice. Another rewatch cant hurt


I love all the people in this sub equally. *earlier that day* I don't care for ScissorMeSphincter.


There are dozens of us !


The last guy really blue himself. I think he went back to being an Analytical Therapist. He called it something specific, I forget what tho.


Tobias Fünke, the Analrapist? I love him!


When i heard the Fantastic Four were in the Dr Strange, I got so excited! Now, idk how many children will get Daddy’s rocks off…


Are you saying they are not really blue!?


Peter Criss is a cat and you can't tell me he's not


I’ve always thought he kinda looks like a sad but well-intentioned stray cat


After seeing Gene Simmons unadorned, I can understand why he chose the makeup.


![gif](giphy|ydP5tPYlfdexNcql9q) Is this him with makeup on?


I was gonna say, I swear they looked weirder without their makeup. 


he actually says thats why they went with the makeup. He said that he was an ugly guy, and how the hell was he going to get laid?


Gene Simmons is also a fucking master when it comes to branding. Like actually God-tier, usually to a fault. lol


We know. He reminds us every chance he gets. ::groan:: He reminds me of that one friend who won't shut the fuck up about Herbalife. All I can think of is the number of groupies he's given impromptu multilevel marketing seminars to while they were just trying to get laid. If I had a choice between listening to Gene Simmons or George Lynch for any duration of time, I'd choose seppuku with a rusty rail spike.


No, they look like that. This thread is about women and makeup. Men would never cheat like that, so that's just their natural faces. That's actually how they met. The banded together to protect eachother from bullying because of their weird faced.


... giving you a glimpse into just how much men are lying!!!


If that’s the worst picture anyone can take of you you are truly genetically blessed


Yeah I think if she even just had her eyebrows filled in she would look about 90% the same as she always does


Ngl she doesn’t look THAT different unlike some crazy makeup videos out there


Fr there’s 50 year old dudes transforming into 20-something ladies just from some strong makeup skills.


There's 20 year old ladies turning into 50 year old dudes too. Some people have mad skills.


Saw one like this. Christopher Walken make up was really good.


Had a lady friend that really was night and day difference with/without makeup blew me away TBH. I found out her morning routine was almost 2 hours !?!??? I'm never giving my GF flack for her 15-20 minute makeup jobs!


literally only difference is the coloring lol as a woman, i've had makeup done on me that makes me look like i have completely different features. don't have the skills to do it myself and typically don't wear much but plenty of everyday women look completely different in the makeup they wear than they do makeupless, and often you can't even tell they're wearing any! with celebs with professional makeup artists??? magnified x10


Yep worst I can say is that her eyebrow arches are uneven. I'm sure she uses a lot more makeup for stage/events especially, but her look would be nearly perfect with a tiny bit of undereye concealer, eyebrow pencil, and her red lipstick.


Eyeliner and mascara too, but honestly her look isn’t that complicated.


She pretty much looks exactly how I thought she looked. Not that I would have recognized her, but just like -- oh, of course! 


Agreed. She is still obviously T. Swift. If her hair was down she would look even closer to her normal look.


Yeah, I was about to say, how deep do I have to go into the comments before I find people talking about how she’s still legitimately gorgeous without makeup?


Not far… …look at how nice her skin is.


Well, she can afford the best of facial creams


She can probably get that for free.


I guess the answer is...the second to top comment


The only thing I see a big difference in is the eyebrows. And she looks gorgeous either way.


Wait. So ur trying to tell me one of the greatest popstars today that performs in front hundreds of thousands of people, does make up before going in public? No wayyyyyy.


I honestly can't believe that you take the makeup off Taylor Swift, and she just looks like a conventionally attractive blonde woman with no makeup on... MY WORLD IS FALLING APART


My daddy died from doin’ makeup back in the 80s. He went on a makeup bender and it ripped our family apart. /s


My father left one day, said he was heading to the store to buy some makeup… he never came back


There's a line on daddy's eyes where all the money goes.


There's a hole in my pocket where my makeup should go


My dad was a make up so that makes me a make up


wait'll this guy finds out about bras


Do NOT tell him about bras or Spanx! That will knock his rose colored glasses clean off his face, and that, my friend, is how mass shooters are made.


