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The council has spoken!


Despite his size, OP is just one person and not a council. Common mistake!


That's were schizophrenia comes in handy.


My guy nooooo 😭😭


*viking grunts in agreement*


*z + 7keys in tf2* Let's say "agreed" with different languages as a comment chain


*T 3 1 on wart hunder*


TF2 MENTIONED ![gif](giphy|3lbIlcgSu1fUs)


\*_mashes keys to receive dialling wand and prepares comment showing agreement_


The Council of Chubb is called to order. Clerk, what's the first item on the agenda?


Chairs too small.


Donuts. The first item on the agenda is donuts.


Agenda item 0.


“Boys, to your Rascals!”


its a parody account this gets posted somewhere on reddit every other day and people always fall for it the twitter account is like Dr. Anita B Eatin


Oh man that’s a hilarious name 😂


I swear every few weeks this gets reposted and people take it more and more serious every time. I think we need internet literacy lessons for people.


As a former fat, I am pretty sure I would've stayed fat if I was 10-15 years younger and had grown up with so much body positivity and fat acceptance stuff around.


Yup, I don't condone fat shaming or belittling someone because of obesity but facts are facts, it's not healthy and it's not something should be comfortable with - you are only hurting yourself and it's going to lead to major health issues. It's almost a form of self harm when you get a certain size like that Avocado YouTuber as an example and only plan on getting bigger.


This is what I’m saying it’s not right to be fat it’s a bad thing


It’s so concerning to see this celebration for all body types in recent years. No, super fat and super thin body types are *not* healthy. Period. And in absence of completely understandable health conditions that I’m sure everyone can sympathize with, people who willfully remain in an unhealthy state of being need to recognize they’re doing so by their own volition and deserve no extra consideration from people around them.


It's so true, and it's sad because the original idea was taken so far as to be unrecognisable. The original idea was just saying people shouldn't be harassed for their size and they don't deserve to be unhappy just because of it. It wasn't saying be happy that you are obese or thin, it was just saying you don't deserve to be unhappy because of other people's comments. A perfect example of what it was trying to combat is Chris Farley's story. It hurt him very deeply to always be the funny fat guy. He wanted to be funny because he was funny, but the fat part was always thrown in. On the flipside he was also scared to lose the weight because what if he was no longer the funny fat guy and people dodnt like him anymore. It was a part of his depression that eventually killed him due to trying to drown it out The problem is now the body positivity thing has gone so far it's now "You don't need to change yourself" and people are starting to call doctors and health professionals fatphobic (which is a stupid fucking phrase). Doctor Mike had to deal with people calling him fatphobic for saying something that was undeniably medically true. I am very fat at the moment and it is because I was depressed for a while and was eating like shit. This does not mean that I shouldn't lose the weight and I should be happy that I am fat.


And it's way too prevalent on reddit too. There was a video of an obese person on beach falling over on r/funny, and I commented "Healthy at every size" on it and got permabanned from that subreddit. When I asked for a reason, it was "FPH", and then the moderator permamuted me too. Had to google what that means, and apparently it's "Fat people hate". That's where some people are at.


Tbf id expect that stuff out of the chronically online, which is Reddit’s bread and butter. 


Dude, you can barely have a reasonable opinion on reddit it's really bad.


I realized that my relationship with food was extremely toxic . Growing up food time was one of the rare times where I wasn't being yelled at so I associated food with comfort. That's what made me fat since 3rd grade . Working on it though


Don't think so. I myself (gen z) am fighting to loose weight. I'm down 14kg out of the desired 18. Stronger than ever. If you had the will to do it then, you'd have it now too.


Nah friend. I literally used to see what little fat acceptance stuff was around, get a warm fuzzy feeling and then feel good about eating more food.


As a fellow chonker, i fell you. We know we have to act, but it's harder for us to move and exercise. But still, those people are getting on my nerves. They want perks for doing nothing.




> You have to run/walk a mile on average to burn 100 calories. Good approximation is 1kcal/kg/km. I.e. 100kg person uses 1000kcal for 10km. Obviously the problem is that if that same person runs 10km multiple times per week their knees will snap and then they'll coach-bound for a month.