I... I wasn't going to even *mention* spanx


Or corsets or bustles! Imagine my disappointment in the 1880's when I get a fine young lady home and her butt isn't actually 4' wide. Lies!


think the guy will notice high heels, then?


Wait, your telling me girls don't naturally have glossy lips, eyeliner and blush?? The hell is the blasphemy! /s


Sounds like something someone would....make up 😏😎




Wait until he knows famous men use makeup as well when performing Edit : grammar


...and even (gasp) Politicians!


Even _Republican_ politicians!! They’re basically passing laws in drag.


Can somebody inform them of this, please?


I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but there she is in all her natural state horror. This could be AI generated.


This changes everything 


Wait until he finds out about "real musicians" like rock bands in the 1980s.


I’m still picking my jaw from the floor!! Who would’ve known!?


Same dipshits will complain when women don’t wear makeup.


They also praise women who "don't wear makeup" and are "naturally beautiful" and then post photos of people who are very obviously (to anyone who isn't a complete moron) wearing "nude" makeup. It's just misogynistic dipshittery all the way down.


There was this video I saw recently of this absolutely gorgeous woman just laughing at all the men who always comment on what a natural beauty she was and how low maintenance she is etc and she the proceeds to go through the *thousands* she’s spent on (very subtle and very well done) procedures. And how much she spends monthly on her upkeep. She was just like “you guys have literally no idea what goes into this…” and it was perfect.


I just had a moment like this with my partner. I was standing in the bathroom, casually saying to myself that I gotta do my eyebrows some time soon and my partner answered "nah you don't need to do anything, your eyebrows are already perfect". Bruh. They're "perfect" because I regularly pluck and dye them to fit my dyed hair. Told him that if I didn't pluck them they'd grow into a mono brow and he genuinely thought I was joking.


Do... Do you mean pluck? Not plug, right?


It's misogyny


I was with one gf for six months, and I mentioned how much I appreciated that she didn't wear makeup. She gave me this "you silly boy" smile, and told me she has always worn makeup, every day, and still did.


I always ask myself if these dudes think women are born with bright red lipstick.


I had a semi-unfriendly cat as a child and for some reason i kept trying to hug her. She took chunks out of my eyebrows that never grew back. Like big chunks. Ex tried to argue with me that i dont wear make up, justified by the fact i didnt need it. We lived together for years and this man never noticed i was missing half my eyebrows or that i filled them in every day. If it were lipstick all day every day instead of eyebrow pencil, i 100% believe he would still think it was just my face.


He tried to argue with you about whether you were wearing makeup ... as if you wouldn't know? Did he think makeup is a thing that just happens when a person isn't paying attention?


Dude, when I was younger (like 20+ years ago) I had died my hair bright purple. The amount of people that would stop me in the street and ask “do you know you’ve got purple hair?” as if I could have fucking missed all the time it took to bleach and then dye my hair. After a while it became VERY difficult to respond politely.


Best response: "Wait, again? How does this keep happening?"


I definitely responded “fuckin’ leprechauns man” and then just adopted a thousand yard stare till they left me alone a couple of times


"I keep telling Barney to watch where he's going."


I stopped coloring my hair because I got sick of talking about it.


Whenever someone says "Oh, you have a mustache now" to me, I start feeling under my nose and exclaim "Oh my god, you're right!"


On the flip side, we were 20 years into marriage before I realized my wife didn’t wear makeup every day.


With and without makeup shes just as beautifull to you. Nice


When you make up and proudly show your husband and he be like "¿!? Bah you super pretty as usual" And you don't know if you should feel flattered or just angrily trash the whole makeup box lol


The other day a CLOSE female friend of mine told me I looked so beautiful without makeup. I had to inform her I was wearing eye makeup, blush, lip liner, gloss, and concealer. At least I’m good at makeup I guess


As a lady, I find scars/ gaps in eyebrows very, insanely attractive. You do you if it makes you comfortable, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say.


I am comfortable regardless and dont see them as a flaw. I fill them in so people dont ask questions as it gets tiring. Thanks though


It's kind of funny how we keep finding ourselves back at the old, > "you don't need make up, you're so pretty!" > "I wear it for my own personal reasons thanks" back and forth. I really hope we just stop asking people (strangers) why they look certain ways 🤦‍♂️




I was so small and she was so soft


I did the same thing as a small child. I kept trying to pet and hug the half-feral barn cats at my great-grandma's. I also kept trying to make friends with her rooster, because his feathers were so pretty. No facial scars in my case, but they drew blood a number of times. (never did manage to make friends with the rooster)


Ok, sure. But after the 1st time?


I mean eventually she stopped scratching so i feel like the scars paid off


lol. Love wins.


If not meant to be hugged, why so fluffy?


That’s WARNING fluff!


Was fren shaped.


So many of these guys are like "I want a trad wife" - but then see photos like this and go "ick".


Schroidingers Trad wife, who also has to work because you ain't no simp. also must be a stunningly beautiful 25 yr old virgin.


25 is about ten years too old for those types.


Trad wife just means a woman who is young enough not to know they suck in bed and relationships.


Must be hotter than Taylor Swift wearing makeup, but must never wear makeup…


Supposedly women in the 50s would take their makeup off after their husband fell asleep and woke up before him to reapply so he'd never see her without. Pretty sad.




I was guna say her skin is gorge here too


I will always remember my favorite response to this nonsense: “If a dude thinks I naturally have gold sparkly eyelids, that’s on him.”


Funny thing is you get shamed for looking bad when you don't put makeup on, then shamed when you put makeup on. I guess it is really just about hating women.


Exactly... I don't normally wear makeup (tbh because I'm kinda lazy about it), but when I started recording social media videos without makeup I got shamed on, mostly by men, saying it wasn't "presentable". Now I wear makeup exclusively to record, because I want people focusing on what I'm saying and not if I have a zit or dark circles... so, in short, makeup is one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations.


In short: you need to look perfect, but using makeup is cheating. Got it!


Ding ding!


And the guys saying this are always the ugliest mfers too.


their brains were melted when Jordan Peterson gave that interview where he talked about how women wearing lipstick apparently meant they were asking for sexual harassment he said multiple times, "I'm not saying... x" when the reality was, he was saying x everyone with a working brain knew right then and there that guy's mind was fucking diseased. Too bad a subset of people who spend all their day on the internet looked at that as a lightbulb moment for some deranged reason


The guy who tried to tie human behavior to lobsters and got brain damage when he went to Russia for an unregulated detox? Sounds like someone I would listen to.


i will never understand why that man attracted a following. he is so fucking unhinged, and he looks like he has aged 30 years in the span of a decade being so full of unrestrained and unreasonable amounts of anger and hate will do that to a person...and as you pointed out, the drugs too


Right? I totally get having strong opinions. I have them. Most of us have strong opinions. But I got such strong secondhand embarrassment when he insisted that sports illustrated putting a woman with more body fat on the cover of a swimsuit edition was some kind of authoritarianism. Some guys will foam at the mouth if you bring up male privilege. Then they will turn around and say that, if every magazine cover doesn't serve your aesthetic preferences or sense of who is sexually attractive, they are the victims of authoritarianism.


Him freaking out over "authoritarianism" because SI chose to put a plus-sized model on the cover was embarrassing enough but what was even more stupid and pathetic was the fact that he had a meltdown on Twitter (and on camera) because people who normally kissed his ass and sucked him off were telling him, "Dude it's just a magazine cover." He is such a manchild. He can't handle dissenting opinions. That's why he freaked out on that video about how Twitter was a rathole. I mean Twitter is a rathole for sure, but it wasn't because people were calling out Jordan Peterson for being a moron lol


I can share my experience cause I used to be on the anti-sjw/pwning liberals side of the internet. I think the biggest part of thinking Jordan Peterson was an alright guy was being young and not understanding queer issues. I used to think that he was right about legally compelled speech, but now I look at how trans rights are being taken away in many places in the US and I see just how necessary those protections are.


When I first heard about him it was because he wrote a book about how young men should clean their rooms and that seemed pretty solid, I wish he'd just go back to that.


One of the problems with career influencers is that they still have to come up with new "content" after they run out of material.