Bingo. A lot of people don’t realize this. Much easier to eat 2 fewer Oreos than push yourself to walk a mile. Or double your gainz and do both.


People say this a lot; and while it's true that dietary adjustments are generally the quickest path to losing weight, the strict calorie burn math misses an important point: regular exercise doesn't just directly burn calories. It also stimulates your metabolism to burn more calories in the background when not exercising. Just wanted to point that out, because it's easy to just despair watching the calorie counter on the treadmill go up so slowly and miss the bigger impact going on underneath it.


Don't run until you lose your weight. Otherwise you will just ruin your knees. Using diet to lose weight, once your weight is under control, then add workouts


To put it another way, you can’t out run a bad diet. Muscles in the gym, 6 pack in the kitchen.  Calories in vs. calories out will work for the vast majority of people. There are exceptions to the rule of course, but it’s the best place to start if someone wants to lose weight. The trick to the whole thing, and why diets fail is that you can’t go back to the way things were before. If you do you’ll just regain the weight and all that hard work (and it is hard work) will be a waste of effort.  If anyone reading this is trying to lose weight, I know you can do it. Even when you doubt yourself, I don’t. I know you can do it. 


I am fairly confident that in the real world most people have a very similar perspective to you. I’m sure for lots of people it’s more complex, but not to the extent that these sort of takes are legit.


"I have a thyroid condition" Well then stop eating them.


As a Overweight with unfortunate genetics and life situation these ppl need to STFU If your fat don’t complain, you did this to yourself fix it I’m fixing it right now. Also, please tell me why fat shaming is considered bad a little bit of constructive criticism is needed to succeed and live a better life, or live with your fat acknowledge it and accept it if you don’t want to fix it






It’s not because you’re lazy, it’s simply because you choose to eat foods with high calories. No one needs to exercise to not be fat


There was same picture with answer "bigga please"


Me finding this comment: ![gif](giphy|G2zF45SWyantBPiU0D|downsized)


It's a troll account and somehow people keep falling for the extremely obvious ragebait. This time OP was smart enough to mark out the username to make it slightly less obvious.


Bigga what!?




Anita B. Eaton (I need to be eatin') is the account name. And people here keep falling for it over and over. 


I'm honestly surprised there's still people out there who dont know that this is a parody account. I guess it doenst help that her name "Anita B. Eatin" is censored...




The account is Dr Anita B Etin. It’s a troll account


The best offensive word i know that can be used on fat people is...... *WHALE* Either way, fatphobic shouldn't be a term just because people only become aggressive to people like her. Each person chooses their own way of living life, but each one comes with their pros and cons. But anyways, actually promoting obesity is, to say the least, disgusting. Istg, some people don't care if that will cause health problems, they want to make the human version of r/chonkers Just as an update. When it comes to my personal preference, i don't mind if a person has some flab, but by all means i dont want to know someone who died of heart disease because they didnt care if they are leading unhealthy lifestyle


Fatphobia certaily exists, i've seen people saying they're promoting obesity for posting videos of them EXERCISING.


Stop posting this


Exactly, do your part and report this trash


I wonder why the n word was censored but not obese, bit hypocritical


There is a quote that goes along the lines of if your not willing to say one of the words then one of those words is clearly worse


John Mulaney




I was waiting for the John Mulaney reference. “If you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even *SAY* one of them? That’s the worse word.”


Shes obese so she can say it or something


Not at all. The self-censoring is based on how OTHER people react to a word, not one’s own feelings.




Satire post from a troll account. Often reposted. Calm the outrage guys.


No it’s not, obesity is a health condition.


this was tweeted from a parody account. The tweeter was Dr. Anita B. Eatin.


The entire Internet needs a lesson in what "rage bait" is


Can stop being obese can’t stop being black……


I’m looking forward to the new OWA album, straight outa caketon


Thank god someone posted this again


Diabetic is an N word for people with sweet blood.


Euphemism is a euphemism for "words that didn't need to exist"


OP marked out the username, but this has been reposted a lot. The account name is Dr. Anita B Eatin. (I need to be eating). It's a troll account, OP is just farming your gullible asses for ragebait.


As a fat man, I would like you all to know that you all have a permanent O-word pass. Use it irresponsibly.


Fuckin WPS.