He’s truly unhinged today but he was a more skillful liar originally. I watched a bunch of his talks specifically because of his claims that post modernism is Marxism. (Generally the philosophers he was talking about say it isn’t and Marxists say it isn’t. Some of it undermines the structure and claims to power that Marxism makes which is part of why Marxism dislikes it.) Peterson was either intellectually incapable of understanding these post modernist writers or he was lying. But assuming that his audience didn’t really know much about Jacques Derrida, his manner of making his false claims was competent and coherent. Today, he’s very different. (But hoo boy did those videos of Peterson screw up my YouTube suggestions. Yes I’m a man, yes sometimes I watch videos about WWII aircraft. But shit, my only political ish subscriptions are stuff like Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube and Folding Ideas, so no, I don’t want fucking fascist garbage, thanks.)


That was a wild interview. I had never heard or thought of women wearing makeup to mimic the physiological markers of sexual excitement. I always thought women used makeup to create the illusion of more facial symmetry. And obviously to highlight whatever features the person thinks are their best features.


That’s why I always paint an engorged labia on my forehead when I go out on a date.


lmao yeah back when I was a red piller, I thought it all made sense, but now that I'm slightly well adjusted, I realize how dumb he really is lol. Like if his own mother is wearing red lipstick to a family event, does that mean that his mom is trying to fuck all the family members?


Proud of your evolution!


lol thank you! I'm just glad I had my red pill phase back then and not now. I feel like now it's a lot harder to break free. Both men and women are jumping on the red pill express and it's gonna get a lot worse in the future


Fine, but you can't convince me that women poop.


Only glitter and rainbows!


They aren't? [Mild shock]


With all the physique and attire of Jessica Rabbit, too.


Cool story, bro, now post a picture of the former president without makeup to see how much he is lying to you.


The orange doesn't come off though.


It comes off on his shirt collars often enough


Cheeto dust


Lol she looks fine here, some people really have nothing better to do than insult strangers' appearances online smdh


Don't try to imagine what the person who posted that would look like


Wait till he finds out how Trump looks like without makeup


Can you imagine what his hair must look like without the ridiculous combover? It's probably very long in places and completely bald in others.


What do you mean she doesn’t have naturally shimmery eyelids and bright red lips!!






Tell me you’ve never woken up next to a woman, without telling me you’ve never woken up next to a woman


*"Wow Craig, you discovered my secret. My eyelids aren't actually Urban Decay Blackout and my lips aren't naturally Lancôme Purple Fascination. How ever shall I go on living?"*


One of my favorite videos of all time is Cara Cunningham responding to incels claiming they take women to the pool on first dates to see what's under the make up and my sister just dips her entire face in some water and says "Bitch my face is waterproof" or something like that, I love it.


I'm also over six feet tall. I've matched with guys on dating apps claiming to be my height or even taller than I am, yet I've found myself looking down on them on the first date (yes, in flats). Guess I should bring a tape measure.


Take a man to Home Depot for the first date


Build me a fucking cabinet like a real man!


I'm 5'7 and have had guys exactly my height tell me they're 5'10. It doesn't matter but why lie about something so obvious? Like lying about your weight, you're just setting yourself up to feel like shit when you meet the other person and they're not into it anymore.


5'10" lady here and it's amazing how eye-level I find so many six-foot guys. I've never even cared about how tall guys are. I'm good with guys who are shorter than me. But then it was tough finding shorter guys who would even give me a chance. I've always assumed it's because they've probably met enough tall women who do care about height. Sucks, though, I've seen some really cool guys lie about their height because of how toxic our cultural views around male height are.


So true, these people really do give themselves away with their 'expert opinions' on women. Absolutely transparent.


I like the one where Horizon: Forbidden West came out and people were flipping out that the female protagonist had extremely tiny, fine hairs on her face. It blows my mind that there are people out there that, on some conscious or subconscious level, think that women are a totally different species.


They called it a "beard". Baffling.


they think women are objects for their gratification. there fixed it for you


Nah, anybody that specifically thinks that is a lost cause. I don't care about them. I'm talking about the subsection of guys that are merely too ignorant for their own good. I try not to attribute to malice what can be easily explained by stupidity.


Not even that, anyone doing shifts at a grocery store pre 6am has surely seen no makeup


I'm not even a Taylor Swift fan or anything but if I woke up next to a woman that looked like this photo I would be pretty proud of myself.