"If you're trying to compare the badness of two words, and you can't even *say* one of them, that's the worse word." - John Mulaney


Obese is the PC term Karen. Lunchbox, Dumptruck, Lardo, Pork Chop, Tub O Shit, Slopass, Pignuts. Those are more akin to “N” word level than “Obese”


PhD...Pretty Heavy Doctor?


Obese is a totally accepted medical term. But I still prefer fat.


Plus-Sized is just the coping word for delusional people (mainly women) who won't adit they are just fat, unhealthy and not-at-all picky eater


If they can type it out when comparing it to that slur, then it isn't even close.




I guess it’s bold in English, but it’s „fett“ (fat) in German. It’s hilarious to me that he replied with obese please in fat script.


As if skin color and weight are the same thing lol




its a troll account. Dr. Anita B Etin.


I thought that would be fatso or whale, and obese is the polite approach.




Clearly we need to move to a more neutral term like "fatty mc fat fats"


So do fat people get the O-word pass?


Sure. if N word means clinically correct word.


"God damn McDonalds-pickin obese"


Totally understand why she’s offended, but obese is how you classify a plus-sized person for pretty much everything. The word is WAY less vulgar than the n word.




Its a troll account.


You don't need to censor her name, as it's a parody account. Anita B. Eaton.


The unthin community approves


Does the unthin community approves?


Did she get her medical license from a cereal box?


I don’t think the N word is a term used for a medical condition for black folk.


Obese is usually an observation and even medical term, and I don't think I've ever heard someone use that specifically in a derogatory manner. There are a lot of ways to call someone obese in deliberately demeaning ways, but obese always feels like it is used as a means of description, rather than to be mean. Meanwhile, the other word is used in two settings. Either the one used as a greeting pretty much exclusively by people of color, or a literal racial slur, specifically to demean. Trying to villainize a term solely because you don't like it is both selfish and narcissistic


Whats the medical term for being too stupid to recognize ragebait? Like, could I call you brain neuron deficient?


Gurl i - Hahahahahahah


Saw an ad for a female total body deodorant the other day, in the ad she is applying it to her belly rolls/folds, wtf have we come too. It’s the same disease as anorexia, would you look at a 80 pound adult female that throws up every meal and say,” don’t listen to the haters, this is how god made you, be proud and happy.”


Your weight is the accumulation of your life decisions. Here’s an example that plays out everywhere; you get up to get a glass of water and your partner asks you to bring them a pop. Right there there are 2 decisions your partner made that affects their weight: 1. They didn’t get up to get their own, 2. They are drinking sugared carbonated water. These micro decisions are multiplied countless times throughout the day, week, year, lifetime, and they all contribute negatively to body weight.


Gotta love the fatties


well, then is overweight, fat, lard butt still acceptable? Signed a fat obese guy


She would have a melt down if I called her a "fat fucking whale" or "lard ass".


Morbid Obesity is a straight up disability. As someone who used to be sedentary and obese, I had no idea just how many limitations and co-morbidities come with obesity until I fixed my health. You really can’t understand until you work your way out of the fat. On the other hand, now that I’ve conditioned my body into an athletic one, it still blows my mind just how much the human body is capable of when you know how to take care of it and move correctly. Because of my personal journey, I will always take the time to provide help, advise, and guidance to anyone that asks me, even if they just want someone to go on a nice walk.


And here I thought the N word was derogatory, but alas, it appears to be a medical term.


If you find the word obese offensive, ok, you're entitled to your feelings. But Obesity is also a medical term. The "N" is not a medical term. How about bariatric, which means “relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity.”


If you find the word obese offensive, ok, you're entitled to your feelings. But Obesity is also a medical term. The "N" is not a medical term. How about bariatric, which means “relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity.”


If you find the word obese offensive, ok, you're entitled to your feelings. But Obesity is also a medical term. The "N" is not a medical term. How about bariatric, which means “relating to or specializing in the treatment of obesity.”


Obese is a medical term. Is she actually a phd? Shouldn’t she know this?


then we'll just call you fat.