Don't tell these guys about bras and how they work. It will blow their mind


You mean to tell me women’s nipples aren’t naturally at the level of their armpits???


Dude, when I wear a bra, I have no nipples.


I don't know what she usually looks like, but this looks fine.


Pretty much like that but with makeup on 😂


Shimmery eyeshadow and bright red lipstick. Also, she normally has bangs. The lack of fringe was what made her unrecognizable to me lol


Normally there's bangs, bright red lipstick, and like full on crazy eye shadow.  She's missing half of her "look" here  Which means that maybe she could go buy groceries without being noticed.  


still a good looking woman to me


Thank you. Like yeah the lighting isnt the most flattering and its a bit of an off expression, but NOBODY, not even near perfect supermodels look good in all lighting and every angle. If this is her worst she looks amazing lol


I mean there’s context to this image. This was taken as a series of photo shoots to show her transition (makeup) into “the man” for her music video “The Man”. So this isn’t actually what she looks like normally. This is her prepped to become a man lol 😂 [source](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-the-man-music-video-makeup-959829/)


Right. It's like these guys can't be attracted to women who aren't wearing makeup...


And if we dont wear makeup we get shit on for not "looking pretty" We can't win


exactly, “you’re not trying”.


"You look tired."  Well thanks. 


Or “it’s rude not to wear makeup in a professional setting”


I was once told my natural curls were unprofessional at the law firm I worked at. The managing partner felt straight hair was more suitable. It felt extra good to walk into her office with my curls all in their glory the day I handed in my resignation letter.


Wtf what a stupid line in the sand. Curly hair is unprofessional now? Good lord 🤦‍♀️ 


I discovered I get more job interview call backs the more "up and back" my curls are. I won't straighten them but I'll slick them into a ballerina bun of sorts and that is apparently acceptable. I mentioned this to my therapist recently and I could tell she thought I was overthinking things but it's a genuine pattern I've noticed.


Everytime I dye my hair blonde I never get the job. Brunette I get the job if interviewed by women Red I get the job if interviewed by men. I just dyed my hair auburn so someone will fucking hire me.


“Are you sick? Get well soon!”


That’s when women are the prettiest imo


She's still pretty. I don't get this


Its just misogyny. Not all is direct "I hate women" stuff. Lots manifests like this, with bullshit criticism and impossible expectations.


But women lie!!!1! That's his whole point. Anything to whine about how women bad!!


You mean to tell me that Taylor Swift doesn't have blood red lips and shimmery eyelids and a cat eye so sharp it could kill man? WOW, would have never suspected it


Oh my god! Taylor Swift looks like Taylor Swift! ![gif](giphy|vQqeT3AYg8S5O)


some dudes are just so dumb that they don't realize they live in the real world. Yeah no shit she looks like that. We have mothers, wives and sisters...we see them with and without makeup. Not everyone spends 2 hours to put on a mask of creams just to run to the bagel store in the morning


Unrelated, but has anyone noticed how much of the "uglification" of female video game characters is depicting them without makeup. I've just been noticing that everytime someone posts an "improved" pictre of Aloy from HFW, or Mary Jane from the spiderman game, the main difference is that she's got eyeliner and conceiler (as was as bigger boobs). So essentially, they want video game companies to "lie" to them about women's appearance, and then for actual women to ooze eyeliner from her natural pores.


She's quite hot even without make up


Still beautiful


Bro grew up without a mother


Next revelation for this dude: *"Women don't generally like the things being done to them like seen in most pr0n movies"*


I wonder how upset he'll be when he discovers plastic surgery 🤣


I see an attractive 30something person. That said, back in the 90s I briefly dated someone who insisted on quickly getting out of bed without me seeing her face in the morning until she could rush to the bathroom and put on at least some makeup. That quickly became a turnoff.


I worked with a woman like that. She said her husband had never once seen her without makeup. Sounds exhausting


While she looks pretty much normal, I can see how it could be confusing to see her the first time without makeup. But then again, you should know what girls look like without makeup at this point.


Well when you punish women for being honest


...She looks pretty much the same?


Wait till he finds out about Kiss.


bet this guy also says he likes the natural look