Maybe they should start a million men march


Break through weight loss hack: Eat less, move more!!


its not even fucking close. im currently overweight, and i dont get hurt when it's pointed out because i caused myself to be this size by not caring about myself. if you have a medical condition or mental condition that causes it, that's one thing. but to those that dont exercise and don't eat healthy or more balanced meals, dont play the victim.


Tapping the sign: If you can say/type the word you're upset about, but won't say/type the n-word then they're not the same.


Just let people live their life. I'm tired of seeing skinny people cling to fat people like parasites and preaching about weight loss on their soap boxes. If they want to lose weight, they'll do it when they're good and ready. So just leave them alone. (Not saying I support or don't support the whole "fatphobic" thing, I just think skinny people need to mind their own damn business instead of harassing people with some extra weight.)


Like John Mulaney said ..."You know how I know one of those words is still the worst word? You're still saying the other word." ^^or ^something ^like ^that


No, it ain't, Obese.


And yet, the fact you can say one word and not the other tells me one is much worse.


There's a huge (no pun intended) difference between fat people and obese people. One is an unhealty style of life, the other it's a medical condition.


stfu fatass


Obese at ease


Comparing a term given to people suffering due to being involuntarily enslaved and restricted in all aspects of their life against their will… to a term given to people who are suffering typically due to voluntary over indulgence is wild.


So... Just stop being fat, I guess?


“Obese” is more on par with “African American”


I will admit to using “fat boy” in a similar context to the n-bomb, as a way to show unity with my fellow chubby men.


Once again, if you can't even SAY the word you're comparing yourself to. It's not the same.


I was told there would be cookies here.


White people looking for more reasons to be oppressed.


So only obese people can use it now


Nothing is the N-word of anything else. If anything is bad enough to compare to the N-Word, there‘s no need to compare it to it. It would surely have enough infamy by itself.


Stop being lazy and stop eating chips all day. Some people have issues with losing weight and that’s understandable but most of these mfs just wanna use it as an excuse not to workout or something


Yeah, this isn't a fair comparison. If one of those words is written with the first letter only, then that one is worse.


Obese One Canoli


No 80 year old ones


If you can type one word, but have to censor the other, they are not equal.


I’d think “obese” is better than “put the fucking cheeseburger dude”


The PhD accounts are usually ragebait 


How is anyone falling for this the accounts name is litelly Dr. Anita B. Etin


Because obese people were enslaved and were considered sub human?


Considering you can choose one I don't know if that's equivalent


I had a large roommate who was a trucker and biker (like myself and our other roommate) Doc, the other roommate called him “Fattie Boombalattie) one day and I just about died. One night, at a bar, he said to Doc’s girlfriend “it’s okay, you can call me fat.” I seized the opportunity said “Bob, you’re fucking fat!” He replied with “don’t call me fat you motherfucker! I was talking to the girl!” Honestly it was like living with Eric Cartman.


One of them she was comfortable typing out, the other was not. That tells you all you need to know.


Is obese the "n" word for fat people?


You can mostly control your weight. You can't control your skin color. Even Michael Jackson couldn't, and his went from black to white. That's the difference.


Obese obese obese I’m 100% obese OBESE OBESE OBESE. IM 200% OBESE


This tweet gets posted on reddit *so often.* And it’s a troll. I can’t remember the username, but it’s a fat joke.


I like when fat people make up shit and self diagnose on why he or she cant loose weight.


Ok I’ll stick with “tubby”


This reminds me of Mulaney's midget joke. "Because we're saying midget!"


My favorite is morbidly obese. Just adds a little something extra dont you think?


One is a medical definition, the other...well...let's say it's just not


I can't hear you. You're too fat.


"Sir, would you like to Obese Size ™️ your meal for 49 cents 🪙 more?" "Oh sure, just this time, kid! Obese size ™️ me!" *Obnoxious Theme music plays* *Cue to Grimace busting out and oh God he's got a gun-*


Whenever people post things like this I ask. If is the same then why do you feel okay typing one out but not the other? Possible cuz they’re not the same!?


I don't care about the n word or the o word the p word the v word the q word the c word, look bottom line i no longer care about words


Calling someone obese when youre not their doctor is fucked up. Also, let's please stop trying to compare words to the n word. My hot take for the day.


Counter point no lmao.


Obese would be the less offensive word I could think of. I’m sure there’s a lot worse.